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  1. Just thought I would close this off if anyone else ever searches for a similar thing and also say thanks for the advice. I received a letter from Hillingdon council waiving the fine, but they also added that as I was now aware of the restriction if I ever was found parking in a bay they would fine me... would have been nice if they acknowledged their signs were misleading! Thanks for the help to all that responded.
  2. Thanks is there any legislation I can put with my appeal that you know of. I had a look at some traffic sign details and it has suggested text, as you say this isnt listed.
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41317[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41316[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41315[/ATTACH] With the pictures!
  4. Hi, Ive had a look around all the threads in this section and couldn't quite find the same situation but looking at similar confusing signs I think I might have a case to appeal and you seem like a friendly bunch too. Quick run down of the scenario, I parked in Uxbridge town centre last friday morning, I was popping in to get a passport photo so knew I wouldnt be long. I found a metered bay and parked in it. At the time of parking there were 4 bays 3 of which were empty. i checked the sign and it said pay at meter, I only had 80p which covered 15 mins so knowing I wouldnt be long put this in. I had to return to get the pictures so went back to the car to add another 15 mins at 15 mins past when the ticket was due to run out. On returning there was a warden stood 10 meters from my car clearly looking at the bays which were all now full. I put another ticket on walked past the warden and left. I was there for a couple of mins as I had a coffee and was faffing with change for the meter. The warden would have seen me. I then returned to the car at 29 mins past to see a ticket on my car. When I asked the warden why he had given me a ticket he said it was because I was in a permit bay, I said the sign say for permit holders. At which point I said it doesnt say permit holders only. he then pointed at the other two bays and the markings on teh ground showing that the other bays were for non permit holders. Another motorist pulled over to speak to the warden about the restriction saying he got a ticket there yesterday and it wasnt clear and he had also seen other motorists with tickets since. He then got quite animated so I left. My problem with this sign is it doesnt say 'permit holders only', and ive never ever come across a permit zone where you have to pay which is also confusing. The two signs (which i didnt notice) which point toward each other both say pay at meter only one saying 'permit holders'. I beleived the sign implied permit holders could park there when ever and everyone else had to pay between the times displayed - as I did. The warden also had the opportunity of advising me I shouldnt be there when I returned to my car, which in my eyes is verging on entrapment (might be a bit OTT). Do you think I can appeal this due to the sign being misleading. Any advice appreciate.
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