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  1. I have a default of £2,976 with Natwest. £1,176 of which is made from fee's from when I went over my overdraft limit and then couldn't afford to pay enough money back to the bank to be able to get myself back under the limit. I accrued the overdraft while at Uni. This was a student account to start of with. The first time I went over the limit was in May 2011. My owed balance went up from £1767 to over £3000 in the space of 8 months. Even though I complained to the bank that this was spiralling out of control and I didn't know what to do. They just said you need to pay it back now to get under your overdraft limit. I couldn't afford this, I was only just breaking even at the end of every month anyway. I am now finally in a place financially where I can actually start paying something back. However, I am unsure as to how to go about this. I have already had debt collectors (Robinson Way) trying to contact me. This was about 2 years ago. Can anyone advise me on what to do? What about the fee's of approx. 140 a month will I need to pay all this back? This has been troubling me for a long time and I want it sorted as I really want to try getting my credit record in order to enable me to get a mortgage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. On reviewing a previous offer details after the recent publicity regarding Banks underpaying claims, I noticed that the attached did not include 8% simple interest. Therefore is the presentation of figures correct considering the account was passed to Natwest internal debt team in October 2005, in which the account is still open and currently still paying an agreed payment plan ? Thanks for looking.
  3. Hi, new to the forum but here goes with an abridged version. Essentially been in a DMP since 2009, selling my home to pay off and during the tidy up have found some Natwest paperwork I didn't know I had, it is a loan agreement that has no term of the loan on it just a monthly amount and total loan. There is also a handwritten note from a staff member saying they have drawn the money down and will I forward a signed agreement as they will need one. I now know this is not correct and should have been signed first. Additionally I had to pay £15 pm for the privilege of a reduced rate, is this correct? I also found out I had PPI! never had it never needed it, only found this out as they wrote to me and then when I did the sums they don't add up!. Also I cant now get a mortgage as my defaults will be dropping off soon but for 5 years they have had an account on a status 6 as a late payment so it will remain long after I pay it off. any information to see if I can claim PPI , charges or interest back would be appreciated sorry for the long post but trying to to brief .
  4. Hi. I'm hoping someone who knows what they are doing can help with some advice, on the next steps I should take in relation to my complaint for mis-sold PPI on a Credit Card with NatWest. I've received a Final Decision letter from RBS which upheld my complaint, and making me an offer in redress. I was a slightly confused as to how they had arrived at the figure, and so contacted them to request a breakdown of their calculations, particularly in relation to the compound interest part. I've attached a word document (Letter From RBS NatWest.doc) which contains the wording I received in response, along with their "breakdown", which to me seems to be of little help in providing clarification. Now that they have finally told me (it wasn't mentioned in the original Final Decision Letter) that they are "guessing" at some of it as they do not hold the data further back than 2001, I'm planning on providing further evidence in the form of some extra statements that I have found for months prior to that date. Whilst not fully completing the picture, hopefully it will help them to come to a more exact calculation. I've also attached a spreadsheet detailing all the amounts that are known, and where there are unknowns (those cells highlighted yellow, for months marked with an 'x' in column A) I've added in a nominal calculated figure to make the sheet work throughout. I'd appreciate it greatly, if someone could take a look at the spreadsheet to firstly check that I've completed it and the compound interest and statutory interest is worked out correct, and if so, then secondly that the numbers that I've added make sense, and are suitable, or if I should do something else to fill in the blanks. Finally, I noticed that on the spreadsheet that the interest stops accruing whenever no monthly payment is made for PPI (I finally got them to cancel it after a long fight earlier this year), and I wondered if someone can just confirm that this is right, or if the interest would continue whilst the credit card is still in force and the whle sorry tale has finished? Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. I decided to send SAR to Natwest / RBS and I have now received a response advising that they have no agreement, ppi policy, statement details etc or even know if any ppi was in place ? I have about 95% of old statements from 1988 - 2001 when it was closed, clearly advising monthly PPI payments and the original Natwest Access Guide. Inside under Creditguard - For your peace of mind section, it clearly states that the premium is charged automatically to your credit card and nothing else about what is or is not covered etc but you have to complete postal coupon (in which is still intact) for further information. Is there a case of miss-selling here on the basis that it was automatically added or would it be refused as non-advised ? Thanks
  6. Hi, I had an account with Natwest, which was shut down about 6 years ago. At the time, I had my Overdraft of £1800 (all owed), a loan for £1000 (£897 remaining), and one for £5000 (£3976 remaining). Due to my financial issues due to illness, I'd had to live off what little credit I had, and after a few months of being unable to keep above the maximum 1800 Overdraft (frequently going to £2000 when bills hit) my account was closed Following this, I was taken to court and something (I forget the technical term now, sorry) was put on my house so that when sold, my outstanding debt to Natwest would be paid out of any monies I received. We have since sold the house to a housing agency (again, lost it due to ill health and financial issues) and NAtwest received nothing because the mortgage was not fully paid off. Following this, Natwest sent debt collectors. MY wife was had by Shoosmiths (for similar level of debt) I think mine were Cabot financial (They currently take £2 a month from me, but I'm sure they said it was passed on however I've received no new paperwork) the debt is now with a debt collector. This morning I got a letter from RBS, regarding my Natwest loan, to tell me that I'm due over £800 in refunds Which will be paid into my account if it is still active, otherwise I will receive a cheque. MY account was closed, I do still get statements every 6 months about what is still outstanding. Will my refund get paid to these account, despite being closed, or will I get it? As if I receive it, I'm quite happy with my current £2/month arrangement and don't wish to just send them nearly a grand, when I've got other bills that are slightly behind now (council tax, water, TV, gas) that I would like to clear off, and I could do that with the payout, and still have a little bit over to help at christmas. As I paid these bills at a time when I owed them nothing, and I was not given a real option of not paying (I was flat out told I had to have it or I'd be refused). To me, they took money they should not have had. it should definitely all be paid back to me, for me to do with as I please. I realise they won't see it that way though, but just wondered if anyone else in a similar situation has had this happen, and received the cheque? As they only send me updates every 6 months, I wont find out now until March, as I got my update 3 weeks ago. :\ So I'm hoping someone here can help me a little sooner.
  7. My problem with NatWest started in October 2013. I saw I was overdrawn by £16K I only have an overdraft limit of £1,600. As it was a weekend I transferred money from my savings account and called them as soon as I could to find out what had gone wrong. The bank told me that my account had not been overdrawn and in fact had a healthy balance - I was confused? When I saw the statement for this time period I saw that for the first time ever in 30 years my statment transaction and processing dates were out of order and in some cases transactions had taken over 8 days to process! I also noticed that the £16K I had transferred from my savings account to my current account to cover the overdrawn balance had in fact been moved back and forth a few times (which I had not done). I knew something had happened but I just could not figure out what? I decided to put my statment transactions into date order and discovered that my account had gone -£16K at the time I had seen it on the screen. I started to complain again. Eventually I was given the following explanations. 1. The moving £16k was probably due to a bank ping back - normally caused by not having enough funds in your account to transfer in the first place. I checked this and at the time my savings account had £40k. But I was not able to continue to complain about this as the bank claimed that interbank account transfers could not be tampered with and that it was either a ping or I had done this. 2. The explanation given by the bank regarding the overdrawn amount I had seen, was that they had no record of my account being overdrawn during this month and my statment showed this. I told them the transaction dates were out of order and they told me that the transaction can only be processed when the merchant claims their money and they were not going to put them into date order. I explained that I had used my debit card to make these transactions and that I had seen the available balance lower by the amount at the same time of the transaction. It was around this time I had a very disturbing piece of information from NATWEST. When you use your debit card and authorise your payment the money leaves your available balance. The merchant then has 6 months to claim their money, HOWEVER, if they do not claim the money within 2 days the funds are returned to your available balance and can be respent. It is down to the customer to ensure they have funds to cover the transaction. I looked in the Terms and conditions and all sales literature I had from Natwest but there was nothing about this. I checked their on line Q & A but this was not explained there either. Natwest told me that it was not in their terms it was a banking process they follow. How can this be right? How can money you have already spent be returned to your available funds without your knowledge? How can you check your account without knowing this key information. I always thought that once you had made the transaction the money was gone. The only way to have the money returned would be if something had gone wrong and the transaction cancelled and/or a claim made to the bank! The Financial Ombudsman said that they had suggested that the bank should inform their customers about this process but could not enforce them to do so only the FCA could do that. They also said that the bank had followed their procedure correctly and there was no case to answer. I said I wanted to see which transactions had been returned and then processed so I could check myself. The FOS said that there is no record of this it is all done by an automated system. I asked how the FOS knew they had folllowed the procedure correctly and got no answer. The FCA told me that they do not take on individual cases. I have lost £16K through this but dont know how or if I can do anything about it! I would like to warn as people about this so people dont find themselves with unwelcome bank charges. I would welcome any advice or help anyone can offer.
  8. Hi, hope admin don't mind but I am looking for others like myself who have been screwed over by Natwest/RBS. I moved some of my properties to them and took out a 5 year loan facility with them in 2007 on the understanding that they would renew the loan as long as I was a good customer & paid my dues. I did pay my dues & never missed a payment but after the banking crisis they decided they didn't want to have "buy to let properties" on their books any more & demanded all the money back, including the further loans that I had taken out over a 15 year term. As banks weren't lending at that time I was unable to repay the money so Natwest appointed LPA receivers. This never went to court as they use "the law of property act 1925" a very interesting read if you have time. I have been battling with Natwest ever since & have spent a small fortune on solicitors & barristers. Please see my other posts for the early part of my story. Unfortunately I cant post the rest of my story at the moment but I will as soon as I can. The main thing I need to do is find others like myself so please contact me, we may be able to help each other. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello all, Today I received a random text saying ' Banks are refunding customers who have paid a monthly fee on packaged accounts' I had no idea what a packaged account was, so I looked it up on the web a lo and behold my Natwest Advantage Gold Account is one of them. I have read through part of this forum and I just wanted to clarify If I may be entitled to any form of refund of charges. Following are some facts: 1- I have had an advantage gold account since 1989 2- I was told that It would be easier to get an overdraft with this account. 3- For years I paid mobile insurance and I never realised it was covered in the package and when I did find out I read that the phone had to be registered with them 4- I have also taken out on numerous occasions travel/holiday insurance which again I had no idea was covered by the account. To be honest with you I since it has been so long ago since I've this account but I remember that my normal account was upgraded to Advantage Gold. I don't ever recall applying for one. Also way back then I don't believe mobile insurance was even included in the package and was introduced many years after when mobiles became prevalent amongst consumers. Am little worried that should I contact my bank they will give me the run-around and I would get disheartened and just give up. Any advice I could get would much appreciated.
  10. I am not sure if anyone can give me any advice on how I can defend a personal guarantee claim from Natwest? In 2006 the ltd company for which I was a director took out a bridging loan from Natwest for 2 months whilst we waited for funds from a secured loan with a different asset management company. The loan came through within 2 months and the Natwest loan was fully repaid. The asset loan has also since been repaid. However, the guarantee said it exists for perpetuity until the director dies and the bank referred to it as security in a subsequent overdraft facility. It is only cancelled when notice is given. The company then went into difficulty in 2010 and the bank forced the directors to convert this to a repayment loan for the same amount with much higher interest. The bank said they would force the company into liquidation if the directors did not comply. Again they referred to the security of the old guarantee. The company finally went into liquidation in 2013 and the loan went unpaid. The bank is now pursuing me for full payment of the loan. The company assets (including those covered by the original loan) were sold off to pay liquidation fees so the company is well and truly gone. Would a letter to or from the bank stating that the funds had paid off the original loan in 2006 be strong enough to infer we were notifying them that the liability under the original guarantee was being repaid and therefore should be taken as notice of the guarantee? Can I argue that the intent of the original guarantee as delivered as a deed was only for the purpose of securing the original bridging loan even though the guarantee itself was open? Can I argue anything to do with surety? The guarantee was accompanied by papers signing that I was an empowered director to remove a claim that I am a consumer in order to go for unfair contract terms - could I still claim this as they are chasing me personally now and not as a director? The terms are definitively grossly unfair. It was also accompanied by papers saying I waived legal advice. This was the case for the original guarantee but we had no option for the subsequent facilities. Could the fact that the directors were forced into converting the overdraft to a loan somehow invalidate the guarantee? We even wrote to the bank complaining about the bullying at the time as we were disgusted by their behaviour. I am at risk of losing my property as it was mentioned in the subsequent loan that the guarantee was "supported" by the property. I want to defend this but not to run up unnecessary debts in the process. I also don't want to respond hastily and jeopardise any defence I may have had. Please help.
  11. Having a sort out have found a letter to the other half natwest account being sent to morecroft This account was opened online but never had any money paid in or taken out card has never been activated The balance stands at £330.85 overdrawn! How is the best way to deal with this apart from ignoring morecroft? Thanks
  12. Hi guys this is my first post, I took a loan with Natwest in 2007 and was told when applying that I must take the PPI to get the loan. A year later I cancelled the PPI and made a complaint to RBS, it took them 12 weeks to investigate and they didn't uphold my complaint, they said that they couldn't locate the call records but as I had signed for the loan that meant I had signed for the PPI and was aware of it. At the time I had been having money problems which was a reason for me trying to get a refund of the payments at the time, Natwest eventually defaulted me in December 2008, I moved address shortly after and I have not made a payment since about September 2008. I received a letter from RBS in July this year saying that they would like to look into my original complaint again and asked if I could sign and return the form to confirm my new address, I called RBS and they confirmed my details by phone and I was told that I would receive a decision in a few weeks. I'd heard nothing for about 4 weeks until I received a text message from RBS-PPI on the 27th August which said "Dear Mr RacingRandom Re PPI ref: *****. We confirm your payment has been made by cheque. Please allow 10 working days for receipt" I hadn't received any letter or form to sign to accept an offer from RBS, just this text message. On Friday I received an offer letter from them dated the 20th August, nine days before I received the text message, in it they make the offer which I am happy with but as you probably know they state that any funds will first be used to offset and the remainder to myself. The loan is still unpaid with a balance much higher that the refund for the PPI, the loan is showing on my credit file until the end of September and it hasn't been sold, I also have a Natwest overdraft unpaid for the same amount of time. So I am wondering if anyone has any experience or has heard of RBS not offsetting against an old debt, I'd love to receive a cheque and I could do with the money :smile: I was fully expecting any refund to be offset against the loan but the letter and the text message are conflicting. I also thought that any offer the bank makes has to be accepted by myself but I never received an offer just an outright decision, is this normal? Thanks in advance for any help guys.
  13. Hi, Thought i would post here to make sure i'm not going to do anything in error. Ive recently put myself in a better position financially so i thought it was about time to fix past mistakes. During a rough part of my life i defaulted on my overdraft and credit card which ive been running from for a couple of years. i got my credit report and it states on it the amounts. £2000 for the bank & £1000 for the Credit Card, i have the funds to pay both of these off in full. Now here is my concern, i've contacted Natwest and have the contact details for both offices to write a letter explaining that i'm able to pay both balances off in full. Is this the correct thing to do? or is there a procedure i take first? Any help is appreciated. Chris.
  14. Hi Please could someone advise me. I have wrote to Natwest and asked to set a repayment plan up to pay back my overdraft as I am experiencing financial hardship. I asked for charges and interest to be frozen. I had a reply and had to fill in an income and budget form which i did. This morning I received a letter stating they have my form but will not accept any arrangements and charges etc will still be added, unless i ring them. I really do not feel up to talking to them, so is there anything i can say to them in order for them to accept my offer. All my other creditors have accepted by letter. Please help. Thanks so much.
  15. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/fca-fines-rbs-and-natwest-for-failures-in-mortgage-advice-process
  16. Hi all, Decided to register with the forum as i noticed something peculiar when having a look atr my credit rating online this evening. A year or so ago my NatWest bank account went into default (apologies if I use phrases out of turn, I'm no expert). Checking over my credit report this evening I noticed that I could see the balance of my bank accounts, my other accounts are correct but I noticed something strange with the NatWest one. Under balance, it reads £460. What exactly does this mean? I'm not aware of any money going into the account, I moved home and even though I notified them of my address change, I've had no correspondence from them. Next to the account it says in big read letters 'Default', with it being a credit rating website, the information I could get regarding it is limited. I've not used the bank or even thought about it for the past year and in all honesty, I've forgotten most of my account information from NWB. Could anybody shed any light on this? Does the account have a balance of £460 or is it just wishful thinking? Thanks all, C.
  17. I have now eventually received SAR details from NatWest but they cannot obtain a copy of the original agreement or any statements between November 1998 to October 2001 (due to inactivity on the account) as closed in June 2008. Is this correct or should I be pushing for them to attempt location from their archives ? I do have most of the statements from April 1999 to October 2001, its just that I was hopefully trying to locate any that I did not have. Also when submitting complaint, shall I enclose any copies of statements that they do not have ? Do I also use the compound interest calculator and if so is the end date, last ppi payment or today ? Cheers
  18. Hi, just wondered if anyone can offer advice on this claim with Natwest that I am handling for my partner, its with the Ombudsman at the moment, I'll try and be concise as I can the steps taken so far. Claim submitted early 2013 to Natwest Natwest failed to reply, resubmitted claim Rejected by Natwest as they say no evidence of credit card/PPI ever existed, despite a copy of the original opening of account/PPI letter being provided at the initial claim Disputed as original letter confirming PPI on new credit card account produced again Natwest still disputed account existed Claim raised to Ombudsman Recognition of account gained Current position July 2014 -Ombudsman advised Natwest cannot trace any payments for PPI. The PPI payments were cancelled early 2000's and payments were taken from the credit card it was set up with. The card number changed twice in its lifetime, once due to fraud and once due to upgrade to a gold card so I can kind of understand why they could not trace it back straight away. Account still exists but currently has a small credit balance as the remaining balance was shifted on a zero interest deal. Is the onus of proof on the card holder or the bank to provide evidence of payments of PPI. Given that it is so old now (account dates back to 1994) and we don't have any statements from back then, are we at the end of the line? Any advice welcome.
  19. Dear fellow members, Some advice on the following saga, which has been going on for years, would be appreciated. I'll try and keep the explanation as short as possible. In 2011, I deposited a cheque into my NW account. A few days later, it appeared to have cleared because I had available funds showing in my account, so I withdrew some money. The day after I withdrew money, the cheque bounced, which left my account significantly over my overdraft limit. I speak with Collections and suggest that we speak again in a month's time, by which time, I'd have done some figures and worked out how much I can pay per month, to reduce the balance. They were fine with this. 30 days later, they hadn't called me. 32 days later (only 2 days after the 'we'll have a conversation in a month's time date), I receive a 'Dear John, we have closed your accounts and give you 60 days to repay the balance...' letter. I call NW, to discuss the matter and nobody can discuss the matter with me, because the accounts are now 'closed'. I tried speaking with Customer Services, 2x Collections Departments, Customer Complaints, a Previous NW Business Manager, Business Customer Services etc. Absolutely nobody could discuss the matter with me, despite me trying in vain to discuss it with them. A couple of people gave me a phone number to call, which I did. It was an unmanned voicemail facility and I left a few messages, but obviously, nobody called me back. - I could not believe how hard I was trying to speak with somebody about me paying them money and how much they obviously didn't want it - phenomenal, I couldn't have tried any harder! After banging my head against the brick wall for a few weeks and getting nowhere, I sent a letter (recorded delivery) directly to the then CEO, Stephen Hester. In short, I explained my accounts had been closed, I was trying in vain to set up a plan for repayment, but nobody would speak to me and that I knew this would start having a serious impact on my credit history - so please get your skates on, find some common sense and speak to me so I can pay you! I then received a letter from someone in the CEO's office and opened conversation with him regarding the situation, via letters and phone calls (full conversation notes takes). He fully understood the situation, was sympathetic and seemed to be doing something about the situation. The fact that I had found his direct phone number and was regularly calling him seemed to help. He then passed me onto another internal department, that could deal with a repayment plan and rectify and harm done to my credit history. I spoke to the guy there, who seemed a bit vague because he had to constantly liaise with his boss on the matters. Eventually, I found the direct dial for his boss and also their mobile number and I was in constant communication with them. Now I was in communication with 2 different people in the RBS HQ offices (who seemed contactable, had common sense and enough clout to get things done)and things seemed to be going swimmingly well. I agreed to pay back the balance over 3 months and they agreed to rectify my credit history (because it was their negligence that had effected it). I asked them to put it in writing that they would rectify my credit history, because I didn't want to keep my end of the deal, only for them to renege on theirs'. One of them thought they should check with their legal department, before writing me email confirmation of this. Guess what, their legal department tells them they couldn't do it. I then receive a letter from them saying, you have to pay everything back and we won't rectify your credit history and that this is a ‘Final Response’ from them (in complete contradiction to what we had been discussing for months) Maybe I shouldn't have asked them for it in writing, who knows. What I do know, is that while the whole saga had been going on, my credit history had been left on tatters (shows 2x defaults). Some advice on the best way forward would be appreciated. To pre-empt some questions; - They have not sent me any default notices - The amount of the defaults on my credit files are wrong - Having tallied up all bank charges I have had from them since I opened the accounts + interest, it comes to 2-3 times the amount owed to them - They have not been able to send me any T's&C's, overdraft agreements etc, following my SOR request - My credit history deteriated and went to defaults, whilst they were being negligent in not speaking with me and later on whilst people in HQ were speaking with me and were assuring me that they were dealing with things - I went over the OD limit, purely because they let me draw on a cheque that was showing as cleared I really look forward to some good guidance on the best way forward here and thanks in advance
  20. NatWest has issued new terms and conditions for its credit cards: One refers to recurring transactions and reads as follows: These are regular payments (including for an indefinite period) That you (and/or an additional card holder) authorise a 3rd party to collect from your account. (f). Generally, once authorised a transaction CANNOT BE STOPPED, although we may be able to stop it if we receive satisfactory evidence that it has been cancelled. Such trnsactions are not covered by (the direct debit guarantee). I wonder if this applies to NW Visa debit card trans actions?
  21. Hi all I had a current account with overdraft with NatWest (opened August 2010, defaulted November 2011). The default amount registered with the CRA's was incorrect and so I have been chasing NatWest to correct this and challenged the entry with Experian, Equifax and Call Credit. Call Credit completely removed the default entry after NatWest failed to substantiate it however Experian and Equifax refuse to change the record unless NatWest instruct them to. NatWest obviously claim that they haven't made any mistakes. To try and get some evidence to prove that the amount was incorrect I sent off a SAR to NatWest on the 07th April 2014. They missed the 40 day deadline and have been providing their response in dribs and drabs with bits arriving from them on the 23rd May, 24th June and 03rd July. One item still outstanding is a copy of their default notice and in their latest letter (03rd July) they have said that will be unable to send a copy of the default notice because "These are system produced letters and we are therefore unable to provide copies". My question is; is this an acceptable response from them or should they still be able to provide a copy of the default notice? If they should then how should I proceed with forcing them to provide one or (if they aren't producing a copy because a notice was never issued) does this mean I can realistically challenge the default in its entirety? Thanks in advance for any and all advice Edit: Just read dx's response to a vaguely similar thread. Doesn't seem right that a default notice isn't required for current accounts when reading the ICO's guidance on registering defaults (section 4, paragraph 5 on page 6)? Apologies - I would include links to both the thread and ICO guidance but I don't have enough posts to include links.
  22. I have recently located quite a few old statements with credit card payment protector amounts in respect of an old Natwest Access card that I previously cleared and closed in 2001. The issue now is that I am trying to locate any sort of credit agreement and I will keep looking but in the meantime, I was going to submit a CCA request. Could someone kindly advise what address I send it to and to whom is the cheque for £1 payable to ? I have had prior dealings with NatWest / RBS but for some reason their seems to be various addresses ? Thank-you for your help.
  23. Hi all! I'm new to this site and have no experience with approaching lenders or crediters. I have an arranged OD with Natwest which started off small a few years ago (I'm 21 and I think I made my first OD request at 18) and since I have built it up to 1800. This is irresponsible of me but I was young needed some extra cash and didn't think much of it. Knowing what I know now and having matured I'd day ODs should be limited to 21 and over. I can not afford to pay the interest charges on this account as I have other debts I need to pay. I took out a 2k loan with amigo loans in December because I wanted to rid myself of the demoralizing overdraft and another bad decision was that I didn't then cancel my overdraft and what with getting a new flat and christmas where my partners pay was screwed up I've spent the overdraft again on deposit money and christmas, etc. I haven't yet contacted the bank and I would like some guidance as to where I should start and any templates to send the bank would be much appreciated. I have 900 left to pay off of my Amigo Loan which is no hassle, I haven't missed a payment of 206 a month. I have opened a new account with barclays and re arranged direct debits with my virgin media and o2 and amigo loans etc as well my salary. My natwest account now has nothing in it and all direct debits have been cancelled. Again thanks for any help in advance!
  24. I have an unpaid personal unsecured loan from Natwest which was taken out many moons ago. It has now appeared on my credit report as a closed and "settled" account. I haven't paid off the full amount and I haven't agreed as reduced settlement so what could this mean? It is not showing on my report against any DCA.
  25. NatWest Bank has announced that it is to lose up to 361 branch managers as part of a programme of cut-backs. But 116 new - more senior roles - are to be created, leaving a net loss of 245 jobs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27911215
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