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  1. PIP Early Progress. National Audit Office Report Full Report Here in PDF format http://www.nao.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Personal-Independence-Payment-early-progress.pdf
  2. Good afternoon can anybody help me in brief my employee informed me that the company i was working for had gone into liquidation just before christmas after searching for alternative employment to no avail at present. I had no other option but to sign on for jobseekers allowance (i have never had a benefit) since i started work 35 years ago so was a bit green anyway have my interview at the jobcentre filled in the relevant and signed on this morning i have received a letter stating that i have not paid enough national insurance i have a funny feeling my ex employer has not paid my tax or insurance although i have had this deducted i have a p60 from last year and weekly payslips to the date i was laid off clearly stating the deductions anybody got any idea where i go from here please ?
  3. Hi everyone, So I am a user of the bus usually, one evening I decided to get the train due to being rushed. I boarded the train with my fare in my hand ready and waiting, no conductor came. when I got off at my spot BTP and a national rail inspector were waiting for tickets. I explained no conductor had asked however they stated i should have known to purcahse at a ticket machine.( as explained I dont frequently use the trains I had no idea I was committing an offence by not buying before boarding) I showed them my weekly bus ticket i buy in advance and explained i dont use the trains. Then then proceed to take my name and address to contact me with futher information for me to explain why I hadent purachsed the ticket. HERES WERE IT ALL WENT WRONG. I panicked after a long stressful day at work I got myself confused and thought I would be issued with a massive on the spot fine i wouldnt be able to pay, Im a third year law student also. Therefore, i very very stupidly lied and gave complete false information, I got home and couldnt sotp thinking about what I had done in a state of panic and confusion. and therefore wanting to do the right thing I walked all the way back to the train station to confess. I explained I did it in the spare of the moment, I had the origional train fare and was more than willling tio pay that however when they mentioned a fine I panicked as I knew I could never afford to pay that! They now have my correct details and i will be waiting for a letter, i need some advice on what to expect, will i get a fine? if so how much? and will it go against me that i firstly provided false details? could this turn criminal? However critical to mention, not only am i third year student in law my aim was to join the police and currently serve as a special constable, this could ruin my whole life plan. I am a honest person and was just confused and panicked. this is a nightmare!!! please please help!!
  4. Hi Everyone, Was just after a bit of advice really, i live with my partner who is due to become a full time student. i currently claim ESA and DLA and am in the income related support group of ESA. now when my partner starts her full time course we will lose ESA as she is entitled to the full maintenance loan and grant and adult dependent grant for me. however what i would like to know is if i claim for national insurance credits only (if this possible) can i reclaim ESA at the same rate as i am now if my partner doesn't get a job after her course, given that i would still be assessed as limited capability for work as i would be claiming for national insurance credits. Thanks Andrew
  5. Hi everybody, I just joined today and this is my first post: Can my father still claim the PPI back on that loan - it was £2,700 and added to the loan from outset; so total loan amount was £29,700. I have seen some claims companies that go back 15 years. Also he had a £5,000 personal loan with midland/hsbc in the early nineties with £970 PPI added - despite the fact he banked with midland bank for 30+years as a self employed person. Any help much appreciated.
  6. Hello all, Have a problem that I could do with some urgent advice on. At my last post work programme appointment I didn't see my usual adviser as they were on holiday. The adviser I saw made me an appointment with the national careers service. I have this morning received a garbled message from someone at the service saying my appointment is today at 3pm yet my official letter issued by my adviser says its 11th November at the same time. I have rung the careers service phone number on the letter and the person I spoke to wasn't any help at all, basically I have been told they do not hold the diaries for appointments made at job centres and I have been unable to get through to my job centre at the moment. Just wondered what is my position is, I am fine to go on Monday but this afternoon would be undoable. Thanks for the advice
  7. Probably clutching at straws. I had an Abbey Loan prior to May 2000. I know it had PPI but unfortunately I have no details. I do have the number of the loan taken in 2000 which part was used to pay off the previous loan which had the PPI on. Abbey are saying they can only find one loan. I have asked my bank if they can help with anything showing the payments but too old. Surely if they have the other loan then they should be able to see how it was dispersed which will give them the details of the other loan. Is there anything I can do ???
  8. Hey have been in this country for the past 3 years have been working on and off while doing my studies. I just wanted to find out if there is any possibility of claiming some of national insurance contributions since and going back to my home country thereby making my future pension contributions void.
  9. do ni contributions count when on esa and jsa
  10. Hi I've decided to try and claim the PPI attached to an old Sharps Bedroom Loan. I took out the Loan at the end of 1999 and paid it off using another loan in 2003. I have no paperwork but am sure that it contained front loaded PPI. All paperwork for the loan was done in my home by the Sharps Bedroom Sales man. It was for about 10,000 and was over 10 years. I have all my old bank statements showing the DD leaving my account each month, stating the account number and First National Bank. I've tried to establish who is now dealing with these old loans and thought it was G E Money Home lending in Watford but they have written back saying they do not recognise the Account number. Any suggestions anyone. Many thanks
  11. Hi, As i moved here back in 2000 from the Netherlands, I have a clear and well distinguished record of serving the 'landmacht' (which is the army in NL), I've tried to join the Air Force here in UK but was turned down due to my Dutch nationality. I initially joined the LM (army) to get a gateway to the airforce but I can't use it here. Are there any pointers you guys can give me? My police and criminal record is squeaky clean, the Netherlands remains a neutral country so doesn't interfere with UK's affairs and I'm as fit as a fiddle as I still wake up at 5 AM and gym daily. On some occasions, tke days off of work to go down the gym for a second bout Can someone advise me as to how I can approach this? Cheers, Adriaan *edit* just to add, I've got 1500 hours on a pilot license which I've scrounged and paid for as much as i could...
  12. 14 years ago me and my wife had a bank account with Abby and when I was made redundant and subsequently sold our house our old bank account just got lost in translation/not used. We have not acknowledge the debt but the debt keeps being transferred to company to company and also its not listed on any of our CRA files. The large part of the amount outstanding is overdraft and fee's, charges etc and I recall a few years ago adding up all the charges I paid over the years with Abby and it came to about £9k or there about. What my question is I'm aware that the debt is now statute barred and enforceable as I have never EVER paid a single penny to that account or sent or acknowledged the debt, can I still claim the charges and PPI back and if I did can they then come back to me for the debt as I've acknowledged the account. Regards
  13. I have a few questions for those who know about or have dealt with National Hunter.... Is it possible to send an SAR to National Hunter? do i send it to their PO Box in Stoke, or the Manchester address on the ICO Data controllers address? Also, if i can SAR them, do i mark postal order payable to N Hunter LTD or National Hunter.... Has anybody sent them a SAR? How much paperwork am i to expect, and what am i to expect?
  14. The other day when I bought a ticket, the conductor on board the train told me I was travelling in the wrong direction. I told him that I wasn't as I'd looked online and it suggested this route as it was the quickest on the way there. When he input the data on the machine he confirmed that I was correct. I asked if the ticket could be an any permitted route ticket as I would be travelling back the other way. He told me that while 'any permitted' meant I could travel in either direction, once I had started travelling I would be restricted to that route, meaning I would have to come back in the same direction. Is this correct? I suspect he might be wrong as the National Rail site says I only have to purchase one ticket to travel up one way and back the other. I've travelled different ways there and back many times in the past and this has never been an issue before. I also bought a ticket which I thought would be incredibly complicated to purchase in the past due to the fact that I was travelling to four different stations, three of which were on separate routes, and National Rail Enquiries told me I could just buy an any route permitted ticket to one of the stations I was travelling to and it would be fine.
  15. I've look in other forums about this issue, Can't seem to find anything about this issue. Could someone please advise, on this National Grid digging up roads and footpaths? Dropping Large Containers in Roads causing obstruction To traffic and pedestrians. In my area National Grid are replacing all our main gas supply pipes, with new plastic mains. Okay I do understand, that yes the work needs doing, no objection to it at all. Problem we are getting is, National Grid seem to just plonk there Large Metal Containers, In roads around there working areas, meaning close by to working place, Also there big pipes, and rolls of smaller gauge pipes, in roads they cause mayhem? For traffic and pedestrians, disabled with mobility issues hence myself. I've asked about this issue, and the answer I got is? National Grid can override any Highways and Council, To virtually, put and do what they like? Meaning if they want to completely block a road and footpath off they can do it? My Question Is this right? Because National Grid don't seem to want to play ball
  16. Hi all, I took out a loan with the first national bank which now I believe is part of GE. I recently wrote to them with a ppi claim and have just received there reply. They are saying that they can not find any accounts on their systems relating to my loan. The loan itself was taken out in 1998 Am I right in saying that if GE took over the first national that they are liable for the ppi issues The information I gave them was to be truthfull not great as the paperwork is quite faded, but we are still at the same address so could they not trace us from that. Any advice would be helpful thank you bob
  17. Hi In 2004/2005 I took out a loan agreement with the above company for a kitchen which was done by Moben. Can no longer find any paperwork i.e copy of loan agreement except for a letter I kept saying the loan is now paid in full. I wrote to them and asked them for a copy of the original loan agreement as I wasn't sure if I had taken out PPI on the loan. They wrote back saying that due to having their system updated they no longer have access to records over 6 years old. Please can someone give me some advice on the next step or what to do next? Many Thanks
  18. Hi, I have been sending various SARS and PPI Claim forms and started receiving some back. This thread is about Abbey, First National and Wagon Finance who are all part of Santander. I sent them a SAR request but they have written back (having cashed the £10 cheque) stating that they are unable to locate any details on me for any of these fiance companies. ("Santander are not obliged to comply with your request unless you have provided enough information enabling us to locate your data"). As I provided them with my DOB, all relevant addresses and current address I am unsure what else I can do. They also state that anything over 6 years may have been deleted from their data inline with their data retention policy. Can anyone suggest a way forward or is this just something I have to accept? thanks JJ
  19. I'll try and make this as brief as possible... Drove my car 90 miles to the office (not a daily commute!), everything absolutely fine and running perfectly, except a minor judder on the front brakes at high speed, which had been going on for some time. As there's a National Tyres branch just down the road, I thought I'd leave it with them to get the brakes checked. Not long after, they phoned to say they'd test driven the car and the car was fine - in particular, nothing wrong with the brakes. I said while they had it, could they give it a minor service - i.e. change oil, plugs, filters, etc. The next thing I know, some hours later, I get a call saying there is a problem - no compression on cylinder 1. I arrive at the garage to find the mechanic with the rocker cover off. He shooes me away into the waiting room "so he can take a proper look". The end result was driving a perfectly running car in, and taking it back home on the back of an AA truck. I then got an engine specialist to recover the car from my house to investigate, which he did first with a borescope, and then removing the head. There is serious damage to the surface of the piston, and the valve is blown out. He's convinced they caused this, almost certainly by dropping a foreign object into the piston. The branch manager at National Tyres refuses to discuss this. He says he "1000% guarantees" they didn't damage the car, and he's "too close to it" to talk about it any further. However, repeated messages to anywhere higher up the chain have been completely ignored. The car is basically a write-off - most cost effective repair is a complete engine replacement, which is more than the car is worth. So I am down for a) cost of replacing car, b) cost of recovery and investigation, c) cost of hire car while replacing car. What's my next move? Given that they refuse to discuss or respond, do I need to go straight to a small claim?
  20. Hey guys... didnt know what section to put this in but there has been a massive mistake by someone. I started my old job over 7 years ago. When joining the company they required national insurance card to make a copy of as well as some other documents. I put my national insurance card away in a safe place as it is not something I use every day of course. I left my job back in August, had P45. After an accident at home I phoned up the ESA people to claim that benefit. They asked for my national insurance.... I gave them the NI number that shows on my wage slip and also my p45.... however... they said the national insurance number doesnt match my name. After I was certain the NI number was correct they continued to fill in the application and said a copy of my correct number will be sent on my confirmation of the application form. Just after the phonecall ended I dug out my NI card.... and guess what? The number on the card is completely different to the number on my P45 and all of my wage slips. What can I do? The company I worked for had clearly made a mistake when copying down and putting my NI number from my NI card onto the forms... Effectively for the last 7 years of working there my NI number has been wrong and nobody has told me... even my P45 shows my name but the wrong NI number.... Thanks
  21. hi guys i originally spend £300 at very.co.uk and fell behind with payments balance now £950 after interest and charges i am currently paying them £140 a month (£35 weekly) however every time i look at the statement i am getting charged £50 interest and charges and even £12 debt recovery phone call at this rate i will never clear this balance i spoke to very about getting interest frozen put they referred me to NDR , what are my chances of getting further interest frozen on the account? and surely they cannot charge me £12 because they called me? thanks
  22. Took out £3455 loan for timeshare in 1991 which included add on of £359 for payment protection, which only ran for 5 years. Understand that company changed to GE Money October 2005 and collected payments on this account, which we finally cleared in July2007. As we never claimed on the PPI and we were not informed of alternative cover at point of sale I wrote to GE Money claiming back the PPI who have now responded with a flat refusal and teling us to contact the sales people direct. They also say they have no connection with GE Capital Bank who were fined for mis-selling, and also state that they were not under the jurisdiction of the FSA at the time of sale. They say that if I have any complaints that I should contact the sellers and ultimately the Finance and Leasing Association as the agreement was prior to January 2005. Surely if GE Money were still collecting payments on the account and the PPI accounted for approx. 10% of the payments then they have an obligation to us to deal with the stuation???
  23. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on something. My daughter is 17 years old and a full time student studying for A levels. Up until this weekend she has been working for a small restaurant at weekends and on the odd day during the week. She has been paid always cash in her hand averaging £40 to £80 a week. On Friday i had a massive argument with her employer when i found out that they have been putting her behind the bar, shes worked 10 hour shifts with no breaks and they keep her tips. My daughter has never been asked to give her national insurance number and never had a wage slip. Today we received a "signed for" letter in the post saying that she isn't sacked but due to my "outburst" it would be impossible for her to come back. They have asked for her uniform back and have now asked for her national insurance number. I'm really annoyed and want to blow the lid on them for child exploitation but i dont want my daughter to get into any trouble over the national insurance matter. My question is "who is liable and at fault, my daughter or her former employer?" Any advice would be really appreciated as im not sure where to go on this matter! Thank you
  24. Hello! I am very new to this but would really appreciate some advice. I have already made a successful claim to MBNA and others that are being assessed for mis-sold PPI but this one is hitting a brick wall! I am trying to make a claim for mis-sold PPI by First National Motor Finance. I originally sent the claim to Santander but they are saying that they have no record of the loan agreement which the PPI was atatched to. Having "Googled" for many hours I am now wondering if I should be pursuing the claim with Santander or submitting the claim to GE Money or London Holdings Limited who were the contact in the event of a claim under the policy. Can anyone help me with this? Many thanks. Sue:-)
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