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  1. Morning. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. My circumstances are this. I have been suffering with depression for years and being out of work made things worse after losing my job and had to start signing on. I was on JSA for a couple of years and whilst on that was initially receiving housing benefit? towards my mortgage (interest only) which was a massive help. I was actively seeking new work and applying etc but the bull**** work programmes drove me mad (literally) with the stupid tasks and courses designed for kindergarden. I ended up turning to alcohol and this obviously made my depression worse. I then signed off over the phone and DWP said that I could move onto ESA (I cant remember what I needed). I declined as I just wanted to get off the phone and felt such a huge relief that I didnt need to worry about being harrassed by A4E and then have been living off my credit cards for the past few months. In short, I am now massively in debt, still out of work, still depressed and up s**t creek without a paddle. Where can I go from here? I need financial support. Im aware I need to get further help for my depression but whilst I have the added worry of being close to getting into a position I am going to lose my home, I need to get this sorted first. What are my options? Obviously I can sign on to JSA and go back to A4E but this has to be the last resort. I am /never/ going to get better while I have to endure that belittlement on a daily basis. Now I'm sure I can register for ESA - but how do I do this. Do I need to goto my doctors first for a sick note or do you register first then prove it later? Because I was on JSA, can I just ring them and ask them to put me on ESA without having to apply for anything or has it been too long now? I cannot emphasise enough that I really struggle with 'people' and waiting. Filling in application forms is fine, but going to interviews and doctors is something I dread and sends my anxiety sky high. And last but not least, my mortgage support stopped last time (from memory you could only have it for 12? months). How long do you need to be off benefits before going back before they will give you the mortgage support again and can this be got on ESA or is that JSA only? Thanks in advance. Mark
  2. Hello, My adult son has received another A2 Income Support review form. He is severely disabled and receives IS as a top-up to his Severe Disablement Allowance. He needs constant care and lives at home with me. However, his name is on the tenancy agreement along with mine, my husband and another son. Because of that I could use some help with Parts 4&9 on the form. For instance, does he technically live in MY household or, as he's on the tenancy, is he in his own household? (I think the last time I filled one of these out I listed all the people in the house in Part 4.) Then further on it asks 'Does he live with parents' and if I tick 'yes' there's no way to answer the later question about him paying rent to the housing association. I'd be very grateful for any help you can offer.
  3. Hi there. I have been in my new job as a support worker for a well known, national care company since May of this year. I support people with physical and learning disabilities. My job requires me to occasionally take "sleep-in" night shifts. The sleep-in shift begins at 22:00 and ends at 07:00, but most employees then do another full or half day shift. For a sleep-in, the employee is provided with a single bedroom (which is incredibly dirty and untidy with mess/equipment everywhere I might add!) with no entertainment facilities, e.g. a TV. For the duration of the sleep-in night shift, the employee is forbidden to leave the building and must be physically present, on site, at all times in case of an emergency requiring them to wake up and lend a hand to the waking night staff. The employee must clock in at the start of the sleep-in shift, as they would on any other type of shift, and of course clock out. For this 9 hour shift, the payment is only a single £35.00 amount, but if the employer is called upon during the night and woken up, they are paid their standard rate of pay for each hour they are awake (which is £6.64/hour for me). In reality, 99.99% of the time, the sleep-in staff are never woken up. The only part of my employment contract which specifically mentions sleep-in shifts, is the "Pay" section, which states "Your rate of pay for each sleep-in worked is £35.00. This payment is for 'on-call' services only." This equates to £3.88 per hour, for a 9 hour sleep-in night shift. Subscription to Unison is an unmanageable expense at the moment, given the cost of living and my current wages, so what is the most effective way to deal with securing the minimum wage (at least!) for sleep-in shifts. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks for reading.
  4. I'Ve been trying to find out how UC will affect me as I was placed in an ESA Support Group a year ago for a one year - and then told this year that I wouldn't be called for any type of assessment at all and that they will look at my case in spring of 2017. Btw, I went through the hoops several times plus two tribunals in order to get where I am at the moment. Obviously I was relieved to hear about the '2017' decision, but now am starting to wonder what is likely to happen to me under the scheme for UC. If it helps, I have Fibromyalgia and am a 62 year old female. Please help me as I feel I can't bear to have to hoop-jump again at my age! I honestly thought that I might be left alone until 2017. Thank you for reading this!
  5. Hi everybody, I'm in a bit of a mess and need some advice. I suffer from an auto-immune disease which means that my body attacks itself. It affects many organs in my body and I was in the Support Group due to this. I recently moved in with my partner and we filled in a change of circumstances form. When they received this form, the DWP told me I had been removed from the Support Group and placed back into the main assessment phase of ESA. They sent me a work capability form and said I had to start the whole claiming process again and that I might not get back into the Support Group. I have contacted them a few times about this and whenever I have spoken to them they have said that this is a mistake and to ignore the work capability form that they sent me as it will have crossed with our new claim and that things will just iron themselves out as the claim progressed. Everyone I have spoken to at the DWP has said they won't remove people from the Support Group for simply moving house. Today I received 2 letters. One from the DWP saying that I am not entitled to any money and that my N.I. stamp is no longer being paid and the second from a disability assessment centre saying that my work capability form has to be returned today. I don't know what on earth to do now. I have been told all along by the DWP that I didn't need to fill this form in and now on the day that it is due in I am been told that I do need to fill it in and return it. I feel like they have royally stitched me up. Can anybody offer any advice here? Can they really remove me from the Support Group just for moving house?
  6. Hi guys, I hope that you're all well. For the last 13 months I've been getting JUST carers allowance, I applied for Income Support which was accepted and back dated, but I had to attend a face to face interview Thursday gone, and the lady doing the Interwiew quite bluntly explained that carers were now expected to look for part time work. I told her that I was a carer 24 hours a day, but she said that wasn't her problem........ Also, that I now have to attend regular face to face interviews at the job centre to explain my carers role, and to discuss what if any part time job's that I've been applying for..... Furthermore, it was said that failure to attend an interview regardless of caring responsibillities is now sanctionable in both income support for carers and carers allowance regardless of the level of care being given... To say that I was absolutely livid is an under statement, and I told her that Mum came first and they could all go [edited] and that I was more than happy to take on the whole of the DWP in any court on my own at any time...!! So... My question.... Have I come up against a nasty bull sh*t merchant, or is it actually the case that carers now have to look for part time work on top of being a carer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...? My own research shows that I am NOT required to look for ANY work as a carer.... Thanks in advance, DMD...
  7. My friend received two letters on Saturday. He has been in the support group for a while, and was awaiting the outcome of an ATOS assesment. Letter 1 told him he had been moved and has lost the support elemen of his money and Letter 2 tells him that he has a Mandatory Work Interview this Thursday, at the local jobcentre. I am not going to try and deal with an appeal myself, (too much has changed and too much is at stake for people if I cock up as a non-professional). I am going to refer him to a local disability charity that helps with these things. Quite well apparently, for a small fee. Anyway, whilst I get on with doing that could anyone tell me this, if we write immediately stating we wish to appeal this decision, does he still have to attend this appointment on Thursday? I would hand deliver a letter to the person he is supposed to see enclosing proof of his appeal (Mandatory Reconsideration). And also whilst he is being reconsidered/appealing, will they still dock the support element of his money? He is not well enough to attend the JC. He has just registered with a new GP who specialises with his problem , but has yet to see him. I am also a bit concerned that by appealing he might lose his money entirely and be forced onto JSA,in which case that will be the end of him as he cannot function like we do. Any comments on this especially welcome. I am told that this is rare, but can happen. Many thanks for reading.
  8. Hi, my ex-partner (my daughter's Daddy) has landed a job that entitles him to free private health care for him and his 'family'. He's asked me if I'd like us (me and my daughter) to be included in the package. I'm currently on Income Support until May - will it effect this at all? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi All I would be grateful for any advice I have had to claim income support for the first time, I am a single Dad with 3 children 2 of school age and 1 pre school, I have been told I will have an interview every 3 months whilst I claim, Can anyone tell me what to expect, from the interview, So far it has been a nightmare trying to sort everything out, as everything takes so long, or departments not communicating as they should. As a result my land lord has given me notice to leave, as the housing benefit was messed up. (still not sorted) I do not intend to be on income support for long only until my youngest is at primary school full time, Thanks in advanced Leakie
  10. does anyone else find it immensely satisfying and funny that the monster raving loony party got nearly double the number of votes the BNP did
  11. I filled out the form to do some craft work from home (I am in the support group) I got a call asking me about it - and a start date which was sorted out. The lady said it will 'make a difference' and I will be asked to send them receipts and the likes. I have heard nothing back so not sure what to do next (this was over 2 weeks ago). Plus I am afraid by what she means in 'this will make a difference'. Will I lose my benefit, I am only talking selling a few items a week maybe month (some times not even that) to get some money back so I can buy more craft items (I understand the need to keep a check on me) but I am not going into business, and could never support myself. The craft work is to keep my mind occupied and stop the mental health problems completely taking over my life. I am not sure what I should do now/next as I am worried.
  12. so i have now finished 2 years in the work related activity group. got a meeting to discuss post work programme support and time on the work programme. so i need to back a little to my first interview where i was put into wrag. arrived early, checked in quickly with person was meant to see was told to wait until called over. over an hour later asked what i was waiting for. the lady i was to see had gone home, and got a new appointment for the next week. i was ill when i was 14 caused epilepsy left arm and hand paralyzed rest of left side works at about 50% of right. was worried as i had heard bad things about in wrag and was advised to write my own action plan. as i never had any gcse or ever worked. the cv was first point. went to adult center which offers simple computer courses and worked out some which would be fast and easy for me to obtain but would need the ok of my advisor. (which i didnt get) again i arrived early had a few sheets of A4 i typed out and were looked at for 2 seconds and handed back to me, signed into wrag told to expect classes, courses and ill receive a phone call.i was worried and expecting bad things. what i got was nothing (not moved or changed home of mobile number). one year later still heard nothing i had to get a new esa50 form and asked about not being contacted for a year. thank you and you will get a phone call was reply. so now another year is up, phone esa number about a new form and ive still had no contact after 1st interview, he looked and said it seems there is some sort of appointment coming soon.and 3 months later i receive post work programme appointment. so what now im rather worried as ive only seen esa horror stories online. Am i going to get done for not doing anything. could anyone Please help me with your experience or knowledge regarding the post work programme support. Many Thanks.. Stu.
  13. I'm aware there is a mega thread on this but it's quite diluted and filled with general questions a lot of which are not related to PWP at all. So thought I'd create a new thread to try and concentrate the information and compile the experiences of people who have had their first appointment on it or are currently further on down the line with PWP. Basically what you've experienced and what you are now expected to do/what they are doing at the moment on PWP. I basically just want to get a feel for what happens on PWP as a whole and how things change over time and I think this thread could help a lot of confused people (As I was the other week) to find concentrated information about PWP and what to expect. I also hope people can learn about it to ensure they are doing everything correctly to avoid a sanction because I feel like there are a lot of little pitfalls with PWP at least from what i've seen so far and if you are not careful you get slapped with a sanction even though you may be doing all that you can. Not sure if this thread will take off but I think it'll be helpful to everyone if we all try to contribute a little bit of our experiences / stories so i'll start and try and keep it only about PWP. Maybe some people who have been on PWP longer can also advise us how things can get tougher/different, how they try to catch you out (From my experiences i've got the feeling some advisors seem to do this, they actually look for underhanded ways to sanction you but not all do) I had my first PWP interview today, it was ok just asked me general questions about why I thought I wasn't finding a job and looked at my skills, the advisor wasn't pushy, rude or anything like that thankfully she was pretty neutral toward me. She just said I need to take a more active stance in job searching rather than a passive one (That confused me because sending out C.Vs etc is a active stance?) but she said stuff like phoning employers, all i've found from doing that is most employers don't care and don't have the time to deal with people phoning in. I got given a new claimant commitment to sign the points I have to adhere too, the main ones at least are. I will use jobsites and employer websites to find and apply for jobs i can do. (Daily) I will log into my universal jobmatch account to find and apply for jobs I can do. (Daily) I will contact employers directly to ask about jobs / apply for them (weekly) I will ask family and friends etc about jobs (Weekly) I will respond promptly to contacts and notifications from employers etc (Daily). I will register and maintain contact with recruitment agencies (ongoing). So that's my new claimant commitment, thankfully it doesn't seem to be as random and as many hoops as other people seem to face like look for work 4hrs. a day, go into town and look at job boards or some crap like that. However the UJ point i am concerned about I do not like UJ and it's crapp when I used to use it all jobs were just spam etc. I realise if you don't follow these points you can be sanctioned so it's best to do them all. I generally for the most part am and I usually bring in printouts of jobs I've applied for. But the with relation to UJ how do I proceed with that? do I check website without logging in so they can't track me and maybe apply for odd job? I heard idea from someone who said if they keep pushing you just say website doesn't work, disable cookies try log on and print off the error and show the advisor. Sounds like a plan if they really try to stop me using better websites. She didn't really push UJ and didn't seem to care about it just said oh it's easier etc. (UJ advice courtesy of a poster here called Mr. P) Also the recruitment agencies one how do I proceed with that? I also have to fill in a "My work plan" booklet has 2 sections to fill in between interviews it just has 2 boxes of "I will (What i'm going to do / how / when / where and What I did and what was the result? How should I go about filling in these parts? She also said write how long it took you, she sort of mentioned it as an offhand comment to do that. She also mentioned me looking into volunteer work, I don't want to do something completely arbitrary i'd like to spend a bit of time maybe doing something that has a little substance if I am pushed into doing this at least anyone else volunteer? do they push you quite hard into doing it? Thanks for advice, Hopefully others share and we can exchange advice.
  14. just when I thought I could have some peace from jcp I get a letter inviting me for an interview with them. on opening the letter it gives you my name etc and then go,s on to say, about your esa allowance claim, in order for us to check the information about your esa claim is correct and that your circumstances havnt changed an appointment has been made for you at this office at 10am on the 19.2.15. please bring the following for you and your partner, driving licence, passport, photo id. also at least 3 months bank statements from all bank accounts plus tenancy agreement any property owned. please bear in mind I was granted esa on the 29th jan 2015 and am in the support group. when I called jcp they said it was a standard interview after being granted esa which is happening to everyone. when I explained well im in the support group the woman I soke to said it dosnt matter as its happening to everyone placed on esa. has anyone else had this happen after being placed on esa as like me ive been granted it for 3 years. many thanks in advance.
  15. Hello Everyone, My friend has her first work programme appointment on the 24th June 2013 and was unable to attend due to being very anxious, being sick and had panic attacks! I rang Ingeus and spoke to her Employment Advisor, he was busy when I rang so I left a message that is was important he call back because it was to do with my friend's appointment and that she was unable to attend that day! He did call back and I duly answered the phone call, I told him why my friend was unable to attend and if she can have another appointment date and that I will come with her, I've explained about her anxiety and panic attacks and also told him her advisor at the Job Centre knows of her circumstances as I've had to cancel an appointment she had with her job centre advisor before, I requested that my friend will need a private room as she will not cope being in a room full of people! All what we asked was granted and I also told Ingeus advisor to send me a letter to confirm my telephone conversation with him! Today a letter arrived there was no mention of speaking to me nor mentioned about requesting for a private room all the letter says! 'We have attempted to contact you by telephone but was unable to reach you. We have therefore arranged an appointment for you on such a date etc, etc. I couldn't believe what I was reading' Good job I wrote a letter confirming my telephone conversation with him on the 24th June and mentioned everything we spoke about, I've kept a copy of course and sent the letter to him! I need to write a letter to him about the letter I've received today not mentioning anything of our telephone conversations, my brain has gone pickled at the moment and I want to be careful how I write the letter! He has lied and also not stating the fact of out conversations has anyone come across this sort of problem with Ingeus it will be good to know about them a bit! Thanks helen
  16. Hi there, My girlfriend lives with her parents and sister and has done all her life. She currently receives income support due her low income/hours worked. I'm her boyfriend of 9 months but we do not live together. I stay at her parents house 1-2 times a month at the most due to her shift pattern and my university studies. She received a letter a couple of days ago from Concentrix (working on behalf of DWP) informing her that: They believe she has a partner and is committing fraud by claiming income support as a single person They have evidence, proving she's living with her partner Upon phoning Concentrix/DWP, they've informed her that they will not disclose the evidence and have requested she sends them her bank statements for the last 12 months and has to prove she's single. My questions, Why do they need her bank statements? They know what her payments are and the statements give no indication that she lives with a partner. DWP can't pursue potential legal proceedings without disclosing their evidence... so how can they refuse to produce it now? especially since my girlfriend has no case to answer. I've since come across lots of reports of people receiving the same letter. However, they all have been married or had a owned/rented a house with their partner. In my girlfriends case, she's never lived elsewhere or had a boyfriend living with her parents. I look forward to your comments. Andrew
  17. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has defended his opposition to the so-called snoopers' charter, insisting "blanket" data retention is "not very British". Nick Clegg branded a 'w****r' by Home Office. Mr Clegg was ridiculed by the Home Office after demanding an apology for Mrs May's claims the Lib Dems behaved 'outrageously irresponsible' for blocking new data laws. http://no1forum.co.uk/showthread.php?489-Lib-Dems-Support-Isis-Terrorism-and-the-Islamist-Murders&p=859#post859
  18. US software giant Microsoft is suing alleged [problem]mers who phone people pretending to represent the firm and offer bogus technology support. The callers ask to take over a home computer and demand money to fix it. Some then install viruses as well. The software company said it had received more than 65,000 complaints about tech support [problem]s since May. It is taking legal action against several firms it accuses of misusing its name in such cases. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30548029 Two simple tips should ensure you're not conned: Never give control of your computer to a third party unless you can confirm that it is a legitimate representative of a computer support team with whom you are already a customer. Never provide your credit card or financial information to someone claiming to be from Microsoft tech support.
  19. Hi all, I was hoping that you good people could offer any advise. My son was placed in the ESA support group. The claim was made November 2013 and he was finally placed in the support group in September 2014. We received a letter today titled Notification of Office Interview. I thought with him being placed in the support group that they could not harrass him. I can't upload he letter so I will typr it out below: An office interview has been arranged We would like you to attend an interview at: xxxxxx with xxxx. What to do if you cannot keep this appointment: If you cannot keep this appointment, or wish to report any changes in your circumstances, please contact me on xxxx. Why it is essential that you attend this interview This interview has been arranged because your circumstances may have changed and we need to ensure your payments are correct. Following this interview, we can arrange for you to see a Work Coach at the Jobcentre. They will be able to support you in considering your options for returning to or starting work. They can help with; Training to get the right job Work taster or work experience Discuss permitted work and how that can help you The best way to search and look for work What you need to bring to the interview Passport Driving license Photo ID AND Last 3 months bank statements. When you arrive at xxxx Jobcentre you will need to take a seat etc etc.... Do I have to take my son to this interview? My son is autistic and he can not cope with these kind of situations. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  20. hello, i brought a fridge freezer from currys and i took out a warranty , unfortunately it stopped working however a replacement was sent be it 4 weeks after. I was told i could claim for food spoilt however currys say consequential loss is not covered in the agreement, is this true as i cant see anything in the agreement and the only reason why i am claiming is because currys member of staff informed me and others have recieved it. thanks
  21. Hi its the first time i have used a forum hi everybody i am currently on esa and have £4000 in savings can i spend the £4000 i already have on what i like or do i have to account for what i spend it on thanks
  22. Well it looks like that there is a another company which is now offering Retail Loss Prevention. It is very confusing. I wonder if they are part of Jackie's Retail Loss Prevention company or whether they are independent. Maybe Jackie's Retail Loss Prevention company is merely operating on a franchise from the parent company SINSO - http://sinsoretailsupport.com/?utm_expid=94136120-1.KQXYxP2ZRlmLrRrg2_kZaw.0&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fsinsoretailsupport.com%2Floss-prevention http://sinsoretailsupport.com/loss-prevention#find-out-more
  23. Could anybody please advise me on the possible outcome of a DWP investigation into a payment I receive each month via my employer that they get from a group phi/income protection policy. I receive a contribution based ESA support group payment as well.I am taxed on both.The DWP are saying the group income protection payment is either a occupational or personal pension,and also personal health insurance or a work related pension. I have phoned DWP and wages department, both said wait to see what the end outcome is.In the meantime my ESA payment has* stopped. Very confused as I did not think group phi/income protection affected ESA payments.Sorry for length of post,any help would be very much appreciated.
  24. Parents who default on child maintenance payments face being turned down for mortgages and credit cards under new government plans. From March 2015, information from parents' payment records in England, Scotland and Wales could be shared with credit reference agencies. Financial organisations would then use this data to decide whether or not they want to offer someone credit. The record of a missed payment won’t appear on a credit record until a liability order is made against them.
  25. Once again the letter from my work provider telling me a telephone interview has been arranged and that I must be available for it. I know I do not have to participate as I am in the support group, but it is criminal how they hound people (we look forward to seeing you again, and helping you find the right job). How can they 'see' me over the telephone. It's so exhausting keep up with all of this, failed PIP medical, lost mortgage relief form, now these people. You get to the point of just wanting it ALL to end.
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