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  1. Please does anyone have any advice on this? The facts as they have been reported to me: Mr X leaves the property in 2008. Mrs X remains at the property and there is a verbal agreement that she will transfer the utility bills to her name. Mr X still legally owns the property until it is repossesed by the bank in 2010. In 2015 Mr X obtains a copy of his Equifax credit report and discovers that United Utilities have registered a default dated March 2015. Unitied Utilities will not remove the default as they say Mr X did not notify them he had moved/was no longer responsible for the water charges at the property. The ICO have today sent this response: Dear Mr X, I write further to my email of 19 February. Based on the evidence provided, I consider that it is likely that United Utilities has complied with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) in this case. I feel it may be useful to explain that a default on a credit file means that an organisation considers the relationship between itself and the individual to have broken down. United Utilities has explained that whilst the last payment was made in 2007, they had been attempting to chase the debt and a default notice was only issued in February 2015 when collections activity was deemed exhausted and the relationship was deemed broken down. United Utilities has explained that the credit for £268.88 was a false credit and has confirmed that that the default date of 14 March 2015 and default balance of £3093 were accurate and up to date at the time it was shared with Equifax. United Utilities has explained that they acted on the information available to them as you did not inform them that you had ceased being responsible for charges at xxxxxxxxxxxxx until May 2015. I understand that while the default will remain, United Utilities will request amendments to your credit file to reflect the subsequent information received by you. I appreciate you may be disappointed by this, but I hope the information provided above explains the reasons for our decision. Yours sincerely, Adele Roper Lead Case Officer Information Commissioner’s Office 01625 545 774 Is there anything to stop a company registering a default from so long ago, or would there be if an agreement was regulated by the CCA? Is there any point Mr X arguing that he did not take out a credit agreement with United Utilities? I believe that utilities companies have only recently been allowed to 'share' data with credit reference agencies, so it's not something Mr X would have agreed to/been aware of upon opening the account. Thanks for reading.
  2. Hi I'm Dan, just joined today after a morbidly disappointing realisation that credit agencies are a law unto themselves. So Hi all Hope I can be useful and hope people can help me to.
  3. I bought something from ebay at a very good price; one not easily repeated. The seller shipped it to me via Hermes. The tracking showed it as being with my local courier & out for delivery last thursday. It never arrived. I checked the tracking and everything was the same except the date had changed to friday. Still nothing (I was in all day) This happened for saturday & then monday; the date for delivery kept changing but still no actual delivery. Sometime on monday (yesterday) the tracking stopped working with a message that the tracking had been cancelled. I contacted Hermes via their online 'chat' and was told that they had damaged my delivery & had thrown it away but had given the sender a refund. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is outrageous. It's bad enough, as a company offering the shipping of goods, that they are so negligent as to allegedly ruin shipments but to then allegedly discard the item too is so far outside their duty it's beyond belief. I say 'allegedly' above because for all I know someone has taken a shine to my item and simply reported it as 'damaged & discarded'. Where do I stand being the recipient. I didn't pay for the shipping or choose Hermes but I want what was sent to me so I can decide whether it's of any use or not. Any help or advice gratefully received
  4. Hi all, hoping someone can advise on this please! I have been ordering clothes from an online retailer for around five years now with no problems. On my last order I returned some of the items, only to then receive an email from them saying that one of the items was damaged so they won't be refunding me for that item. I immediately told them that the items were fine when they left me, so they must have been damaged in transit, but despite numerous emails they are refusing to accept that they could be responsible and simply repeat that the item was damaged when returned to them, so it is my fault, so i am not entitled to a refund. Usually their items are delivered by DHL in a nice strong box, however this particular order was delivered by their own in-house "premier" service which I haven't used before (they were offering free premier delivery at the time), which means that it was delivered by their own driver, and the items were simply bundled into a cardboard carrier bag, not protected in a box. So they could easily have been damaged in transit (for example some items were on hangers, others were just wrapped in tissue paper and could have easiy snagged on one of the hangers). But I have no way of proving that they were in fine condition when they left me - it seems to be my word against theirs. I have been a loyal customer of this website but all they say is thank you for your custom, sorry for the inconvenience, but the item is faulty so we're not refunding you. Do I have any rights at all? Seems pretty strange that an online retailer can just claim that items were damaged and you have no recourse - particularly when it is their own delivery service so you can't claim against the transit company. Grateful for any advice please!
  5. My husband has filed N1 form against his mortgage lender for unfair charges after they rejected his initial claim. We have received a bundle from them last week followed by a threatening letter yesterday saying charges are fair and he would be liable for their costs if he does not discontinue his claim by a deadline given. What does he do next. Should he continue with the claim or write a letter to reduce the amount of initial claim and what case law can he prove to back up his rights on this. Thank you in advance
  6. I came across this really great video on drones see here this fisherman caught a drone from a pier in the USA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8IP5HJFwLQ
  7. Hi, I run a small hair salon. J ust over a year ago, I was approached about the possibility of having some advertising, the advert would be 1000 leaflets for my use, as well as leaflets being left under the seats at a local ice rink, and an advert put up on screen. This would last for 1 year. The adverts would be on a rolling advertisement, but guaranteed to be shown at least once during each event that was held there. I never went to the ice rink, but had faith that it would be done.. . having said that, over the course of a year I've had no custom from it. The leaflets all said to bring the leaflet with them, and the customer would receive a discount. I put it down as a lesson learned, and a failed attempt to advertise, and thought nothing of it. However, today I received a letter saying year 2 of my contract had started last month, and I now owe a full year payment (in full or installments) as I have agreed to a second year. I never did this. I have called them up, and was informed that I was given a second year because I did not cancel my contract in the first 9 months of year one and it was a rolling contract, minimal of two years, unless a cancellation was requested. Now, I would put this down to another lesson learned, and I should have read the small print, etc. when I took out the contract, I stated very firmly I did not want two years. I wanted one (which was an option they gave me), and I was told that 'Optional' would be written down for year 2, so I could choose to have it at the same rate if I wanted it. I signed the contract, after again confirming it was for 1 year and my request for it to be 1 year only meant it would not roll over. I set up a quarterly Direct Debit, and that was that. this request for payment seems to be unfair, because I was told it was 1 year and my request for 1 year counted as an immediate request for cancellation. I also find it strange (yet I'm also thankful) that it wasn't just taken from my bank, since they have my direct debit details. Why the request for me to send them the money? I've been in touch, it is legitimately from the same people. But it just seems odd to me. They've been very offish about it when I've contacted them, and basically told me tough as no request was made in that 9 month period. But as I was told, on signing in the first place, that it was accepted and no second year would come... why would I call and cancel again? What are my options here? should I have received a letter (in good grace) to remind me I needed to cancel, if they truly thought I'd not done already? If anyone could help, I would be most gracious
  8. Hello, I have been a faithful customer to RBS for many years until recently when they decided they would try (and succeded) in ruining me despite our relationship over that long period. To cut a long story short although I have only had one property in the last ten years(which I was forced to sell and now live in rented) they sold me many NEW mortgage products. Prior to that I was in rented for 18 months and previous to that a home owner for 8 years. I need to find out which mortgage the PPI was attached to so HOW FAR BACK CAN I REQUEST INFORMATION? I wrote to the bank to ask them to to explain why they had sold me these variuos new products including one mortgage to which PPI was attached. I have had no response only from an employee known to me (when I walked in the bank to close all my accounts) explaining they cant provide the info on any account which is closed:-o HERE IS THE HISTORY BEHIND IT.......... I tried to claim the PPI some years ago(but so long ago I cant recall when) and they refused to pay out as I was self employed so I cancelled it the next day. Obviously not knowing my consumer rights before finding CAG they got away with it. I had other priorities when I first joined CAG like stabilising my position but now I now have my creditors in a position I can cope with. So its now time to kick back starting with RBS, any help much appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hello I wrote to RBS they state that any PPI payments I made were over six years old and therefore I cannot reclaim. I know the name of the sales man who sold the policy to me though I cannot remember the exact date, It was sold to me with my mortgage and then when I remortgaged and moved home they changed my mortgage again. Obviously the salesman took me for a ride not just on the PPI. Is this six year rule correct anyone? Thanks
  10. In 2007 I cancelled all PPI from any credit I held as it was only then that I realised they were in fact optional and more importantly, due to my generous employment package in a job I still hold today 20 years later, they would not have paid out anyway. I have tried to claim back the PPI attached to my RBS credit card taken I had 2002 to 2005. Yesterday I received the rejection letter stating largely that it was sold on a Non Advised Basis. I took it out via a postal application sent to me. The PPI box had to be ticked - the wording by the box said strongly recommended that payment protection insurance (PPI) is taken out. I have been reading FOS online PPI resource "our approach to payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-sale complaints" and it states, when talking about internet or postal applications:- Although these are usually non-advised sales, as the application stated “we strongly recommend you take out this PPI”. We were satisfied from the consumer’s account of the sale that he had placed some weight on this – and so we concluded that the sale was advised. Knowing how little I knew about the "why's and wherefores" back then and as it was during the application stage this would have made me think that my application was dependant on this. Any ideas what I do next? Thanks in anticipation.
  11. HI Apparently i have 2 outstanding pay day loans , I think with money in advance and access fast money. After i left step change and started dealing with the debts on my own one of these debts went to OPOS who i wouldn't communicate with as they were really nasty. Now its gone to Sll Capital and they say so has another. They're not for a lot but still more than i originally borrowed plus one month interest. I know i am being cash cowed as i paid monthly to Step Change for a while. About £65 pound each. The amounts i borrowed are around £150. they have been emailing calling and writing and i got fed up and sent all to spam. Now ive just had a letter of default last week and today they have sent me a text saying they have issued a notice of assignment. What do i do now, can a DCA register a default? Please help, there is also another thread ive put in about My Jar that i need help with Thanks
  12. Hi i have started a claim against Thomson for a delayed f light in 2011. However to continue my claim they are continually asking for a booking reference number, which i dont have . I have even rang them to say i have nt got this reference number, one lady saying that i am unable to make a claim then . ?????? surely not right. Rox
  13. Happy New Year to you all, and thank you for the invaluable help that you have given both of us and everyone else on this site... You really are lifesavers, give yourselves a big giant pat on the back :D
  14. Evening all I just wanted to pop on to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. I have found this site and the people I communicate with a very useful tool since I joined and I hope as well as getting valuable advice I have also helped a few people as well with my knowledge. As hard as we may find things, as infuriating as we find the government and welfare system, as annoyed as we have got with things going against us and feeling like it is all getting too much now is the time to sit back and enjoy tomorrow and the days after leading up to 2015. I won't pretend 2015 will be better than 2014 but let us all try and have a few days with family and friends and to enjoy it. Everyone deserves a good Xmas and I know I am thankful for the break but also understand some are not so fortunate. On that note, once again, thank you all for your help this year and I wish you and your families well over this Xmas period. All the best.
  15. Hi all hope you all had a great Xmas including the EA's even they deserved one. To all Caggers have a great break and please enjoy the new years parties too MM
  16. I have a mortgage with GE Capital and have had this for 8 months now. Last month my husband went from being paid weekly to monthly which falls on the last friday of the month. My pay day is the 28th of the month. I contacted GE to advise them of the change and asked them if we could move the day our mortgage is due from the 20th of the month to the 28th of the month. They wrote back and advised us that yes we can move it but it will cost us £188.00 in interest to do so. I couldn't believe they could charge us so much. They tell us it is due to the loss of interest. Our previous mortgage company charged us £25 for administration charges, which at the time we thought was scandalous, but this it takes the biscuit. We habe no choice other than to pay this, otherwise we will incurr charges for not having the money available on the 20th of the month.
  17. I am receiving help with my mortgage and originally filled in the M112 form - about 2 years ago. Today I got a letter telling me another office has taken over the work from my previous office and they have NO M112 form - so have sent another one to fill in. Is this normal, and will they stop payment until they get this form back. I should point out nothing has changed from my perspective. Are they trying to catch people out. Sorry for the panic but anything different throws me.
  18. For full report - http://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2014/08/14/repossessions-at-lowest-since-2006/
  19. Hello Over the last few weeks I have ordered (online) various pre-packed mince beef. Each product is labelled as typically containing % fat on their website BUT When it's delivered each one has a higher fat content that stated on their website. The retailer cites 'typical' which I think is not right as I've yet to receive a typical pack! The consumer has to trust the descriptions to make their choice!
  20. Hi guys, I'm new to the forum, and wonder if anyone could confirm something for me? I made a claim for sickness benefit, (or what ever its called now) but had it turned down because I own a property that is worth more than £16,000 but do not live in it. So I am not entitled to any help, other than having my stamp credited. The house I own is rented out and is my only source of income as I'm now unable to work. Its the only property I own apart form my old touring caravan, which I spend a fair bit of time living in, as well as various bolt holes with friends and family. What I have been told to do is sell the house and live off the money until its below £16,000 Or move the tenants out and live in it myself, without any income, before attempting to make another claim. Can anybody confirm that is the rules we have to play by? Cheers, Keith.
  21. I know its a bit late i joined a while back. My names is Jules, and i have just received a claim form from Bryan Carter solicitors on behalf of lowell. I hope to do as much work as possible in this on my own but i would appreciate all your guidance when i get stuck. I am new to this so any help and encouragement would be most appreciated. However in being a member of the forum i may be to help as i am a Gas Safe Registered heating engineer. Whilst i cannot give advice on how to remedy problems gas related i can advise on certain aspects of legislation involving domestic Gas. thanks Julian
  22. Hi I have been a member of Consumer Actio Group for gosh many years now. Over the years I have backed many campaigns. I have also sought advice from many other caggers. There have been many times that I have been down at the bottom when I have had banks chasing me for money. DCA's on my back, my mortgage company not listening and oh god much much more. The amount of support and advice I have had has been without conditions and much needed. I have also picked up so much knowledge along the way to. Just this week I have used some of the templates to get a D.C.A off my back and the case referred back to my car insurance company. Following a letterto the CEO of the way they behaved I got a refund of £272 plus an apology and £50. I am seriously ill and have battled with a heart condition, diabetes, diabetic retinopathy when I lost my sight and borderline ovarian cancer. The biggest challenge I had was taking the DWP on as I was refused DLA. I had 2 tribunals and was humiliated by the Dr on both occasions. So many of the other caggers gave me advise to keep fighting and many just offered good luck. I did get DLA eventually and my MP helped me make a complaint to the DWP about there actions. It is now being summed up by the Parliamentry Ombudsman as mismanagement of my claim. They are to rule in the next few weeks. I am in the processes of sorting the Lloyds out over charges and because I have an idea how to go about it I am up there sorting it out for him. I have again gone to the CEO to get his take on his awful bank. I couldn't have done any of that without the knowledge you gave me. Thanks also to Sticky who has helped me many times with advice especially in the early days of claiming bank charges back. Also to Bank Fodder who again has offered advice in the early days. If I am ever fit enough to return to work I would like to train as an advocate or something on those lines. Sorry in advance if this seems very cheesy but after the week I have had the news I got a refund from 1st Central Insurance has made me think. Thanks everyone.
  23. hmrc recently wrote to me to say that I can't appeal a tax credit decision because I said in my letter that I wanted to appeal against the overpayment outstanding on my Tax Credit award. I had written to them because they erroneously overpaid me and are now asking for it back. They paid me despite my telling them to stop and as I understand it they are not allowed to ask for overpayments back when they have made a mistake like this. It was not clear that they were paying me because I received child tax credit, working tax credit and childcare element and it was only the childcare that should not have been paid but all the payments got mixed up together. So I am fairly sure that I am in the right, BUT they have now said that I can only dispute the overpayment, not appeal. I don't understand the difference to be honest. Is this right? Or should I get back to them and query the appeal refusal? All help gratefully received.
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