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  1. I need help with a Claim form I have received today please. Many thanks to anybody who replies, Toots.
  2. Just got my post Letter word for word is: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENT This letter contains the details of your next appointment. We look forward to seeing you again and continuing to support you to find the right job. APPOINTMENT DETAILS HERE It is very important you attend all appointments. If you cannot attend, you must contact us as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for a new appointment. Out relephone number is: xxxxx Your activities for your next appointment are: To discuss current circumstances (a) Legally do I have to attend or rearrange being on ESA (not had ATOS yet) (b) Ironically I have a medical appointment that day anyway © This REALLY is not helping my recovery (d) No mention of MANDATED (e) My circumstances (A&D & surgery) are NOTHING to do with them (between me and my health professionals treating me with impending surgery) (f) Can I email them a response and if so can I quote any legal jargon to help me not attend in the short term whilst I get sorted Basically, my circumstances when on ESA are nothing to do with them - they can offer no help or support and I do not want to discuss anything like this with them. Am I legally obliged to attend or rearrange or not whilst on ESA assessment phase? I want to get something off by email today if possible as well as copy my old JCP adviser in on the email. Many thanks in advance
  3. ive had a letter today about my wifes loan account which has 7,291.54 remaining outstanding I have requested the CCA and also wrote to Lloyds tsb and requested the SAR. these are still in process at the moment. cabot have received my letter about cca but ive had no reply but they did reply to the other 2 credit cards which I requested the cca for which they said they would hope to have the info within 40 days. t for the loan today I received this odd letter Dear Mrs S****** Contacting Cabot please call 0800 328 0708 (minicom: 01732 524630)urgently, and speak to one of our helpful customer advisors about your account. our aim is to help customers get their accounts cleared so do contact us soon. yours sincerely Chris lambert that's exactly as its been written on the letter it just seems really odd theres no reason why they want to speak to me or anything any ideas peeps?
  4. Hi all I suffer with CFS - PTSD - was said this was a factor in CFS Depression Anexity IBS Ankoloysing Spondulytus Arthritus of the spine and hips slipped disked Under Active Thyroid gland. I made a PIP claim in Dec after having to finish work in January, a job I have been in for 15 years, but it all become too much I phoned DWP today and Was told they cant see the decision letter, however no payments have been "Issued" (a decision was made Friday) BUT the Award has a Start Date of Dec 13 and an End Date of Jan 17, so she said that indicates I have been awarded something, however, she cant tell me any more. Can anyone shed any light ?
  5. Hi All I just want to let everyone who is struggling with multiple payday loans that you can get out of the trap. A year ago I had 9 payday loans and owed close to 5k. I was struggling every month with enormous rollover fees. I dread to think what I have paid in interest fees over the last 4 years. I paid my last payment today and am now free of these sharks forever. With help and advice from this site I decided to bite the bullet a year ago and decided I would not pay anymore rollovers. I contacted them all and explained I could no longer afford the horrendous monthly fees and asked for repayment plans. some were easier to deal with than others but in the end they all agreed. I told them what i could afford and over the last year I have slowly paid them all off what i owe. The relief of knowing I never have to go through that again is enormous. I know my credit file is trashed but I earn a good wage and from now on its all mine. If i can do it then anyone can. thanks for all the wonderful advice on this site. I couldn't have done it without you.
  6. I have worked for my company 11 years. A year ago I took a promotion at a factory and it's a very stressful job and very demanding. I have made a number of mistakes that I have gotten away with in this past year. I think this mistake is the final straw. I was suspended today and I have a hearing on Monday with hr and the managers. I have figured this job is not for me and if I get to keep my job I want to be demoted and just be a normal worker like before. In all my 11 years I have never had all these workplace discussions and telling offs in the office untill this past year with this new job. The mistake that I made on the 15/8/14 I did not do on purpose. I felt under pressure and was doing two jobs at once. I was packing and then stacking. Each hour me and Another collegue was taking it in turns packing and then stacking. I was packing on the line as the next hour hit The other collegue told me its now my turn to stack. As I left packing for stacking the labels for the packets ran out. I rushed straight to the cage for the reel but the line was still running so all the packets were getting pushed off to the side then The other collegue was boxing the product off with no labels and the cases on the other end of athe line was stacking up on the line from the otherside. I quickly went into the cage and rushed getting the reel as there was pressure to keep the line running. The reel was the front one in the cage and visually looked exactly the same as the one which product we was using and it was on the same shelf as the reel that we should have been using in spec. I quickly rushed and took it over to the machine i rushed that much that i forgot to check the code inside of the reel. I felt like i was doing two jobs at the same time. At one point we use to have a machine minder whos sole job was to watch the machine and do all the reel changes and fix the problems because in rte packout the label machine goes wrong quite alot. But now they are on the line packing and stacking and there is nobody to take care and watch the machines so i would say there is no efficient care with the machines anymore. When something goes wrong the person who knows how to sort out the machine has to leave the line and there is nobody packing or stacking and the packets and boxes build up so you feel under pressure and rush the job, when there should be time taken to make sure everything is done correctly like making sure the reel is correct and checking the code. I am not in the union but I spoke to a guy from work that is I said if I join the union would he help me? My hearing is at 2 and I'm meeting the union guy at 1 and we will go over everything . I am no good at remembering things so I have written down kind of a letter with all my thoughts and opinions about what happend and what might have caused it. I deffinatelly didn't do an act of gross misconduct they are always cutting back on staff and it was an accident waiting to happen. I was signed off about the procedure of the reels but it didn't mention about doing 2 different jobs at the same time. Where do you think I stand?
  7. Hi I have ignored for 3 months a parking charge received for parking over the allotted time in a motorway service from parkingeye. Today i have received court forms. I assume first thing to do is logon and dispute the full claim which i belive increases the time to 28 days to put a response together, The owner of the vehicle ( who has been written to ) was not the driver and the time in question. Whats the best route to proceed on here? many thanks Edit * I should also add that if playign in the arcade (which we were ) you can give the registration number to the attendant to extend the parking to be unlimited (I did this but it obviously didnt get passed on or put in the system )
  8. Hi all, Need a bit of advice. I will try and keep this short and give all the facts, today my partner has received a requisition from the dvla No ASN required. On the 1/3/2014 we got 6mts tax from our local post office and paid for It by cheque the cheque was declined by our bank. We recieved a statutory notice dated 27/03/14 saying we had to pay the £68.75 or deliver up the licence. Now fast forward to today 13/8/2014 he gets this letter saying as he has failed to deliver up the licence he is required to appear at Lancaster Magistrates Court on the 1/9/2014. Now this has come as quite of a shock as I thought he had rung up and paid but he totally forgot about it, i know its no excuse and i am mortified this has happened. The car is taxed now as of this morning. Any advice on what to do. And yes this means I have been driving without a valid tax disc and I know that is against the law and believe me I am mortified and ready to hand myself in at the police station.
  9. Just had a visit from a bailiff from marstons to my mums address who proceeded to explain everything to a 17 yearold who answered the door!! All this on her camera apparently. She told him that she was entiltled to come in and remove goods from my room for a court fine I had failed to pay which I did try to sett up a payment plan but they refused. I have been on benefits as was unable to work. This is a high court distress warrant and she says she is coming back on friday or saturday to remove the goods. I called her to see if I could set up a payment plan she saidf no she also said that she will be removing goods from the whole of the house as the warrent is on the whole house not just me. All the time my disabled mother and brother were getting agitated and distressed over all that was being said. Please help I need some advice what do I do?? What are my rights?? Many thanks in advance.
  10. Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me, we are in a big bit of bother with Marstons Bailiffs. A very rude and arrogant officer came to our door yesterday looking for my brother for a parking fine last year in London which we knew nothing about saying that unless he pays the £512 before 6pm today then he compounding the car which is a motorbility car. I explained that even when he is home he will not be able to speak to him as he is severely disabled. He has a tracheotomy tube in his throat and cannot speak! He did not seem bothered and replied ''well he can drive'' Which I told him that he could not as he does not have a license, and he could check with DVLA if he wanted. He was tryign to find out who drives that car.. . I didn't know what to say, or if I should tell him so I didn't! The car is driven by his carer, not him. He said that it did not matter if it is a Motorbility car, they can over ride that. . Which I am almost sure is incorrect, but he also said that he will be taking goods and forcing entry in to the property if need be. I explained that my 34 year old brother is disabled over and over, but he did not seem to care, told me that I could pay!!! I do not have £512 out of the blue like that!! My brother only receives his ESA and his Higher rate motorbility and care payments have been stopped while the switch to PIP claim goes through, so he doesn't even have the funds to pay this extreme rate! Obviously we are very concerned, he is very distressed and I am worried that they could force entry and take goods from the home. My brother is very self conscious of his disability and the way he looks and this would cause more upset than I want to imagine. The Bailiff said that he had sent letters here before that have been ignored, I know nothing about these but he did say that he has a Distress Warrant. This Bailiff is going to be at our doorstep at 6pm tonight and I do not know what to do!!!! As it is my brother sleeps in the front room, he does not have a bedroom. He cannot lay flat to sleep so has to sleep in a recliner chair. Are they going to go round my little brother and sisters rooms and remove things, and from the front room? My Mother is also disabled and I really don't want to put the stress on her, as it could be detrimental to her already ill health , so I am trying to deal with this myself.... Only I don't know how to. ANY help would be greatly appreciated, because I really do not know what I'm doing with this! Thank you so much xx
  11. hi cliam form sent nov 12 2013 dwp got it atos got it 5 dec 2013 no news at all m p has witten one month ago she still not heard anything back from them either is this a record
  12. Good morning all...... Just need a bit of quick advice. I had for the 3rd time in a month had a visit from Bristow and Sutor regarding Council Tax, we have never let them into our home at any point. And as I understand it they cannot force entry. However the letter pushed through the door mentioned The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 schedule 12, after reading up on this can they gain a warrant to gain entry? or are BS just pulling things out of the air in hope of gaining entry by peaceful means? The letter said I have to make contact by Tuesday otherwise they are coming back and what that is supposed to mean I'm not sure. But to confirm again BS have never gained peaceful entry into our home. All advice is most welcome.
  13. they should be closed down!!! by the regulators using indian call centres to ring on unavailable or withheld or untraceable international number then leaving an 0800 number to 'further' their UK business. truecall box does its job but 41 calls in 3months!!
  14. Ive been in the ESA Assessment phase for just under a year and won an ESA Tribunal at the First Tier last week which placed me in the WRAG group. I have received a letter this morning confirming the backdated payments and new amount to be paid to me. This letter also states that my ESA will stop in a months time?! What are the alternatives for me once this ESA stops?!
  15. Hi All, Apologies for the long post but I would like to convey all the details. I have been with my employer (a major car company) since Jun 2011. Recently I attended an international 3-day training course to showcase some of the new vehicle. This is an event that has been held annually for over 15 years by the company but the first time anyone from my department has been invited. To cut a long story short, this was a driving event and I don't drive. For all delegates there was a mandatory breathalyzer test for anyone driving in the morning, though there were mixed messages as to whether non-drivers where to be breathlyzed. My director told us that anyone who fails this test will be subject to dismissal. Upon arriving at the location, a barcode tag to verify the persons license and information was given. As a non-driver my card was hole-punched so it could not be read by any of the staff organising the driving of the vehicles. I asked the person stamping the card if I was to be breathalyzed and he laughed and say no, because I don't drive. Rather than take this as read, I then asked the trainer for my group if this were true and he said yes I would, so I went with this answer. The night before were lunch was served there was a themed party with an open bar. I have never been breahtlyzed before and so was very concerned about this but on the same vein, I wanted to enjoy the party and so I had a few drinks. Prior to this, I had rang the police who couldn't give me any advice on breathalyzers and consulted 1 website and two iPhone apps to estimate what I could drink and how long it would be in my system, as I have no frame of reference aside from what would give me a hangover and what wouldn't. I am 6'6" and weight 99kg, I also drink frequently enough to be able to take my ale. The consensus from the three calculators was that I could drink 6 large glasses of wine (2 bottles) and sleep it off in 10 hours. I therefore erred on the side of caution and drank 5 small glasses of red wine and have half a regular strength lager, with dinner. I woke up having had 7 hours sleep and felt a little tired but otherwise not hungover in the slightest. I was breahtlyzed at 9am and blew 0.02% into the machine, promptly shat myself and spent literally the last 3 days panicking severely. I contacted our director and told him yesterday, who then advised that I speak with my manager. I did this this morning and was suspended immediately for Gross Miscconduct - Serious breach of company rules/policy and Wilful failure to carry out a reasonable request. I prefer to expect the best, prepare for the worst and so have begun searching for other employment already. What are your thoughts on this? Aside from a penalty (which dozens of others I spoke with have paid without disciplinary action for similar circumstances) there is no other history of people being dismisses for this. My argument is simply that although I did drink, there are other factors that could influence a breathlyzer and my score was low enough to warrant those factors being present. Thanks in advance. I am not a reckless person and have a perfectly clean slate with this and all of my other employers.
  16. Just beginning the process. Realised, very late on in this whole PPI saga that I need to get myself in gear and get SARs sent off. two x SARs sent off today. 1. Blackhorse Finance. Car Loan taken out October 2002 - last payment March 2008 (no missed payments). Be interesting to see how much the single premium and interest was on a £17,000 loan. I wasn't even offered the option as the sales person, at CarCraft Newport on a Sunday said they were due to close and to just sign the agreement if I wanted the loan. 2. Nat West - this one will be harder. The loan was from 1993-1997 and was eventually 'transferred' to First Direct when I changed banks in 1997 - PPI all the way through. In 2000 I was offered a First Direct Gold Card (PPI added again) and when I missed one payment on the third reconsolidated loan with First Direct in Jan 2008, First Direct rolled the credit card balance into the loan and then served a default notice on the total and called it a loan. So I expect a long battle on this one but will update regularly as I (hopefully) make progress.
  17. Having a few concerns and questions, I emailed the MOJ with the following, now awaiting for them to reply so I can put up some answers to questions that are being asked all over the forums in regards to the new Taking Of Control Of Goods Act, I am hoping that they will reply but think it will take some time to get an answer here are my questions some have been removed to protect parts that are of a special significance to me personally. Good morning. I am requesting some clarification on some matters regarding the new Act "taking control of goods" There does not appear to be a "in plain English" version of these new rules, the reason I am asking for them is as .............................................................................. I want to know 100% if I have ANY protection whatsoever from a bailiff under the new regulations, if so what are they and where can I find the copy of those rules please. 1. I am ............................................................................................................. 2. As for the voluntary code of practise for bailiffs (enforcement agent) what can I say to one should they turn up at my door and how could I get them to believe the vulnerabilities' if I had any that applied to my situation. 3. With the new fee structure is there any protection for anyone in the vulnerable groups? If so can you please issue me a copy of the said list and how the bailiff must act when confronted with these sorts of debtors. 4. In plain English can someone please put pen to paper what if a debtor that falls into the vulnerable household rules in relation to the new regulations, what if any protection they may have from these new regulations. 5. I am seeking clarification can a Bailiff clamp and remove any vehicle from a debtors driveway? 6. The use of ANPR for bailiffs as follows 1. Can a bailiff use a Police stop check point to catch a debtor within one of these Police stop check situations? What actions can a Police Officer do to assist a Bailiff when requested by the bailiff at a debtors home, can the Officer assist the Bailiff in ANY matter except to "prevent a breach of the peace" The use of a locksmith, please can you clarify as to when a Bailiff can use a locksmith or threaten the use of a locksmith. If a vehicle is clamped on the debtors drive and is this is private property can the debtor legally remove the clamp? if so can you confirm this. if not is this a criminal offence that can see the debtor arrested for criminal damage? If the Bailiff has clamped the vehicle and leaves the scene is this "levy abandonment"? Does the notice floating around the internet that claims to remove the implied rights of access have any LEGAL STANDING WHATSOEVER as far a bailiff is concerned? As you can see I have many questions far to many to email you with, but I need to know what the "legal" powers of a Bailiff actually are, I have asked several bailiff companies for this information and they have refused to let me have this so have been left with no other option than to ask for help from you. I appreciate any assistance you may be able to offer me in this matter and am happy to receive your responses via email, but I would also request that you send me a hard copy in writing please so I can keep an official copy of your reply for future referencing. Yours Respectfully MM
  18. Hi to all hopefully I can het some help or assistance - . I appreciate there is probably the answer somewhere here so if I can be redirected great. I have today received a CCJ from the bulk centre in Northampton, The debt is for an old HSBC loan . It was dealt with by an old IVA in 2007 - but this failed in 2009 . I am not disputing the debt - but have never been in a situation financially to deal with it. - Due to job loss etc etc . I am still not as self employed now and earning pittance of old salary , Thd debt is for about 14K and was a balance of a 30K personal loan, - there was no PPI . Any help / advice gratefully received
  19. Hi I've just received a text from Newlyns saying they will attend tomorrow to remove goods. I also accidentally deleted the text!!! so can't remember the exact words a nd don't have the mobile number it came from. I remember it said to call 'this number' now. This debt is a liability order from Canterbury Magistrates for non payment of council tax. I own a small flat near there which is way too small for my family and which I'm trying to sell. I've never lived in it. Council have charged me a full year's tax with no rebate - which I will need to look into as it's 25% rebate most other places for single occupant (or no occupant?). I have been unemployed for nearly two years and now have a job. But Newlyns demanded I pay the £1200 over 6 months even though I was unemployed when I spoke to them. Having been unemployed for so long it's really crippling me trying to catch up with all my unpaid bills now, to the point where I have nothing left each month within a week of pay day. Sometimes I have to cancel a standing order. I didn't pay Newlyn in November and I didn't pay them in January. I'm just too broke. I'm facing a huge council tax bill where I'm living now which will probably need to be paid by April, which is £1100 and I'm hoping my daughter will have her housing benefit sorted by then so they will reduce the bill. I don't know how to deal with Newlyns. I've read some of the sticks about bailiff actions etc but I think this firm are really hard. I think it's disgusting that a bailiff company can be successful enough to be a PLC in this day and age. I'm scared. Does anyone know what I should do? I have never had them visit my current address or discuss any belongings with them. I know they asked for my NI number when I originally spoke to them. They said it was to check I wasn't working. thanks
  20. From today, consumers and small businesses taking out new landline, broadband or mobile contracts should be allowed to exit them without penalty if their provider increases the monthly subscription price agreed at the point of sale. http://media.ofcom.org.uk/2014/01/22/protection-for-consumers-against-unexpected-mid-contract-price-rises/ and the full guidance. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/price-rises-fixed-contracts/statement
  21. This was seen at James Paget Hospital in Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth. Can anyone spot the errors? [ATTACH=CONFIG]48546[/ATTACH]
  22. Just after a little bit of advice please. Please excuse any spellings mistakes etc as I am so mad as I type right not At the beginning of this year we took a car on finance, we made several payments and then found that we were struggling to keep up payments but we always caught them up. In June we moved house (notified the finance company) and then from then we completely missed a payment. One payment turned into 2 and we had a visit (at our new house) from a gentleman from "the car finance company", a payment arrangement was put in place but we missed it. I contacted them by email explaining our situation and asking if there was anything we could do and they said "no", that it had been sent to repossession. I emailed them back asking what happens next as I really didn't want repo men turning up at home to take the car unannounced etc and they confirmed that the repo men would get in touch with me first (I made sure that they had the correct contact number as had changed my mobile number). T his was mid September and I haven't heard a thing from them. My husband works as a postman and he was called into his managers office. When arriving in the office he was told that a debt collector was there for him! Imagine his absolute embarrassment!!! He spoke to this guy and the guy said that they had made numerous home visits.... ...only they had been visiting our old house!!!! Are they allowed to turn up at his work??? I have no objection to them taking the car and I have been waiting for them to call to arrange to take it! I also know for a fact that they haven't written to our old address because I have redirection on our mail. I am so mad right now!!!
  23. Hello all, I made a CCA request a couple of years ago, I got the usual reply, reconstituted agreement and application form, I wrote back and told them that this was not good enough. All went quite for 2 years, then I was contacted by a debt collection agency, I asked for deed of assignment, they claimed that the account was still with the original provider, I then made a CCA request of the debt collection agency, they responded by passing on my request to the card provider, this request has not produced the credit agreement either, although I have asked the debt collection agency what further recovery action can be justified, they have not replied though they insist that I must write to card provide, this I am in the process of doing, Can I just add that all the other Debt collection firms I have dealt with on this matter have closed their files when I have made my CCA requests. Any help would be greatly appreciated Benjamin
  24. I've been a member of this fantastic site:jaw:.
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