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  1. RIP Martin
  2. :sad:So sad to hear the news about Martin, I saw he helped a lot of people and will be missed by many on here.
  3. Firstly we have this followed by this news article where China is now supplying North Sea oil and gas to the UK. Have we reason to be concerned? I would say "YES!"
  4. a quarter of uk's home owners fear repossession, is there something in the water? or are the banks trying to steal houses with equity?
  5. oh dear this is bad news for the private parking companies http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=in_the_back&issue=1326 thanks to Private Eye for this
  6. RBS are paying me £2002 from the missold ppi. Thanks to everyone here - esp dx100uk and all the other guys here - who pointed me in the right direction of getting a Subject access report at Lloyds tsb where I found my Lombard direct details. Its a success that I'm happy with - thanks everyone!!!
  7. http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/10/10/disabled-scots-to-be-spared-atos-assessment-after-firm-forced-into-retreat-thanks-to-daily-record-campaign/
  8. The FOS report that they are currently receiving 1500 PPI related complaints every day. In the August issue of their news they give some examples of cases they have upheld,and also those rejected.Worth a read. http://financialombudsmanservice.newsweaver.co.uk/Newsletter/1nqfti6z0ss1ejplibozya?rss=true
  9. After realising just how bad things can get for people through reading these forums, I wanted to share a tale that ends pretty well. My daughter, for the past few years has had an arrangement to pay her CT at the end of the month rather than on the 8th/15th as per norm for our council. She has never had any problem with this arrangement. She spoke to the CT collections in December 2011 asking for an extension as she had been off work ill due to finding a lump in her breast and they agreed to defer Decembers payment to February (normal payments being due from April - Jan inc). Whilst on that call, she asked if she was still ok paying at the end of the month and was told yes. So, April she made a payment and in May recieved a summons for non-payment. She rang them from my landline and explained about her arrangement and told them she had made Aprils payment. She was told there was no record of her arrangement and they couldn't recall the summons unless she made full payment there and then. She didn't have 900.00, so she asked if she could make payments at her usual rate and dates (ie the end of the month) and make an extra payment of 80.00 in February 2013 for the cost of the LO. She was told yes. She made payments May June and July, then came home from work one night in August to the standard Equita threatening letter. (Having never been in debt for CT, and never having her arrangement questioned despite it not being in writing, she hadn't realised she didn't have an agreement with the council due to her verbal arrangement with their call centre and recieved no letters off the council after the summons). The bailiff had added hundreds in charges, as the outstanding amount was in the region of 680 including the 80 charges, but the bailiffs letter stated over 1000 owed. Obviously she queried with the council, equita and the individual bailiff, who reduced the amount to 950 after my daughter mentioned she was ringing the council to find out if the amount was correct and why it was that amount if so. Then my daughter rang CAB, they told her to lock doors etc and contact the bailiff telling her it was now with them. The bailiff then left answerphone messages on my daughters phone upping the charges and threatening immediate removal of goods for going to the CAB. My daughter and my son-in-law then went to the council and demanded to see someone from the complaints dept, refusing to be fobbed off with a form to fill in, and explained everything. It turns out the council had employed temps during May and although a call was logged, no details of the call had been recorded hence the agreement not being recognised by them. They called off the bailiffs but my son-in-law got a loan and paid the full amount of council tax left (plus 24.50 for bailiff visit) as he was afraid after complaining, that he might return home to no door or car, not knowing bailiffs don't have the powers they claim to have. They are waiting for written confirmation that the bill is now cleared in full and then are going to complain about both the council and equita to whoever they can. The good news....out of the blue this afternoon, the guy in charge of the complaints dept at the council rang my daughter and told her he is refunding 104.50, the charge for the LO and the costs of the bailiffs first visit, they have sent a cheque out today. It wont stop them complaining as my son-in-law says, how many more have they tried and succeeded in doing this to? But at least sometimes there can be a kind of good ending Gem
  10. Well 2 face to faces, 4 reconsiderations, 2 appeals, 6 month minimum wait and 0 yes 0 appearances in front of a tribunal panel! Speedy wins again! 2 descriptors b+ so 18 points! No schedule 3 so I'm on the WRAG again Took the call 4 hours before my tribunal was to be held not to attend Monday. Decision notice says 24 months before reassessment. Everybody dance now
  11. I just thought I would share some good news and hope to people who were in my position. After reading through hours of horus on here, and taking some fantastic advice from people on here (thank you) I have sorted out all my defaults on my PDL's, and the only one left who will not agree to anything are Pay Day Express and Tooth Fairy are just ignoring me. Pounds to Pockets are sending generic emails, but I am paying them the amount I can afford in the meantime anyway. The others were not that bad, Wage Day advance agreed with only 2 emails being exchanged, as did Wonga, and Payday Uk were hard work but after a fab letter (from someone on here) they also agreed. The reason for posting this, is for people coming on here for help you are in the right place, I felt like my head was going to explode with all this debt and now im more than half way there, I thought I would share some good news I also have all the bank details of people I am paying back as on sound advice I have a parachute account! I thought I would list them to see if it useful to anyone else. WONGA - Barclays S/c 20 06 05 a/c 43151468 WAGE DAY ADVANCE - Barclays S/c 204514 A/c 90931772 PayDayUK - Natwest S/c 60 00 01 A/c 39524906 (a/c name Month End Money) Tooth Fairy -Barclays S/c 20 50 94 A/c 93462383 Swift Sterling - Northway Financial Corp S/c 30 00 09 A/c 00647610 Text Loan - HSBC S/c 40 21 03 A/c 42028948 No bank details for Pounds to pockets but they say you can send payments to Pounds to Pocket Collections PO Box 47 Sheffield S98 1DR I hope someone finds this useful Thanks again.
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2188437/The-Dandy--Desperate-news-Dans-eaten-cow-pie.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  13. Hi A couple of recent articles on Payday lending / loans People doing their best / struggling to manage their finances and then these payday loans there to 'help' them through! Not getting any better this payday loan stuff if you ask me - charter or no charter... nothing has really changed has it? http://www.insolvencynews.com/article/14214/personal/payday-loan-debt-calls-soar-116 http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/pressoffice/press_index/press_20120725.htm Another problem with these payday loans on occasions is....that I keep having to copy extra unsecured creditor pages on the 6.28 bankruptcy petition form to get them all on.
  14. The good news is Santander have upheld my complaint on mis-selling PPI on a Wallis Store Card I had. This acount was transfered to CL Finance as I am currently working with Payplan to repay my debts. The bad news is they have transfered the entire refund to CL Finance and told me after the event. I'm more than happy that money should go to pay off my debts however I dind't think they had the right to transfer the interest on premium and loss of cash interest award to them as well. Before I put pen to paper ( again) would appreciate some guidance. Many Thanks
  15. So it near the end of July any news on their license?
  16. Hi, I've not posted for absolutely ages on here as generally thanks to you guys I managed to get myself back on track with everything. Since 2007 I was in dispute with Natwest over my personal current account, which had incurred charges. They put the account "on hold" whilst the test case happened and to be honest I didn't think about it much more as they said they'd be in touch when the test case was resolved. They didn't get in touch until the beginning of this year, during which time I found out that whilst the account was "on hold" they'd added £5k of charges and interest to it! Bearing in mind they hadn't contacted me about it for quite considerable amount of time, they certainly pulled out all the stops - Threats of defaults, immediate payment, account closure, debt collectors etc. They even decided "my relationship with the bank had broken down" (their words) and decided to give me notice on a separate unrelated business account which was in good stead and had never missed a payment on the business loan - they insisted that loan was also immediately repaid! Thankfully I'd been lurking and reading up on the BCOB developments and adapted one of the letters threatening to take them to court for breach of BCOB's They "investigated" my account for what seemed like forever, before finally coming back with a full refund of all charges and interest, and reinstatement of the business account. oh, and £80 for my troubles! If I wasn't so weary of the fight I'd probably have pushed them for more than £80 but to be honest I'm so pleased it's over I'll just leave it be. But if you are stuck in a dispute don't be disheartened, do read up on the BCOB options and give 'em hell! All the best, BTONBADGER
  17. This just popped up on the BBC Twitter feed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18595023 CAG is mentioned in the story.
  18. Here's the letter, from here obviously... It's for a Kays catalogue debt - we recieved the last of threatening letters before further action so decided it's time to contact them. Just wondering whether it would be s.77 or s.78 that I write....? Dear Sir/Madam Re:− Account/Reference This letter is a formalrequest pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I require you toprovide me with a true copy of the credit agreement relating to the aboveaccount, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide. I expect you to complyfully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit. You arereminded that should you fail to comply with my request; the provisions of s.77will apply. If it is your view that youare not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA 1974 applies in the case of a simpleassignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. Inthe case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. Ifyou contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement,you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of bothrights and duties. Your attention is drawn toss.5 (2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). I enclose a postal order inthe sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee. Note that these funds are not tobe used for any other purpose. If you are unable to complyfully and properly with this request, you should confirm this in writing at theearliest opportunity, and certainly within the statutory time limit for compliance,and return the fee. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,
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