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  1. First of all hello, just recently found the forum. Oh, I have been so so silly. I bought a caravan on HP in 2008 over 60 months, last year I sold the caravan and didn't get enough for it to pay off all the loan. I know now that I shouldn't have done this, that I could have let them take it back as I'd paid half the loan. I feel so stupid, but I really didn't know this, and I didn't realise I couldn't sell it on either. I've made such a big mistake. I have never defaulted on the loan payments, I'm still just about managing to pay everything I owe (there are other debts too) but it's tough as I'm a single widowed mum with two kids and I"m a full time student, so just about manage to meet payments by using my student loan etc too. If anyone has any advice how best to manage this and get myself out of this pickle I'd appreciate it. I'm a bit scared now I know I could be prosecuted for selling the caravan with outstanding hp, I have no idea where it is now.
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]50413[/ATTACH] http://i.imgur.com/lcofTi2.jpg The road has yellow lines everywhere, and half painted bays on the pavement (but not on the road). Other lamp posts only have the yellow sign, not the blue one.
  3. I Need advice - please: I received new contract to sign but I DIDN'T SIGN YET POINTS ARE: - My working hours are changed from 9.30 – 5.30 to 8AM – 6PM - My lunch break has been changed from 1 hr to 0.50 hr - My bonus and Salary are changed, basically smaller bonus and bigger (small change from 30.000 to 32.500) salary but finally I am going to be paid £400.00 less / month - New role/ title - New / more responsibilities ( my current responsibilities plus more) - New unreasonable targets I don’t want to signed this, I am working in accounts department over 7 years and my question is: Can my company refuse my redundancy ? ?? Looks like my current position doesn't exist anymore, I have new one where I will have my current duties plus more. I was told today that I have to replay with attached signed contract or refuse to sign with detail why until tomorrow. I have to refuse to sign because I can’t work 10 hrs, plus overtime to do my targets, but I don’t know how to replay, I don’t want to write something what after can be used against me? I’d like to be redundant in this case, not go without anything. I have to add that there is no point to talk to my Boss, it wont be any changes Please help
  4. What do you make of this? 2hrs max stay except Fridays between 13.00-1600hrs where only 1hr is allowed... There is a mosque 200 metres up the road...
  5. This road has parking bays all up the road, with no signs. At the end of the road, is the A12, which has a red route. The red route starts at the bottom of each side road. The other side of this road also has the same sign, but no bays. I am confused as to whether or not the sign includes the restrictions on the bays. If it does, it doesn't make sense as it's just the same as any other bay in the area, the street is residential, thus no need for loading. I parked here once for the day, didn't get a ticket, but decided not to park there again just in case. Others tend to avoid the bay too. The sign also faces different directions a lot, sometimes facing up the road, sometimes faces the other way up the road, and other times faces out. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49701[/ATTACH] This forum doesn't allow me to post the location on google maps, /maps/@51.576052,0.094029,3a,75 y,287.84h,67.14t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sqrs3T sCeC-U_M1mwcO93PQ!2e0 Ignore the attached image, it has the wrong sign
  6. Hello everyone, Seems like this is a good place to come for some initial advice. I went to look at a car on Sunday (2nd Feb 2014) and dealer told me he didn't see any problems with finance and i should be in the car by Tuesday (4th Feb) once he had approval. On Monday 3rd I heard back that one finance company had wanted further information but another had approved it. So Tuesday came and i picked up the car, leaving my old one as a deposit. Yesterday 6th Feb I got a call saying the mileage on the finance docs was wrong and I needed to go in and re sign. Having read about numerous scams I asked the dealer whether this would change any repayments or anything and he assured me it wouldn't. However I have phoned the finance company who said they don't have any record of me on their system, although it was their customer service department so they may not have details because finance hasn't yet been set up?? I did check my credit file and can see they have accessed it so there must be a record somewhere. I can spot the simple mistake and it is an easy remedy but I am concerned I'm going to go in and be landed with increased payments and few options. Am i worrying over nothing or is it something I should actually be worried about? Thanks
  7. My ex husband and I bought a house together in March 2010. The house cost £110,000 with a 10% deposit (£7,500 paid by me and £3,500 paid by my ex). The property needed modernisation, and so we started stripping out the property in preparation for central heating, new windows and doors, re-plastering and new kitchen and bathroom. Prior to and following the purchase, my ex and I lived with my parents and our son at their house. In October 2010, my ex walked out on me. He had taken a lease out on a flat, and told me that he could no longer pay his half of the mortgage repayments, as well as his flat rent and maintenance for our son. I agreed to pay the full mortgage repayments alone, and for him to pay £100 maintenance for our son a month, with him walking away from the house. He agreed to this, and I have paid the mortgage since. I completed the work on the house, paying out everything on it myself. My son and I moved in to the property in October 2012. In 2012, I sought advice from my solicitor in relation to formalising this agreement. My solicitor wrote to my ex and he agreed to sign the deeds to me, following me getting a mortgage on my own for the property. I went to the bank following this, but was told that I had too many debtors (1 credit card, 1 loan and a car lease), to allow them to give me a replacement mortgage, even though they could see my current account was managed, and that I had not missed a repayment on any of my debtors. The situation remained unchanged, while I waited for my loan and car lease to be paid off. Because our arrangement was sorted, we decided to divorce. It was an online divorce to save us both money, as we'd both moved on and had new partners. Ex agreed to pay me half of the fees (not had them to date). During the Summer 2013, my ex asked whether he was still on the mortgage and deeds. I explained that I hadn't been able to get a mortgage as hoped, but was going to try again within a couple of months (once loan and car lease paid off). My partner and I decided that we would like a bigger home together. We decided to put the house on the market. Estate agent required my ex to sign an agreement to this, which he did. We sold the house within a couple of weeks. My solicitor then told me that the previous agreement my ex had signed was that he was allowing me to take the mortgage alone and consequently walk away from the house. She explained that due to the wording, that this didn't include me selling the house. My solicitor wrote to my ex again, requesting that he sign the deeds due to the change of circumstances. My ex claimed to have signed and returned the papers. Solicitor didn't receive anything. My solicitor again sent him appropriate form to sign, but again has not received anything. Whilst picking my son up from him yesterday, we begun arguing over a separate issue. My ex said "Remember I hold the key to your house" referring to the deeds. I now fear that he is going to refuse to sign them, meaning that we lose out on the sale and a property that we'd put an offer in on. I don't think that he is really entitled to anything, especiallIy as he'd agreed to walk away. I feel that he has become greedy, as I have sold the house for £135,000. What can I do to prevent losing the sales?
  8. Dear all, I hope this is the correct sub-forum to post such a question. Some background: I live on a private street in North East London, it is a gated street. Outside the gate there is a double yellow line on the narrow street. This double yellow line is used by many local businesses as a car park, free-for-all. Of late parking on this narrow stretch is becoming tighter and tigher, with cars often 'double parking' and blocking access, by car, to my gated street. This same narrow stretch of un-gated street also serves an underground car park, belonging to a neighbouring block, housing some 30 cars. My question - please see a photograph of the sign. [ATTACH=CONFIG]48372[/ATTACH] I am confused by the signage and have asked the local council many times to consider changing the times when cars can park. I am worried that with all this extra congestion, if emergency vehicles ever need to access my road, the gated bit, fire engine or ambulance, it will not be possible. The council never seem to enforce any sort of parking control on this important albeit short stretch of road. Ideally it would be great if TfL took over and make the spot a 'red route'. Comments sought. Best wishes, SY
  9. Hi, I'm new in this so I would really appreciate some expert advices. So my car was parking in the residents bay as usual where I have valid parking permit. But meantime when my car was there they changed the parking signs on the road. I don't know when because I didn't check the signs and I didn't get any notice about it. This is the new one: Permit holders 10am-4pm 8.30am-6.30pm Pay at machine (That basically means I have to pay if I want to park in that part of the zone even if I have permit.) They don't have picture of the car but I already appeal so basically I admited that my car was there. What can I do now? Do I have a chance if I formally challenge it?
  10. MacDonalds/Lidl/Dreams Oxford Road Reading https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p200x200/1391644_10201729133565606_1186692471_n.jpg
  11. Hi guy please give this link below foe e petition to everyone you know post on social sites as much you can thanks http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/55745
  12. I rented a flat for me and my two daughters 8th June this year because our house had sold and we hadn't found the right house to buy. I was sure we wouldn't be in it for the full 6 months and asked the letting agent if it would be easy to move on, he assured me it would but I had to pay 6 months' rent upfront because it was a relocation and I no longer had a job. After 2 months in the flat we found the right house and eventually moved out the flat 12th August. I told the agent I would like to surrender my tenancy and he told me because the landlady had already been paid she wouldn't agree to it because she would have to give me a rent rebate. I held on for another month but I'm still liable for the council tax and utilities bill, insurance and any repairs so I told the letting agent I will not take the rebate I just don't want to be liable for the property anymore. They agreed but still wanted me to be liable for the lot until they found a new tenant, however I was firm in my refusal and they eventually agreed. The letting agent drafted a letter for me to sign and return, however due to the manner in which the letting agent has handled this so far, I would appreciate someone au fait in this matter to advise me before signing. Many thanks in advance for your help The letter states: Dear [Letting Agent] Re: Rental Address I want to vacate the above mentioned property and no longer be liable for the utility bills and council tax. I hereby want to cancel my tenancy with [Letting Agent] and will be leaving the property on 07/10/2013. I understand that I had paid 6 months rent upfront and this has now been transferred over to the landlord, however, I do not wish to receive a rent rebate. I just wish not to be liable for the utility bills and council tax anymore.
  13. I just received a ticket for "parking with one or more wheels on or over a footpath" Yes, my vehicle was parked on the curb (pic 1), however I did this because the road sign (in front of me) instructed me to (see pic 2) As you can see from pic 3 other vehicles on the street had done the same. After getting the PCN I was dumbfounded so I took pics and looked around. I then notice that directly behind the the road sign (pic 2) was another road sign which said no parking on the road. However the row of cars (pic 3) had all parked with their wheels on the road. I will appeal this PCN, however I like you opinion on whether I am right or wrong. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
  14. Morning, I am due to sign on just after lunch. However, I began to feel ill about an hour ago. I am hoping this will pass. I had to near collapses last week, in a matter of 1 hour, if it wasn't for my little son, I would have collapsed on concrete. I am exhibiting the same symptoms as I had last week. My Vegus nerve is irritated and slows my heart down, it's making me feel like rubbish. If I ring in at lunch would they hold on to releasing payment till I am well enough to sign on?
  15. I parked in a town centre limited parking bay (white lines around the bay but no yellow line next to the kerb). There were no parking signs next to the bay stating the max time allowance (although there were signs on bays much further up the street) so I assumed that this space was free parking with no time delay. I got a PCN and appealed but they said: "The onus is on the driver to be aware of and comply with restrictions in force; bay markings in a busy town centre indicate controls are in place." Is this really the case or can I escalate my appeal? It looks to me as if the place where the vehicle was parked wasn't properly marked out as restricted parking.
  16. Hello All! A 'living wage' is the term used to describe how much someone needs to earn per hour to afford the basic essentials in life, not luxuries, essentials. The campaign for a living wage is growing in strength with Labour now throwing its support behind the idea and London mayor Boris Johnson saying it has his wholehearted support. The recommended living wage was recently set at £8.55 an hour in London and £7.45 an hour for the rest of the UK. The minimum wage is £6.19. Please sign the petition in favour of raising the national minimum wage to match the living wage needed for people to be able to support themselves. find the petition by clicking here- http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/41273
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43907[/ATTACH] It was 11am on a Saturday at which time it is ok to park on single yellows. So I parked on a single yellow with my two front tires over the edge of a disabled parking bay. In the bay was another car (without a blue badge for what it's worth). I knew I had two wheels over the bay, but I'd checked the sign above the disabled bay and saw that it wasn't in effect. There were plenty of other clear single yellow lines around so I could have moved had it been. I returned to my car two hours later to find a PCN had been stuck on it for "parked in a designated disabled persons’ parking place without displaying a validdisabled person’s badge in the prescribed matter" . I want to appeal the fine on the basis that the contravention did not occur as per the sign the bay way not in effect. I know they will counter with the timings only applied to the 4 hour maximum bit, but my argument is that it just isn't clear (obviously otherwise I wouldn't have parked there!). Any advice / thoughts / my odds? Many thanks
  18. Went to sign in today. went through all the normal talk and then she told me that from today, when i sign on every two weeks i will be given a new time each and every time i go to sign on, she then told me that this is to keep you on your toes,
  19. Hi, Ive had a look around all the threads in this section and couldn't quite find the same situation but looking at similar confusing signs I think I might have a case to appeal and you seem like a friendly bunch too. Quick run down of the scenario, I parked in Uxbridge town centre last friday morning, I was popping in to get a passport photo so knew I wouldnt be long. I found a metered bay and parked in it. At the time of parking there were 4 bays 3 of which were empty. i checked the sign and it said pay at meter, I only had 80p which covered 15 mins so knowing I wouldnt be long put this in. I had to return to get the pictures so went back to the car to add another 15 mins at 15 mins past when the ticket was due to run out. On returning there was a warden stood 10 meters from my car clearly looking at the bays which were all now full. I put another ticket on walked past the warden and left. I was there for a couple of mins as I had a coffee and was faffing with change for the meter. The warden would have seen me. I then returned to the car at 29 mins past to see a ticket on my car. When I asked the warden why he had given me a ticket he said it was because I was in a permit bay, I said the sign say for permit holders. At which point I said it doesnt say permit holders only. he then pointed at the other two bays and the markings on teh ground showing that the other bays were for non permit holders. Another motorist pulled over to speak to the warden about the restriction saying he got a ticket there yesterday and it wasnt clear and he had also seen other motorists with tickets since. He then got quite animated so I left. My problem with this sign is it doesnt say 'permit holders only', and ive never ever come across a permit zone where you have to pay which is also confusing. The two signs (which i didnt notice) which point toward each other both say pay at meter only one saying 'permit holders'. I beleived the sign implied permit holders could park there when ever and everyone else had to pay between the times displayed - as I did. The warden also had the opportunity of advising me I shouldnt be there when I returned to my car, which in my eyes is verging on entrapment (might be a bit OTT). Do you think I can appeal this due to the sign being misleading. Any advice appreciate.
  20. Just a quick one guys, on my first day of work, I received a pcn for parking in front of a sign that divides two parking zones with different times. This little street has an extremely complicated parking structure with each part having different parking times. The whole road has one yellow line, without any other road markings, all divided by damaged signs that divide these. The issue I had here was that the sign was extremely worn out and not clear. I know that councils must provide clear and non-damaged signage, especially in a zone like this. So I don't really know which law I can apply this to. I've attached a photo for you guys to have a look at and thanks in advance for your help.
  21. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/41494 Sign this petition and share as much as you can. The only way we can bring about any real change against the immoral conduct of the DVLA is by signatures on the petition.
  22. Dear all, A lovely but windy Saturday morning has been ruined by Camden. I am not told WHERE this contravention took place - surely on such a document, the exact location of the alleged contravention must be stipulated? Advise sought. Yours, ShivaYash Stoke Newington, London Camden PCN - no entry sign 15.06.2012 - EMAIL.pdf
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21719322
  24. Francesca Martinez, who has cerebal palsy and often describes herself as ‘wobbly’. Just a quick plug for the WoW Petition which has been submitted by actress and award winning comedian, The petition calls for a Cumulative Impact Assessment on all government cuts and changes affecting sick and disabled people and a stop to the Work Capability Assessment. It already has over 23,000 signatures. You can sign the petition here and read more about WoW here
  25. Hello, I guess I am being thick - but I really don't understand this sign, close to my house. 2.5T lorries and passenger buses, No waiting Mon to Fri from 12 midnight to 8am and 6.30pm to 12 midnight Sat and Sun - no waiting whatsoever [ATTACH=CONFIG]41122[/ATTACH] So during the day, parking here is allowed? Can anyone assist? The road which this sign is on, leads to my road, a private gated mews. Cars are often parked up during the day, making access difficult. One day an emergency vehicle will need to gain access but it won't be able to. And someone will die. Best wishes,
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