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  1. I have today received a letter from my mortgage company (Capstone's) solicitors saying that we they have written to the court bailiff asking them to arrange a date and time for us to be evicted. We are £1,400 behind on our court arrangement £1000 of which can be paid by Monday 28th Sept. I have spoken to Capstone and they have said that the arrangement has been cancelled and unless I pay £5300 by the eviction date - yet to be set we will lose our home. I am so scared can anyone give me any advice/help.
  2. Hi, I was wondering if you could offer some advice around Excel parking and BW legal? On the 14/08/2015 I parked in Stockport Peal Center car park without a ticket as my youngest (4 years old) of three children needed the toilet ,i had no change and there was no pay by phone or card option. As i had all three children and the first toilet we tried was out of working order it took around 35 minutes between entering and leaving the car park. I received a penalty charge from excel, which i disputed due to the inflated charges (£1.30 for 3 hours to park), but offered £5 as a form of settlement. Excel refused this settlement and demanded full charge. I have ignored all communication since then which has included an number of communications from a debt collection agency with rising and falling offers. Excel have now passed the debt on to BW Legal that are threatening court and CCJ action if i dont pay the now £100 charge and £54 legal costs that have now been incurred. can you please advise how i should progress?
  3. Hi all I was just after a bit of advice as to what I should do. I work in a call centre for a large telecom company, I've been there for about two and a half years now. Over the last two weeks I've been made to listen to some of my own calls and fill out self assessment forms, no reason for this was given. Today I logged in as normal got over half way through my shift and I got an e-mail saying log out for a meeting, completely out of the blue with nothing scheduled in. I went with my manager to the meeting room expecting something minor, until I see a note taker sitting at the desk, they sit me down and tell me I'm under investigation. I immediately asked them why I've received no formal invitation and no time to prepare or have a representative attend. My manager stated that it was a fact finding meeting and as it was not a disciplinary I was not entitled to notice or a rep. They pulled me in for minor breaches of company DPA policy, nothing serious I thought, I just forgot to ask a minor question on a few calls. They had 8 calls to hand and 4 missed the question, this is not representative of my actual work as I take hundreds of calls per week. DPA in my department is more complex than most as we deal with third parties. I admitted my mistakes, and raised some issues around the training provided by my manager. He produced some hastily signed forms with the DPA procedure on them and pointed out a number of methods for us to gain access to this procedure, none of which we realistically have time to do while taking calls. They dismissed the meeting, and my manager and the note taker discussed the outcome, they decided to suspend me with pay pending an investigation for gross misconduct as I'm a threat to the business for missing a tiny number of DPA questions as a genuine mistake. I asked who would be investigating and my manager said he would, I said that this would be a conflict of interest he said it wouldn't and that was basically it. Does anyone know what my rights are with this? I mean I'm at university at the moment and I can't afford to have a negative mark on my employment record when I graduate. I'm absolutely shocked, I had no idea this would happen when I walked in to work this morning. I've been given no paperwork, I've had my ID confiscated. If I'm a threat to the business why wait until over halfway through my shift to suspend me. My manager doesn't like me, but I had no idea this was coming. Is there anything I should be doing to better my chances of coming out of this still employed at this early stage?
  4. I had mortgage arrears over 6 years ago, the lender went for repo and it was suspended. Arrears paid and back on track etc. Credit history now clear and looking to move. Santander have done a credit check on me and told my mortgage adviser that they have found something serious on my file but won't tell him what it is. I have checked my file and there is nothing on there. Am completely worrying now about what it could be. Have never been bankrupt, no IVA or criminal record so this is the only thing I can think of. Would Santander be able to see this somehow? How can I find out what they've found? without knowing, I can't possibly move forward with anything Thanks
  5. 'I'm from the Vatican, you're f*****': Drunken priest suspended after he kicked and spat at PC and paramedic Parish priest Gareth Jones, 36, had been drinking heavily when he passed out on a street in his clerical attire and swore at a paramedic when the paramedic tried to wake him up, then lashed out and kicked the emergency worker twice in the leg. When two police officers intervened, he kicked one in the cheek, and said “ I have diplomatic immunity'” The officer asked 'which embassy? too which the priest replied "The Vatican, you're f*****" A spokesman for the diocese of Chelmsford said "We are holding all those affected by this serious incident in our prayers." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/im-from-the-vatican-youre-f-drunken-priest-suspended-after-he-ki/ You never know, if he wasn't a darned ginger the order might have protected him
  6. Hi all looking for some help.i work in a book makers been there for around 3 month still in training. Today after I finished I got a call telling me I had been put on suspension with full pay due to breach of rules. I was seen on cctv eating at the counter using my mobile.phone and then the low blow was possible fraudulent sign ups to a certain card we have. These aren't credit they offer punters best odds and the sign up deal is bet 5 get 20 free in bets etc .. I'm to meet up with a manager on Tuesday but cannot take anyone with me so they can get the facts before putting it forward. I was told you can't eat or use phones at the counter but never thought it was that much of a big deal as most staff have their phones and eat at the counter in my shop. As for the fraudulent claim my parents and my daughters boy friend gave me permission to sign them up so that they can use the services that are offered . They weren't present but are willing to write letters to state that they wanted me to do this . I've never been in this m situation before so any help would be great full many thanks fiora
  7. Hi, Advise please. I had rent arrears of £8500.00 to the housing association which they have managed to get a suspended order against the flat. I have fully complied with the court order and paid the arrears over the past 3 years and the account has been in order for the past 5 months. Is the court suspended order still in place and effective even though the arrears has been paid, and if so what are the steps to remove. Thank you
  8. The following is an extract of an article that appeared on SCOOP yesterday: Full story here: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Hull-mother-chased-bailiffs-carving-knife-walks/story-28348975-detail/story.html#ixzz3uVapzLee
  9. Hi, I have been suspended from work after I made a complaint about my manager, basically I had to be investigated for being late to work, on the day in question I was very unwell and couldn't get the bus due to having no money, I walked to work and was a little late. My manager sent an email to the person doing the investigation stating that I am a confrontational person and the person doing the investigation should have a witness present for their own protection. This email was shown to me and I naturally complained as it is a slanderous email and it suggests I would get violent towards a colleague. I complained to the senior manager regarding this email. The senior manager visited me and suspended me on the grounds of a complaint that came in from a member of public about a month ago. There has been no investigation into the complaint and I haven't been suspended awaiting disciplinary action. In my job I have had lots of complaints from members of the public, being a civil enforcement officer it is a common occurrence, but as complaints are usually just from disgruntled people and never anything serious, which is the case this time, I have never been suspended before. These complaints are always investigated first. I believe I am going to be sacked of spurious grounds to avoid the issue of my manager and the slanderous comments made about me. Do I walk? Do I allow the sacking and appeal? Should I escalate this with HR before it reaches any of these stages? I am unsure what to do here. Employment tribunal? Thanks for any advice you can give Tony
  10. Hi. I hope that somebody can give me some advice. I received and Attachment of Earnings Order that required me to complete a declaration, detailing my income and outgoings etc. At the bottom of the page, I ticked to have the order suspending and stated that I am happy to make a voluntary payment offer on receipt of a signed credit agreement between myself and the claimant (Hoist Portfolio/Howard Cohen & Co) as I have never had account with them. I have since received Suspended Attachments of Earnings Order dated 2/10/2015 ordering me to pay £40 per month until the £14k debt is cleared. Not had anything in terms of a credit agreement, or any correspondence from Howard Cohen at all for that matter. Can I still fight this? I'm going to contact Howard Cohen to request payment details so that I can make the £40 payment anyway, but if it's worth fighting then I'm going to do that too. Thanks in advance.
  11. Could someone help with this. I have been living in this property through the council for a month now. I claim income support. HB claim went through fine and they started paying my rent. Today though out of the blue I get a letter from them saying my HB has been stopped because I am no longer in receipt of income support. It's false though. I still claim both carers allowance and income support. Nothing has changed at all. The day after they said my suspension of HB started, I received my 2 weekly payment of IS to my bank account. They now want 2 months worth of bank statements (Why? They have my August bank statement already from when I made the HB claim), they want me to fill in a form titled "Use this form to claim housing benefit if your income support has stopped" (My IS hasn't stopped so if I did fill that form in, I would be lying to them) and proof of all income since I moved into this property. What can I do? Send them a screen print of the IS and CA when it next gets paid into my account? They have put me in the royal crap with rent because I am now in arrears. Thanks
  12. French honorary consul in Turkey suspended over selling rubber dinghies to migrants http://www.france24.com/en/20150912-french-honorary-consul-turkey-selling-boats-migrants-francoise-olcay
  13. Hello Looking for some help and advice after being suspended from work on Thursday. I work for a rail operator who I best not name just in case but this is the situation, We have had regular checks and audits done at a number of stations that I work at (I'm relief staff and cover an area working in ticket offices) and they have found that some of my non issues (cancelled ticket) are not where they should be from a 2-3 months ago along with some issues involving reprinted season tickets. Work are basically saying due to the potential high value loss of a season ticket and that the cancelled tickets aren't available for checking on the audit there is a trust issue and because I couldn't recall any reason why they would not be in the filing system at the station I was suspended pending further investigation. At the end of the initial meeting on Thursday the last question/comment made was that I could have taken the tickets and sold them on or I could have cancelled tickets and taken the cash and was then asked if I had done that, obviously I said no because I haven't done anything like that but Im left feeling like I've been tarred with a criminal brush Since I started in April 2011 I have done my job in the same way and always completed non issues/ticket exchanges in the same way and now there have been these issues brought up and I've been suspended. Im not sure how I can prove to work that I haven't done anything dishonest and as my manager said she needs to be able to trust me at work (which I fully understand) I don't know how going forward I can prove this, I've got a good track record, always work overtime/rest days and go the extra mile. My only positive thought is that my manager said she knows I am a good worker and seemed genuinely caring and equally upset over what had happened and she said she will try to get it dealt with as quickly as possible. I've been given no notification of suspension or any further communication about it yet and I'm just sitting at home waiting to hear whats happening now, I've contacted my union for advice and they cannot say much yet as they aren't sure what the actual allegations are yet so any advice/help anyone on here could give me would be very much appreciated When I go into the investigation meeting I want to be able to prove that I am a trustworthy and honest person and want them to know that I have played no part in anything going missing or being lost, I have followed the same procedures for the last 16 months and only now has there been some issues raised, does anyone else have anything else they think might help my case other than my clear record so far, this is the first time I have had had any issues come up and trying to get the person to take my word that I am a decent person
  14. Hi all New to the site so please be gentle! Lol I have been suspended from work pending an investigation however parties involved in this process I feel are biased and partial to the explanation and subsequently are a source in my reasoning for my evidence I will give at meeting next!!! My question is can I ask at the start of the meeting for the said individual to be removed from the meeting as I beleive them to have coheres in obtaining the information relating to the offence (if any) from let's say someone she is "over friendly" with and is the only source of complaint against me??? Not sure if I can give too much detail as process is in force now in the form of being called to evidential meeting next week!!!!!! Please help job is important to my family and me A worried and stressed Phil
  15. i have been sent a letter today from Acenden's Solicitors TLT stating, that as we had as we had broken the terms of our suspended possession order Acenden were again going for repossession again and that an application had been made to the court on the 3rd October 2012. We had sent a letter to acenden back in August stating that our son who has a serious heart condition had been admitted to hospital to have heart surgery performed, and we explained that due to a sudden loss of income from my wife taking time from work we MAY not be able to meet our financial commitments but explained we would gradually make up the shortfall upon my wife's return to work. We never heard anything back from Acenden until their solicitors today. We paid what what we could in August, September & October and have calculated our shortfall to be around £800, I cannot understand the brutality of these people considering what we have been through with our son over the past 7 weeks, our son has only recently been discharged from hospital and I have only returned to work this week. The question is what do we do now, the letter from Acenden solicitor states we will hear from the court in due course regarding an eviction date. We were having a good run of it and stayed out of problems for 18 months and then our son got took ill suddenly then boom it all starts again. Our other successful thread is below; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?282746-Capstone-restored-possession-hearing.-**SUSPENDED**
  16. Hello all, I need some advice, I was at work last week and received a phone call my HR department to attend a meeting they wouldn't say what it was about over the phone. so at this point I had no idea I was going to be suspended. I work at a local branch where you can drive in to work, I was asked to attend the meeting at a city centre branch and therefore had to go home to get bus fare at this point I became ill. I called up my manager to inform them I would be unable to attend and she passed the phone to a guy from HR, who became very rude over the phone and demanded I attend this meeting and that he was removing my right to self certify for sickness as per my employment contract. I asked him to put this in writing and he refused and gave me 1 hour to get to the city centre branch or the option for them to come to my home. I felt really pressurised into allowing them to come to my home because I was to ill to attend. Can they do this? At this meeting which took place in my home, I was suspended. I have worked for them for over 8 years and I think they have dealt with this matter very poorly. After this meeting I contacted my doctor and made the next available appointment and have since been signed off sick with depression and anxiety for the next 4 weeks due to something unrelated that has happened in my personal life. However, my employer are now unwilling to accept my sick note due to me being currently suspended and this why I believe they didn't allow myself to self certify. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Jane
  17. Hi I am on grounds 10, 11 of my tenancy as i have dyspraxia and dyslexia. At times i have had irregular payments due to temporary jobs. I had a payment plan which is meant to be monthly but due to hardship i payed weekly including the arrears, but i asked if this was acceptable if not i would consider changing. they automatically applied for a suspended possession at court on the 21 April this year , are they in breach or wasting the court time or are they correct. I had told the reason I could not make full payments last month due to not receiving a full pay cheque and applied for housing benefit, also i have started a new job and i am in debt as well. Need help
  18. In 2010 I suffered some health problems. I'm self employed and as a result I fell behind with my mortgage payments. In October 2011 I had a had a possession order suspended. The judge ruled that the outstanding arrears should be spread over the remaining term of my mortgage. My payments and the extra arrears payments have been made on time every month since Oct 2011. I'm not one for credit but in January I was looking for a small loan to buy a car, I was declined and it was suggested that I check my Experian credit file. My credit file shows 4 late payments. I spoke with NRAM and made a complaint, my argument being that if the judge has ordered the arrears paid over the remaining term that should not be reflected on my credit file. Obviously, being NRAM they have refused to comply with my request. I have made a complaint to IOC as they are responsible for making sure the information on my credit file is accurate and fair. It would appear the ICO are stuck for an answer. They have told me that normally, if a lender decides to spread arrears over the remaining term of the mortgage, the payment history on the credit file should reflect this. The ICO say, as NRAM have been ordered by a judge to spread the arrears over the remaining term (in other words NRAM have not made the decision to do so), they are not sure if they can make them comply with this rule? The case handler at the ICO is not sure what to do? Can anyone please help me with an answer. My argument is that my credit file will be impaired for the remaining term of my mortgage which is 15 years. The ICO see this as a reasonable argument and agree it is unfair. My problem is the case handler has requested an answer from 'policy' so a positive decision remains in the balance. Surely there must be a legal president for this? Any help would be very much appreciated.
  19. hi all, long story short: i sold an item on ebay listed as 'for parts not working' as it was broken. buyer didnt like it so they wanted to return it, the reason was that it was 'broken'!. ebay case found in the buyers favour and it was sent by collect+ couriers to be returned to me. i never received the parcel, i phoned collect+ and they said it is with a neighbour but no signature. i've asked the neighbours and no one has it. i've phoned ebay 26 times (no exaggeration) over 2 weeks at work during my lunch hour - on one occasion i was on hold for 55miutes!....on the first call ebay contacted collect+ and verified that i havent had my item back...so now each time i phone them they say they will cancel the 'reimbursement fee' that i 'owe' them from my account...i have received messages/ebay stating this but the fee hasnt actually been removed...hence why i have had to phone back 25 times...all i get is the same thing "sorry it is an admin error and we will now remove it"....it doesnt happen and i keep getting emails to pay the fee. i know they are just blagging me. what can i do? thanks for any help.
  20. I write frequent press articles for CCR Public Sector publication. This important publication is read by senior professional workin in finance, collections, revenues, benefits and enforcement and is also read by most government agencies. The link below is to a copy of an article that I wrote for the May 2014 edition and concerns the matter of Police and Bailiff Roadside Operations. As many people on here will know, the Metropolitan Police confirmed last week that they have now SUSPENDED these operations [ATTACH=CONFIG]51655[/ATTACH]
  21. I am self employed and my earnings vary a lot often for a short period oftime. My housing benefit claim was already close once because my earnings weretoo high. However the problem is that my earnings vary a lot often for asmall period of time and it is inconvenient for me to make a new claim forhousing benefit each time my earnings vary. I would like to know how to explainmy situation to the housing benefit department to avoid that my claim is closedeach time my earnings vary temporarily I would like to know if there is a specific law for self employer or if I have to file a specific form
  22. A MAN who hit a bailiff with a cricket bat, then challenged his sentence for it, has been given a suspended jail term. Richard Burton, 35, attacked the bailiff David Knight when he went to his house in Phipps Road, Oxford, on March 5 last year. He was convicted of assault by beating at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on October 14 and was given a 12-month conditional discharge. He was also told to pay £100 compensation, a £15 victim surcharge and £200 costs. But Burton appealed against his sentence at Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday. The court heard Mr Knight told Burton he was a bailiff as he went into the house. Judge Zoe Smith said Burton went into the kitchen and first picked up a knife, then put it down and picked up a cricket bat instead. He raised it above his head and brought it down, hitting Mr Knight’s left hand, causing bruising and swelling. Dismissing the appeal, Judge Smith warned Burton that bailiffs played an essential role in the criminal justice system. She said: “People employed to carry out the duties of bailiff must have the protection of the courts and it is only right people who harm them should expect imprisonment. “The job this gentleman was undertaking was essential.” She gave Burton a three-month prison sentence but suspended it for 12 months saying: “We were impressed by the character witness you put before us.” Burton was also ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and pay Mr Knight £150 compensation and the Crown Prosecution Service’s full costs of £526. Judge Smith warned him: “If you do not undertake this unpaid work to the best of your abilities, you will have to serve the prison sentence.” http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/11657762.Man_hit_bailiff_with_cricket_bat/
  23. I know that one of the rules that the lender must do is provide you with a statement of what you owe e.g. outstanding mortgage pus arrears prior to applying for repossession. Is the repossession hearing allowed to take place, and, or is its outcome valid if; It is proved that the account was in dispute over the balance claimed by the mortgage lender. It is also proved that the balance was incorrect. If so how hard is it to have a suspended repossession order set aside.
  24. Hi there, I'm new to the site so please excuse my ignorance. In August I received a ticket from Tower Hamlets as I'd parked in suspended bay. The reason I didn't see the sign was because a Waitrose delivery van had parked in front of it, obscuring the view from where I had parked. I use a blue badge owing to disability so didn't bother paying at the machine. I subsequently appealed within the 14 day frame and heard nothing. I then contacted TH in October to ask whether my appeal had been successful and they told me it hadn't and that they'd written to me already and I should wait until I receive further correspondence. I explained that I had not received any correspondence from them. Nothing came once again until I received a Charge Certificate a couple of weeks ago stating I now owed them £195. The original fine was £130 - or £65 if I paid within 14 days. They had added an additional £65 on owing to a charge certificate increase. I contacted TH immediately and asked to speak to the head of the department. Upon speaking to him, I explained the situation and was told to write in and explain what had happened. I did so immediately and on Friday received another letter explaining that "as a gesture of goodwill" they were willing to accept £130 from me. My other alternative would be to appeal and enclosed was a form from the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service. Please could someone kindly offer me some advice, namely the following: 1) Does anyone know where I can go to find out whether the suspended parking bay was valid, i.e. had been applied for, for on or around the date I received a ticket? 2) Whether I should appeal either way to the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service on the grounds that I did not receive any correspondence and could not, therefore, pay at the reduced rate. I have only recently started working again this year owing to my disability and to say money is tight would be an understatement. I also offered to pay in instalments in my original appeal and this too has obviously been ignored. Many thanks, Joe
  25. hi everyone im new to this site so apologies now if i make a mistake i will try and keep it short. basically we took our mortgage out 15 years ago all has been fine until last oct just before then my husbands work of 21 years suddenly closed he found a new job but half the salary and we had to buy an old banger for him to commute ( used to have company car ) i also stopped work due to severe artheritis we fell behind with payments and also are in trouble with payday loans. i have written to accord many times with offer of payment but they never reply we had a letter asking for(yet!) another income an expenditure an offer of payment before june15 an they would only go for sus repo i did this sent recorded delivery but we couldnt attend court and they were granted repossession had a letter today we are being evicted tues please help? sorry for rambling !!have five years left to run if that helps
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