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Found 4 results

  1. I'm new to the site but just came across and need some advice. I'm one thats usually very good with finances so this is all new and scary to me. Anyway, about 3 months ago I received a parking ticket, I didn't pay it as I was disputing it due to it being a bank holiday. The rejected my claim but stated I could dispute again, however, due to new job and finishing uni (excuses) I just kept putting it off. The original fine was around £70 and then went to £112. Anyway still putting it off I received a letter from Equita. I barely read it and stuffed it in a draw to deal with the next day. However, 2 days ago a bailiff turned up on my door. Luckily no one was in but my sister came home later to find a hand delivered letter. I called the bailiff and he told me my balance had now gone up to £414+ and I must pay now unless they'll come tomorrow and increase again around £150. I was absolutely stunned. But to cause any further costs I unwillingly paid and then decided to try and fight it rather than fighting further costs. I am waiting of a breakdown of the costs but as my claim will probably get rejected again I take it I'm not entitled to claim anything back? But surely these costs are ridiculous and I've been overpriced? It will be the last time I put something off anyway. This has crippled me. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey all, help needed URGENTLY! Yesterday, I found my car had been clamped outside. I phoned the number and the guy on the phone said he clamped it as we have a 2year old parking fine unpaid via the council! I visited the council letting them know that we were never aware of being issued a fine - if there is one I would pay it (fine was £80). The said that as fine so old I have to deal direct with clamper who wants £650! IfI dont pay by 11am, they tow my car and charge £200 for doing so -plus £45 a dy costs. I knew nothing of the £80 fine, and simply cannot afford this! What can I do? appreciate any help!
  3. Phoenix Collections Unpaid PCN Hi everyone this is the first time I have posted here, I would be grateful if anyone could give me advice with the following. I brought a car last year for £300, but registered it in my wifes name, I did not tell her I had done this, I did this because I had bailiffs pursuing me for unpaid council tax. I then got a parking ticket in a council owned car park which I appealed and this was turned down. I then forgot about it as we were going through a mortgage rescue at the time and keeping a roof over our heads was a priority. The council then sent a notice to owner addressed to my wife which I got to before she did, I then contacted the council, expaining our financial circumstances with an offer to pay £5 per month. I signed an agreement to pay the council and made two payments, I was then made bankrupt and thought the debt would be included in my bankruptcy. The council has now obtained a warrant and my wife has bailiffs chasing her for the debt, this is the first time my wife became aware of what I had done. The amount owed is escalating rapidly, it is up to nearly £450 now. My question is if we pay the original PCN direct to the council will this stop the bailiffs, or is there likely to be further charges incured by the council obtaining the warrant. My wife is completely inoccent in all this she does not even drive, she has written to the council to explain her situation and they have not been helpful. Many Thanks Noah257
  4. i posted a thread a couple of weeks back about having the bailiff at the door for a parking fine. i followed some advise and filled out a te7 &te9 fot tec recieved a letter back now saying it as beed refused. and more of a slap in the face we sent a cheque to the local council and they sent it back saying it is still with the bailiffs.which i find stupid on there part as that would of been there best option of there money because im not paying the bailiff. im a bit worried whats going to happen next as the bailiff have been 2 times im i right in beliving they only can come 3 .
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