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  1. I currently have two complaints with the FOS, both have been upheld and we're at the arguing about redress stage. On both I have asked for bank charges, etc to be returned if they were incurred as a result of being without the PPI monies. I should add the bank charges could be a significant amount. On the first loan ppi, the adjudicator found against me, that the bank's offer of ppi repayments plus 8% interest was fair. I have appealed this decision to the ombudsman proper. They state that the all charges on the LOAN account have been returned, whereas I argue that the money to pay the PPI was originating in my current account and thus it should be IT that is restructured rather than the loan account, with the repayment of charges, etc. Similarly on the second mortgage ppi (this time the payments were directly taken from my current account). the (different)adjudicator has asked me for my expectations with regard to redress. I stated the same, that since the payments were taken directly from my current account, I expected it to be restructured with the return of any charges incurred as a result of being without the PPI monies, etc etc. to which she replied " I will let be taking the information you have sent me into consideration as I investigate your complaint. I will need to look into what you have told me about your current account. This is not something that is generally considered when refunds are calculated. You say in your email that this would be “as per [our] guidelines” but this would not be covered by our standard guidelines to businesses. We would need to see an exceptionally clear link between the sale of the PPI policy in question, and the fees and charges on the account, to say that the business should consider these costs. I will need to consider the specific circumstances of your complaint to see if that would apply here. I will let you know if I need any further information. I do not know at this time how long my investigation will take but I will keep you updated." What are people's general thoughts/experiences with the FOS with regard to charges incurred as a result of being without PPI monies? Are people generally getting them or not?
  2. I was a customer of Talk Talk Mobile for 2 years. Finally got myself a better deal elsewhere and took my mobile number with me. I paid the final bill then received an email saying I was in credit by nearly £12. Not a lot of money but it will come in handy. I telephoned Talk Talk Mobile on the 30th of September asking for my money back. After being passed around several call centre workers offering me new phones I finally got through to someone who said they will process the refund and have it back to me in 10 working days. He took my long card number off a bank card I hold for my savings account. I waited until last Thursday (exactly 10 working days) before I phoned them back as the money had not appeared in my account. I was told it would take another day for it to be paid into my account. Yesterday still no sign of my refund so I called them again. I was furious and demanded to speak to a manager. The manager (foreign call centre) said he would take charge of my complaint and telephone me back. He did phone back today and he said the card number I had given them did not belong to a UK bank and they cancelled my refund. He told me that my refund wasn't processed because I had not given them a number off a Visa card. I asked if they would just pay the money into my bank account and I was told they cant do that. The only way they refund is to a Visa card or by Cheque!!!!! I had to give him the number off my Visa card for him to process the refund. I asked how long before the refund would take and he said another 10 working days. I asked for Compensation and he is sending me a cheque for £5. I am sure that they wouldn't wait that long if I owed them money!!!!
  3. I receive the following email from a friend this afternoon and am passing it on as requested: This is intended for any Talktalk broadband customers – pass on if you know of anyone who is one please. Around lunchtime today I received a call from a young lady purporting to be from Talktalk. She told me my name and address and went on to tell me about my computer generating errors on the network. This [problem] is usually used by people who say they are “Microsoft Engineers”. As you know the Carphone Warehouse has been hacked recently and I suspect the info they had on me was from that source. Anyway as this is a new one on me I thought I would pass it on – just in case you are taken in by these rogues. I asked her if she knew about criminals and how they spent their time in jail, after a bit of this dialogue she hung up. Talktalk helpline confirmed it was a sc*mmer
  4. http://leaderlive.co.uk/news/153109/parking-enforcer-swaps-sides-to-fight-penalties.aspx it's absolutely disgusting that he STILL profits off the misfortune of drivers that got caught out by PPC's. More so that the local media is actually advertising his business.
  5. I switched to Sky from Virgin in December 2014 after having nothing but problems with my tv signal for the best part of the year (i switched tv, broadband and telephone). Almost immediately i was getting crackiling down the telephone line and so I contacted Sky who after running tests over the phone arranged for an Openrach engineer to visit my house and see what the problem was. Long story short I have now had six different engineers out all of whom have agreed that there is no problem with the reception in my house and all of whom have then gone to the exchange and/or the cab and supposedly fixed the problem. Lo and behold I am still having the same issue. Now I am of course going to contact Sky again but dont really see much point in having another engineer out to just do the same thing again. With this in mind could I argue that Sky are not fulfilling their end of the contract that I have with them as they are clearly not providing the service that I am paying for? Furthermore could I request that they cancel my contract with no penalty due to the fact that they have failed to provide the service as promised?
  6. Following an endowment maturity I tried to make a large overpayment to my C&G mortgage this week. I'm in the position where the mortgage is in base rate plus and non-fixed so figured a payment of £25,000 would take me close to almost completing my mortgage - certainly on taget to sort it over the next 2 years. I call C&G get given the bank account and sort code to pay into, go onto my online banking and get a can't pay using this method. Call C&G again get told I can go into branch and make the payment using my debit card... so off I go. Branch say I can't make that amount of payment using my debit card and I should go to my bank and get them to make the payment. Go to my bank they tell me the sort code 30-00-00 will not accept CHAP payments above £5k Call C&G explain the run-a-bout and they can take a payment over the phone by debit card until I tell them the amount... Oh. I ask if I can make separate payments of £5k and yes I can do that, if I do one per day. C&G's advice go take the cash from my bank and take it to their bank to pay it in... Welcome back to 1980!!! Should I wear a sign saying mug me too? So, seriously is their best advice to go pay my mortgage in cash? I asked about cheque payment and yes I can do that if I make it out to CASH and write my mortgage account number on it. Really!? I have to get through two factor security for online banking, security questions for phone banking, but to pay a large amount of money I must use two of the weakest methods of fund transfer! Not even funny.
  7. As I mentioned in a previous post, we have a lot of old debts that I am now trying to deal with and resolve, although we have no spare money to pay. In 2007 my husband defaulted on a credit card with First Direct with an outstanding balance of around £6,500 (nothing showing on his credit file that I can find). We talked to CCCS who couldn’t help us as we had less money coming in than was necessary for essential expenses. I wrote to First Direct informing them of this. A few months later we started getting letters from DG Solicitors and in October 2008 I wrote to them offering £5 a month. I have nothing else on file for them and as far as I can see the £5 a month offer was never accepted although we have moved several times since then. A few months ago we started getting letters from MKDP and MK Rapid Recoveries demanding repayment of this debt. We have been paying them a monthly installment of £10 for a different debt so assume they got our current address from that. They also sent us a statement dated 30th Nov 2014 giving the outstanding balance still at £6,500 and saying the last statement date was 30/11/2013 although I have no other statements from them. My question is what should be our next move? Is it likely that they are about to issue a default or even start court action after all this time? Is this statute barred? Should we contact them at all or just hope that they give up and go away? Thanks in advance for any help!
  8. Just want to rant about the majority of advisers at call centres round the country and how these days you just cant talk to these people. They sound like they are reading their responses from a book which is probably what most are doing.if you are asking for help with an outstanding debt you have their options not yours. They are not human any more unable to empathise so they may as well get rid of the advisers and make it automated like everything else. You know keep it simple. Press 1 if you owe us money press 2 if u want to make payment in full press 3 if u cant make a payment. If u cant make payment tough we don't want to know see you in court.
  9. Hi all , just a quick message to all about this company called PC Protect... They telephoned my elderly mum at 8 am one morning recently and led her to believe they were talk talk. The worst bit is that they told her they were going to drop her broadband bill by a few quid, (broadband is free from talktalk). Long story short they had her bank details and set up a direct debit for 30 quid a month for PC Protect, they have a website, they even have a company number which is registered as :08958993, their office phone number is 03335771999 don't bother trying to ring it they it goes dead on the line after two rings/........... My research I have done shows them as a relatively new company, 5 months old and its run by Daniel and Sam Young, sales director Gareth Knapp. This would seem a sales tactic they use and please please anyone whom has elderly relatives or vulnerable whom use talk talk then warn them of it. Talktalk have assured me on the phone they DO NOT call about payments or money matters over phone at all and only in writing...... Wouldn't like to say on here what I would like to do with them , direct debit had been cancelled now and waiting for them to phone again which apparently they do demanding money owed ....... Also they are based in UK it would seem........Unit d4, Terrace road, Bournmouth, Dorset. EH2 5NP..... Beware they are acting in a manner that is misleading and im pretty sure against quite a few regulations and rules of certain acts ect..... Anyone else have any issues with them let us all know please......
  10. Was the "How bailiffs are paid" discussion just a spoof thread to distract attention from the 15% MET bribe issue?
  11. Hi Everyone Im new here, just after abit of consumer advice really so here goes. I moved into my new place in April and was gutted to find Virgin Media was not an option in my building so I set about looking for a provider. Really only wanted broadband as I dont get much time to watch TV and after looking around thought (Stupidly) to save afew quid and join TalkTalk. I rang them and paid upfront for line rental on April 27th. My go Live date was May 7th. Now May 7th came round and my phone line activated fine however my broadband didnt. After many phone calls (to about 3 different departments every phone call) , two engineers, It finally got to the end of May to which the next step was to close my existing account and open a new one in order to try to activate it on there end. So my new go Live date was June 7th. Low and behold it never happened and now not even the phoneline works. after more phonecalls its now got to June 23rd and still no nothing. The last time I called (June 16th) I decided Id been more than patient, and after been transferred over to a very rude (UK Based) cancellations women (Whom told me she had no power to close my account) I was told I would be called by a CEO (not a Chief Exec I presume aha!) within 5 days, and guess what, no phone call!?! Sorry for the long boring explanation but my question is where do I stand in terms of being a UK Consumer, surely a UK based company cannot fob off customers like this, Numerous times iv been cut off and even after pre conversation asking for call backs s hould this occur they never call back and now they have reffered me to a department in order to cancel and again have completely ignored me? They havent provided me a service sold to me and are now using stalling tactics in order to avoid me cancelling?
  12. I recently phoned to cancel my contract with Sky as I had reached the end of the contract and had started sharing my neighbours wifi for £10 a month. I spoke to a guy in the retentions department at Sky who offered me a deal of £12.70 a month which I thought was brilliant and I accepted as it was only £2.70 more than sharing wifi with my neighbour plus it included a phone line and up until now I'd been happy with Sky. I asked the guy on the phone quite clearly "is this all I need to pay sky a month?" and he replied yes. I also asked him if it would stay that price for the full 12 months of the contract. He said it would remain the same. Sky are charging me twice as much as this sales agent offered and Sky are refusing to listen to the conversation made with this sales agent. I had an email from them today to say they had phoned me and were going to put me through to another department to talk about some offers to reduce my bill. I don't think this is good enough. I no longer trust anything they say on the phone and I certainly don't want to be phoned at dinnertime to be passed from department to department. I just want them to honour the contract I entered into. Does anyone have any advice? as I don't think I should accept anything less than what I originally signed up for. Feel like I've been duped! Thanks in advance for any advice offered :O)
  13. Talk Talk have recently introduced a prompt payment discount which is much appreciated and worth while. However this Month when they have also introduced a line rental increase they have not applied this discount. It is their practise to e-mail customers who have opted for on line billing before the date in which money is taken out of their accounts by direct debit. In my case it is the 23rd of each month that I am emailed and provided I pay within 24 hours by card I would receive there prompt payment discount. This month no-such e-mail arrived but on checking my account the bill was there but no means of applying for the prompt payment discount. Thinking that there was some delay owing to the bank holiday I waited until to-day Tuesday 27th May and then sent Talk Talk a letter of complaint. In the afternoon the e-mail that my bill was ready to view on line came through it was clearly dated and timed to-day. There was no means of obtaining the prompt payment discount! This sort of dishonest and sharp practise is something I have found before from their Accounts department and its no good writing to Customer services as they are no help at all. As before I have had to enlist the help of my MP enclosing all the evidence so this can be taken up with TalkTalks Executive. Once it reaches them they are always most apologetic and indeed very helpful to resolve matters. It is sad that individuals have to resort to this but it is the only way to get matters resolved and it is clear that both Talk Talks accounts department and customer services try to hide their misdeeds from the top management. In this instant I am sure I will not be the only person who has experienced these problems. I suggest asking for help from your MP including as much evidence as possible. as it is the only way to get matters resolved. The more people that do this might ensure that Talk Talk take action against the departments concerned. In all other aspects Talk Talk are excellent and its a shame the two departments named are letting down an excellent company
  14. On 1st March 2014 I upgraded early with Talk Mobile and paid to come out of my other contract with them, I signed up for Samsung S3 mini and a contract of 100 minutes 5000 texts and 250 megabytes of data a month for £13 a month for 24 months when I logged into my account online on 6th March 2014 I found I'd been put on a contract for £13.00 a month and 5000 texts only no data. Contacted Talk Mobile and the advisor I spoke to was rude and arguing with me over what i had signed I had copy of my contract in front of me she went away and eventually agreed I was correct and I was advised that the matter would be resolved within 5 to 10 working days and in mean time a bolt on would be added to account to cover any costs I incurred. I contacted them again regarding matter a few days later to see what was going on no further progress so on 13th March I made a complaint with there queries department via email and was advised that an investigation was taking place into issue and that I would get a call back from someone called John on or before the 20th March I contacted Talk Mobile requesting full name and contact number for this person no one could give me those. In the end on 19th March I emailed the CEO Mr Taylor and it has been put in the hands of High Level Complaints Team and i have had numorous promises of matter been resolved before my tarriff refresh date on 01/04/2014 and still no luck. I am still awaiting on matter been resolved. Talk Mobile blame Vodaphone who's network they sit on I just want it sorting and someone to take responsibility for there actions. I have been a customer of Carphone Warehouse over ten years for mobile phones and a Talk Mobile Customer nearly two years and have never experienced such appaling service. Can anyone advise me of any way i can resolve this issue.
  15. So last year after having sky talk and broadband for a year my contract came to an end. I wasnt happy with another price rise so rang them saying unless they brought my bill down I would leave. the projected bill was to be £25.90 a month after a third price increase in a year. After some hard bargaining and temper tantrums I got an agreed reduction down to £15.90 a month and started my new contract. The first payment of £15.90 went out as expected on 11/12/13. Since then theyve hiked my bill back up to £25.40 a month and are refusing to accept that I had a reduction put in place, despite the exact right amount going out in december last year for the first payment. They are refusing to reduce my bill and are saying theyll pursue me for the full years contract if I leave, despite the fact that they arent honouring the reduction they gave me. Now, I specifically clarified on the phone to their customer service that th reduction to £15.90 was for the full term of my contract and not just a one off. In fact I went over it about 3 times to make sure I had it right. Now Ive been whacked with £30 worth of bank charges as I wasnt expecting the bill to be what they requested. They seem to be ignoring my requests to explain why a payment initially went out as agreed, and why its suddenly gone back up. They just say my bill is £25.40 now, like it or lump it. Advice anyone?
  16. Dear forum members, I wanted to share my experience with Talk Talk and also would appreciate an advice. At the end of August 2013 I subscribed, as a new customer, to a phone + broadband package with Talk Talk. The price was interesting and they seemed to be the only ones providing a broadband service for our new house. The phone line was activated but the broadband never worked. After several weeks of speaking to the customer service (a total of several hours over chat, phone and email) I preferred to cancel the subscription as per T&Cs. This lack of service was costing us money as we work from home. When the package was finally cancelled (after almost 1 hour over the phone) they confirmed that: - the line would be officially disconnected on 09 October 2013; - they would refund the Value Line Rental (rental paid for 1 year in advance) which is a bit more than 100 GBP. We are on 19 December and they haven't refunded yet. I have contacted them quite several times and the only response I have is that indeed they should refund but they haven't done it. It seems that they were more interested in their cash flow than in the customer experience... Today I have replied to them and let them know that it was the last time I would log a complaint to their customer service; I have requested a positive response including confirmation of refund processed and date of transaction, within the next 24 hours, after that I would move to further action. Do you think I should still send a 'letter before action', or can I open a small claim now (as I have complained so many times and have written responses). Thanks in advance.
  17. Have had an ongoing issue with Talk Mobile for the last 3 weeks. Around the 20th October i lost my phone while out shopping, i reported it lost to The Carphone Warehouse as this is where i purchased phone etc. The phone was barred but upon returning home somebody had contacted my son via my phone and posted it back to me. I immediately returned to The Carphone Warehouse where they again contacted Talkmobile to unbar the phone. On the 29th October my phone stopped connecting to the network as i only have a mobile phone i had to email Talk Mobile to try to resolve the issue, nothing worked not even a new sim card. Returned phone via TCW for repair on the 04/11/13, this was returned to store on 12/11/13 unrepairable as it was reported the phone had been blacklisted. Spoke to TM on the 11/11/13 to resolve the blacklisting and was told that when i collected it on Wednesday that they phone would be working. Went to collect Wednesday phone still not working and then told by TM that the unblacklisting can take upto 72 hours. Rang them Saturday as it still was not working, guy said he would manually unblacklist it and send an email to the department that deals with this issue and to keep rebooting phone. Monday still not working, ring TM again to be told they would manually unblacklist it and to wait 24hours . Phone still not working today and yet again been told to wait more time. Where do i stand legally with this? I explained to TM that ive been waiting 3 weeks for this to be sorted and that i would like a working phone or to be able to end the contract to which they explained the phone was a free gift and i should be happy with the £4.95 they have lent me.
  18. 8 Days now and I've had problems keeping the Internet going as it keeps dropping, I have to keep resetting it every single time, I've phoned them up about 5 times and now I've given up hope The questions I get asked are: 1. Make and Model of Router? Huawai HG523a 2. Am I using wired or wireless connection? wireless 3. Is there any problem with calls, i.e. receiving calls for someone else? Nope 4. Am I using laptop or desktop? Laptop 5. What Operating system am I using? Windows 8 6. What Browser am I using? Chrome 7. Have I tested the test socket? Yes 8. Have I got sky tv? Nope 9. Can you switch your router off and on? do that everytime broadband drops 10. can you access this webpage talktalk.co.uk? yes when I reset router I've no idea what these questions have to do with broadband down time, but when I answer them, they reply with we've done checks our end and you have a connection. So there is nothing we can do. Seems they are oblivious to admit that the router is now faulty. What Is my legal stance on this and can I withhold payment from them, I sure am thinking about switching providers, this is the only time it's happened in 12 months
  19. Every time MMF call me - I tell them i am recording the call they then wont talk to me - I of course tell them its for training purposes and they put the phone down on me - I like having my little bit of fun with them!!! I have registered a formal complaint with the FO as they texted me at 1:30 am on one occasion - the FO is currently looking into this for me banking idiot
  20. Yes i know, sounds daft but my BT bill was going from a low initial cost through to nearly 70 quid a month due to the broadband charges for going over the 40gb allowance. with 2 kids doing homework, gaming, my wife and i working from home, 40gb was disappearing too quickly. Talk Talk offered to match our phone service and supply unlimited Broadband for £22 per month. I will have some of that i thought. so, here are the catalogue of errors....... 1 - got MAC code from BT, gave it to Talk Talk. Cant place the order without it. this was on 23rd May 2013 2 - had pack in the post, informing me of my contract details and go live date of 7th June 3 - monday 3rd june services from BT stopped. no outgoing calls or BB, but incoming calls only 4 - phone goes live on 7th june, but alas no internet or hub from talk talk. 5 - call Talk Talk who tell me that the MAC code was invalid. Could they not have told me this earlier? 6 - get BT to reissue the MAC code, same as before as its valid until june 22nd 7 - give to talk talk, turns out they had inputted it incorrectly. Assured all would be back on for 14th june 8 - 14th june, no internet. told that the order had been cancelled due to incorrect MAC code, and would have to place a new order. 9 - place new order, service wont go live until 26th june - including phone???? 10 - get email from BT, telling me about cancelling my services with them..... thought i already had?? 11 - ten minutes later get another email thanking me for my Broadband order, which will cost me £22 per month plus VAT for broadband only 12 - ring BT ask who placed the order, told that i did??? what? at 1am when the email came through?? 13 - challenged the order with BT, told i was correct, and infact i have never left BT as Talk Talk havent taken over the line yet? 14 - rung Talk Talk, gave the manager there a mouthful, his boss is ringing me tomorrow. what should i say? i really want the cheap deal, need the unlimited broadban but the customer service is a joke. left hand doesnt know what the right is doing. What do i do about BT? one minute they have cancelled service, then they placed an order in my name? am i liable for that contract? is this a [problem] to get me to fork out cancellation charges during a contract? any ideas people? i have missed some deadlines due to having no internet so i am down about £150 fees this month, should i ask talk talk to reimburse this? advice welcomed!
  21. My Talk Mobile contract Smart phone phone has gone for repair and they have given me a standby phone which is rather basic .However, the phone they give does not have internet/3G access - and this is part of my data plan which i am paying for So should they be refunding me for loss of the internet service as repairs take at least a week ? Should they be providing me with a phone with internet /3G access? I have 2 same phones and both have same fault -on one it has occured 3 times in less than a year (iirc it is 3 repairs in month before they replace).However , i belive they area a of a faulty batch - and i've got another year of contract -i can't be putting up with this unreliability Not demanding , just trying to clarify it legally
  22. Oredered phone/internet from talktalk, recieved my router through the post and told that they would turn up today between 8am and 1300. Engineer phoned 2 days ago to confirm he was comming(which I thought was very good). Guess what? Not turned up, not even a phone call !! Called talktalk, they said that because they contract out to BT they can do nothing about it and I will have to wait until friday to book a new appointment. Took a day off work today. Soooo bloody angry!!
  23. I am with Talk Talk at the mo and they are ok until something goes wrong and i have to call customer services. I can't understand what they are saying and they don't often understand the problem, often putting the phone down and cutting people off if they don't like you. I spoke to a lady who is with the post office and says she is happy with them. So is anyone else with the post office? if yes, can you tell me what you think and if they are better?
  24. Hi, My mother has been having trouble with Talk Talk and just want to see if there are any grounds to claim back what she has paid. About a year ago, we signed up for a year membership for phone and it included free broadband. My mother admittedly got in to a bit of trouble and got behind on her payments and since around March earlier this year they have been less than helpful. They have basically made her pay the arrears but have not provided the service. She basically has paid them a few hundred pounds and we have not had a phone or internet service since March 2012. She tried to sort it and has been paying arrears of 50 a month for at least 5 months now and her last payment is due end of December. I called in September saying this was ridiculous that she had willingly entered in to an agreement to pay off what she owed at 50 a month and they still would not reconnect the service. They basically said this was tough so I said fine, I wanted to cancel and just pay her arrears and any cancellation charge, since this would be cheaper than paying the arrears and they continue to keep adding on the monthly charge/line rental (she would never have paid it off that way). Arrears were around 200 and cancellation was around 50. They cleverly said they would stop the charges/line rental for the next three months then back in September for her to get back on track and then cancel if she wanted when contract ended in January 2013 and not pay any charge. I agreed and now we have one more payment and then I am going to cancel. They actually sent her a bill last month adding on one more payment actually since the three month suspension had 'expired' for which I promptly rang up refusing to do this and they again wiped this and she again has 50 left to pay. They asked if there was anything they could do to keep us in an unbothered tone for which I obviously refused. Surely she should not have had to pay basically a year for nothing even if she did get in to trouble she willing agreed to sort it and by cancellation which I will shortly be commencing she will have had 9 months of no service. any advice gratefully received. Vicky
  25. This is their second increase this year. Other increases are also announced.Customers unhappy and wanting to switch have 30 days after receiving notice to do so. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2222478/TalkTalk-hikes-line-rental-3-1-SECOND-rise-months.html
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