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  1. I know there is a forum specifically for currys, but I thought this one warranted a wider audience. I needed a phone quickly to replace one that was destroyed over Christmas. I rely on my phone for work and not having a phone will seriously affect my ability to make money. I found the phone I wanted yesterday on Amazon for £395 and at Currys for £399. I checked the availability at my local currys store and it said that they had plenty at all my local stores. Rather than waiting a day or two from Amazon, I decided to order online from Currys and pick it up from my local store. This is where the issues started. Currys website wouldn't allow me to create an account and gave me a number to call instead. I called the number and paid for the new smartphone over the phone. Within an hour or so I had received an email telling me that the phone might not be at my local store and telling me that they would call me to explain. They didn't call me. This morning I called them and was told that they didn't have any anywhere and they were unable to tell me when they would have them in stock! I asked them to refund the money immediately so that I could buy one from Amazon. They said it would take 3-5 working days to refund the money. I went a bit mad and they told me a manager would call back. The manager called back and told me that they had some in Preston and it was only an hour's drive from where I live. I calmly told them that I was an active member of the consumer action group and that I had the CEO of Curry's email address in front of me. I suggested that they have the phone sent by courier to my house, or my local store, today. I was very polite. She said that she would see what she could do. She phoned back ten minutes later and said there were no phones anywhere in the country! Now I have no phone and not enough money to buy a phone that I need desperately for monday. Can anyone suggest a course of action? Surely, stating availability in order to get a sale is bordering on criminal activity!? very angry.
  2. I recently received a call from my insurance company advising me that they have received a 3rd party car insurance claim against my policy. I stated that I have not been involved in any accidents and advised that the claim must be fraudulent/false. The lady on the phone went through a number of questions which were irrelevant under the circumstances and provided some very sketchy information in relation to the "alleged incident". I have since been contacted by them again with the lady this time stating a different time and now alleging an injury. I have checked back to the day it has been alleged the incident took place and I was actually driving my husbands car that day (a different car) and could not have possibly been driving my car at either of the times given. No-one else has access to my car and it was parked outside our house (on the road) for the day. I complained several times to my insurance company as I am naturally quite angry (well livid really!!) as I know this must be fraudulent and to date no evidence or documentation has been produced by either my insurance company or this 3rd party (I dont even know who they are!!) to support their claim. I received a message from my insurer saying that the 3rd party insurer has dropped the claim for now and unless my insurer receives any evidence or further claim from them in respect of the "alleged incident" in the next 3 months, they will close the claim. However I then received a call the day after from another person asking me to ring back and make an appointment for an engineer to come and inspect my car. I am now extremely angry as I dont see why I should have to have my car inspected when the 3rd party insurer has dropped the claim. I was not involved in any incident and no evidence is being produced by the 3rd party. I have not yet responded to my insurer as i am now very angry. Also I have arranged to sell my car (as I will be getting a new company car shortly) and want to cancel my insurance as I will no longer need my own car. Please can anyone advise what I should do as surely my insurers will have to close the claim and surely I am not obliged to let any engineer inspect my car? Many thanks and hope someone can help!
  3. At the beginning of November 2012 I bought a Volvo C70 from a second hand dealer in Derby who advertises on Ebay, AutoTrader, Motors.co.uk as do many others. When I had not received the V5 by mid December I went to the DVLA in Shrewsbury with my part of the V5 and applied for one. I discovered at the beginning of this month that the second hand dealership are still actively displaying and advertising my vehicle as "For Sale" through their website, EBay and Motors.co.uk. I have contacted the dealership both via email and telephone and been told "Sure we will stop advertising it" but nothing happens. I have contacted EBay who quite honestly are not interested because they are being paid for the privilege of advertising To the best of my knowledge this kind of advertising practice is "False Advertising" - How can you advertise as "For Sale" something that you do not own, or have physically in your possession to sell. Is there any organisation that I can approach who will get these people to remove my vehicle from their advertising. Thank you
  4. Evening all, Im after some advice, Last friday i was taken in to the office by my boss and suspended on pay. There were two claims made against me by the apprentice. One that i had hit him over the head with a first aid box and another that i had hit him round the face twice for no reason. The first, hitting round the head with a first aid box, this was completely accidental, and rather than a hit id would of called it catching him with a box as i passed him, i apologised. Nothing more was said and i was surprised he moaned about that. The later, was rubbish, i hadn't hit him/ touched him whatsoever. Iv got a few theories as to why he may have made up the later accusation, he'd been dragged into the office twice already that week, his college tutor had been in and dragged his dad in for his poor attitude at work.He'd also told us that the boss had threaten to terminate his contract if he didnt buck his ideas up He does get quite a bit of banter thrown his way tbh by everyone even the boss, mainly for his poor attitude and stupidity in the job. Iv also been at the job a lot less than him( him 2 1/2 years apprentice, me 9 months fully qualified) and settled in considerably better than him, and looked upon alot better by the other employees. My boss is notorious for not being able to manage a situation and passing the book, which is what he has done in this situation. rather than drag me in the office and have a word with me/ asked me about the story he has gone straight to our HR department and asked them what to do. Obvs as soon as he has mentioned hitting to them, understandable they have said suspend pending investigation. I got a letter today outline my companys zero tolerance to bullying (there zero policy literally covered every possible aspect) and that i was under investigation for: "Striking an employee" "Gross Misconduct" "Bullying in the workplace" I have a meeting next tuesday with my manager also attended by the HR Manager. Im really after some advice on which way to go about the situation regarding the fact that i consider his main accusation a lie. Iv spoke to the lads in the workshop who have all said theyll support me should it come to it and witness that they have never seen any violence in the workplace. Iv worked there 9months+ and on a full contract passing my 6 month probation periord. Iv never been in any othe trouble there and worked the most overtime out of everyone there over a 6 month period. I feel personnally im a valued member of the team. The lad is only 18 and very immature, personally i believe he is trying to take some pressure off himself and put it on to me, with the recent whispers of contract losses in the pipeline. Im now worried about getting sacked but feel it would be ridiculous due to being innocent Any help or advice gratefully received.
  5. We bought a fleet of brand new cars in May when Arnold Clark opened up their new garage in Strathaven, Lanarkshire for our driving school. One of these cars went for a driving test the other day and when the Examiner inspected the car, he discovered that the tax disc and the registration plate DID NOT MATCH! The test was cancelled and the car was put off the road by the Driving Standards Agency, leaving a young girl, who was due to sit her test, absolutely distraught. Our initial thought was that they had put the wrong tax disc on the vehicle but after further investigation on our part, we discovered it was the wrong registration plates that Arnold Clark had fitted before delivery. This car has been running about since May on incorrect plates! The car has been off the road now since 8 November as we cannot legally drive it on the public roads, resulting in a vast amount of lost earnings. On Friday, 9 November, I went back to the dealership to ask what they were prepared to do about it. They asked "where's the car?" I told them it was in Gartcosh. Their reply was "Can you bring it over then? We've got new plates made for it" What part of cannot legally drive on public roads do they not understand? I told them it could not be driven and we were also looking for compensation for our loss of earnings and reimbursment of the driving test fee for the pupil who lost her driving test. They flatly refused saying that it was not Arnold Clark policy to reimburse anyone for loss of earnings. It has left me with no alternative than to raise an action at Hamilton Sherrif Court on Monday and sue Arnold Clark for loss of earnings and loss of test fee for the pupil, stress and embarassment to my company and stress and embarrasment suffered by the pupil and the driving instructor concerned, all caused by this oversight by Arnold Clark. Also included in this claim will be the return of several hundred pounds that they charged me for the registration fee and the pre delivery inspection fee (will have definate monetary values by Monday) which is payable by everyone who purchases a new car. Arnold Clark certainly failed to register my vehicle correctly and failed in their pre delivery inspection of my vehicle by failing to notice that the registration plates failed to match the properly issued road fund licence on the car. Dear Mr Arnold Clark, Directors, Managers, Salesmen......this isn't just a case of one man and his car. Over the last 40 years that I have been in business as one of Lanarkshire's biggest driving schools, we have bought several hundred cars from you, not to mention the several thousand pupils who we have introduced to Arnold Clark who have bought cars from you, similar to the one's used by us. My daughter has recently qualified as a driving instructor and will hopefully take over the reigns of my driving school within the next 2 years as I am due to retire. One of the conditions that I will impose is that she never buys another car for the fleet from Arnold Clark and she never recommends Arnold Clark to any of our pupils. I have also advised my current instructors, that under no circumstances have they to mention or recommend Arnold Clark to any more of the pupils. In fact, I've told them to tell everyone not to buy a car from Arnold Clark. I am also now in the process of taking any further bodyshop, mechanical, service, warranty work to some other dealership in my area. This could all have been resolved on Friday for the paltry sum of £418.00 which only included our loss of earnings and the return of the pupils test fee. Now, as it stands, the loss of earnings will accrue on this car for every day it sits idle with it's wrong plates.......could be a really costly mistake Arnold Clark!
  6. Hi everyone, hoping someone can give a little advice. A friend of mine has just started a small hobby business selling hand-made cosy sacks for small pets. Lots of people make them and there are various online tutorials showing how to sew them etc. She sells them mostly via her facebook page, but also on eBay and Preloved. Over the last couple of days, she has been receiving angry messages on facebook and ebay from another seller who makes them demanding she remove hers from sale immediately. This seller claims her sacks are copyrighted and that my friend is infringing on her intellectual rights by making and selling them. Obviously this is silly as my friend's designs are not exactly identical and as I said before, many people make them for sale. The reason this nasty seller seems to be picking on my friend is because they have both used the same fabrics for some of their products. It turns out that they both live in the same area and are likely using the same store to buy their materials. A complete coincidence. Yesterday, the angry seller registered the copyright with some online company that gives you a fancy certificate and registration number. I know this means very little, as it's no proof that the work is hers, but she has now faxed a copy to eBay with the intent of getting my friend's listings pulled. She has also allegedly reported my friend's page to faceboook. Just now, my friend received an email from Preloved saying her advert had been removed due to this person's report. My friend is very upset and doesn't know how to defend herself from these attacks or protect her ads and listings on various sites. Does she have any grounds to get a solicitor involved? And is there any where she can get some free legal advice? She has been trying to call her local CAB all day, but the phone is constantly engaged. Thank you for any advice.
  7. I could do with some advice please... Back in March 2011 I returned to my vehicle from a doctor's appointment to find that a hit and run driver had "T" boned my car damaging the driver's front wing, alloy and door. I asked around but no-one saw or heard anything, so I went across the road to the Police Station and filed an accident report, in order to get an accident number to give to my insurance company. I subsequently contacted Churchill Insurance, my insurers at the time, and informed them that my vehicle had been hit by a hit and run driver. I also informed them that I was not in the vehicle at the time, that there appeared to be no witnesses but that there were CCTV cameras at both ends of the road that would have recorded the incident. At the time Churchill were very helpful and organised a hire car and to have my vehicle (only 6 mths old) repaired. Later that year I sold the vehicle (group 19 insurance) and bought a smaller car with a much lower insurance group (group 6e insurance). When I contacted Churchill to notify them of the change over of vehicle they wanted to charge me an extra £300 plus because I had moved 1 mile down the road into a new postcode area and their excuse. I refused to accept their postcode discrimination and immediately went about sourcing new insurance, which I did find at much less than my original policy. I then cancelled my insurance with Churchill (did not receive any refund on my payment in full of one year's premium). 3 weeks into my new policy, having spent countless hours on the phone to Churchill trying to obtain my proof of NCD, my new insurer's Octagon contacted Churchill on my behalf. I believe that this is something they do not normally do. However when they contacted Churchill, Churchill informed them that I had a "Fault Claim" on my policy. This was news to me as I had never been informed of this and subsequently Octagon said that because I had said "No" to the question on the proposal that asked if I had had an accident that was my fault, that the policy was going to go up by about another £400. In the end I had to cancel that policy and take out a new policy with Octagon - worked out about the same as the previous one but minus the excessive charges for altering the policy. It eventually took Churchill two attempts and 2 months to supply me with proof of NCD. The first NCD letter contained incorrect information, the second was correct in that it stated that I had 9 years NCD, with the NCD Protected and a "Fault Claim". I had in the meantime being trying to ascertain why Churchill did not follow up on the fact that there was CCTV footage that would have shown the parking area where my vehicle was parked and more than likely shown the vehicle that collided with mine, thus enabling them to counterclaim for damages against that driver. No explanation was given to me and despite my protestations that I should not have to be penalised because someone in their Accident/Claims department could not do their job, the outcome was basically "there was no-one else to claim against so the fault automatically becomes yours". Basically I was told to suck it up and get on with life. At the end of August my insurance with Octagon ran out but no new policy was taken out with them as I was added as a named driver on another policy. I requested and received my Proof of NCD from Octagon but on receiving it I found out that Churchill had furnished false information to Octagon regarding the circumstances of my supposed "fault claim". Churchill told Octagon that the claim was lodged as a fault claim against me because "I hit a Third Party in the Rear". Nice one - how do they work that out from a vehicle that has been "T-boned" with no occupants in it by a hit and run driver. Do they employ people to falsify details on their behalf? I contacted Octagon to try to get them to send out a corrected Proof of NCD but as they explained, they cannot do this without first receiving the correct information from Churchill. I have spent the last two days on the phone to Churchill being passed from one person to another. The first person I spoke to in Customer Relations told me he had escalated my query immediately to a top level complaint and told me that I would be receiving £75 in compensation for having to have my insurance the previous year cancelled because of their laxity in releasing my Proof of NCD and also the numerous phone calls I had made to obtain it. He also organised for an enquiry into why Churchill had not acted on the CCTV information and had instead penalised me. He arranged for someone from their Claims department to call me that day who was supposed to be organising for the correct information to be gotten to me in order that I could get Octagon to rectify the Proof of NCD as my partner's insurance company require it and time is now very short for getting it to them. I spoke to someone from their Claims department who was incredibly unhelpful, but who told me that she would arrange for yet another person to call me by lunchtime yesterday to rectify the incorrect information that they supplied to Octagon regarding my "fault claim" on my Proof of NCD No one bothered to follow this up so I contacted them again yesterday afternoon twice, and eventually having spent over 2 hours on the phone to them again, I was informed that the best that they could do was to put in a request to have a variance letter sent to me to furnish to Octagon (this would take 7-10 working days) stating that I had NOT hit a 3rd party up the rear and that in fact my vehicle had been hit by a hit and run driver. The woman from Churchill refused to even contemplate that the "fault claim" could be registered as a "No fault claim" because of the fact that the policy was cancelled. She also could not care less that their laxity and their furnishing false information had resulted in my previous insurers being unable to provide me with the correct Proof of NCD details for the current policy that I am on or that because they can only get information to me "maybe in 7-10 working days" that my partner would stand to lose his motor trader's insurance because of being unable to provide "legally factual" information on my Proof of NCD. I am sorry that this is so long but there is a lot of background information. Basically what I need to know is: If my partner's insurance is invalidated because I cannot provide my "legally factual" Proof of NCD to them can I sue Churchill for providing false information in the first place. This will affect his ability to trade and run his business and also to obtain future Motor Trader's Insurance. Also what recourse do I have for compensation against Churchill for not investigating my accident fully when it was initially reported to them. (I was told that "If we had known about the CCTV footage we would have assigned an investigator"). They were informed of the CCTV and neglected to follow it up with the Police. In fact from conversations with the Police Officer assigned to investigate the report, Churchill did not bother to contact him either. I also requested that they listen to the recording of my conversation with them from March 2011 and from August 2011. Any advice and help that you can give would be gratefully received. Thank you
  8. Hello to all here I've been trawling the threads and posts on here and though my situation is very similar to some of them, I haven't found one that is exactly the same. Thanks in advance for reading this and I'll try to keep it brief and to the point: I have already received and responded to the initial letter to 'state' my case. That being that I tapped in with a Pay as you Go oyster card at my station, Alexandra Palace, that had no money on it. I didn't realise this as I was running for my train in rush hour. When I got to my interchange at Finsbury park and saw ticket inspectors, I tapped in at the interchange just fine and was pulled aside by an inspector. When he read my card he saw it hadn't been validated for my journey to Alexandra Palace and that my season ticket had expired the day before. While searching my bag for ID I realised I had my second oyster in there (I carry two incase one is stolen or lost) and gave that to the inspector. This was the one I had used to tap in at Alexandra Palace and it had insufficient funds. When the inspector told me facts were facts, I accepted that I was going to have to pay a whopper fine but didn't put up much of a fight (I've never seen that work). When I wrote my details, I put my name and address and as the inspector was calling it in, I told him I'd put one of the digits to my house incorrectly and accidentally and he pulled the pad away from me and told me I was falisifying information. When he attempted to call in the correct address, he said he didn't have my name registered. I had to show him an e-mail sent by Foxtons to prove my address but I didn't have ID on me as my only ID is my passport and I don't really like taking it with me regularly unless I must for something formal. The charge for my offence is 'Giving a false name and address.' On the false name: I gave the name that I am commonly called Kane, which sits in my passport but is only ONE of my official names. I have three in total and that is not the first one. The reason I gave it is... well, that's the most common name for me to write. On the address: Every detail of my address is correct including road name and postal code, but I didn't intend to write one number of my three digit house number incorrectly. I even offered to correct the error. The inspector argued with me that I should know it, and that I live there so obviously I'm lying, but I countered that I still don't know my mobile number well, nor any of my families, or even my work and it was simply because I was in a rush to get to work (Also, while I was writing my address I wrote and corrected my postal code because I'd made an error, so it wasn't the only one I'd made but it was the one I didn't catch.) I am currently writing a letter in response to them to 'state my case' but I wonder if this will affect me very negatively even though I dispute the claim that my name is false? Any help or nuggets of information would be kindly appreciated. And if you've read this far, thanks again. K
  9. Hi, I have one here I could do with help on please. I’ll use ‘Card Provider’ and ‘DCA’ in place of the names of the parties themselves, as well as incorrect values; so as to protect myself from prying eyes. I had an account with a Card Provider. It had been the subject of a PPI plan, so I knew I was within my rights to question its value. As such, I followed the route of sending the standard letters and then going via the FSA route. The balance – shall we say – was £10,000, of which the FSA latterly found in my favour, and £5,000 was sent back to me by the Card Provider for the mis-sold PPI. However, before things got to the FSA, the card provider sold my ‘debt’ to a DCA, who are now perusing me for the full £10K value. Yes, the Card Provider has given me the £5K back; but surely, if the DCA purchased the debt with an incorrectly swollen value? The DCA, if they continue to push, would surely have to prove that they purchased a ‘debt’ at the wrong value, and are pushing for that same wrong value, which is now made right by virtue of a credit given directly to me in an unrelated transaction by the Card provider?!?!? Where do I stand? Oh, and there’s no proper agreement either. But that’s one for another day! Cheers and thanks in anticipation of any wisdom that can come my way. Appreciated
  10. First off I'm new and apologise if I am posting this out of context of the forum and in the wrong section. OK a little bit of a back story. I made a claim for jca in may of this year for myself and my wife. Everything was fine until i had an appointment in June this year, the day before said appointment I became ill so my wife phoned the jobcentre to explain this and was told a reschedule of the appointment would be made and i'd have to fill out a sickness form. On attending my next singing date I was instructed by the person signing me that my account had been closed so I wasn't able to sign on. Asking for an explanation of why my account was closed i was told it was for not attending an arranged appointment. I asked what appointment it was as I've only missed one and explained when it was and the reasons I missed it, also mentioned the fact my wife had rang more than 24hrs before to explain my illness to them. I was told that he had no idea what appointment as his just telling me what his computer screen is telling him. He then gave me a phone number to phone (not sure if i can post numbers?) and told me that they would know more. When ringing the number they explained that i had missed the appointment when i was ill, I explained to them that my wife had in fact phoned before hand to let them know I was ill. The person on the phone said they had no record of this so they went ahead and closed my claim down after five days. I asked for an explanation of five days as i was unsure of what he meant. He avoided the question and went back to to saying they have no record of my wife phoning them. I was not happy with this so asked to speak to a supervisor or manager, he then hung up on me. Straight away i phoned back and connected with a different person I asked to speak to a supervisor or manager. Was put on hold and finally spoke to a manager. I asked for an explanation as to why my account was closed as I now believed that the jobcentre had made a mistake in not recording my wifes telephone conversation and also to complain about being hung up on. No explanation was giving although she said she would ring me back in three hours or less to tell me why the mistake happened and also in regards to my complaint. No phone call back but received a letter a few days later apologising for the way i was treated in my first phone call. Still unhappy with no explanation I decide to take it up face to face at my jobcentre. On arriving I ask to speak to someone who could help me with the mishandling of my claim. I was made to wait for almost 30 minutes to see someone. I sat down explained everything to him in how someone made a mistake over the phonecall. He told me people claim to make phonecalls all the time after not attending appointments etc. I asked him if he was calling me a lier he said no, so i said his admitting to the jobcentres mistake then to which he also said no. now I'm confused i'm not a lier but they never made a mistake? I asked what they are going to do about my claims of mishandling my account. he got me to fill out an appeal for backdated money/complaint. I asked for a pen to fill it out he then told me to move tables to fill it out as he had another client to deal with at 10:45( if i remember correctly) I asked shouldn't he be dealing with me first? to which he replied if i'm finished by 10:45 he will.He then accuses me of being abusive and aggressive towards. I ask how his come to that conclusion to be told its his opinion. So I ask hows his come to that opinion he told me the manner in which i was acting. All this time i'm sat back in a chair speaking in a calm and collective manner. I swore once but apologised straight away and explained i was frustrated. I move to another table fill out the form and right the complaint. During this time his left his desk so I wait for him to return. He does I Give him the the form and complaint and ask what is going to be done about it. he told me his dealing with another client now so i would have to go back to the other table. to fill out the form properly i do this and once again when I've finished his gone, but what i presume to be his next client is sat at his table, i go over place the forms on his desk and leave. still not happy with no explanation and becoming frustrated at the way i'm being treated I ring the jobcentre the next day to ask to speak to the manager. He would not give me a straight answer on anything I asked him always replied could or maybe answers, but he said if i can provide proof from BT that my wife made the call he would look into it, I explained that that doesn't help my family's financial situation at the present time. He told me to go for a crisis loan. So I said when i tell them my crisis is for the DWP's mistake there not going to give me one are they. He told me its not his decision. The day after I phoned CAB and explained all of the above to them. They told me to follow everything they told me to do by doing a reclaim and also that they shouldn't be asking me for proof of the phonecall that the jobcentre should prove to me that the phonecall never took place. I then phoned the manager again and explained what CAB told me, but that i was happy to prove the phonecall was made anyways just for peace of mind on my behalf, but I couldn't do this straight away as BT hadn't processed my bill yet. (I phoned BT before speaking to CAB to be told this.) That the basic story. Also should mention that the manager told me i'd likely win my appeal for backdate as they hadn't notified me of writing to let me know they was closing my claim, I did mention why I have not been told my claim was closed. Since speaking to the manager a second time i have received two letters from them, one being my P45 (but no letter to say they've closed my claim) and another which goes as follows. (I'll withhold names/dates/locations as i'm not sure its allowed) Dear Mr xxxxxxx I refer to our discussion on the xx/xx/xx regarding your claim to jobseekers allowance. I am also writing regarding your attendance at xxxxxxx jobcentre plus on that day and also on the xx/xx/xx We closed your claim to jobseekers allowance because you failed to attend an appointment on xx/xx/xx you have told us that your wife contacted us xx/xx/xx. You have agreed to provide evidence of this phonecall. As we discussed in our telephone conversation on the xx/xx/xx, if your wife did contact us on the xx/xx/xx, you clearly have not received the level of service that you have a right to expect. I am sorry if we have made a mistake in closing down your claim. I am very concerned about to learn that staff at xxxxxx jobcentre were upset by your attitude when you attended the office on xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx. Your manner was unacceptably aggressive and this behaviour is clearly getting in the way of our efforts to help you back into work. I am keen to the we re-establish a professional relationship with the staff here at xxxxxx jobcentre, and that you understand that people working for jobcentre plus have the right to be able to carry out their work free from intimidation. We are committed to treating you in a fair and polite manner. In return I expect you to treat us in the same way. Therefore, I trust that you will make sure that this type of incident does not happen again. For your information I am enclosing a copy of the leaflet, 'our service standards', which sets out your responsibilities to us. If you would like to speak to me about this letter please ring xxxxx xxxxxx during office hours Yours sincerely xxxxx xxxxxxxx customer service manager xxxxxx jobcentre. *NOW I SHOULD ALSO NOTE* Having signed on a few years back and having had terrible dealings with the DWP in the past i decided this time to record all verbal meetings with the jobcentre be it face to face or over the phone, including all of the above. Now throughout my time i have remained calm all but once when i swore out of frustration not anger and i apologised straight away. So you can imagine my surprise in receiving that letter. I would very much like some pointers in how or what i can do to sort this matter out as I'm being accused of something I haven't done. Also can i use the recordings to prove this? Can I request CCTV to back up my claim that i was calm, What information do they hold on me( will they have tagged me as a troublemaker now?) I still haven't had an explanation on how my claim could of been closed ( I suspect i'll receive some letter when i show then proof) Can they treat me this way? Should I take this all the way or forget about it? Really haven't a clue where to start all help would be most useful many thanks CBLB2012
  11. Hi guys, this is my first post. But i have recently just recieved a letter from iqor demanding i pay them money as paypal personal have passed on my debt with instructions to recover this debt. This is taking the **** as i owe them nothing, first of all i have not even recieved a phone call only a letter from iqor. Secondly my paypal account had been hacked i told paypal this, somebody had $250 transferred to my paypal account then sent it elsewhere, are paypal retarded ? I told them you have access to this other account to and simply take it back from there, but i got no response just numerous emails to repay it WTF ?. Now i have a letter from iqor, should i send them the CCA letter or what else can i do? please help
  12. Hello all, My daughter was set up by a "friend" who used my daughter's bag to try and take goods from a Primark. My daughter was apprehend outside the store and then taken upstairs - the "friend" had disappeared by that stage. The police were never involved and the store did not pursue the matter any further other than barring her from entering another Primark. The girl who set her up is apparently know for doing this and, whilst my daughter is no saint, she wouldn't shoplift. She was totally up front with us and told us what had happened as she had nothing to hide. I did some reading around and told my daughter to expect a letter from RLP which she did today. It is cloaked in the sort of legalise that DCAs (of whom I have experience of kicking in to touch thanks to CAG!) and really worried her. The letter is headed "Without Prejudice Save as to Costs" We act on behalf of Primark. We are instructed that on 21st November 2011 at our client's premises you committed a wrongful act causing loss to our client. They then go on to say that the staff were diverted from their normal activities etc. etc. for which they are entitled to compensation for. They claim that the costs are considerable but they are willing to accept a fixed amount of £87.50 I can post the whole of the text if needs be. I have a couple of problems with this. As the Police were not involved and the store did not pursue the matter, can they accuse her of committing a wrongful act? Can they really claim this money from her given that there is no evidence whatsoever that any offence was committed? As she is only 16 years old, what is her standing in law? I would like to handle this one for her (she has now realised that they are nothing to really worry about since I showed her some of the highly witty letters that Moorcroft and Roxburgh have sent to me in the past!) Can she write to them and grant me permission to act on her behalf? Any advice on this would be gratefully received. I am also considering pursuing Primark over potential breaches of rules regarding safeguarding. Whilst she was accompanied in the lift upstairs by a female member of staff, she was left alone with two male security guards and was then interviewed by them and felt highly intimidated by them. She was then escorted off the premises by a male security guard with no female member of staff being present when she was taken down in the lift. This has bothered us more than the letter from RLP. Thanks
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