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  1. Hi All We live just off junction 4 of the M5, and they have had some average speed camera's installed for a month or os. My dad is a salesman and has 10 points on his license already. He actually went over 12 points, served a 3 month ban and now is on 10. But he just got a letter through with another 3 points - this time for doing 46mph in a 40mph average speed check. I didnt think they could prosecute until 47mph? Is there anything we should know that could help us?
  2. Hello, I've received the following NIP: Issue Date 12/8/2014 Date of Offence 22/7/2014 Time : 20:14 Location : M5 Jnc 16-17 Southbound S. Glos Offence : Exceed a variable speed limit 40mph - automatic camera device. The recorded Speed was 52mph I have no recollection of the offence but question the variable speed limit being 40mph on the M5 at 8:15 on a Tuesday night, there is nowhere on the NIP where you can view the evidence like some police forces do. This is a company car so explains the delay in me receiving the notice. I'm anxious to avoid this one as this takes me to 9 points and perilously close to a catastrophic ban. Any ideas for a defence? Many thanks,
  3. Hello, I was travelling to London from Leicester on Saturday 7th June 2014. I went through several M1 southbound road works and mostly kept up with packs of motor cars and only checked my speed gauge at the beginning of the road works to ensure I complied. There were two occasions when I had to overtake, once when a driver was down to 40mph and created a huge gap ahead with a long line of tailback. The second time was when the driver ahead of me was texting on the mobile and at times quite erratic, the lanes being quite narrow and so choosing a moment of safety I rushed to overtake. Please see attached[ATTACH=CONFIG]52002[/ATTACH] "Notice of intended prosecution" dated 11th June 2014 but actually received 18th June 2014. I have not responded yet and seek advise as to what action I should take from hereon. I do not exceed speed limits. I have clean driving licence.
  4. recently caught doing 38 in a 30 zone, having just come out of a 40. the 30 sign was at the side of the road facing the other side, rather than directly towards the oncoming driver so not very clear. I cant find anything on the legislation pages which says how signs should be positioned, only the dimensions of the sign any advice would be welcome.
  5. Just watched a video where a man challenged the legality of civilian staff in marked police vehicles operating speed cameras. His claim was that as they are not police officers then by being in a marked police van they are impersonating a police officer which is a crime. Also as they are not trained officers they do not have the right to collect evidence (operating a speed camera)of a crime(speeding) Thoughts?
  6. Any recommendations or tips for 7 or 8 speed Hub Bikes please? I do not like derailleurs. I am little budget restricted though nf these bikes can be expensive. I think they are worth it in the long run.
  7. I'd be grateful if anyone has any advice. I got a police "Notice of Intended Prosecution" this morning, for driving through an "average speed check" camera on the M1. At no place on the route does it say anything other than an "average speed check". There are dozens of cameras on that stretch, and all are clearly labelled as "average speed cameras" which are claimed to be only there to regulate traffic flow by monitoring the average speed of the traffic. I admit I probably could have been doing the 67mph on the M1, in a 50mph zone, as they claim. However, in my somewhat limited attempt at mitigation, there were no roadworks being carried out at the time throughout the whole of my short journey on the M1, no workers nor even any machinery present, and absolutely no other road users in sight as it was just before 5am. I was still driving under the usual speed limit for a stretch of motorway with no actual roadworks happening. There are no actual clearly marked speed cameras, only cameras marked as "average speed check" cameras. Surely claiming a camera is only carrying out an "average speed check" is a lot different to it actually being a camera specifically targetting a speeding driver? If there is a genuine speed camera on that stretch, targetting specific drivers, it is clearly not labelled as such, as they all just say "average speed check". Every last one of them. I know because I and my daughters went back and checked. I drove while they videoed all the cameras, and every single one of them was clearly marked as "average speed check" cameras only. The letter says it is going to prosecute me, despite my never having had a speeding ticket or even as much as a parking fine for the whole 20 years I've been a driver. Why not just a fine for a first offence on an empty motorway, going past "average speed check" cameras, rather than threats of courts and prosecution? Anyone have any ideas how to proceed on this? Thanks.
  8. Hi My OH got a NIP the other day but it does not state what speed he was allegedly going. It states he was speeding on motorway where speed limit was reduced to 50mph due to roadworks but it was at 1.30am and the roadworks were in complete darkness. How can he admit speeding when they have not told him how fast he was going. Any advice please?
  9. Just seen this in Credit Today http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/16606/online-news/unsecured-creditors-await-payout-from-collapsed-payday-lender I wonder if they realise they have got hold of a lemon!
  10. Hey, My partner has found herself in a bit of a mess with her a specific pay-day loan from Speed Credit (Who I think shows up as Microcredit on her Noodle Credit Report). The loan with Speed Credit was initially for £400, but since they've been closed down, the debt was apparently transferred to NDR (Northern Debt Recovery) who are now requesting a total sum of £3,329. Seeing as Speed Credit was closed down, and NDR are recovering the money for Speed Credit, does it need to be paid? At the moment her Credit Report is... Bad. Simply Put. And we're looking at improving it so we can get a mortgage in a few years. But can't really improve it without getting rid of these Red Marks on her sheet. Also - On her Experian credit report, it shows a pay-day loan from a company 'EXPRESS FINANCE LIMITED', does anyone know what company that is? I really do appreciate any help that can be given. Thanks guys, in advance.
  11. I wonder if anyone has come across this weird one. After a series of issues leading to BT engineers coming to "fix the fault" ( This included the engineer waffling about going to the main exchange and changing our main box to the "new style") we have been left with a really odd internet connection. When plugged into the test plug everything works fine - although still a slower speed than before the fault (around 6000). When plugged into another line in the house the speed varies from nothing at all up to 2000. I guess this implies that the fault is with the internal wiring, although I am convinced that he just wired it up wrongly in the new box as this wasn't a problem before. Here's the weird bit though - when we ring Utility Warehouse (who provide our BT line) on the 0845 number, or when they ring us on the same number our speed jumps up to 6000+. When the call disconnects it gradually goes back down again to 1000 / off completely. Can anyone tell us what's going on? Utility warehouse certainly can't - it's taken 5 phone calls to persuade them to order out another engineer.
  12. Hi, I am having huge difficulty with NDR/Marshall Hoares. I have read several threads on them but not entirely sure what I should be doing next. I wasn’t able to handle my debts anymore so I entered into a DMP with Step Change. As per instructions, I sent an email to all my creditors that I was entering a DMP and that they will be receiving details shortly. While the whole thing was getting set up, Speed Credit kept trying to call me. I spoke to them the first few times explaining that they need to wait a while. Few days later they passed it to NDR and then calls kept coming from them. Finally it got ridiculous as they were calling me 2-3 times a day during my working hours and I had to say the same thing over and over again. i started to ignore their calls. Then they called my work number. I wasn’t at work and a colleague picked up and left me a message. When I called them and asked them why they called my work, they said there was no mention on their system that my work number was called. Big Surprise!!! I then told them they should never call my work and the guy told me I provided the details and that they will call my work number if they cant get me on my mobile. After I spoke to the advisor and explained my situation (that they will be receiving a correspondence letter soon), on the same day I received 2 other calls, just different idiots asking the same thing. They are calling me 2-3 times a day now, even on weekends. Also text and emails with home visit threats and in a few months my £400 loan has gone up to £2245. Step Change has sent the correspondence at least 3 times on my request and every time they declined it. Apparently it wasn't enough. They want me to pay a minimum of £40/month. I have several other Payday loans and can’t pay any more than what has been offered to them. Last Sunday, they spoofed their number so it seemed like an international call coming in. I picked up and the guy was very rude, screaming at me. Why I took out a loan when I can’t pay? Apparently 90% of their customers always pay and are very satisfied with them, etc. etc. I even explained that if they had accepted the offer which was in late February, a lot of that debt would have already been paid but they didn’t. He kept on saying that I need to give up some luxuries, I asked him to look at my budget sheet and tell me if there is anything there that can be removed. I don’t earn a lot so after all the essential things; I don’t have a lot extra left over. Whatever is left is going to step change. he told me my land line and my mobile is a luxury and I should give that up and pay them back. I couldn’t believe it; thank god he didn’t say that rent was a luxury as well. I asked them to contact Step Change and he said and I quote ‘we don’t contact your debt management company, they should contact us. If we don’t hear from them, we will contact you only’. I have read somewhere that once you are in a DMP, the debtors should only contact the debt management company and not me. Is that true? We finally came to an arrangement that I will ask Step Change to send them the correspondence again but I know they will decline it again. The calls/text/emails are still coming in. I really need this to stop and there is no way I am paying over 2 grand on a £400 loan. Please help.
  13. Just paid them what I am due(loan +1 months interest!). They think that I am still due them over £800 in charges/interest!!! Ha ha ha they aint getting another penny off me! TAKE ME TO COURT FOR THE REST NDR/MHB!!!
  14. Hello CAG, As with millions of others, I have a ppi claim now with the FOS. The company concerned (MBNA) was supposed to send the business file across within a month of my paperwork being logged but of course hasn't - and I'm being quoted 12 to 18 months before my file is even looked at. No chasing will be done by the FOS till my file is picked uip by one of their staff (I'm in the queue but have no idea of where I am) and there is apparently no penalty for MBNA ignoring the deadline. This isn't the fault of the FOS who've recruited thousands of extra people to deal with this and are recruiting still more - but it's obvious that there's no incentive to sort this quickly while banks pay 8% on settled claims and lend out at 25%, as others have pointed out. So what I wondered was - is anyone starting/running a campaign to get this looked at in a different way, eg banks have to show why they shouldn't pay out within a fixed shorter time? Thanks for any thoughts/feedback.
  15. Hallo, I have a washing machine Siemens E-Nr. WM 14Q4R0 with maximum speed of 1400 rpm. But I am afraid that sometimes the speed is automatically reduced to lower limit. I don´t like this, I want the my washing machine always reaches the maximum speed because I spent a lot of money for it. is there a simple way to measure the speed of the drum? stroboscope light can be a way? or other ways? I thank you for your help bye
  16. Hi, i have a question because i am a little bit confused as to what happened when i was driving past a mobile speed camera van today. I have seen this van before in the local area and it always parks with the rear facing camera operating out of the back window which opens up and has a lense sticking out. Only, as i was approaching the van, i could see the white windows on the back were closed, as if they had already packed up and ready to go (it was almost 6pm). Then as i was about to go past, one of the officers rapidly jumped out the van and took a photo of my car with a digital camera. There is a chance i may have been doing more than 35mph upon inital approach to the van but i did slow down. I'm just wondering why he did this, is it because the machine couldnt take a photo due to the latch being closed, so he had to take one with his camera instead? Are they going to try and match his digital camera photo to some data on the machine? There was a car right behind me so how do they know it was the car behind which triggered it? I don't understand what happened to be honest or how that could stand up in court? Maybe i'm wrong, but some advice would be nice, thanks.
  17. Hey Guys I have been battling with Speedcredit/toothfairy/NDR/Marshall Hoares for months and months. I finally got them to agree to a payment plan. On a £100 loan they had hiked up charges to nearly £1500, through sheer grit and determination I managed to get them to agree (in writing) to 3 payments of £58 to settle and close the account. All was fine, I made the three payments (Oct, Nov and Dec) as instructed on their email (via bank transfer with a reference number) Those jokers have now said they cannot find my November payment and I still owe them £58 and unless I pay they will start recovery for the full amount of £1560. I have called them and replied via their useless web pages numerous times, and numerous times I am told their account department is looking into it, then 2 days later I get another round of emails telling me I still owe them money. In my last phone call I told them that I have my bank statement to hand to prove that the payment has made, I have even instructed my bank to run a trace on the payment..... I was told to email it to them......Idiots! I was then in a later call told to fax it to them....!! Now being in the 21st century I do not own a fax machine and my work do not own a fax machine. So what was I to do, the lovely man on the phone told me to seek out a corner shop and get them to fax the sensitive documents over...... again REALLY! Soooo here is my cheeky work around. I have found a online fax service offering a free 30 day trial. The service gives you your own fax number and will fax whatever you upload to any other fax machine number (after the 30 days its £7.99 a month but you can cancel it anytime during the trial) http://www.efax.co.uk/ It works a treat! Sent my letter, copy of their letter accepting a payment plan and copy of my bank statement proving payment (with my bank account number and sort code blocked out, not having the cheeky buggers try and get any more money out of me!) via fax to NDR at this number 0203 137 0794 and a few minutes later got a fax receipt telling me my transmission was successful, sent to my email address. To be fair that fax machine at NDR could actually be their local corner shop but that is the number they gave me and I have a receipt to prove I have sent the letter should anything come back to me later. I wanted to share this with you guys as I know everyone has trouble emailing and sending letters to this company and indeed getting recorded delivery proof via royal mail. Perhaps going old school and faxing will help some of you Keep on plugging at them guys.... you can do it! Love H xx
  18. my internet speed has gone rather slow, 15 meg. I have BT infinity and normally get 40 meg speed and use Firefox as a browser. i went onto internet explorer and started the same BT speed test for which i end up with 37.5 meg looking into this, i have kaspersky internet security, i disabled protection and ran the speed test again on firefox and ended up with not 15 meg, but 38 meg speed. the conclusion reached is that kaspersky for some reason throttles down your internet speed on firefox, but leaves internet explorer alone. any ideas
  19. Got flashed by a camera doing 36 in a supposed 30 zone.I had been on a road where the speed limit was 40,but after a junction with traffic lights,the road had narrowed and had now become a 30 zone.There was no signage to indicate this change of speed,just a camera and a camera sign.I assumed I was below the limit,but got flashed and have received a PCN. Saw this on another site and wondered if it applied: There is no obligation for a 30 mph speed limit to be sign posted, except when you enter it from a section of road where the speed limit is not 30 mph. 30 mph is the national speed limit. The Courts will take the view that you should be driving on the basis that the limit is 30 mph. Accordingly, unless you can show that there was good reason to believe that the limit was not 30 mph (ie you had been in a higher speed limit area and there were no signs) there would not normally be grounds to dispute the allegation, simply because there were no "30 mph" signs.
  20. Hi, I took out a speed credit loan for £300.00 on the 5.11.12. On the 15th of December i Paid £72, by bank transfer as their website was not working. On the 24th December i paid £532 pound over the phone. The issue i have is that when i did the bank transfer i put down the wrong reference, i used their bank sort code instead of their reference. Today i received a letter from their bailiff company saying i owe them £432 pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions, as i have paid off this debt back on the 24th of December
  21. Hi, I have a loan outstanding with these and is due on Monday. I have to pay it today as will not have internet access after. Can you let me know the link to the payment page anyone? I think they have it on the e-mail? Thanks
  22. Ok So I took a look with Speed Credit 09.08.2012 for £200 plus interest of £48 I was then two weeks later told that my loan has been extended for another two week without my agreement. I have also been getting the emails from NDR saying that they are taking payments at midnight and marshallhoares saying that they are sending someout to collect this is the first I have heard from marshallhoares today saying BY LETTER AND EMAIL Online payment ID: ref no Outstanding amount: 1085 Letter of Instruction & Notice Reminder Reference: BAILIFF/INTR/ref no Client: Speed Credit - Speed Credit Loan** Client Ref: ref no Date: 15/12/2012 Dear name, We are writing to give you formal notice that Speed Credit - Speed Credit Loan** has legally engaged Marshall Hoares Bailiffs to recover the above debt. This means that Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited will now recover this debt. YOU WILL HAVE OR WILL SHORTLY RECEIVE A HOME VISIT We intend to pursue you fully for all outstanding sums (GBP 1085) including any fees we incur collecting this debt as per the t erms and conditions of the contract you signed. Payment in full must be received no later than 17:00 to avoid further door collection fees being added to your file. DO NOT IGNORE OR THIS WILL COST YOU MORE Debt GBP 680 Missed Payment Fee 3 (day 57) GBP 10 Solicitors - Case Preparation GBP 150 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) GBP 10 Cash Transmission Fee GBP 5 Missed Payment Fee 4 (day 71) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 5 (day 43) GBP 10 Repayments todate GBP 0 Total GBP 1085 TAKE NOTICE: You should accept this letter as formal notification that unless payment is received within 4 days then your account will be fast-tracked and considered for the following: Consequences of inaction: 1. Court Action legal action may be started in the County Court (or Sheri ff Court if you are in Scotland) for recovery of the full amount outstanding. Any such proceedings will include additional claims for legal costs and interest which will increase the amount you will be required to pay. 2. Warrant of Execution or its Scottish equivalent will be applied if we successfully obtain a County Court Judgment or Sheriff Court Judgment for to enable us to seize goods at your addresses and or an attachment of your earnings. 3. Register of Judgements any judgement will be entered in a public register, the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines Credit Reference Agencies, who will supply them to credit grantors and others seeking information on you financial reputation. This will make it very difficult for you to get credit. 4. Credit reference Speed Credit have already advised the Credit Reference Agencies of your Default. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Once the balance is paid in full, only then will the default be shown as "Default Satisfied". To AVOID A HOME VISIT or further action you should PAY IMMEDIATELY 1. online using a card by visiting: www.marshallhoares.com OR 2. at bank either over the counter at the bank or by electronic transfer to: Barclays Bank Account Number: 93462382 Sort Code: 20-50-94 Reference: Use your mobile number (.........) as a reference This debt will not go away and should not be ignored You can contact us on 08433811111 to discuss your outstanding debt. Yours faithfully Anti - Fraud Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Telephone: 0843 381 1111 The content of this email should not be considered as an acceptance of any offer unless we previously review and expressly approve in writing your terms and conditions relating to the subject matter of this email. The information in this email is private and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient(s) or have otherwise received this email in error, please delete the email and inform the sender as soon as possible. This email may not be disclosed, used or copied by anyone other than the intended recipient(s). Any opinions, statements or comments contained in this email are not necessarily those of Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited. If you wish clarification of any matter, please request confirmation in writing. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 06871092. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631168. We take precautions to minimis e the risk of this email containing a software virus but you should use virus checking software. I have recently become unemployed and finding it hard I wish to pay the debt but believe the total amount of £1,085 is not right any advise would be gratefull. Thanks
  23. Hello everyone, I'll try and put this as short and sweet as possible. Basically I stupidly took out a 400 pound Speed Credit loan over the summer to relieve me of some bills I had. Inevitably, i wasn't able to pay it back when it was due, they rung me everyday for about 2 weeks until I stupidly agreed upon a payment plan of £80 a month for a period of 14 months. So the original loan had now tripled in size. I paid for 1 month but I just couldn't afford it so I missed a payment and I had ND recovery on my case and apparently, the file has now been passed onto MH Bailiffs who have sent me a threatening text, quote:"Home visit within 7 days.Speed Credit £1120 file is now owned be MH Bailiffs.Check email & call 0843381111 to settle your debt & avoid extra charges". I'm a second year university student, I don't have a part time job anymore which makes this whole situation terribly stressful. I would like to set up another payment plan to something that I can afford. Any advice? Has anyone had any problems with the hellish company that is Speed Credit before? Do they or their associated debt collection companies take people to court? Thank you in advance! Regards.
  24. Hi I am a new poster and would like some help please. I took out a short term loan of £200 with this company and the due date was the 30th of November. I tried to pay this back the day before via my master card debit card but it came up with an error message about not being a 3d card. I was suprised because I had paid back using this card before with this company (my only previous loan with them). I saw that they allowed me to pay over the counter at Barclays bank which I did in cash on the afternoon of the 30th November. The loan was £200 plus £53 interest which I made the full payment. I also have a reciept and referenced the payment with my mobile phone number. I made the payment to the account number and sort code they stated. Which was 93462382 and sort code 20 50 94. I have since had texts and e mail messages today saying they have rolled the loan over because I haven't paid back and I have until the 14th December to pay £301. What can I do and why do they not phone me to talk about this? I also can't get in touch with them. Any advice would be really appreciated.
  25. Hi, I'm having problems getting things repaired in my rented flat. First, our boiler broke and was pumping out carbon monoxide. We had five electricians/plumbers come round to look at it (none had spoken to each other, so it was five individual assessments), which took weeks. During this time we were without heating and with very limited hot water. The last gas certificate for the property was done in 1995. I rang the estate agents every couple of days to check progress, and they said they were unable to contact the landlord and were therefore unable to do anything. We stayed in for four consecutive weekends to let the plumbers in as the estate agents said they didn't have a spare key and we had to be there. Eventually, after 4 weeks of no heating or hot water, a plumber finally replaced the entire boiler. We thought that was the end of it, until over a week ago, when I went into the bathroom to find the carpet completely soaked. I did some investigation and found a leak coming from the pipe that runs behind the toilet, boxed in and tiled over. I called the estate agents... We've since had three plumbers come and look at it and nothing's been done. Each say this and that, and send quotes, but nothing is fixed. The flat now stinks of rotting carpet (one plumber wretched when he came in) and it's unbearable to live here. We also cannot use the toilet, shower or sink because this creates more water and we're concerned that it will leak into the flat below. We've explained all this to the estate agents and they do nothing. When I call them, they say they'll call back and they never do. No one is communicating with each other and the upshot of this is we're left to visit our friends and family for showers and use the neighbour's toilet when we need to. Not an ideal situation. Yesterday we went to the estate agents and sat in their office. I said I wanted it fixed asap, that I would like to request a rent reduction for the two months we've had problems in this flat (I suggested the landlord half the rent for next month, but didn't ask for more) and that if it wasn't fixed soon we would be moving out. My question is, do we have a right to move out? Are there any specific laws that say problems with heating/burst pipes etc should be fixed within in a certain period of time? I would happily get the repairs done myself and take that off the rent/be reimbursed by the landlord, but I simply can't afford to do this. I'm in the process of packing a suitcase and going to stay with my parents until this is fixed, but it is likely to be at least two weeks, according to the estate agents. I feel completely stuck with no recourse to the law. I can't threaten anything in order to get my point across, it seems. I've also sent a letter to the estate agents requesting the name and address of my landlord, who lives abroad. I suspect they'll give me a UK address and I won't be able to contact him. Other problems we've had with the property are: it was supposed to be a furnished property, and we sat with the estate agents highlighting all the things we wanted the previous tenants to keep in the property. When we moved in, the flat was empty, as the cleaners had got the wrong idea and taken everything that was highlighted to the dump. We were told there was nothing the estate agents could do, they refused to contact the landlord, begged us not to tell him and we had to go out and buy loads of furniture at vast expense. We have also been asking where our car parking space is for six months (as we live in a communal flat area, where the car parking spaces don't seem to correspond to the flats) but the estate agents have never asked the landlord and never call us back. We've asked where it is about 20 times. Last week, the car was inevitably clamped for being in the wrong place and the estate agents say there's nothing they can do. I would really appreciate any help or advice anyone can give me. I'm extremely angry and frustrated with the whole thing and don't want to pay nearly £1,000 a month to have no hot water, heating, no use of toilet or showers at various times during our tenancy. Thank you, Lottie
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