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  1. Six years ago I found the details of someone else with the same name (almost as she is a Miss and has a middle name unlike me) and dob on my credit report, I was able to have this removed and have an excellent credit score. However, over a year ago Lowell started ringing me and sending me letters about this woman's debts. I've not had any accounts or involvement with any of the companies who have passed on these debts. The first one I ignored and they subsequently passed it onto a debt collection agency who told me they had proof that the goods were delivered to my address. Action Fraud took this on as a possible fraud and Lowell's response was to write off the debt but still imply that it was mine. The next three debt letters arrived a few weeks later and I sent the template 'prove it' letter. They wrote one off still insisting that it was mine, I'm still waiting for a response to one and finally got a copy of the original credit agreement for another. This clearly gives the other woman's address and actually includes a copy of a letter to her, at her address, stating that she had asked for a copy of the agreement and they are still asking for repayment. Lowell have also done a search on my credit report and found nothing (that must have been disappointing for them!). I'm getting really fed up now of having to do all the work here to prove that these debts are not mine and this other woman is having her debts written off and I don't know what else to do at this point. Is there any point in complaining directly to Lowell or should I take it to Trading Standards.
  2. im really confued as i didnt attend the medical but sent off a form explaining why , i then recieved a letter back saying :"we have looked at your reasons for not attending a decision maker says you are capable of work from the 15.04.2010 " (this box was ticked) then underneath is says "this means we have decided that you are no longer entilted to which were : Box One : Incapacity Benefit And National Insurance Credits Box Two : Severe Disablement Allowance Box Three : National Insurance Credits The Box They Ticked For Me Were Just : The 3rd One "National Insurance Credits" This is the only box ticked so i dont understand am i losing my incapacity and servere disability allowance cos it says first "u are capable of work from the 24.04.2010 but then says this means we have decided that you are no longer entitled to national insurance credits ! Im confused as i claim incapacity and servere but these boxes werent ticked so what do they mean im no longer entitled to national credits ? im worried if they mean that ill no longer get any benefits anyone plz help me thanks in advance
  3. Hello, I am not familiar with the current legislation regarding payday loans so advice on a letter structure would be appreciated. Background: A few years ago now I was a compulsive gambler and borrowed from any lender that would give me the cash . I managed to rack up £50k's of debt and at the time didn't have a secure job. Two years ago after a lot of hard work on myself, help from family and a years worth of councelling, I have not gambled, I've got a permanent job paying a decentish wage , I've paid off nearly all my debts. one of those who I hadn't yet paid was from a company named wageday advance for£650. They have since I ignored their threatening letters passed it onto Moorcroft who wrote me a lovely letter saying they will come to visit me at my house in the near future for a chat about it. firstly I have absolutely no desire at all to chat to them about it in my house. Is there a template to say I do not want them to come to my house? Secondly. They mention a reduced offer as settlement, but didn't say an amount. Now, I have been on a quest to be debt free since I stopped gambling, and paid back the main people. But I guess I left the payday loans to last simply because I do have quite an angst against them - they do prey on the vulnerable soley for profit and to the severe detriment of the borroweer. Don't get me wrong, I take full responsibility for my debts and what I did and have paid some VERY heavy prices - however, lending at whatever it was 3000%+ without doing any checks to someone who is essentially not well is in my mind criminal! However, my mind doesn't really come into play here, it's what the law says that counts. Is there any legislation about responsible lending that these companies should have adhered too? Can you even fight them on these grounds? What would be a reasonable lump sum final offer for a £650 debt? If I did just want to get rid of it? Thank you so much for reading.
  4. Hi I have read and re-read thread after thread and am now looking to see if I understand! I have received a claim form out of CCBC, relating to a credit card debt, to which I've responded with the AoS. I am considering a Statute Barred defence. The last payment I made was in November 2009 and I have not acknowledged anything since. I have the credit card statements from November 2009 to March 2010. The outstanding balance on the March 2010 statement is the exact amount being claimed. The only entries between November 2009 and March 2010, apart from my last payment in Nov 2009, are for interest and late payment fees. It would seem from the evidence that I have that a SB defence should hopefully succeed. Could someone please advise if this makes sense and if so the wording I should use? Also, should I include the credit card statements as appendices? Thanks for your help.
  5. Hi Cag community! I really hope you can help. I’m afraid I’ve never posted in a forum before so not too sure if I have posted in the right please so do let me know if I should post somewhere else! On 30th June 2015, EDF (representing Scottish Power) entered the communal corridor for my flat, and removed all the electricity meters for the whole building. We own a flat in a block of 5, and we had a prepayment meter with Scottish Power. In the few days following this we discovered (from the EDF officer who removed all the meters) that the meters to Flats 1, 2 and 5 (owned by the freeholder) were bypassed, and that my meter and the other leasehold flat were in credit. This proves that we were topping up our prepayment meters as we ought to, and that they theft of electricity was being done by our freeholders who were bypassing the other meters to the flats they owned. Whilst this was all going on, my mum spoke to Scottish Power’s Revenue Protection department on 9th July 2015 and was asked to pay £300 for a replacement meter, as the freeholder had still not sorted it out, and was instead trying to reconnect the electricity supply illegally (for which we reported him every time). She paid this £300 in advance so that I could book the time for the meter to be installed once we had the necessary certificates. The issues with the electricity have highlighted criminal acts by the freeholder, and these have been reported to the police (I have a crime reference number). Our freeholder illegally reconnected the electricity several times and we always reported him immediately to Scottish Power. We just wanted justice to be served and to get proper official meters installed as soon as possible so we could go on with our lives. In the end, we did not book Scottish Power to install new meters for us as the freeholder finally organised British Gas to do it (Scottish Power had scuppered his attempts to reconnect illegally). Scottish Power are now refusing to refund us the money as they have told us they are keeping it to go towards repaying the debt owed by our freeholder. Our freeholder has also (without my knowledge or permission) transferred my account away from British Gas and back to Scottish Power by posing as me. Scottish Power will not let me move my account back, presumably because they are taking a portion of money from my prepayment meter when I top it up to repay the freeholders debt. I do not know what state the freeholders meters are in at the present time as he now keeps them in a separate padlocked cupboard with a CCTV camera pointed at it. Scottish Power have told us that they have no interest in finding out who the freeholder is. The police have not followed up on the case either. Despite raising complaints with various departments I have been unable to resolve this issue. Scottish Power are still refusing to refund the £300 and are also holding me responsible for the rest of the freeholders debt. I really hope someone can help as I’m at the end of my rope with this one.. Here's to hoping.. thanks all for reading!
  6. Hi guys, I had a good read of the thread titled: "Penalty Charge notice not received in post from council" (sorry I can't post the link as I havn't made enough posts on this forum) It was really useful because Tunde's situation was very similar to what I have now. Back in November I strayed into a bus lane in Swindon, and yesterday received a Penalty Charge Cert. for £90, on a letter which claimed I had been sent correspondence before. However, I had not received anything before. Also, in the envelope they sent me there was a similar Charge Cert addressed to a different person, at a completely different address! I called up a Swindon Council number and spoke to a bloke about the issue of only receiving this certificate as the first correspondence. I forgot to mention the thing about receiving someone else's letter. He said in quite a stern tone that it'd be just my word against theirs and I'd have to wait for the next letter, which will be some sort of court-style charge recovery letter. I then heeded the advice of the other thread I linked to, and sent an email in a similar style. Here it is: I am writing to you with regards to the attached letter received via post on the ... January 2016, dated ... 2016. The charge certificate states that the offence was detected on the ... 2015 and that you sent a notification to me, which according to you, I refused to since pay hence the increase in the penalty charge to £90. I would like to inform you that I NEVER received any notification prior to this charge certificate. I would like you to therefore please send me the initial notification; I have no issue paying the original fine, but it would be very unfair and unjust to pay an increased fee since I did not receive any notification from you. It is also important to note that the said offence was committed in November; I would like to know the date the penalty charge letter was sent to me. ALSO, you can see in the attachment that in the same document sent to me there was also a letter meant for a completely different person who I don't know, at a different address. This is quite a concern in itself, and also suggests an oversight by the sender which might explain why I never received an original notice. In summary, I would like to be given the original notice for the original fine (as I have never received it), and also be given an explanation as to why I have received someone else's notice. The later C.C should be cancelled and my fine reverted to the original, in light of what I have explained. Here are the relevant numbers, as can be seen in the attachment: Yours Faithfully, _______________________________________________________________ There is something else however. The driver who strayed into the lane is a Chinese friend of mine (I'm typing this on his behalf for language reasons). He is a researcher here but will return to China in May. If he does come back to the UK it will be after a couple of years and to a different address. Does this affect how we should treat this complaints process, in your eyes? Many thanks for taking the time to read all that!
  7. I have been busy in the last few days looking at some Hand downs and came across some information that I would like to have some views on.. This is re: Liability Orders (LO's) and there cost see below please... The link to the case is in the quote... 23 December 2015 HERE the same issue of council tax recovery costs and not following the rules, produced the same results in regards to Highbury Corner Magistrates Crt with Camden council as Interested Party.
  8. Hi, I have been getting letters from Cabot Financial (Europe) Limited, then from Cabot Financial (Merlin) Limited and then again Cabot financial (Europe) Limited. They are chasing me for 5 years old debt. I heard that they don't have a licence and can't really pursue anyone for debt but I am not sure whether this is true or not. could someone please advice? thank you
  9. Someone has kindly driven into my car in the office car park. I am hoping that there is evidence available in the form of CCTV so that I might find the culprit and deal with the situation appropriately, but looking at the photo attached, does it look as though new wing/door are needed or that the damage will t-cut out?
  10. "Protesters who were among almost 50 people arrested following attacks on police and their horses have been told by magistrates to return to court next year - despite refusing to reveal their identities to police or the courts." The charge "Refusing to reveal their names to a constable" Wonders how many will return to face trial, still, good to see the tax payers money going to waste. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11981438/Anonymous-protesters-who-refused-to-reveal-identities-to-the-courts-set-free.html
  11. What would you do.I do not usually ask for advice nowadays but could do with some to calm myself down see things a bit clearer.Then i will act on advice given today if possible and update later. Moved into my newish house about 8 weeks ago.Council. Absolutely thrilled and honored to have this lovely house. Semi,blocked paved area for car to stand on,easy drive in access.Wonderful.Peace at last. Wonderful,soon had the garden full of plants.Shed set up to work in. Quiet area with a lot of elderly people around.A lot of people being cared for. No cars burning,no cars,motorcycles racing through the streets.Very quiet apart from the odd argument around every now and again.People feeling the pressure as in many towns and cities. 5 weeks in a chap who lives opposite who lives with his wife and elderly relative who i believe they care for says to me. Excuse me Mr Owl i wonder if you could do me a favour. Well perhaps as many on here you think mmmm what is this all about,wonder what he wants. Says to me,my van has broken down,it is coming back in a hour or two on a trailer and i have nowhere to put it for now. Just needs a starting motor so could i put it on your beautiful block paved drive.For a few weeks at the most. Well i have had a few hard times in the past so went in for a while and talked with relatives and father in law i help care for. So after a while i came out moved our own car and said yes ok for a few weeks.Christian thing to do. By then i had realised they were stuck and needed some help in this situation. A week or two went by nothing really getting done. Then one morning 1 am my daughter went to our car to get something. Shot back in woke me up and said think we are being burglared or someone looking around. Well old owl was slightly annoyed so shot out of nest and flew out of door.Rather angry and wondering who was out there. Someone trying to break in my nest. Lights from back of van,like someone had a torch,bonnet up and lights hanging off the back of van. It was only mr mechanic and his wife working on the thing at that time. Said a few words to them and they said oh is it that time we had not realised. Remember what he said about a starter motor. Since then i came home one day one day and sand was everywhere on the drive could not get to my front door without stepping over and walking over grass instead of paved walkway.Mechanic nowhere in sight. He had only decided to change the oil and somehow had leaked it everywhere.No carpet down wheels off jacked up and bowl collecting oil. Put up with that,thought to myself well old owl been in construction soon be gone and will clean up and never do a favour again. However mr mechanic i spotted through my front window test driving about 10 meters down the street.2 days ago. Thought thank god for that will now be gone. Nope van on driveway staight away but best of all huge oil slick in road where i am about 15 meters away.And drips everywhere leading back to my driveway. Staying calm,so stuck my head through my living room window and said i hope you are going to clean all this mess up. Said to me yes a jetwash it will be fine.I am not that green and know oil especially on block paving will not be that easy to clean. So now imagine you are ten meters away from my front looking back. Lovely house,but van jacked up,bowl with oil underneath oil everywhere.And cars going up and down the street from oil slick spreading everywhere.On peoples tyres and possibilities of walking oil into houses when dark. Now i am quite capable of taking any action needed what would you do. I have a soft look,do you think they have taken advantage of me or do you think perhaps they are the thickest people i have ever met.Going perhaps to see the other side of me today which has shocked a few when let out. I noticed he always cleans his tools carefully after use. And has the best available and plenty of them.What about my driveway etc. Remember their situation as well.Elderly relative etc.I do not want to disturb at all or upset in any way. But also we are on probation for a year from the council.If they see this or people complain what could happen. My father in law who i helped care for and got fond of has just died this week.So am going through things myself. What would you do.Any thoughts advice appreciated. Update. After writing this my thoughts are beginning to say to me.Leave it and wait for the van to go,clean up and never do a favour like this again. Other option would be to harsh.Do any of you agree with this.
  12. Hey everyone, In 2011 I got a loan from Hitachi Personal Finance of £881.62 for a PC. The total repayable was £1,733.07 (feel so stupid for agreeing to this now!). I paid it all off in good time and never thought anything else of it. I randomly stumbled upon something saying that some people were mis-sold PPI by Hitachi so I requested a full statement and agreement which arrived today. This is where I am a bit lost, I can't see anything on the agreement about PPI. Does that automatically mean I didn't have it or will I need to do a bit more digging? The reason I am asking is because I am on (and was on at the time of agreeing the loan) PIP and ESA due to being disabled and I saw that if you had a disability, PPI shouldn't have been sold or something like that? Thank you for any help anyone can provide me, Lee
  13. Hi. I have suddenly started to get someone elses mail at my address. On the mail the address is my address but the person named, I have never heard of. My wife has refused two parcels and today I have a letter for this person. My neighbour has confirmed that it is not a previous tenant as he has lived next door for almost 30 years. I have only lived here 6 years. I feel very suspicious about this. Any comments or advice appreciated. thanks. Paul
  14. My car was hit by another driver today before and they proceeded to drive away, my neighbour heard the collision and luckily got the car registration and make and model. The damage to my car is only probably a few hundred pounds. I have called the police and I have an appointment with them tomorrow. What is the best way to proceed with this? I feel I have two options, go through my insurance and pay my excess (£250) and lose my my ncb. I can't help but feel a little bit hard done to here, I was hit by a possible uninsured driver and may possibly have to pay for the same as well as us all paying extra in our premiums. Any advice? Any chance the askmib site is incorrect? If I do pay for this out if my own pocket I will try and have the police take it as far as possible.
  15. Hi there Quick question, one which would be helpful for many others as well. 1. Can someone have a friend with them when they go to the Job center to sign on? EG to act as a witness? 2. What part of the regulations allow this? I am pretty sure the answer is yes, just need the regs to back me up when I go with my friend next. Today he opened his claim and I was refused permission to go up with him.
  16. I had a breakdown in May 2014 after working for 12 years without a break I am sufferring from severe anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, at times agraphobia. I also suffer from back problems after a double slipped disc some time ago. I have received CBT, Intensive CBT and been referred to a psycologist as i have intense problems sleeping and had a number of suicide attempts which I am glad wernt successful. (although at times i wish they were) I was signed on to ESA by my doctor in May 2014 and as of yet, even tho i have telephoned, i have not had my WCA from ATOS 13 months later. Today I received a letter from the jobcentre asking me to attend a work focussed interview to discuss the possibility of me going into paid work. I dont know what to do. I am terrified to attend as i cant cope with face to face situations and the thought of going to work and letting people down or finding out my secret is mortifying. I go out, by cab to help my daughter who is 19 and suffers from severe mental illness, my breakdown was due initially to her illness and trying to support her whilst working. I was sacked from my job after making an error which cost them thousands of pounds on the day my daughter tried to throw herself under a train. I was a pub manager so my work was also my home and we lost that too and was homeless for 9 months 1 month of that my daughter being in a coma. My doctor is supportive but my world is filled with fear and now im terrified i will lose the small amount of benefit i receive if i dont go to an appointment to find work which my doctor and no esa doctor has deemed me capable of doing. I dont know how to handle this and writing this in the vain attempt to get some advice as google searches are coming up with nothing:-( Can anyone help me?
  17. I haven't been frequenting the debt sections on here for a while so perhaps I am a little out of touch, must admit to being a bit taken aback. My daughter received a N1 from Northampton center, for an overdraft she had 5 years ago, she had forgotten about it(she says) and eventually it had been sold on to Cabot. I said I would have a look , went onto MCOL logged in in here name and acknowledged ticked defend all. I thought the usual, challenge charges assignment etc. etc, it was for £550. Then I thought you know I cant be bothered with this so i rang the solicitor, i nice pleasant woman answered the phone, I started to explain who I was, she said she couldn't talk to me so I had to get my daughter to give her a call etc DPA fair enough. Anyway eventually we could discuss the account, i told her that i was considering fighting , but really cant be bothered and asked them if they would accept £300 full and final. We chatted some more and she was telling me about her kids and I was telling her about how you never cease to worry about them and how my daughter is 35 and married with five kids and she still comes to me with this stuff,(love it really). I digress, anyway she says yes we will accept that as full and final and will email you and you can pay on receipt , i say fine. I know there is stuff said about people backing out of FFs but personally I have never come across it, anyway I have the email. I am just about to give her my visa details and she says are you retired sir, I say yes, then she says "will paying this money cause you financial distress or make you in arrears with any priority debt heating or utility supplies", i say no why do you ask, she said we would not be able to accept the payment if you would have said yes.
  18. Hey guys, hope someone can help, I'm trying to find an e-mail address to complain to EE or Orange to, I'm not sure which one I'll need to go through for this complaint. I sent an online request to unlock my husbands phone 3 days ago and woke up this morning to an email to unlock a phone, but it was someone else's full name, phone number, different phone and IMEI number. While I've since received an email with the details to unlock my husbands phone, I'm very worried that I've got someone else's details sent to me. The phone we've got was locked to Orange but I went through the EE website to unlock it. While I'm not the one whose details have gone astray here I still feel the need to inform someone that somethings gone wrong herer Many thanks anyway, Stage D
  19. Hi can anyone one help I am a single mum with three children two disabled, I have received a letter from HMRC saying that they have been informed that someone is living with me when I have not and have concrete proof can you help please Thank you
  20. Hi everyone. I hope I've posted this in the right area. I need some advice on what to do as I keep hitting a blank for advise everywhere, even the CAB were not helpful. Me and my wife bought our first home in September last year, the guy we purchased from was a guy who lived on his own, nearing retirement, all four kids moved out of home for some time and looking to downsize. We'd not long moved in to the property when we had a few pieces of mail turn up for one of his sons so we just handed them to the estate agent we brought the house through to pass on. We later found that these were debt letters, and then end of November had my first encounter with a bailiff looking for the son, he was quite pleasant, apoligised for the inconvenience, made a joke or two about being given the run around like that all the time but was nice to be proved wrong for once and left me to my day. Six months on, we're still getting letters, and today I faced another bailiff who was not as nice and warned me that if I didn't do something about this matter that the banks could blacklist the house. The gent we bought from told us that his kids hadn't lived there for some time, we first met him when we viewed the house last June. I'm not one for running to the police or making threats or anything, I just want to know whats legal and what isn't when I email the estate agent later to forwarding my annoyances to the person we brought from. We believe that the son transfered everything to this address not long before we took hold of the keys as his dad recently claimed that he had next to no mail for his son before we moved in. If he did let everyone know that our house is his new address just before we took hold of the property is that an offence? Also, his son recently contacted a PPI company about compensation and used this address. Like I said, I'm not one for going to the police, but I dont see why I should live with my doors and gates locked and bolted all day incase another bailiff turns up. Any help would be most gratefull. Thanks in advance.
  21. My son was stopped by police, after being told he was driving without due car and attention. He was asked to vacant the vehicle and handed the officers his car keys. They claimed the car smelt strongly of cannabis (by the way, you are not allowed to smoke in his car, let alone drugs). Whilst an officer was talking to him on the pavement, another officer drove his vehicle into my son's driver's side door. This officer has admitted liability in his statement. Back to the car. After the officers could not find anything in his car, they sent for more police with a search light (I kid you not). Two hours later my son asks if he could sit in the back of their police vehicle, as it was freezing, to which they agreed. Whilst in the vehicle, the officer used his radio to inform about the collision. The sergeant ask him for his driver's permit. He said he did not have it on him, so couldn't give the number. The sergeant said he was not allowed to drive any vehicle back to the station because of this. Right, now the insurance claim. The police are arguing what’s known as ex turpi causa. Which states if you commit an illegal act and your property is damaged then the police won’t be held responsible for this. Is an alleged driving offence an illegal act? I thought ex turpi cause was when some would profit financially. My son is pleading 'not guilty' by the way.
  22. Hi everyone. I have received a letter today to say that someone has applied for a V5 for my car, the letter asks me to confirm if I have in fact sold the car or if it is still in my possession (which it is). I called their main customer service number as the number given on the letter is not open on Saturdays and they told me that it could just be someone has applied for a V5 for a similar registration plate and its been mistaken for mine or it could be that someone has cloned my car and sold on the clone. I did buy my car without a V5 as it had just been sold to the place I bought it from a few days before and it hadn't arrived there yet. I applied for and received the V5 with no problems. I have had the car since November and have checked the VIN etc and I definitely have the right car (I had a problem with buying a car with an outstanding VIC check before so I always check and double check everything now). I guess what I am asking is has this happened to anyone else? what are the chances that my car has been cloned and what will happen if it has been? Obviously I will fill in the form DVLA sent me to say that I haven't sold the car but what happens after that?
  23. I have claimed working tax credit and child tax credit since my daughter was born 15 years ago, but i have never declared my partner living with me. He has lived with me the whole time and we have always had a joint bank account. I havent been investigated but i'm so scared i will be and then i will be sent to prison. I cant bare the thought of leaving my children. I just couldnt cope. Will they check back to when I first started claiming? Do i own up or stop claiiming tax credits before they come to me? If i start a joint claim now i'm worried it will trigger an investigation. I want to be honest, but..... Please can someone help? I've had about £600 a month for 14 ish years so its a lot of money. I cant sleep or eat i'm so worried about a jail term
  24. Hi there New to the forum so please be gentle. Came home today to find two letters for my husband from MKDP for two debts that were sold by HSBC to MKDP on 8th Dec 2011. My husband reckons he hasn't been in contact/made any payments since May 2008. The original debt was for around 2K, the demands are for 4K. Can anybody give me any idea of the best way to deal with this? We really can't afford to pay these back at the moment but I can't stand the thought of someone turning up on the doorstep and harassing us..I'm a bit of a wimp! Any help/advice would be gratefully appreciated. I have been googling like crazy but there is a lot of conflicting information out there.... Thanks in advance
  25. I am due in court a week on Thursday for an old credit card debt which was sold to Lowell in June 2013. I received the claim form from Bryan Carter back in September and asked them for a copy of the credit agreement upon which they are relying prior to entering my plea. They refused to do this and I filed a defence on the basis that they could supply no proof of this debt. They then sent me a Tomlin order to sign to avoid court I again asked for a copy of the credit agreement which they again refused. Today, they have filed their witness statement and enclosed the following document which does have my signature on it, however this is all they have supplied together with a bunch of statements and the assignment letter. Please can anyone tell me if this enforceable? I would like to be prepared before I attend court, if I don't have a leg to stand on then could I try the Tomlin order route? Typical that the default is 6 years old in September
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