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  1. Thanks for your help. I have had some physio for it, but the insurance company have said I can have 8 more and thats it. My main concern is that I am kind of being told that I have an offer of £2k and 8 therapy sessions and thats it and I don't have a choice, I always thought this was kind of a negotiation process but they said take it or leave it so to speak. Does anyone know if I have any options? I know I could instruct a solictor but the insurance company said that will make no difference as they have offered me everything they can and instructing a solicitor will just waste time. Is it true or would I be able to negotiate on the amount and further therapy?
  2. Thank you, I look forward to their advice as I feel very unsure on what i should do. Thanks again.
  3. Hello I had a car accident almost 3 months ago where another car hit me at the rear at a high speed, as a result I have suffered bad whiplash amoungst other associated injuries. I have not appointed a solicitor as the insurance company said I didn't need one and their claims team will handle things. I was referred to an independent medical expert 2 months after the accident and the outcome was a report that said I had sufferred whiplash that has caused severe pain at times and it is likely to take a further 4 months to heal (6 month injury in total). I am not 100% confident that it will be better within the time stated as it still causes moderate pain daily but I am hoping they are right. The insurance company have offered me £2000 compensation but I want to take my time and see if it heals before settling. The insurance company said they will only make this one offer and as I have not appointed a solicitor they are offering me the maximum amount up front that is achievable and there is no negotiation. I think the offer is a bit low and I am a bit confused as everywhere I read it says you negotiate on the compensation figure, where as the insurance company said 'take it or leave it'. Is this correct? Should I get a solicitor or will I only get the same amount anyway? Thanks in advance.....
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