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  1. Hi, I've been looking through my credit report and have realised I have 2 'settled' accounts, both with defaults registered. One is with o2 and another is Lowell (an o2 account!) - I've emailed both companies to try and see if it's the same debt or not! I don't ever remember having 2 phone contracts out at the same time... Am I correct in saying only 1 of them can register a default if they are the same debt? The o2 default was registered September 2014 & the Lowell default was September 2013 - both completely different amounts. My question is - if those 2 defaults do happen to be unrelated, they will drop off my credit file after 6 years. Does the whole account drop off my credit file too, or just the default? I'm confused because although the date of default is there, my payment history still shows the default until the account was partially settled. Lowell account end date is registered as 11/02/15 Does this mean there will still be evidence of the default and 'satisfied' until 6 years after that date, or will it disappear after 6 years of initial default? ] Defaults.pdf
  2. I started receiving letters from Lowell in 2016 for a debt my ex husband made in my name. It is for an Isme catalogue account which he originally took out on his computer in my name. After we split up in 2012 he must of changed the address on the account and had goods delivered to where he lived. I knew nothing of the debt until I started receiving the letters in 2016. I obviously had no idea he was still using the account and was worried about receiving the letters. My son still saw his Dad once a week and mentioned the letters to him, his Dad said he had been ordering and receiving goods but was struggling and couldnt pay it anymore. This debt was passed to BW legal last year, they started court proceedings at Northampton I opted for mediation but never heard anything back until a few weeks ago when the local court sent a date for hearing the case. It again gave the option for mediation with an email address so I opted for this again, however yesterday I received a witness statement from BW which says has also been sent to the court. The original debt is £592 but is now over £800 with interest and court costs added on. So can anyone give me any advice on what I can do to stop this going any further please? Im scared of ending up in court and being issued a CCJ for something which isnt my doing. Any help is very much appreciated.
  3. First thing I've heard on this EDF account in quite some time, seems Lowell now have their grubby fingers on it! Received the attached two letters (in the same envelope) - one from EDF, the other from Lowell. Pretty standard looking letters. My gut tells me to ignore until such time as they send a Letter of Claim. If/when they do then put them to task in terms of following the pre-action protocols. Just wondered what the current thinking is in regards to engaging or not at this stage? My position is that I do not acknowledge the alleged debt and they will not be receiving any payments at any point, now or in the future. Thanks edf-01.pdf lowell-edf-01.pdf
  4. Hi, I am looking for some advice regarding a debt account from lowell which they have just closed (due to my health taking a turn for the worse) they obtained a CCJ against me on this account about a year ago. i am paying this off at £1 per month, the CCJ has been active since jan 2017. They have only just closed the account down due to me submitting doctors letters etc to backup my health issues. do i contact Lowell? i am a bit reluctant to after what i have heard about them. do i stop paying it? do i need to wait a bit longer for account to get processed? can i apply for the CCJ to be removed or at least have its status changed. i just feel if i do nothing then nothing will happen. Thanks for any help i receive.
  5. Hi Can anyone help - I have received a claim form for a catalogue debt from 2011? I know to acknowledge the claim online but do I need to send anything to Lowell? Thanks
  6. Hello to all of you. For more than 2 years Lowlife harassed me with an old debt with Three Mobile. They claim that I breached the contract with Three and now I have to pay the outstanding debt. I asked Lowlife to show me the contract it was breached by me. They never send me anything and kept sending me the same letters ( about 25 letters in total up to now). At the beginning they sent so called Notice of Assignment. Actually was a fake where they used Three Mobile logo on the top of the letter with no signature - that was in Decembre 2015. Recently I have received a letter from Lowlife telling me that they passed my debt to Fredrickson International ( part of Lowlife group). The alleged debt has been passed to one of their 'approved' debt collection (what a joke). Should I send a Letter to OC/DCA passes account to another DCA? I will really apreciate if anyone can give any advice in how to deal with these parasites. Again me. I understood that a CCA request doesn't apply on mobile contracts. Is there anything else can I used to fight against them?
  7. Hello again, I have just received two letters out of the blue from Lowell informing me that two debts from BT Mobile which had been sold to them, both dates of the sale being 22/02/2018 and the letters dated 13th March. I am worried regarding a paragraph of both letters which states 'We are aware that this account forms part of your insolvency(?). This letter is not a request for payment. Please pass this letter and attached Notice to your Insolvency Practioner/Official Receiver. Lowell Financial will also contact your Insolvency Practioner/Official Receiver to inform them of the changes(?) If your circumstances have changed, and you are no longer insolvent, please call us on 0333 556 5990 to discuss payment of this account'. Now I have never been made insolvent or bankrupt and I have checked Experian,Equifax and Call Credit and also the Insolvency Service register and there is zero information about me supposedly being bankrupt or insolvent according to Lowells. Is this a tactic by Lowells to scare me and to get me to call them?, which is the best course of action I can take regarding the letters I have received from them?. Many Thanks
  8. Hi I have received a claim form from the county court for an o/s HoF storecard debt. The amount claimed before charges is £526. I stopped paying HoF/Newday about a year or more (maybe two years) ago as I couldn't keep up with the charges they kept adding to my bill. The original purchases amount was around £120 approx but then the late payment charges happened and interest on those then more late charges and more interest and now it's just got out of hand. I am tempted to phone Lowell and tell them that but I know it won't make a difference. I have used advice given to me previously to respond to these court claims and I still have that on here so I can look it up. Should I follow the same course of action? Lowell have been writing to me and warning me etc but I see so many letters that I just don't read them anymore. Help please. Thank you in advance again for your assistance.
  9. Hi - I know this has been advised on loads of times, so i'll keep this brief as possible. I have read and read the threads and have formulated my defence, I just wondered if someone would cast their eye over it and make sure it reads okay. Background: Name of the Claimant - Lowell Portfolio Date of issue – 7 February 2018 AOS on MCOL entered on 7 February 2018 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim in full (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. Full POC 1.The Defendent entered into an agreement with BT Plc under account reference..... 2.The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the services were terminated. 3.The agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 27.3.2017 and notice was given to the Defendant. Despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £349.54 remains due and outstanding. Claimant Claims: The said sum of 349.54 Interest pursuant to S69 County Court Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment etc etc Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? Not sure What is the value of the claim? Total £458.75 Inc fees and costs (373.75 claimed) Is the claim for - BT Broadband Account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned to Lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? January 2014 account was closed (or I thought it was) What was the date of your last payment? 18 January 2014 for £301.88 which I thought settled the account. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? No I requested details the day I received the claim form from Lowell under (mistakingly the CPR rules for Credit Agreements, I got back an email stating that they were not required to retain and provide me with a copy of the agreement, also default notices does not apply and are therefore not issued etc. I honestly cannot remember what happened with this account. I left my home with my children as my husband was in a black hole of addiction at the time, and I left without most of the paperwork. He has subsequently passed away so I can't ask him either. So this is my proposed defence The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature. Paragraph 1 is accepted. I have, in the past, entered into a contract with BT PLC, which was in dispute and never resolved to my satisfaction. I do not recall the exact details, nor do I recall any outstanding balance. I have requested the claimant verify the exact details of this claim in my letter to them of 7 February. The claimant responded on the 13 February, but refused to provide me with a copy of the agreement, stating he is not obligated to do so by virtue of the consumer credit Act 1974. To date, no statement of the alleged account has been received. Paragraph 2 is noted, again I do not recall any breach and I have never received the stated Default Notice. The Claimant has stated, by letter, that he is not obligated to provide a copy of the Default Notice, again by virtue of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The account was in dispute and never resolved by BT. Paragraph 3 is denied. The claimant never served a Notice of Assignment pursuant to the LoP Act 1925. However they did subsequently send me a copy on the 13 February 2018. Therefore the Claimant is to provide strict proof to: (a) show how the Defendant has entered into a Agreement/ Contract; and (b) show and evidence the nature of breach and termination. (b) show how the Defendant has reached the amount claimed for; and © show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; The Claimant has stated that he has made several requests for repayment, yet I do not acknowledge any debt to the Claimant. As per Civil Procedure Rule 16.5(4), it is required that the Claimant prove the allegation that the money is owed. As the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim, due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act. Subject to the above, should the alleged amount claimed include an early termination charge(s) amounting to the total balance of the remaining contract, OFCOM guidance clearly states that any Early Termination Charge, that is made up of the entire balance of the remaining contract, is unlikely to be fair, as it fails to take into account the fact that the provider no longer has to provide and pay for their service. By reason of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed, or any relief. Any comments or help greatly received
  10. Hi, and thank you in advance to anyone who offers help in this matter. I am new here, and somewhat blown away by the kind and helpful people who appear to frequent this forum! =-) On the 12/01/18 I received a county court claim from BW Legal, regarding an alleged debt owed to Lowell Portfolio, arising from an alleged debt owed previously to BT. This is for £160 + costs, meaning the total allegedly owed to Lowell is £250. The particulars of claim mention a contract between myself and BT. It has been a number of years since I had a contract with BT, and I have no recollection of ever owing them any money. I found the default on my credit report, where it is stated that I opened this account on 28/12/13. It seems unlikely however, that I would open a new BT account at this time, as would have been preparing to move out of that particular property less than a month later. I also thought it unlikely that I could run up a bill of £160 in less than a month. With all of this doubt concerning the debt, I sent a CPR request to BW Legal asking for the documents mentioned in the particulars of claim (Contract, deed of assigmnent, default notice). I also filed my defence online on the grounds that I do not recall the account with BT. BW Legal have since replied to say that their client wishes to continue with the claim. Though they have not provided me with any of the information requested. On the Mcol website it says the court have sent me the directions questionnaire a week ago, though this has yet to arrive. So I have come here for the following advice - Is there anything else that the court will expect me to have done so as to 'refresh my memory' regarding this debt? (Should I send an SAR request?) Should I be concerned that the directions questionnaire has yet to arrive? Any other advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you Janet
  11. Hi.. Sent a SAR request last week to Lowell for a Vanquis CC debt and Halifax loan . Got a letter back today to say they have received and sending all paperwork from when they purchased the debts but if I require anything before that i need to SAR the OC. Surely as the supposed owner of the debt they should contact the OC or have all original paperwork such as statements etc sent to them once purchased ..or do I indeed have to contact OC ? Wanted to check before I send a curt reply letter back to Lowell
  12. Hi, I have received a claim from northampton county court on 31st Jan 18. I have done the acknowledgement online as per the document (and help here) acknowledged on the 31st. I have read some posts about similar and sent a CCA to Lowell and CPR to Lowell Solicitors signed for. I had a Vanquis Card back in 2012 and came out of work and couldn't pay, stuck my head in the sand and ignored everything. Received some letters from Vanquis I think but just binned them. Got some letters from Lowell and they ended up in the bin too. I know it is not far off from being Statute Barred which is why I guess they have decided to try this now. I've now got a claim from Lowell via the court for £2660.50 The claim is broken down as; Amount Claimed £2660.50 Court Fee £105.00 Legal Fee £80.00 Total £2845.50 The Claim particulars are 1 - The defendant entered into a Consumer Credit Act 1974 regulated agreement with Vanquis under account reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (the agreement) 2 - The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and arrears began to accrue. 3 - The agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 04/08/2013 and notice given to the defendant. 4 - Despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £2463.43 remains due and outstanding. And the claimant claims a - the said sum of £2463.43 b - interest pursuant to s69 county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.540, but limited to one year, being £197.07 c - costs Since sending the CCA to lowell I have not heard anything from them at all (sent 1st Feb) Lowell Solicitors have sent a copied version of the notice of assignment which introduces them as the "debt purchaser". It is not an assignment or transfer from the original creditor which is what was asked for in the CPR. I have been working on my defence and this is what I have so far; "The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR 16.5(3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. (1) The Defendant notes the opening sentence referring to an agreement between him and Vanquis. The Defendant has in the past had financial dealings with Vanquis. The Defendant is unaware of what alleged debt the Claimant refers, having failed to adequately particularise its claim. The Defendant has not entered into any contract with the Claimant. (2) The Claimant alleges that the Defendant failed to make the required payments due. This is denied. (3) The Claimant alleges the agreement was later assigned to them on 04/08/2013 and notice has been given to the Defendant. This is denied. The Defendant is unaware of any legal assignment or Notice of Assignment from assignor or assignee pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925 s136. (4) The Claimant alleges “repeated requests for payment”. This is denied. The Defendant is unaware of what account or contract the Claimant refers to, nor having received any default notice pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant has not complied with paragraph 3 of the Pre Action Protocol. Failed to serve a letter of claim, pre claim pursuant to PAPDC changes of the 1st October 2017. It is respectfully requested that the court take this into consideration pursuant to 7.1 PAPDC. The defendant denies owing any monies to the Claimant and the Claimant is put to strict proof to: (a) Show how the Defendant has entered into a legal signed agreement with the Claimant; and (b) Show absolute proof of how the Defendant has reached the amount claimed for with the Claimant by way of statements showing all amounts levied by the Defendant; and © Show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; (d) To provide an original assignment in writing signed by the assignor at time of alleged assignment pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925. (e) On receipt of this claim the Defendant requested by way of CPR31.14 and a section 77 request for copies of any documents referred to within the Claimants particulars to establish what the claim is for. To date they have failed to comply to the section 77 request and remain in default with regards to the CPR31.14 request. As per Civil Procedure Rule 16.5(4), it is expected the Claimant prove the allegation the money is owed. On the alternative, if the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925 and Section 82a of the Consumer Credit Agreement Act 1974. The Defendant feels that in the event the Claimant does not have a right to issue claim, pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925 it may be a contempt of court in that the Claimant brings a claim that is misleading by representing they have ownership by assignment and making that representation in their particulars of claim before the court. By reason of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief." Any chance anyone can help me out with this? I'm trying to get everything in the right order and such but it is a little daunting on my own.
  13. I had a Vanquis card up until late 2012. I lost my job through no fault of my own and contacted them to start the repayment insurance that I was paying them for. They didn't call it PPI, they called it something else. I was told I could not claim. I said what on earth was I paying Payment Protection Insurance for if I cannot claim on it. I told them angrily at the time that as far as I was concerned, the matter was closed and they would not be getting another penny out of me. I had the usual two dozen phone calls each day all from different numbers, but I just disconnected the phone. In the end, they got fed up and farmed it out to several DCA's all of which I told to get lost. In November last year, they sold the 'debt' to Lowell and I have had them on my back. I said that as far as I was concerned, I was mis sold insurance and the amount was mostly made up of illegal charges and exorbitant credit fees and the matter was closed. This is due to be Statute Barred in about December, but I don't think that I could hold them off that long. I have heard that Lowlife now go to Court on their 'purchased' debts. I just wonder what my next move is and would the mis selling route be the best way to do down if they do decide to go through the Courts. Can anyone help? it would be much appreciated.
  14. hi all im new to all of this I have recieved a letter of judgement for claimant before this i recieved a letter that supposedly acknowledges a debt with studio but it doesnt have my signature on it and in less than a week i have had a judgement for claimant letter and i dont know what to do.
  15. Hi all Looking for some quick advice on a court claim from Lowell dated 5th Feb who have a Lloyds overdraft debt sold to them in 2015 although it was around 2013 that Lloyds kept adding more and more charges and fees etc. The POC is as follows : Author Document Debt assigned on 24/11/15 by Lloyds banking group PLC and the claimant claims 1. 3595.98 2.Statutory interest persuant to section 69 of the county courts act ( 1984) at a rate of 8% per annum from 24/11/2015 to 02/02/18 287.68 and thereafter at a daily rate of 0.79 to date of judgement or sooner payment Ref ****************** ( there ref number here ) I will be defending fully but was thinking of using CPR31.14 but the claim does not mention any documentation. Also is it worth sending a SAR request today to help my defence. As stated I know there are multiple charges on the account, I also do not recall receiving and NOA or documents asking me to bring the account up to date in a set timescale. Also as a side not I am currently self employed under contract work until the end of Feb so if it does go to court can I still receive a CCJ for being self employed or possibly unemployed if I do not get any contract work in the coming months .. Thanks...
  16. Good Evening All, I have been reading through these forums for a while and decided to make an account after seeing how helpful everyone is in the hopes of extracting some valuable information from yourselves. I'm 27 and got myself into some trouble when I was around 18/19, borrowed too much money until I couldn't afford to keep up repayments and then buried my head in the sand ignored everything for a year or so and then decided I'd sort it out. Lowell had purchased my debts from numerous different companies and I had around 7 different defaulted accounts with them. I now have two left having paid off five of the others, I have paid them all in full and they now show as a Closed Account "Satisfied" on my credit file. The two remaining accounts are now at the following amounts (approx.) - £2700 (Default Opened: 13th March 2010) - £1500 (Default Opened: 2nd July 2010) Every single month the account is marked as "Default" on my file and is in the "Closed" section of Clearscore on the Accounts section. I have just been reading up on settlements with Lowell (just Googled it this evening) and came across a term "statute barred" and am wondering if anyone could give me any advice on whether this would effect my situation or not? Or if anything else does? I'm truly clueless ! I am now in the position where I can probably pull together a settlement figure but again I have absolutely no clue on where to start with this, is there a procedure to follow or do I just ask them what they'd accept? Is it that simple? I'm frightened of being ripped off by them after reading up on them, can I just ring and pay? Should I have email communication of everything first? If someone could point me in the right direction or give any advice I'd be really grateful. Also, do defaults dating back to 2010 as mine do(as closed accounts) hold much weight on my credit file? I have read so many different answers in the past! I'm going to save for a house after this debt is cleared and if anyone has any advice regarding that then that'd be great! Kind Regards Pat
  17. Hi I received a letter in March 17 from Lowell chasing a Shop Direct debt for £179.73. I wrote back to them that I did not acknowledge this debt and requested a copy of the CCA so that I could see what this was for. Letter sent May 2017. I never heard back I chased in June 2017 saying they had exceeded the statutory time etc and to remove any detrimental evidence on my credit reports. I received a letter from them shortly after to say that they have been unable to obtain a copy of the CCA and put the balance at zero on the letter. "as we have been unable to provide the requested documents we have decided to not pursue the outstanding money at this time. We are required to record true and accurate information and the Default registered will stay on your account for a period of 6 years". I have no idea what this Default is for, and Lowells have now closed the account and are no longer chasing. The Default will not drop off my credit file January 2020 which I do not really want to wait another 2 years. I wrote back to them and again their letter showed a zero balance owing, BUT they state in their letter that there is sufficient evidence to prove that I owe this debt and they will not be removing the default? Please can someone give me some advice or point me in the right direction of my next course of action, I have no idea what this debt is for and feel that I have a chance here to possibly get this Default removed and want to do what I can to at least try. Thanks
  18. Hi Can someone advise, I owe money for an old credit card (aqua- new day form 2013 ), they're saying amount owed is 4427 now on the Lowell letters, but the limit was only 3500 so must be a lot of charges added, I have had a few letters that I've filed, but now I've got a letter of claim from these guys dates 29/01 saying This letter is being sent to you in accordance with the practice direction on pre-action conduct and protocols, giving me 30 days to pay before they may commence proceedings. I guess it's not good to ignore this one? Do I send them A CAA request ?, and ask how they reached that figure, id ideally like this to go away or get a vastly reduced settlement that I can afford, I don't want to fill in there income and expenses form...am I required.? I've been reading through the forum trying to figure out how to approach this but I am a little confused. Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi - I've recently received three letters from Lowell headed 'Pre Legal Assessment' that goes on to say they are deciding whether to pass my account(s) to their legal team. Has anyone seen these before and should I do anything? I wasn't sure if I should send the Prove it letter or CCA request. They are for CCs and a store card. I have moved since the debts defaulted and they are around 5 years old. I have a scan of the letter with personal info obfuscated if anyone would like to take a look to make sure? I know the legislation for LBAs changed recently, so wasn't sure if they are allowed to send me a court claim next or it would be better to wait for an actual LBA. Thanks for any advice.
  20. Ok first of hi to CAG again,been looking and passing site on to theres with problems for advice,anyway new problem ,well advice really..... Back in 2012 had a argos card, everything fine until one month forgot to make a payment, hounded by relentless calls but continued paying until noticed that the £12 charged levied for the miss payment [which i do not dispute my fault] a new one was being added for the next 2 months, along with 4 calls a day, i called them told them to stop the calls as was still paying above the min amount, to be told until i made a dual payment then they could continue to charge, when next bill arrived i refused to pay, 5 yrs later being sent to every DCA even Lowell Portfolio, Lowell Solicitors now decided Court action, amazing during those yrs ask to be taken to Court Numerous times to settle this. last yr out of the blue letter from Argos saying £36 put on account was wrong and debt re adjusted, just before Christmas suprise ? Lowell take Court action filled all the forms sent to the Court explaining etc etc, in end opted for mediation, i owed originally £168, in hindsight should have just paid that and told em to run for the charges, when they finally passed the debt it stood at £232, now stands at £475! which i dispute. and will happily pay the £168 i owed Argos fault not mine. thats the story now while i await the Mediation date Lowells keep calling, A should i speak to them or should be or B no till mediation date, Lowell already been warned and got 7 day extension by Judge for not filling and sending forms in with threat of defualting judgement against them
  21. Hello, I’m looking for some advice with regards to some dodgy looking letters Ive received from Lowell. They have sent two letters to my parents house (long story but using this as a c/o address until I find myself a new home). They sent two separate letters, one with their standard give us your money with a letter of assignment purportedly from Vodafone in one envelope then another separate give us your money with a letter of assignment from everyday loans. It’s not so much that I’ve never had a Vodafone account and the amount being claimed by everyday is nowhere near what I did owe some years ago, it’s the very dodgy looking letters supposedly from Vodafone and everyday assigning the debt to Lowell. Both are on the same paper, with the same font, with the same data matrix codes as the Lowell letters, both with the same numbering on the edges of the letters, both with badly scanned images of the company logos. I’m going to send them a prove it letter, pointing out the highly suspicious nature of their letters of assignment. Aside from this any suggestions on what to do with these dodgy looking letters of assignment? (I would upload but not sure how to on here?) Thanks
  22. Hello, I am having some issues with Lowell about a JD account. They have been hassling me for a debt, but the figure is much higher than it should be. I wrote to them and said that the figure is wrong and that I am waiting for JD to reply to me, Lowell said this to me: I appreciate that you are awaiting a response from JD Williams, however as previously advised, they are under no obligation to respond or to provide a figured owed. This is because Lowell are the legal owners of this account. If you wish to dispute the balance of this account it would need to be done directly through Lowell, which is something I would be happy to do for you. I thought that JD DID have to answer me about the balance? I feel a bit bullied at the moment as silly as that sounds, as they send so many letters, but I don't and can't pay the larger amount they are requesting. Also, I know that JD added a lot of £12 fines for late payments and admin charges etc, can I legally ask them to remove those? I am not sure what I should do.. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
  23. Hi all, Today my wife received rather thick envelope containing letters from Lowell and BW Legal, containg a reply form, which after looking about online seems like a new thing (pre action Protocol?). My wife hasnt heard anything about this debt in a very long time, plus we moved home last year so that possibly hasnt helped matters. The debt is for Vanquis Bank (Credit Card) and was defaulted on 31/10/2012 - no payments have been made since before this date and its approaching being statute barred. Whats the best way to proceed WITHOUT acknowledging the debt? Do I tick boxes D to dispute the debt and tick box I and ask for more information? If so what information? Should I also sent a normal CCA letter with the reply form? Do I now just deal with BW Legal seen as all this has come from them as Lowel say it has been sent BW Legal? Many thanks Martyn
  24. Acting on behalf of a friend for this I believe this is second or third “pre legal” letter she’s received ref this It’s an old mobile phone debt to three mobile for the sum of £542. It’s at least a few years old now She suffers hugely with mental health issues and cannot manage any sort of budgeting, this is done by her partner whom I’m friends with. He’s finally come clean about this letter and is panicking now due to the word legal being in the letter It states they are deciding to transfer it to solicitors to recover it Then goes on to say if legal action is taken and then lists the process Anything I can do to help under the mental health act to get this gone?
  25. I'm doing this on behalf of my other half (she's not on here) and if you have to move feel free Now I don't know the exact history of the account but her brother had a credit card (at least I think it was) Lowell have constantly been on the phone to them telephone harrassment bla bla the usual drill their solicitors (the so called solicitors) sent a letter apparently saying they we're going to go for a CCJ (but not sure if that's just a theratogram) the few other problems the person getting harrassed by them does have special needs (which won't be curable obviously) my other half went to the bank today and did find out that the account was closed on lloyd's end May 2012 so the last payment was god knows when also she said (I not sure) she said she signed a waiver last week apparently adknowledging the debt (which at the moment stands at 2376.32) The family don't have a lot of money so they would not be able to offer lowell a great deal per month (the account was sold on to them and lloyd's not taking anything to do with it)
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