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  1. Hi All, I have a question about my defaulted account which is now with Cabot Financial. I do have a thread running (Quite a lengthy one) Here I was sent a DN on the 10 Aug 09 which stated my arrears had to be paid by 31 Aug 09, on the 10 Nov 09 they sent another letter stating that they had recently defaulted me. This was all through Marbles and the debt has now been passed to Cabot (still no valid paperwork). On checking my credit file the deafult, which is now in the name of Cabot, is showing as 30 Nov 09. My question is obviously what date should it have been issued and is there anything I can do about the fact they told me I had been defaulted and actually hadn't been? I may be clutching here but its worth a try. Thanks Hugh
  2. Another thread, thanks in advance. I have an old credit card debt, now assigned to Cabot. I have no idea which credit card this was for though. I would like to deal with this now, the default date on my CRA file is around 04/08 but i would dispute this. The current balance is recorded as around £900 which is about £300 more than the default balance. Should i just CCA Cabot? They dont seem to be chasing this debt although i would like it sorted/removed asap.
  3. Hi have been recently sent a letter from Cabot financial stating i was £1845 in arrears on my account for a loan from 1997, the original lender was citi financial which i have never had an account with it says on the paperwork , balance carried forward 7/2004 £1835.07 then opening balance 7/2004 £1845.07 minus £10.00, then the next date on the form is 12/11/2008 bank payment of £10.00 then balance of £-20.00 and a closing balance of £1835.07, i have never heard of citi financial or cabot or made any payments in my name ever to any of these companies im not sure whether they are blagging it saying ive made a payment to open the case again as its a debt from so long ago, im not really sure what to do next as ive seen on a few forums that they get quite intense with letters and calls CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH SOME ADVICE WHAT TO DO NEXT M.
  4. Hello, I am in need of help, advise and guidance because I now feel helpless. I signed up to do a computer course back in 2007 with skills train. The sales person came to my house and I stupidly signed the contract with career development finance without doing any research. I realized after two months that I could not do the course at all as the course material was not very easy to understand plus I realised that the company had a bad reputation. I contacted skills train and they said they couldnt help me. I continued to pay 75 pounds monthly for a while, however I could not afford that amount when I fell pregnant and had to live off statutory maternity pay in 2008. During this time, the debt was passed on to Cabot Finance, and they agreed that I make minimum payment of 10 pounds a month. I carried on paying the 10 pounds. However, I received a letter from a company called The Credit Information Bureau on friday. The letter stated that account has been recalled by Cabot Financial. I have also received a letter from Cabolt today who are now claiming that they (Cabot) have recalled my account and the letter states that ''the most important thing for you to now is contact us to discuss way of payment'' I honestly do not recall ever speaking to anyone from 'The Credit Information Bureau' and I have paid the agreed 10 pounds since 2008. I am absolutely terified of contacting these DCA especially now that I am out of work and a full time student and single parent. I would be grateful for any advise given. Kind Regards, Leesha
  5. Hi. I'm a newbie on here and I have tried to look through the threads but I think I have only succeeded in confusing myself more. I have recently been receiving letters from Arrow Global, Arrow Monument, Cabot Financial, Lowell Portfolio, Hamptons Legal and Fire. Some of the letters just say I owe a debt but no details, others give an amount but no date and there is one that gives the date of 2003. It looks like Fire and Cabot are related as are Lowell and Hamptons. Now to my knowledge I don't owe any money and I checked my credit file and none of these are on there although there are 2 others on there which I again know nothing about. All of them are in a previous married name which I havent used for almost 7 years. I really don't know where to start as I have never had this before and Hamptons say they can apply for a charging order on my property which I find very disturbing. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks.
  6. I have a credit card debt of about £3,000 with Sainsbury's. Each month I have been paying them roughly £20 and have been in correspondence with them for almost a year as to why I cannot pay the required minimum payment each month. Long story - redundancy and the like. I had a letter from them last week telling me they were reducing my credit limit to £2,300 (lol). On Tuesday I had a letter from Blair Oliver and Scott informing me they had been instructed by Sainsbury's to obtain payment of the balance owed by me. BOS have phoned twice but I just said I will only communicate with you by letter. My question is this - do I send them the usual letter requiring sight of the Deed of Assignment or other document(s) showing who "owns" the debt now? When and if they reply and they can provide proof that they have bought the debt off Sainsbury's, then I will be paying a minimal amount each month. However if they do not have any assignment paperwork then what would be the next step I would need to take? Any advice would be most welcome. thanks.
  7. Hi all, Basically a quick rundown, I fell into debt a couple of years back and became unemployed. I have never claimed as I have been fortunate that family has helped me out. I had an overdraft of around £3,000 A credit card of around £5,000 and a loan of around £3,000 All the debts were with LloydsTSB and I believe I defaulted on them all, interest was halted as I was suffering badly with depression and I updated them with I/E forms. Later down the line all 3 debts were passed onto Wescott, and 2 onto BLS, I managed to contact these companies and arrange a £10 payment plan per month they accepted and said that it would have to be accessed in around a years time. At the time I had split from my wife and was living in rented accommodation for around 6 months whilst sorting all this out, around 18 months ago, i've been back with my wife and just continued to pay the £10 per month, I hadnt heard anything from them and didnt update my address details do I don't know if they have been sending letters to the old address. Anyway I have recently received a letter from Cabot saying that they have purchased my debt from LloydsTSB and have found out that I live at this address and that I should contact them urgently. Now none of my circumstances have changed but I wanted to ask some questions and get some help if possible. 1. I own a property and have a car registered under my name, the equity is limited in the property as there is a mortgage, what are the chances of them placing a charging order on the property I have 3 young children?, also can they find out I own a property and if do I have to tell them?, BTW the mortgage is paid by one of my family members and my wife has contributed to bills etc to the property. 2. I have never asked for Sar's or CCA's on these accounts should I do this, the £10 payments are currently being taken out via direct debit from my sisters account as she is helping me with these and also I do not have an account. 3. At present my wife and I look like we may be on the way to a seperartion due to all the stress etc and may be even divorce, should we divorce how would this affect if a charging order was on the property and if there wasn't one on there and my wife claimed her half of the property there would literally by hardly any equity left in a sole half would cabot then definately not go down that line?. 4. If there are CCJ's on my credit file for this debt does that mean that I can ignore? 5. I am concerned that they may send someone to the property and my wife is also not very well is there anyway to avoid this I appreciate that I should write to them rather than phone. Ideally I would like to avoid paying the debts but £30 a month is manageable my mum and dad have said that they would be willing to help to pay them off once and for all in a one of fee if the companies reduced the debt significantly but again I don't know what the best route would be. Thanks kindly for anyhelp and support Sammy
  8. Hi All, new member posting on behalf of my girlfriend, please bear with me on this one as it's going to be quite long, i hope that it makes sense As i've struggled to put all the information together to get the timeline right. I would appreciate any helpful comment on this and am happy to clear up anything that might not make sense In September 2011 we received a letter through the door from a company called cabot financial, all It enclosed was a self completion budget form asking for all her details with a column on the left hand side claiming the original debt was from a Vanquis Credit Card and set at £1189.88. This came as a huge surprise as there was no contact with this company before receiving this letter. We chose to ignore this letter seeing as it was asking for personal information we had no intention of giving them. We then received another letter in November 2011 which again referenced the debt (now at £1214.65) claming it was "vital we contacted them urgently" and that if they didn't hear from us "we'll have to move your account to the next stage of the collections process" Now, my girlfriend previously DID have a credit card with Vanquis and she is convinced she made the final payment to them in October 2010. All letters and statements from vanquis were going to her parents house and she stopped receiving correspondence from them after the final payment was made. Vanquis had never been in contact in any way to claim any remaining debt. so as you can imagine these letters were quite concerning. we decided to phone vanquis They stated that the debt was no longer anything to do with them, we did find out in this phonecall however that the address on file with vanquis was one that my girlfriend never gave to them nor had lived in for 3 years AND a new card had been sent to that address. She made a phonecall to citizens advice who directed her to consumer direct trading standards who then informed my girlfriend to phone cabot and request statements. My girlfriend took the advice and phoned up cabot and asked them for statements, we did not hear back from them until the 8th february 2012 when they sent us a letter informing us that the last payment was made to vanquis for £250.00 in october 2010 (which we already knew) we got back in touch with cabot over the phone they stated that Vanquis will no longer respond to us and that cabot would ask them for statement containing the information since cabot took over the account and asked us if we have any proof of payment such as a chequebook or a statement, we explained that the debt was finalised over the phone and that vanquis sent all correspodence and a new card to the address mentioned above where she hadn't lived for 3 years. We hadn't heard anything again until 03/04/2012 where cabot sent a letter saying that they have not yet had a response from vanquis, because of this we contacted cabot again by phone. Cabot reminded us that vanquis had 30 days to respond to which we reminded them that it had actully been 60 days and there had been no response. On 26/04/2012 cabot finally sent what they claimed to be a statement from vanquis, this 'statement' was an amateurish A4 blank letter with a header that said 'Vanquis Bank - customer transaction statement' it contained a column of transaction dates, merchant name and a transaction description (such as sale/cash advance etc) There are NO monetary amounts or running total on this statement, obviously we found it completely questionable. We found a transaction on the date my girlfriend made her final payment, on this statement it has the same transaction description as any other payment 'PAYMENT COLLECTED' HOWEVER we can see that after this payment the only transactions on the account are for PPI collections (BING! Looking forward to doing them on this once this episode is over) for 7 months up until the close of balance (presumably closed by cabot?). Because of the poor quality of the supposed statement sent to us, we phoned cabot straight back informing them that as far as we were concerned this was not a statement as there were no amounts or any helpful information at all. The advisor on the phone were actually quite helpful and told us that the account would be put on hold immediately and she would request vanquis to send more details in the next 30 days. Since this phonecall In April we have only recieved 2 letters and no phonecalls. The letters are dated 09/11/2012 and 09/01/2013 and they both say the same thing, that they have requested the information from Vanquis and that Vanquis are experiencing a delay retreiving the information from their archives. So much for 30 days! Ok, so that's the story, i'm not exactly sure what my question is but we are really unsure as to what our next step should be, should we just wait it out while Cabot and Vanquis struggle to find the information? either way i think we need to be prepared for whatever their response may be. This situation has been quite stressful and it has even started to make my girlfriend doubt that she even paid the debt off when she was previously convinced that she had. As i have said to her though, surely if the debt was legitimate then it would be incredibly easy for either vanquis or cabot to produce the proof, why haven't they done this so far? and why is it taking them so long? ever since the start of this situation i become increasingly angry and more convinced that cabot financial are nothing but crooks trying to [problem] money off us. If anyone has any experience in a situation like this or knows what we can do i would appreciate any help or comments. thanks.
  9. Hi all, Can anyone give me some advice on the following. I found an envelope through my door with a card inside written/printed with: the lewis group For the attention of: Mr. Mrs. Ms XXXXXX XXXXXX Our representative called today 11-1-13 at ................................ To discuss an important matter with you concerning, Client: Cabot Financial Account reference number: Outstanding Please contact our agent on: £825.75 To arrange a convenient date & time for this matter to be resolved. (NB:Calls to mobile phone numbers are charged to you at your telephone providers mobile phone rate). Agents Name: Mr O'BRIEN - CALL BACK - TUESDAY - 8AM It is important to contact our agent urgently to avoid any possible further recovery action. the lewis group ltd, Phillip House, 123/137 York Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT15 1AB Registered in Scotland / No. 127043 All of the parts in red were hand written. I can't even remember what this is for, it has been passed around several DCA's, but has to be at least 5 years old.
  10. Hi CAG, Hope I can get your advice on this matter before responding to a recent letter I received from Cabot. I have a credit card debt which was approx. 3,500 with Halifax. In 2008 I sent them a letter offering £2.00 a month which they wouldn't agree to so I paid £2.00 a month anyway. For a while they continued adding interest to the account and subsequently that debt is now almost £5,000. Last week I received a letter from Cabot with a letter from Halifax attached confirming that they have sold the debt to Cabot and asking me to complete a direct debit form. I would appreciate your advice on how I should approach this, can I get the interest removed? Many thanks in advance. tammi
  11. I'll start from the beginning. I am an engineer and made decent money when i was in the job i had from leaving school at 17, im now 33. Back in 2006 i had debts close to 40k, which i was paying all ok, as listed below: Barclays loan - 19k Barclaycard - 8.5k Halifax CC - 8k MBNA CC - 8k A sudden, unwanted change of job meant i couldnt afford the repayments on above debts. I contacted all the above and after defaulting on payments (adding charges for late payment etc) etc and sending SoA's they all eventually agreed to freeze interest and enter repayment plans (Barclays were v.helpful with the loan and offered a Resolve loan for the 19k completely interest free over 10 years, so instead of paying £400 p/m the repayment was down to £170) the others were all £100 p/m each. As of now the Barclays Resolve loan stands at £8k and all the CC's are down to around 4.5k each. So total was paid down to around 20k from original 40k Around 6 months ago I received a demand for £18500 for an uninsured car accident from 2007 from Weightmans DCA Via MiB (Motorist Insurers Bureau) I hired a solicitor to deny any involvement in this accident and Weightmans have now dropped the claim and returned the file to MiB. However i have since read that MiB,s next step will be to take me to court where they *may* be able to prove my involvement and therefore my liability to pay the £18500 I now find myself working a 2.5 day week on minimum wage, earning £670 p/m. I have Vanquis/IMPACT DCA chasng me for a further 2k CC debt and 1.4k owing to Very catalogue as well as the above debts. I am sinking, really stuggling to pay the bills, let alone all the debt repayments. I really think Bankruptcy is my best option, I have no assets and no savings. I have some questions if anyone is kind enough to help: 1) My wife and her father own our home, I have never owned the house or even been on the mortgage, will bankruptcy have any affect on this? 2) My wife is currently on maternity leave, however she will be made redundant in March 2013 and get a payout of 17k, will bankruptcy have any claim on this money? 3) Our family car is registered on my name, however it is owned by my wifes father, he paid a £1500 deposit and financed £4.8k and we currently pay standing order to him of £140 p/m which covers the payments, The car is legally his and untouchable in Bankruptcy, right? 4) What should my first steps be regarding the CC debts as I have so-far ignored all calls, (Vanquis/IMPACT are making lots of noise about doorstep collection etc) should i offer a £1 payment or such in the meantime? 5) I also owe approx £1500 to HMRC which will be due on 31st Jan 2013 which i already know i wont be able to pay, how should i deal with this? Any help on the above is much appreciated, Thanks in advance
  12. Received a notice of reassignment from Lloyds to Cabot for my credit card debt, knew it was coming as have had two calls a day from cabot obviously haven't answered. History of the debt is card taken out early to mid 90's defaulted two years ago and have been paying £10 a month token payment with no interest or charges being applied. Balance is just over £12k. Pretty sure that Lloyds dont have my original documentation as its been requested in the past. I haven't spoke to Cabot as yet and feel I have a few options 1 CCA request, from what I have read though documentation or not the debt was taken out so far in the past that they dont require that anyway so getting the debt set aside wont be possible. 2 Dont engage with cabot at all and just pay the £10 a month to the account they have on their documentation and see what letters they send, am sure they will try and ramp up amount being paid. 3 Offer f&f settlement, my plan was to try and do this with Lloyds next tax year I have some money I can take as dividends to do this but if I do it now will have to pay extra tax but think it may be worth doing that this year if I can negotiate a good rate. I am leaning more towards option 3, if go for that what would be the best starting point for negotiations 25-30%? and what would you expect them to settle for? Also I know we are not meant to ring them but from other threads the understanding I have is that the agents on the phone get commission on what they recover so would I have more potential flexibility talking to them over writing in, having dealt with dca's etc for some time now I know where I stand etc so am not scared to speak on the phone. I would want everything in writing stating the default was settled and at zero balance. Any thoughts or advice appreciated.
  13. Hi I have sent recorded delivery to Cabot a cca request. It has been delivered and they have cashed the cheque. It has been 20 days since sending it in and I havent even had a letter from them saying they are looking into this ar any response at all. What do you guys suggest do I just send send them aa account in dispute letter.. Thanks for looking Also sent one to Scotcall who have done exactly the same thing!!!!
  14. Several years ago I got into pretty bad debt with a number of credit cards. One of these was an Aqua Mastercard. The debt was taken over by 1st Credit who pestered me with letters. The existing balance was £2537.82 and the settlement figure was £1903.50 paid on the 8 March 2010. You would've thought this was a satisfactory conclusion .... but I recently was sorting out some old papers and came across correspondence from Cabot Financial saying that they had taken over a debt on an Aqua card I'd had and that they would be prepared to accept £560 in settlement. I paid this amount in May 2011 not realising at that time that the debt had been supposedly settled with 1st Credit in 2010. I have in effect been chased by two different DCAs for the same credit card! I am assuming the £560 Cabot got is more or less the difference between the original amount owed and the settlement amount 1st Credit got. Am I right in believing that when I paid 1st Credit the agreed settlement figure that should've been the end of it? Can I get the money I paid to Cabot back and how?
  15. Hi Iwas just wondering if i could get sum advice..Apologies in advance for the long post.. My OH mother passed away last year and since then Cabot have been sending letters saying they are owed almost £4000 from a monument credit card and wish to know who her property is on the market with so they can contact them. After going through all my late mother-in-laws paperwork we cannot find anything relating to this debt other than cabot letters. We have asked for proof of the debt which they say they dont have original agreement as account was opened in 2001, all they have sent us is terms and conditions of their agreement with original lender which has lots of info marker penned out. My late mother-in-law did set up a direct debit to pay cabot £10 per month in 2007 up until she passed away, however we feel she may have set this up to get them off her back as she was not in the right frame of mind at the time. When we did a credit check with experian there is no sign of this debt on her file. Any advice would be much appreciated as we are not sure what to do.
  16. I have credit card debts with Halifax/BOS. It seems they have sold these on to Cabot Financial. I have had an agreement with Halifax for long time that interest would be frozen and they accepted nominal monthly payment in line with CCCS recommendation (up to date). I have just received letter from Cabot Financial thanking me for the recent payment BUT, they go on to say "we'll continue to charge interest on your account until we've agreed a repayment plan with you". Can they ignore the agreement with Halifax/BOS and start charging me interest??? I would have thought that when they bought the debt they took over the agreement rewgarding frozen interest and payment that I had in place? Before I write back I'd appreciate any advice on this.
  17. Hi, not sure if this is posted in the right place? I have two cc acounts in arrears, Cabot bought them both from Barclaycard, but did this whilst a payment arrangement was in place, for £5 per month with no interest , Cabot simply continued this arrangement. I sent Cabot separate cca's with £1 postal orders, for each account, then after no response, 'account in dispute' letters , they have failed to respond or even acknowlege any of these letters? All letters sent 'signed for' and all received. Could someone help me? Was it 'legal' for barclaycard to sell these accounts to Cabot in the first place? there had been an unbroken payment record to Barclaycard once the arrangement was put in place. Both accounts go back to 2000/2003 ish, so unlikely that they can supply docs. so what will happen next? I will complain to Trading Standards once a month has passed, anything else I can/should do? many thanks, Tom
  18. Hi, Yes it's Cabot again! I was looking through my credit report on Experian to see an account that was registered to Cabot. Default date circa 06/2007 with some regular updates...so far so good. Then I thought to look up under Check My File to see three Cabot accounts, all open (not sure exactly what that means) under Equifax but no mention Experian anywhere. Two of these accounts were also shown under Call Credit but as closed. What the three open Cabot accounts displayed in the credit history however was different from any others. As an example, there was an old 'Communications Supplier' account shown as closed with a £0 balance. This same account is in my Experian report as settled - and in all displays in the credit history there is a single black D box in the month indicated as the default month. In the Cabot account credit histories, there is a black D box in every month for the last two years! Does this mean they are registering a default on those accounts every single month, effectively making it impossible for them to go statue barred. Also, my thinking is this - once they go statute barred, will I get hassled from lots of other low life DCAs who seem to buy these up at 10p for the £1?
  19. Hi Guys Need Help.... To cut a long story short Halifax/RBS has sold 4 accounts to Cabot in which we are paying a £1 a month on we got a letter of Cabot to change our standing order with there new Ref No. so it goes to there bank account. So i did this for them to leave our account on the 17th of each month as it was before. Got a letter this morning saying that we have missed our first payment so i rang them and confirmed my details BUT... they have a different date of birth so would not divulge any info on the account and they want me to send my birth certificate in. What should i do? Is this possibly a way out?
  20. lloyds bank/cabot, Hi All, help needed, i have three debts with lloyds bank , (1) current account (2) loan (3) credit card ,up until about 3 years ago i was paying these off every month but have fallen on hard times ,so i made arrangements with lloyds to pay £1.00 a month on all 3 debts as i say for the last 3 years i have been doing this ,then on thursday last i received a letter from cabot saying they had taken over the debts and could i please telephone them ,so i did (stupid i know ), the boy on the other end agreed i can carry on paying the £1.00 a month to them this morning i received paying in slips from them .it didn,t dawn on me till the weekend who they were and i remembered the name from on here ,can they do anything if i gnore them and continue paying into the local branch of lloyds with the paying in book supplied by lloyds or can they insist i pay them (cabot) thanks sandy
  21. Hi, 2 years ago I was temporarily with O2. I got a £45 a month contract for 18 months with an iPhone to see what their services are like. AFter 3 months with them, and more than enough phone calls fixing their billing errors, DD mistakes (overdrawing past bill amount) and other endless nightmares, I decided that I was not going to carry on with this any further. I then notified O2 and told them that I no longer want to have the contract and that same day posted my equipment (all in tact) back to them to confirm. 2 years down the line, I find that they've charged me for the FULL 18 months, at full price, they now refuse to return the iPhone despite there being a bill.. Cabot told me that I have no choice but to pay it (which I refuse to). I no longer have cope of the contract nor the paperwork. Cabot told me all they can send me is a copy of the statements, NOT a copy of the contract. O2 reiterated this.. Any idea as to what I can do? i've been with 3 Mobile happily for 2 years now, never missed a payment and rather like their service. I refuse to go back to O-Hell.
  22. if there is some forum already on this subject i apologise. i settled with this company over a negotiated payment and they have gone back on their word and basically lied to me and reneged on our agreement. what can i do ?
  23. Hi, Can someone give me some advice please. I had a Citi credit card up to about the end of 2005 and I owed about £3800 before getting into difficulty. In 2006 It was passed to Cabot. I have been paying about £40 - £60 per month up until 2007 via CCCS and then £20 directly to them from 2011 to now. According to the CCCS the interest was frozen and I estimate that I have paid back approx £2500 - 2800 (I will work this out more accurately in due course). I have just had a statement from cabot (1st one ever!) saying that I owe £3800!!! What should I do? Thanks SBG
  24. I have a credit card debt originally Halifax which has for some time been with Blair Oliver & Scott. 25/11/2008 write using template N requesting CCA Today receive a letter dated 05/12/2008 informing me that as of the 28/11/2008 my account has been sold to Cabot. What now? do I have to start back at the beginning and CCA Cabot Any advice much appreciated
  25. Here's the chronology 1) Claim received - two card debts rolled into one 2) Returned a defence of statute barred 3) Cabot wish to continue, transfer of proceedings 4) Send CPR 31.14 Request, as I am keen to see some documentation 5) No reply to CPR request from Cabot 6) Cabot send over copy of their completed Allocation questionnaire - they would like to try and settle, requesting one month stay, in the reason box they state " the claimant shall endeavour to provide advance disclosure following which mediation may be appropriate" 7) I post my allocation questionnaire - not looking to settle reason: statute barred defence plus Claimant has failed to respond to my CPR request. Send copy of CPR Request with Allocation questionnaire. In the future applications box on questionnaire I state "yes" and "N244 Compelling disclosure of particulars of claim." That's where I am right now. I want to make the correct N244 application / order for direction etc to get this Claim thrown out. A) I think that my current route of CPR 31.14 request followed by N244 compelling disclosure may be weak as the Cabot POC is deliberately vague and they can potentially rightly ignore my request. B) I have heard another option is CPR 16 with a N244 requiring claimant to plead their case effectively. C) Maybe there are other CPR routes that can be taken? D) Can i easily get a "Summary judgement"? What do the Forum Experts feel is the best route for getting this thrown out? I would greatly value any advice.
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