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  1. Hi all, We moved out of our house in Jan and have received our full deposit back. Our ex-landlord is now asking for £60 due to damages. Has she got the right to ask for this? She said she should have taken it out of the deposit...is it not just tough that she didn't?! Thanks in advance!
  2. Woke up this morning to an enforcement notice from Equita in respect of a June 2015 PCN at a council car park. We should have appealed the original PCN but it fell down the cracks (my car but husband was driving it at the time, both busy etc etc) So what to do now? The notice which is just on Equite headed paper says that the Enforcemen Agent is "authorised by the court" to remove goods/vehicles... My questions (and grateful for any other advice which can be offered): - What authority do these guys have? In what way are they authorised by the Court? Which Court? I have not seen anything from any Court. - I did receive an Charge Certificate from the Council. Can they try to take this? - I want to make an out of time appeal against the original PCN but I think I have to have received a TE3 for this and I am not sure at all that I have (we tend at least not to ignore court notices in this house). Is there any way I can find out? From the "authorised by the Court" wording it sounds as if I should have done. Should I telephone the enforcement agent and ask? - I am proposing to pay the fine and reclaim it (if we submit an out of time appeal - since I'm being put to all this trouble now I may as well take a little extra time now to reciprocate). I think this should cancel the enforcement action? Any major "DO NOT DO THIS" advice on this front? Thanks
  3. Hi, I have a TV from brighthouse (a baird 48") The quality of sound is very poor, there is quite obviously a fault as as soon as you turn it up (Just a little bit) the back of the unit vibrates. The sound is like its playing through a tin can. ive phoned them today and they are coming to collect it, they have offered to repair etc but ive said no and i will sign the cancellation waiver form. Now, I took the contract out 20 days ago so im outside the '14 day cooling off' period to receive a refund. I have quoted the consumer rights act which states that the buyer is entitled to a refund within 6 months. The manager was not very clued up so has said they would phone me back tomorrow after she had done a bit of 'research' So when they phone i just need to know for sure that if the item is faulty i am entitled to a full refund within 6 months regardless of the '14 day period' Many Thanks
  4. After being off work for 7 weeks due to an Event, doctors unclear as to what caused this but still doing test's, I was hoping to do less hours until i get back to full fitness. I have worked here for 10 years without any previous time off due to illness, part time doing 25 hours over five days, would it be unreasonable to ask for one day off until I feel well enough to go back to previous part time hours. I have spoken to my manager, but been suggested that I seek disability allowance if I cant resume normal working, but how can you claim this if I don't have a disability or been diagnosed with one. What would be the best way to approach this as I really want to get back to work, but feel that one day less would help me get back to normal. Any help appreciated thanks.
  5. Hi I'm hoping for some advice on returning a brand new car that I have purchased. I'm not sure where I stand legally. I purchased a Kia Sportage just over a week ago . It was paid for from a loan that I got from my bank. Within a day or so of driving the vehicle I started to feel dizzy and quite nauseous. This would develop into headaches . I went to my doctor who went through a series of questions to try and pinpoint what might be causing the dizziness. Finally, he asked me if I'd bought a new car in the past few weeks. He then proceeded to inform me about the level of VOCs in the interior of a new car that when excessive can lead to the symptoms I'd been experiencing. After researching the subject on the internet it turns out that KIA are one of the worst manufacturers for this issue. I phoned the dealership and was told somebody would get back to me. Nobody did. I phoned again and explained I wanted to return the car as I was unable to drive it. I was told the manager would return my call. He did not. This went on for two or three days. Eventually I was put through to the dealership's resolution centre who told me they would deal with the problem. They didn't. I had to phone them today after they failed to phone me back and was told it would be the Area Manager who would decide on the issue and that he would phone me. He didn't. I had to phone him. Quite bluntly and rudely he told me it wasn't their problem, they had done nothing wrong. He had never heard of the VOC problem. I'm really annoyed that I have spent four or five days trying to resolve the issue with the dealership to be treated in this manner. I think it's time I started to put things in writing. Any advice would be much appreciated. It's that noxious that I am just unable to drive the car. My has experienced a similar reaction but not as severe. Thanks
  6. A friend was recently caught by this [problem] offering 'free trial', not realising that she was actually signing up for a monthly supply on a continuous payment arrangement. Money for postage was debited from her card but alarm bells began to ring and she cancelled card and removed all funds from her account so that no further money could be taken. She did cancel as per their instructions after realising the difficulties people had when trying to get money refunded. So the goods arrived and payment cannot be taken so there can be no refund problem. However there is no trading address on the website (which I believe is not legal) so there was no way of knowing where the goods had been sent from. On cancelling she was instructed to return the goods to an address in the Netherlands by signed for delivery. This will be expensive, so having been completely and deliberately misled by this company she intends to bin them. I don't think this company can have any legal redress on this as they are certainly not adhering to UK distance selling regulations. I would appreciate any advice on the legal implications of this. It is impossible to speak to them - only a message can be left and they ignore.
  7. If I pay in a p&d car park for all day parking can I leave the car park, say to go out for a meal, and return within the time paid for? A stroppy official told me I can't and tried to make me pay again but didn't ticket me. Can I now expect something through the post?
  8. I have recently been off work with depression for 3 months, I work shifts with 5 other people used to be 12 but they cut us to such an extent and then added more work that it made me ill. I am also a full time carer. they are now offering me a return to work with different hours I have mentioned that I would feel better just working nights and weekends where my sisters could help more with the care of my disabled mother thus giving me more breathing space. However one of my colleagues has complained that they should have a say in what shifts/hours are being offered to me if i return full time which i hoped to do. He thinks that my manager should not be offering me anything without discussing with the rest of my colleagues what they are prepared to work. If that is the case then I cannot see me going back at all I thought the policies were there to help not for my illness to be discussed by the group
  9. I hope someone can help About 6 months a go I ordered some building materials. I have only just got round to using them and it turns out that they have sent some items and I have paid for these items and I never ordered them. Can I insist they take them back and refund them even though some 6 months has passed please, or am I going to have to just take it on the chin? I should have checked everything before now really and its not for a vast amount but just wondered where I stood legally Thank you Thank you
  10. Had 285.89 outstanding on this year's council tax which I paid online to council this morning. Got home to find hand posted bailiff letter demanding 661 + 75 + 235 stating they will call again at 6am Saturday I have emailed council requesting they call off bailiff ASAP as paid. But considering bailiffs figures are out of date guessing communications are poor and they may call back What can I do? Do I owe bailiff 310....which is greater than what I owed the council!? Help much appreciated as very concerned
  11. Hi i wonder if anyone can give me info on my problem. Me and my friend was renting a flat and gave 1 months notice to leaving. this flat was recently purchased by the landlady in question. Now we were renting this flat through a company called PMC which went bust and passed our flat to McAfee just before our ex landlady purchased the flat. Now at the time of the flat being moved from PMC to McAfee and the buying of the flat by our ex landlady no one inquired about the deposit. i.e when our ex landlady bought the flat she never bothered (even thought she was warned by McAfee) getting the deposit from the bankrupt company. Anyway now our ex landlady has the neck to refuse us our deposit because she doesn't have it (or didn't bother to get it on purchasing) Now might i add that she is saying that the place was left untidy and the carpets were bad which i can assure is not true as we cleaned the place from top to bottom...and also might i add the landlady has never been in the flat (even though we had arranged for her to come inspect the flat on purchasing but she never bothered) to even know what the carpets have been like and i assure you them carpets have been in there since BC! At the end of the day she cannot with hold this deposit on that ground as she never was in the flat in the first place. might i also add that our deposit was not entered into the new deposit protection scheme as we started renting before this came into the matter. any advice is welcomed and thank you in advance
  12. Good evening to all.. I was a student in a England University, where I graduated in 6/2003. After graduation, went to my home country in E.U. and never returned to UK.. While in England, I had some credit card outstanding balances (approx. 1,000 each, if I remember) and the 'student bank account overdraft', (about 1,500) -prices in GBP.. At that time I was broke, really.. My uni mates told me, that since those where small amounts, there was no need to worry.. But, what if the c/c and the bank, have pursued the cases, and have gone as far as to a civil court? If there was a hearing, and with my absence a outcome produced, wouldnt there be a 'arrest warrant' for non-paying the debt, or not showing up in the court? Those are assumptions, but I want to make sure of what might happen. I want to travel to London next week, for visiting friends.. Is there the risk, of being arrested in the London airport, under a 'arrest warrant' for debts and non-showing up to the court? I dont know if there was action against me from the bank or the c/c issuers, but I presume there might have been something .. I have a new passport now -the old one has expired long time ago- but I dont know, do they use the d.o.b. and names in the airport check-in, to identify possible persons with debts? It is 11 years since I have left England, I like the country very much, but I am concerned now to visit again.. Any help greatly appreciated..
  13. Hi, I left the UK in 2007 to live abroad. Whilst away our house was repossessed (Tenants not paying rent - I couldn't afford mortgage) and a CCJ was issued. Two further CCJs were issued, one for non-payment of a credit card and the third from "MAYORS & CITY," which I do not know what it is for. I only know about the CCJs from viewing my credit report - I do not have any paperwork or court documents. After 6 1/2 years I am now planning to return to the UK. The CCJs are dated between Mid '09 to Mid '10. There are credit agreements in default on my file dated between 2008 and 2009. I understand that the default accounts will "Drop off," the report as they hit 6 yrs and the CCJs will be un-enforceable and leave the report once they hit 6 years old. I haven't had any contact with the creditors or the courts whilst I have been abroad. I am not on the UK electoral role. I plan to rent a property, can I put this under a parent's name as "Furnished," so on paper I do not own any of the property contents? I will not pass a credit check in the UK so can not rent a property in my name anyway. I will also drive a car owned by a parent. I do not plan to attempt any credit applications. Is there anything else that I need to consider to ensure that I remain "Under the radar," on my return to the UK for the next couple of years until the debts are all barred by statute?
  14. I ordered a car cleaning product from Amazon at £13 and I received the wrong item what wasn't the same and was cheaper. After getting in touch with Amazon the company who sent the item told me to send a photo of the product I received to them and after sending them the photo they sent me out the right product what I ordered. Now Amazon has sent me a returns label. My question is what would happen if I don't send the wrong item back to them what they sent me ? They did send me a returns label but after all it was there fault for sending the right item the first time so I want to know where I stand with this ? Thank you
  15. Hi All, After several years of unemployment due to various reasons including ill-health, I know find myself returning to paid employment starting next monday (7th April 2014). I have been in receipt of ESA for over three years and have heard that I could be entitled to this for up to 4 weeks until I get my first paycheck but can find no official mention of this online. Can anyone shed light on this for me before I phone up the jobcentre and let them know. Also, does the same apply to housing benefit? Many thanks, Charlie. :???:
  16. Hi everyone. I have read through the info on this great site and cca`d Lowell's after receiving letters threatening court action from Bryan Carter. No response was received from Lowell's when i sent my request with postal order after BC returned my request twice telling me to contact Lowell's directly, even though they were the ones threatening court action. today i received a letter from Lowell's saying they have received second letter and are looking into my complaint and my account is on hold. They haven't even acknowledged the first letter or returned my postal order. What do i do? The 'account' entered default on 31st December when i had no reply and fired off second letter. Any advice appreciated. The amount is due to drop of credit file this year at some point. Thank you. Res
  17. Hi I really could use some help with my situation. Im employed by a large UK organisation as a Project Manager. I have a contract which says location - home based, and travel to national offices as required. I have worked there almost 6 years. Im currently on maternity leave and due to return to work in May. The main office I have to travel to is London and I live in the Midlands, they pay my expenses but a normal working office day is leaving home at 4.30am and getting home at 8.30pm - sometimes I stay overnight in which case I leave the hotel at the second day at 7am so both days Im in the office at 7.30am and leave about 4-5pm depending on meetings. I was placed under a new manager in Nov 12 and was pregnant at the time, I unfortunately had a very late loss of my baby in Jan 13, spent a month off sick, returned to work but was pregnant again within a few weeks. I only worked 1/2 days per week in the office during the majority of my time with the organisation until Dec 13 when I went on maternity leave. I met with my manager today as we agreed we would discuss my return to work. He says his vision of me coming back is 2/3 days per week in the office, happy to pay my expenses and I can choose whether I commute daily (16 hr day) or stay over - I have a 3 month old,9 yr old and 15 yr old at home. The meeting has really upset me as I wasnt expecting what he said. My query is whether they can insist I do this, or whether this is a change to my contract as I've not had to do it before? I said I thought the days required were excessive and were they accounting somewhere for the commuting time, as my contract is home based so I earn and clock up working hours as soon as i leave the house, but he said that they had previously been accomodating bcause of my two pregnancies and now that wouldnt happen because the business requirement is for me to be in the office much more. In addition, when I first became pregnant and they allocated staff, I recieved an email telling me the other person in my role (theres two of us managing a team) would be managing all of the staff "because you are pregnant" - I argued this in writing and said I felt discriminated against so they changed it and I got 50% of the staff allocation - I lost my baby shortly after, and then last November a staff member under my management was off sick with depression and my manager decided to do her interview at home rather than me, and wrote in the confirmation letter "normally Emma would do this interview but as she is pregnant I will be visiting you" The reason was actually because she was in the London office, I was only in the office 1 day per week and she decided unilaterally that she would go, and didnt give me a choice. I guess what I am asking is have I got grounds to ask for just 1/2 days per week in the office? And have they been behaving a bit badly with the constant references to my pregnancies? I think I can apply for flexible working, but I think I already have this by virtue of my contract. And if they refuse then can I be in the position of looking for constructive dismissal? Many thanks for any help - I feel very down about this.
  18. Hi Brought a coffee table and asked for it to be delivered. Ad was on ebay. Table was heavy so was delivered by a private courier. Seller said to ask for quote for delivery as the listing was for collection only. Anyway purchased the coffee table and received it however opened it about a week and half later and found out there was damage to it. Can i return and expect a full refund? Would I have to pay for return postage?
  19. on 19/12 i bought a car from a trader operating from his house, it had a full 12 month MOT with no advisories, and looked in generally tidy condition. On driving the car back from Blackburn, i noticed that the front nearside had a slight rattle and on looking at prior MOT's the N/s anti roll bar was an advisory, I emailed a local garage on 21/12 and booked it in for 23/12 On the 23/12 the car went in to be checked and soon after I got a call stating that the car had a whole host of issues and there was no way it should have passed an MOT on 16/12. I called the trader, (who incidentally lists cars as both a trader and private seller on autotrader) who contacted the garage at my end and spoke to them. The trader then said he wanted to have the original MOT station look the car over, to ensure the issues weren't made up. I also contacted the original test station to enquire as to whether they knew the MOT was shoddy. The test station and trader requested I take the car to them, which I did on 24/12 after calling the test station in the morning I drove to Blackburn (from Blackpool) and was expecting the tester to be there, somewhat unsurprisingly he didn't show up for work... I contacted the seller to tell him that I had bought the car back and the MOT tester hadn't shown, and he told me he was not prepared to come look at the car, and would not offer a refund. I have reported the MOT to VOSA as I was advised to by my garage (they refused to carry out any work on the car) I have reported the seller to Police as I have been advised the car is not roadworthy. I have contacted Citizens advice who will refer to Trading standards. I have sent a letter special delivery, stating I am rejecting the car on the back of the issues my garage found, a nd intend to send another once VOSA have confirmed the MOT should not have passed. I'm just wondering if there are any other steps I need to take. Thanks
  20. After 6 months of been on the WP I found a job (no thanks to them) That was about a 16 months ago and in February it will be 2 years since been referred to the WP. Anyway since then I have moved house earlier this year and never bothered to tell A4E. In fact I never told them I got a job and signed off. Got a fair few aggressive letters for missing appointments and phone calls for a few months until they got the message - then they demanded to get details of my employment! The last voice mail on my mobile a few months ago was asking if I was still employed and that they can provide extra support if I need it. My job is secure but I was just thinking hypothetically if I were to become unemployed tomorrow would I be sent back to these clowns and sent on the post WP thing after my two years despite being employed for the vast majority. At what point would it be a reset? I guess soon I am coming to the point where I can claim contribution based JSA rather than income based which I was on before.
  21. Hi I'm not sure if I've posted in the correct place so please feel free to move. In 2008 we had a damp proofing done to our home but the last 12-18 months its gradually coming back. The plaster has fallen off in the bay window and of the walls are wet/soaking. The thing is we live on a street of 12 houses and almost all of them are having the same problem. Our neighbours have there home done twice and its back and the homes 2 doors either side of us both have returning dame. One home has had the course done 3 times and its still back. We now feel there is a more underlying problem. One neighbour has had the council out to inspect and he seems to think that maybe when a old school opposite us was demolished over 20 years maybe the pipes weren't capped correctly and over the years it has seeped into the homes. So what do we do now? There is no point in me decorating as the paint just peels off and there is no point having the course repeated as it will just come back. Who is actually responsible for the repair work? Many Thanks
  22. Hey All, So, as per the title, myself and my wife have unsecured debts (Loans, Overdrafts & CC's) in the UK, but we live in NZ and have done for 3 years. Our house in the UK never sold and so is currently rented out and just about covers itself. It runs at a loss of circa £25 per month. We have never missed a mortgage repayment. For the first 18mths or so after coming to NZ we successfully kept up with UK debt repayments, but then I lost my job and we weren't able to maintain those payments anymore - any of them. I spent quite some time repeatedly writing to the various companies advising them that we were in NZ (up and until that point we had our UK mail redirected out here), requesting freezes of interest and repayment holidays for up to 6 months, initially. Some of them complied without fuss and others either ignored my letters or point-blank refused to help. 6mths came and went and with me still out of work (and I remain so still) I was unable to offer any of of them any form of offer of repayment and with little in the way of help/support from those companies, I simply started sticking my head in the sand, "confident" (to an extent) that being in NZ meant we were somewhat untouchable. The debts have since been sold on to a range of DCA's and apart from perhaps two-or-three letters per month (and one recent phone call to my wife's place of work from an American company on behalf of one of the companies we both owe money to) we don't really hear very much from them. The letters range from offering us discounted settlements, to threatening to pass the debt on to a local firm to pursue us for it. I should though point out that some of the companies that my wife owes money to, continued to refuse to acknowledge we (she) are not in the UK and with them no longer writing to us I'm a little concerned that they're still working with our UK house address. An employment opportunity has now been presented to me/us, that would, if we go with it, involve us moving back to the UK. It's a great opportunity, given that it would get us back to both having a salary (we've been surviving on just my wife's salary alone for the past 18 mths or so and it's been far from easy, particularly with three kids under 7yrs.)... We're very concerned though that if we do this, what would happen once the companies that are chasing us, become aware that we're back in the UK? E.g. we don't want to move back to the UK to accept this job(s) and everything else that such a move would entail, only to then find that the companies we owe money force us in to bankruptcy and we lose the house etc. I figure my options (rightly or wrongly) are: Forgo this opportunity, stay in NZ and continue to ignore everything that comes through from the DCA's, whilst continuing to seek out employment here etc. Move back to the UK, but leave these companies with our NZ PO Box address that they're already writing to. But run the risk of being discovered and incur their wrath as a result. Move back to the UK, attempt to come to an arrangement with each of these companies over a nominal monthly repayment until such time as we can offer something more substantial. Either way, as exciting as this opportunity is, I can't help thinking that moving back to the UK would open the flood-gates to a whole heap of trouble! I can't really see the woods for the trees right now, does anyone fancy trying to shed some light on the pitfalls of us returning to the UK? PS. combined, our mutual debts (prior to whatever charges and interest have been added on since we were no longer able to service them) came to around £45k, split roughly equal between us.
  23. Hello All, What will happen if my landlord and I am not able reach any agreement about the deposit amount to be returned. LL is having his own terms and conditions in order for us to even proceed towards sitting down to agreeing the costs. What will happen in this case? I am not ready to fulfill his terms. So if the LL and T are not able to sit down and decide upon a figure, Will it taken as the entire deposit amount in dispute? My deposit is with DPS. Thanks for your replies. -Armit
  24. Hello All, I wonder if you smart people can give me a bit of advice. My mother in law recently purchased an LG TV from Ebuyer. It arrived fine and worked for a few days. However within less than 10 days of arrival the item fizzed and smoked, which is obviously an electric fault/issue, it failed and had no picture. She turned it off and unplugged it because it was a fire risk. She called Ebuyer the next day to explain her issue and was told to contact LG for a reference number and then to contact them back to get an RMA number to return the item, and they would arrange to collect the item from her through their couriers. She told Ebuyer that she did not have the original box, obviously she didn't anticipate this issue ( she's old ) and therefore she didn't have original box. She was told that as long as she 'sufficiently' packaged the tv for returned that they would arrange a new one, fix it or refund it. Both she and my husband 'sufficiently' packaged the item with newspapers, bin bags, cardboard to protect it, and then placed all that in a tight fitting box and ensured that all angles were covered. The couriers came to collect the item and promptly throw it into the back of the van and started to throw other things on top. Then a couple of days later she gets an email to say that the item was damaged during transit and therefore invalidates the warranty and that they will not be looking into any other issues and sending her back the tv. As you can imagine, she paid £300 for a telly, which had an electrical fault, but Ebuyer are using the excuse that even though their own contacted couriers damaged the item, that she is responsible and therefore will not be covered by any warranty. Surely this cannot be right? 'Sufficient' packaging is subjective for a start. My mother in law did not send the item back through her own means but their the contract courier of Ebuyer. No where in the terms and conditions, returns policy nor on any emails does it state that any items not returns as per their 'returns guide' will invalidate the warranty. Surely any cosmetic damages made by their courier cannot be the responsibility of my mother in law? And lastly, the so called 'cosmetic' damage by the courier does not negate the fact that the item was faulty in the first place. My mother in law has made a claim through paypal whom she paid through. We want to fight this all the way. Surely the law assumes that the item must be of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose and of course it could not have been at the time of purchase when an electrical fault happened within days of purchase.Also the item was of course a safety hazard as it started to smoke. That is not normal for any television. this is their returns policy: http://www.ebuyer.com/help/returns it has their guidelines and returns policy. I see nothing about invalidation of warranty or that the buyer is responsible for the safe return of faulty goods. And surely guidelines are just that... guidelines. No where does it say you MUST return items in a specific way.It's all full of should's, we recommend etc....surely they cannot contact someone to something that is not in their terms and conditions? Any help or information you can give us we would be grateful.
  25. Soo.... I've been asking a friend of mine to join the gym with me but says he can't due to cancelling the DD of a previous 12 month contract after 3 months due to injury but I don't think he informed the gym of this reason. This happened about 2 years ago and he received letters saying he owed around £300 of remaining fees. However he has not heard from them in the last 5 months. Would the charges come back if he joined another gym although the DD would be through Harlands or does the lack of post mean that it has been forgotten about? I have a feeling the answer will probably be the same as the other posts on here: to write to Harlands and agree to pay the remaining membership fees... Then again does the fact he's not heard from them since change anything? I guess he could try and use the injury as a way out but with there being no real evidence it doesn't seem likely... Thanks!
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