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  1. Hello, I have been "threatened" by email, txt and recorded message that MMF will "embarrass" me turning up unannounced despite receiving doorstep letter twice and advising I will only communicate in writing. I'm ok with all that but today I made them an offer as I do owe the money after all and the offer is a bit more than my personal budget planner suggests but they have refused it and offered me three different options...a) one off payment with 20% off b) two installments c) four installments. I cannot afford either of these options and they say that they will add further interest and charges to my account if I don't set one of these up. I have sent them another email and upped my offer a little but it really is the most I can afford, I've said that if they go to court they will only get the pro rata amount from my budget planner because I have a few debts I am trying to pay off. Can they really add more charges and interest as they have bought the debt? Many thanks Deb
  2. I left work to go back to uni in september so had to give up full time work. I contacted lending stream to advise them of this and offer a repayment plan of £30pm which they accepted. I paid this every month but noticed I was accruing a lot of charges and contacted them. They said because the repayment plan wasn't set up over the phone it wasn't valid. I challenged this as it doesn't state this anywhere in my terms (and is a nonsense excuse) and they agreed and said they would remove all extra charges. I have stuck to my repayment plan but they then removed my option to repay online.When I contacted them they gave me another made up balance with hundreds in extra charges? They keep ignoring me when I say the plan has been agreed twice now and just keep telling me to phone in. Both times I was on for twenty minutes trying to explain with the advisor not having a clue (english not first language) and not even being able to find my loan. I'm at my wits end. This was agreed in October and again confirmed in December I've stuck to my side every date the £30s due so why aren't they letting me pay?! Where do I go from here?
  3. Hello, new user here. Ive recently come under financial struggle and had 2 loans with lending stream and paid 3 months for each of them but struggled last month and emailed them about it to see if they can half the months payment required and put it on the next one as i would of been able to pay it all in one go then. They refused but instead tried to set me up a 3rd loan account covering the payments, i didnt take it as thats more interest i would be paying but since they refused to help me i refused to pay as i simply could not anyway and i am now contacting debt charity. How ever i just got 2 emails today from LS stating my accounts have been terminated for failure to update my account after a default within 14 days. Thats fine, they will now chase the money and harrass me but the thing i noticed is on the email it stats im still going to be hit with interest until i have paid it off? So they can cancel my account and demand the money upfront but continue to add interest like i still hold a contract with them and its still in good order? Sounds iffy to me. Currently my 1st loan remaining of £170 is now £320 with all the fees they have hit me with after not being able to pay the 1 month. Now they will keep adding interest even though my account has been "terminated" Am i reading into termination incorrectly and presuming the account should now be "closed" with no more fee's being added but they obviously have the right to chase up the original loan sum which im happy to pay off but i am not happy or capable of paying off insane fee's such as these which seem to be happening.
  4. Hi, So im trying to set up a payment plan with lending stream. Ive sent them all the relevent information they asked for via email. They are now saying that i must ring them up to set up a payment plan as they carnt do it online. I assume they are doing this to try and pressure me into ageeing to their terms for the payment plan? I have set up payments plans with ease with other companies online. Im sending them emails everyday stating i am eager to set this up and start paying, but as of yet no replys. Anyone have any experience with this company when it comes to payment plans?
  5. Hi Everyone, Firstly, i'll say thanks in advance, i need all the help you can give me. I've borrowed from Lending Stream, stupidly, but was in a bad situation and i made a very bad decision to go down this road. Hubby not been working for a long while now, we only have my wage and things are very tough. A job was in the pipeline, or so we thought, but it fell through last minute, i'd already borrowed from Lending Stream and i'm just not able to pay them back. I emailed them over a week ago, i explained the situation and asked if they would consider a payment plan of £65.00 per month. Got a very heart warming email from them saying if i called, they would be more than happy to work with me to get a repayment plan set up and to help me clear the outstanding balance. What a load of toss. I phoned (very silly of me), was passed from pillar to post and 20 mins later no plan set up. They needed my most recent payslip and an i and e form filled out. Email tennis has now went on for a week now. So i've been on here reading everything i can to try and keep myself right. I am refusing to give them my payslip, i filled out Ellen's Budget Sheet and sent them this under duress (i felt theirs was too intrusive). I got an email just 10 mins ago from then, firstly i can arrange a plan by email, then they gave me their bank details, next it said they updated the system with my income and expenditure sheet, they're happy to work with me, then i need to send my most recent payslip and that a plan can only be worked out for an affordable amount by phoning their customer service reps. Are they on drugs? Can someone help me PLEASE. I'm worn done and dont know what else to do. Unhappy x
  6. I have been reading a lot of post on the forum in relation to pay day loans but have finally decided to seek my own advice and somebody can help. Over the course of the last year or so I have unfortunately fell into the payday loan trap of securing further loans to pay interest on others but this is a story I’m sure you have heard a million times before but desperate times called for desperate measures. My payday loans are with Wonga, TXT Loans, PDUK, Pounds to Pocket and Lending Stream. It came to a head and I decided that I needed to take back control of my situation before it spiralled out of control. I contacted each lender and over time I have managed to secure affordable payment plans with each lender and to be fair they have all been very helpful to date apart from Lending Stream. I have tried and tried to contact Lending Stream but have yet to get a reply and they keep bombarding me with calls, texts and e-mails requesting payment. I have now e-mailed them on several different e-mail addresses over 25 times and even (contrary to advice on this forum) tried ringing them but there seems to be a fault on there telephone line. I have made an official complaint to the company but still no reply just constant reminders of my required payment date/amounts. How should I deal with this firm? I simply can not continue to send them e-mails if they are falling on deaf ears. Has anyone else had any dealing with this company and failed to contact them? I hope someone can help me as this is the only outstanding payday loan where I have not secured a payment plan with.
  7. We have 2 accounts with these people. I know I should have had this at the FOS by now but I thought I'd try and sort it out without them. So in June 2012 we sent though a repayment proposal. It was ignored. We sent a formal complaint that was also ignored in September of 2012 and this was also ignored. They have sent 3, maybe 4 DCA to collect and each has been told that we won't deal with them due to LS ignoring us. We have finally got from them some information in relation to the 2 accounts that we needed and wonder what options we have. Basically the 2 accounts break down as; Account 1 - Original loan = £100. Arrears = £142.00. Payments made = £132.50. Charges to the account = £97.50. Account 2 - Original loan = £135. Arrears = £399.50. Payments made = £0.00. Charges to the account = £264.50. I just wondered what steps we should take next. Lending Stream, despite being in the wrong for ignoring me seem to not want to come to an arrangement at all. Thanks Lee.
  8. I have been reading a lot of post on the forum in relation to pay day loans but have finally decided to seek my own advice and hope somebody can help. Over the course of the last year or so I have unfortunately fell into the payday loan trap of securing further loans to pay interest on others but this is a story I’m sure you have heard a million times before but desperate times called for desperate measures. My payday loans are with Wonga, TXT Loans, PDUK, Pounds to Pocket and Lending Stream. It came to a head and I decided that I needed to take back control of my situation before it spiralled out of control. I contacted each lender and over time I have managed to secure affordable payment plans with each lender and to be fair they have all been very helpful to date apart from Lending Stream. I have tried and tried to contact Lending Stream but have yet to get a reply and they keep bombarding me with calls, texts and e-mails requesting payment. I have now e-mailed them on several different e-mail addresses over 25 times and even (contrary to advice on this forum) tried ringing them but there seems to be a fault on there telephone line. I have made an official complaint to the company but still no reply just constant reminders of my required payment date/amounts. How should I deal with this firm? I simply can not continue to send them e-mails if they are falling on deaf ears. Has anyone else had any dealing with this company and failed to contact them? I hope someone can help me as this is the only outstanding payday loan where I have not secured a payment plan with.
  9. I stupidly took a pay day loan out with these people as my partner has been on long term sick. When i looked on there repayment schedule it didnt make any sense. This month it was 98.00 then next month it was 158.00. I asked if i could set up a new repayment pan and offered to pay 35 this month and next and when my partner returned back to work in May i could pay a lot more. They sent me an email back with an explanation why the payments were different each month but it didnt make any sense to me. They have asked me to email them an I+E and my payslip and wont take any payments till the 22nd April. At the bottom of the email it goes on to say that if i want to set up a new repayment plan to get in touch with them. This is what i have done and they seemed to have ignored it do you think they have done this on purpose. It states on my account that i borrowed 315 and that total repayment is 409 but according to the schedule i am clearly paying more than that. I have sent them a further email this morning stating that i have asked for a new repayment plan and i am offering to pay something i just cant afford what is on the schedule for the next two months. Any advice on these people will be greatly recieved.
  10. Hi Guys, Long time no speak lol. Hope everyone's well? Payday Loan free now, but need a wee bit of help re Lending Stream. I was on a repayment plan with them, and all was straightforward. Last payment was made at the end of November, and although I asked for an email or letter to tell me this, nothing was received and they haven't taken or tried to take any more payments. I have the original repayment schedule though. I signed up with Noddle, cause like everyone else who's been down the Payday Loan rocky road, my credit rating is very poor to say the least, and i'm just wanting to keep an eye on how things are going. Well good old Lending Stream have marked 2 Late Payments on my credit file and I can't understand why. I've emailed them with no joy, I've not received any communication telling me I still owe any money, I've made all the payments they requested, and they've marked it as a fully paid loan. Can anyone help me to try and make sense of this. Cheers Guys, Karen x
  11. So I have been trying for ages not to get LS to agree with what I see I owe them, they claim £93 I say £34 (late fees + default fee). I have tried to get them to agree to removing all negative information if I pay up, long shot but thought I'd give it a go, they just reply with 'agreement number xxxx in termination status'. My online account states: My credit report has just been updated with: Status history - D SF Balance history - 0 Date of default - 26/11/2012 So my account has now been settled, is this account likely to be going to DCA now?
  12. A friend of mine took out two payday loans with this compayn and now she cannot pay the loans back. Each loan is due tom she took them out over a six month instalment period. The total loa amount for both is 500.00 I have told her to offer instalment plan but I am now worried that they may try to collect payment. She works part time and earns less than 600.00 a month so not sure how she qualified for the two loans. Please can you advise next steps.. IVe told her to cancel her debit card account will this help?? and I am looking for template letters for emailing. She is also worried that they ma call her home and workplace..are they allowed to do this?? Thanks in advance.
  13. Just after some information:) We have 2 PDL with these people that we have defaulted on. They were passed to the idiots at Mackenzie Hall. We contacted LS to say we wanted to deal with them and they ignored us. We know they received the email as it was passed on to MH who then proceeded to act in such a way as to now have one the loans brought to the attention of the FOS. I have now made a formal complaint to LS who have ignored the complaint for the last 9 weeks so it is now ready to go to the FOS. I was wondering as these are 2 separate accounts can I make 2 complaints, one for each account? Also, when the FOS ask how I want this to be solved would I be in my rights to say that we want to pay back in installments the amount borrowed plus interest minus any payments already paid? I've read to pay only this to the PDL companies but wondered if this generally acceptable by the FOS. Thanks, Lee.
  14. Hi all , im new here but ive been reading the forums for a while and some very good information been given out so thought id give this a go. Ive been silly enough to fall into the pay day loan trap . My payday loans are as follows Payday express - 593.30 ( inc intrest ) Quick Quid - 194.30 9 inc intrest ) Lending steam - 395 ( over 6 months ) and 175 ( also over 6 months ) Ive been using quick quid as payday express for a while now but really want to get out of this mess so every month im going to just pay the intrest ( extend my loan ) but pay a small amount off aswell so the loan amount is slowly getting smaller, around 60-80 ontop of intrest. My lending stream loan is due to come out on the first but i cant afford the payments this month, as there has been a problem with not being paid correctly and im due money, does anyone know if they will extend my loan or how " nice " they are at repayment plans ? Ive emailed them but had no reply yet and from what ive eben hearing the call centre is a waste of time as kn one understands a word your saying. Has anyone had similar experience or any advice on what to do ? the payments are due to come on on thursday and add up to £225 ( thats both loans ) . thanks very much Rory
  15. I'm new to this so please bear with me! I took out a PDL with LS in April 2011 which was repaid within 14 days giving my notice to withdraw. I have recently found out that since then LS has updated the CRA's with late payment markers for approx £350 interest which was never due. I have sent 2 recorded delivery letters and countless emails to LS to dispute the info, they have failed to reply to any. I since contacted the CRA's who eventually confirmed that LS had agreed to amend my record. I have requested compensation from LS for the incorrect data entered as per their T&C's and those of their trade association to which they stated that 'it was unreasonable to request compensation as they have outlayed money to remove the information from my credit record'. I have also complained to the BCCA but they have also failed to respond. I am willing to take the matter futher but unsure which organisation... OFT, FOS, FSA, ICO? I know this matter might sound petty but this company should not be allowed to get away with treating consumers in this way, especially when they have breached their own T&C's.
  16. Hi , I have 3 loans with Lending stream since June 2012 soon after which I was out of a job (Total to repay £607.00). I had emailed them on many occasion trying to explain my situation and sort out how to repay to no avail well no reply. Until yesterday 27th August when I received 3 letters (dated 20th August) stating I have to repay outstanding debt within 14 days(2nd September on Letter). I phoned yesterday to discuss a re payment plan to which I discussed and explained I could pay back about £100 a month. Then I was sent an email explaining to fill out I&E Form , which I did and sent back. Today I recieved an email saying : We would like to inform you that we will not be able to proceed further as you have not filled the information (expenditure information) in the income and expenditure form. We would request you to fill the complete information in the attached spreadsheet (income and expenditure form) and send it back to us as soon as you can. We would also require your most latest payslip in a non editable format (JPEG or PDF). So i phoned again stating my situation and that I had filled out the form and sent the filled out as I can view it from my computer, to which I was met with , on our screens it is not filled out and I have to send my wage slip to set up a re payment plan. I have been passed through about 20 different employees in the past 2 days and when promised a phone call back in 5 minutes after waiting for half the day for the first phone call. It never came. I don't know what Im meant to do if they wont agree to take my money through a repayment plan.
  17. Hi everyone, Just like many other people on here, I have been silly enough to get into the payday loan trap! Until I can get interest frozen, I am literally trapped in a never ending loop. I have recently got a break from quick quid who are allowing me to pay over 4 months, which is a lot but I guess its manageable. Txtloan also were very helpful and have a good repayment plan that i am happy with. Does ANYONE have any success with lending stream, I have not yet told them I am going to have financial difficulty. I can pay my due money this month, but next month is not looking good. I would rather tell them in advance rather than default and face all the nasty calls etc. So hopefully someone will have some success or tips for lending stream please?? Thanks
  18. Hi Long story short; I defaulted with LS over a year ago as I couldn't keep up the repayments. I emailed them every month offering them what i could afford and requesting their bank details so i could set up a standing order and they never replied to any of them. Then, about a month ago, I received an email from them stating that despite their attempts to make contact (there were none) they have passed my debt over to CRS. Cue a bombardment of emails / texts from CRS who have now told me that my account is being prepared for pre-litigation. HELP! I actually don't know how much i owe LS now - god knows what charges they have added to my account! Can anyone advise on what i should do next? CRS are being rather persistent and although i've not replied to them directly, I've a feeling I can't hold them off much longer. Is there a letter / email i can send requesting a statement of account by which they have x amounts of days to reply? I can't find it on here but swear I've seen one. Thanks
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