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  1. Hi, Apologies as its my first Post. I wrote to BOS regarding a PPI claim on a mortage from them dating back to 1995, the only info on my mortgage account No was found on a letter to them just before I transferred it to Standard Life in 1999. I had mentioned the address of the "Mortgaged" property and the number in me enquiry. They responded with a letter saying it was an unverified Account No and wanted more Info. I called them up and had the runaround, but was eventually told by a chap to contact Section 77, Completion Center, Premier House, Chester and they would carryout a search for a £1? Does this place exit? And what else can I give to BOS? Many Thanks
  2. After reading from the faily mail today and reading that TV fees could be linked to the value of the property, this has got to be a joke surely? Here is a quote What am I going on about you may say so have a read here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3228682/Minister-suggests-TV-licence-fee-levy-paid-council-tax.html
  3. Hi all, Been mulling this over for about a year now as I was fobbed off by HSBC for my PPI claim. Here are the basics: Had a loan with HSBC in 1997 as I was 19 I was advised I HAD to have PPI for the loan, as I was buying a car and paying off a credit card. Loan was for £3000 Xmas 97 extended the loan to £3500 and again (I remember sitting at the desk in the Crawley branch) and being told, as I was extending the loan that PPI again PPI HAD to be added as they are 'helping me out'. '98 was going through debt problems and my father took me to HSBC branch again and they took my debit card off me and restructured the loan again with PPI till I paid it off in 2000. Now I followed all protocol for the information of the accounts and statements, but none was forthcoming. HSBC eventually (after 9 months) sent me the loan account numbers but said there was no PPI on any of them. I spoke to two different HSBC people in two different parts of the UK. One guy stated that he has all info in front of him, but can not 'verify' I had PPI and the lady I spoke to just said that she cannot confirm that I had PPI as it was too long ago and all details are destroyed after six years. I stated to both of them that if all details are destroyed after six years and no data stored on Microfiche, how can you send me details of all loan accounts and statements? Both staff said that if I can provide the PPI certificate, I have a claim. Now this was last year, The Ombudsman agreed with HSBC that there is 'no proof' that I had PPI, but I know I had PPI. Where do I stand. Barclays paid out on my PPI for years 98-2000 and I had no info for that. What I want to do is file at County Court for say £3000 for PPI Mis-selling and see how far I get until they settle or I go to Court. I have nothing to lose apart from my fee's for the County Court, and maybe HSBC might find my information? Look forward to any replies.
  4. Hello All, I discovered this site at the weekend and spent hours reading the post, its fantastic to see such friendly and helpful people giving each other support and I hope I can get some of that support here I have been going around circles with Vodafone, I have tweeted, called, been into the shop, sent letters, completed the online chat and all I seem to get ist he Vodafone run around, it seems there is no where you can turn for help and support. Even the feedback to the CEO's office that I found on the website returns nothing, the 48 hours that they promise to help has gone! I see that someone called Lee from Vodafone helps on these forums and I have seen the sticky thread about alerting him to a post but I have noticed that the link for the contact form takes you straight to the Vodafone homepage - can anyone help with that or alert Lee to my issue please. Anyone.... I am currently going back and forth with a few letters which I have copied and pasted below which explains the issues. The letters are not a full representation of all the calls and chats I have had with them as there is no amount of time in the world that I could detail every issue but I believe most of this is recorded on my account. LETTER TO VODAFONE JULY 2015 Since the start of my contract I have had numerous issues with coverage on my phone, particularly in relation to 2G, 3G and 4G. I have complained about this previously and have written to you before but I never had a reply, in honesty I didn’t follow this up as I felt I had nowhere to turn after 3 letters were not answered and the call centres didn’t help, so I relied on my Wi-Fi signal but now I have no Wi-Fi I am looking to use my phones more but am still having the same issues. When I took out the 2 contracts I was put on a 4G plan and was told 4G would bei n the area soon but I have never once had a 4G signal unless I was travelling to an area like London. My phones struggle to hold a 3G signal for longer than a few minutes, typically if I can find a 3G signal I will have a weak phone signal but after a few minutes the phone signal shows more bars but the 3G drops to either GPRS or nothing at all. My phone also cannot receive calls, I can be sat at home showing good signal and I get a missed call text message but the phone doesn’t ring. I am sure you will see I have made numerous attempts to get Vodafone to assist me on this however whenever I call or use the online help I get pushed from department to department and I get given information which is later retracted and I am given useless tests or tweaks to my phone which make no difference and are not followed up when I report a tweak has made no difference. I have lost count the number of times I have been told an update is being done on my nearest mast in 24 hours which will solve my issues – only to be told the next time that I call that there is no record of any work. I have adjusted the settings as requested and I have changed the sim card as requested – although I was only able to do this in one of my handsets as I was only sent 1 sim despite being told 2 would be sent. I have also been told a manager will call me back to discuss my complaint in 72 hours on a fee occasions but that never happens and I have also been promised compensation which I have never received. I have also been sent into the shop for help, only to be sent away from them as they told me there’s nothing they can do. The shop staff asked me to use the landline help phone but I was kicked out of the shop after being on the phone for about 30 minutes as they were closing. I have also been “hung up” on 3 times by your staff. I am hopeful the notes on my account show the full details of what has been discussed as I don’t have the time to list everything discussed and I certainly think you wont have the time to read all of that If I did put it. I understand that signal can be tricky at times but the fact I am getting this issue at most locations tells me there is something seriously wrong and I feel these needs to be dealt with urgently, if not I feel we need to come to amutual agreement to allow me to end my contract with you. I would therefore appreciate it if you could answer the following questions for me Why am I being charged a 4G plan and why was I allowed to join a 4G plan almost 18 months ago when there Is still no 4G in my area? Why am I not able to receive a 3G signal? Why are your staff giving me conflicting information? Why has this issue gone unresolved for so long? Why have I not been compensated for this? Why has my previous complaints not been followed up? Why do you feel you can charge me for a service you are not providing? I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure REPLY FROM VODAFONE (let me remind you I wrote this letter and they wrote a reply in the post) Dear Mr White Thank youfor writing to Vodafone I apologise for the inconvenience caused to you I understand your facing network issues at your place and we apologise for this inconvenience. I checked our terms of conditions for cancellation of your contract due to failure of services as mentioned in your email clause 11 of the pay monthly airtime conditions does give you the right to end this agreement by writing to us ift here is a complete failure of the network for seven days in a row due to something we have done. I have checked the network at your location and found that the 4G network is available at postcode only. We always try to give you the services when and where you want them however due to the nature of mobile communication technology it's impossible to provide a fault free service. This technical fault which happened due to the failure of a local mast in your location is not something we have done intentionally to interrupt your services.Further more the fault has already been acknowledged and our engineers are already working on this issue to resolve it as soon as possible and ensure that the 2G services I was stored as soon as possible. We also understand that you did face inconvenience in terms of availability of our network services. Considering the same I would like to offer you to credit 50% of line rental for one month including VAT. If you wish to accept this offer please reply to this email with your confirmation and we will apply this credit on your account. I trust the above information helps please write back if you have further query Regards Jigish Vyas Vodafone customer services MY REPLY TO VODAFONES REPLY (I have also sent this to the CEOS office) Thank you for your reply of 18th July, a copy of which is enclosed I am somewhat disappointed with the reply received, and I am afraid some parts do not make sense, therefore I would like some further clarification. Paragraph 3 states “I have checked the network at your location and found the4 G network is available at postcode only” can you clarify what this means?,especially as I have outlined on numerous complaint calls that this issues is happening in more than one location. I have given at least 5 different postcodes where this is happening. Paragraph 4, In relation to the technical fault on the local mast I have been given continuous conflicting information on this, I have been advised 3 times previously that this fault will be sorted within hours or the following day. On other occasions I am told there is no fault at all, and we are referring to more than 1 mast here as this issue is happening in more than 1 location. Can you clarify and advise when this issue will be sorted. Paragraph 5, your letter continually refers to our communication being via email which It is not and that I need to reply to this email to accept your compensation offer. I am prepared to accept the 50% line rental for both handsets on my account and I would appreciate you confirming the compensation will be applied to both accounts. I am only accepting this compensation as a good will gesture for some of the faults I have experienced so far – I am not accepting this as a closure of this matter and the issue still persists. I feel that the issues I am having warrants cancelling both of the contracts and I would like this actioned, however if you are not prepared to do this I would like you to consider offering me a cheaper line rental of about £25 amonth for both handsets/numbers so I can use this money to pay another network to provide me the services you should be providing me. I have also asked a number of questions in my first letter and you have failed to answer any of these, I have enclosed a copy of these and I would appreciate a response or a reason why you are not answering these queries? Finally as I feel you are not taking appropriate action in dealing with this matter I have forwarded details of our complaint to the Ombudsman and I would appreciate a “deadlock letter” if you are not willing to either cancel my contract or reduce the line rental as outlined above. I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure in relation to the above Yours sincerely
  5. I would like some reliable advice on my current bailiff situation. A bailiff recently turned up at my parents home, I own the house, they are tenants, with a tenancy agreement. The bailiff refused to acknowledge this and gained entry by placing a foot in the door and pushing my elderly father aside. He then took an inventory of their belongings and bullied my father into singing the inventory. During this time I spoke to the bailiff on the phone, advised him I was unaware of the money owed, was happy to pay and did not live at that address. Bailiff refused to acknowledge this and later returned to my parents home and threatened them with the police. The bailiff did not, at anytime allow my parents to read the warrant, behaved in a threatening manner throughout and were physically intimidating. I contacted the police who advised my parents to call 999 if they returned, contacted the bailiff company and attempted to explain it was not my dwelling, nor were my goods in the premises and my parents were third party. I have also had my father make an affidavit to that affect and spoken to the council. According to the bailiff company the bailiff will return to my parents home tomorrow and again attempted to gain access despite these steps. Any advice welcome, many thanks
  6. Hello all, First of all, wonderful site and greetings: Over a year ago, I had some letters from a company called Erudio over an alleged student loan, (pre-1997 old style contract) As well over a decade has passed without acknowledging any debt or indeed action, I understand it to be statute barred. I moved well over a year ago and for six months had my mail redirected from my old address to the new. I began receiving demands for monies from Erudio (written to the old address), claiming that I owed them money, I hadn't heard from SLC prior to that; Erudio also claimed that there was an existing CCJ against me on record, having been issued by the SLC. I had been in the same house for 18 years prior, and never had any correspondence or claim at that address. I wrote to Erudio, disputed any alleged debt in full and informed them that any alleged debt was statute barred and in dispute, I also remarked that if there was a CCJ, then it was that CCJ that should be enforcing , not issuing a notice of assignment, as I understand the CCJ to be the 'debt'. (Claiming there to be an existing CCJ appears to be a stock accusation with these people. I received a few letters to my new address, which they obtained from a credit search, so they new I had moved, despite this, I recently found that they had won a judgement by default in April 2015 . I only found out about this judgement when I tried to switch my utility supply. It transpires that despite knowing I lived in a new address and I have documentary evidence to this affect, they have applied to the Court under my old address for a CCJ. While careful with what I said, Erudio claimed to have passed a file to a debt collection agency, if they thought that I was still at the previous address, why wouldn't they enforce the judgement using a Warrant of Execution? It's very clear to me that they knew full well that I wouldn't be at the previous address. I will need to set aside the Order but my questions are as follows: 1) I understand the set aside costs are likely to be £155, which is an extraordinary amount of money . Will I get this back and what's the best way of going about setting aside the judgment? Would I have to make a claim against Erudio? 2) If I manage to set aside, would anybody have any advice for the next steps? Thanks in advance for any replies and/or assistance.
  7. Hi all, wondering if some-one can advise on this. Last year after a catalogue of errors and muddles with my pay and holidays etc, something happened and I had a melt down on the phone to some-one in HR (sheers frustration at being fobbed off and not listened to). It took me by surprise..didn't realize stress had been building up, so I finished conversation saying something like..I'm going to see my doctor and if I am ill you (my employer- public sector) have made me ill. T hat was on the 29th July 2014. I did go and see my doctor on the 1st August, (mainly to let them know the score) and continued to work as normal (part-time, evenings and weekends). I'd made it clear my job was not stressful it was all the management nonsense with my contracts, pay holidays etc that got me down and stressed , as I had to sort it all out in my free time in office hours.. Within a few days a letter arrived from the Occupational health service telling me to attend a meeting on Wednesday the 10th. The referral had been made on the 1st August. just two days after my meltdown on the phone with HR. So, Several questions. (the referral was for stress). a)are employers allowed to ambush some-one with OH like that out of the blue without even discussing the problem properly or formally even letting me know me I would be referred. b) I wasn't even on the sick and had never been on the sick. Did they have to right to refer me, especially without asking?( I idid get sent a consent form, with the appointment letter, but that had warnings about how if I didn't go it might affect decisions my dept made about me. I was stressed, not thinking properly, signed it and agreed to go to the appointment but made it clear it was under duress. c) The appointment was for a Wednesday 1.30, at a place about 8 miles away..in my free time plus I was expected to get there at my own expanse. As it happens I was afraid of driving in case I had a melt down again in the car (basically a high anxiety attack..sobbing not being able to breath etc.) . I asked for Time in lieu as I'd have to go on the bus,.., which would take ages. HR said no way but eventually relented and offered to pay for a taxi. Should they give me TIL as well as the taxi? The OH report basically said I was fine, just having a normal reaction to intolerable management issues. I continued to work for two months, while a review of the muddle with my holidays etc. was carried out. There is more but I'd like to see what people think about this lot first. Many thanks
  8. ive had a letter today about my wifes loan account which has 7,291.54 remaining outstanding I have requested the CCA and also wrote to Lloyds tsb and requested the SAR. these are still in process at the moment. cabot have received my letter about cca but ive had no reply but they did reply to the other 2 credit cards which I requested the cca for which they said they would hope to have the info within 40 days. t for the loan today I received this odd letter Dear Mrs S****** Contacting Cabot please call 0800 328 0708 (minicom: 01732 524630)urgently, and speak to one of our helpful customer advisors about your account. our aim is to help customers get their accounts cleared so do contact us soon. yours sincerely Chris lambert that's exactly as its been written on the letter it just seems really odd theres no reason why they want to speak to me or anything any ideas peeps?
  9. Hi I have just said goodbye to the lady that completed my PIP assessment. I have a diagnosed anxiety/panic disorder and Dysphagia which is a swallowing disorder. One question that threw me a bit, I do not leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and if I do, its with my mum in her car. I never go out alone, and will always have my mum or brother with me, so I am always with someone and I made this clear. I also made it clear that I do not walk anywhere, because I don't, it's not something I can deal with being on my own etc. The lady asked me if I could give my mum directions to the local shop if we were together in her car (5 streets away - lived here all my life etc) so I said yes, because I have gone to those shops all of my life and they are just up the road. I haven't seen that question come up at all anywhere on the internet, and since I would be with my mum in the car, so aided by her, I do not understand her asking it? It shows I can plan a familiar journey I guess, but I would still have to be with my mum and in her car to do it, so that question doesn't come up on any self assessment forms online. Would anyone know why she has asked this and what affect its going to have? As she left she told me there is an appeals process, so I am not hopeful, but I guess I will just have to sit it out and wait for the zero point decision letter coming to a doormat near me soon and take it from there. I recorded the assessment on my phone and its a good recording so I am going to type it up ready for me in case I need to appeal, I know I can't officially use it but just good to have for my own notes.
  10. This is the first time I've posted on a forum, thanks in advance for any help I'll really appreciate it. Last January I paid David Lloyd up front for a 12 month membership. I was of course tied in because I'd paid up front. I did use it for first six months and not much for second six months. I always knew I wouldn't renew because it was a one off opportunity because I had money available. I thought 12 months, done the time, won't renew. Late last year I started to get emails to remind me I could renew along these lines: Dear Ms Barker, Membership Number: xxxxx Just to let you know that you can pay your membership fees:- Online with a debit or credit card by going to the website xxxxxxx and following the instructions on screen. Via our Automated Payment System with a debit or credit card, by calling 0207 048 7438 (you will need your membership number). If you wish to take advantage of either of these services your current membership fee of £891.00 is due for your membership at Newcastle. Both the online payments service and the automated payment service will only be available to you for the above payment until midnight on the last day of this month. Of course, if you have recently sent payment please ignore this email. Yours Sincerely Stephen Empson Group Central Membership Manager In January I got texts and phone messages- pretty constant while I was at work- asking me to contact them to renew my membership. As I didn't want to renew I didn't call them just allowed it to lapse and moved on to using a local pool. Nothing once we got to February. Then today an email from ARC Collections asking me to contact them. I emailed them back to say why are you contacting me, I have no interest in renewing. Then I googled it and realised from other people's problems that they will be expecting 3 months notice and now admin fees. Am absolutely desperate, I can't afford this and I don't know what to do. Am also outraged because DL never gave me a moment of indication what they were expecting in calls, emails and texts. Not even a hint. I feel this is set up to ensure people who pay up front fall into this trap. They should contact people in advance and remind about the notice period. I just didn't realise. And now am in trouble. I haven't done anything else yet because I don't know what best to do. Would be so, so grateful for advice. Thanks so much
  11. Hi I came on this site to find out about my student loan deferment and realised that someone may be able to help me with a spot of bother I have got myself into. I went into a Three store 3 days ago to look at a phone I was thinking about buying. I ended up buying it on contract and was under the impression that I could cancel it and have my money refunded as I specifically asked the salesman "I can cancel this can't I" me meaning that I would not be worse off financially if I did. I went into store to cancel it because I decided it was too expensive and was informed that there was no 14 day cancellation option and I have to keep it. Is there any way for me to get out of this because it is not very economically viable? From what I have read some companies offer a 14 day cancellation service but are not required to by law if you go into store to sign the contract. Any information to contradict this would be gratefully welcomed. The phone and sims are unused and sealed. Thanks Jon
  12. I got divorced 5 years ago and moved out of the marital home. My ex-wife has finally got round to clearing out a store room and found some of my old stuff in there. In a box I found the credit agreement and Repayment Protection policy document that I took out in 1997. I've had issues with Lloyds a few years ago and SAR'd them but none of this appeared within the returned paperwork. I have the date I took out the loan, the value of the PPI, the monthly figures etc and I know I was told I had to have PPI for the loan as I wasn't long out of University and had just started my first job. I have tried to download the single premium spreadsheet from here but it just saves as attachment.php so won't work. I also can't find any letter template? If anyone has a copy of the spreadsheet working and/or a template letter please let me know. Do I need anything else to kick a claim off? Thanks in advance for any help provided.
  13. A car somebody sold a few months ago has been receiving invoices from these people. The amount started from £100 then went upto £140 and then a few months later went down to £70. I attach the correspondance and hope it helps someone. As of yet court is being threatened. Before anybody asks. Commercial collection services LTD are running from the same address as the now defunct CCS ENFORCEMENT SERVICES which was a bailiff company taken over by rundell and co when they went pear shaped a few years ago.
  14. Hi all, I hope you can help with situation that I find myself in within the last 48 hours and of course I can try and support with what I have learnt in recent days if it helps. Sorry for the long mail! I had a call from HCEO on Tuesday identifying himself and asking if I knew a particular person. He caught me on the back foot and I did not know the name. He proceeded by saying next steps would be taken, I had no idea what he was talking about, the name and what next steps meant even though I asked several times. I immediately googled the name and it is someone I recognize, a consultant who operated on me 7 years ago. I contacted her and spoke to the consultants secretary who outlined that since my operation fees have not been paid by Bupa. They had tried to get ahold of me a while after their invoices were rejected by Bupa but I had moved home and I have a different contact number. They proceeded with action and the company they instructed (Control Accounts) did the same, try and contact me by post and calls but obviously got the same response as the consultant. They then passed my debt through to the County Court who once again did the same and as of last July issued a CCJ against me. The case was then taken to the High Cour tand this brings me up to this week and the HCEO. I have contacted the consultants and explained and said I would call Bupa and understand what has happened. The consultants are actually sorry it has got this far but my issue is to contain and manage the HCEO right now. Bupa are not taking any responsibility and referred me to my old company TBH I can take it up with them after I contain the current process I face. I had a authorization number from Bupa, my procedure took place a month after I was made redundant from my old job at no stage was I notified my cover would stop as well as the consultants not being notified by Bupa. My policy was supposed to run from April - April but the company cut it in Dec. this has become a separate issue. I spoke with the HCEO and I have given them my new contact details inc address which they now have anyway. They said they would resend the letter of execution within the next couple of days and of course start the process from there. I am faced with a bill that was c£900 + to a bill which is now c£1800. Having read advice, spoke with National debt line and CAB hey have advised I seek a N244 or N245 as I do not have the cash to pay this. I have also spoken with the court that has the writ and they explained that the N244 form is what I need???? The CCJ is another matter and is with Salford court. I am a little confused having spoken to many people within the last 48 hours. I guess what I want to do is stop the Writ and therefore stop the HCEO action arriving at my door. Be given the chance to explain that the process has got so far down the line with me only being looped in now. Pay the money but outlay over instalments whilst I argue the case with Bupa and my old company. And finally take the CCJ off as this is something that I was unaware of until this week on this really concerns me as I will be taking steps to start a family and eventually have savings for a house!This will ruin it all! It is stressful and anybody that has been in a similar situation will know and hopefully be able to advice and help me manage and contain this matter. PS I am trying to work with the Consultants and I do understand their perspective so hence I shall pay for the operation but it is a lot of money to outlay in 1 hit. Thank you all
  15. I just went to casually check my Barclays online banking tonight, and find that this money has gone into my account, to the tune of £485.69. Looking at further details says that it's a Credit, and it's "RTB CUST REL 0". This has come out of the blue and I wasn't expecting this, nor did I initiate any PPI claim in the last couple of years. Is it a [problem], and should I pay a visit to Barclays to find out where this came from as early as tomorrow?
  16. hardly any more excuses needed but another tale of woe...even the ombudsman has had enough! http://www.ombudsman-decisions.org.uk/viewPDF.aspx?FileID=63793 FYI - I've written to the FCA asking if Minicredit will be required to put funds aside to deal with any outstanding complaints with FOS (I've a current complaint with FOS about Minicredit). will keep you all posted on response although the initial feedback is all very generic, just pointing me to the Voluntary Requirement notice on the FCA website
  17. OK I appreciate I'm quite late to the event, but I had opportunity to dig out all my old credit card statements yesterday, and it set me thinking about PPI. I cannot honestly remember EVER being sold PPI, and I'm pretty sure I would have turned it down if it was offered. I can't see any reference to PPI on any of my statements - no 2nd charges, no 2nd interest statements etc. How else would I know if I have it...? Yes I appreciate this may be a totally stupid question haha. Do I have to put in what may be a speculative claim anyway...? Cheers for your kind assistance. R.
  18. Hi I had an interview for a job today that I only heard about last Sunday, before then I had already accepted a job offer to start next Monday 1 December. After going for the interview today they didn't indicate either way if they wanted me or not but just suggested I delay the other job start date to give them more time to consider things. Should I just tell them no or is there a chance I could also use this to get the other company I was due to start with to up my salary or benefits? FYI these are both entry level jobs paying just over 20k so I'm not a senior exec 2 companies are desperately fighting over or anything.
  19. can be work experience ,volunteery or paid work for me i have had 3 work experience jobs , the first one at school at a garden centre in 2008 as a back room member pricing stock , second one at the college i went to in 2010 as a admin assistant and the third one working at the job centre.
  20. Thought i would post up my experience with the DWP this morning as a lot of threads on this subject never seem to finish with a solution. Last week i received one of those compliance invite meetings which i had this morning. like most people you spend the week worrying about it as their invite is sort of in your face compliance. It seems someone had taken a comment off my face book profile page and sent it to the DWP fraud hotline web page link. The allegation was that i was claming housing, council tax benefit, and ESA when fully fit This was totally bogus and malicious. The advisor at the benefit office said even the fraud team took it as malicious but as a report had been made they had to go through the motions and investigate. The result was no further action and that this happens all the time This investigation officer was polite and courteous and totally different from my previous experience with a JSA advisor. She even said i need to apply for another benefit to top up my allowance. All i am going to say is if you ever get one of these compliance letters, do not panic. Be honest and be yourself as they have seen it all before. She said if they suspected me of being naughty they would already have the information needed and that it would be a tapped interview.
  21. Would help if i put what i have, I have chronic rheumatoid arthritis! I would not wish this on anyone! as it has turned my life upside down, in pain 95% of the time, on about 12 dif-meds a day along with taking pain killers 24/7, i have around 3 to 4 flare-ups a month, it gets that bad some times i just wish i could be put down!! not nice having something that you know you going to have for the rest of your life, and knowing all that can be done is try and keep it under control! and nothing seems to be working yet, and i can not see any light at the end of the tunnel. No one seems to understand how you feel, and when you tell someone that you have rheumatoid arthritis! you can see the look on there face ( as if to say well its only arthritis thats not that bad!) but unless you have it you will never know or understand what its like, Its like having the flu 24/7 and the pain that comes with it is bad but when you have flare-ups! you get 10x the pain it is out of this world thats only way i can put it! I have been on ESA 2 years now! Just Added^^^^ What can i say, 2 weeks ago i had to go Job-center as i had been put in the work group! and i told the guy when i was there that i dont understand as i have WCA in 2 weeks time, so why am i here? he just told me this is how they do things. any way they book me in to go on a back to work thing! i go along to it! was not to bad they was very understanding, and then 3 days later i have my WCA, and the women that seen me was very good i have to say she was very understanding and asked me lots about how i feel and how long i had been on ESA, and went on to ask me how bad my RA gets and so on. this was on the monday and by the end of the week i give DWP a call, and i aksed what group i was in and the guy on the phone said hold on i will look and then he went to say something and then went hold on a min there is a note here! and he said you just been moved back to the support group, HAPPY DAYS!
  22. Has anyone had dealings with this company please
  23. I have another niece who unfortunately has got into trouble Lloyd bank loan taken out circa 2007 Last payment 2009 SD served on her in person in around October last year, by the time I found out about it, the 18 days had long since passed. I emailed Lowell's to buy time really, just saying I/she didn't think the SD had been served correctly, and need a bit more info, so intended to submit a SAR, also mentioned she had recently given birth to a prem baby, so tread carefully, and only write. Lowell's wrote, giving the address to send SAR was them, we duly did that and enclosed the £10 fee, just before Xmas. Response arrived a week ago, but not a great deal of information, no statements, no agreement, just basically Lowell's stuff, no Lloyd's paperwork at all, and a photocopied court form which absolutely never arrived at nieces address. They have also included a Lowell's statement for a 2nd Lloyd's loan which I didn't notice until Niece had left, so must ask her what that is. I'm now thinking we were supposed to send the request to OC, I.e. Lloyd's! I'm really sorry to be a bother, with not only my own problems, but nieces too! We are a nice family really, just having a tough time As always help would be appreciated.
  24. Intro info-threads have been merged to give background to the issues. Basically its only £230 but its the principle + need a new van so this would really come in handy towards that. Wrote asking for the money back they declined, wrote again threatening court again a big fat no and a copy of the ombudsman book. They state that complaint has now been closed. Should I now put in a claim with the small claims online or is there a way of encouraging them to pay otherwise? I gather egg dont tend to do refunds. All are £16 standard default charges, dont know if this makes a difference? Any advice on my best route would be much appreciated
  25. This lot have been harassing an employee where I work for a Wonga loan from 2009 which was repaid but apparently there was interest outstanding and charges have been continuously added till the amount they are chasing now stands at almost £1,100 (apparently just over £200 was owing in 2009). Despite several carefully worded emails being sent to them - they have not responded (no surprise) and this morning intimidating texts and voicemails were received stating that an agent would call at their house unannounced to asses their living standards. OP got angry and rang MMF "doorstep team" - spoke to little smart$$e who advised that they were perfectly within their right to come to the door and assess living standards - OP advised they were recording the call and the MMF guy had a bit of a splutter - he was then advised that the police had been informed about the threat and if they continued to harass then OP would be happy to let a county court judge look over the charges and decide the outcome. Parting shot from MMF was - we WILL be sending someone to your home no matter what you say .........
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