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  1. Hi all I have recently received a PCN from Lambeth where my vehicle (motorbike) was solely identified from an expired residents permit - and not from the vehicle registration plate. The situation is thus - I park my motorbike on the street directly outside my house. I keep it covered for security/weather protection purposes. The parking CEO removed the cover to expose the front wheel and issued a PCN on the details contained within the expired residents permit, and pictures accompanying the PCN identifying the bike are of the front wheel only. As he couldn't remove the whole cover there is no picture of the registration plate. My question is whether a vehicle can be identified legally for the issuing of a PCN solely from an expired residents permit or must it also be identified from the registration plate? Also, there was no accompanying picture of the parking restriction notice sign that I thought was supposed to accompany the PCN - not sure if this makes a difference. Ironically the bike is parked next to this sign but no picture was taken of it. Thanks for your help!
  2. My car received a £30/£60 PCN from Total Parking Solutions for parking at a hospital car park. The car park was covered with snow, and unbeknownst to the driver, the car was parked with half the car on a marked bus stop (on the hospital grounds). The driver returned to the car, and found the PCN. The contravention was written on the PCN as: (Other: on a Bus Stop.) After reading some threads on here, I get the impression that it is not legally enforcible, and the best course of action is to ignore the notice. Am I correct? Or is there some other course of action I should take?
  3. Hi All, I am glad i found this forum. I had to be fined by a private PCN so credits go to them . I have been issued a penalty notice for a private company and i would like to challenge it. I didnt see the signs. they are dark and may be 2-3 in whole parking place. usually parks there and there was no signs before. i have not send any letters , i read around for a while. but what you expert guys suggest i do ? Thanks
  4. Hi All, My Wife has been issued (on 23rd November) by Bolton Council with a PCN for parking in a standard car parking space as a disabled driver. She did not read the signs correctly and did not realise that she had to pay if she was parked in a "none disabled" space. Admittedly, there are a number of signs that have been put up around the car park, but in the car park "terms and conditions" sign, there is no mention of the condition requiring disabled drivers to pay if in a "standard" space. The disabled car parking spaces were full at the time she left the car. I emailed the council on the 23rd November requesting a copy of all documents / photos / video footage (from body worn cameras) etc and have not received anything except an automatic acknowledgement, and a "Read Receipt" and I chased them up on 12th January as we have still not heard anything from them. Where do we stand on this?? Is there anything we could appeal on in this situation? Pictures of the car park, signs and a photocopy of the ticket is available on request. Many Thanks, Ste
  5. Hi Everyone, Just looking for a bit of advice having read the forums related articles, this is just for 'current' piece of mind. A PCN was recently received from Vehicle Control Services for parking without displaying a valid ticket. This is in a 'managed' block of flats, and the vehicle is parked there most evenings, so the land is private :-s The concern is that if the PCN is not paid for, would they 'target' the said vehicle, as it'll be being parked there some for considerable time yet (guess that would be illegal & considered intimidation). The vehicle does have a valid disc it was just not visible at the time of said 'offence'. Unfortunately these forums had not been read before a response was sent to VCS denying said PCN..... Should they just be ignored & hope they go away. Say an individual (not myself) was a terrible stress-head it could be seen as a major issue.......Also, could this go higher than the 'charge' (court) or not due to the said vehicle having a valid disc, just not displayed at the time. tia.
  6. If you have had a CCTV PCN in Westminster, appeal and you will win! Their CCTV systems are uncertified See PATAS adjudication or here for the full story. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? In this case, NoToMob and the unstoppable Mr Wise!
  7. Lord True & leader of Richmond Council, said: "These cars have been a menace and I for one will be glad to see the back of them!" Evening Standard article
  8. Today I received the letter from a solicitor claiming that was my final notice before they might take legal action towards me and make the claim. They have mentioned tin the letter that the claim has now more than doubled since they will look to charge me for legal fees etc. I have already had letters x3 asking me to pay + debt collector letter x1 and now the solicitor letter. Should I need to call them to say that this is a clear case of discrimination as they have sent me one less threatening letter? I am presuming others have received this as well and it is normal?
  9. wfc cctv.pdfI received a PCN notice from Waltham Forest for driving into a pedestrian zone at 10pm. At the time I thought there was times where it wasn't restricted but having reviewed pictures of the sign (on google maps street view) I feel I was incorrect. But my query is that having researched I have found that the discount period for CCTV images is 21 days, whereas the letter states clearly 14 days. Is this a good enough reason for appeal? I have attached the PCN notice for viewing. Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. Hi, This is the first time I have used one of these forums, so please bear with me! I am having the week from Hell. Yesterday I received a Warent of Execution for an unpaid PCN back in May this year! Honestly, these are the events leading up to yesterday. I was waiting for my Tax Disc renewal form to arrive in August this year, It did not come. When I rang the DVLA they told me that they still had my previous address on record. I had moved house the end of 2010, changed everything, insurance, driving Licences, thought I updated the DVLA, but obviously not! This is my first car and first house move so I was learning as I went along! So I updated the DVLA straight away, yesterday the letter from the bailiff arrived! When I rang hounslow council who issued the PCN they said all notices went to my previous address! I never received these or any other PCNs or any other motoring fines I may have got. This morning I sent off the TE7 and TE9 forms to the Traffic enforcement Center, Im not sure whether this will be successful! Now Im totally Petrified that I have other outstanding fines and I don't know how to find out. If I have am I going to be punished with huge fines for making a mistake? This is the first thing I have ever done wrong in my life, never even had a speeding ticket!
  11. Hi, I recently received a parking ticket from Manchester City Council. Details as follows: - Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours - Time: 00:20 (Observed from 00:06 to 00:20) I was told by the flat block I was visiting it that was ok to park in this street as everyone else always did. I arrived at around 9pm and parked in the street along with 7 or 8 other cars. I returned at 7am the next morning to find the ticket, issued at midnight. I then took the photos attached. I feel I have grounds to appeal based on several factors: - Double yellow lines are clearly broken, no t-bar and certainly not visible at 9pm when it is dark (see photos taken in the morning) - No signs or notices saying that parking was restricted in this street - The van seen in the pictures is just one of the other vehicles parked in the street, in front of mine for the same duration and recieved no ticket I am going to put this in writing with pictures attached to state why I feel that the ticket charge should be revoked as for the reasons mentioned above it is invalid. Please provide your thoughts on my case... Thanks Photos taken shown below:
  12. Hi guys, I am new to all this so please forgive any errors. I have a bailiff chasing me for two PCN'S (Parking Charge Notices -I believe this is correct!). I am not disputing that I owe them or anything like that and I am quite aware they need to be paid. However, my problem is quite simply that I can not afford to pay them all in one go. They total together nearly £1000. I have tried to make arrangements to pay but I hit a brick wall every time. I have been to my local council who agreed to accept a payment plan and they notified the bailiff they were happy to accept it. However, the bailiff refused it. I went back to council who told me the bailiff was in his rights to do this. I tried the bailiff company who said it was up to the individual bailiff if they were happy to accept a payment plan so they were of no help. I really am at the end of my tether, I can not afford to lose my car as my Son has health problems which may require immediate medical attention although it may not be an emergency so I need to be able to get him to out local hospital or to a London hospital straight away. I have been trying for nearly a year now to get this sorted but I am having no luck at all, If they had accepted my payment plan this would be nearly cleared off now. Is there anything I can do to stop this or arrange a payment plan? The bailiff can not be the end of the road can it? I have contacted Northampton county court where the warrant of execution was issued but they too said it was down to the bailiff. I have recently become a single parent so it is even more important that I get this sorted, I don't want to be afraid to answer the door anymore. I really am at the end of my tether with this and I just don't know what to do, can someone please help me Thank ou
  13. Hi, I attended a sentencing court hearing for a teenage family member who was killed in a car crash some months ago. I paid for 2 hours parking as that would have been enough. However, the hearing went over slightly and I was around 15 minutes late. There was a PCN issued and it is a council car park across the court. As a victim family we have 2 police liaison officers who attended court with us. During the judges determination, when he went away to decide the sentence, I asked an officer if I could leave so that I can get a new parking ticket. This was about 20 mins before the first one was due to expire. He said no I can't, as the judge may come back any time, but he will go and give the car reg to the attendant so that it does not get ticketed, which he did. Arriving back at the car I had a PCN issued. The police officers asked if he can withdraw the ticket but the attendant said he cannot do anything because it is 'in the system' and that I would have to appeal under the normal procedures. The police officer has said I can refer to him for any information the council may require, such as to confirm I attended court and the hearing went slightly over but that he prevented me from leaving. My brother, whose son was killed, also got a PCN. The reasons are the same. It states £50 within 28 days or £25 within 14 days. Any advice?
  14. My son received a PCN from Hackney Council for Parking in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit. We challenged the PCN because the parking bays did not comply with the Traffic Signs Manual diagram 1032 or 1028.4 Hackney’s response was : the several Acts you have mentioned would have been applicable for on-street parking contraventions if the highlighted points were valid, however this contravention had occurred whilst the vehicle was parked on off-street estate parking bay and in what is essentially private land / property of Hackney. The contravention is valid and supported by the Traffic Management Order, additionally we have no report to suggest it is incorrect. I have requested the TMO for the area so we can check TMO against the location. I am however cencerend that we will run out of time as they have given us 14 days from the date of thier response. The car was parked on a street that did not have any barriers etc to restrict access or any signage to prohibit parking and I was very surpirsed to find out that it is a PRIVATE street. Does anyone how we should proceed? Can we insisit that parking was on a street and therefore Traffic Regulations are valid and bays should have been signed as required by the Traffic Signs Manual Hackney response 1 .pdf PCN Hackney 1.pdf google maps Buttermere walk.pdf
  15. I have decided to take on a case to the Parking and Traffic Appeals service, and would like any advice that you may be able to offer? I have received a PCN through the post stating that my car was seen in a yellow box junction for 9 seconds in a particular location in the location line, but goes on to describe a completely different location in the description of the incident! I decided to contest this, and they sent further correspondence; apologhe evidence does appear to ising for getting this wrong and go on to state the correct location in the description. Do I have any grounds for a case against them?? As a fall back the photographic evidence does appear to show my car indicating to turn right, I am sure there is a law stating that you are allowed to be in a box junction if you are turning right, if anyone can point me in the direction of where I can find this statute it would be much appreciated.
  16. I have received a few PCNs from Parking Eye for the same car park. I have always ignored correspondence from them. If I continue to park at this place will they eventually try to take some further action against me?
  17. Hi, my sister is a single mother with a 1 year old baby desperatly struggling to pay all the bills with her very small income. she literally has no money left for anything at all after she pays for food, rent, electricity and all the other bills and now she got herself on a monthly £30 DD to fend off Bristow and Sutor's bailiffs that have seized/levied her car and are blackmailing her to pay or else they would tow the car away and she really needs the car due to the baby. after she was initially contacted (i think via a simple letter) she asked me for help and i went on bristow and SUtor's website to pay in full and so i did pay the full amount i was presented. she was away at the time and when she got back there was a notice with the same date that i paid but dated a few hours before adding around another £35 to the bill i called them and explained i had paid in full the correct total ammount as presented to me by their own online payment system and if they provide an online payments option it was their responsability to present correct ammounts, so as far as we were aware the debt was settled in full so they were not entitled to anything else. they obviously didn't liked this and again, while she was away, on 31st of december, there was a notice of seizure of goods seizing the car she uses, also adding another bunch of fees including a £90 removal van + 1 man fee and VAT, adding over £105 to the bill and they now say she owed them the total of £171.55 despite the fact that i had paid in full on her behalf a couple of weeks before as per above. when she got back, fearing she might lose her car, she just panicked and went on a £30 monthly DD agreement (that she simply cannot afford) with them. i really wanted to help her out, but she is really affraid that if she stops paying they may come around when she is not here and take her car away and then she will never get it back. in order to help out my sister, i've been reading a few threads in here and have a few questions regarding bailiffs in relation to a Parking ticket (PCN) issue. 1- i understand that a car on the driveway can be levied/seized without need for a signature from the owner/debtor. is this correct? 2- if 1 is correct, why is it that to seize goods inside your house they need to have the debtor's signature on the walking possession and for the car this is not required? 3- if the car is not owned (e.g. owned by me) by the debtor, being the debtor only the registered keeper and not the actual owner, does this makes the levy null and all the corresponding fees unlawfull (e.g. levy, removal van and other similar fees)? 4- the car was bought on ebay and paid by me (in cash to a private seller) and it was registered in DVLA under my sister's name is there any way or legal document that can prove i am the actual owner of the veichle? 5- i think she qualifies as vulnerable as she is a single mom in severe economic hardship is it possible to get the fine to go back to the council or the court and pay directly to them? 6- I think i paid well more than the fine warrant, but have no idea if the bailliffs passed anything to the creditors (either the council or the court) who is the creditor here council or the court? and how can i find about any amounts received by the creditor so far? 7- also i have seen some threads mentioning the Out of time appeal procedure would this be possible in her case, for any reason perhaps in the context of she not being the owner? 8- the notice of seizure seems to be filled in a sloppy manner (e.g. with a bogus £32.90 parking penalty charge ammount) also, the (original) front sheet is signed but the (copy) inventory sheet where it lists the car is not. could this be relevant? 9- i have seen 2 bailiff names on the papers none of them registered in northampton court does the bailiff that acts for a warrant issued by court X have to be registered in that same court? or can they be registered in one court and act on warrants for any court? any advice on this would be most welcomed.
  18. "Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle." I am not sure whether I have contravened but in place I parked, a friend and I checked the signs and they clearly showed, at the time, it was outside any controlling hours and there was no mention of designated class of vehicle. So question? If I did park in the alleged space, would I still be liable for payment whether I have parked outside the designated time or not? In addition, no PCN was attached to my windscreen, and I was posted a letter highlighting the incident. I presume therefore any PCN was not served correctly? Finally, if I parked in the space, PCN was served, although I dispute, and I am liable for payment, should I not be entitled to a discount? This was not offered and I have demanded to pay the full £120. Legally am I entitled to a discount?
  19. Phoenix Collections Unpaid PCN Hi everyone this is the first time I have posted here, I would be grateful if anyone could give me advice with the following. I brought a car last year for £300, but registered it in my wifes name, I did not tell her I had done this, I did this because I had bailiffs pursuing me for unpaid council tax. I then got a parking ticket in a council owned car park which I appealed and this was turned down. I then forgot about it as we were going through a mortgage rescue at the time and keeping a roof over our heads was a priority. The council then sent a notice to owner addressed to my wife which I got to before she did, I then contacted the council, expaining our financial circumstances with an offer to pay £5 per month. I signed an agreement to pay the council and made two payments, I was then made bankrupt and thought the debt would be included in my bankruptcy. The council has now obtained a warrant and my wife has bailiffs chasing her for the debt, this is the first time my wife became aware of what I had done. The amount owed is escalating rapidly, it is up to nearly £450 now. My question is if we pay the original PCN direct to the council will this stop the bailiffs, or is there likely to be further charges incured by the council obtaining the warrant. My wife is completely inoccent in all this she does not even drive, she has written to the council to explain her situation and they have not been helpful. Many Thanks Noah257
  20. My car brokedown on Saturday night (16/01/2011). I called the AA.. They came within an hour.. The agent couldnt fix the car and diagnosed it as a broken timer belt with possibly bent valves. The car was dead and immobile. The car was recovered by tow truck and left outside the garage.. The car was set down by the AA agent in whatever space was available near the garage. He parked it with the near-side two wheels on the footpath. It was dark and raining heavily. The garage was closed on Sunday.. On Monday morning (18/01/2011), I met the garage guys and handed over the keys and they then took a day or so (due to bad weather, incessant rain and lack of staff) to move the car and start work on it.. They had the car for the rest of the week and I picked up the car on the Saturday. When I picked the car there was a PCN stuck on the windshield. Here I must clarify there was a sign allowing parking on one side of the sign and my car was parked on the other side. The sign at the location indicates, using an arrow, the direction and point from which you can park with wheels on the footway. I appealed against the PCN and also had attached the garage bills. Soon after my appeal, I got a letter from Redbridge Parking asking for proof in the form of a letter from the AA. I called the AA and got a letter which I sent them. Now I have got a letter from them rejecting my appeal. Redbridge say that they cannot cancel the PCN because the AA moved the vehicle to the location where it received the PCN therefore the vehicle should have been parked correctly. I have two options now.. Pay the reduced amount £50 within 14 days.. If I do not use this option, a Notice to Owner will be sent to me, the Registered Keeper, at the full penalty of £100.00. I am then entitled to a further representation to the Council’s Appeal Services. Should your representation not be accepted then I will have the option to make a further representation to the Parking and Traffic Appeals Services (PATAS). As I have indicated, the circumstances were not normal. I was not in charge of the vehicle when the alleged violation happened.. The car was dead and wouldn't start.. There was no place to park near the garage. This infuriates me.. This is greed, opportunism and a frantic way by the council to make more money out of me. Any help would be appreciated. Should I fight, what chance to do I have of winning this case with PATAS.. Am I better off paying the reduced amount. Sincerely
  21. I recently received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for alleged parking contravention (02) Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force. I visited the site and found no kerb blips which I understand are required for this contravention to be valid and penalty enforceable. I have made representations to the London Borough of Hounslow and expect my PCN to be cancelled. I am looking for ways to compel the council to suspend issuing these PCNs till necessary corrections are made to the road markings and also to repay penalties collected in the recent past. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  22. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has any advice. Basically I live in an area where its residential parking 24/7 365 days a year. Normally the council send me reminder a month or so before it expires and I cough up £50 and get to park anywhere within 1/4 a mile of my house (but never in front ). On Friday morning I went to get in my car and found I'd been given a PCN for being "parked in a residents or shared use parking place or zone displaying an invalid permit, an invalid voucher or an invalid pay and display ticket". I double checked my permit and it had run out at the end of Feb and I hadn’t realised, to be honest I can’t believe I've not been given a ticket in the last 17 days as the wardens are around every day. So I've now got a £50 (reduced to £25 if paid in 14 days) fine. Now here comes the interesting bit, I'm actually moving out at the end of March, to a house with a drive way . So I can either:- pay £25 for the fine and park in a free bay for 2 weeks, pay £50 for a permit, appeal and hope they left me off and then claim back £46 for the unused 11 months, or is there an alternative? Is it worth appealing on compassionate grounds stating I'd not received the reminder (which I haven’t yet?) I look forward to your replies. Thanks ale
  23. Had a visit this morning from a Mr C Clement of jacobs certified bailiffs. i have checked the certified bailiffs register and he is not on there. the closest is Clifford Paul Clements who works for a different company and the surname is different anyway. I know who i need to complain to about a registered baillif but who do i complain to about an unregistered bailiff? especailly as only certified bailiffs can collect PCN's. Very tempted to call the police as i feel he may be comitting an act of fraud if he is pretending to be a bailiff.
  24. After painstaking research, edit discovered that Westminster City Council have been fining drivers for obeying the law! The Traffic Management Order permits going straight ahead into Sherwood St from Lwr James St, Soho, but WCC erected non-compliant signs, without authority, to enforce a left turn into Brewer St. Those who did not comply were fined! Fortunately, it was nipped in the bud after nearly 400 £120 PCN's were issued in December or this highway robbery could have netted up to £500,000 per annum. It looks like this is not the only case and more are being examined. WCC have increased their fleet of these cars from 2 to 7, so expect more desperate measures.
  25. We are a campaign group dedicated to regaining the voice of the individual. Initially we are taking on the so called parking “industry” but our remit will not stop there. We want to open the public's eyes to the likes of the oppression we have already encountered at local and central government level, and will explore in an open forum any lawful ways of fighting oppression, greed and corruption at all levels of business and government. We will do this by direct action. We need an army of volunteers, armchair or otherwise, to join us and stand as one to simply say ENOUGH! People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Here is one recent exposing underhand revenue driven tactics, that will save motorists up to £500,000 per annum in fines for complying with the law!
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