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spaniel lady

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  1. If I keep the car I will have to find somewhere to park it, continue to pay for insurance for a car I will no longer need and unless I could find somewhere to park it off road I would then have to get it mot'd and pay for at least another 6 months tax. A lot of expense for no reason! Who is going to pay for this? I. Couldn't afford all that extra expense. Me getting the new company car and selling mine on has been in the pipeline for months and well before any of this from my insurance co. The calls from my insurance co have come up as a private/witheld number so perhaps as suggested these are false too! I have reported it to the insurance fraud bureau and they have said they will deal with it. I haven't heard from my insurance co for around a week now so hopefully that will be the end of it. Thanks for all the advice so far!
  2. It would be great to find that as there may be some useful advice for me. My insurance co has not come back to me since about the inspection so I am not sure if they will carry this out or not. In the meantime I found some info about reporting insurance fraud and reported the situation to them. They will be looking into it for me. My insurers have so far not provided anything in writing-just by telephone. They have also given me 2 differing times for the alleged incident and the location they have provided is somewhere I could not have been at either of those times.I am getting a new car in around a weeks time and had already arranged to sell mine on before all this nonsense started. As the new car will be a company one I don't need mine anymore or the insurance. I'm assuming as I haven't received anything from my insurance co that they now are closing the case. I don't want to have to retain the car or keep paying for the insurance because of all this rubbish they are spouting. Ant further advice most welcome
  3. I also meant to say that just before christmas i had 2 extremely dodgy looking people knock on my door who asked me to confirm my name (which unfortunately I did as didnt have time to think!) who then went on to threaten me that I and my car had been involved in an accident. They didnt provide any details or say who they were. As they left my property I saw them having a good look at mine and my neighbours cars so I went out to challenge them and before I could say anything they had got in their car and sped off. I immediately phoned the police to report the incident. They then visited me to check I was Ok and to try and look for the people locally (as they suspected they may still be around somewhere). They had a quick look at my car and said it was clear it couldnt have been involved in any incident as apart from a couple of scratches and usual wear and tear (its an 11 year old car) there is no damage. I also then immediately reported what had happened to my insurance company and was assured that if any claim did arise then they would just state no involvement and that would be that. These people must have taken my registration number and in conjunction with my name and address then tried to put in a false claim. So I am clearly the subject of a fraudulent claim. But it now seems that despite this I am having to prove my innocence?
  4. I recently received a call from my insurance company advising me that they have received a 3rd party car insurance claim against my policy. I stated that I have not been involved in any accidents and advised that the claim must be fraudulent/false. The lady on the phone went through a number of questions which were irrelevant under the circumstances and provided some very sketchy information in relation to the "alleged incident". I have since been contacted by them again with the lady this time stating a different time and now alleging an injury. I have checked back to the day it has been alleged the incident took place and I was actually driving my husbands car that day (a different car) and could not have possibly been driving my car at either of the times given. No-one else has access to my car and it was parked outside our house (on the road) for the day. I complained several times to my insurance company as I am naturally quite angry (well livid really!!) as I know this must be fraudulent and to date no evidence or documentation has been produced by either my insurance company or this 3rd party (I dont even know who they are!!) to support their claim. I received a message from my insurer saying that the 3rd party insurer has dropped the claim for now and unless my insurer receives any evidence or further claim from them in respect of the "alleged incident" in the next 3 months, they will close the claim. However I then received a call the day after from another person asking me to ring back and make an appointment for an engineer to come and inspect my car. I am now extremely angry as I dont see why I should have to have my car inspected when the 3rd party insurer has dropped the claim. I was not involved in any incident and no evidence is being produced by the 3rd party. I have not yet responded to my insurer as i am now very angry. Also I have arranged to sell my car (as I will be getting a new company car shortly) and want to cancel my insurance as I will no longer need my own car. Please can anyone advise what I should do as surely my insurers will have to close the claim and surely I am not obliged to let any engineer inspect my car? Many thanks and hope someone can help!
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