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  1. So my adventure with payday loans started off innocently, but as I have come to a realisation each time I paid off the debt to them I was left in no choice but to take out another loans and so on. This now leaves me with almost 700 pounds of debt (which started off as a 200 pounds). I have written to them partly using this template: -Wage-Day-Pay-Day-Loans-Letter-Template-for-non-payment-** Dear Sir / Madam, I have found myself in a situation where I will not be able to pay off the monies owed to you in a lump sum which is to leave my account on 15/06/2015. I will not have any funds in my bank account for you to collect your payment to cover my loan, or pay any of my household bills as my wages which will be paid in on 15/06/2015 were severly limited due to my health problems. After paying any priority debt ie. Household bills I will be left with very limited ammount of money to live. Please can you therefore with immediate effect, not attempt to take any payment from my bank account, either by direct debit or using my Visa Debit card details supplied as this will mean I will incur further charges from my bank and have even less money to enable repayment of my debts. I would now at this point like to arrange a payment plan with you and freeze any further interest and charges going forward so I am able to pay off my debt with you as quickly as possible, contacting me either by letter, e-mail or on my personal mobile number only. Contacting me at work would cause me further distress and I would also class this as harassment as I do not wish to be contacted at any point regarding this debt whilst at work. It is with great regret that I am having to ask for a , but due to these unforeseen circumstances which have now effected my ability to repay the loan to you in one lump sum, I have no other alternatives available. For my protection, and from a legal point of view, I would like to inform you of the following: You have 3 methods of contacting me (letter, e-mail, personal mobile - which has voicemail enabled for messages to be left) which should be more than adequate for your company to communicate with me regarding the repayment of the loan. I have no doubt that your company fully understands my situation and will adhere to Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 whilst I am arranging repayment of the loan with yourselves, and throughout the duration of any repayment period. I am fully aware of the OFT debt collection Guidance and I will consider making a complaint about a company's behaviour under the guidance if it becomes apparent that you do not follow the legal guidelines and would have no other alternative than to seek legal advice. In particular section (2.2 g) 'Ignoring or disregarding debtors' legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact them, for example, shift workers who ask not to be telephoned during certain times of the day'. I have also read and been made aware of CPUTR and will be following everything closely to ensure that your company follows the legislation set out. I look forward to speaking with you soon regarding setting up a payment plan to enable Full and final settlement of my loan over the coming months. I do hope however, that we can arrange a payment plan to alleviate the stress of my whole situation, and to also enable the repayment of the loan to your company as promptly as my finances will allow. I look forward to hearing from you and will help in any way I can to organise repayments with your company as soon as possible. Kind regards, I will keep you posted with any replies from WDA. I've read that canceling the direct debit and securing my bank account from them is a priority.
  2. Hi there. I have been in my new job as a support worker for a well known, national care company since May of this year. I support people with physical and learning disabilities. My job requires me to occasionally take "sleep-in" night shifts. The sleep-in shift begins at 22:00 and ends at 07:00, but most employees then do another full or half day shift. For a sleep-in, the employee is provided with a single bedroom (which is incredibly dirty and untidy with mess/equipment everywhere I might add!) with no entertainment facilities, e.g. a TV. For the duration of the sleep-in night shift, the employee is forbidden to leave the building and must be physically present, on site, at all times in case of an emergency requiring them to wake up and lend a hand to the waking night staff. The employee must clock in at the start of the sleep-in shift, as they would on any other type of shift, and of course clock out. For this 9 hour shift, the payment is only a single £35.00 amount, but if the employer is called upon during the night and woken up, they are paid their standard rate of pay for each hour they are awake (which is £6.64/hour for me). In reality, 99.99% of the time, the sleep-in staff are never woken up. The only part of my employment contract which specifically mentions sleep-in shifts, is the "Pay" section, which states "Your rate of pay for each sleep-in worked is £35.00. This payment is for 'on-call' services only." This equates to £3.88 per hour, for a 9 hour sleep-in night shift. Subscription to Unison is an unmanageable expense at the moment, given the cost of living and my current wages, so what is the most effective way to deal with securing the minimum wage (at least!) for sleep-in shifts. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks for reading.
  3. I took out £200 loan with wage advance just after Xmas. My monthly payments are £72 approx. I telephoned today to offer a full and final settlement and my offer was declined because not in arrears. I explained my circumstances have changed. The only offer they made was to force it into arrears and redo an affordability assessment and then make 6 payments . Every payment made is interest only the final payment is the loan amount plus interest (£272). Any advice appreciated
  4. Hi all, Had the pleasure of MMF calling me on friday regarding a debt that's been supplied to them by WDA. Now I did have a loan with WDA for £135 (plus £15 transfer fee) which was paid into my account 09/Nov/2012 and paid a total of £187.50 on the 26/Nov/2012 (17days). MMF stated they are chasing me for a debt of £523.50, to which I said I am not prepared to discuss with them until I receive Notice of Assignment and while there at it send me a copy of the credit agreement as I own nothing further to WDA. Over the weekend I received emails from "ascent@mmile.com" stating "Please contact to arrange home visit appointment date", then today I've recieved the notice of assignment and also an email from Rebecca@mmile.com containing the agreement I requested. Now the agreement is dated 10/Nov/2010 (not signed just my name typed) but the details on it state the following: I would like a little help as to what I should write to them to stop the threat of Door step agent and the fact that the agreement they provided had been paid, plus provide full breakdown of balance as none of it makes sense. (sorry I know i got the basis for a letter there but I struggle, to get my point across in a professional manner) Thank you in advance for your help.
  5. I have for the last three years worked for a UK based company in Holland doing 2 week on 2 week off 12 hour shifts. We are paid a daily rate and I would have classed my self as an employee as I am PAYE. About a year or so ago 30 mins before a Maritime Labor Convention inspection I was asked to sign a contract as it was required for the inspection. I signed. It states under wages that the amount included holiday pay. no amounts are given and as I understand it this is okay if its negotiated, transparent in the contract ( x amount is wage X amount is holiday pay) and its shown on the pay statement. None of this has happened. My question is can I claim for Unlawful deduction of wages as I have always understood that my daily rate was just wages. Now you may ask what about holidays...we dont take them as we in effect get 26 weeks a year off. To muddy the waters even more the company has been bought by a Dutch company. Does a ET have sway over a European company.
  6. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/tory-work-and-pensions-minister-disabled-people-not-worth-minimum-wage-4906892/?ito=v-a I think even his own party should be calling for his resignation. I would say that 90% of parliament are not worth what the tax payer is shelling out for them.. especially when they make crass statements such as this ??
  7. The minimum wage would rise to £8 an hour over the course of the next parliament if Labour wins the general election, the party has pledged. Leader Ed Miliband said it was "not good enough" that one in five people in the UK were on low pay. But the Conservatives said they had already delivered an above-inflation increase as, from October, the minimum wage will rise from £6.31 to £6.50. The minimum wage for adult workers was £5.80 at the time of the last election. Chancellor George Osborne suggested, in an interview with BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson in January, that the minimum wage would rise to £7 an hour in 2015 to return the level it was at before the economic downturn. 'Wealth creators' The rate is recommended by the Low Pay Commission, which is overseen by Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable. "By crashing the economy, Labour made everyone poorer and they haven't learnt their lesson” Sajid Javid Conservative minister Government sources have suggested that the rate would probably rise to £8 by the end of the next Parliament if it continued on current trends. The TUC has called for the minimum wage to increase to £10 an hour. Mr Miliband announced the policy in interviews with the Sunday Mirror and Observer newspapers as Labour's annual conference got under way in Manchester. The party says the £1.50 per hour increase would be worth £60 a week, or £3,000 a year, for the lowest paid. "Too often people think that politics doesn't care about them," the Labour leader told the Sunday Mirror. "They are the wealth creators just as much as the top entrepreneurs and the top business people. And we've got to reward them." Tory cabinet minister Sajid Javid: "Ed Miliband would make people worse off." He said the party would show "how we can become a country that rewards hard work once again". In the Observer interview he added: "It is not good enough for us that one in five people in our country go out to work, make their contribution and are in low pay." But Conservative Culture Secretary Sajid Javid said people would not take "lectures" from Labour on helping people on low pay. "By crashing the economy, Labour made everyone poorer and they haven't learnt their lesson," he said. "Ed Miliband would make people worse off with the same failed policies that got us into a mess in the first place - more wasteful spending, more borrowing and higher taxes." 'Dangerous' The Liberal Democrats said the best way to help the low paid was to cut their taxes. "Labour has refused to back tax cuts for working people," a spokesperson added. Meanwhile, Mark Littlewood from free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs said the move would be "dangerous" for the economy. The national minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate at which workers must legally be paid, although there are lower levels for workers aged 18-20, those under 18 and those working on an apprentice scheme. It was introduced by Labour in 1997 and the level is reassessed annually by the Low Pay Commission, which then makes a recommendation to ministers. October's above-inflation increase of 19p (3%) - announced in March - will be the first time in six years that the rise is higher than inflation. The rate for 18 to 20-year-olds will go up by 10p to £5.13 an hour, a 2% increase. The rate for those aged 16 and 17 will rise by 7p to £3.79, also a 2% rise. Apprentices will earn an extra 5p an hour, taking their wages to at least £2.73. In August the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation was 1.5%. BBC So we could see people taking home less because they will move into the income tax bracket or less because employers will reduce hours or even less still as they will be made redundant because some employers won't be able to afford the rise.
  8. Hello all, A work colleague is having problems with the above WDA in the setting up of a repayment plan. They have sent letters by Royal mail signed for del and they have been delivered accordingly. Bank account has been secured. They were requesting the setting up of a repayment plan due to extreme health problems and the fact that no company salary is now being paid, hence severe financial difficulties. An up to date income and expenditure form was sent to them with a pro- rata offer of repayment into their Bank Account details to be provided by them and the request for all interest and charges to be frozen. They WDA, were informed that under no circumstances would they be sent details of their bank account statements covering 60 days, which WDA had insisted upon. This is their WDA reply. Thank you for your recent communication in relation to your loan held with Wage Day Advance. Unfortunately if you do not provide evidence of your change of circumstances in the form of 60 days bank statements, you will not qualify for hardship and your account will remain in arrears with interest accruing daily. As mentioned in your letter, if you do make the decision to become insolvent please send us proof of this (i.e.reference number,third party letter) and we will update your account accordingly. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Dane Cutforth Financial Solutions. I am sure I have read something relating in the FCA letters, of the fact that WDA should be providing/showing a provision of "FOREBEARANCE" to customers in Financial difficulties, they WDA are certainly not showing anything like "FOREBEARANCE" to someone offering to pay them. As usual all advice/info will be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  9. Good afternoon Hope someone can help. I am new on here. Currently working for my current employer for nearly 4 years, been a good worker however I have been signed off for stress at work for 4 weeks now due to what I would view as bullying from my line manager. This is an ongoing issue that HR are well aware (and witnessed once) of and I am very anxious about returning to work and am actually considering leaving for another job. Anyway last month I was off for 2 weeks of my monthly pay period backed up with sick notes and I'm 2 weeks into being off this month. Last month my wage was paid as normal. I assumed that this was normal policy and maybe because of being off with stress at work the ssp threshold did not apply to me. Today I was meant to be paid, logged on to my bank and no wages but all my DDs are showing as taking me into an unauthorised overdraft. I spoke to HR and they said that the woman in charge or salaries is off but as I was overpaid last month, I should have been on SSP for 2 weeks they have paid me SSP this month but as I was overpaid it means I don't get a wage this month. This wasn't communicated to me, its not that i want money for nothing but I now have a full month and rent bills etc to pay and no money. I do t even have the money to go to work and I'm not sure what to do. Is there any agencies who can help me with some money until I'm back at work or would I be better leaving and making a claim for ESA whilst I'm off sick? Never been on benefits so I don't know what to do. As I say if I've been paid too much it wasn't explained to me how for this month and potentially next month I won't get a wage.
  10. Hi My daughter has just started delivering papers for the local shop and wanting to know is there a minimum wage for her? She is 16, the shop is saying she isn't entitled to it because of there HNT , but I thought by law she was entitled?, and the wage she is getting is £2.82 hour is this right?
  11. I stupidly took a loan with WDA in Nov 13 for £194.25. However, with Christmas and other problems, I did not make repayments. However, I have tried and tried to log into my account with them to renegotiate however I could never do so and was always redirected to change my password which I then did and then never worked. I emailed on the 15/11, the 18/11, 23/11 with no reply. I emailed again 30/12 no reply. I emailed again on 2/1/2014 telling them that I am unable to set up my account and have asked for help and have not had a reply. I asked someone to EMAIL me to set up a repayment plan of £25 per month. I didnt receive a reply until 11/1 saying I had to phone a set number. I immediately replied asking why this could be done via email. Again no reply. On 27/1 I emailed again saying why cant someone deal with this, rather than being told I need to ring up. Again I specifically said I cannot log into my account at all and offering (an increased) amount of £100 per month. The same day I received an email back: "Final Notice Before Action: We sent you several emails providing you witht he opportunity to contact us and make a suitable arrangement for the repayment of your loan yet the debt still remains outstanding. Blah Blah Blah" Needless to say, they didnt reply to my email and lo and behold on 27/3 they emailed to say my account is now being handled by Debt Revenue Services who are acting on their behalf. oh good I thought, now we can sorted. I received a letter from DRS in the week (dated 5th march) advising that the balance due is now £309.05. My options,. they advised were: 1. Pay full amount of £309.05 within 21 days (Please note that a holding payment (amount negotiable) will be required now in order for us to hold action pending payment. 2. Pay a reduced sum of £231.79 in Full and Final Settlement if you are able to pay within 10 days. 3. Pay the balance in 3 monthly payments of £103.02. Great, I thought if they are prepared to offer a lower amount (actually still more than the original amount I took out) then surely they will let me do it if I offer to clear in instalments over the next 6 weeks they surely would? So I offered £31.79 to be paid on the 14/3, then £100 on the 25/3 and £100 on 25/4. Immediately I got an email back saying "I can hold the settlement till the 31st March only sorry?" (lovely grammar). I replied then that surely she could go back to WDA if the proposal cannot be accepted? The letter stated the offer was only if I could pay within 10 days which as the letter was dated 5th march would mean payment being sent by the 15th march. She had stated that she would extend it to the 31st March so surely she could do it for a few more weeks? My immediate replay was ""I am sorry but that would be the most I could spread it to." So what do I do? Im fed up with WDA but surely this DRS should accept my proposal as its better than getting £10 a month?
  12. So I joined my new job on 6th Jan and was due to be paid on 24th Jan. I didn't get paid so I phoned HR who said I could get paid at any time that day so I waited. It didn't arrive so I phoned HR again to get payrolls number. After many calls it turns out payroll read the last number of my account wrong it was a 4 not a 9. Now I have to wait for it to be returned before I see any of it. They even asked my to contact my bank (halifax) to see if it was waiting to be returned. They say this can take a few days or if the account exists much longer. Is http://www.postcodeanywhere.co.uk/demos/bankvalidator.aspx valid? It claims the account the money went into doesn't exist.
  13. I recently received a pay rise in work bringing my hourly rate of pay above the old national minimum wage. I am aware that the minimum wage has recently increased. If my hourly rate with pay rise before the NMW increase was lower than the new NMW (£6.31), is my employer allowed to simply pay me £6.31, or must the new NMW also see the pay rise? And are employers allowed to revoke an increase in pay?
  14. Hi all - been a long time since I've posted on here - yet another friend that's asked for advice from me, so I thought that I'd better check with you guys. I have a friend that's been unemployed for some time and, finally, managed to get a supervisors job at a Martin's newsagents. Whilst discussing the job with him it became apparent that the company seems to breaking a whole raft of employment laws. He gets paid £6.40 per hour (he's over 21, so that is, theoretically, 20p more than the minimum wage). Several times per week he has to work from open (6:00am) to close (7:00pm) for which he gets paid for 12 hours (13 hours less two 15 minutes breaks and one 30 minute break) - all fine so far. Now come the problems. In order for the papers/magazines to be ready for the customers, he has been told that he must arrive 30 minutes before opening time - and, once the shop is shut, he has to bundle up the unsold papers to return them to the distributer and cash up the tills etc - which is another 30 minutes. He doesn't get paid for this time - despite being told that he has to do this extra work. Additionally he is on his own for much of the day - so that he invariably doesn't get either a lunch break or an afternoon break - so, on a normal day, he works for 13 hours and 45 minutes and gets paid for 12 hours 12 times £6.40 is £76.80 - £76.80 divided by 13.75 is £5.59 per hour - so, it seems to me, that they're breaking the minimum wage rule as well as breaking employment laws about allowing for breaks. The other problem that I can see is that, because of the later finish time and earlier start time that Martin's insists on, he only has 10 hours away from the job - and I thought that the minimum time between shifts was 11 hours. So, firstly, am I correct about all of this? and, secondly, (assuming that I am correct) who do I "dob them in to"? He won't do it himself (he wants a job) - but, personally, I think that it's disgusting that a national company can behave like this.
  15. i have been working for this company who are an agency for scottish power i have been forced to leave and they still owe me a wage of 14,000 they are still refusing to not pay me im not the only one in the same boat please help anyone on were i go with this as there not listening to me.
  16. Hi guys, I'm back again for advice. Only this time it's for my partner, and not me. A wage overpayment was made and unnoticed for a while. Then the work stopped and they realised the error and chased payment. A reasonable payment plan offer was made, bearing in mind my partner's unemployed status, and it was rejected by them. Nothing was heard for a while and then a letter dropped through the letterbox from Northampton Courts making a claim. What to do now? We have never faced this before. Please can someone help. Thanks.
  17. Hello All! A 'living wage' is the term used to describe how much someone needs to earn per hour to afford the basic essentials in life, not luxuries, essentials. The campaign for a living wage is growing in strength with Labour now throwing its support behind the idea and London mayor Boris Johnson saying it has his wholehearted support. The recommended living wage was recently set at £8.55 an hour in London and £7.45 an hour for the rest of the UK. The minimum wage is £6.19. Please sign the petition in favour of raising the national minimum wage to match the living wage needed for people to be able to support themselves. find the petition by clicking here- http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/41273
  18. Hi there. I had a wage arrestment served a couple of months ago however my employer never received a copy so obviosuly didn't pay anything. Now my employer is getting harrassing letters and emails about it, threatening to sue for the total amount. I've spoken to the company who said they sent it recorded delivery and it was signed for by someone I don't know (It's a large shared building), so we never received it. They're asking my employer to pay the backdated, overdue amount ... but I don't see how they can be held liable since we never received it in the first place. Anyone offer any advice on this? Thanks
  19. Only someone very naive could believe private firms are participating in the government’s workfare scheme because they want to provide work experience for unemployed people out of the goodness of their own hearts and not as a way of reducing their wage bills by using forced labour at taxpayers’ expense. But ask any of them and they’ll swear the workfare people they’ve taken on are extra to their requirements and are not – repeat not – replacing jobs they would normally have had to pay someone a proper wage to do. Well. It looks like Homebase have accidentally let the cat out of the bag. A poster currently displayed on the wall in the manager’s office of Homebase Haringey – clearly shows the company is using workfare as a means to reduce their payroll costs: This is particularly interesting, as Homebase have recently been lying to telling the public they’re not participating in workfare at all. See my previous post about that here: Homebase are so embarrassed about using workfare – they’re reduced to lying about it Looks like Homebase just can’t stop themselves telling porky pies about workfare, doesn’t it? https://tompride.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/oops-homebase-let-cat-out-of-the-bag-about-using-workfare-to-reduce-wage-bills/
  20. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone could spare some advice. My partner works for a local hotel (un-named) and they pay her a set amount each week made up of a daily rate of £25.79 She is expected to clean rooms "until they are finished" and other general housekeeping tasks. This is fine but she is only getting £25.79 a day, even if she is working 9-5. In the words of the hotel "this balances out over the year because you leave earlier when it's not busy". I have worked it out and £25.79 = min wage @ £6.15 if she is complete and leaving by 13.15 (4 hours 15mins). Problem is fairly often she is leaving later, she is getting home at 4 some days. This will get worse over the summer as the hotel gets busier. The hotel say it will even out over the year but surely this is not legal - for instance what would happen if she left in two months time? She would be owed money. Also, she is expected to work without a break - understandable for 4 hours work but not over 6, i believe she is entitled to a 20 min unpaid break - can anyone confirm that? Anyway below is a breakdown of a typical weeks pay and hours worked. Is there anything we can do about the pay - I think the hotel do it to avoid tax in some way, if all the employees (on paper) work less than X amount of hours a week i don't think they have to contribute towards National Insurance - if that is the case is there an agency i can report them to? Breakdown typical week 1: (my maths) 9am - 3pm = 6 hours 9am - 12:30pm = 3.5 hrs 9am - 3:30pm = 6.5 hrs 9am - 4:15pm = 7.25 hrs Total pay = 103.16 (before tax) 103.16 divided by 23.25 hours = £4.44 per hour Breakdown typical week 1: (hotel maths) 9am - 3pm = 1 day 9am - 12:30pm = 1 day 9am - 3:30pm = 1 day 9am - 4:15pm = 1 day Total pay = 103.16 (before tax) £103.16 divided by 4 days = £25.79 per day Breakdown typical week 2: (my maths) 9am - 12:30pm = 3.5 hrs 9am - 3:30pm = 6.5 hrs 9am - 2:30pm = 5.5 hrs 9am - 12pm = 3 hrs 9am - 12pm = 3 hrs 9am - 1pm = 4 hrs Total pay = 154.75 (before tax) 154.75 divided by 25.5 hours = £6.07 per hour Breakdown typical week 2: (hotel maths) 9am - 12:30pm = 1 day 9am - 3:30pm = 1 day 9am - 2:30pm = 1 day 9am - 12pm = 1 day 9am - 12pm = 1 day 9am - 1pm = 1 day Total pay = 154.75 (before tax) 154.75 divided by 6 days = £25.79 per day This just doesn't look right to me as she doesn't earn minimum wage, but she needs the job and only started a couple months ago, the hotel response when she asked to be moved onto an hourly wage was "we've been doing this for 20 years, if you don't like it leave". Any help is gratefully received, if you need more info please let me know. Cheers Luke
  21. Hi, I recently received a letter about having to go to an appointment with the 'employer adviser', something to do with Wage Incentive Week, for people who have been claiming JSA for 6 months or more, which apparently starts next week. It says I have to bring my CV with me. I was just wondering what this is likely to involve and is it mandatory? Thanks.
  22. Hi would love some advice , i work for a company who contract installs from virgin media. Since joining this company in 2011 my wages have been reduced pretty much every week and reaching my limits of patients have taken them to a tribunal this feb. The way my pay works is i fill in a daily worksheet that is copied and sent to our wages department and they then decide if this is correct and then make changes (without notifying me). Three weeks later i receive a daily breakdown which is almost always wrong . I had a meeting yesterday with the wages manager which didnt go anywhere but he insists that changing my daily submitted wage sheet is not classed as illegal deduction has anyone any advice on this??? Thanx mrrj
  23. Hi everyone, I appreciate any help you can give - I have two questions: 1. My son was employed as an apprentice Gas and Heating Engineer and was sent on day release to college - all good. After some months, he was no longer on day release for various reasons, including that he no longer wanted to attend as he discovered a different course he could do that would be more beneficial. Shortly after, he was then TUPE'd over to another company and in September of this year, he attended a course to become a qualified Gas & Heating Engineer. During his course, his company was taken over by a larger company and once again, he has been TUPE'd over. He passed his exams in December and has been informed by his company that until he gets his certificates through, he cannot be classed as fully qualified - they do know he has passed. He attended college on Wednesday to do a days course and discovered that the reason he has not yet received his certificates is because his company are refusing to pay the course fees - no-one told him this. He has spoken to his line manager and nothing is being done about it - he is getting nowhere with his line manager. My question here is - can they refuse to pay the fees, even though they sent him on the course? 2. Also, he is still earning the same salary as he was an an apprentice - £4.98 per hour. He has no new contract, despite being TUPE'd over to two different companies and is being paid minimum wage. He is fully qualified and the average salary for his skill set is around £35k. He has spoken to his line manager and the manager above him about a pay rise as he has a company van; his own workload and works solely alone now. His line manager today told him that his payrise has been put on hold by the new company and cannot advise him of how long he will have to wait. He has tried to speak to HR, but to no avail. We have tonight, drafted a letter to the HR department, hoping that someone might contact him. We have asked for a copy of the grievance policy as, despite asking his line manager many times, he has never received a copy. My question here is - all his fellow workers are earning three times the amount he is and he does exactly the same work. Can we do anything about this? Anything you can help me with is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  24. My employer laid me off today, with the minimum 'Guaranteed pay' however this assumes I am unpaid. I have nothing in my contract about reduced pay, or in fact being laid off and get more than the minimum guaranteed pay day to day. As per this https://www.gov.uk/lay-offs-short-timeworking/overview It states I should recieve full pay. What does this mean exactly? PAy every day im not int he office or pay only when asked to come in - how can they string me along for 3 months without work?
  25. do we need to raise the minimum wage to match inflation? do we need the introduction of a living wage? opinions welcome A 'living wage' is the term used to describe how much someone needs to earn per hour to afford the basic essentials in life, not luxuries, essentials. The campaign for a living wage is growing in strength with Labour now throwing its support behind the idea and London mayor Boris Johnson saying it has his wholehearted support. The recommended living wage was recently set at £8.55 an hour in London and £7.45 an hour for the rest of the UK. The minimum wage is £6.19. Please sign the petition in favour of raising the national minimum wage to match the living wage needed for people to be able to support themselves. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/41273
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