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  1. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with this I am coming to the end of my tenancy and will not be renewing with my current letting agent. They have told me they will start arranging viewings within the next month, and that they will give me 48 hour notice prior to each viewing. I work 9-5PM and would much rather be in the property while someone is viewing it however they have told me no, and that they will enter whatever time is best for the potential new tenants. Is there anything I can do about this? There is a clause in my tenancy agreement that says I allow the landlord or letting agents or anyone with written permission from the landlord to enter the property at "reasonable" times of the day providing they have given 48 hours notice. Do I have a leg to stand on here? I would much rather they arranged the viewings while I am at the property? Many thanks for any advice!
  2. In our contacts, it says we must give access to our properties when required. The Housing Act 1988 states "In accordance with the Housing Act 1988, your landlord or letting agent must notify you in writing at least 24 hours before they wish to enter your home". They're not giving notice and are sending people without notice and then sending tenants letters when the tenants turn them away due to it being a bad time. I'm guessing the law overrules the landlord?
  3. Afternoon all, My mum passed away 2 years ago in May 2016, she left a Will and 3 executors in charge of it. Not sure why she didn't have a lot bless her. They started sending bills soon after my mum died despite me telling them the house was empty and we were waiting for probate. Probate was finally granted in October 2017. My brother and I have no intention of selling it. I received a bill of £668 and paid £334 beginning of Jan, I then received a letter to my home which is not in the same city, saying the remaining amount was due by 31 March. I wrote it down and blatantly forgot. My fault. As soon as I remembered I paid it but 2 weeks too late! I set up a DD for 2018/19. In the meantime I get a text from on of they executors saying they have issued a court summons. They have my details on file yet wrote to someone else. The balance of £668 is clear but they want the court summons fee. I'm happy (not happy as such as it's a lot on top of my own bills) to pay the council tax and have done so but why should I pay for a court summons that you sent to an address because as they said "someone in admin must have taken the executive decision to". I don't understand? When the payment was late why not just write and say we are still waiting for the second payment as agreed? instead they went straight to summons and then sent it to a random person who they don't have on file? Can I challenge the court fees?
  4. Hi all, I been ignoring few letters (stupidly I searched on googles about ignoring private car park parking charge and believed it ) for a parking charge issued on 03/05/17 at location West Gate Plaza West Bromwich, Moor Street, B70 7AD by Parking and Property Management LTD and recently I received Letter before Claim from Gladstones stating I own a debt of £160. First corresponding letter was from Parking and Property Management LTD dated on 07/06/17 and it was already a 'reminder notice letter', however i was not aware and the person who was driving the car at that time are not aware he was charged before this letter was received. The 'so call edvidences images' first picture was taken at 09:02pm and second picture was at 10:14pm, it also stated the they issued the ticket at 10:11pm. However the second picture show the car was turned on with lights on and the driver told me he had a kid in the car at that time and there were some accident, thats why he exceeded the 1 hour maxium time period. The signage for the car park is next to the shop signage above the car and one more signage is nextdoor shop also next to the shop signage on the right hand side. And it was at night time, it wasn't clear enough to read. 2nd letter was from Gladstones as Final reminder letter dated on 17/07/17, asking for £160, stating if I dont pay they are instructed to issue legal proceeding against me in the county court. And the lastest 3rd letter from Gladstones as Letter before Claim with a deadline of 14 days to respond of pay and the letter was dated on 31/07/17, but I was on holiday so I missed their dealine anyway. Stating they act on behalf the claimant and have now been instructed to commence legal action against me to recover the debts i own. But should I response to them now or no? As I feel it might end up bad if I keep ignoring them and I got confused with all those technical wording. I have not contact any of them or reply them so far. Kindly request helps! Thank you. P.S i can't seem to upload any images?
  5. Hi I'm posting here in the hope that someone can help me figure out what the heck I can do to solve my problem! To cut a long story short, we started leasing a commercial unit in Oct 2017 and turned it into a dance studio. We raised £3500 in 2 months to pay for laminate floor (with padding underneath as it was originally concrete), fitted radiators, fitted a kitchen in the waiting room, painted the wall with some cool art work, etc. We were really hoping to turn the space into our new 'home' The lease states that he is responsible for the externals, we are responsible for the internals. I have had this argument with him on many many occasions about various things, but it's important that we know that bit! Back to the topic - we noticed around Christmas that the roof was leaking a little when it rained. We let the landlord know and put some buckets and towels down on the floor to catch any dripping. Around the beginning Feb, he got someone to come look and said they'd done some work. It still leaked, but nothing too bad, so we just said we would keep an eye on it. It has gradually been getting worse and worse every time it rained. To the point that it's now running down the side of the walls next to the electrics (like a very light waterfall, not a trickle like a tap being left on!) Before my holiday at the end of March I sent him an email to say if the roof hadn't been looked at when i got back i would get someone in to do it and invoice him. Funnily enough he replied and said he would get someone to look at it. He sent me photos as proof and they had indeed done some work. I got back from my holiday on 4th April to find it was now even worse down the side of the walls. We have now had to block off part of the studio, put bin liners down and towels down too to try prevent further damage to our floor. It stinks of damp and the skirting boards are turning mouldy!:mad2: You can see it on the pics i've attached. Pic 1 Jan 2018, Pic 2 Feb 2018, Pic 3 March 10 2018, Pic 4 and 5 March 30 2018:mad2::mad2: How can i get this fixed without withholding my rent? I don't want to get into that but if i have to then so be it. I think he thinks i'm just a dumb blonde who doesn't have a clue so he is taking the p*ss a bit! All i want is for him to do his job and stop it leaking! What can I do?! help please
  6. After a sibling died the others came together to clear the property with the sibling who is executor. This help was given freely and at no time did anyone mention or talk about getting paid or expenses for said help. Now suddenly an invoice has been sent to the executor for work carried out, this is a proper invoice as person is self employed. But is the executor legally obliged to pay this from the estate? We are aware that once the estate is settled if anything is missed the executor is liable personally. So although this is clearly immoral it's the legal side that concerns us.
  7. Sorry for the long post.... After a burst pipe (the condensate pipe from gas boiler froze during snow storms) in crawl space above my kitchen the landlord agreed to update the consumer unit in my property [the corrosive water had leaked over two plug sockets and nothing tripped off even though water was inside both]. The guy sent I suspected wasn't qualified [on a previous visit to check for safety he checked the plugs by poking around the sides - and making a hole in the plaster]. I asked if he was qualified before he started [on the previous visit to check damage from the leak he told me 'he shouldn't be doing this' but didn't expand when asked why] and he shrugged; as a tenant, I believed the Estate Agent would have checked and so let him continue. He has changed the fuse box, cut the meter fuse seals, not replaced older wires, not fitted the cover properly, put the switches in the wrong order, left the wires completely messy inside the unit and also labelled it incorrectly - plus, the oven now trips one of the RCD's when it's on for more than three minutes and a plug socket is no longer working - although this may be due to the junction box he put in the crawl space replacing connection taped with electrical tape, leaving a live wire improperly crimped and not connected - he'd stuffed them into the wall cavity. As he left I ask about the 'signing off' and was told 'I have nothing to worry about' several times, because I was worried! I asked again about the certification and he said that wasn't anything to do with tenants. He didn't say someone would be back to carry out any checks, or follow up, or even to sign off on the work. I've complained to the Estate Agents and the following day a guy turned up as I'd had problems with the oven. I asked for credentials, but he'd have to go and get them cos he hadn't bought them with him. I allowed him to look at the issues, but no work would be carried out until I had seen proof of his ability to sign off on the work. He's looked and spouted a lot of blurb obviously covering his firms ass. He looked, said he saw no issues with the work carried out, said the fan was the reason the oven wasn't working properly - it wasn't turned to oven, just grill - he didn't even blush. He checked to see if the wire left out of the crimp was live - it was! He left to consult his boss and turned up 2 hours later with his sons training certificate and a weird looking NICEIC card saying he just needed to connect the crimp and everything would be working for me, which I don't think is true, plus the ID looked pants to me and so I turned him away. I then received an email from Estate Agent - the house owner lives in China - saying the contractors had told them i had not allowed them access and would they be allowed in with a rep from the Estate Agent's local branch. I have replied saying they didn't satisfy me that they were qualified and that anybody coming should be able to sign off on the work done - but hey presto, 24 hours later and I've heard nothing... What can I do next to get my oven working and the electrics safe?
  8. Intellectual property laws and Brexit READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ip-and-brexit-the-facts
  9. Hi I wonder if I can get some advice please? I part own a property 30% me 70% estranged father in law It’s been a messy business but I just want done with it now and need to figure out the best way to end all ties Can anyone tell me how I go about getting my share of the property and my name removed from anything to do with this vile man? Thanks so much for your time
  10. Hi, this is my first post and I apologise if by mistake I did not pick the correct section. I received a call from Rossendales few days ago asking me to pay £50k Capital contribution order for my defence expenses after my conviction in 2016. I had already paid 5k as income contribution order before the conviction. I told them that I prefer to receive any communication by letter as I like to keep evidence. I did not confirm anything on the phone and I told them that I would have made my enquires to the Legal Aid Agency via a Subject Access Request. So far I have not received any Capital contribution order notification from Legal Aid Agency. Details: I did not go to the trial as I pleaded guilty. I have two jointly properties with my wife but not liquidity in my bank account as I paid the Court confiscation order in full leaving me with not cash at all. The two jointly properties were already declare during the means test. The two properties have outstanding mortgages. Currently I am jobless and receiving JSA. I live with my wife and two young children. The total equity is over threshold of £30k I am probably liable to pay something even if I strongly believe 50k is excessive and not yet supported by evidence. I would like to protect my wife and children first. Can I transfer my share of the two properties in my wife sole name or the name of a trustee, and form a Family Protection Trust or a property protection trust. If this is legally possible, how much could cost and which are the negative consequences to use a Trust, such as taxes or future costs? Thank You very much for your help:-D
  11. Hi guys, just a quick couple of questions. 1) Person A owns a house. He cannot live at the property temporarily. He is also signed off sick by his doctor and gets ESA. Because of this, he is living with a family member. The family member is on income support. They get countil tax reduction. What he wants to know is, would he also get council tax reduction on his own mortgaged property as well?
  12. Same old story I'm afraid..... We had a loan via GE Money/Home lending for £5500 and had only managed to make a few payments on the account when i lost my job. We spoke to GE and advised them of the situation, that the problems were only temporary and that we would make arrangements for the arrears to be cleared as soon as possible. The call taker insisted we make a payment arrangement but as we were living off thin air I was unable to do this. I offered £5 a month token payment which was refused and advised i couldnt do anymore at the present time. The debt was subsequently sold to Link Financial and shortly after recieving a letter from them we received a very rude call from someone at link who advised me "We own the debt, you owe us £6600 (or thereabouts) can you make full payment now?" I advised that I didnt have £6600 knocking about and that we would be able to make a payment offer but was just advised "we'll be sending you court forms" and the call was ended by them. Duly the court forms arrived and unfortunately due to fighting repossession we did not attend the hearing. CCJ granted and now they are going for charging order THIS FRIDAY 12th (in a court 60 miles from our nearest court!) . How can i avoid a charging order? Postpone the hearing?? It is in our mortgage terms that if someone applies for second charge they can cancel the mortgage/sell our house!!! I have just started a new job and could not get the time off to attend. Any payment would have to be small due to arrears on water/elec/gas etc and we do not currently have the money to pay court fees to have set aside???
  13. Hi all, I became a carer for my parents way back in 2007. To do this I had to give up my business and as a result had my home repossessed. As my mum had dementia and declined rapidly I had little time and even less inclination to deal with it all, and dug my head in the sand. At the old property (by that point I was living with my parents) I had a lot of debt letters and just left them there. Only 2 creditors are still chasing me via debt companies. They are both credit card debts. I sent 1 of them the statute barred letter as they turned up at my door the other week. The guy was more of a friendly 'good cop' than a bailiff. They have replied back saying the debt had a CCJ issued in 2008 and gave me a case number to check. This would have been addressed to the old property which was repossessed in 2010. My parents died last year and although I have inherited the house I have yet to process it at the Land Registry. I am worried about balliffs turning up. The debt is around £7k. Thanks JM
  14. Hi, The managing agent of my leasehold property has passed my details to SLC solicitors to pursue payment, I was about £4400 in arrears. I have paid the amount along with around £400 added for interest and legal charges, I want to know how I can recover the same. The backstory, from the managing agent I was receiving postal and email communication until Dec 2016 for payments due, but from Jan 2017 I did not receive postal communication anymore. Apparently, they were emailing me the information, but as my email hasn't be working reliably I didn't receive the service charge notices. Significant to note that from Jan 2017, i have been charged interest on dues, this was never charged in the past for any overdue amount (also I'm the only overdue leaseholder who is being charged interest on overdue payments). Also, I was passed to SLC solicitors who have since charged me another £180 in fees for sending 2 letters. The first letter was sent to the wrong address and I didn't receive it until much later, the second letter was sent to my address but was receiving by me after I had made the payment. The managing agent did not send me any letter before starting legal action. I feel that the way this whole thing has been done is really unfair to me and i haven't been properly informed at upcoming action at any point. Please could I know how to proceed to recover the interest and legal charges? I wrote to my managing agent (RICS registered) asking for a refund, but they said that all the charges were paid to the solicitors ( i think it would be unlawful for solicitors to charge interest on top of legal fees?), i think my managing agent is lying. How do i proceed?
  15. I have no idea if this is the correct forum, so please forgive me if it should have been posted elsewhere! My husband has just rented an industrial unit to start his business. It's been empty for some months previously people have understandably used the space outside for parking. However, since we received the keys, only one person has had the decency to come over and apologise and move his vehicle. Every day we go and cars are parked outside of the unit meaning we have to park elsewhere; and at the side, where the large delivery doors are, is also sometimes blocked, despite a huge 'Keep Clear' sign. I've tried searching Google, but can't find anything to do with our issue. I was hoping that someone could point us in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi all! in need of some help bit worried and dont know how to tackle this situation, here are the details below: there was a a very small iceland store that closed down on a side road where they must of had around 7-10 parking bays, this is still closed down and no business is running there. i parked there for literally 5 minutes as i come back i got a PCN from parking and property management, there was a sign on the wall, i just thought 5 minutes as i was looking for a shop wouldnt be a problem! Date and time: 21/02/2017 at 12.38 received a few notice to keepers then a letter before claim i have ignored all of this! from gladstones. and unfortunately they are thrown away as i thought ignoring them would be fine. on the PCN it says issue reason 1: unauthorised parking the vehicle was parked on private property in a manner where the driver agreed to pay a parking charge displayed on the signage at the site. If this makes any difference please do let me know the name of the road one of the letters is mispeld on all of the letters received even on the claim form example being: turner avenue > tarner avenue claim form states: the driver of the vehicle registration xxxxxxx incurred the parking charge on 21/02/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at iceland, xxxxxx the defendant was driving the vehicle and/or is the keeper of the vehicle and the claimant claims £160 for parking charges/damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £2.49 pursuant at s69 of the county courts act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to judgement at £0.04 per day. then accoss the page is says amount claimed: £162.49 court fee £25.00 legal rep costs £50.00 total amount: 237.49 please help and advise as i dont know what to do! Thank you!!!
  17. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some help on this I have a property that is let out (with permission from my mortgage provider) while I have been working abroad. The mortgage provider has my correspondence address on file. The management company for my estate charges me an annual fee. I've been late paying this before so I signed up to their online account so I can track it online, which is easier for me. In September 2015, they emailed me saying that they were moving to a paperless solution and would be emailing invoices and other correspondence from October 2015. I did not receive an email and forgot about it until Jan 2017 when I got an email requesting payment for 2017 charges and promptly paid. I picked up my mail from my rented out property August 2017 (most of my mail is redirected but some slips through occasionally) to find a letter from my mortgage provider stating that a charge of approx £720 was added to my mortgage in respect of late rentcharges. This letter was dated June 2016 but they sent it to the address I have let and not my correspondence address so I did not get it at the time. I have received letters from them before and after this date to the correct address. I went back through more mail to find that PDC had sent me letters chasing the management company's invoice (that I did not receive). A quick summary (all these letters went to old address so I only got them in August 2017): early Feb 2016 - management company sent "final demand" letter for payment (not paperless!) (approx £150) late Feb 16 - PDC wrote asking for £370 and including a form asking me to authorise them to take it from my mortgage provider early March 16 - PDC wrote again asking for payment mid March 16 (10 days later) - PDC wrote again stating Section 121 and asking for payment of £720 to avoid legal proceedings. They sent this to my mortgage provider too late March 16 - Mortgage provider writes to me (at wrong address) saying PDC alleges arrears of £720 stating that they won't take action unless they get evidence that PDC can take forfeiture action early June 16 - Mortgage provider writes (to wrong address) to inform me that £720 has been added to my mortgage I called mortgage provider and they told me that PDC provided "evidence" of a CCJ against me in April 2016 and that is why they paid. I checked my credit file recently and no CCJ has been recorded. I also never received a letter from PDC after mid March. I've seen other posts about PDC on this forum but most people were able to stop action before they went to the mortgage company. I'm looking for advice on what I can do now to get those funds back from PDC. I have also filed a complaint against mortgage provider for not writing to my correct address.
  18. My daughter took her ex to court over monies he owed her, currently standing at over £6k. She won but he paid her nothing a year later she went back to court and the judge awarded her a Charging Order over his property (he co-owns with a previous ex). She has tried to register the Charge with the Land Registry but they appear to have awarded a Restriction. What is the difference and what should she do?
  19. Hi all thanks in advance The land lord is always asking for rent in advance, Payment date is the 12th of each month , I have been paying as and when before the due date, but lately the ll is hassling me example this month I paid £375 two weeks ago, get a call last night can you pay some more, the problem is I fear they will end the tenancy if I do not, £400 due on Monday, It seems it is the LL wife's spending money, where do I stand? Leakie
  20. Hi all. My family have come into a predicament whereby the mortgage on a second property (buy-to-let) that they own has expired. Just before the mortgage expired they had put the first property they own on the market, in hopes of selling it and repaying both mortgages. Once the mortgage expired the mortgage lenders gave up to now an 8 month "grace-period" to sell the property and repay the debt. The house was very close to being sold to a potential buyer that was about to exchange contracts with us but pulled out last second saying it wasn't a great investment for them anymore. Leaving my family with a mortgage lender that has already waited 8 months for us to repay the full mortgage (Note that through-out this time we have been up to date with all monthly mortgage repayments). The property is still on the market and we are trying our hardest to sell it. The mortgage company are now telling my family that they could appoint an LPA receiver to repossess the house. So my question is are they able to appoint an LPA Receiver for the property? Even if we are trying our best to sell the first property they own, whilst continuing to pay their monthly mortgage payments which in addition we have been paying an extra £600 on-top of our interest we already pay towards the mortgage, which they have been doing for the past 6 months. I've tried searching the internet for the past week to find cases similar to ours for answers, but i can only seem to come across information that confirms an LPA Receiver can be appointed only once the owner is in around 2 months worth of arrears on their monthly mortgage payments. (Which we aren't). Thanks anyone in advance that can help!
  21. Hello This is my first post here so I've tried not to witter on, but it's complicated. The situation is that I was evicted from my home last year when I couldn’t remortgage it after the interest-only mortgage expired. The circumstances don’t matter, I have no quarrel with that. My query relates to what came after. I had managed to dispose of a lot of stuff I didn’t want, but there was still a lot of stuff I did want, left in the property. I’m past retirement age, live alone, and am severely disabled: I cannot legally walk, I have severe spinal problems and a max award of DLA. Acenden have known this since the beginning of the proceedings. They refused me entry back into the house to deal with my property, despite my undertaking to comply with whatever conditions they imposed. They arranged for all my stuff to be packed up and moved into storage, and I’ve paid all the moving fees and a year’s storage costs. Because of my disabilities I was completely unable to inspect my property while it was in storage; even getting to the chosen storage facility was beyond me unless I had substantial help which wasn’t available. When I eventually unpacked everything in my new home, which has taken me the four months since I moved in, I’ve seen that the packaging was very poor, no attempt was made to protect any of my property, a box that had contained glassware and china was full of smashed and dangerous pieces of glass and porcelain; glazed pictures were simply stuffed into inadequate cardboard boxes, the frames mangled beyond recognition and the glass fronts all smashed. Other of my stuff had been so badly damaged as to be made useless and needed replacing (e.g. tumble drier), a long list of other stuff, including a valuable listed edition print and expensive camera kit, has been stolen. I’ve photographed everything that’s been damaged clearly showing the damage, and recording the very poor quality packaging and careless packing. Acenden also suggested to me that they could arrange disposal of stuff I didn’t want before the rest of my stuff was packed up, to which I agreed, provided a list, and their initiative and my agreement and identification of that property are evidenced by email exchanges. They didn’t follow through on the agreement, and I’ve spent removal and a year’s storage costs for their broken promise. Acenden took four months before they even put the house on the market. I have other complaints but my question here, is what is Acenden’s legal liability for the theft of and damage to my property that’s happened while it’s been in their custody. To say that the removers were negligent is an understatement, but I didn’t have a contract with them, Acenden did. I know I need to see a lawyer, but I’m just hoping to get a view here as the first appointment I can get is two weeks away. To say I’m very angry is putting it mildly. I’ve spoken to my insurers – fortunately I have contents insurance that will cover a claim provided I exhaust Acenden’s complaints procedures before I start that claim. Do Acenden have any liability to me for my loss, which amounts to over £10,000 on current replacement values? Thank you for any feedback. Gleneagle
  22. HI I am after some advice for my parents please. A few months ago, they decided to purchase a mobile home and paid over a deposit of £3,000 to secure this property. They stipulated that they wanted a 6ft fence built around the property because of their dog, anything smaller than this, the dog would be able to jump over. The person who sells these mobile homes stated that they would only be able to have a fence around the back of the mobile home which they were fine with and agreed to. The seller has since backtracked and has stated that they are not allowed to have a 6ft fence and can only be a maximum of 4ft. This isn't good enough and my parents have stated this to them. At the time of handing over the deposit, he did not, at any point say that the 6ft fence would not be allowed and proceeded with handing over the deposit of £3,000. The seller knew from the outset that they needed a 6ft fence for their dog and had said many a time that if they were not able to have this then they would not proceed with the purchase of said property. At no time did the seller say "no, this is not something we can offer". There are have been various arguments over this and my parents have since pulled out of the purchase of this property. They have signed a contract where it does state that the deposit is non refundable should the sale not go ahead. However, we are of the view that we could go down the route of mis-interpretation/false selling if that is something worth pursuing? We have written to the seller and he has denied misleading my parents and is refusing to return the deposit - less than a week after my parents pulled out from the purchase he has resold the property with a further £3,000 deposit! Is there anything we could do, how do we reply to the letter? I can happily post up the documentation, but would need to do it when I am back in work on Monday minus the personal information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jo
  23. Name of the Claimant ? - Parking and Property Management Date of issue – 15 Dec 2016 Date to submit defence = by 4pm Monday 16th January(i think) What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? - DATE 22/08/16 - AMOUNT - £150 - DUE DATE - 26/09/16 - - DATE 23/08/16 - AMOUNT - £150 - DUE DATE - 26/09/16 - Total Due - £300 AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS The claimant claims the sum of £305.20 for parking charges and indemnity costs if applicable including £5.20 interest pursuant to S.69 of the County Courts Act 1984 Rate 8.00% pa from dates above to 14/12/16. Same rate to Judgment or (sooner) payment Daily rate to Judgment £0.07 Total debt and interest £305.20 What is the value of the claim? £390.20 (£35 court fee, £50 Legal representatives costs) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim? Parking and Property Management Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes
  24. trying to sort this out for a neighbour.... a person whom is specifically mentioned in an English will in the regard of: a gift of £30k in respect to a loan they gave the decreased has it appears cleared out all personal items of the deceased as well as many very valuable items that were destined for distribution along with the sale of said property as part of the estate distributed amongst surviving children. my neighbour being one of these. this was discovered when he was escorted to the property by the solicitors/agent to collect 'something' to remember his dad by for the meant time and collect photos etc etc. this person is an executor of the will, but retained a set of keys when they should not have done? and have never been escorted like his son was and his other son that was escorted around at another time too.. the person has returned on numerous occasions since the death until my neighbours visit [we have CCTV evidence!!] and can be seen for want of a different word, rifling the place of anything of worth. to the extent that other than photos, there are NO personal effects of their father left!! even the bedding has gone!! [yes this person and my neighbours deceased dad have lived together many a year] the property was a second home. the solicitors seem non plushed by this....... but surely this cant be legal? your thoughts CAG please
  25. Hello all, I recently ordered some goods online and paid for them to be delivered. On the day of delivery, the retailers courier damaged my property and openly admitted it - only after the damage was done did they take the necessary precautions. I took photos of the damage and sent them to the retailer who wiped their hands of the issue and told me the courier would be investigating the issue. I then recently received a call from a solicitor asking to send the photographs to them and to obtain some quotes to repair the damage. I spoke to some local traders who emailed over some quotes which I then forwarded to them. Apparently this was unacceptable because they were not formal quotes on company headed paper. So I went back to the traders and asked for a formal quote, of course these people don't typically have time for this and aren't based in offices to email out quotes so I only got one reply. I then forwarded the quote again. The reply this time was that it was unacceptable again because the quote was not broken down into cost of labour, materials, etc. I imagine if I ask the traders for this again, I will be ignored like last time. I also think that they're continually trying to make things difficult so eventually I give up and they don't pay out. I did consider seeking legal advice but for such a small claim it seems quite pointless. At the same time, I don't see why they should be allowed to get away with this, the courier (and retailer) have clearly broken their contract by not carrying out the service with care and skill. Is it worth seeking legal representation and threatening court action? I can't see why they would let it get that far when they are clearly in the wrong? Also, I thought my contract is with the retailer and so they are solely liable for this? Why am I dealing with the courier's defence? Their website says the contract out delivery but they still take sole responsibility for delivery. Many thanks for any help in advance
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