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  1. Hi All, I'm still waiting for my claim form to come through, should I be concerned that it hasn't arrived yet or are others still waiting? I did call them and update my address details over a month ago, so there should be no reason why it shouldn't arrive. Thanks, Andy
  2. hi i'm new here and i wondered if anyone could help me understand what more i can do to win my esa appeal...? i was sent a form last year to attend an atos" medical"...and because my condition is ocd, depression, trauma, and other issues... i forgot about this letter...later it was arranged i attend a so called medical..i had a support worker but when i made my way to the "medical" my support workker was not at the waiting area..and i was called in promptly...during this interview with a so called nurse... i was asked questions not relevant to mental ill health..she askked me nothing much that i could expand on... only how i spent my days? did i drink? at that time i did drink maybe 8 can strong lager per week...now i dont drink at all... i told her i slept a lot...but she worded it in a way to say i was so lazy spent my time in bed...it made me very angry as she is unjustly labelling me a scrounger!anyway to cut this shorter...she also asked if i had a dog... which i do have, a small spaniel..(my only company) i live alone here with no friends..or family...anyway... after this fiasco...i mobiled rather texted my support worker to find where she was... and she was just on her way.. and i said i had left the building...needless to say when i got the report about this "medical" it was not in my favour...that woman twisted every single answer to her loaded questions... she implied because i took a bus there (only 10 mins away) by bus... that i was ok... not a threat to the work place...and that i had a dog.. which i could let out to the toilet by myself... so i'm fit... but my problems are mental...and she didnt even mention my drinking... it was totaly fabricated to suit her own ends... currently i am appealing... i sent a long letter and doc sent a note and i have med certificates to cover me for 6 months... but i know will be renewed upon request..i also got a therapist to write... since this (august 2012)thats date of when i appealed...i'm still waiting but on reduced e.s.a...i have since been put into secondary care... after seeing a mental health team..with my support worker...should i be saying this to the dwp? im still awaiting this team of mental health people getting in contact... i saw them about a month ago... and they said it would take time to set up... tht i would get a care coordinator as well...is there anything more i cn do to help myself with evidence for this appeal? i had hoped it would be "looked at again" but it doesnt look like this will happen... if they force me to workk... i will be penniless i just cannot cope with that pressure right now and envisage walking out if placed somewhere...is there a time limit on how long i should wait for this appeal to be heard? any help appreciated.ty.paul.
  3. My works solicitor has offered 500 to settle case yeh right! i have asked for 20k! haha anyway hes not budging ....... tribunal is in one weeks time can they wait until the last day to settle? surely the court will blast them for the amount of work they put in just for there solicitor to "wait" knowing fine well they wanted to settle. Can they wait until the last day?
  4. Hi all, sorry for the formal layout of my question but I think it best gives the details. 6 weeks ago my wife developed a stiff leg and before the end of the day had to be brought home from school (a teacher)unable to walk. Doctor diagnosed sciatica and prescribed tablets. (these have been increased weekly as there has been increased pain and unable to sleep at nights) Also the foot had dropped in this time and a hired wheelchair is now used for mobility. We waited 4 weeks to see a consultant. Consultant diagnosed the drop foot and pain as being related to a disc operation approx 15 years ago. The consultant also stated the case was 'urgent' and a scan was to be arranged from which we shouldn't be surprised if we were told to travel straight to another hospital from the scan for an operation. This meeting was 2 weeks ago. My wife now in a desperate state suffering continuing pain, lack of sleep, and only able to walk with a stick a few steps around the house. We contacted hospital regarding MRI scan date and they said it was a 'routine' case and could be anything up to 3 months! We contacted the consultants secretary regarding the 'urgent' 'routine' statements who told us she would contact the consultant. My wife is/was an active lady and a busy hard working teacher, to be told that the scan could well be in a number of months time has left her devastated. My question is, we are sure the consultant said the case was 'urgent', and so how long would we be expected to wait for a scan? Sorry the question is specific but someone may be able to answer. many thanks, GHLB
  5. I reckon the companies will change their options around - Post Office Telecom had a message on their automated system which advised that the options had been changed ! So I think perhaps these companies wont like this guy's idea
  6. Last Sept I was taken off esa, I have been waiting for ATOS to assess. I call ATOS every day and they fob me off, either there waiting for my GP's reply or my response to a fictional question they never sent, however I have received nothing from ATOS, they are so rude, one time I asked how long will it take for them to see me, how long is a piece of string was their answer. I have been in touch with Citizens Advice and my MP as my housing benefit stopped. Even my MP can't hurry ATOS along he was told I am stuck in the system, the situation is dire, I am facing eviction. What else can I do. The Council are taking my to court in May.HELP PLEASE.
  7. I am currently claiming IB JSA jointly with my partner. My partner is the principal claimant. We have recently applied for mortgage interest relief in relation to my flat having been on benefits for more than 12 weeks. It looks like I may be separating from my partner. As such I'm trying to find out if we separate and I go on to income support (we have a daughter aged 1) whether I would need to wait another 12 weeks as I'm a new claimant or whether the MIR payments could continue albeit in my sole name? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  8. Hi Let's say we are getting married in 3 weeks. My Fiancee and I have paid in full for and had an initial try on, of the wedding dress and was waiting till this weekend for a final fitting When..... we have just found out that the retailer (a newish company, less than a year old) have had some problems between the business owners. One of the owners is contactable but is saying she can't help as she is no longer involved, not allowed to, the company is trading but is aware of contact issues. The other is completely un-contactable, by phone, email, mobile so far. Our latest visit to the shop to see what is happening found the shop closed, but clearly in a trading position, just no-one home and the company is currently not notifying anyone of financial difficulties either through the website or indeed my own companies house search I've left a couple of clear messages with a family member of the un-contactable partner this evening and I'm hoping they now take this seriously, but if not We've paid in full, we've seen the goods, we are not currently aware of any insolvency or similar issues, so what is my legal position, what can we do or what actions can I take to simply go and get the dress? Thanks
  9. hi everyone I need some advice over a parking charge notice i received in the post, its from a company called parkdirectuk asking for £100 to be paid because apparently we were stopping or waiting on private land where stopping or waiting restrictions are in force, now from the pictures they sent the car is parked on double yellow lines not in a bay or anything like that even though i think it was still in the car park, if the car was parked on the yellow lines surely the company has no right to issue me with a "fine" ? i dont really know how to deal with this, any advice would be much appreciated thanks[ATTACH=CONFIG]39584[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39585[/ATTACH]
  10. I am seeking advice regarding my esa payment. I returned all the relevant forms and evidence required by the office two weeks ago and on phoning this morning have been told that my case is now being processed by the emergency processing team and will be processed in three working days. My ssp ran out on 16 October when I applied for esa because I have a medical certificate until February 2013. I have had no income since my last ssp payment and am now desperate. What is the emergency processing? does it mean they will send me a payment? I am entitled to my state pension from March 2013 and have been sent an ATOS medical form to fill out. Will I be required to attend a medical ? I would add that I live alone and have no dependents
  11. Sparks_

    NHS waiting times

    Is there any site that actually publishes waiting times? I have seen reports about national standerd and what to do if its broken, but I want to know just how long I am going to be kept waiting for an operation that my surgeon has classed as urgent, already waited 8 weeks now and still no sign of a date for the op. Have tried phoning the surgeons secretary and she was most unhelpful, her words were 'you will just have to wait as he is very busy!', I mentioned i had already had my pre- op check and in another week it will have to be redone as it will be out of time, her answer was 'well we can sort that out later'
  12. Hello everyone I have been working with a company for several years now and have decided to apply for my Redundency package I 'm currently off work due to sickness and still waiting to here about my figures I have been offered a job in the next 2 weeks so time is running out I really dont no what to do i dont want to miss out on my redundency package can anyone help ?
  13. Morning Guys, Been looking through the forums recently and have been working on claiming back money from Barclay Card. My mother has had a Barclays Credit Card for some time now and unfortunatly got behind with the payments. Barclaycard contacted Mum and arranged a Payment plan, and they asked how come Mum had fallen behind. Mum explained that both herself and Dad had been ill, Mum had an Eye operation and Dad had a knee replacement. The lady on the phone asked Mum "Why didnt you use the PPI you have on your account?" Mum wasnt aware of the fact that she had PPI since taking out the card a good few years ago. We wrote to Barclaycard and sent off the PPI Claimback form. We received the standard response that they will get back to us by the 17th July. Yesterday (20th July) we still hadnt had a response so we called them. The rude and obnoxius clown on the phone pretty much called us liars and said that they had sent a reply on the 11th July. He also said that the case was investigated and there wasnt going to be an offer as they did not think we had a case. I stated that I wated this in writing and he said he will send it out immediatly. Just not sure where to go from here. Would someone please advise as we really think we do have a case here. Many Thanks, Ron
  14. I was offered my PPI refund of £371 in August 2011. However, after a million phone calls, involving the FOS - who told me they too are in a queue waiting for a response from Lloyds - a letter from me complaining about the dissatisifaction at the way they have handled the pay out, I am still left with no refund 10 months later. This is not a large amount is it????? I even got a really nice woman from my local Loyds TSB branch to try and help me - she too hit a brick wall. They lied to her and said they sent me a cheque out last October. I asked how they could even begin to say this when it is clear from the amount of contact I have had with them that this is not the case. Thoroughly frustrated and now angry - any thoughts on what I can do??? Grateful thanks in advance:-D
  15. HI everyone I've got a parking notice from a ANPR camera on a private car park - they're asking for £90 (£75 if paid by the 25th). They have a photo of my car entering and leaving with a gap of 43 minutes between. I've read about the "ignore everything from PCNs" concept, but may have a case for appealing, so thought I'd run it past you before saying anything. Here's what happened. I went to pick up a model (I'm a photographer) from some flats where he lives He wasn't ready - so I pulled up in the car park at the front We went to the security guard's desk to ask about parking - he was not there Because of the parking notice signs, I stopped in the car so if a parking attendant came, I could explain why I was waiting When we finally left, 43 minutes had elapsed. ALSO.... interestingly That night there was a crane washing the windows - its clearly visible on both photos It could probably obscure the camera's view of the car park Anyway - what option would you suggest:- 1 - Pay £75 and avoid the £90 2 - Write an appeal based on the fact I was waiting for someone 3 - Write an appeal based on the fact that the camera was obscured by a crane 4 - Totally ignore everything and the resulting hassle from them Cheers
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