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  1. Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows anything about housing benefit and data matching?,my claim has been suspended since the 24th nov 16,for data matching purposes,they didn't inform me of this and I only know because I rang them when they didn't pay the hb,they could only tell me that it was suspended for random data matching and wouldn't be much longer. It has been almost 6 weeks,I sent a message to my rent income officer to let her know but she didn't get back to me and now today she has sent a text saying we owe £738 and she is coming next week to serve a possession notice.I rang her straight back but she had left for the day!. I rang hb again and they said there was nothing they could do and sometimes it can take 2 months and they cant override it or do anything else useful!. Does anyone know if we can make a complaint about this?,I am going to go cap in hand to my Dad and ask him to lend me the money for the rent until its sorted and backdated,but there are many people who will have no way of covering their rent if this happens to them!. Hb said they don't inform you that your claim has been suspended and will only tell you if they need any details from you which I find disgraceful to be honest,people could lose their homes over things like this.It makes you desperately worried and we have no control over it. Any advice would be much appreciated,thankyou.
  2. Early this year i went on the sick due to illness and depression, so i was sent to the working well group at ingeus met my key worker who at the time was lovely we went into a room on our own as am a very privet person and dont like others knowing my business, so we got chatting and i told her all about what lead to my depression and illness about the abuses i suffered in the hands of my husband, after this meeting with her i then became aware she was the cousin, of the girl that is going out with my husband When i found this out i went to my job center and told my adviser, so she then phoned her manger up to tell her i could not work with her, so in the mean time i was given an other key worker but on the day i went back to Ingeus my new key worker was unable to see me but was asked if it was ok for me to see this bloke instead of her for this one time i said yes its ok , so me and this bloke went into a room and sat down, and the first thing that came out off his mouth was spill the beans on why you cant see LB which was the key worker i first met and told all too which i found then they all new why i could not see her, he then wanted me to fill in a booklet and sign so they had my permission to my data which i did not sign and i walked out. A few days later i got an nasty inbox off my husbands girlfriend saying she knows all about me and that i do not work and she is paying for everything for me as she works for a living and that my husband did not abuses me nor my children at all and that her and her cousin have a laugh about people like me that go to Ingues, What a joke i must say that my husband as not known that i was out of work or that am going through mental health and as not known anything about what i have beaning doing for the past 2 years up until i went to Ingues for the first time and saw LB my key worker who is her cousin now thanks to her he and his girlfriend knows everything' I told my work coach at the job center about it all and she as told me i dont need to go back there, i asked her for an email so i can complain but that was over 2 weeks ago and still nothing as been done, i will be going to the police about this and i will be seeking advice on this matter as LB should loose her job over this as anyone else had this happen to them
  3. Hi, I've just ordered something over the internet and had a call back from the company in question to confirm my identity. They apparently used Equifax to do this, which is fine. What concerns me is that the person on the phone was able to see some very very specific details about me e.g. Broadband Accounts and Balances Banking Details e.g. which bank, when I openend the x number of accounts at them Old CC Accounts Are they supposed to be giving any of this information away? Furthermore, are those companies in question e.g. the banks, broadband providers supposed to be allowing Equifax to pass my details on to third parties? This is EXTREMELY disturbing... Is there anything I can do about this? I understand that there's a need for credit reports, but I was categorically told by Barclays that all that's ever shared is a "probability number" rather than personal details. Any input would be handy.... Regards, Ade
  4. All this talk about obtaining medical records on this forum reminded me of obtaining my own a few years ago. Back in 2007 and 2008, I obtained some medical records of my own health under the Data Protection Act 1998. These consist of hospital records (such as a routine operation that I had back in 1988), GP records, child development records and so on. I also obtained my birth records (it tells me when I was born, when the delivery of placenta was, my Apgar score etc). This is the crux of the matter, and this is what I am asking - as they are pregnancy records, they are obviously regarded as being the mother's medical records, but I am arguing that if one happened to be the baby born as a result of the pregnancy, they should also be seen as one's own personal records under the Data Protection Act 1998. What do you think? I obtained them under the Access to Patient Records Act 1990 as my mother is now deceased and passed away before I obtained them, but my point is that a record of one's birth is just as much a Data Protection thing, so why did I need to access it as if it was just my late mother's records? Would I have been able to obtain them under Data Protection Act 1998 if she had still been alive at the time? I believe that birth records should automatically be seen under Data Protection Act 1998. Does anyone agree with this?
  5. i have been dealing with housing options as well. this is about my landlord misleading me from the start with fraudulent tenancies. ie 1 making me pay a bond and months total £600 for my own tenancy in a two tenancy house 2 making me sign and witness the other tenants tenancy and £600 when, in actual fact, he had not paid a bond or months rent at all. i was told this three months later by the landlord in a recorded meeting 3 the landlord did not protect my bond and as a result of this, I am in a horrendous position 4 the landlord returned my bond 2 months after i paid it and then claimed that the tenancys signed were now actually a single shared tenancy 5 making me responsible for the other tenants debts 6 the landlord is now lying to the court in claims against me which i want to defend 7 he has mislead the court about arrears (that i was not in) etc etc housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the tenancies and the way i see it is that housing options are assisitng the landlord in misleading the court because if the tenancys were fraudulent, the landlord should be being investigated and housing options should be challenging the landlord about this and disclosing this to the court in the public interest. i believe when looking at the solicitors code of conduct, that fusion housing should be looking into this and not just seemingly trying to process me into alternative accomodation i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. i would like to withdraw my permission for them to act for me and i would like to represent myself in court i need to make a notice of acting in person letter but am unfamiliar with the correct procedure to follow i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house. but really i want to defend the allegations the landlord is making against me. i have a solid defence fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i have asked to see my file and am now asking for a copy of the court documents. both are not forthcoming. any help or advice would be very much appreciated. housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong and that they will be representing me at court but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the my tenancy. i find that alarming i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house and am desperately looking for alternative accomodation. fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. can i do an acting in person letter to the court and charity and get some control back over my file? how many sets of wet signatures should there be when signing one contract? I am asking this because my landlord says there is only one contract attached to this house. when i signed my contract, i was lead to believe that the other tenant had a contract as well as me. both contracts were signed and witnessed. the landlord took them away to copy them i would have thought that if there was only one contract then there should be only one set of signatures there is something wrong here as there are now three copies of signed tenancies. each one has a different set of signatures. the landlord has them all but I have copies. I dont remember signing 3 contracts and my signature looks very odd in contract 3 ( which the landlord has submitted to court as the main contract) the reason i think there is something wrong here is because each one shows that a bond and months rent of £600 were paid at the signing of the tenancies and each one has been signed separately. it is clear to see as the signatures are not identical, so there were different tenancies that were signed does that mean these tenancies say there was 1800 paid to the landlord at the start of the tenancies or just £600? is this one tenancy or three? when i signed my tenancy, i paid £600.(bond and rent) the landlord now claims that there was one tenancy and that it is a joint tenancy when i signed my tenancy, the landlord and other tenant lead me to believe that he had paid £600 as well and i was asked to sign and witness his tenancy. i found out three months later that the other tenant had not paid anything at the start of the tenancys and i have been mislead from the start the landlord returned my bond after two months and did not protect it. when i gave it him back he tried to say he wasnt taking a bond and the £300 he took back was for the other tenants rent but later changed his mind i believe at that point the tenancys were changed and bonds altered , i became liable for the other tenants debts the other tenant had lived here for a few years before i moved in there was already a bond on the house when i moved in. the old bond was then repaid to the tenant after i moved in even though the tenant was in arrears and there were outstanding repairs when i moved in. when i signed and witnessed the new tenancys the tenant did not pay a bond or months rent but i was lead to believe he had by both of them because they had filled the tenancys to show he had paid £600. in reality, the other tenant was in debt at the start of the new tenancys and they had both lied to me now the landlord says it was just one tenancy and we are joint tenants and he wants his house back if it really was one tenancy why are there so many versions and why was i the only one who paid anything? i feel i was used from the start to get the old bond returned to the old tenant so that the landlord could get him out. the old tenant is heavily in debt and has made no attempt to pay rent or bills. the landlord has allowed this to happen and made no attempt to rectify this. i have been paying my rent and was paying the bills ( his debts!) although i cant access data about the accounts. the bills were in the other tenants name before i moved in. the landlord didnt change this. i believe there were already debts before i moved in and this is why they stayed in the old tenants name. the landlord has been free to manipulate all this and i am finding it difficult to get help or advice regarding the validity of the signed contract or contracts and i am confused as to where i stand. i realise the landlord can ask for his house back at any time but i think the way this has been done is very wrong. i would never have left my old home to be on a joint tenancy anyway and especially with someone who was already in debt i have repeatedly tried to discuss the tenancy, rent, bills and bond with the landlord. i started recording the visits. the landlord was doing monthly inspections and coming without notice. i was being bullied by them both. here is an extract of a recording of a visit without notice from the landlord where the bond was discussed. when the landlord gave me the £300 bond back in january, i gave it straight back to him. he took the money away but did not leave a reciept. I paid my rent into the bank a few days later. (AA is the landlord, AR is me.) ....... AA this is what I'm gonna do right, this is what I think should happen, yeah? So this £250, right, that you already put in and this £50 AR £300 AA is £300 right. By all rights yeah That money is next months money for you, yeah AR or my bond AA I'm not taking a bond. I cant take a bond right. You have a month or two months I think under the - that's why within two months I came to see you before the end of two months AR two months? You've 14 days to pay the bond in AA right so AR to the bond bank, but you didn't tell me for two months AA. yeah so it didn't happen. Yeah AR I could have got somewhere else AA yeah so it didn't happen, right but just hear me out here yeah? Look, I couldn't put it into the bond account because Mark, yeah ? Rightly or wrongfully, wrongfully, he didn't give me the money yeah? So that's why I said, sod it, give it back. There you go yeah? So the bond is, is, forget the bond, I'm not taking a bond off ya. like I says to ya, here, you know, foolish me or whatever, but, you know, I think that's my perogative" here is another extract regarding the bond .......... AR ...so had that tenancy ended then? AA it abso.., yes it ended, yeah. That's why you signed a new tenancy agreement with Mark AR Right, but why did only me have to pay a bond? AA right so you both had to pay a bond but unfortunately Mark was in rent arrears and he didn't have no money to, to, to kind of pay the rent or the bond money so that's when, remember when you? We, we, we took down, you gave me half of the bond money and to which later on I, I, I just gave that back to you because obviously it was quite clear Mark didn't have the money to pay the bond money so we gave that back" I feel that they have both really taken advantage of me and the whole thing about the tenancys and bonds is causing me great distress. I am trying to fully grasp what is/has happened here and how it will affect me.
  6. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
  7. Is it true that the EU regulations (not directives) will be updated?
  8. Not sure if this is in the correct forum. Please move if necessary. A bit if advice regarding an Administrator of a Facebook Group of which there are over 8000 members. I am the claimant in a court case after someone on a Facebook group owes me money after agreeing to purchase from me via the group and refusing to pay. Defendant is stating that the 'item' was offered 'free of charge'. Prior to the defendant offering to purchase, I exchanged some personal information via a series of private messages with one of the Admin on said group. I have just received the defence papers from the defendant and as part of her defence, she had submitted part of a private message exchanged between myself and the Admin. She could only have got this from the Administrator. It is unlikely to help in her defence as reading the full exchange, and not the bit she submitted is not detrimental, but at the time I offered to sell her the 'item', I had no idea that this defendant was best friends with the Admin. In addition, she has been provided by the Admin a copy of the advert which has been changed to show the Item 'for free'. Luckily I copied and retained the original advert. All posts from myself have now been deleted by Admin in relation to said item. What I am asking is: the personal information between me and the Admin was just that, personal, and I am shocked and angry that this information has been given to a third party without my express permission and that third party is now trying to use it in her defence. Does this come under the Data Protection Act at all? Has the Admin committed a breach of the Act? Hoping I am making myself clear.
  9. Hi I am trying to find out what can information retained under the limitations act be used for, I have data held by a university who state in their records retention policy that the information is the be retained for 6 year from end of program with the reason for retention of the data being given is the limitations act 1980. Can data retained under this act be used for any other purpose? the information relates to internal disciplinary hearing in 2009. I left the university in 2010 and returned in 2013 to do a different program. The university now wants to access this information from my previous course, I am arguing that my contract with the university ended on 2010 when i left and that in 2013 when i returned for a different course that was a new contract and staff on the new course should not have automatic access to data from my previous course. Really up against it here any relevant advice appreciated
  10. HA have done things i believe are a breach of data protection and it is bascially to turn everyone against me, it is two particular housing officers who are starting this hate campaign because they have lied and claimed the tenant upstairs is allowed laminated flooring and he is not. 1) I asked the HO not to speak to police about my case, she did this anyway and she also used my "block" on her speaking with police against me (even though i found out she did) 2) HO has told tenant above me I am getting an eviction notice. I was informed this information via the mediator. I spoke to the mediator today who claimed the HO only "said if there are any more complaints" funny he knew I was being served one though 3) HO has told mediator I had issues with another neighbour, she also told mediator i am from a domestic violence background which is why i had to move out my last property and the criminal is from "said area" 4) HO has told tenant upstairs i have other ASB against me, she said "loads" (from who?) the only thing i have written proof on is her saying she hasnt spoken to police due to my block but an email from police to confirm she is and that "several neighbours" apparently have a problem with me what can i do about this? I dont know if the mediator will admit to anything maybe if she was interviewed or required by court
  11. CEOs of companies which fail to prevent problems with data security following cyber attacks face having part of their pay withheld under proposals outlined by a committee of MPs, which has also called for disclosure of data protection strategies in annual reports The Select Committee report recommended: Making advice on claiming compensation more readily available. Solicitors to provide advice to data breach victims Checking if existing measures are adequate. Clearer upfront info on cancelling contracts in the event of a data breach. Fines for companies that fail to guard against cyber hacks https://www.cchdaily.co.uk/mps-propose-tougher-ceo-sanctions-over-data-security-breaches The Select Committee's full report is here: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcumeds/148/148.pdf
  12. Hello, This is something I'm losing my sleep over. I've struggling for the last six months with the HMRC to obtain a full and detailed employment history going back to 16 years ago. I need this, because I need to send a request for permanent residency and I've lost some documentation. I first wrote to the HMRC last November and they replied almost immediately but only sending my national insurance contributions record. Then I wrote again in December, pointing out that I needed a breakdown of my employers instead. They replied in February, again sending the same ni record. So I called the hmrc helpline and the operator suggested that I wrote a request under the Data Protection Act, which I did immediately. I called the HMRC again in April and they told me that, due to the length of the period, it might take up to 375 days. However on their website they state: Now it's more than 3 months and yet no answer has come. Incidentally, re-reading the letter I sent, I have realised I had omitted my national insurance number. Terrible mistake, however I had included so much data that they could identify me without delays. What do do now? I'll call the HMRC tomorrow and if it goes nowhere, I'll write a second letter. Is there anything else I can do? This thing has been eating me for the last six months. Thank you
  13. Are you aware when visiting a car dealership and providing your name, you are discussed in sales meetings by name? Are you aware when you give your data to a car dealership that they can discuss you in other towns with other dealers in their network? Do you know that a record is kept and a file on you on every call and email you send in to the dealer? Are you aware this is kept and logged in a file on you? I support that dealers should allow you to OPT out from this and also make you aware when calling, emailing or making enquiries that you are informed on how your data, information and comments are used. What do you think?
  14. I think things are about to become very interesting following this leak of data. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3521830/Tax-havens-world-s-rich-famous-revealed-huge-data-leak.html There is an estimate of there being up to $50 trillion held in the various tax havens, which is almost enough to completly wipe out worldwide government debts. I wonder how much of this money has involved criminality in some form.
  15. Hi I was wondering whether anyone has any good letter templates regarding a breach of data protection compliant against Vodafone. Basically, I tried to access my internet banking the other day only to be told that I was inputting the wrong password. I knew for a fact the password I was inputting was correct. After this failed a number of times I went online and tried to re-set my password with Lloyds bank. If anyone banks with Lloyds then they will know that in order to change your password for online banking they have to call you and you have to enter the 4 digit number provided on the screen. So I requested that they call my mobile phone (which I always do) however I wasn't receiving the phone calls even though it said on screen we are calling you now. I tried again the next morning and it still wasn't working so I called Lloyds Bank to see what the problem was. I was told by Lloyds bank that there has been fraud on my account, all monies had been transferred from my savings account into my current account and then attempted to be transferred from my current account overseas via Western Union. Lloyds realised this was fraud and did not allow for the payment to go through. Having discussed this with Lloyds and explaining what had happened they advised my that there must have been a diversion on my phone as someone had received the phone call with the 4 digit code and entered it correctly. I then called Vodafone who first told me that there was in fact interference/diversions on my mobile and that she would take them off for me immediately. After 1 hour and 12 minutes on hold I called Vodafone again off a different number to speak to someone else to explain my dissatisfaction with Customer Service and distress caused regarding the fraud on my account only to be told by this person that there were no diversions on my phone and that there never has been. I know for a fact the first lady told me there was and that they are not in any breach of data protection. I then asked them to confirm what phone calls have been made to Vodafone regarding my account in the 3 days, I was advised that I called them 2 days prior (the day before the fraud happened) requesting a copy of my phone bill to be emailed. I NEVER MADE THIS PHONECALL so there is a breach of data protection as they clearly discussed my account with someone else. Well after hours on the phone trying to make a complaint speaking to many different call centres based in the UK, India and South Africa I have still got no where! Can anybody help me out as I am not sure exactly what I need to put in my letter? Thanks
  16. Greetings Since the last talk talk data breach I have been having nothing but phone calls from people pretending to be talktalk with most of my personal details to hand. When I have been declining their services I have been called all manner of things - Insert Swear Words Here! I am still in my contract but what is the likellyhood of me leaving them and sueing them for loosing all of my data.
  17. Hi folks, Can you help me out here in respect of the data protection act? I'll explain in simple terms. My partner has recently (a few weeks ago) added my name to the tenancy on this local government landlord property. We live together at this property and have done for a few years, our landlords are very well aware of this by the way. All of our income goes into my partners bank account and she pays all of our bills from her bank account. its simpler tnat way and she micro-manages well. Yesterday right out of the blue we received two seperate bills from our water supply company. One to my partner and one to me. My partner rang the water company to ask why and was told that our local government landlords had emailed them with my details and told the water company to add my name to the bill. The water company closed my partners account and opened a new one with my name added to it. Now, my partner is very angry about this because she pays the bill and not the local government landlords. It is her bill and she pays it from her bank account. The problem we have is the local government landlord did not tell us or discuss it with us and neither did the water company. What legal right if any does the landlord have to pass my information on to a thrid party and instruct them on my partners behalf or on my behalf? As fas as we are concernd the water account has nothing to do with our landlords, they don't pay it. If any arrears were incurred it would still have nothing to do with them. We are not in arrears with any payments by the way. We are well aware of the dirty dishonest business of our local government landlords and have just won our compliants against them through one Ombudsman. Our complaints against them is under investigation with another Ombudsman. We do not trust our landlords at all in any way and I can't go into details for obvious reasons. Lets just say they behave much like rogue private landlords and very childishly. I will go to the ICO if needed, not a problem. Any advice will be much apprecaited.
  18. Full Story :- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/28/lincolnshire_council/ The Council have said they hope to be back up and running this weekend. It is interesting that the hackers believe the council can afford to pay this sum when they are closing services down all over citing lack of funds?
  19. I was put onto community work placement with Seetec. At my first meeting I signed a data protection sheet which I was told is just for jobs and the jobcentre, but after looking round various sites its got me worried. Does this mean seetec can now look at anything to do with me inc my medical records etc I had one job search day there and then I was ill and filled in a sick form for the 14 days, I thought I'd just be back at seetec on my next job search day, but after going the jobcentre I was re referred to seetec for CWP So does this mean I'm starting from the beginning again and will I have to sign another data protection letter or will they just use my old one and is there anyway I can take permission back so they can't look at any info regarding me?
  20. There is an announcement about this at the top of each forum but if anybody wants to discuss any concerns or flag up any problems that we have not yet become aware of, then please do it here on this thread.
  21. Not sure if this is the right forum for this question but I can't find any other suitable for this issue. I'm looking for some advice regarding the data protection act and a bit of a long story but I will try to be as brief as possible. I am a foster carer of a 15 year old boy (B) who has autism, ADHD, and social emotional behavioural problems. I have been his foster carer for over 3 years and it has not been easy, he has temper tantrums like a 2 year old, has trashed my house on several occasions and trashed his room on a regular basis. He has been placed with me on a permanent basis. There has been a lady ® involved via social services who has been brought in to give specialist interventions for some particular problems he has and she has visited regularly with B's social worker. Myself and my adult son and girlfriend who live with us have been very open and honest with her about the difficulties hoping that he will get the help he needs to resolve some of his issues. I have another child in placement who will be leaving soon to return home and there has been suggestions that B, because of his difficulties then becomes a lone placement and that they will pay me for 2 placements so that i don't need another placement and can manage financially. In October the social worker and R visited and while they were here looked at his bedroom. I will admit that the bedroom was awful, he won't keep it clean and tidy and won't let me do it, he has damaged the walls, broken things and collects junk etc. When the social worker suggested to him that she would come round to help him sort it out he totally lost his rag over it, and with me too when I suggested helping him to get it sorted and said no-one is touching his room and if I do anything to his room he will trash mine! He has since been making a bit of an effort to get it tidied up and sorted out a bit under the threat of someone else doing it for him. A couple of weeks ago my supervisor told me the social worker and R were coming round to discuss how we can help B sort his room out. When they arrived R immediately said she had been asked to do a placement report and had brought it to share (absolutely nothing to do with what I thought they were coming for). I was totally shocked and unprepared for this and I had around 45 interrupted minutes (kids coming home from school) to go through a report containing at least 30 pages and tell her all the bits I disagreed with. The report was full of inaccuracies, assumptions, comments taken out of context and inferences. It was very derogatory regarding my family and home and made me out to be a dotty old lady who only cares about the garden, cats and chickens. I am actually a very intelligent, knowledgeable, and experienced carer. Yes my home is a bit tatty and everything is old but it's clean (apart from his bedroom) and it wasn't nearly so tatty before B came and trashed everything, broke furniture etc. I was very aggrieved that I was unprepared and did not have time to go through the report properly and point out all the inaccuracies and unjustified comments, She even got my son's age wrong and his university degree. She said of my garden that the veggies were all in straight rows with no weeds! Well she obviously hadn't looked because my veggies are not in rows and there are plenty of weeds. It said nothing about how B has settled, progressed and developed since coming here and how his temper tantrums have reduced significantly and how he will now talk about things upsetting him rather than throwing things. I felt like giving notice on B there and then but I won't do that to him, as this is the first place he has settled since coming into care - he went through about 6 placements in 2 years due to his behaviour - prior to coming here. Following this meeting I emailed R and told her I was not happy with the report and the fact that I did not have enough time to read it properly and challenge everything that was inaccurate or that I didn't agree with. I also said I was grossly insulted by the fact that she came into my home under the guise of providing specialist interventions for B and then used the information given freely for that purpose to write a report which was derogatory towards my home and family. I asked to revisit the report with her so I could have time to read it properly and give a considered response. That was over two weeks ago and I haven't had a response from her. The social worker, who I copied in did tell me her manager was going to call me but this hasn't happened either. If anyone can advise me I would like to know if I have a case under the Data Protection Act, due to the inaccuracy of the information and also the fact that it was gathered for a different purpose to which it has been put and what I should do about it. This information they now have could be very damaging to my good reputation as a very competent foster carer and could affect me getting other placements in the future. I have looked at the ICO website but it's quite complicated and there seem to be different rules regarding social services. It's also difficult to be very specific about what is wrong with the report as I do not have a copy and am relying on memory and I do not know what has happened since the meeting, whether anything has been corrected (the things I did manage to challenge). Sorry this is a bit long but if anyone has time to ready it I would be grateful for any advice.
  22. 11477428 I have just been landed with £7800 of unbilled usage for 2GB of data that was used whilst in Montenegro. The boat that I'm on moved from Croatia to Montenegro and I received no notification of the charges for phone/data use whilst in Montenegro so I (wrongly) assumed that I would be using my uk allowance. I've been with Vodafone quite a while and use my phone all the time while working in Europe with no problems exceeding my 20GB uk allowance. Average monthly bills of around £150-200. The phone reps said I should cancel my DD and wait till the end of the month to see when the bill is generated before they can do anything. What are the chances of this extortionate charge being removed from my account?
  23. Extra costs of using a mobile phone in countries across the EU are to be scrapped, MEPs have agreed, after years of negotiations. The ban on data roaming charges from 15 June 2017 has received a final green light in the European Parliament. Roaming charges are added by mobile operators for calls, texts and internet browsing when phone users are abroad. An interim cap on charges will take effect from 30 April next year, prior to the full ban across the EU. That means telecoms operators will be able to add a surcharge of no more than: €0.05 (3.5p) extra per minute for calls €0.02 extra per SMS sent €0.05 extra per megabyte of data used The cap would make roaming within the EU 75% cheaper during the interim period, the European Commission has said. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34646434
  24. Police are investigating a "significant and sustained cyber-attack" on the TalkTalk website, the UK company says. The phone and broadband provider, which has over four million UK customers, said banking details and personal information could have been accessed. TalkTalk said potentially all customers could be affected but it was too early to know what data had been stolen. The Metropolitan Police said no-one had been arrested over Wednesday's attack but enquiries were ongoing. TalkTalk said in a statement that a criminal investigation had been launched on Thursday. It said there was a chance that some of the following customer data, not all of which was encrypted, had been accessed: Names and addresses Dates of birth Email addresses Telephone numbers TalkTalk account information Credit card and bank details http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34611857
  25. Hi guys! I am not sure this is the correct place for me to post I hope you can help me with the following situation: Our factors' solicitors have unlawfully registered a Notice of Potential Liability against our property in regard to "the outstanding factoring charges" - not only we are up to date with all the payments, we have multiple bank statements to prove it. As owners and occupiers of the property, we never received any notification about the upcoming order and only found out the details after requesting a copy of the deed from the registers of Scotland. In addition to unlawfully imposing the NOPL, they disclosed this false information without our permission to the third party - our former solicitors with whom we have been in a process of dispute for the last year. Moreover, they also explicitly told our former solicitors that it is due to the factoring debts since our move (which there are none). We believe it is a serious breach of data protection act but are not sure how to proceed... Thanks in advance.
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