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  1. Matter is finally resolved. Thankfully council agreed that case should never have gone to court or sent to enforcement agency. All enforcement fees now void and case returned to council. Also court fees from liability order being refunded to me. Best possible outcome, very relieved. ....
  2. Ok so current situation is this. .... keep getting letters ......removal warning, mainly via post not by hand......although they have never entered property My local MP has contacted councils financial director, but we had no replies. Therefore, MP has said he will support me in submitting a complaint. How are charges for court fees and bailiffs fair when at the end of all this we overpaid council and they are sending us a refund! Should I speak to bailiff to let them know what's happening with council?
  3. Due to council error I am now due a refund from the council, which makes me more annoyed that they sent this case to enforcement agency. I have had a letter, notice of intention to take control of goods, delivered today requesting their fees. I have never been here to answer door, I lease my car for business and husbands is a commercial vehicle for work. I am disputing the council's actions, but I still need to know what else I can do in the meantime. very concerned still
  4. Ok, sorry if I misunderstood you.....I'm not even sure I what being a troll or sock puppet or many of the things mentioned in the thread involves or is .... Thank you for you time in this matter
  5. Sorry I don't understand I'm not trying to be a troll, argue or avoid fees. Just trying to understand. I had issues many years ago with council tax, I should have learnt my lesson I know! when I got the enforcement notice I was unaware of the changes and dismissed it wrongly thinking the amounts were wrong and invalid, I should have got advice sooner. However, due to personal circumstances I was unable to pay everything. I was not trying to avoid fees or debt at all. I was expecting council to say I still owed xxx due to fees, however, they said debt cleared. HENCE I really wanted to understand what happens now and legally what's what. Answers that I have been unable to resolve.
  6. The council have emailed confirming that the years liability is cleared and they have told the enforcement agency. They state the agency "may" still call to collect fees. Can someone please advice what powers the enforcement agency have to collect fees with no debt? As I can't find the information. Thank you
  7. Ok..contacted council via email Friday but had no reply yet. I have also contacted my MP who has agreed to make representations on my behalf. Whilst I appreciate that while any claims are unresolved regarding benefits i should pay, however, it took 3 months to resolve. I was totally unable to pay full rent/ council tax during that whole period. Therefore, rightly or wrongly I paid as much rent as humanly possible as they were threatening repossession. I could not pay all the council tax as well. I have made these issues my priority and have no other debts anyway. I certainly agree it must be good practice to restrict enforcement action where appropriate on an individual basis. Considering the thread has had over 700 views I can only imagine others face the same issues. Can someone please advice when this could esculate from Stage 2 to stage 3 and what could happen in the meantime? thanks in advance
  8. The changes in amounts were not due to payments directly to council but change of circumstances which was due to fulol benefit being granted. The only amount paid directly to council was the full amount once the council had dealt with claim which took them 2/3 months as they kept asking for more info which I sent resulting in a letter each time saying claims were taking a month to look at. During this time we were financially unable to pay full amount, hence granted full benefit eventually. However, whilst they processed it they sent to court and bailiff which even if fees are legitimate I feel is very wrong. Hey Ho guess I just need to deal with this mess that's remaining.
  9. No I didn't reply to letter, I wrongly thought it was best not to communicate with bailiffs Yes £661 was original liability So I have to pay bailiffs £310 for 1 letter and a knock on the door? Can they gain entry to enforce that? All advice greatly appreciated and thank you for replies so far. I'm still in shock how charges can be more than the debt owed, how on earth did this legislation get approval!?
  10. I did previously get a letter in the post notice of enforcement dated 17/09/2014 Due to change of circumstances we notified council who suspended any benefits for over 2 months whilst they reviewed it. During that time we were expected to pay full rent which we simply couldn't. Due to the time scales arrears rose and they threatened repossession so we had to start paying full rent. We have just been awarded full housing benefit. Trying to pay everything has been a struggle and I paid the council tax as soon as possible but really can't raise another £310!
  11. Had 285.89 outstanding on this year's council tax which I paid online to council this morning. Got home to find hand posted bailiff letter demanding 661 + 75 + 235 stating they will call again at 6am Saturday I have emailed council requesting they call off bailiff ASAP as paid. But considering bailiffs figures are out of date guessing communications are poor and they may call back What can I do? Do I owe bailiff 310....which is greater than what I owed the council!? Help much appreciated as very concerned
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