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  1. On a recent gas inspection i was told that my CO sensor was wrongly placed and as soon as a new one was placed in the correct area it immediately started beeping. My gas was ofc condemned and turned off and has now been repaired. However its likely by boiler was leaking CO into my flat for anything upto 8 years! i have oddly enough been suffering with occasional attacks of breathlessness on several occasions the last 3 years or so which i or my doctor could fathom out. Can i take any action against them? Thanks for reading.
  2. Hi All, I took out a log book loan for my sins due to personal circumstances at the time. Payments were being made unfortunately had a bout of ill health which caused me to miss 2 consecutive payments. Loan was for 12 months and made the first 4 on time before the ill health. I received a default notice after the second missed payment, the notice said that I only have 7 days to remedy the situation and pay the arrears and the charges applied. I then got a call on the 7th day to advise that as the default notice had not been remedied that the account had now been passed to repossession and that I need to pay the arrears and charges in full to stop the repo. I said that the default notice should give me 14 days to pay as the loan is under the CCA, he said that they had sent a default notice 7 days before the default notice I received and that the DN I received was a reminder. I said that I never received the first DN and not anywhere on the DN I received says that it is a reminder and that I have a further 7 days to sort out and that anyone reading the DN would assume that it is the only DN received. He said that he would look into this and come back to me, I also made a monthly payment at the same time which reduced my arrears to 1 month. Didn't hear any more until 3 days ago when I got woken up at 7am by someone wanting to repo the car, they clamped it and demanded the arrears and an additional £475.00 which is the repo fee. I had no choice but to raise the funds there and then as I use the car to ferry my 2 disabled children around. Can varooma the log book loan company pass my car for repo after only 7 days from date of default notice rather than letting me have the 14 days as they should do. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  3. For a few years now I have been burying my head in the sand over my debts and have decided now I need to deal with them as they are looming over me like a dark cloud. My situation is: Housing: Tenant/rented accommodation Income: ESA/DLA I have been contemplating bankruptcy for a while but the stigma and shame is holding me back. I have a breakdown of my debts: Mortgage express-£64,000 (This is the main reason for this thread) Mail order-£1400 (no payment plan in place) Mobile phone-£209 (no payment plan) Credit cards Vanquis credit card-£195 (pay £1 pcm) Link financial (Barclaycard)-£1950 (pay £1 pcm) Tesco credit card-£2400 (pay £1 pcm) Egg (now Barclaycard)-£5100 (pay £1 pcm) Capital One-£451 (pay £1 pcm) I am thinking of writing to all my credit card companies and request they write off these debts where I have been paying £1 pcm to each of them for approx. 4 years now, what is the likelihood of them executing this request? I am thinking of the same action with the mobile phone debt and mail order. I cannot agree to a payment plan as I simply do not have any surplus income. If they refuse, do I set up a £1 token payment plan like the credit cards? With regards to the mortgage shortfall, this has been on my file for approx. 3.5 years and I haven't had the chance to dispute this amount (I had a buyer that the mortgage company refused to sell to as I would not sign an "acknowledgement" of the "£64k" alleged debt). If they had accepted the buyer, then this debt would have been approx. £18k, but they decided to proceed with the repossession (negative equity) and this resulted in this amount. They have written to me a handful of times over the last 3.5 years but no action via the court as yet. As I want to deal with my credit file, would it be wise to instigate communications with them so this can be settled via the court?
  4. I've now been waiting 5 weeks since I put my application in. Is this normal? My circumstances are very simple; no loans, no credit card payment facilities, no overseas transactions and no bad credit history. I've just been promised for the 5th time that the account will be open in 2 working days.
  5. Hi all We were planning extension to our house and found some architects online and contacted them for the survey and what is possible in terms of extension. Now i've had 4 architects in my home for the initial survey and mock drawings but i havent signed contract with any of them. The initial visit/survey to the house is like an opportunity to asses the work and then quote. Now when i refused this one architect, she is retrospectively asking me to pay for her survey and drawings even though i haven't used her drawings at all. She says i agreed to a price on the phone, which is like when someone tells you this is how much it is going to cost you if you hire my services. What i told her was that i'm ok with the prices you are quoting but i have to see the drawings before hiring your services. Now she is sending threatening emails of taking me to court and harassing me unnecessarily. Fact is that i never signed any contract nor did i agree to hiring her in anyway. In fact we are still looking at options to extend our house. Can someone please advise how can i report this architect for unethical, unprofessional conduct and deliberate harassment? Can she actually file a case against me even though i have not agreed to a contract verbally, via email or signed any papers ? I'm really stressed out. Please help. Regards MS
  6. Hi all, My boyfriend lived in a shared house in 2008/2009 for which there is a £900 council tax debt. His 'share' was paid by CT benefit/reduction, but I understand he's jointly and severally liable for it. We've contacted his brother (who was a tenant with him) who's willing to pay £3.50/week to the bailiffs for this debt. He's currently on JSA and he's had no contact with the bailiffs yet. We've had letters & visits from bailiffs (Excel) but not communicated with them or let them in. Last letter we received was hand-delivered at end of Feb saying they'll return on 04/03 - but nothing so far. I've recently bought a car and my question is: if his brother (who doesn't live with us) makes a payment plan - will the bailiffs stop visiting us? Or can they accept the payment plan from him, but still take my car too? And are the £310 fees enforceable as they have only visited our address, and not his? The receipt/invoice and V5 are both in my name and I am nothing to do with this CT debt, if this makes a difference to my car's safety... Thanks, Gemma EDIT: It has just occured to me that although the V5 and receipt are in my name, the car was a gift to me so the money will be coming from my boyfriend's bank account. If I need to prove ownership, will the former two documents be sufficient - or will the bailiff need to see a bank statement? And if so will that be enough for them to take the car on the grounds it is jointly owned? Apologies if I am sounding paranoid or jumping the gun...
  7. My mother bought an laundry appliance from Currys/PC World which developed a fault. It isn't 12 months old. We have had engineers out to it multiple times and the fault has not been fixed. We wrote to Currys informing them, in great detail, of all the problems we had experienced and that we had had enough - we were rejecting the appliance as it was not of merchantable quality or fit for purpose. We told them to come and collect the appliance and arrange for a full refund. They declined the refund - instead offering us another engineer. We declined and informed them if we didn't have a satisfactory solution within 14 days we would issue Small Claims against them. We got no response. We filled in the Small Claims paperwork and after trying to look up the company details online and on their own website we filled the defendants details in as Currys , PO Box 1687, Sheffield, S2 5YA. The court office told us we couldn't use a PO Box number and we should use the store address that we bought the appliance from, so we did. The papers were served on the store which we then assume were forwarded to their Head Office. DSG Retail then sent us a letter from their LEGAL SERVICES (it was in bold print!) they said their records don't match my mother's version of events... would you like to have an engineer inspect the appliance? He then, later in the letter, said that 'Currys do not exist in a legal capacity since they are trading names of DSG Retail Ltd who are the company that operate and control these stores. For very good reasons proceedings can only be issued against a legal entity. If we were to obtain a judgement against Currys we would not be able to take enforcement proceedings'. This infuriates me. They make it as unclear and difficult as possible to find out where to contact if things progress to a Small Claims stage and then they try and rub it in your face. They have Currys on their receipts, their shops have Currys over the door, and they have a Currys website. So do we now have to go through the whole procedure again and serve the papers on DSG Retail Ltd at a further cost? I should mention that my mother lives over the border in Scotland and, according to the court office, they have jurisdiction because my mother is domiciled in Scotland. Any advice / comments appreciated. Taaa.
  8. Hi, Not sure if this is quite the right place for this, but here's the situation: I'm on a low income, and I receive Working Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, and Council Tax Benefit. For the past month, my Housing Benefit has been suspended while being reviewed (just a normal annual review, after I'd sent in my Tax Return, bank statements etc). The Council are taking their time, which is unusual as they're normally quite efficient. I've emailed them twice last week as I was growing concerned that they wouldn't finish their review in time for my next due rent payment on 28th Feb. They didn't respond to either email, and I heard nothing. Concerned that I wouldn't be able to meet my rent (I rely on Housing Benefit for about 75% of my rent), I borrowed £1000 from a family member, which was paid into my account on Friday evening. I woke up this morning to discover that the Council have TAKEN over £826 from my account by Direct Debit, completely unexpectedly. This has left me hundreds of pounds overdrawn, and of course means that the standing order for my rent has failed. At a single stroke, I'm almost £2000 in debt and under threat of losing my home. Until I speak to the council later today I don't know what has happened. I'm guessing that, because my HB is suspended, they've decided to take all of my remaining Council Tax in one go. Or perhaps, in their review, they've decided that I've been overpaid? Whichever it is, my concern here is are they allowed to do this? I had a Direct Debit set up with them to pay my Council tax. That DD was set up with a specific agreement as to how much they would take (£20 a month). Surely by exceeding that amount so vastly, without any prior warning, they have broken the DD agreement? Even if they have decided I've been overpaid, and have decided to take back what they consider they are owed, how can they simply raid my account without any prior warning or agreement, using the Direct Debit system as simply a means of access to my bank account? If they can, then this means that the Direct Debit system is not fit for purpose, as it simply giving anyone a key to your account and an open invitation to help themselves to as much as they like. This can't be right, surely? Any advice welcome. Many thanks.
  9. I have recently been kicked off ESA by Atos, scoring zero points with mental health issues, I recently seen citizens advice which done the mandatorily reconsideration for me, I should have scored about 30 odd points but none of the questions that citizens advice showed me were asked, the mandatorily reconsideration phoned me the other day asking me questions, I got so stressed I couldn't do it so put the phone down due to my condition, she then phoned a few days ago telling me I still score 0 points I explained I got stressed and couldn't speak but that didn't help so I lost my cool with her and swore, anyhow I got the letter through this morning saying they uphold the original decision, also on the letter says that the Atos medical examiner said I looked fit and well and was well tanned and muscular, it was the middle of August of course I would look tanned I think anyone did the summer we had, I was even crying in front of her due to not seeing my children and my father recently passing away, but she lied and made out I was alert I couldn't even keep eye contact with her, but she said I did, what are you supposed to do go in there with a rope around your neck is it, anyway I'm thinking of appealing what do you guys recommend? i seen my doctor on Monday he give me a sick note for 13 weeks as he agrees I am not fit to work at the moment and said he was not surprised with the decision as they are doing it to everyone. Thank you
  10. Between January 2014 and April 2014, bailiffs were visiting me for two CT debts. I informed the bailiff by email about my suspected Asperger's but they never responded. At the end of April I moved due to my landlord selling up, and no bailiff has visited me at my new address, but I'm worried they'll be back. I've started paying directly to the council and want them to take back the debt as I don't feel bailiff enforcement is suitable for me. However, they're completely ignoring my letters and emails. Before I progress to an LGO complaint, I've decided to email the council CEO based on a thread I read here. I've drafted this email: I was hoping you could help me improve it before sending it. Maybe strengthen my argument somehow?
  11. Hi all, this is my first visit I have a 14 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism. He has obsessive tendencies, which is one of the symptoms, and as such 'demands' that I take him to his favourite places on a Saturday. I approached my employer and asked for my hours to be amended to accommodate this and was open and honest and explained the situation fully. They made me fill in the relevant forms, and then knocked me back, stating their reasons, all of which dont hold any water. They first claim cost when I proved that cost would be zero and also that they couldnt 'cover my duty' of a Saturday, when I have evidence that my job has been covered every time that I was off on holiday on a Saturday. I have since become absent due to stress and anxiety and have attempted to contact my manager by email, requesting various documentary evidence that he claims to have to support him, but he has not answered three emails. My simple question is, where do I go next? Any help greatly appreciated
  12. I took my PPI claim to the FOS back in April and had a letter from them asking for clarification on some points that I had to respond to by 30th June. I assumed that a decision would then come not long after but it is Sept now and still nothing. On their recorded phone message it does say claims can take 12-18 months so should I just forget about this for now? I am in some serious debt and really need the claim to hopefully get my life back on track.
  13. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  14. Hi all, Bit of a story. Let me state the facts. - I relocated to Australia in 2010 and left in May 2012. - I received an internal transfer from my company, whom I worked for a total of about 8 years (6+ in UK, 18 months in Oz) - Over the course of my employment I received a lot of stock options that mature over years. - The vast majority of these were awarded to me when I was in the UK and matured when I was in the UK. A few matured while in Australia but not a lot at all. - I left the company, left Australia and sold my stock options. - I sold my stock option in August 2012 when I was back in the UK. - I put the stock options on my UK tax return for 2012/2013. I have not tried to dodge tax but simply claimed the tax where I saw fit - I'm aware the issue is the ATO may not see it as black and white as this. Recently the ATO sent me a letter (in the UK) asking for the tax. It seems my company notified them as they are a benefit and now the ATO wants the tax. Does anyone have any idea what the ATO can do? How powerful is the ATO/HMRC relationship?
  15. Were i live, the council still have the old coin machines, they do not allow any 2012 coins, i had enough change on me for 2 hours, but £1 of the change was in 2012 coins in .20pences. I asked the parking warden near me if they could assist me but refused she told me to pay for the 2 hours or move, i told her i was not able to as all the car parks in the area are owned by the council and are same, and i had my disabled child with me who had an appointment, i had stated this to the warden but she wouldn't have it, but it was a very important appointment. I paid for the hours parking and overstayed by 20 mins and i knew i had a ticket as she came back 2 mins before the end of my ticket and stood at my car till 3 mins over the time and then issued the ticket, (i know this as i have a camera on the car which is clearly stated on the car stating camera in car 24/7 recording) I'm paying the fine on friday as they except credit cards over the phone, I'm fuming with this i understand i over stayed and I'm at fault but i feel the council should now update their machines as i would have to go the bank to get old coins as most places now only uses the new coins.
  16. Hi fellow CAGers, its been a long time. I've gotten all my finances in order and thought I would be free until I ran into a problem with Orange. I've had a mobile phone contract for about 3-4 years. I've always paid by direct debit, and my bill has never reached even £60. At the end of June this year, I received a bill for over £300 Orange allowed me to go over my plan by 700 minutes plus. I contacted them on the same day I rec'd my bill, and asked them why they didn't they inform me that I had gone over my plan. They said that they don't do that and that its my responsibility to keep track of my calls. I told them that I've never even had bill for £60 moreover £300. I told them that I have also previously rec'd texts from orange stating that they do periodically look at how much I'm paying. I asked them that it would not be feasible for me to pay it. And I was told that they can't provide any help until the debt goes to the collection teams. I asked if I could upgrade my plan to have unlimited calls and text messages. They said yes, and told me that the upgrade would start at the end of July. I paid the portion of the bill that I didn't dispute. Within two weeks I was partially barred. My account was unbarred at the end of July, as per the start of the new plan. I paid the new plan on time, and within 2 weeks, my line was partially barred again. Paid September's bill on time, paid October's bill on time On October 1st, the account with fully barred. Throughout this time, I've been having phone (I've recorded all of these) and email conversation stating that both T-Mobile and EE contact their customers when they are close to their limit (via a text) and I've found news quotes from Orange representatives stating that they do contact their customers. I was going to take them to the Ombudsman, but even though I requested the deadlock letter multiple times, and have been promised it, it was never sent. I'm considering taking them to court for the 2.5-3 months of charges for no service, even though I was paying. And for charging an arbitrary rate that is no where to be found in my contract. I agree that they are owed money for the extra minutes, even though I don't like the fact that I wasn't notified at all given the bill has skyrocketed more than 4 times my plan. The money I believe they are owed is what is stated in the price plan, another month payment which covers the 700 plus minutes. There is no "extra minute" charge found anywhere in the contract. Not only that, during this entire time, I've rec'd two calls from orange sales people offering another line, and one orange sales person actually offering to update my account again, for cheaper than the price plan offered in June. I read that the CCA doesn't govern them, but saw someone post link a to WHICH regarding mis-selling and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, can I also use the UTCCR? My goal is to pay what is contractual and get my phone number back, which they are currently holding ransom. Can anybody offer any help/guidance?
  17. hi hope someone can help asap I have been visited by Equita baiiff today for unpaid council tax. I have told him that in two weeks I will try and a make a payment but cant promise the figure we agreed due to low income. I have to give him his due he was very nice about the situation. the problem has arisen that he has told me that they can take the car parked out front. this is where the situation gets tricky so bear with me... the car is registered with dvla in my name, but that is for tax and insurance purposes only. it is in fact my 17 year old high functioning autistic sons car that we bought for him to enable us to transport him around, as he finds crowded public transport stressful. it is his car always has been always will be. it was bought privately and he has no receipt. we paid for the car out of my bank account after my husbands aunt died and left us some money. I have been told by various sources that we can get a statutory declaration stating that it is my sons car and therefore the bailiffs cannot take it. is this correct and how do I go about getting one?? many thanks
  18. I am new here and this might be a strange query I have logbook loan and want the company to take the car they are offering me every alternative but to take it. I have just lost my job and have no means of finding the £200 per month as I have to prioritize my income for rent etc. I can not afford the car and informed them of this last month, they said they would reduce the payment. I told them it was a waste of time reducing the payment as I still could not afford that. I missed that payment and spoke to them this month and told them I would also be missing this months payment. Again told them they are free to come and take the car. Instead they offered for me to pay last months payment (plus late fees) and another payment later this month. It looks like they are just trying to add on as much interest and charges before they do take the car. Can they do this? If I am telling them please take it. The amount outstanding on the loan is £1500. The car is worth about 3,800. I so far have paid over 3k (incl late fees etc) on a 1200 loan. Thanks in advance for advice.
  19. Im due to see a concert next week tickets were purchased a year ago, on an old bank card for an account i no longer have. I contacted the arena today and was told they had not sent them yet and would do so this weekend. I told them this was not good enough as i go away next week and will not be back toll the night of the concert, They told me i can collect them with the bank card i used to pay, i made clear i did not have that anymore as the account was closed down and the card was cut up, they told me there is nothing they can do, I explained that i was told i would get the tickets today as it a week till the concert and on there website it states tickets will be received 2 weeks before the date and i made clear i had called last week and was assured they would be here today. Im wondering if there is any way i can get the tickets with out the bank card, i hold other id but they have refused to issue them to me personally and will only post them out via special delivery. Im so upset at this matter
  20. If this happens, well then I fear for the future. http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/7241/ “Global firm Maximus are in pole position for the £500million UK Government contract, despite a history of allegations of corruption, incompetence and discrimination. The successful bidder will be announced next week ....” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/company-fined-millions-fraud-tipped-4457618 http://disabilitynewsservice.com/2014/10/incompetence-discrimination-and-fraud-the-us-company-that-could-take-over-from-atos/
  21. Hi, I have recently moved into a property and the first correspondence I received from TVL was a letter stating I have not responded to "previous letters". The letter states that I must keep the letter and take it into court and a guide to "what to expect in court" This is all rather harsh and pressure, what are my legal obligations to buy a TV licence? What do/say I do if they come to my home?
  22. You are vulnerable to an exploit, read here for the solution.
  23. I will keep my experience with Thomson holiday as brief as I possibly can. My husband and I booked a week’s holiday for 2 in Lake Garda for w/c 25th June. My sister had flown over from Australia to allow me to go as I look after my 93 year old mum so I wanted this to be a holiday to remember. I paid £2108 for a deluxe room for one week, which according to the hotel when I e mailed them prior to booking was classified as a junior suite on their website. When we arrived at the hotel the minute the receptionist showed us into the room I told her it was not a suite and was unacceptable. She insisted that it was what we had booked and could do nothing about it as our booking was through Thomsons. I argued that a room with a bed, bathroom, two bucket chairs and a small table was not a suite and, taking into consideration the appalling view of an old building with underwear hanging from the windows, I stood my ground and told her it was unacceptable. As the hotel was full I was told that the only solution was to upgrade to a suite (not a junior one!) which would be available the following day at 80 euros a night. I told them this was impossible as we were on a budget and needed the money for any excursions we may wish to go on. At that she said she would contact the Thomson rep. She was lovely but her hands were tied so I asked her to contact her Manager so that a solution could be reached. I never saw the Manager and no solution was offered so reluctantly we stayed in the allocated room for one night and then decided to pay the 480 euros to upgrade the following day. When we arrived home I wrote to Thomson on 7th July detailing my complaint about the room we were offered which they received on 9th July. No reply was forthcoming so I wrote again on 16th August requesting their comments. I received their reply dated 16th September in which they stated:- “after double checking the details in your letter along with the information we have, we believe that the room you were allocated was in fact not a deluxe room as you had booked.” By way of apology they offered me a refund of £192 – being half of the cost of the upgrade – an upgrade that I wouldn’t have needed if I had been allocated the correct room. I was delighted to receive acknowledgement that I was right about the room and replied on 23rd September copying my letter to the hotel and the Managing Director of Thomson. I am afraid I do write lengthy letters but this is the most important part of it:- You may be aware that the definition of fraud is:- Knowingly cheating someone. Also for it to be considered fraud the person being cheated must not have known it was a lie. I believe this is exactly how I was treated. I was allocated a room which I was assured by the Hotel was what I had booked i.e. a deluxe room and, as stated in my first letter, I had no way of contradicting this so reluctantly had to accept their word on the situation. Now that you have confirmed that I was allocated the wrong room, I am writing to inform you that I am sorry but I am not prepared to accept your offer of £192. As I explained in my letter my holiday was severely curtailed due to the fact that I had to pay 480 Euros to upgrade to a suite. Now I have been proved right, I feel I am fully entitled to ask for:- • A full refund of the 480 euros I had to pay for an upgrade. • Recompense for having to sleep in an ordinary room on our first night when I had in fact paid for a suite. • Postage costs currently standing at £7.85. • Recompense for the time I have spent detailing this complaint plus printer costs. • Compensation for being put through this ordeal. I presumed paying £2180 for a weeks holiday in Italy would guarantee me what I was looking for - a stress free holiday. Obviously not – I was not only stressed but ended up having to pay an additional credit card bill when I arrived home. The reply was almost immediate, dated 30th September, where they have stated ‘that they would like to increase the gesture of a refund to 480 euros in order to close this matter for me. This does represent our final offer and is instead of the £192 offered previously.’ After all that my question is should I accept the 480 euros? I don’t want to as I feel I should receive at least some of the recompense I asked for. Is it worth carrying on or should I do as my husband says and take the easy way out and accept it.
  24. Hi, I am renting a flat under Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement. I am not sure my deposit is protected by the landlord. I asked my agent for the same but got no response. I read some where that I can take the landlord to the court. I would like to know whether it is possible to file a case in the court while my tenancy has not ended yet? Thanks
  25. 2005 Loan made to purchase a leased flat and the loan was secured by a first mortgage on the property (the principal charge). In 2006 the loan was sold or transferred including all of its interests to another company who then recorded their interest by way a charge using the original mortgage deed which was created in 2005. A few months later with out any knowledge being given to us the borrowers, the so called loan in equity only part was sold and put in a pool of mortgages then sold to investors using the Irish stock exchange. We now jump to 2013 when after repeated written requests of why do I have to now include an unknown party on my buildings insurance and who are the unknown party, I am informed that the party concerned in fact own our loan and have done so since 2006. (Nice to know! Thank you Arseden for informing us 7 years after the event ) A few weeks later I receive a written request to make all my future monthly mortgage payments the Euro shipping company instead(joke). I can,t and nor can any one else just sit back and let this happen any longer, I have had enough and wont stand for it any more. I have decided stand up to them. Do you realize what we all have done, We have put our homes at serious risk and been subject to a big time con, the banksters have without our permission mortgaged our property or home to someone else who is then trading it on the Irish stock exchange. In other words they have mortgaged your mortgage ,so what stops them from mortgaging the mortgage of the mortgage and so on! This is down right abuse! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I am dyslexic, help is need if I am to fight them using the law any way I can. Have lots of documents which may help other people who feel the same way as I do don’t mind sharing them and would look forward to hearing from any one in the same boat.
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