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  1. Hello, I need some help. I got a co-op cash minder account, my wages do not go into this account. Only my tax credits. I logged in on monday to transfer my tax credits to my barclays account, and was left with 0.03p in my account which was showing online as 0.03p. I log into my co op today and now I am £86.97 DR. Like wtf.. Wonga has taken £87 from my account. Now a cash account has no OD, and I only had 3p in my account. So how has co op allowed someone to take £87 from my account? I am seriously angry, I don't wanna phone them cause I will swear at them. What should I do and where do I stand? Thanks.
  2. Evening all, Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I took an iPhone 5 out on contract with EE in March, and was asked to pay a £100 deposit, as I had a low credit score - owing to the fact that I've changed address a few times. I paid this on the understanding that after 3 months of paying on time, I'd be refunded this as cash. I've just received my 3rd bill, to which EE have credited the £100 deposit. This obviously leaves a negative balance, which EE say will be knocked off my next bill.... All well and good, but I was led to believe that this money (which I paid using a Credit Card) would be refunded back to me. I called them and they advised they can refund the negative balance if required, but this will take 25 working days!!!! I find this absolutely shocking. I handed my money over in good faith, and they've gone back on what they said. Any ideas on how to approach this with regard to a complaint?
  3. Hi guys I took out a £300 loan from this pay day company thinking i would of had no issue paying it back but appears now i have run into a bit of a snag. The interest was £90 so my repayment date is 390 on 31st May 2013. I borrowed this for an emergency as my nan lives down south and wanted to be at her side as she has cancer so i took out this loan to cover my petrol expenses, accommodation, food etc i had a cheque in the post last week for £2000 but the cheque bounced and now im in abit of bother, Its only a matter of time before they stick £45 letter fees, £15 late payment fee's on top etc Im just worried is going to get out of hand i dont mind setting up a payment plan but i can only afford the minimum as i lost my job last month due to redundancy with company going into administration
  4. Hi, Cashgenie keep rolling over my account automatically. On 25/07/2012 I applied for a £150 loan, which came with a £45 interest charge for a total of £195 repayable. Since then, I have paid: 25/08/2012: £45 25/09/2012: £45 25/10/2012: £45 25/11/2012: £45 25/12/2012: £45 25/01/2013: £45 25/02/2013: £45 25/03/2013: £45 25/04/2013: £45 That's £405! What's the best way of breaking this cycle? They've had more than enough money from me now, but I'd rather not end up with another default on my credit file.
  5. Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice. I took a loan out with The Cash Store, high street shop, on the 25th of February. The loan was for £600 and I was due to pay back the loan in full (£766.72) on my next payday which was the 22nd March. I was arranged with an appointment to go into the store to pay this. Unfortunately I was sacked from my job on the 1st of March. This meant I had no income to enable me to make payment on the 22nd of March. I phoned The Cash Store on the 22nd of March and explained that I would be unable to pay this. I was told that I must still honour my appointment and bring a mini statement from my bank and my letter of dismissal from my employer to prove that I couldn't pay. I done this as requested and was basically grilled by two members of Cash Store staff as to how I was going to pay this loan and when I was going to pay it. I explained that I had applied for job seekers allowance and that I would be able to make a small contribution when I received it. At this point I was unsure as to when this would be or if I would even be eligible for it. Anyway the following day I woke up to find I had several missed calls on my phone from The Cash Store. They were calling to find out if my situation had changed but as I had missed then they also called my parents, my uncle and two of my friends regarding this issue and basically filled them in with what was going on with my job and my inability to pay this loan. Surely this cannot be right. I had to provide 4 names\contact numbers when I took out the loan as a means of contact should they be unable to get hold of me. It was a Saturday morning and I was sleeping which is why I did not answer my phone surely they shouldn't be phoning my family and friends and telling all about the situation? I went down to The Cash Store and they said they had to contact me every day to get an update on my situation. I explained there wouldn't be an update until I found out if I was getting jobseekers and asked them to stop phoning me. They said they had to keep doing this and if I didn't answer they would speak to my other contacts. I told them I wasn't happy or comfortable with them phoning my family and friends and asked them to remove these numbers from their system. The Cash Store refused to do this. Every day since, except a Sunday when they are closed I believe, they have been phoning me looking for an update on my situation. Everyday i told them there was no change and I would inform them if their was. That did not stop them hassling me everyday however. Eventually I found out I was entitled to jobseekers and would get my first payment within 3 days of my signing on date which was last Friday (4th April). The Cash Store said I must make a payment when I received this money and arranged for me to go in on Monday to make a payment that I could afford. I didn't receive payment on Monday so phoned The Cash Store and explained this. They said i had to again honour my appointment and bring a bank statement to show I hadn't received this and also my letter from DWP to prove I would actually be receiving jobseekers. Again I took this information with me where I was again grilled as to how much I would be paying. I stated that I was unsure and that I had other things to pay for such as food, gas, electricity etc. I said that I would hopefully be able to pay £30 towards they debt. They then said I should do this fortnightly when I receive my jobseekers allowance. I told them I couldn't commit to this as I had other debt aswell as my living expenses to deal with and I would only be getting £142 a fortnight. They then said when I received my jobseekers allowance I should go back into the store to discuss this further and explore my options. They said they would ring me again tomorrow (Tuesday) for a further update on my situation. I ask if they could contact only me and on my mobile and they said if I didn't answer my mobile they would phone my other contacts, basically threatening me. They contacted me on Tuesday when again I hadn't received my jobseekers which they seemed to accept. I missed their call (8am) on Wednesday morning so before phoning them back I checked to see if I had received my jobseekers money in. I had received £152.15 in but noticed my available balance was only £102.15. I contacted my bank who told me The Cash Store had taken 3 seperate payments from my account (2x£20 and 1x£10). I phoned The Cash Store who checked their system and said these payments were taken in "error" but could not be refunded becasue I had an outstanding balance with them. I told them this was nearly a third of what I had to live on for the next fortnight and I couldn't afford to pay as much as this. They told me there was nothing they could do and then asked when I could make another payment. I explained again that I wouldn't receive another payment for another fortnight. They then said I must go back into the store to discuss a budget for me going forward. They have booked this appointment in for 12pm tomorrow. That didn't stop them phoning me today for an update on my situation. I am not keen on attending this appointment tomorrow. I have spoken to my bank and asked them to cancel the CPA so that The Cash Store cannot take anymore money off my account going forward Sorry for the rant but has anyone had any dealings with this lot able to advise on the following 1, Is there anything I can do to stop these daily phone calls. They are actually stressing me out 2, Is there anything I can do to stop them calling my friends and family should they not get a hold of me. This loan is my business. I want their numbers off The Cash Store system. Can i force them to do this 3, Do i constantly have to bow to their demands and continually show them bank statements and or other documentation to prove what I am and am not getting and when I am getting it 4, Is there anyway of contacting this company by e-mail to arrange an affordable repayment plan. I have been finding the phone calls and visits to the store intimidating. Do I have to go to the store tomorrow to discuss a budget as they demand Thanks in advance...... Any advice on any of the above would be most helpful
  6. Hey everybody! I've been told by a close friend, my next door neighbour in fact that cash genie having been taking double the amount of repayments of some customers. He himself took a loan and cash genie removed the money from his account on the agreed date but unfortunately they removed the same amount the following day which took him overdraw by a few pounds which means he is now expecting overdraft fees from his bank. Fair play to cash genie they did give him the money back but it isn't realyl good enough when people are living on the edge. One of there customer service reps even admitted that this is a recurring problem at the moment so my advice would be to leave them well alone until this is resolved. If you find yourself desperate for a payday loan I would go elsewhere at this current time.
  7. Hi ive just got checkmyfile. and in january theres a credit search and enquiry from 'cash on go' can anyone tell me who this is as it wasnt authorized as i havent applied for anything for ages this might be in the wrong section also but last october ive got a communications supplier doing 4 credit searches and 4 enquirys. surely thats wrong why would they need 4 credit searches and 4 enquirys?
  8. Could anyone offer info on a buyback at Cash converters? Their shop has burnt down in Kings Heath and i sold some of my goods on buy back. I had until 10/4/2013 to re purchase. Sadly all items lost apparently. Where would i stand?
  9. Hi There, Like a lot of people these days I have gotten into a pickle with these sorts of companies. I am currently on sick leave and had set up a payment plan arrangement with this company for £20 per month. I was shocked that a couple of days ago that two payments left my bank without being part of the payment plan agreement and for more than what we agreed to as well. I rang my bank and informed that I am in a payment plan and please stop future payments which was marked on my account. Than today I was shocked to see that my account has been cleared out virtually to a penny for almost £300(basically money I am supposed to live on for a few weeks) I phoned my bank again this morning and they informed that it is actually pending but they cant do anything until its been paid where they can look into it and dispute it. This payment is to ARISTE HOLDING LTD which after googling I can see is Cash Genie. I am gutted as I actually have a new bank account now where I was supposed to get all my money paid to avoid this type of thing but this was not updated in time. I am a bit disappointed that Halifax are saying they cant do anything even though it hasn't actually been paid yet. Any help and advice would be most helpful here??
  10. Can anyone confirm Speedy Cash's bank details. I am trying to help someone out, but they have refused to give details over the phone
  11. Hi guys, On the 8th of Feb I bought a Compaq Presario CQ61 laptop from Cash Converters in Colchester, Essex. As soon as I got it, I had trouble getting the charger to go "All the way home" and charge the thing, however, it worked when you gave it a wiggle - I've had this before and it didn't phase me a bit.... However, tonight, as usual, my laptop's battery went dead after about an hour and I plugged it in to chage and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go. I've tried two different "Kettle Leads" into the same transformer and guess that the wire somewhere between the Transformer and the laptop has gone (The Transformer still gets luke warm when plugged in). Where do I stand on this? CC offer a 60 day warranty, and I know the battery isn't covered, but I don't have the ability to charge it to remove my files and send it back - IF I did, I'd have to have it wiped as I work in conjunction with the MOD and there's some mildly sensitive e-mails etc on there. Are they obliged to fund a new charging cable under the SOGA? Or refund me the whole amount and take it back? Am I entitled to have proof that the thing has been wiped when I take it back, if it gets to that point? I'm a bit cross, but I need a working computer for work. All responses greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Howdi Folks Long Time Fan Fkofilee Here.... Heres one for the books. Went into Barclay's to ask for a standard current account with their Chequebook and Contactless Card Facility. The Sales Guy; Manish.... In all his glory, went through the application and there wasnt a problem. And he tries his usual contents insurance sale ^__^, which i decline as Im not interested. Now i leave the branch with my Sort Code & Account Number, But Before I Leave I Ask About The Cash Card Account. He says its a normal account and no charge. I get home and I speak to CS regarding this and they say the following; - No Overdraft - No Contactless Debit Card - No Chequebook - Debit Card Is Limited And the cheek of it is , the guy ive just spoken to has just tried to sell me Contents Insurance Again?!?!?!? Under what terms do i have the right to challenge this as a mis-sell as I specifically requested a Standard Current Account. He Hadnt advised me a credit check had been run and also didnt say that I had been accepted only for a Cash Card Account? (Its almost like i should assume XYZ when applying for certain things). Luckily for me I'm quite knowledgeable about internal processes and can see how its done but shouldn't they make clear to me that certain things cannot be offered to me? Filee
  13. Could anyone advise me which credit card gives the best cash back rate? I currently use Capital One
  14. I imagine those in England could also exploit this loophole ! http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/100000-scots-to-cash-in-on-bedroom-tax-loophole.20243112
  15. I have a loan with Cash Genie for £250 with £75 interest. I emailed them regarding a repayment plan, below is my original email, and then their reply; What should I do next, how much info should I give them etc.
  16. Hi all, First time poster, long time...non-poster. Very long story made very slightly less long: we've just passed another anniversary for a major but fully covered and accepted home insurance buildings claim (cue champagne with a chaser of salty tears). After a protracted and life leaching dance with the Loss Adjusting firm over issues such as: process (lack of); information (lack of); support (lack of); surveyor (lack...you get the idea) to help get the claim processed, we now finally have an approved Schedule of Works from a personally engaged building contractor and have instruction to commence works. However, due to a myriad of factors and numerous delays from the Loss Adjusting firm the works have yet to get fully underway and the Loss Adjusting firm have suddenly and unexpectedly proposed, formally and via letter, the notion of a cash settlement in order to finalise the claim. This settlement is to be "based" on the overall building reinstatement estimate as agreed by the Loss Adjustor, though is as yet without mention of a specific value or settlement figure and within a context of awaiting further advises from that mysterious and omniscient emerald city dwelling entity - the underwriters A few months prior to this letter a telephone call with the Loss Adjustor resulted in their passing mention of the possibility of a cash settlement 'with indemnity and taking into account deprecation of the property'. There was no mention of any such depreciation in the letter but the verbal mention by the LA has thrown up a host of questions on which I would greatly welcome any input: 1) Does a cash settlement on a claim automatically revert an insurance policy to one of indemnity/old-for-old? 2) Can a cash settlement include VAT? The current Works Schedule has VAT added to the bottom line because naturally the contractor is VAT registered but we are not. 3) If we can't claim VAT through cash settlement, can/should we include VAT on any PC/material sums e.g. a damaged bedroom wardrobe that needs replacing. in the final settlement figure? 4) Does a cash settlement close the door on any further claims being made for additional work discovered during reinstatement i.e. or do we need to factor in a contingency in the final settlement figure? 5) Does a cash settlement close the door on any formal complaints being issued against the Loss Adjustor/Insurer for mismanagement of the claim? 6) If, as I suspect, some of the above can only be answered by the policy documentation, can anyone help decipher the last sentence below, found in the policy booklet under a section about 'Settling Building Claims' regarding the conditions under which the insurers can make a deduction for depreciation of wear and tear: "We Will only make a deduction for depreciation or wear or tear if: - the building have not been maintained in a good state of repair. (NOT APPLICABLE TO OUR SITUATION) - the sum insured is less than the full cost of rebuilding at that time. (NOT APPLICABLE TO OUR SITUATION) In addition at our sole option we may limit payment to the proportional cost of repair and reinstatement following loss or damage by an insured event, that the current sum insured represents compared to the full rebuilding cost of the buildings." (NOT APPLICABLE TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF COMMON MAN?) If you've got this far through the post thanks for your time and any info you can offer will be hugely appreciated.
  17. Hi - we have a payday loan with Cash Genie for £80 with the total to pay back being £110.50. However, we could only afford to roll this over from March at a rate of £25.50 per month and this has been going on since then meaning we've paid a total of £255!! At first, my wife thought we were on a repayment plan meaning that some of loan is also paid off out of this monthly figure, however, it turns out she misunderstood - this was no fault of the company but explains why we left it so long. What are our options because there's no way we can continue paying this roll over and I don't like the thought of coming to a repayment plan after already paying so much to them? Thanks - Lee.
  18. Hi all, Not sure if this has been posted anywhere as I can't find a topic on this but Just want to let you know what the goverment plans are and this is a stupid idea! The Goverment are stating that people on benefits will be issued with a card to get food and basic items and reduced fags and beer spending! First of all I don't smoke so this won't affect me but I like a drink now and then but I don't drink all the time! second how on earth will I be able to pay my bt bill as I have bt to search for Jobs online and apply online, this is just sick and really horrible what the goverment is doing to honest climants like me as people who play with the system who is not looking for work and like spending they lives on benefits and no intention of finding a Job is making honest climants who gets this card and take it to a tesco store ete so embarrassing and we don't have to put up with this! and if this gets into force how on earth people can pay they gas and electric top ups? as I have a top up meter for both and pay other bills like water? tv Licence? It really angers me this and honest climants shouldn't been made to suffer Here is the link: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/alexandraswann/100194870/welfare-cash-cards-can-help-reduce-the-benefits-bill-and-stop-people-buying-booze-and-fags-with-taxpayers-money/ What do you think of this?
  19. i had a personal loan from these people for 300, the total to repay was 578 in their contract it stated there was a fee of 100, i told them that i did not want the loan if there were fees and was told that it was not a fee I would not be charged a 100 and that it was included in the total int repayable, if i paid early the total repaid would be a lot less i went to pay all of it 4 months early and was told i still owed a 100 fee/adm;in charge which was an interest charge previously. i was charged interest on 400 not 300 as stated at time of application, as a consequence i have been oveer charged 95, i rang head office and cash cons agree with me that telling people the charge 100 is interest and not a fee is potentially misselling but they were not going to refund me the over charge and i would have to take legal action against them, they have also stated that they are nt responsible for their agents actions even though they are lying to sell loans, can i do anything about this?
  20. An elderly neighbour has died, leaving just under £10,000 in cash in the house. (No bank account - she didn't like them!) Her family banked it, though, after her death - thinking that was the right thing to do. Now the benefit people are chasing them for extra information... I don't know how she did it, probably a war-time rationing mentality, but she managed to save the money while living on benefits. She only ever claimed what she was told she was entitled to as a widow, living on her own, with no other pensions etc. What will happen now? Did she do something wrong? I can't see why someone (or their family) should be penalised and punished for saving on a meagre income. Will some/all of the money have to be repaid?
  21. hi all, earlier in the year i had a £250 loan with cash genie which they wanted £325 back with interest. i got in a bit of money trouble and agreed a repayment plan with them and they agreed to freeze interest etc so i paid back 10 monthly installments of £32.50. i paid all of these for 5 months with the 6th month failing ( another place wiped my account ) but 8 days later with my balance with them left at £162.50 they took £160.10 in 4 payments from my account which i accepted as i owed them the money. then on the 8th of november i received an email from carter forbes saying on behalf of cash genie. i checked my cash genie account and it said i owed £2.40 so i printed off the page showing it and emailed carter forbes back saying my account was paid and there must be a mistake. then today i got a reply saying my balance is £555 pounds but they will accept £225 today and wipe the rest of the charges if i paid, i have just replied to them stating what i have as in bank records, repayment plan emails and and a copy of my balance on the cash genie account on the 8th nov 2012 saying it was £2.40 ( thay have also today added an extra £225 on my cash genie account so it says i owe £227.40 now lol) and i am happy to pay them the £2.40 and am waiting to hear back surely they cant be allowed to do this for £2.40
  22. Not sure if this is the right forum for this but they were offering a Payday Loan so I have put it here. Got a phone call from an unknown number on my mobile today, a foreign gentlemen telling me he was phoning from Fast Cash about the £2000 loan I had applied and been approved for. I had done no such thing. He knew my name and that I lived in Glasgow. When I said I hadn't applied for a loan and didn't want it, he started to tell me that because I now wanted to cancel the application I had to pay £50. At this point I asked him why I could hear cars beeping their horns and zooming by in the background. He ignored me and said I had to go buy a UKash voucher for £50 and give him the voucher number so that he could cancel the agreement. Knowing it was now certainly a [problem], I told him I had won the lottery and was going to buy his company so I could fire him. His reply "I know your bank details Mr Millionaire and I am going to take as much money as I want you f****r" I am posting this just to let people know not to give ANY details to these people - he was trying to find out if I was single/married and what my occupation was. He informed me before hanging up that I will get a phone call every day until I pay up - to which I replied cheerily "Oh good, I like getting calls, speak tomorrow, mwah!" I have searched this so called company online and have read some stories of people being duped into paying hundreds to receive a guaranteed loan and never ever getting it - and as they insist on UKash vouchers there is not much can be done. Be careful folks!
  23. Hi all, Quick question. A while back I took out a £150 cash loan from Minicredit.co.uk and unfortunately, the repayment was missed on the due date. A short while after the payment was missed, my bank account was raided by these people who took 3 payments of £25 in one day and then a further payment of £15 the next day (£90 in total). The remaining £60 remains unpaid. I am now receiving letters from them demanding I pay them in excess of £1000+ I intend to dispute this and am hoping I have legal advantage in this case because. 1) They did NOT tell me when they would be retrying my debit card and their charges resulted in 2 other direct debits being declined by my bank, resulting in £60 worth of bank charges. These bank charges subsequently sent me overdrawn and without an overdraft agreement with my bank, that resulted in further charges. 2) Surely they are not legally allowed to charge interest on the loan once it is defaulted (which should have been immediately the date is was originally due for payment) - The credit agreement effectively came to an end on that day and therefore, such charges cannot be enforceable? Am I right? I plan on writing to them and letting them know that I intend to pay them back the £60 that I owe them along with 1 months interest. I shall tell them if they refuse this offer that I will file a counter claim for the £60+ I was charged in bank fees as a result of their debit card transactions because they never told me when they would be attempting to take these payments. They were certainly not 2 days after the original payment date, as stated in their terms and conditions. I guess I want some reassurance that I have a case here and am I offering the right amount of money to settle the debt or should I just be giving them the £60 owed and telling them to dance for the penalty charges with are not enforceable?
  24. Hi all, its my 1st time posting but im desperate for some help. Sorry in advance for the long post. Back in 2010 I had a loan for £150 from cash genie, I'd had loans from them before without any issues, anyway I had a car accident, was off work and couldnt afford to pay the full amount of £195 so I set up a repayment plan of £50 pcm and they would freeze the interest, after the 1st 2 payments I noticed they were still charging £45 pcm interest so I didnt pay anymore. One morning I woke up, checked my online banking and they had taken everything I had in my account. In total I had now paid £216 back. I started to get emails from carter forbes threatening court action, I replied that as far as I was concerned I had paid and I wouldnt be paying anymore and I cancelled my bank card. I thought that was the end of it. Yesterday there was £1200 missing from my bank which was for my Grandfathers funeral, I thought i'd been a victim of credit card fraud, I phoned the bank and they said it was cash genie and because id used them in the past they couldnt class it as fraud. My cash genie account said loan amount £150, total repaid £1400. Cash genie admitted they got my card details from a sister site and offered to give me £681 which I accepted in desperation, but I want the rest back, Do I have any rights here? Any advice at all please I'd be so grateful
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