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  1. Thanks dx, As it is a Fixed Penalty Notice, it only gives me the option to be dealt with by court and I will be summoned. If I take this option, will I have the opportunity to appeal or will it go straight to summons? The cost of appearing in a london court will be far higher than £30, especially if I am in a software work contract at the time of being summoned. I really do want to fight this as I feel this police woman has just decided to fine me for being in a van and misrepresenting the law... She put on the ticket that the vehicle use was "Business/Trade", when I wasn't using it in this way. It was like because I couldn't PROVE it wasn't for business use, I was getting a ticket. When did proving your innocence become the law? But will fighting it cost me a whole lot more money? Gus..
  2. Thanks, Sir Gilmour... I followed the welcome video and placed it here, but after a quick look, I've found the "Speeding and Motoring Offences" forum under "Transport" so will put it there. Should I remove it from here? If so, how do I do that? Gus..
  3. Hi first time user here... I privately sold a desk that I had at my home and offered to deliver the desk to the buyer. I hired a Transit Van from National/Eurocar (with Eurocar sign on the side), loaded the desk into the van and headed for Lambeth in London from Reading. The sat nav took me straight past Buckingham Palace and up birdcage walk, where I was stopped by a Metropolitan Police woman. She informed me that I was driving a Trade/Business vehicle in A Royal park and issued me with a £30 on the spot fine. According to The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations 1997, one must not: (27) drive or ride any vehicle which is constructed, adapted or in use for the purpose of a trade or business except as specified in Part I of Schedule 2 to these Regulations; (Part 1 doesn't apply here). I told the police woman I was just delivering a desk I'd sold privately, to wit she asked if I had an invoice... I said no, it is a cash transaction. I showed her the single day rental for the van. She checked on her radio what insurance was on the van to see if it was business insurance. It wasn't for me. She then asked me what I did for a living, I said I'm a software developer, which I am. She asked to see a business card. I don't have any business cards. She then looked in the back and said because the van had protective wooden panels on the inside, it had been adapted for business purposes and was therefore unauthorised use in the Park. Have I broken the law here? Does driving a van you've hired to transport a privately sold item become business or trade use? Please help. Gus..
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