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  1. Hello, My first post on here so please be nice I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with what to do next? I ordered a credit report and there was a CCJ on there that was added in July last year at a previous address that I moved out of nearly 6 years ago and since August 2007. I contacted the Northampton Bulk Centre to find out what is was for and they informed me that is was to do with a company called Westcot in relation to Provident Personal money agreement. I asked how this was possible with no notice or paperwork sent to me, and they suggeseted that I call Westcot to find out, I googled CCJ/Westcot first and came across this site reading some of the posts prompted me to post this before making any contact with Westcot. The court also advised that I may be able to apply for a set aside on the grounds that I didn't receive any paperwork. I have kept some of my old credit reports from as far as 2010 and there was nothing on any of them for Westcot or Provident not even a default notice of any sort. So my qustion is what are my next steps? I am looking to move house soon and I'm afraid that this may stop me from securing a property. Shall I apply for the set aside and also contact Westcot about what it is they have in relation to this debt? If so what's my best approach and any help on filling in the N244 form would be much appreciated. Thanks very much
  2. Hi guys, Long time lurker, first time poster here. I need some help with 2 Lloyds TSB debts that have been passed to both Morecroft and Westcot DCA's. Morecroft collecting £1250 overdraft Westcot collecting £3775 credit card both originally from Lloyds TSB. I also have debts with Aqua and Welcome Finance which I am currently paying off 100 per month. Im not disputing the debts as I did take the credit and am willing to pay off the debt as I want to get out of debt as soon as possible and then begin rebuilding my credit rating. I have spoken to both companies on the phone today (I know I shouldent have called but I wanted to get the issue resolved quickly) the problem I am having is both Morecroft and Wescot have refused to accept my offer of £50 per month each unless I provide them with details of all my outgoings and incomings. Now, Im not prepared to give any financial information to these companies and I believe I am under no legal obligation to do so. Im a little unsure how to proceed? I feel its a reasonable offer and its what I can afford. Should I put my offer in writing and wait for there response? I would like to avoid any court appearances if at all possible. I believe that Lloyds have sold the debts as when I contacted them they dont have the accounts on there system and the online banking screen only has my savings account. They are investigating what the status of my accounts with them is and I am waiting to hear back. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! Alien Uterus
  3. I have received a Doorstep Collection Notice from Westcot. The debt has been passed to them from RBS. The entirety of the debt is bank charges - I went 0.53p overdrawn on my account overnight, paid the 0.53p back in to the account the next morning as soon as the bank opened but they refused to waive the £30.00 bank charge. I then opened another account and asked RBS to close the account. They refused and the bank charges snowballed. Is it likely that Westcot will send anyone to my door? I am in Scotland. Is there anything I can do, anyone I can write to to contest this debt? If so, should I phone Westcot and tell them I am disputing the debt?
  4. I had a Credit Card from M&S and the contract was terminated around 05/2006 and the account was transferred to DC (Legal&trade collection), one of there agent used to do the door collection of £25 a month from 07/2006 and then I stopped the door collection and the last payment was on 06/05/2008 and the closing balance was £2128 as shown on the collection card. I terminated the door collection because I felt that I was intimidated. After that I had phone calls and I ignored them as I had few DC on my back and then I heard nothing from them for 4 years. On 19 July 2012, I had a letter from Wescot SPV saying “we inform you that unless you made a full repayment of your outstanding balance or contacted us to agree an acceptable repayment plan we would take legal action”. I ignored the letter and thought I will deal with them when I come back from abroad. I left the country on 01/08/2012 as I visit my elder parents every year; I come back on the 06/09/2012.During my absence Wescot issued: 1) On 03/08/12 a county court including interest form 09/05/2008 to 03/2012. 2) On 06/08/12 an intimidating letter asking me to pay £2939 to avoid CCJ. 3) On 28/08/12 a judgment by default was issued against me, asking me to pay the claimant a total of £2939. What is irritating me is that I had no given a chance to challenge them because I was a way and those DCs know most people go away during the month of August. My Question is that can I challenge them and ask the court to set a side the CCJ on the basis that I was unable to defend the case because I was abroad?
  5. A few months ago, I got a letter from Robinson Way about a Barclaycard debt... however when I checked the account number, it wasn't mine, and I didn't recognise the amount. I wrote to them informing of them of this, and got a letter back saying they had passed it back to BC. I assumed that was the end of the matter, until I received a message from Westcot. I'm wise enough to DCA tricks to never answer the phone to them, so I waited for the letter, which came through yesterday. They are chasing me for the same account that I have never owned!! Now, a bit of background... I did have debts with a few Barclays-related cards, but afaik those have all been sold on long ago, and I've been in a DMP with CCCS, and never heard a peep from any of them (I don't have any assets, so I think they consider themselves lucky they're getting anything from me ) What's the best way to deal with this non-existent Barclaycard debt? I could just write to Westcot and send them the same letter I sent Robinson Way, but I suspect it will just get bounced to the next set of pond-dwellers. Any ideas? M99
  6. Hi all i made a CCA and SAR request to Westcot regarding an old credit card debt using template letters found on this site and enclosing correct fees. That was on the 26th July, received a reply 23rd August returning my postal order asking me to complete their own paperwork for SAR. There was no mention of the CCA request. Their SAR form requires me to provided evidence of my identity etc.Wondering what my next move should be?
  7. Wescot extends data deal with Experian - 7 August 2012 Experian has announced an extension of its contract with debt collection agency Wescot for the provision of data services for the next two years. As part of the deal, the information services company will provide Wescot with data that will enable it to assess debtor characteristics and improve its collections performance. Simon Waller, head of collections and customer management at Experian, said: “Using technology to enhance debt collection practices is becoming increasingly important, particularly with recent scrutiny and increased regulation of the debt collection industry.” ExPin will assign each person on the platform with a PIN that Experian claims reduces any chance of duplication and improve overall match rates and data quality. As you can see from this little snippet anyone trying to help themselves by registering with this and perhaps all Credit Reference Agency's will in effect be passing all of the information to Debt Colletion Agency's under the terms and conditions of the CRA's ! Some of us get into debt one time or another and would genuinely want to clear themselves of debt but perhaps need a little breathing space by keeping a lower profile for a while till situations get better, this Snippet shows you cannot hide at all and in all of their guises (other company names Trading as names ect) FRED,WEST,ARDEN,PARAGON,Ect will use any method to keep their claws firmly stuck into your pocket for as long as they can by fair means or foul usually foul !
  8. Hi i have a hsbc credit card debt that dates to 2005. having had nothing for years i recently got a letter from westcot stating that they were collecting a debt on behalf of arrow global finance.thanks to this site i sent of a cc letter with £1 to them.This was returned by westcot with a letter saying that i had to send it to arrow global finance and not them. I havnt yet done this,but in the mean time wescot have written asking me to call and arrange payment or they will send someone arround. what do i do? send the cc to arrow,but what do i say to westcot? manxguy
  9. Hope someone can advise me; I've been receiving lots of missed calls and voicemails recently asking me to call Wescot / Westcot (not sure which way they spell it). Being on the receiving end of loads of spam calls (my mobile number has somehow ended up on some list) I never answer calls from a number I don't recognise, but these voicemails are worrying - the message uses my full name and asks me to call them with a reference number, obviously they are some sort of debt collection company from what I've read on this forum but as far as I'm aware I don't have any missed payments on anything / problems with any sort of credit. I've checked my Experian credit history and it says my credit rating is excellent, it lists my bank accounts etc and doesn't have any mention of any debts other than a bank loan I have which has no problems - is it possible that I can have a debt outstanding which doesn't show on my credit history??? From what I've read on here Westcott are not the most reasonable / ethical of companies to deal with, I'm reluctant to answer the phone to them, I'm really worried that this debt could be some sort of identity fraud which could have a negative impact on me - any advice on what I should do?
  10. Hi, i'm looking for some advice I have a £5k debt with MBNA(although the letter from NG now says client Bank of America) which has been running for a while did have a p/plan in place with mbna missed a couple of payments and my account was passed onto AIC who harrased me for a while about 18months ago then all went quiet for a while. Then about a month ago I started getting calls and letters from Westcot and then this morning a letter from Nelson Guest Solicitors offering a reduction if i ring Westcot or they will considor a realistic payment plan and i must reply within 10 days. Should I make contact with Wescot, I cant afford a reduced amount but possibly could do a payment plan depending on what realistic means (realistic to them or me). I havnt sent a cca yet so would this be a starting point Many thanks c_a_s
  11. I've received a Final Notice from Westcot Credit Services regarding an alleged debt with RBS. According to the CCA request timings, the debt entered default on 17/05/2011 because Westcot failed to provide the documents required. Westcot kept responding that I should write to their client, and I repeatedly reminded them as they were pursuing an alleged debt, it was their responsibility to provide the information or to obtain it from their client. Westcot even returned the £1 PO I'd sent. I sent the "Account in Dispute" letter on 11/08/2011, but today I received their Final Notice dated 12/09/11. I had read previously on this forum threads about final Notices having to have complied with various rules, and was hoping a kind member would direct me to the thread, as I can recall which one it was. Also, can I just write back to Wescot telling them it's invalid as the account is in default and currently unenforceable? Many thanks, Dave
  12. Hi All, I have posted in various other threads about a debt with Mint for around £3000 dating back to 2007. This was originally passed to Bryan Carter who I sent a CCA request to, and was then not chased for 3 years until I received notice of assignment to Arrow Global/ Westcot earlier this year. I have not responded to them in any way since, however they now appear to have passed this to Credit Security Ltd who have sent me 2 letters threatening a doorstep visit. I have today received an offer from Credit Security offering me a 10% discount for full and final settlement. My question. I have recently come into some money which amounts to 75% of this debt and I would like to get this matter closed once and for all as this is now the only debt I have outstanding thanks to help and advise from this site. However, should I enter into negotiations with Credit Security or should I discuss with Westcot to offer around £2000 in full and final settlement? Can anyone please advise the correct way to negotiate to ensure that the debt is marked as settled on my credit report and this matter can be closed completely. Many Thanks Laura
  13. Hi there! I need your help. Unexpectedly I got a letter from Credit Services Ltd. called Westcot. I was working for 3 years in the UK, had a good job. When the job came to an end I just had an agreed overdraft of 1500 pounds. I cancelled my bank account with Barclays then. I became a housewife, living of my husband's wages. I forgot about the 1500 pounds....I gave Barclays back my Debit card. Would they have still been able to charege me on the overdraft?? I never had any bank statements or nything. I am very, very worried. On the internet forums I have been browsing all day I read that I should not get in touch with this company Westcot. I do not want to be in any debt though. I just want to know what my situation is. I have not had my own bank account for four years, I did not spend anything or had any debt. Had the money, pocket money, from my husband. Sincerely, sunnysides
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