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  1. Hi everyone! I currently have 4 catalogue accounts with the Home Direct Group (Littlewoods, Woolworths, Isme and Very) and due to a recent change in circumstances am unable to make my usual payments. I have emailed all 4 catalogue's explaining my situation, offering them a token payment and explaining that I would like interest and charges frozen as well as a review of my circumstances in 6 months time. I also mentioned that I would like to keep all correspondence via email or letter (So that I have proof of what has been said). I have received emails back from all 4 catalogue's explaining that, although they are grateful for me keeping them informed, I need to speak to the Arrears Department who can only be reached via telephone apparently. I have wrote back to each catalogue saying that I am not willing to contact them via telephone and asked what they may suggest I do. I have yet to receive any further advice from them. Does anyone have any advice they can offer me? I am insistent on keeping all contact to letter and email only as they do not have my telephone number and I don't want them getting a hold of it. I am keen to get all of this sorted prior to the threatening letters and knocks at the door. Any help would be very much appreciated!
  2. Hi All, I am a newbie to the PPI, friend did a claim and mentioned it to me the other week, so i checked and found i was paying PPI on Littlewoods (extra care advantage) ISME (shopping insurance). I have been with littlewoods since 2005 and ISME since 2009 the ppi has been on since then. After reading a few articles on here i thaught id give it a shot at claiming it back, if i am entitled too. I am filling out one of them PPI questionares for each of them and a couple of questions have stumped me. here they are: >how was it sold to me? As far as i know it was just added. Has this happened to anyone else? > Personal circumstances part seems to be relevant to people working, i was not working and my husband was disabled at the time the loan was taken out and the circumstances are still the same, will this have an effect on the claim? When my friend spoke to the person whom she was claiming back off they insisted that they would have done background checks on employment, finances and medical history via asking questions as its their policy. I have never been asked such things by neither company for which i am about to claim. Just would like some advice on what route to take and / or if i am doing the correct thing by filling out a questionaire? Kindest regards, Radagast.
  3. i had an account with Littlewoods / NDR in December for years i had been paying online and without notice they wouldnt let me into my account yo make payments it was passed onto a company called Arrow Global who then gave it to RMA Resolve to collect payments ...i have been making payment on time 28th every month via telephone banking ... on Wednesday i recieved a letter saying they had not recieved payment's for May and June i know they had recieved payment for May as i had recieved 6 monthly statement and it was included .. and i know i definately paid June .. i phoned them up and they said both payments HAD been receieved although claiming they were late. My bank operates and immediate payment with 2 hr service so not late from my side. Anyway when i was on phone they said it had flashed up on computer that i was to send an up to date financial statement ...i got letter this morning saying it si required by law within 7 days ...i have not had this with any of my other creditors and as i told them on phone my circumstances / income were still the same and they were only getting what was already agreed via littlewoods / CAB at the time Do i have to send my financial details and expenditure on to them ? thanks in advance
  4. I am about to start a claim against Littlewoods (Shop Direct) for repayment of the £12 admin charges since 2007, have done a SAR and got all the statements etc, I have done the spread sheet but am unsure if I am able to claim compound interest on the charges, I have had a quick look and found some have claimed 3% some 8% and others 29.9%. As this was a zero interest acc although some goods were bought on BNPL so incurred interest themselves, can i claim any interest or not? If so at what rate? OK strike this, don't think any interest can be claimed as can't see any ref to it on any of the statements. So have £264 in charges to reclaim. Also I want to claim against Isme for as a rough guess £500 plus interest, would it be best to combine the 2 when it comes to the court claim or do the 2 seperate. The littlewoods has a nil balance the Isme has been sold to capquest
  5. Hello. To cut a long story short I have been hassled for months by ndr. i owe littlewoods and have made numerous attempts to resolve the problem by asking for a payment plan to be set up, I have offered them 150 per month but they won't accept it. I sent a letter last month asking them to reconsider the proposal and also told them that if they didnt I would pay 50 per month for the life duration of the debt, i currently pay 50 per month as a goodwill gesture. .today I recieved a letter saying that they have noted my query and would like me to phone them as they need more information, now my dilemma is do I phone them as I have read tgey are difficult to deal with,? Should I just continue with the 50 pounds per month? Thankyou.
  6. Hi My wife got a littlewoods account she has had it for 2 years the account has had so many refund and adjustment because of errors made by littilewoods finance team and the overall account balance do not add up to what i been keeping in a spreadsheet on her payments. I have spent days and weeks after week stressing out trying to work out why the account not adding up to the balance littlewoods says. Like this month she return faulty tumble dryer account was CR £275 we order a replacement £265 and they making us pay for it. I try adding up every thing on the account and it do not show that we are in credit i added all our items how meany payment been made and it still says we are short of the account balance even though we used rewards on items and have had return items. I don't know if someone here can go though the statement if i edit any personal info out or if someone can give advice who i can see to do this. I have contact littlewoods but they just over look all this and say the account is right. But if it was right my balance would be lower as i have kept track of it all and gone though the statements of every order placed but i am still going to be paying more according to littlewoods balance.
  7. Hi all, I'm looking for some advise from you guys. In December I made a purchase from Littlewoods for £650 interest free over 20 weeks. Since then I have ordered a few more items interest free for 20 weeks on the same account. My bills are usually around £90 a month, which is fine that isn't the issue I'm having. However, the problem I'm having is my first bill from Littlewoods after December was around the 2nd of January, which I paid on time in full, then my next months bill was the end of January, around the 30th. Again this was after my payday so it was fine I paid it. From there, my bill dates went to Feb 27th, Mar 28th, which were both suitable for me. Then the problems began, Aprils bill was due on the 24th which was before my pay date, so I incurred a £12 charge. I emailed them mentioning this is going to be an issue for me as my pay day is usually 27th/28th of each month, they said there's nothing they can do for me. Mays bill came on the 22nd, so I received another £12 charge. June's bill was then on the 17th, so again I got another charge from them. Bearing in mind that I still paid them in full what was owed, some months I paid an extra £20-30. However Julys bill has came through now (I've just paid Junes) and is now due on July 12th. Which is almost two weeks before my next pay day, so I'm going to incur yet another charge from them. They've previously been advised by me that this is an issue, and they were unwilling to help me regarding this. Is there any action I can take in regards to reclaiming these charges or having the payment date changed that you guys are aware of? I consider myself a pretty decent customer of Littlewoods, however it's disappointing knowing I'm paying higher prices than the high street as well as being charged £12 per month by them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, B
  8. I opened an account with them in december 2010 and always made my payments on time. A couple of months ago, my ex but boyfriend at the time asked if i wanted to live together. We needed to furnish the place and he asked if i could get some things, our furnitures and appliances with them and he would of course pay his share. I am not even sure how much the debt is but roughly 10k combined. Of course, not all 10k was about the house, i have personal expenses as part of it too. Sadly, i think i jumped the gun too soon as i found the b***ard had about 3 women he was messing around with including one at our work place just before he left. I moved back in with my mum and i havent contacted Littlewoods & its sisters since to tell them of a change of address, hence why im not sure how much i owe, could log into the account if it would let me but im petrified, no payments in almost 5 months. Now, he wont talk to me or acknowledge the fact that now all debts will fall onto me, i, of course want to sell the things i bought but seeing as it was delivered in his name, i can't proof ownership, i cant proof he promised to help pay for the items, i cant proof he hasn't paid me if he tries to claim otherwise. I considered small claims court but i am just exhausted from the whole thing that i dropped it. Trust me, whatever bad things your mind is conjuring up right now about me, i have thought it all. I have been receiving txt msgs from k&co about late payments but no letters, like i said, not changed address back yet but i believe it is only a matter of time untill i am found. What i need to know now is if i can contact them and offer a monthly payment on my terms? I do not want it to get to the stage where i start receiving those red letters. I want to be responsible for my actions but im scared they will turn around and start demanding £200 a month or something and I myself am barely left over with £200 a month after rent, supporting dad and grandparents. I don't want it to get to the point where people come to my mum's house and empty it (of course i do not want to lose my things too) as i am aware this is a large sum of money that i am sure they wont keep quiet about. Advice please
  9. Hi guys for once its not me their after lol my partner just had a phone cal from Rockwell/tessera and she confirmed her name and address. They stated that the address was different they had for her, so now they have updated it i got my partner to give me the phone right away and i spoke to them. turns out she owes little woods £1288.50 from 27th April 2007. i then questioned him over it as obviously i know its been 6 years. Turns out its not Stat barred yet because she made a payment on 7th Nov 2007 i spoke a while and asked how he got my partners details. he first said from little woods, so i then questioned the legality of that as she had not given permission for her details to be given. He then said arrow global bought the debt. then sort of back tracked. He did mention its close to being Stat barred. i explained that from knowledge of this website that non of the aboves are bailiffs and have any rights so if we did agree any form of payment plan they would have to accept what im offering, especially as i have one child and a child on the way. and they come first, and that my partner earns hardly any money and in fact it would be myself making payments. However i would be seeking advice on these forums first, and welcomed him to view my post when it was here. he stated that arrow could instruct bailiffs to attend, which i then told him i would be happy for them to as nothing in this house is actually my partners everything is my own and if she had bought anything for the house it has been with my wages so therefore belongs to me. he also stated that a CCJ may be applied to my partners credit file. I then questioned why now and not sooner, and he basically said its because its close to being barred. He did advise a default was placed on her CRA 29 May 2008 from little woods I did ask after seeking advice here due to how close it is to being statue barred, would there be any reduction to the debt as some money will be better than none, best he said was they would knock 25% off if paid in full now. so i said no thanks. so what you suggest guys, make a small monthly token payment to the debt or just let it unwind until november then it will become barred. i also told them to get in touch by writing or by email and not phone cheers guys.
  10. Good Evening All! Apologies for the duplicated thread - my original one is in the "General Debt" forum but due to mentioning several queries, was advised on posting in the relevant sub-forums. I have 2 catalogue accounts with Lowell Portfolio - one for Great Universal and one for Littlewoods. 1) Lowell re: Great Universal - Paying back a small amount each month. This one is for a catalogue debt going back 6+ years and is one of the defaults on my account (due to a divorce at the time). It is small (£300) and I'm nearly ready to offer a full and final settlement (I've already tried the full amount in return for removing the default, but they refused - so I told them they can keep getting their £5/month). HOWEVER, looking through some of the statements I've found several charges before the catalogue passed it to "NDR" and then over to Lowell. I've seen some posts on here in regards to "CCA" and "SAR" - can I do anything with this debt in regards to these that may wipe the rest of - or maybe the charges situation? 2) Lowell re: Littlewoods - Another one paying back a small amount each month. Again, 6+ years old and again due to the divorce it has a default on my credit file. I have found 12 statements from them (4 months of non-payment before they sold it to Lowell despite me trying to contact Littlewoods to sort it out - see below) - with plenty of charges on. This debt is £1,400 and a fair percentage is "missed payments", "late payments", "non payments", "default" etc. Can these be claimed back? In both cases, I was actually advised by the telephone operator to let it go in to default and the debt collection company can help me better - I did... although I doubt they would ever admit it, they actually advised me to default. Can I argue the default at all? Will the CCA/SAR things help? Refund of charges will certainly help reduce the debts. In reality, at the amount I'm paying, it is going to take nearly 20 years to clear the above debts. So surely it is fairly pointless to Lowell? Any help would be appreciated. NCCA
  11. Dear All, Shop Direct Group have sent me their SAR and I am going to claim back all the charges. I will keep this thread updated, for anyone out there who is going to fight back! If this means going to court, I will. I hate Shop Direct Group, there just money making scums...and i'm the idiot for falling for them.... I will post back later with the spreadsheet of my claim to date. I hope we all as a community can claim of these scums, I can't stand the way these guys treat us. Its worse than any bank or credit card company out there! Good Luck too all claiming !!
  12. Hi I'm just looking for a bit of advise as I'm unsure what to do. Here goes I recently DPA'D Littlewoods (the one where you pay the £10 fee) They sent me all the info etc. I tried to reclaim back £240 in late payment fee's (they were all £12 fees) and was told no. I sent them an LBA letter four weeks ago threatening court action received a reply still saying no get in touch with the FOS. Anyway 2 weeks later which was this Friday just gone the 12/4/13 I received a letter from Lowell's saying that they had purchased my debt from Littlewoods and that I had have pay them the £288 instead of Littlewoods. Part of this was for some goods however littlewoods have added approx. £200 in late payment fees over the past year which is why this has got this high. Please help as I am now totally unsure what I need to do. Any advice is greatly appreciated. And Thanks In Advance
  13. Hello I've been reading posts on here and need some advice, I have littlewoods and very debt that have been handed to NDR. I haven't been able to make the full payments they require and I never answer their calls as I hear they try to get you in a corner and demand more money off you. It seems like the right thing to do is send a letter offering an amount per month, who should I send this to? NDR or very/littlewoods ? Also I have no idea what to write in it, I just want to get something sorted ASAP as its really stressing me out worrying about letters or maybe bailiffs, any help would be great thanks!!
  14. This thread has been started and will continue for the debt owing to Shop Direct - Additions Excel Spreadsheet:
  15. This is debt 3/5, then I will stop creating new threads for a while! My aim is to clear these debts at the lowest possible cost to myself. If someone can tell me if I am doing the right things here and what action I should take next, it will be very much appreciated. Type of Debt: Mail Order Collecting: Lowell (Now own the debt. OC is LittleWoods) Status: Default (04/01/2011) Balance: £1120.00 (as per credit file). Last Payment: Jan 2010 Penalty and interest charges already reclaimed. 06/01/13: Letter sent requesting CCA. 29/01/13: Sent another letter reminding them of CCA request deadlines and offered 25% F&F. 13/02/13: Received a letter showing: a) Credit Agreement with LittleWoods and my details ( no signature but was online application.) w/"additional terms and conditions' b) Credit Agreement with Shop Direct details only w/ "additional terms and conditions" c) Written statement on the status of my account and the balance payable. They have completely ignored by F&F offers. I have not admitted any debt to Lowell. How should I proceed with this debt? Lowell did send me a letter at the end of last year saying they were going to pass on this debt to another DCA but that has never happened. Or I have not received any letters from them. Thanks for reading
  16. I have been a customer of Littlewoods for about 18 years and had accrued commission through purchases made over this time which totalled about £371. I had been saving for a flat and finally logged in to my account to spend this money on goods for my flat and noticed my total had gone to £00.00. I contacted them and they told me that since I hadn't ordered from their last season, I lose any rewards earned. As stated, I have been with them for 18 years and this had never been the case before and I never received any notification from them to say that this was changing. I have emailed them and all I get in reply is that I should read their terms and conditions, however I don't know when these terms and conditions changed. Can they do this without informing you?
  17. had been looking at my mums statements for this company (ndr) and ive came across service charges each month for either a "debt collection phonecall" or "late minimum payment fee" sometimes both im guessing these are bogus and she could claim them back? she has a payment set up each month that is paid on time so im lost at where the late minumum payment fee is coming from. both of these charges are £12 each
  18. Hi everyone, i'm new here! I have a few issues with Littlewoods and Very, i was wondering if you could all help? Firstly - i am on income support, and got myself into a state with littlewoods before christmas (with 3 children, and small income, it was bound to happen) anyway, they phoned me at 8am every morning until i finally caved in and answered - i shouted the odds at them as they phone at ungodly hours and they KNOW i am on IS and i have tried and tried to keep on top of things - they wanted £580, which i have tried paying to the best of my ability - anyway they told me to pay 300 a month for 3 months to bring my bill down - This is still a LOT from my pathetic income, but i figured, the sooner it's paid the better all round. i have made 2 payments, the second being this morning - firstly, can i have it dropped lower? or as i verbally agreed, do i have to stand by this? The second issue is the 'extra care advantage' - PPI - i was on income support in 2006 when they set up my account, they told me i had to have this on my account - so i did - and when i got into difficulties in 2008 i turned to the PPI to pay my bill for me, as this is what i had been paying for, correct? Well they told me no, as i haven't worked for over 6 months.... so i carried on paying, got with my partner in 2009 and everything was ok (still paying PPI) - partner left me last april, as debts mounted up, so did the PPI payments. Last week a memnber of staff admitted i was missold it, and i cancelled it. YAY! but this morning i worked out how much i actually paid them under false pretenses - between the two sister companies we are looking at £2000 + I phoned them and asked for it back, they said no but said they will send me a letter (for reasons i don't understand as the man had an accent i couldn't decipher very well) Am i right in thinking i AM entitled to this money back as i was on income support in 2006, and am again now - if i knew i didn't have to have it, i never would have got it in the first place despite being in a relationship 2 years later ? How do i go about claiming this back? sorry to ramble on, i'm in debt up to my eye balls and this PPI will clear a huge sum of it and let me and my children get on with our lives Jo
  19. :sad:Hi guys i owe littlewoods and very around 10 ,000 i can't afford this im only on jobseekers it is now passed onto lowell portfolio please help im desperate
  20. Hi all I have debts with Littlewoods, Next and hubby has one with Very (along with other debts such as credit cards and a store card but these are the 'catalogue' debts). We are struggling to pay any of our debt and need to make some payment arrangements. I have noted that there is a CCA request which is often used by people to see if the debt is enforceable, I am not sure when these ONLINE accounts were set up but believe it was 2007/08. Can anyone advise if we are able to take any steps in regards to CCA... Also, would you advise to CCA them anyway and see what happens?...... In either instance can we claim back all the late payment fees etc from these debts?... .I understand I would need to SAR them but after that not sure how to actually request the fees back so a little advice would be lovely please. Thanks guys
  21. I ordered a few dresses from Littlewoods on 14 day FREE home approval. Within that 14 days I sent most of the items back. I then received a statement where instead of charging me less than £10 a month as I had been paying, they took an extra £89 from me. I contacted them asking why they had taken this amount when the items were on FREE 14 day home approval. They admitted fault and refunded me the overpayment. I had to chase the cheque. A few days later I received two envelopes from them. One was the long awaited cheque for £89 and the other was a letter from their arrears department for underpayment of £89! I was fuming. I sent them an e-mail (yes it was polite but firm and to the point) asking them to sort it out. They said they would get back to me within 3 days. That was 2 days ago. Today I had an automated voice message from Littlewoods saying that I was in arrears and needed to do something about it immediately. In my e-mail I told them I would be closing the account and that I would move over to one of their competitors. I then accessed the Kays catalogue company (or whatever it's new name is) and applied for an account and they refused to give me a credit account! Now I know that I have a first class credit rating as a/ I pay and get regular updates from Experian and b/ I have to have a first class credit rating due to the job I do. I therefore feel they have put a black mark against my credit rating too. Any advice I can get is going to be gratefully appreciated.
  22. Hi I need advise in taking littleswoods to court over a computer that I broughtfor my son, now 17 months ago also my son helped by putting his savings to thiscomputer some £325 pounds of his own money, the computer packed up last Februaryand was still in warranty, when I phoned littlewoods they give me a number for AcerI phoned them and they said that the computer was not sold by littlewoods andhad no listing for it funny? so I phoned littlewoods again after long conversationthey said we don’t take computers back they have to go back to the manufacturer,so jump forward many months and many phone calls to June Acer finely said oksend it to us and we will fix it 2 weeks later computer comes back unfixed Acerhave no record of it, jump forward to august lots of phone calls littlewoods don’twant to no And will not take computer back. For the last 6 months I said ok no fix nomoney so littlewoods put charges on my account every month now standing at£162.00 in charges also they have sent my account to outside collection agencywhich are threatening to take me to court and default my credit file so i give inand now have a payment plan with them, so where do I stand iam left with acomputer that’s out of wanrenty, and out of pocket. i want to get my and my sons money back the charges they have put on my account and all the phone calls that i made to them which total up to about 6 hours on the phone. Help Please? Kind Regards David
  23. Hello, i'm new to this forum so i'm not quite sure where i should post this! Me & my partner have littlewoods & next catalogues, & i'm really struggling to keep up with all the payments! is there any way i can reduce the minimum payment with any of these if so anyone done it before & how did you manage to get them to agree! I'm starting to worry about this now as i don't want to get a bad credit rating but just can't afford the minimum payments they are asking for! I'm a stay at home mum and my partner works but we have lots of bills to pay and these ones haven't been my priority! Any help would be highly appreciated! Thankyou
  24. Back in 2005 i aquired a debt to Littlewoods catalogue but due to having to move house i had no communication with them till 2006 when i finally found a home.i informed littlewoods of my new address and had a letter from Pheonix saying i was to make a payment to them via postal order. This i done and paid £10 to £20 and asked them to send me bank paying slips so i could continue with the payments this was August 2006. However i did not recieve any more contact from them. In October 26th i had a letter from Arrow Global regarding this debt and they required certain info.This i done explaining that this letter is the first time i have had contact regarding this debt for more than 6 years.and told them a payment was sent as above to Pheonix. I received a letter back saying thank you for the information and it was being forward to Pheonix and was being investigated, they also wanted some info on named cottage which they wanted to know of when i moved from before i aquired this debt. There was a delay in sending this info back to them but i never stayed at a cottage with that name however i was going to write to them asking them to be more specific with a address. Before i could send this info back i now have had a letter from Rossendales stating that the debt is now passed to them.they are instructed that i have ignored previous requests for payment and they intend to recover the outstanding debt immediately. In red letters i have to contact them with paying the debt full or contact them with my proposals or recovery action will commence. I have been given a phone number to ring but i would rather write a letter. Not sure what to do so can anybody advice please? Its over 6 years now since first contact on this matter till 26th October.with Arrow Global and never asked for payment just info.As i explained in the letter to Arrow Global that if Pheonix replied to my letter back in 2006 this would have been delt with straight away.
  25. Hello all, I was pointed this way by a few concerned friends when I showed them a letter I had received yesterday from Hamptons Legal, (on the back it said it was from Lowell) regarding a debt from a catalog (Littlewoods-Shop Direct) totalling £600+ from about a year or so ago. Now at that time I was in Scotland, but due to domestic issues with my partner we split and I moved back down to my family in Hampshire around the start of April this year. In the madness which ensued, and the fact my partner was paying this off (He stopped since and failed to inform me) I thought all this had been resolved. I acknowledge I owe this money, since it is in my name, so upon receipt of this letter which threatened the usual (bailiffs, CCJ etc) I called Lowells and tried to explain and make a workable payment plan. The woman who answered was rude, aggressive and kept talking over me, demanding I set up a direct debit immediately to clear the debt, not listening when I tried to explain that I am alone and on Income support with 2 young children to support, and that paying £600 in one go just wasn't a possibility. I tried to explain if she would be willing to send me payment slips, I would pay them £50 a month until the account was settled. "We don't do that anymore, so I want your bank account details so I can set up a Direct debit" was all I got in response. I explained again that I wasn't going to give her my bank account details over the phone. When she ignored me again after I re-explained my situation to her and that I don't have that much money to pay in one go, things got a little heated when she demanded my bank account details for the 4th or 5th time and I ended up throwing a few choice words her way and hung up. Since then I have had nothing but bothersome phone-calls demanding I pay up via direct debit immediately, or they will send the bailiffs out to my grandmothers house (which is where I am currently living) to "recover the debt". I am more than willing to pay the amount owing, but I cant afford to do it in the lump sum they want me to via direct debit and i have a sneaking suspicion that had I given them my bank account details, I'd have had a very angry phone-call from my bank this morning. Any help or advice would be greatly received right now, because I'm frazzled and have no idea what to do now. Lise x
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