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  1. I purchased a brand new car and within 5 miles of driving it the car broke down because of mechanical and electrical fault Am I entitled to a like for like replacement or do I have to accept the car which is being repaired by the dealer who is also willing to extend the warranty by 2 years
  2. why do I have to attend a medical for ESA, as I already have a job, which I will go back to. I am off with depression/anxiety, workplace stress. How can I prove it, I don't have the money to pay the doctor/consultant for documentation. And surely they will let me off wasting time, in the WRAG group. I will go to my MP if I have to.....
  3. If in the wrong forum please move to the appropriate forum. Thanks. In May 2011 we purchased a front towing cover for our caravan. This prevents stone chips on the front of the caravan from stones being thrown up when travelling. We had to supply them with details of the caravan etc indicating that the cover was made especially for our type of caravan. On arrival and before fitting the first thing I noticed that there were no see through panels for the front lights and reflectors. I contacted them immediately to complain and was given a story that the lights could be seen through the material. At the time I did not think of the reflectors which I now believe are a legal requirement on a trailer. I told the company that we were unhappy with our purchase and that as it was within the 7 days under the DSR I wanted to cancel. I was told that as per their terms and conditions we could not as the cover was made specially for the caravan. Unfortunately I foolishly accepted this and it was only later I found out that the front towing cover was a universal fit. During the summer we were towing in the daylight and had no issues, however now that the days are short and murky, we have discovered that on a murky day the lights are not really visible and of course the reflectors cannot be seen. At light the lights are a subdued glow, but again no reflectors visible. We are of the opinion that the front towing cover is not fit for purpose under SOGA as it doesn't comply with the laws of the land as a trailer should have the front lights clearly visible along with the front reflectors. The cover was purchased using a debit card. What sort of action can we take now? Thanks.
  4. On 10th May we ordered a front towing cover from Specialised Covers for a 2011 Lunar Delta TI caravan. It cost £99 and we paid using a pre pay Mastercard. Cover was delivered on 7th June. We then try to fit it onto the front of our caravan, but found that the rail across the front of the caravan protruded outwards for about two centimetres on either side. When the cover was fitted, you could see that the material was stretched on the points of this rail on both sides. We felt that after use, the rail would eventually wear through the cover. They told us to put something over the end pieces to prevent premature wear. I asked them why they had supplied the something and was told it was my problem. We also notice that the cover covered up the front lights on the caravan. Although they are visible through the cover in the dark, they are not very visible during the daylight in heavy rain. We contacted the supplier who persuaded us it was okay and that we should try it out. A day later we went on holiday and on towing we noticed the bottom front corners worked loose and started flapping in the wind thus accelerating wear. On our return two weeks later the same thing happened despite us following the instructions to the letter. Last weekend when we were away, we met up with another person who had the same caravan and the same cover. He had exactly the same problem as us. Bottom of cover comes loose within first 10 miles! We then emailed the company about the cover giving them the opportunity to either modify, repair or refund, but they never responded. If you look at their website you are unable to get a 2011 Delta TI off the drop down list. In their returns policy they state no return due to it being a special order yet their website in numerous places states "Universal front towing cover". Where do we stand with a return fo the cover? Can we utilise the Distance Selling Regulations as we notified them of the issue verbally within two days of receipt of the cover, but at that point they persuaded us to keep it. Secondly can I do a chargeback and if so how long do you have to wait before you can do this?
  5. I have today received my cunningly worded invitation to 'migrate' from IB to ESA and they are going to telephone me to talk to me about how the change is going to affect me and to answer any questions I may have...I have a million but wont hold my breath that they will be answered... once they have spoken to me they are going to send me the wonderful catch all questionairre which i should return as soon as possible or otherwise and this is in capitals so will reproduce here...IF YOU DONT YOUR BENEFIT MAY BE AFFECTED....why the shouting? oh of course it is for the people who are hard of hearing....I love the MAY BE AFFECTED...as we all know if you dont return it they will immediatly stop the pittance that they currently give you to live on..it goes on that I may have to atttend a work capability assessment...otherwise known as an ATOS nightmare...we are now on page 3 of this drivel and this one really gave me a laugh...headed WHY IS IT CHANGING... ESA is a new way of helping people with an illness or disability move into work. the governemt wants everyone who has an illness or disability to have this opportunity...so guys we have got this ATOS thing all wrong....this is not a cost cutting exercise it is... and altogether now AN OPPORTUNITY...wont it be fun when they have finally moved everyone off IB and ESA and unemployment figures are then 5 million....but hey we are all in this together and dont forget this is AN OPPORTUNITY... DOES THIS CHANGE AFFECT EVERYONE? yes but at different times, but our highly trained advisors have decided you are next for the chop...or as they put it Customers will be considered and assessed for ESA between 2010 and 2014 we have written to you because you are our next victim...since when did I become a customer..i certainly dont remember buying anything from them....though i do remember having to open my heart soul, and bank account, my medical records and everything else personal in order to qualify for the money that I now get that I have worked and paid into for 35 years, before becoming to ill to support myself and my family...I am wondering whether it is worth contacting my known local dealers in order to become a drug addicted drink addled **** soaked sack o **** not having showered or washed for a month before I have to attend this bloody nightmare....oh and by the way HAPPY XMAS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS
  6. We have bought an Audi A3 diesel about three weeks ago. After we had the car about a week my we noticed that one of the wings looked a slightly different colour and took it to a body repair shop for advice. On further inspection the mechanic said 'nothing on this car is straight' he said that 'diy' bolts had been used to fit the panels on the wing and that spacers up to 3/4 inch had been used to try to achieve alignment. He said that some of the fixings were missing and that the bonnet had been fully adjusted to try and make it fit. This obviously rung alarm bells and so we went straight back to the dealer who had advertised the car on autrader as in 'excellent condition' The dealer said to take it to their mechanic so he could check this out as he could not take our word for it. We took it to his mechanic and he said to us that part of the chasis was bent and had not been straightened out before the panels had been replaced. He said the car is not right and if I were you I would ask for your money back! We went back to the dealer and owner of the garage armed with this information. We had a somewhat lively response from him including swearing, shouting and at one point when we mentioned our rights as a consumer to leave. We said we wanted a refund but his response was 'it's not going to happen.' He said he would get us another car and would start looking on line that day. We then said if he could find us a car that we were happy with that would be fine, but we would have to let our mechanic check it out before we accepted the car. This made him shout and get angry and say 'I will check the car. I am not going to spend another 50000 and then you don't want that, then I will be ten grand down.' As you can imagine we were not impressed with the customer service that this person offered. He then said that he would not get another car until he had got his money back for our car and when he saw the dealer that had sold it to him, that he is going to smash him! We left the garage and went home to decide what action to take next. We then telephone a few days later and spoke with the original salesman who had sold us the car. He said could he call us back in an hour. He didn't call back in an hour and when we called back initially there was no answer that was until we withheld our number and then he answered straight away. They have never contacted us or called us back when asked to. We then took the car to our own garage for an inspection and they did a written report of their findings. When we went to pick the car up they said we are most worried about the engine problem. The car is running on three cylinders when idling and is misfiring and there was a turbo oil feed leek . The diagnostic was inconclusive and would require a full strip down to investigate further. There was a insecurely fitted radiator and air conditioning sensor. The car would fail an MOT as the headlight was wedged between two panels and was broken at the back and fitted on with bolts so could not be adjusted unless the whole corner of the car was straightened. The headlight is facing the wrong way so would be dangerous as it would blind oncoming traffic. It would also fail on a worn ball joint. This is the car that when we bought had done 100 miles since the MOT and 400 miles at this inspection. We were told by the our garage that we were covered to drive it home but that once we got it home not to drive it anymore as it is unroadworthy. We then called the garage with this information and they said we will find you another car and will start looking for one next week. We reminded them that the owner had said that we could not have a replacement car until he got his money back for our one and that we would not be able to get it checked by our mechanic so this was not satisfactory. We said we wanted our money back and that we had reported them to consumer direct who will pass the information on to trading standards and at that point they said they would only deal with us in writing through their solicitors and put the phone down. We have since had a further inspection of the car and a failed MOT certificate. We now have two written reports detailing all the problems with the car and a failed MOT certificate. We have contacted VOSA regarding the MOT but as it is more than a month ago they said they could not help. But our mechanic said there is no way that car could have passed an MOT three months ago. We are at the stage where we have written and rejected the car and asked them to come and collect it. I have found this forum very helpful. We are so frustrated as we have no car and have to deal with people who clearly have no care for peoples safety or anything else. We have tried to talk to the bank about a chargeback as we paid for part of it via debit card. They said unless we return the car they cannot take it on as we still have the goods. We have asked them to collect it but cannot return it ourselves as we would be breaking the law to drive it. I will check this with visa as I am sure this can't be right. We will take this through the courts if necessary but we have a car we can't use and our money tied up until this is sorted. GRRRRRRRRR! very angry. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. In august 2012 i was summond for one of the famouse atos medical examinations to see if i still qualify for the new improved version of incapacity benefit the second in twelve months i might add, I turn up at the atos so called medical centre in portsmouth early and struggling to walk and in i go into the lions den and im interviewed by yet another so called doctor...(doctor of what is my worrying question at which point he got very angry) anyway after an hour and a quater this [edit] tells me thankk you for your time and my so called medical is now finished and i can now leave and he will email his findings that afternoon and ill hear within a few days what is the decision, well on 22nd of september they send me a letter telling me that contrary to some very eminent surgeons that there is nothing wrong with me and that im now in the view of ATOS and the DWPs decision maker im fit and will no longer be entitled to benefits, im now thinking what just happend...did I.Qs just drop 200 points??, i have had a total knee replacement at 49 years old also 12 major operations on my right arm to try to save my joints also and painfull injections into my lower spine to try to limit the amount of pain from the advanced austeo arthritis in it which by the way did not work and so its extreamly painfull to sit,lie down and stand both were shown proof of the surgeries i have had and i informed both the so called ATOS [edit] and DWP that i have an appointment for major surgery on the 30th of october to my right wrist and the procedure is called a drujj wrist replacement due to advanced degenerative austeo arthritis also that i have a heart condition called EHD i also took along the carrier bage of drugs that i take on a daily basis just so that i can funtion albeit slowley the ATOS [edit] paid absolutly no attention to my answers to his questions and if a resting of the hands on my knees is a medical then he must have thought that he was jesus or possibly that at the very least he had THE POWER TO HEAL!! What a [problem] this government and its cronies have created!!!..... It seems that the decision makers having no medical qualifications can decide who is fit for work and a [edit] with some very questionable qualifications can judge a person having ABSOLUTLY NO PRIOR KNOWLAGE OF A PERSON AND THERE MEDICAL CONDITIONS CAN AND WILL DETROY A PERSONS SANITY, my point is this what happens when these [edit] working for a company built on so much corporate greed are supposed to be qualified doctors take the hypocratic oath which opens and says FIRST DO NO HARM!! JUST FOR THE [edit]S WORKING FOR ATOS IVE WRITTEN THIS IN CAPS, and as for the so called decision makers just what parts of the english written language dont they understand??? are words like DEGENERATIVE, TERMINAL, AND NOT LIKLY TO EVER GET BETTER are these very long words too hard for them to understand or do they not understand medications such as oromorph (morphine in a sugar solution) co-codamol 30/500s perscription strength (only available on and by a doctors perscription) and other rather powerfull drugs that are controlled substances, if you dont understand the responsibility placed on you as a medical professional when you take the oath as a doctor and then you work for [edit] lik ATOS and and as a decision maker you have the RESPONSIBILITY to read digest and fully understand a claiments medical condition and the medications that they are on and the EFFECT that medication DOES HAVE ON A person AND THEN ACT RSPONSIBILY.... YES RESPONSIBLY because if you dont ultimatly the decision you make has a devistating effect on people and families...ITS TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE BEFORE TURNS VERY NASTY you cant continue to crucify the week just because you can!!. this government and there money grabbing corporate friends are all about lining there own pockets and as long as the back pocket gets serviced what do the lower earners and classes matter?? and the short and the long of it is WE DONT MATTER as long as the corporate machine is getting its wheels well oiled!!!
  8. Hi, have tried to search to see if anyone else has had same issue but haven't managed to find anything. After reviewing many printers, I bought a Kodak ESP 3250 from PC World 8th Jan 2011. Beginning of June 2011 after changing ink cartridges the printer developed an error message that would not clear, so I contacted Kodak support team for help. After following all instructions and nothing working they sent me a replacement printer 17th June 2011. October 2011 the printer developed the same fault so I contacted Kodak again, this time Kodak offered a replacement printhead stating 'I would also like to inform you that we have implemented several changes to our product and manufacturing processes. T he latest printhead include these changes, and we are confident about it because we are getting positive feedback. With this solution, the printers typically begin to function normally, producing the high-quality images you expected when purchasing the product.' The printhead lasted 6 months, May 2012 and any black printing is illegible. I have since read several further reviews of this printer and a lot of people appear to have had the same issues. I complained to Kodak stating I did not want any further replacements just my money back as the printer is clearly not fit for purpose, naturally they are not the ones to refund me and they rightfully pointed me in the direction of PC World. PC World have told me that while the printer is in warranty I have to go back to the Manufaturer. Can anyone please advise me as to how I can get my money refunded. Thanks.
  9. Hi, this is my first query . I bought a refurbished laptop from my local company a month ago. However, the laptop is not performing as it should: 5 minutes or more to access emails/internet, messages that the programme is not responding, etc.I had explained very clearly what I wanted from my "new" laptop. I have a 1 year warranty. I have now lost confidence in this new machine & its seller. A friend of mine who knows something about IT tells me that I have been sold a faulty machine. Am I entitled to a full refund? Thanks. Janine:mad2:
  10. Hi, I bought a Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 cdti a few weeks ago from a private seller. Drove it over 130 miles home with no problems. On Monday the car started making a squeeky noise in low revs so i took it to my local Vauxhall Garage where they recommended i have the timing belt changed... I agreed and booked it in for today. At 3pm they called me to advise that the car has been repaired, So i turn up, pay £382.26 (ncludes investigating leak) and drive away. No squeeky noise. A couple of hours ago i was driving my son back from the park (30/40mph - 4th gear) when there was a horrible bang, black smoke from the back and a loud clapping/clanking noise from the engine, i pulled over and called the AA who will be attending tomorrow morning to authorize transportation to the garage. This where i currently am at the moment and was wondering where i stand with Vauxhall.... Are they liable for the repair? I fear they will try to wriggle out of it and maybe not even take my keys when i turn up tomorrow morning?? Any advice will very much appreciated. Thank you for reading
  11. I have recently moved address and as a dutiful citizen advised car insurance company of change (Kwik-fit) I was informed that underwriter (Royal and Sun Alliance) were not prepared to insure that address (a little strange since More Than insurance will) Anyway was informed by KWIK-FIT that another underwriter Aviva would insure me for 3x times current premium £1500 (bear in mind i'm over 30 have never had an accident and 4 years no claims) and apparently I would need to sign up for a new 12 month renewal. If I decline and cancel then I have to £70 cancellation charge What rights do I have (if any) given that reason for cancellation is underwriter not me... Surely if I need to take out a full new policy then original is terminated and there is no cancellation fee?!? Or have I technically terminated the agreement by moving address therefore owe the cancellation fee? Technically who is the contract with is it Royal and Sun Alliance as the underwriter or Kwik-Fit as the broker Could someone give me some guidance
  12. Hi all, I am looking for some advice on behalf of my father after he was recently taken off incapacity benefit and declared fit for work. He has been ill for years with various physical and mental problems. He is anything but, in my opinion fit for work. He was recently called for a medical, which he has had plenty in the past and after that he has been declared 100% fit, with no acknowledgement to any of his medical problems and now ready for work. Just a run down of a few of his issues which stop him from working: - he has schizophrenia - he is not able to walk more than roughly 50 meters unaided - he can not sit for any period of time - he has really bad back problems and other issues with joints (he has been attending pain clinics for quite a while for this and also takes high doses of morphine) - he is not able to properly use his hands after injuries in his previous jobs - through his medication he is vomiting most days and other unpleasant side effects He happily worked for many years for a company that made underground telephone cables for BT. His job (before health and safely) has serious effected his health in later life. He worked 12 hour shifts with constant vibrations through his body which has knackard all his joints up. He also got metal fragments in his eyes which have made his eyesight poor for his age. His doctor is fully aware of all his issues and they have fortnightly appointments to go through everything, sometimes topped up with a visit at home if he's particularly bad. He has been in and out of a&e a few times over the past year as well after having uncontrollable panic attacks. These have however got a bit better with medication. He is on so many different drugs it would be reckless for any employer to let him anywhere near their business, not to mention he could actually be a genuine danger to other people working there. I am at a loss what to do, I live 400 miles away. I already pay out of my own money for a carer to assist him with washing in the morning and keeping the house as tidy as possible. Has anyone else experienced this? I am all for clearing up the benefit system and getting people off who do not need it. I am not even sure if his issues are even classed as a disability anymore!
  13. kwik fit payroll told me last week that i was owed 2 week pay as for some unkown reason i had not been paid for weeks 17 and 18 and i was also due some holiday pay and they would send me a letter explaining it all to me guess what no letter received so i tryed to contact payroll again only to be told that they do not owe me any more money no explaination given what a rip off kwik fit are a right rip off company
  14. Here is a timeline of this issue: 09/05/2012: My car passed MOT 8:30AM, 17/05/2012: I sent my car to Kwit Fit Oldbury Centre near my company for full service 13:00PM, 17/05/2012 Oldbury centre called to tell me the job nearly done and a list of repair recommendation, I said thanks but no further action needs to be taken. 15:30PM, 17/05/2012 Oldbury centre called again to ask if I found any problem before. I had been happy with my car and carrying my colleagues occasionally(even a couple of days before service), and passed the MOT, I have not found or been reported any problem. Of course I said no. 16:00 PM, 17/05/2012 Oldbury centre called to report they found the ignition coil pack failed and the car is not advised to drive and I was told that I need to spend another £144.00 to replace it. I was told if I don’t fix it, I will feel bumps from engine. They stressed that this is just a COINCIDENCE and the coil pack would fail sooner or later but just right at service time. I felt a little bit confused and uncomfortable and called your customer service for advice, customer service supported Oldbury centre opinion and said the vehicle problem was my liability. I thought they might be right and called Oldbury centre back to allow the replacement of coil pack. 17:10PM, 17/05/2012: Job done for service and replacement of coil pack. Very funny, I started feeling the bumps they described, I thought it might be just occasional case and chose to give it a little bit longer to observe the problem further. 18-19/05/2012: Problem carried on 22/05/2012: Problem seems more serious and dangerous in motorway, I could not pickup power when overtaking and the engine light on the driver panel is on along with the engine bumps. 08:30AM, 23/05/2012: I felt frustrated about this and asked oldbury sentre to check again. They told me they will have a check the afternoon. 16:40PM 23/05/2012: At Oldbury centre, I was told the problem is because of the mechanical failure, again it is ALSO A COINCIDENCE happened during service. By the way, my car, 2001fort focus Ghia, has been through almost 120K. Do you think i should accept it peacefully? Is there any supervisory organization i can seek advice from? MAny thanks for your time and sorry for my poor spelling and grammer?
  15. Despite being referred to someone by my GP at the time I need to fit note for. He refuses to back date it. I wasn't aware that I needed one as I just heard I had been transferred to ESA during appeal and had a letter saying that I 'may be' required to provide fit notes today (the 30th of May) However, no money has gone into my account since the 25th of April. I sent the new note. Over the phone they say I need a fit note from the 29th of April. My doctor refuses. Although admits I am not fit to work.
  16. Hi, i brought a 2006 C4 from the main dealer at the end of October 2011 for £4000. Cash price/cash buyer. The car broke down on 5th November with a faulty fuel gauge and again 4 weeks later. The first time it was taken in and 'repaired' so i carried on driving (12mths warranty). On the second time I had my newborn baby in the car and i was very anxious about keeping it but the dealer promised it would be sorted and they had it for 3 days and 'repaired' it properly, or so they said. It has now broken down again today, 28 May 2012 so a few months later but the same fault for the 3rd time. The car shows 4 bars of petrol (showed 93 miles at brake down) but broke down. I got to a petrol station and put £20 in and it showed 103miles remaining so only topped up 10miles.It really is awful and chuggy and so i have left it near the garage and got the pushchair out and walked home. I explained in December that all confidence in the car had gone but they reassured me they would sort it etc. Now i absolutely have no confidence in it and do not want the car anymore. The mot and tax run out at the end of may and all set to mot and tax it wednesday but not now... where do i stand, i have done about 2000 miles in it since purchase. Any advice on how to proceed with the dealer tomorrow appreciated
  17. Hi all, Just a quick question, I was issued with a sick-note by my GP (or fit-note, whatever you want to call it) last Monday 13th February, stating that I was unfit for work from that date to the 20th February. When should I return to work? 21st? Your advice is greatly appreciated! Regards.
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