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  1. Hi first time user here... I privately sold a desk that I had at my home and offered to deliver the desk to the buyer. I hired a Transit Van from National/Eurocar (with Eurocar sign on the side), loaded the desk into the van and headed for Lambeth in London from Reading. The sat nav took me straight past Buckingham Palace and up birdcage walk, where I was stopped by a Metropolitan Police woman. She informed me that I was driving a Trade/Business vehicle in A Royal park and issued me with a £30 on the spot fine. According to The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations 1997, one must not: (27) drive or ride any vehicle which is constructed, adapted or in use for the purpose of a trade or business except as specified in Part I of Schedule 2 to these Regulations; (Part 1 doesn't apply here). I told the police woman I was just delivering a desk I'd sold privately, to wit she asked if I had an invoice... I said no, it is a cash transaction. I showed her the single day rental for the van. She checked on her radio what insurance was on the van to see if it was business insurance. It wasn't for me. She then asked me what I did for a living, I said I'm a software developer, which I am. She asked to see a business card. I don't have any business cards. She then looked in the back and said because the van had protective wooden panels on the inside, it had been adapted for business purposes and was therefore unauthorised use in the Park. Have I broken the law here? Does driving a van you've hired to transport a privately sold item become business or trade use? Please help. Gus..
  2. Last week I was driven to a shopping area and used a PRIVATE NCP car park, We obtained a ticket and drove in, we found a Disability Parking Area and I displayed my Blue Disabled Badge on the Dash Board. When we returned to the car, a Fixed Penalty Notice was attached to the windscreen, stating I was liable to a £100 charge because the Badge date had expired. The date had expired without me noticing, and Social Services are now arranging a replacement. Can NCP really apply this charge. Have they any right in law to enforce such a charge/ The NCP note says. Parking Contravention Charge Notice
  3. I took my Grandmother to her local Asda on Sunday (Colchester Store) and as I pulled in there was 4 UKCPL attendants walking about on their phones, watching videos and so on at the entrance (Overkill, I thought?). As I pulled up into a disabled bay, no less than three of these blokes very nearly ran towards my car to look for the blue badge (Which my Grandmother was meticulously setting the time on) as I was walking away from it. I couldn't believe it as I looked around, there must have been 20 of them in a 300 slot car park.. . Are they on commission or something? Are Asda bosses being threatened with beatings if this lot aren't allowed to issue invoices? It all seemed a bit odd to me. Granny had put the badge up (Kinda') and it was back to front (The wheel chair and serial number weren't showing) and as I returned back after 15-20 minutes, there were two of them around my car. Not just waiting, to tell me not to do it again, but issuing a ticket! Obviously, once issued, I binned it and told the bloke that he was being completely unreasonable and it'd go no where. As I got into the car and started to get going, he then stood behind the car until I got out and asked him what the problem was; He said that as I'd thrown it in the bin, he was calling security to come and "Sort me out"? Now, I'm a security officer with 3 years under my belt and wasn't phased at all, but the Guard arrived with an un-addressed banning letter and told me not to come back again, as the car park bloke handed me a freshly issued ticket. She was asleep in the car and woke up to this bloke smacking the wiper back down on the windscreen and I'm really not happy with the way it was handled.
  4. Hi fellow CAGgers, I got a parking invoice in the lovely town of Workington back on 6th August 2012. As usual I popped it away in a safe place and forgot about it. Today I get a nice letter from Secure Car Parks Limited asking me to pay it. I usually just ignore as I know the idiots will give up and go away after time. This letter though made me laugh at what lies they will go to to try and make people pay. As stated above the invoice was popped on my car in August of this year. The protection of freedom act came into play 1st October. They have stated in their letter that due to the protection of freedom act they have the right to recover the amount they think is owed (a stonking 60 quid) from the registered keeper. Legal action will then be commenced to recover all amounts due together with any associated cost incurred. I feel I can have some fun with this or hopefully land them in bother due to the fact they are stating acts that were in force in August. They also state the appeals process with POPLA which again I believe didn't come into play until 1st October either. Is there anything I can do? Ignoring this one seems less fun than stirring up some of the brown stuff Your thoughts and info would be fantastic on this. Cheers, Sploits
  5. Hi, I went to Morissons supermarket this morning and could not find a space. Everywhere was taken up so I parked my car on the end of a row. There was no obstruction and I was literally 2 mins (I have a reciept to prove it) and when I came back I saw a parking ticket placed under my wiper and a slightly wet 'executive lolipop man' stood there with a smirk on his face. I took the ticket, walked up to him and said this is pointless, you have no power to enforce the ticket and threw it back at him, got in my car and drove off. A friend told me about the recent '1st October Freedom of information act' and I'm wondering if Euro Car Parks have any authority to up hold the charge. A bit of knowledge would be appreciated and I do not have the ticket. James. *I forgot to add, the car park was free
  6. Im sooooooo angry with Euro Car Parks Sainsburys , This morning I popped to a sainsburys close to where I live but have not visited this one in years. drove in and found a space to park, one of the spaces had broken glass ( looked like a wine bottle in one space so i parked in the middle of 2 spaces ( Many parking spaces empty around this area). Done my shopping drove out of the Sainsburys and got home, just as i parked up I could see this piece of paper on my screen ( I assumed it was those stupid advertisment cards the put under wiper) on closer inspection I nearly passed out..... .. Its said PARKING CHARGE NOTICE 18/8/12 from 10.43 to 10.44 at the sainsburys lewes road . It listed my reg and vechile type etc and then the reason for the ticket.. ...a tick next to the "other " Car parked in 2 bays.................. ...........................oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddd I cant believe it .......... ...................ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to screammmmmmmm...... .....Im flabergarsted......... ....How can a customer be treated in such a manner. It obvisouly goes through the you must pay £30 within 14 days if not your details will be requested from the DVLA , your details may be passed to a third party authorised by Euro Car Parks for the collection of unpaid parking fees. I am short of words............ .............. so my question is how can they get away with this kind of behaviour and what can I do about it and what does it mean .... Any help would be great Im so angry I do not want to use Sainsburys ever again after this and they will now lose more than 30 flipping pounds. kind regards stuart
  7. Don't know if anybody knows the answer to this. If a holiday caravan or lodge park claims to be a member of a trade association and included the trade association logo on its website, what's the procedure when a park is suspended? Should they still be showing the logo to say they are members? Any comments gratefully received
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