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  1. Have I posted this in the wrong place?
  2. Hi Please could someone advise me. I have wrote to Natwest and asked to set a repayment plan up to pay back my overdraft as I am experiencing financial hardship. I asked for charges and interest to be frozen. I had a reply and had to fill in an income and budget form which i did. This morning I received a letter stating they have my form but will not accept any arrangements and charges etc will still be added, unless i ring them. I really do not feel up to talking to them, so is there anything i can say to them in order for them to accept my offer. All my other creditors have accepted by letter. Please help. Thanks so much.
  3. Hi I know this thread is years old. But was just wondering how this was resolved? Similar situation to me. Thanks
  4. DXCan you explain why they have been fleecing me? Not sure what you mean, been paying Wescot for 15 months , no interest, all payments coming off balance.Thanks
  5. Sorry meant to say, I am with Westcot now but I was on a 9 month arrangement with Lloyds but after that period ended they informed me that the account was in default so needed to be dealt with by Westcot. I then entered into an arrangement with them .Hope that helps.
  6. Thanks for replying. I have no idea if on Credit file, I was paying every month without fail to Westcot for the last 15 months. Last payment was June and Westcot explained because the account was in dispute that my account was on hold. Wescot have in fairness kept me up to date with our agreement, they send me correspondance regarding my repayment plan with them. I just don't know what to do now, intially I wanted to see the agreement to find out anything about PPI. Hope you can advice me on the next step thanks
  7. Not sure what a signed statement is but I have nothing signed within the papers they sent me. I do have a balance of when the account was signed off and the date.Thanks
  8. I have recently received another letter from Westcot explaining that their client does not have to supply any agreement because it is over 6 years old.
  9. The agreement consists of Asset advance Conditions..it has my name on and my old address .. no application form or signatures.I am going to upload a photo of the letter they sent in April with it.Bear with meThanks
  10. HiThanks for replies.Originally I CCA'd Lloyds and they sent me a letter and a reconsituted version which enatailed terms and conditions only and they said there is no requirement under the CCA to provide me with a copy of the original signed agreement. And that they will endeavour to locate it but they would not have opened it for me without a signature. I wasn't happy with this so I contacted Westcot who said we will contact our client and put your account on hold. Now the recent update is my previous post. I pay no interest or charges and the account has only been passed to Westcot not sold. I do not know about PPI but this was one of the reasons I wanted to see the agreement to see if I had taken it out or not. How will I reply to Westcot ?
  11. Hi Please someone advise me on my situation. I am paying Westcot every month for my credit card with Lloyds. I have requested my original agreement and Westcot informed me that while Lloyds dealt with this I didn't have to pay until this was resolved. Wescot has now written to me explaining that Lloyds are not obliged to produce a copy of the application as the account is over 6 years under the Consumer Credit Act. Wherer do I go from here? it took 3 months to get this far so obviously they can't find it.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi I entered a repayment agreement with Llyods due to financial difficulty, after 9 months they advised me it had been passed on to Westcott and I have been paying them for over a year now, I have never received a statement but obviously have a record of all payments. I requested a CCA so I could see whether or not PP was involved at the time of applying. Do you have any advice for me. Sorry quite new to this .
  13. Hi Its a credit card which is now under Westcott and I have an arrangement with them. The card was taking out in 2001.
  14. .Hope someone can advise. Sent CCA off to Llyods, they replied with they can't find agreement but will keep looking and that they are not obligated to produce the original agreement. They have sent a reconsituted version, and said they will have no more contact with me. I would like to have seen the original to see if there was an option for PPI at the time. Any advice on the next step would be appreciated. Thanks Regards
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