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  1. I have been told by Santander, in writing, that "We have a legal requirement to report accurate information with the Credit Reference Agencies" Is this the case or is it possible for the bank to remove a default notice at their discretion. Many thanks
  2. Okay, this is a long one, so here goes, I'll try and get to the point of each default asap. A few years ago (2008), I lost a job, and fell behind with my debts, I have pics of each debt on my credit file with Experian, so will explain each one as I go along. I'll start with: * Welcome Finance - Initially took out a loan for 2k around 2006. Suspect it had PPI attached. Anyway, in 2008 when I fell behind, and after I had a load of charges attached for phantom visits and letters etc.., I eventually contacted their office. Their method of resolution was to refinance the loan into what seemed like a new agreement (hiding something maybe?), again at 2k I believe. Below is a pic of my Experian record for Welcome
  3. I was sent this email about Standard & Poor the rating agency being hammered (although they may appeal) on their ratings in Australia and I wondered if, in this day and age of bank bashing, transparency and more accountability whether this may be the beginning of the CRA's on consumer credit being tackled now on the effects they have on people's financial lives when they get things wrong and being made to pay for it. I do not have a lot of time for the Credit Reference Agencies in any event as they were invented to serve their own by Great Universal Stores I believe originally and whilst I can understand there may be a need for some kind of risk management in lending, their ego's , just like it happened within the Debt Collection Agencies until consumers turned with the help of CAG and other like minded souls, carried them into arrogance which meant that they change nothing on your rating unless their masters say so. Their masters being the finance industry as a whole. This report below just goes to show how companies, people, governments even are beginning to say " hold on a second - that's not right!" and not before time too. Let's hope this can be used as a tool and measure for complaints and rectification by the CRA's. Enjoy: Australian Court orders rating agency to pay damages for misleading investors In what has been reported to be a landmark ruling, the Australian Federal Court has ordered Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and the issuing bank (the bank that arranged the derivative product in question) to pay 30m Australian dollars (£19m) in damages to several Australian local governments. The claim concerned the AAA rating (their safest credit rating) given by S&P to two structured debt issues in 2006, which later lost almost all of their value. It signals the first ruling on a rating agency’s liability for investor losses. The Facts The claim concerned the rating, sale and purchase of a complicated structured financial product known as a constant proportion debt obligation (CPDO). The CPDO was a complex, highly leveraged credit derivative, operating over a term of 10 years, within which the CPDO would make or lose money through notional credit default swap contracts (CDSs) referencing two CDS indices known as the CDX and iTraxx indices. The issuing bank (through their previous dealings with S&P) had a good idea of how S&P would model the performance of the CPDO to assess the creditworthiness and the rating. Thus the issuing bank proceeded to model the CPDO in a way to ensure that they achieved a rating of AAA. When engaging S&P, the issuing bank pressed S&P to adopt its model inputs as the basis for the rating. Due to a series of errors, omissions and unjustifiable assumptions, S&P rated the CPDO as AAA and authorised the issuing bank to disseminate that rating to potential investors which the issuing bank did. The issuing bank created further versions of the CPDO’s all of which received a AAA rating from S&P. These investments were purchased by various Australian local governments through an intermediary in 2006 and later went on to lose almost all of their value. Decision The court ruled that S&P’s rating of AAA was misleading and deceptive and that S&P along with the issuing bank had been involved in the publication of information and statements that were false in material particulars and involved negligent misrepresentations being made to potential investors. The court stated that the rating implied that the likelihood of the financial obligations being met was extremely strong. The issuing bank was also criticised as it was “knowingly concerned” in S&P’s misleading and deceptive conduct and engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct itself. The court stated that a reasonably competent rating agency could not have reached the conclusion that the derivative should be given a AAA rating. The court has ordered S&P and the issuing bank to pay 30m Australian dollars (£19m) in damages to several Australian local governments. Comment While the role of the rating agencies (who tend to receive their fees from the entities which they are rating) came under much scrutiny during the sub-prime crisis, the ruling is the first of its kind on a rating agency’s liability for investor losses and is the first time that a rating agency (many of whom have previously argued that their ratings are simply opinions) has been taken to a full trial over a structured financial product. S&P has said that it plans to lodge an appeal against the decision. The decision means that rating agencies who have previously been unaccountable to investors may no longer be able to hide behind their disclaimers to protect them from liability. It has been reported that this decision could signal the way for investors to recover significant losses from S&P and the issuing bank in Europe. However, it remains to be seen whether such a claim would succeed in other jurisdictions (such as the English courts which have proved relatively unsympathetic to some investor claims, at least those by sophisticated investors) and raises interesting questions about the extent to which ratings agencies can be said to owe a duty to individual investors. Further reading: Bathurst Regional Council v Local Government Financial Services Pty Ltd (No 5) [2012] FCA 1200 (5 November 2012) A1
  4. Hi I separated from my ex husband in 2005 and we subsequently divorced in 2007. No children involved and no mortgage but one of the many reasons I left him was I discovered he had run up a huge debt on a joint account with a well known bank which I knew nothing about. I've since moved on, remarried, mortgage etc but I recently discovered he is named on my Experian file as a financial link. How do I get this removed? I have had no contact with him since 2007 (I don't know his whereabouts) and I've never been approached by anyone regarding the joint bank loan. Given it's time (2003) it should be now statute barred (unless by some miracle he has been paying it) I guess my question is can I request the CRA's to remove him from my file and could this somehow result in said bank coming after me for full liability of the loan? Thanks
  5. Hi, Yes it's Cabot again! I was looking through my credit report on Experian to see an account that was registered to Cabot. Default date circa 06/2007 with some regular updates...so far so good. Then I thought to look up under Check My File to see three Cabot accounts, all open (not sure exactly what that means) under Equifax but no mention Experian anywhere. Two of these accounts were also shown under Call Credit but as closed. What the three open Cabot accounts displayed in the credit history however was different from any others. As an example, there was an old 'Communications Supplier' account shown as closed with a £0 balance. This same account is in my Experian report as settled - and in all displays in the credit history there is a single black D box in the month indicated as the default month. In the Cabot account credit histories, there is a black D box in every month for the last two years! Does this mean they are registering a default on those accounts every single month, effectively making it impossible for them to go statue barred. Also, my thinking is this - once they go statute barred, will I get hassled from lots of other low life DCAs who seem to buy these up at 10p for the £1?
  6. I have a debt showing on my credit file from Noddle and not on Experian. The debt is a old bank account I used to have with Alliance and Leicester, now Santander. On Experian it shows as settled on 4/8/2010 I went through a IVA due to having a business go under. I failed the IVA as I then lost the job I had when I agreed to pay back my debt to the HMRC in full. However most of the people I owed money to, to the sum of some £35,000, have not contacted me since only 3 companies, one of which I refuse to even note because they haven't even my name right on any correspondence to me. I intend to let all my old debts from back then expire after the 6 year period rule. However recently I have been looking at trying to get a mortgage and realised that my credit score on experian is rated "excellent" at 975/1000 so wanted to try and clean it up a bit to better my chances of a mortgage now instead of waiting another 2 years. On Noddle it shows as still in default of £1,132 for a santander account dated 09/06/2008. Now I do think I got a letter regarding this a while ago but to be honest I cannot find it at the minute. Basically I would like to know what are my options regarding this?
  7. Good morning everyone. Need some guidance please. I have been paying CMC a monthly amount for around 14 months re a c/c debt with MBNA. I have looked at Noddle ( no debt with MBNA appears) and with Equifax ( MBNA appears but shows as satisfied 10/08). No other information regarding a debt with MBNA is showing. Can anybody help me to make sense of this? I'm a touch confused. Should I check with Experian? Any help much appreciated.
  8. In 2002 applied for their credit card. This arrived adhered to a card with some info on Credit charges, limits, repayments etc..it didn't have any signatures on it. they gave me a limit of £3000 but by 2006 I was struggling to pay a new credit limit of £6,950. I wrote and they offered a maximum 6 months of £1 p/m and no fees/interest charged, this was extended a further 6 months to November 2007. Then they added interest again, and fees of £12. In january 2008 they agreed to me paying £1 p/m for 3 months with a possible additional 3 months after a review. However they continued to charge interest, late payment fees (even though I wasn't late) and over limit fees. I wrote and protested but they defaulted me in May 2008 leaving me owing £8,130 due to interest charges and fees. Next I get a letter from Blair, Oliver and Scott acting as agents, and they accept my £1 p/m payments with no further charges. Then in 2010 I get a demand and threat of court action from DLC (Hillesden Securites)... but after a few torrid months I get them to agree a nominal £1 p/m due to my circumstances (over 60 and on benefits). I send them I/E statements every 6 months under the threat of court/bailiffs etc. Having looked through this wonderful site I wrote to DLC and asked them to confirm their legal rights to pursue the debt, not a CCA just an enquiry. No reply. So, now I am going to send a CCA. I have also sent a CCA to Blair, Oliver and Scott and Sainsbury's...all recorded delivery. While I was at it, I decided to write the OC about the charges, but they replied about them being fair at £12.. .missing my point about the fact thye shouldn't have been charged anyway. So I've written again asking for all the late fees, over limit fees and interest after they agreed the £1 p/m to be refunded, am awaiting their reply to that. This will put the account with the OC in Dispute. Meanwhile, I will be giving DLC 14 days to respond to my formal CCA request. So that,s the long winded background. Where I go after DLC write back I have no idea, so any advice whatsoever would be wonderful. I have no chance ever of paying this £8000 off and will have it round my neck until I die. I am hoping that if DLC have paid a nominal sum, or not bought the 'rights and duties' there might be scope to come to a deal with them. Thank you for reading this, I might sound knowledgeable, but believe me..I am not really...
  9. I've been wandering around the site, and have a question/s and they kind of cover various subjects Statute barred debts do not appear on CRA's - is that correct? Only debts that are currently enforceable should appear on CRA's. When they become statute barred they come off CRA's When someone has DWP overpayment debt, do they appear on CRA's? - I know there is this whole thing of whether they can be statute barred, or not, or that they can behave different to other statute barred debts.. as they can take money from you when you next claim any benefit. But surely, if it can be statute barred, then the DWP when using DCA's should be obeying to all the rules.. not harassing people, make threats, being misleading etc.. as in what DWP is one thing (being a government department and what DCA can do is another).
  10. Hey folks! I am very new to this site (in fact this is my first post) and I apologise if this has been done to death but I am very frustrated with this. I declared myself bankrupt (BR) in march 2009 and was discharged later that year. Now I know that this will "haunt me" on my credit files for six years from that date (so by that reckoning off there in 2015). Yet I seem to have a problem which is: I signed up to "Noddle" and on there I see that I still seem to have a credit card and loan which show as "active" and still in default. So I went off and got my statutory credit files and lo and behold on them all there are so many defaults with dates ranging from after discharge and even this year! I do not have any lending (I only have two basic bank accounts and domestic fuel supply in my name) and I know that all of these debts were included in the BR (any debt at the date is included as far as I know - declared or otherwise). I asked the official receiver to send me a list of all creditors and this has been done. Question is what do I do about this mess? It seems to me (looking at the files) that not only was I bankrupt but I also still owe all this money as defaults lodged in years after the BR date! As you can imagine for someone who wants to put this all behind him that this is stressful and frustrating! Advice most welcomed.
  11. I recently sent the following to 3 CRAs. Notice Greetings, Recent checks on the credit file supplied by Some CRA for Mr. Joe Bloggs, Some Road, Some Town have caused severe complications and now significantly affect my everyday life and that of my family. This is a formal notice, served under the provisions of Chapter 29 of the Data Protection Act 1998, in requesting that you conform to my demand for a change in the manner in which you hold and process subject data for the above. Schedule II, Section 12 (1) of the Data Protection Act 1998 allows all data subjects the right to insist on the removal of any and all data from automated processes in respect of matters relating to them. You have ten days from receipt of this notice to remove all such data from your system where it is referenced and processed via automated processes. You will obviously need to transfer it to your manual process system and alert your customers that data for Mr. Joe Bloggs can no longer be searched via an automatic process. I look forward to receiving your confirmation that the above change has been made to the file. Yours faithfully, I was hoping to firstly make all non-public data made unobtainable by automated means. Once achieved I would then, with further direction to the CRAs, take more control of specifically which data I wanted to be seen by automated searches i.e. turn each organisations data on and off at will/demand. So far none of them agreed that this should happen. Have I got confused with this section of the DPA or are they playing games, wanting to test me further before carrying out my demand?
  12. I thought I recently read on the site that there is now a credit report available that shows information from all the main CRA's is this correct.
  13. Hi All, i have an account with santander with an overdraft of 600 paunds. used the 450 paunds and totally forget for a very long time like a 1 year , then with a charges the amount reached 1101.06 , passed to a collection agency . in april i settled an agreement to pay the full amount in 6 months , but i couldnt sleep at night so i decide to pay the full amount by july. and finished. but when i checked my credit report is still showing as default and on the details showing the only first instalments i paid in april please help any suggestions ? what can i do ? since i never been throught this whole my life
  14. Hi everyone, Would be grateful for any advice... An alleged debt was sold to a DCA by a mobile phone company (went via a few DCAs actually). Anyway, as far as I'm aware the debt has never existed and (despite writing and asking repeatedly) have never received any written evidence of the debt. The DCA have placed a default on my credit file and won't remove it until I 'provide proof of payment'. The CRA contacted them and they replied with the same proof of payment request so CRA won't do anymore but the debt doesn't exist. The phone company won't discuss it and the DCA say any discussion must be with the phone company. I know technically they must prove it exists but this isn't helping me in getting the default removed. I was so close to getting my debt sorted but this in conjunction with another complete farce (made worse by me insisting upon my rights being upheld apparently) has left me completed gutted and frustrated. Will save that for another thread when I can think about it without banging my head against a wall Thanks for any help or advice
  15. Hi, i wonder if anyone else has been subjected to something similar. In brief, i disputed a payment on a contract that i was told had been stopped when i reported a mobile loss, and was later billed for the contract after it was supposed to have been stopped when i reported it because it was out of contract. In trying to resolve this. I was then told the account had been closed. I am aware THREE different DCA had bombarded me with telephone calls on my home number - my number is ex-directory and i rarely provided it as an alternative contact number to anyone as i always used the mobile number - and sent me various demands by letter aswell over almost a year now. Subsequently, none of the DCA's were able to provide me with billing information or even any details about the dispute i had raised with the mobile company prior to it being passed to them by their client who is the mobile company. I reverted back during this time to the mobile company, to resolve their internal maladministration and mistake (i suspect it was plain human error that then caused a huge problem along with some pretty dire incompetence from having being cut off to being promised call backs to not even having notes made on my account and even some of the notes being wrong), and have recently reached a resolve with them almost a year on now, and agreed to pay an amount which tallies with my reckoning of the account prior to being told the mobile was out of contract and would be stopped anyway and i would be contacted for a new contract and mobile. I was then told my request for the mobile company to remove any default from my CR would have to go through a different department for an assessment, and would be called back. I was also told it should not prevent me from now taking out a new contract with the same mobile company - of whom i've been a customer of for over a decade - and besides the issues of the removal of the default, i was led to believe everything was ok. I called the contracts department, but because the account had been closed they could not revive my old mobile number. I was then told not to worry they'd look at a new number. Many hours later, i was told that they could not even manually bypass the problem as there was fraud on my account, and the person suggested i obtain a copy of my Credit Report from Exqifax, he also told me the regular company the mobile company use too. Inbetween this, i had also received DCA letters from TWO different DCA, Fredrickson who then detailed Bryan Carter as a client of theirs in managing to account also on behalf of my mobile company - More recently i have called them to inform them of a resolve had been reached due to the maladministration and malpractise and they should not be making any demands as the account should never have been closed in the first instance. Besides the horrendous attitude, i was told by Bryan Carters they would need to refer back to their client, the mobile company. I then called the mobile company to speak to the girl i had reached the resolve with, for three days now she has not returned my call, since reaching the resolve last week. I was also cross examined by them in respect of the outstanding amount, of which i had originally disputed, and told i still had to pay it and would be chased for it if i did not have the resolve in writing (hence my calling the mobile company back to request this), and according to the DCA because i spoke to the operative over the phone and did not put in writing that the mobile account needed to be terminated - even though i had reported the theft and was told it would be stopped as it was out of contract anyway - i was still liable for the amount as i had not complied with their terms and conditions. I did point out that in the whole time of being a customer i had ever put in writing the request to terminate a contract to then take out a new one as i had always dealt with them verbally over the phone. They then said they would revert to their client. Last week i also received a call from a company called Redbridge, who i had never heard of. I did not confirm any of my information to them, but requested to know who they were when they called my number. They gave me their company name and then insisted they had sent correspondence. (I had not received any correspondence from them and had no idea who they were when they called.) I reiterated that the number they were calling was private, and requested for them to remove it from their database and ended the call by putting the handset down. This week i then receive two letters in one envelope from Redbridge stating they have been instructed by Cabot Financial Services Europe Limited who have passed a debt onto them which relates to another company Monument. The letter further states that if i do not respond they may recommend their client to apply for a CCJ, aswell as a further action if i don't pay them that would include attachement to earnings, a charge against my property, and a demand to contact them to discuss the above account to avoid a recommendation to their client to proceed with further action against me, followed by ways to pay. The other letter is from Cabot Financial stating a mutual agreement has not been reached and Cabot Financial is passing the debt to Redbridge, and then states a contact will be made in the next 7 days to set up a "sustainable repayment arrangement and ensure your account is cleared, whilst taking into account your personal circumstances," and then details an enclosed letter (which is the first one above) of how to contact Redbridge. I then tied to request online my Statutory Credit Report via Equifax's website, it costs £2. I went through two different processes in requesting the information, and repeated the process twice on each function aswell, making my request four times in total - the first being, that i noted (i rarely if ever read terms and conditions - but due to the DCA guy and the conversation i'd had earlier, this time i did) that in requesting access to my credit report via one link i was then enrolled in an online subscription service, which then when i unticked the "retain payment information for later purchases" found that i received a message at the end of the process requesting i call the company at 5p per minute. When i used the other link to request online a copy of my report to be sent to me by post, the process although complete in their function gave me a message at the end which said i had to send a postal request and to use the link to download the form. To be sure i repeated the process twice in each case. I also telephoned them at a cost of 5p per minute. In calling Equifax, i was then told the information i had provided needed to go through another department who would call me to ask me to send them copies of my passport, driving license, and copies of my utility bills. I then disputed this and asked them to qualify why they needed an excess of information, as i am the only person registered at my address with my name and date of birth of which i had provided to them for the last 6 years. I was told i would be telephoned - i had not provided a telephone number) and then asked for a telephone umber, which i refused to provide on the grounds that it is a private number and i do not wish for it to be used, stored, retained, but i had provided my email address. The person was not able to transfer through to the "other department." I was also told i needed to have an "active account with equifax to receive my credit report." I also disputed this verbally stating i did not want an account with the company, i was requesting information that there was a legal obligation to provide, and that i had no problem in paying £2 for a copy of my report, but did not want to be a customer of theirs or a subscriber to their services. I then received a stupid email back which did not answer my question nor address the points i had raised detailing the request for copies of my passport, drivers license and utility bills. I wrote back requesting them to qualify why they required what i believed to be an excess of information. They wrote back saying they needed to match my information to their information, further security in making sure my report did not go to someone who was not me. I wrote back asking them who they thought i was since i had provided them with my personal information, including my email address which is nor public, and i am the only resident at my registered address with my name and date of birth etc - i have yet to have a response. I did have debts, like many people, i disputed the charges on loans, credit cards and repayments and interest, as well as requesting they freeze the accounts prior to my stopping paying them, in order to manage the debts, this was in 2005/2006, which was not done, if anything they uped the anti and pursued me even more by adding on more charges and fees - for example, a £2k debt turned into a ££6k debt with fees and late payment charges and DCA fess and Administration costs. I stopped responding to them and stopped trying to resolve the issues as i felt i was being bullied, victimised and threatened not only by being blacklisted, by bankruptcy and having my employment record associated with my personal finances, and with bayliffs, and doorstep collections and constantly harassed by telephone calls and postal demands. I did speak to several debt advisors and companies, but also felt quite bullied by a few of them in their instance that i needed to take out an IVA immediately, but of course with their management fees on top and a pre-requisite lump sum payment to them to start the process, it did little to address the accumulation of the debts as a whole or to resolve the problem on a long-term basis. My questions are; how do i avoid a CCJ being lodged against me how do i stop these companies from continually selling on old debts i am aware that i only need to provide 6 years as an address history in requesting a copy of my credit file (as stated on the ICO website) so how do i insist a company send me a copy of my credit report without providing them with further information save for the basic requirements (and i am sure i cannot be confused with another person at my address, which eliminates any false pretence of theirs in insisting they need more information from me) how do i have old defaults from my credit file, once i've received it removed As i have not ever seen my credit file, how do i manage and Cifas markers I have also requested a subject access request from my own bank as i also suspect an element of foul play where they are concerned - they cancelled my overdraft when i paid off a loan which was restructured previously due to being sold PPI that was ineffective for the employment i did, and should never have been sold to me as a product in the first instance, although this was some years ago, it seems, i think, to be having a knock on effect. Also, i have looked into an organisation called CIFAS, and i understand they are quite respectable, but there seems little information available to contact them, except to request a subject access report of which they charge £10 for - again, i note that there are many of their members who are banks, retailers, etc, as well as the police - my concern being, what if someone who has access to their system has abused their privilege by blacklisting you, such as for example, equifax or redbridge/cabot - or even in the case of my mobile company where i raised a dispute and they closed account and passed to a DCA in an act of negligence/malpractise and maladministration - i have read some of the other forums and requests for assistance and note there is a mention of a Statutory Default that says after 6 years you cannot be chased for a default/debt, what is that exactly (sorry for being stupid) and what does it mean in very basic laymens terms, and how can this be applied without engaging in further disputes or marks on your credit file, and could someone also explain what a CCA is? The other concern i had, although i suspect it is related, but i am not sure how i can prove it, is that i also received a number of marketing calls from my internet service provider - their call centre is based in India - i noted Experion, Call Credit and Equifax use overseas call centres, and some of them have diversified business interests in marketing/digital communications/advertising and other software products - in calling my bank to dispute an issue from last year, i was asked which travel company i use as a Data Protection question, i had already verified my information when i called in and prior to be being transferred again, i was also asked which restaurants i ate at, i refused to answer the questions and despite my protests the person still insisted they were Data Protection questions, which resulted in my putting down the phone and calling back where i spoke to someone else who did not ask me that information - are there any breaches of privacy in a company holding an account of mine where the collation or sharing of personal data including shopping habits or any type of personal preferences that i may purchase using my bank card, that i can report if that information is then being sold, shared, or collected by the provision of a pyment method and given to other companies or sold as data about my person without my consent or knowledge to participate in such an activity or research/marketing/data harvesting process? Thank you.
  16. Looking for a bit of advice here. Am going for a mortgage in October and am i the process of trying to clean my credit file. There are a couple of defaults that i have no idea i had so i have challenged them without saying i owe the debt using a CCA letter. Now 2 others were disputed back in 2009 by myself. One with Virgin media the other with Monument. I have now again sent CCA Letters to them but i am now kinda thinking that i have also accepted the debt as i have refered back to 2009 in the letter. Have i shot myself in the foot with this? Would it be better to let leave alone or fight? Also i have 2 defaults registered with 2 different comapnies t mobile and lowell for 1 debt can this be correct? Any advice on the best way to clean things up will be appriciated.
  17. Hello again CAG. I have been contemplating writing on here for some time with regards to this issue, and today decided I should after doing some more research. In 2005 I attended University, leaving full time employment in the Royal Navy. I was lied to by halifax who said they would be able to do something with a credit card and personal loan accounts that I held, that had been ran perfectly with no late payments and an excellent credit history. With payments of roughly £350/Month at the time, it was not plausible to maintain this commitment once at University but had been advised that "once I was at university, something could be done". Unfortunately this communication took place over the telephone, and I assumed that they were being honest - which was incorrect, because once at university their advice was "We cannot look to assist you with reducing your monthly payments until your account has defaulted." (I actually find this amusing now, being a little more mature). Their advice to me at that point (Autumn 2005) was to allow my accounts to default. That's exactly what I did. I was still using two Halifax current accounts simultaneously to this, and they froze the accounts and took my money, and began eating my overdraft to make payments towards the loan/CC. This was a terrible situation at the time (late 2005) as this left me with absolutely no money and nowhere to turn. I opened an account with Barclays and practically told Halifax that they can get stuffed, as they nearly ruined everything for me. Once "defaulted" I contacted Halifax and they said that, now the accounts were defaulted (Early 2006), that I can make an arrangement to pay. In my frustration with them, I did this at £1 or so per month - and they accepted. This continued until some point in 2007. I obtained a copy of my credit report from Experian in 2007, and learnt that I had been lied to again - the accounts had not defaulted as I had been "advised" but in fact just late. My credit report shows late payments from 2005 onwards, of 3 months every single month until they default much later on. The result of this is that we (my wife and I) and now unable to obtain a mortgage, or even a clean credit history, because Halifax have continued this debt and not defaulted on it, as they should have done. Defaults were actually registered very late on: 06/12/07 - Bank Account - £1352 - Still Shows "Halifax" 17/09/08 - Bank Account - £936 - Still Shows "Halifax" 23/08/07 - Personal Loan - £6450 - Shows "Arrow Global" However, the Credit Card has totally disappeared, so it is likely that the CC default was applied much earlier - which is when the others should have been registered. I wrote to Halifax at the start of this year, questioning the "default" status that I was advised in 2006. They wrote back and said that, while they agree that the terminology "default" was used, this was an internal status, and by my making an arrangement to pay, the account never defaulted until this was stopped. They apologised for this, and said that the default dates will stand. Another blow from Halifax. No comment on their advice to actually default in the first place etc. I just wanted to see what peoples thoughts are here - as this seems somewhat unfair and extremely bad practise. I've really been messed around by Halifax since 2005 when this all started, but this means that my credit file is shot until 17/09/2014 - for three accounts that should have defaulted in early 2006, and already be statute barred. Please feel free to comment. Many Thanks
  18. Not sure if I am posting in correct thread, apologies if not. My husband has a long standing arrangement with Cabot and they request 6 monthly reviews. Regular nominal repayments have been continuous for many years and these reviews are seen as general run of the mill exercise. They have my name as authorised to speak on his behalf and this month we reduced the amount even further for personal reasons and they requested I&E form be completed. When I challenged them on this, they said they didn't need it and they were happy to reduce the arrangement. For different reasons, I sent for my CRA report and my credit rating is sqeeky clean. However, on the very day I spoke to Cabot, they have done a search on my name but have not recorded their reason for doing so. My bank now are retracting my overdraft facility and I can only see this as being the reason. What can I do about Cabot? They have no business doing this to my CRA file do they?
  19. Hi Help please. Had a couple of Abbey/Santander Accounts and by 2007 I had had enough of the constant errors etc so closed the accounts. I have just checked my CRA reports ( All 3 ) and both Call Credit & Equifax show that on the last 3 months of this bank account (2007) It showed late repayments and then on the 4th and last month it shows default and then S for settled. However I never owed any money so had nothing to settle but more importantly nothing to pay. I never had any loans or credit cards. Not sure if I ever had a overdraft allowance but would not of exceeded it. I know from past experience that trying to phone or get any reply from this gutter bank is going to be impossible. I need to correct this entry and have emailed the two above CRA. Any help would be more than helpfull.!
  20. I have been speaking to someone who suggested that I should check the defulat dates on my CRA, as sometimes it's not correct. I have indeed checked them and I think the default date is when I stop paying someone?, I hae stopped paying my bills (due to illness, loss of job and then moving home), in April 2008, but the default dates are July and sometimes even November of 2008. Does it matter? The person I spoke to suggested it does because, they count the the 3 years/6 years from when I have stopped paying and if that's not correct it will take me longer before I can get credit? I have payed everything back and have since opened a Co-op basic account, a Capital One card and a Virgin mobile on a monthly contract, so building it back up. Could someone help me please? Thanks Mariann.
  21. Dear Caggers.... I'm in one of those situations; probably too familiar to a lot of people - but with a "twist". I separated from my wife and moved out of the Marital home a couple of years ago; I've been in regular touch as there are children involved... I am still paying the mortgage plus allowances etc - £2,600/month Incidentally - in the last 2 years I have had a tripe heart bypass and been signed off work with depression/stress. A cople of days ago I recieved a demand for £6,600 for non payment of a credit card bill from a company called Capital Resolve.... The first I had heard of the bill well before I left home. There is no information other than the amount There are instruction as to where to send payments or agree a payment schedule - or to have a visit from one of their representatives by the 15th May - the letter was posted on the 8th. They have now follwoed up the letter with an open card informing me that I wil be visited by one of their representatives in the next week unless I call to make a specific call "Immediately". I have no intention of shirking the responsibility for the debt but I have a couple of questions...... The letters are attatched. 1. What would the significance of the 15th of May be - it seems to be purely arbritary? 2. Are they being intimidating by following it up by this orrible card? I am pretty brassic due to the payments to the estaranged wife etc and don't have acess to anywher that amount of funds - am I allowed to change their date of the 15th to give myself more breathing space ? Any help would be much appreciated:-( IMG.pdf
  22. I have one table 1 search for outstanding debt on my current address (McKenzie Hall) and 3 table one searches on my previous address (Clarity, Cabot and Mckenzie Hall) I have written to all the DCA's and the only reponse I have had is from Clarity who claim they were acting on behalf of Cabot who searched 3 weeks previously, they stated that it was in regards to a debt outstanding since 2003 ( my marriage broke up in 2003) and I do ot recall this debt, but it is clearly statute barred, Clarity have refused to remove the search on the basis that its "reasonable, they were acting under instruction, and anyway its not visible to other searchers" but this as I understand it it incorrect and table 1 searches are visible. Any advice as to how I proceed would be welcomed, I have disputed all searches with the CRA concerned and am waiting for them to eventually respond. Thanks.
  23. Hi, not had to deal with any of my cc debts for over 2yrs (all either unenforceable or DN problems), but the only card i had managed to keep straight was a HSBC one that i now cannot keep up with. I have sent a DSAR and had confirmation, in writing after threatening to make a formal complaint to the ICO, that they DO NOT have a copy of the agreement (if there ever was one). Since it was over 2yrs ago that I researched and joined CAG, I am sure the info I had then may be out of date. Could someone please give a quick refresh of anything that has happened that may affect me putting the account into dispute and not paying? Yes, I know there is a search facility, but I am currently going through a divorce and having to defend that myself (debts seem easy!). Thanks in advance
  24. My debts are over 7 years old. I moved address 7 years ago and told nobody. I got a new basic bank account and, to this date, that is all I have. I've checked my records for my old address and there are no CCJs registered. How is GAIN marked on my credit report? Do they use my name and date of birth to try and tie me to my old address? I have applied for a credit report with Equifax and they've asked for a utility bill / bank statement plus a copy of my passport / driving licence. They asked for that as soon as I told them that I haven't had any credit for the last 6 years. I haven't submitted them to Equifax yet. I want to build a credit score, but I'm scared that providing details will allow them to tie me to a GAIN maker on a previous address of 7 years ago. How does it work?
  25. Hi all, I have just bought my credit report at Equifax and found I have a default from Aug 2005 with CABOT FINANCIAL, it says Credit Card from Cabot Financial (Uk)ltd, it also says a balance of £1800+. I have no idea what this could be and nothing relates to the account no. have put a dispute in with Equifax but dont hold much hope of any sense from them. I would have thought that they would be asking me for it if I owed them £1800 but have never heard of them or the account. Can anyone help thanks
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