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  1. Thanks The letter reads as though bought, haven't got it in front of me but Lloyds says something like they given up all rights to the debt will check when get in. From bits have read here and on other forums seems as though Lloyds have been having bit of a clear out and sold a load of debt to cabot recently. Will download a f&f template and see how low they will go.
  2. Received a notice of reassignment from Lloyds to Cabot for my credit card debt, knew it was coming as have had two calls a day from cabot obviously haven't answered. History of the debt is card taken out early to mid 90's defaulted two years ago and have been paying £10 a month token payment with no interest or charges being applied. Balance is just over £12k. Pretty sure that Lloyds dont have my original documentation as its been requested in the past. I haven't spoke to Cabot as yet and feel I have a few options 1 CCA request, from what I have read though documentation or not the debt was taken out so far in the past that they dont require that anyway so getting the debt set aside wont be possible. 2 Dont engage with cabot at all and just pay the £10 a month to the account they have on their documentation and see what letters they send, am sure they will try and ramp up amount being paid. 3 Offer f&f settlement, my plan was to try and do this with Lloyds next tax year I have some money I can take as dividends to do this but if I do it now will have to pay extra tax but think it may be worth doing that this year if I can negotiate a good rate. I am leaning more towards option 3, if go for that what would be the best starting point for negotiations 25-30%? and what would you expect them to settle for? Also I know we are not meant to ring them but from other threads the understanding I have is that the agents on the phone get commission on what they recover so would I have more potential flexibility talking to them over writing in, having dealt with dca's etc for some time now I know where I stand etc so am not scared to speak on the phone. I would want everything in writing stating the default was settled and at zero balance. Any thoughts or advice appreciated.
  3. I dont have the agreement in front of me (and not sure what the BOS is you mention) but from memory it was a Hire Purchase and because it was over £25k it means it was unregulated,was taken out in 2005. There were no termination figures on the agreement or in the T&C's again which from memory I believe is because it was unregulated.
  4. Timeline Feb-09 Voluntarily gave car back to Capital Bank (Bank of Scotland), the type of finance it was meant I was liable for the full amount after the car sale, had this checked over by my Dad who works in the car trade. Jun-09 Car sold and outstanding balance sold to Imperial Solutions around £5.5k, Notice of Reassignment received from Capital. Sep-09 F&F agreed with imperial for £3k paid and letter received saying account settled. 2010? - Imperial Solutions goes bust. Apr-10 Letter from DLC saying they now have the debt and chasing 2.5k. I tell them its settled gave them the amount and date paid. Nov-10 They send further letter and chase me again demanding payment, I send off the account settled letter from IS and expect them to close the account. Feb-11 DLC send further letter with what looks like a spreadsheet printout of the accounts history, includes my f&f settlement amount but the account balance still is 2.5k. Letter does demand payment. I ring them up they say letter was for info only and not a payment request, they reckon they are checking with Capital Bank (which now is Black Horse Finance part of Lloyds). Apr-11 DLC send me Annual statement letter still with the amount the same. As far as I am concerned the account is settled, I beleive that DLC bought Imperial Solutions book but not 100% sure on that, I assume that the letter I have from Imperial basically covers me if DLC ever try and take me to court, is this a correct assumption? I feel that its an admin thing for whatever reason at Imperial my account wasnt updated properly and closed. At this point they are not really hassling me but I would like to get something from them to state that the account is closed, mainly cos I can see them trying to sell the debt on and me having to go through the same issue with other DCA's down the line. I have tried contacting Black Horse to see if it is them that passed the debt on or if it was Imperial, after ringing multiple call centres they basically couldn't find any record of my account on the system, so this leads me to think for sure its from Imperial. What should my next move be? I suspect that DLC are in breach of the regulations still chasing me when I have provided evidence that the account is settled? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  5. :violin:ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Get off your high horse, she wasnt even rude, its an internet discussion forum not real life if people said thanks to every single post the forums would be clogged up with pointless postings. Instead your crappy attitude scared off a vunerable new poster who could have benefitted long term from people who are happy to help without having to have every post they write validated. Attitude like shown in your posts make people not want to post which is against everything forums like this are setup for. Theres many professionals on these forums giving their time for free but dont bleat on about it.
  6. Sorry to bump another old thread but did anyone get anywhere with getting the APR reduced. I'm another one who is in the boat of the APR being increased a lot and have some arrears but also no chance of getting alternative finance to pay this off in a lump. Cahoot were a nightmare to deal with when I wasin the middle of my financial problems would do nothing to help at all.
  7. Posting to subscribe to the thread. The repossession stuff is interesting, I was three months in arrears and they were threatening court action and cos of it we were on the verge of thinking of going bankrupt (the house is currently in negative equity anyway) maybe I should have contacted my mortgage provider then and might of had less of a worry if they had had said no way they would allow possession. Currently less than a month arrears and they dont seem to be being too arsey, I am as well worried when interest rates go up that the loan will go up as well.
  8. Bit of a bump of an old thread but I have had a similar issue. I gave my car up in 2009 and Capital Bank passed the debt to Imperial, I paid a lump sum to settle (I think around 50% of the balance). Suddenly on August 2010 DLC wrote to me demanding the outstanding balance, I spoke to them explained I had made the payment and the account was closed, they wanted a copy of my bank statement. I didn't do anything and never heard anything until last week they started the harassing phone calls again. I wondered if Capital had sold on the debt again after Imperial seems not to be trading any more but when I rang them my account isnt on their system, but Capital now seems to be Black Horse Finance so they have also gave me a couple of numbers to chase up. What I think has happened though is Imperial have sold on their debts to DLC as part of their closing down. With my account still having a balance they are chasing even though I thankfully have found my letter from Imperial stating the account is settled.
  9. My assessor has said the same today although it sounds like its in the final stages the way she put it and so I should have completion within a month. Theres a big thread on MSE and on that noone has been turned down it sounds like there is delays processing the information.
  10. Sorry saw the other thread first. Was your loan active? also had you had any no claims. Mine has been with them since september and is having a technical query which worries me on whether I am even going to win let alone how fast I will get the cheque.
  11. Congrats on the win, I wish they would hurry up with my claim, moreso as I got a default notice from picture today. If you dont mind me asking when did you apply? I have wrote to the FSCS asking them to loook at mine as a priority due to my circumstances. I do also agree taking the picture loan was the worst mistake of my life.
  12. I have received a default notice form Picture today for the second charge on my home. I have been out of work and on JSA since mid last year, my main mortgage is interest only and is currently being paid by the government mortgage scheme. I have been making token payments to picture and my arrears are around £4k which is about 4 months worth. I still dont have a job but I am expecting around £18k for a ppi claim on the picture account, I have wrote to the FSCS asking for them to prioritise my application but I suspect its going to be next month before this comes through. Once it does I will pay off the arrears and be in a situation where I can pay the loan for the forseeable future. I was due to ring picture today to make a token payment but am unsure what I should do as a next move. Is it worth me trying to get a Time Order at this point, trying to negotiate again with Picture or hold off and hope the PPI money comes through before court action starts? Its also worth noting that selling the house would not reap enough to pay the mortgage and the second charge on it.
  13. Not sure about the answers to your questions but mine has been at a status of awaiting technical information from the FCSC since the turn of the year so things dont seem to move too quickly.
  14. I'm getting frustrated now, Deliottes still processing the application I am in touch with the person dealing with my case and they one minute say they have all the information complete the process then the next that they are waiting for other information. Totally desperate now I am still out of work (but unable to claim on my insurance) and not paying the full picture loan, they are talking about legal proceedings as I am over 3 months arrears now. Getting this money will sort out my arrears and give me a cushion as I find a new job.
  15. I received these today as part of my CCA request, is it still valid to send the timescale letter lilly white quoted above?
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