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  1. Sorry I didn't read notes on uploading. It's hard enough for me to do this I am not 're converting it to pdf Thanks for your help anyway.
  2. Thanks, please take a look. lowell closed account letter.pdf
  3. Hi, I am looking for some advice regarding a debt account from lowell which they have just closed (due to my health taking a turn for the worse) they obtained a CCJ against me on this account about a year ago. i am paying this off at £1 per month, the CCJ has been active since jan 2017. They have only just closed the account down due to me submitting doctors letters etc to backup my health issues. do i contact Lowell? i am a bit reluctant to after what i have heard about them. do i stop paying it? do i need to wait a bit longer for account to get processed? can i apply for the CCJ to be removed or at least have its status changed. i just feel if i do nothing then nothing will happen. Thanks for any help i receive.
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