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  1. Im a single mum of 4 and i've fallen into debt with several creditors, of which Marisota is one of them. I have a DMP in place, but have agreed to pay 5.00 pm until im in a better position to clear the debt. I received a letter from Marisota saying that my account insurance has been cancelled. I didn't even know i had insurance! I also thought the point of having insurance on the account was to cover situations such as mine - struggling to clear the balance? Does anyone know anything about this? I'll appreciate any input. Ps: I haven't contacted Marisota about this as yet, because i'd like some feedback. I've Googled, but no information comes up
  2. Hello, last month I changed the vehicle on my car insurance policy, the company failed to send certificate of insurance or new direct debit amounts. (they claim they did!) I knew the monthly payments would increase but the company would not tell me over the phone the new payment amount stating that their finance team would write to me. Unfortunately they took payment the day before payday and it has been returned, after contacting them today the company are adding a £25 charge to the direct debit. They state as the day didnt change the day of payment they will not waiver the charge. Is this fair? I know that I did know the date but not the amount (they had told me the yearly increase though), Any help would be great, I feel its probably my fault but if there is anything I could say to them to make them remove the charge would be brill. thankyou
  3. Hi, My insurer Direct Line is insisting that I must accept cash settlement for the amount of the lowest estimate I provided should I wish to use my own builder. There is nothing in my policy to state this. I only want to use my own builder as the one appointed by the insurers pulled out with 1 working days notice because I refused to pay them £600 when my excess is £400. I have submitted two estimates, 5094 and 4824. The higher cost one will complete quicker with less disruption and they have shown themselves to be in my short dealings with them consummately professional. In addition, there are costs to be incurred storing and removing my possessions whilst the work is being performed. These are excluded from the settlement and I would have to submit invoices then be reimbursed. I dont know much about the rules governing insurance and google is limited. Please could I get some advice/opinions particularly in reference to having to accept the lowest cost bid regardless of quality. Thanks!
  4. Hi, First post and this site has grown huge since I last came on here so sorry if this is the wrong forum. I had a problem with a gas boiler repair and I ended up having to get another company (B) in to do the repair after the first company (A) failed after nearly three weeks with no hot water or central heating in Winter. (A) replaced the PCB without success. (B) also replaced the PCB and this worked. So my argument is that the PCB supplied by (A) is faulty. I have filed an acknowledgement of service and have been preparing my defence. I want to issue a counterclaim as company (B) did additional work on the basis that the parts supplied by (A) had been replaced. All very simple so far. My only complication is that (A) was engaged via an insurance backed emergency breakdown cover (I) which was supposed to payout for part of the costs. So in my counterclaim I want to include (I) as a party. How do I do that?!
  5. Hi, Mum and I are in the process of being paid out for a home insurance claim. Obviously when we receive this payment it will take our bank accounts way over the acceptable limit for benefits. All of the amount (well over 8K) is to pay for our own builders to complete the work to our property. Do we need to inform DWP. Any advice welcome.
  6. Hi peeps, Long story made shorter. Made a claim on home insurance as we had had a leak in the kitchen on the cold water inlet pipe. This has been possibly leaking for at least 5 years due to having kitchen and pipes fitted in 2007 Water damage to plaster complete length of kitchen, in some places yp to 5' in hight. Concrete floor is ok but laminet flooring is shot! Outside bricwork white with damp to 4' high. After much tooing and frowing from various companies (aranged by Ageas) we have now been left with a blow dryer and a large dehumidiafier which are supposed to be left on 24/7. I have had to chase insurance people to check what is happening. I was told that they would liase with me every week, this is not happening. I have complained that they are passing the buck and blaming contactors for not contacting me re works etc. Lots of problems with no/lack of communication between insurance and contractors. I have asked for copy of thier grievence procedure over a week ago, it still has not arrived. Anyway what I am perplexed about is. The blower and dehumidifier are just drying out plaster that has to be removed anyway, 100% saturation. Are there any builders here in the know? surely it would be better to remove wet plaster then dry out kitchen.....................anyone??and will I be recompensed for the extra electricity that is being eaten up by these machines. Both my elderly mother and myself are disabled and this is causing us restless sleepless nights. The diaster guys were supposed to be contacting my insurance to check if they can remove my cooker, work tops and a couple more units to get at the rest of the wall. That was almost two weeks ago Only one of the base units has been removed to dry the immediate wall where the piping is. Any advice would be most wellcome xx
  7. Hi, I have a query which i am hoping someone can help me with any help will be greatly appreciated. Basically i currently hold a provisional license i cant really drive properly, i took out provisional insurance last year and got insured on my brothers car to take some lessons of him, he himself is fully insured and i took out a separate monthly insurance i drove the car twice but then half way through the insurance his car developed a fault and was not drivable. A few months ago my brother received a letter from his insurance company basically stating his car was involved in an accident and his details were given at the scene of the accident and that it was his car with his registration exact model that was involved, now my brother told his insurance company he was not involved in the accident nor does he know anything about the accident, the third party insurance company kept pursuing with this saying they have proof he was involved. My brother then provided official proof on the day the accident took place which the third party stated, he got a signed letter to proof he was at work and it could not have been him involved at the accident and he was driving another car on that day, the third party tried to question the proof given and stated they would go to court and carried on threatning. Now they have stopped trying to pursue things with him, a few weeks ago i received county court papers stating i was the driver of my brothers car and they are pursing for damages personal injury etc all they have stated on the particulars of claim is the details of the accident and that i was driving, the day the third party say the accident happened i did have insurance on the car at the time. Me and my brother are completely puzzled about all this but it is clear someone is trying to make a false claim, the third party have stated the accident happened on the motorway, the car itself was non drivable and i myself cant even drive properly never mind drive on the motorway. I have to file an defense and i need some advice of how to proceed with this because i don't know whats going on, in the particulars of claim the third party have provided no proof what so ever just stating i was driving. Can anyone help with this please?
  8. hi guys i am looking for a little advice, the issue is less with the insurance company and more with my previous vet. my dog has recently been diagnosed with renal disease, which due to a legnthy diognosis it amounted to a large bill. fortunately i have insurance, which is why i agreed to the tests and treatments. i have now had confirmation that my claim has been declined due to information provided by my previous vet, when my dog was a puppy, stating that she showed signs of renal/liver failure then, two years ago. i was never informed of this from the vet as i would have proceeded with treatment then, as i have always had an insurance policy there is no reason i would'nt. as i switched insurance providers at the start of the year, my claim was declined as her condition was present prior to taking out the policy. as i have now racked up a hefty bill and her treatment is ongoing is there any way i can have the original vet foot the bill, as it is thier fault the condition was not treated earlier and thier neglection to inform me that resulted in a bill. thanks in advance
  9. Hello I had a car accident almost 3 months ago where another car hit me at the rear at a high speed, as a result I have suffered bad whiplash amoungst other associated injuries. I have not appointed a solicitor as the insurance company said I didn't need one and their claims team will handle things. I was referred to an independent medical expert 2 months after the accident and the outcome was a report that said I had sufferred whiplash that has caused severe pain at times and it is likely to take a further 4 months to heal (6 month injury in total). I am not 100% confident that it will be better within the time stated as it still causes moderate pain daily but I am hoping they are right. The insurance company have offered me £2000 compensation but I want to take my time and see if it heals before settling. The insurance company said they will only make this one offer and as I have not appointed a solicitor they are offering me the maximum amount up front that is achievable and there is no negotiation. I think the offer is a bit low and I am a bit confused as everywhere I read it says you negotiate on the compensation figure, where as the insurance company said 'take it or leave it'. Is this correct? Should I get a solicitor or will I only get the same amount anyway? Thanks in advance.....
  10. Hello I received a letter yesterday stating that my car insurance has been canceled according to a recorded delivery letter dated 31st August. I have not received or signed for any recorded letter in the last few weeks, and Brentacre have not checked with the Royal Mail that I have received the letter. According to Brentacre, because the letter was not returned to them, I have signed for and received it. The Royal Mail state that any recorded item which ha not been delivered will be returned to the sender after 18 days. A considerably longer period than the 7 days I was apparently given to rectify an issue I was unaware of. Has my insurance company acted too hastily? Ruthlessly even? Do they have any obligation to ensure a recorded letter has been signed for and delivered? The reason for cancellation is due to a direct debit error. I changed bank account and gave them my new direct debit details. They have not actually attempted to charge my new bank account. This is surely an error on their part? In the mean time, they are demanding the missing payment. And are attempting to make me sign up for a new 10 month policy, and pay another substantial deposit. My 'current' 12 month policy is due to end in February. Is there anything I can do now? What choices do I have? Any help will be much appreciated. Regards Ric
  11. Any help I can get here would be gratefully received as the guys in the Vodafone insurance department have really annoyed me. Basically, my daughter has dropped and smashed most of her phone, even though I was annoyed at the time it was good to know that I was paying insurance at £9.99 per month for the peace of mind knowing that everything was covered. However, from speaking to 191's insurance department it would appear that the promise of getting things back to normal with 24 hours only actually applies to phones that have been lost or stolen and not accident damage. The policy will cover my phone however it will involve having the phone sent away for repair (they apparently always try and repair phones first) and it that proves either too clostly or not possible then and only then will they issue a replacement which may or may not be a new handset. There is no timescale on how long this repair takes and quite franky it sounds a little rubbish...certainly when you look at the insurance products offered by both Everything Everywhere and O2, the Vodafone policy seems expensive and sub-standard. It was impled that if I have "lied" and said that my phone was lost then a replacement would be issued without question....this is something that I am not comfortable with. For a mobile phone policy this does seem very poor and actually no where near a useful as the a policy offered alongside many of the banks... All I want is my phone replacing which is why I am paying my insurance .....surely Yoda hasnt sold out and created a TV advert beating on about how great Vodafone's insurance is without reading the small print has he.. Anyone from Vodafone want to comment? Cheers
  12. Hi, I was involved in an accident a month ago, probably my fault. My car is a total loss. I have sent in the V5 etc and the insurance company are querying the registered keeper. When I filled in the policy application online I indicated that I was the RK, as it turns out the RK is infact in the name of the business, which I am a partner of. How do I stand?
  13. Hi all, New to the forum but really need some guidance if possible so thanks in advance. I had a car accident in May this year. I was travelling down a dual carriageway on my way to the station on my normal daily route one morning. As I drove through a set of green traffic lights ahead there was a private recyling truck making an illegal left turn. In order to make the turn he had to swerve out into the overtaking lane and back across lane 1 in order to make the tight turn, effectively blocking off both lanes of the dual carriageway ahead leaving me nowhere to go. I slammed on the brakes and swerved to avoid the truck mounting the curb and hitting a road sign on a little traffic island just ahead of the turning the truck went down. The driver did not stop but carried on with his journey. I got out to inspect the damage (smashed nearside bumper, headlight and front wing) and simultaneously the truck re-appeared at the same time as a police car coming from different directions. The only route for the truck driver to carry on with his journey was back past the scene of the accident which was co-incidentally right near my local police station. I flagged down the traffic police car and advised him that the truck had caused the accident. He pulled him over further down the road and then came back and collected me. I was present when he asked the driver what happened and he admitted to the turn but advised he was not aware it was illegal to turn there and the police officer informed him that it is not a legal turn there and that as such I would be claiming off of his insurance. He was reluctant to give his personal details but the officer reminded of his obligations. We exchanged details and shook hands. Subseuqent to all of this I have had to pay my £410 excess, take a day and half annual leave to sort everything out, a taxi or 2 but no major expenses beyond this. The third party insurer supplied a copy of the 1 page drivers report which is missing loads of information and just accuses me of speeding. I subsequently submitted a 10 page account of the events including photos of the scene including the "no left turn" sign etc. The third party insurer has not denied liability as such but they are simply not giving any response on things and just using delay tactics etc. It's now reached the point where my insurer is referring to their solicitors (under my legal expenses cover) but advises me they suspect they will advise there is no case to take to court because I did not hit the third party. Assuming this is the outcome, what are my rights? Surely me avoiding hitting the third party truck to avoid more extensive damage and risk of serious injury to myself should not be a good reason for them to get away with incurring the liability for causing this accident. Unfortunately there are no witnesses and the only other person who could give any account would be the police officer who no doubt would have no decent recollection of what was said at the time anyway. I could explore the CCTV avenue as I guess ultimately you're almost always on CCTV somewhere especially in a busy town centre. I'm at a bit of an impass though. If the solicitor says there is no case, what can I do beyond raising a formal complaint with my insurer and escalating to the Financial Ombudsman Service? Surely I shouldn't need to take my own legal action through the small claims court if I have legal expenses cover. Any advice you can offer is much appreciated. Thanks Pete
  14. Hi All, On saturday my mum got pulled over by the police for not having insurance, they then took the car away. My mum told me what happened and i then looked at the certificate and the last letter of the registration was incorrect. So i corrected the letter and printed it out to get the car released. She was also issued with a fine £200 for driving without insurance and a producer. Im am not sure if this includes points but im pretty sure it does. I got her the policy online through compare the market and it has all the correct details. Now i dont know how the incorrect letter got filtered down but we didnt check it. The insurance company in question are not accepting liability as i done this online but they have said that this is obviously an error and if she did have an accident they would've honoured the insurance policy anway. My question is where do we stand with the fine and potential points? Thanks in advance, Bhupinder
  15. Hi All, On saturday my mum got pulled over by the police for not having insurance, they then took the car away. My mum told me what happened and i then looked at the certificate and the last letter of the registration was incorrect. So i corrected the letter and printed it out to get the car released. She was also issued with a fine £200 for driving without insurance and a producer. Im am not sure if this includes points but im pretty sure it does. I got her the policy online through compare the market and it has all the correct details. Now i dont know how the incorrect letter got filtered down but we didnt check it. The insurance company in question are not accepting liability as i done this online but they have said that this is obviously an error and if she did have an accident they would've honoured the insurance policy anway. My question is where do we stand with the fine and potential points? Thanks in advance, Bhupinder
  16. We may need to store our vehicle which is a grey import for up to 3 years and it will be on a SORN however our question is about insurance. Will we still be able to get it insured even though it is on a SORN? If a vehicle is on a SORN, can it be driven to a MOT station on a pre-arranged appointment and back to the storage depot without having to buy road tax? If not, how do you get around this? Only reason I ask is just in case the vehicle is needed urgently and with MOT & Ins in place, I can get on road ASAP.
  17. I hope there is somebody who can help with this. I have a county court case which is due a trial date in Sept - it's a 'consumer credit agreement v Bank' I signed a CFA several years ago with a solicitor and they provided ATE Insurance (Insurance Policy Schedule supplied by Solicitor). But, I have just been informed today that they presently are now NOT covered with ATE Insurance. They advised I should continue with the case to 'trial' but stated that if I progress and lose the case, I will pay the other sides costs, my barrister fees, the other side's barrister fees, they state a figure of a guesstimate 10k in fee's. At their request, I have paid all disbursements out of my own pocket to date, total over £1200. They also state that if I break the CFA agreement (ie. not to proceed to trial), I would be liable for costs to date, to my Solicitor and the other side's Solicitor fee's, plus disbursements. The case commenced around 4 year ago. My question, is this 'professional negligence' on their part by stating they presently NOW don't have ATE Insurance and requesting me to proceed to trial even though I signed a CFA with ATE Insurance over 2 year ago (Policy Schedule supplied) - does anyone known where I should go with this now... any advice please...very welcome...many thanks Any help/direction would be very useful. Regards, Howard
  18. Hello everyone. Im looking for some advice, im not sure i can actually do anything but.... I bought a car a couple of months back from a large dealer. I also at the time had a lease car. The car i boguht was to replace the lease car as it was going back. I didnt insure the new car as i still had a couple of weeks left on the old car so was using that. I parked my new car in the yard off the road. I kept getting calls fromt he dealer mithering me for insurance documents as they said the finance company would not release the monies to them until they had proof the car was insured. I said i did not intend insuring it for a further 2 weeks or so. The calls were constant so i insured it. The inusrers of the new car wanted a no claims proof, so i left it a couple of weeks tillt he lease car went, cancelled the lease car insurance and sent the proof of no claims. I had a letter this morning saying that they are putting up my premium by £24 a month more for the duration of the policy becasue i had had the lease car insured for 36 days and they couldnt use my no claims for that period. The woman did say that they allow a 30 day over lap so surely i should only be charged for 7 days.....if this is the case then its almost £200 more for the 7 days! Even if this is the case that they couldnt use my no claims, surely £200 extra is a bit steep? If this is right fair enough, but I just feel a bit miffed that i was doing the right thing by having both cars insured but am being penalised for doing so. Thanks in advance
  19. I had a minor collision last year. No damage to my van and the other car lost his mirror. Bloke was a fool and went the insurance route. Result was my premiums nearly doubled and probably so did his as the claim went 50/50 due to blaming each other and no witnesses. I found out today the mirror cost £250. So each insurer has paid £125 and making a mint on the new premiums. My insurer suggested if I pay the £125 to cover their costs it can go as no claim and put me back to where i was before the accident. Is this possible ?
  20. Hi all I hope someone can help with this. It may have been posted before but I'm not sure what the insurance is called. My mother in law has just closed her account with Barclays Bank due to charging issues. She asked at the time why she had been charged £6.50 a month as her account just says £6.50. Being in her 70s she assumed it was a fee to pay her direct debits. They explained it was for a Small Appliance insurance and to cover lost passports etc. She explained to me that my late father in law may have taken this out although he may not have know !!!! this has certainly been missold as my mother in law and father in law never had anything worth insuring. No mobile phones, gadgets, passports, anything at all worth the payment. This has gone on for almost 12 years to the tune of almost a thousand pounds.......they have never ever been abroad and never in the last 20 years been on holiday in the UK my father in law had a terrible lung condition and could barely move. I was so shocked to hear about this and how he must have been duped. Does anyone know if and how I can make a claim for her, and has it been done before. It is astonishing how this can happen ....It did happen to my young son at the age of 18 when he opened his first bank account and got into trouble with the payments when he had nothing to insure either. He took my advice and told them to stuff it.... I feel I need a more mature approach after 12 years. Tell it as it is because I have taken Barclays to court for bank fees before and received a refund of charges and the Halifax so I am willing to take them on but I have not heard of this before. Do you think my Mother in law has a case ? My father in law died almost 2 years ago and the payments were still taken. It was a joint account. Thanks in advance
  21. Hi guys I have recently moved from Wolverhampton to Birmingham. I know I need to let Tesco know about it, but haven't had time yet. I know they will want to charge me an admin fee for it which I can sort of understand. I have done a quote check for the new address on their website with exactly the same details as with the original quote from Wolverhampton and it came out nearly £200 cheaper. Will I Tesco refund me the difference? Am I entitled to it? Obviously it would have to be pro rata cuz it started end of April. Also, I paid upfront for the whole thing. Will be grateful for any tips. Cheers
  22. If I want to cancel insurance of any kind I should not have to pay a fee for the privilege. Not so with Budget. After receiving a letter telling us we were being charged £15 for not returning signed papers we had no idea we were supposed to return, we decided to cancel our home insurance with them. They then told us we would be charged a £45 cancellation fee for doing so, even though we had not even signed the agreement. We have had various insurance policies for different things over the years, and several times have cancelled ones if we have found a better deal elsewhere. No-one else has charged us a cancellation fee for doing so. We were told in no uncertain terms via telephone to pay up or else (or words to that effect). Bear in mind that you are entering into a loan credit agreement when you sign up for insurance. We had no idea about this, naively or not, and would never use this company again and would strongly advise others against doing so. At the time of writing this, their website terms and conditions give no indication of any of these fees, which in my opinion is very bad form. They should be made clear so people can make an informed decision before they go through the quote process. We were told this info was in the small print in the documents we didn't sign!
  23. i got pulled over by the police yesterday i have normal social domestic and pleasure and commute to aplace of work insurance. i had some stock that i was carrying for my shop in the vehicle, i got pulled and give a ticket for not driving without insurance, they took the car and i now have a fixed penalty im guessing with 6 points. any advice? i dont mind paying the fine however its not like i was driving without any insurance just not commercial insurance
  24. Hi everyone, My car was seized yesterday by the police and taken to the impound - reason being I'd changed my address recently and had stupidly forgot to update them. They also sent an email, but I either didn't get it. What infuriated me though is that they didn't call - I would've sorted it out instantly. Anyways - my car is currently in the compound, and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to get it out. I've found out that most insurance companies are only willing to insure me ONLY when the car is out of the impound. So far I've only found one company (insurance choice) that I am waiting to hear how much they will charge. Does anyone know of anyone else? Thanks
  25. hi guys and gals, i took out a policy with octagon insurance via confused comparison site as it was like £400 cheaper than the next insurer. brought a new car on thursday 9/8/12 and took out the policy for that morning, ran through the quote etc and added benefits, hire car, key cover, personal accident cover, recovery etc etc paid the £200 deposit and arranged the £97 each installments. my car got vandalised at night, key marks down both sides and cabriolet roof got cut twice. so i rang octagon claims and went through the usual malarchy to be told that my car would be collected and assessed then i would recieve a call back. an hour went past and recieved a call from a company called tcf corp who had been passed on my detials by octagon to do what i called a claims management assessment which involved a phone interview and a fraud assessment. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so i told this company i wasnt happy with this and rang octagon back and was told if you dont comply we will not proceed with the claim, so i ask for an independant engineer to assess my vehicle they agree but is this true. then i get another call from a company called coparts who again were passed on my details by octagon to collect my car to do an assessment on wether the vehicle was a write off or repairable. again i say im not happy with this i then ring octagon again and ask what the hell was going on as never had to do a claim for vandalism before. and get told im not entitled to a hire car while my car is being assessed or if the garage doesnt have one. if my car is a right off they also say i cant buy it back to repair myself as supposably in their terms and conditions the policy holder cant rebuy the car. what a load of poppy**** the car is on finance and now they have said they wont pay me out if its written off they will pay the finance company where there could be a shortfall. so basically they saying im screwed whichever way. masking me think im better off not claiming and just getting the work done when i can afford to. still within my 14 day period where i could cancel but then will they put i made a claim on my no claims bonus. even though i aint claimed yet. any advice would be much appreciated. if they just do what is necessary and collect my car take it to the approved repairer and fix or write it off then i can buy it back like every other insurer then i will be happy but as far as im concerned my car aint going anywhere without my concent and its only going to where im happy with it going. not to some back street monkey or into a holding yard in the middle of a rundown estate while they sit at desks twiddling thumbs and not sorting out a genuine claim for vandalism. this really sucks as the insurance company should be dealing with this not me or a claims management fraud company or even a sub sidery company they use to store cars and inspect under there say so. what sucks even more is i went to my local repairer who happens to be one of octagons approved repairers and they said that i could drop car to them and they could deal with everything. hmmmmmmmmmm so been told loads of different things now and really confused. sorry to babble on but just have loads of info and need help to sort this cowboy company out
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