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  1. Hi Guys, just need some of your advice. I have debts in the region of 40k and at the starting of this year, I started defaulting on them due to various reasons. I have not paid any of them for the last 9 months. I was considering negotiating the debts by the end of next year and trying to clear all of them. If I manage to do that, would I have any chance of getting a mortgage approved?
  2. Hello everyone, I need help regarding a mis-sold a policy by a broker(best advice acting on behalf of bright grey) who is bust, 4 years ego I was offered a mortgage (woolwich) and insurance: cover for sickness, payment cover for sicknes, life or critical illness cover. now I am in need of help and was assured that i have cover so it will be ok, but not apparently my cover uses working tasks definition which really means you have to be hit by a bus to get cover. that time when i was taking out that cover i have explaint to my adviser about my work etc. and they said this is best cover for me. now i cannot get enything from my insurance. I have been off sick for last 4 months cannot work cannot pay my bills please help if you can
  3. Hi consumer forum, I bought a house with EX partner ( separated over 15 years) as was in (both owned seperate flats previously) best interests re housing investment to pool money in joint mortgage as both working in London). 18 months in he had major operation + became life threateningly ill and could not work. After him being 5 months in hospital and still in crisis but to be discharged needing a kidney transplant I sold the house and moved with him to property in country more appropriate to his recovery as London was not ideal and he had no family to helpl. However I could not get his name put on mortgage as he was not working employed at that time. so I (with his full written agreement overseen by solicitor who did the sale) put house in my name only. He is now on disability benefits and he is contributing what he can towards the mortgage from his DLA and pension credit, can I charge him rent ( i am formally assessed as his carer correctly -Not his partner) housing benefit or similar to help with mortgage? I help him with home dialysis and other needed tasks. thanks for your help
  4. Please be aware that you do not need to go through a claims management firm if you have a complaint about a mortgage broker or mortgage lender regarding Payment protection insurance or a mortgage you were sold. A lot of claims firms will just charge you an upfront fee of a couple of hundred pounds and they are making false claims to mortgage brokers/advisers when people don't have a case but they tell you you do. Mortgage brokers are being put out of business because for every false claim they receive they have to pay £500 to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please sign this e-petition as it calls for claims firms to also have to pay if they make a false claim: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/17198 Please make your claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service for free and they will tell you if you have a case or nor before pursing the broker.
  5. Please be aware that you do not need to go through a claims management firm if you have a complaint about a mortgage broker or mortgage lender regarding Payment protection insurance or a mortgage you were sold. A lot of claims firms will just charge you an upfront fee of a couple of hundred pounds and they are making false claims to mortgage brokers/advisers when people don't have a case but they tell you you do. Mortgage brokers are being put out of business because for every false claim they receive they have to pay £500 to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please sign this e-petition as it calls for claims firms to also have to pay if they make a false claim. Please make your claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service for free and they will tell you if you have a case or nor before pursing the broker.
  6. Hi everyone, In July 2010 I became unemployed having been made redundant. I stared claiming Contribution based JSA straight away and after just over 6 month I found a job on 6 month contract. (my contribution-based JSA ran out a couple of weeks before I started the job). I also had a private mortgage protection policy, so I was receiving insurance money while I was unemployed. 6 months on, I finished my contract and I became unemployed again. So I recently applied for Income based JSA - within the form, I had to tell them that I had a mortgage protection policy and provide info about the premium, and about my mortgage lender. I provided all the info requested, and was waiting for the decision for a couple of weeks, I now received a letter yesterday from JSA Mortgage Team asking for more info about the insurance and my mortgage, to help them decide how much JSA that they can pay me. Note: [in this letter, it asked me to contact my Insurance company and make a claim - however I had already contacted my insurance company previously and I was told that I'd have to send a confirmation letter from JSA to make another claim (or resuming the claim I made about a year ago - which pays up to 12 months, temporary work of no more than 6 month can be dealt as one claim) - this is a catch 22 situation and a bit of a problem but I've sent a copy of the letter to my insurance company so I'm relatively happy to wait for their reply at the moment.] Anyway, I checked my bank statement today, and noticed that JSA had paid 2 weeks of allowance (around £130) into my account!! So what I want to know now is, 1. Do I still have to send them all the document? - I'd rather not, if I don't have to, I'm pretty happy with what I'm receiving. 2. Do I need to contact JSA and tell them that I'm receiving the allowance even though they had sent me a letter to say they're still deciding? If anyone here has any idea what might have happened here I'd appreciate your comments/advice. Thank you! Hellomiffy
  7. hi can i have some advice please got a letter off my mortgage company/bank saying they would close my mortgage reseve facility, i am in arrears with my mortgage so am thinking about selling my house as i have roughly 50 percent equity in it i have been blacklisted so would not use their facility if i wanted to anyway , was going to ignore it and let them shut it anyway read up about it and it seens its just a loan facility like a remorgage.... am i correct many thanks ...if i asked for a loan they would refuse anyway cant get an overdraft anyway!!!!!thanks alot
  8. Hi, I’m looking for some advice regarding life insurance sold with mortgages. My in laws took out a re-mortgage on their property in 2003 with HSBC. When they took out the loan they were sold a life insurance policy as well, I’m not sure at the moment if it covered anything else like critical illness etc. as they have lost the policy documents and we are waiting for copies from HSBC. At the time of taking out the mortgage my mother-in-law was 62, and on long term disability benefits, and my father –in-law was 60 and also on benefits following an accident, he is also main carer for my mother-in-law. In 2005 they sold their home and moving in with us due to deterioration of my mother-in-laws health. The mortgage was paid off with the proceeds of the sale. At this point they made an appointment at the bank to put their account in order and cancel unwanted direct debits etc. When they told the lady who dealt with them that they wanted to cancel the life policy for the mortgage she informed they that they should keep it running as it would give them financial peace of mind should one of them die. She told them that on death the policy would pay out £40,000 for each party, so they kept the policy going at a cost of £60.99 per month. Last week they went to the bank about another issue, but also checked the relevant issues of their life policy as they are both some 6 years older now. They were informed by the bank that the policy only related to mortgage they had settled 6 years earlier, and the policy depreciated with time, in line with the reducing sum owed each month if they still had the mortgage. He said that even if it would pay out now it would only be worth £6,000 each, and finishes next May as that’s when the mortgage would have been paid up. They are both utterly devastated by this news, having paid £4086.00 into a policy for the last 6 years which has turned out to be of no use to them. They have raised a verbal complaint with the bank, and have received a letter saying “they will look into it”. However, I feel it needs addressing with a much firmer stance than just waiting and hoping. Do you think they have a chance of claiming back this money? And if so can they add interest charges on top? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  9. I have a property with my ex partner which has been solely funded by me. The deposit was raised from equity released from my previous property and I have solely paid the interest-only mortgage for 3+ years now. The property cost 400K, and is now estimated to be worth 300K. He has been living in the property since we split, 6 months after buying it. I live in a different country with my parents and our young son. I have not received any child maintenance from my ex. I have not pursued this through the courts, as he has never worked and as I understand it, I’d only be entitled to 11% of his salary, so that’s 11% of nothing! I want to sell the property now to cut my losses as the property is in bad repair and deteriorating and interest rates can only go up. He claims not to want to live in it as there is no central heating and very little comfort, but he says he won’t let me sell unless he can make a profit on it, or I buy him out with the funds I made selling my previous property (our previous home to which he contributed nothing in bills or rent for the time I owned it). He claims that I should pay him for the renovation work he did to this previous property to increase its price. We both worked on the property and we never had any agreement they he was entitled to any of the profit should we separate. The reality is that the profit was only 10K after I had deducted my downpayment on the property. I can afford to take a hit on our jointly owned property using this downpayment, as I’m afraid of losing more in the long term. Alternatively he wants me to invest a large sum in the property so he can do it up to achieve a better sale price and walk away with half the profit. What he refuses to recognize, is that it would still be in negative equity in the current market (we have had it valued in its current state and finished by two local agents). I believe that I would also be entitled to deduct my deposit and his unpaid half of the mortgage payments from any profit before it was split. This he also disagrees with. Any advice please as how to force him to let me sell our property? And whether you think he is entitled to anything? Thank you, mary unfairly
  10. Hi Some advice please would be helpful. Not been on the forums for a while after the success (massive) I had a few years back with bank charges with Halifax and Natwest.... However I now have a problem with GMAC RFC who have just sold my mortgage to Webb Resolutions. Upon getting the letter telling me Webb had taken over I noticed charges to the tune of £1075 + £256 interest on those charges (at 7.7% - can't work out how it works out!) Most of them are £50 fees for Arrears Fees. I have written and spoken to Gmac who offered me £0 back then today after speaking to them £300 (50% of some of the fees) I am not likely to accept as there is still ongoing interest ont he rest of those fees whilst they are added to my mortgage and I really want to clear those all off. They are saying this is their final offer. I assume as normal I complete the court forms using the bundle at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/resources/templates-library/48-bank-templates/113-4-particulars-of-claim-n1-updated-version-now-available I assume my argument is under the UTTCR still for these arrears fees? I will also be claiming for the failed DD fees of £30 each (plus the 7.7% interest...) Any advice as ever would be much appreciated. Final question, this should have no implications on me continuing my mortgage with webb if i am taking Gmac to court over these fees should it? Thanks
  11. Mortgage invalid if derivatised like in the USA. Would this fall foul of the statute law in any way like: being unable to show one owner, or demonstrate title, can a mortgage title be transferred without the other parties consent if not in default, if the bank has changed ownership does the title change have to be registered on the charge documentation. Any help on where to look for the relevant regs etc Thanks.
  12. Hi Can anyone please help me i am at my wits end and don't know where to turn for help, but was told you people on here are amazing. Last October I managed to get a suspension of eviction order from the courts agreeing to pay my mortgage payment plus £75 off arrears. We had stuck to this arrangement but in the last three months life has been very difficult. We had our own busness which due to a nasty landlord we had to give up, he wanted to increase our rent to such a level that we could not sustain the business. We both then had to find new jobs which as a lot of people can agree has been very difficult. For the last three months my husband has worked for an agency part time, very low wage and I have worked part time as a cleaner. My husband has now managed to find a decent full time job but after starting (on 9th August) was told that they are monthly paid so wont get paid until 10th September. I have also now managed to find full time employment which will start on 20th September ( due to CRB checks), but I also will be monthly paid so wont get paid until the end of October. I asked the mortgage company for help as we literally had enough for food and nothing else, we haven't even received any money off the government for un-employment pay!! The mortgage company said no, I asked for - not sure if these terms are correct - recapitalisation or putting us onto interest only for 6 months again they have said no. I now have got a new date for eviction and re-possession of the property and wanted to know if I could fight this action again as once we are both being paid we can resume the payments. By the way they say they will stop the eviction if we pay 75% of the arrears which are at a substantial level!! We said if we had it do you not think we would pay it. We have unsecured debt which we keep saying we will get sorted but in the true English fashion we hope that things will be allright without doing anything. But my main priority is getting this re-possession stopped can anyone here help us please Thank you in advance for all your help and I do hope I have posted this in the right place Jules
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