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  1. No on the reverse its a letter saying unlock a host of benefits etc..no credit terms etc..was sent a separate letter saying credit agreement regulated by the cca 1974 ..
  2. Hi could anyone advise me to whether this IS a valid cca??
  3. Yes it's on there, default.
  4. Yes its an original copy. . Well sod em I have spent enough time worrying over the matter and I have no intention of trying to get NDR to reconsider my offer of repayment as its a complete waste of time. .its never good enough. . I.ll just wait and see what they're next plan of action will be. . Hopefully it will be sold on to an external DCA who will hopefully gladly accept my offer!!
  5. Yes. Its a signed copy with date and address.
  6. Update, to day i recieved a copy of my agreement (Cca) opened in 2006 and its legit what should i now do, i am now again worrying ..i have tried on numerous occasions to offer payments but NDR:x just keep refusing..i fell like i,m hitting a brick wall.
  7. Hi I have just come across your post and im in a similar situation. .letters sent with offers and refused at my wits end with it all. .just sent a cca request today but not holding up much hope. . How have you got on since you sent the sar?
  8. Should I still send a 50 pounds payment to littlewoods today as just sent off the cca request? Thanks
  9. Hi no not checked file my as yet.. thanks for your help just currently sorting out the cca lol..
  10. If I am paying them a token payment and have been doing so for while doesn't that mean I acknowledge the debt?? Someone previously said it was too late for a Cca..confused :/
  11. Thankyou again for all you advice, i will put the money aside and send SAR of tomorrow,i will keep you posted:-D
  12. Thankyou both,i feel slightly less worried now, i will send an SAR off tomorrow,should i send it to the OC ? I was aslo going to send a payment of £50.00 to NDR tomorrow,but from the advice given that won,t be happening again i will send all further payments to Littlewoods.. should i send the payment to littlewoods tomorrow or withhold it until SAR is fulfilled? Thankyou:-)
  13. oh dear here goes its for £3350..EXTREME:sad:
  14. I dont have alll my statements:( I think its about 7 yrs old or maybe older.
  15. if i am to now deal with Littlewoods would it worth sending a CCA request or is it to late for that?
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