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  1. Hello, I hope someone on here can help before things get worse. I have taken out car insurance with Octagon and emailed them all the required documents. I even called (expensive hotline which is the only way to contact them) to confirm they received all documents. All of a sudden I have received a text message saying they will cancel my policy unless I get in touch. I have called them again and asked what the problem was. All I was told is that some documents are missing. When I told them that I have emailed all documents twice and have previously been assured that they have all required documents, I was just told that no one from "that department" was in today. I was then advised to just email all documents again "for a third time". Having done so I today received a letter that they will cancel my policy on 17/11/2015 because I have responded to them. Firstly I have responded every time they text, wrote or emailed me. Secondly they are not saying in the letter what it is that is missing or why they want to cancel my policy. I am worried that this is just a [problem] where they cancel your policy to charge a cancellation fee and then charge an additional deposit to re-start the policy. Can someone please help me?
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm currently having the following fun and games, any advice: I took out my Policy with my insurer in December 2014 and sent them the appropriate NCD proof. All fine until July 2016 when I move house and, then, approaching renewal time in December 2015 a week before reveal I hadn't received anything from them. I call them and then realise I had forgot to tell them of my change of address. This is an important bit, what I was told 'you cannot renew a Policy to a different address to that of your renewal,. I tell them fine I'll start a New Policy online which I duly do adding 1 year to my NCD. Receive Policy and all is well until May 2016 I then get back to find my front reversed into in a car park with a towbar do a fair bit of damage. So I call my insurer to start the claims process only to be told my policy had been cancelled back in March 2016 because I hadn,t sent proof of my NCD to them. I point out that, no, I hadn't because my previous insurance was with them so why would I need to do so? I also questioned why I hadn't received a request for NCD proof nor advice that my Policy had been cancelled. Now because the policy was cancelled there is nothing the Insurer can do. Fuming, I email their customer service and customer complaints teams demanding to know why they would need a copy of the NCD proof when I was insured with them last year, why cancel my policy for this reason and finally, and for me, most importantly I've been driving round uninsured for nearly two months. Today they call me back in response to my e-mail basically to tell me that because I changed to a new policy I should have sent my NCD proof even though it's with the same insurer. They claimed to have sent letters, emails and texts advising that unless I send them the proof they will cancel my Policy. I pointed out I never received last years NCD because after it went to my old address I was told to cancel that policy and start a new. Does the above ring true with you guys? The damage occurred in a car park near where I had an interview and, ironically, I was offered the job but have now lost it because my car is non-roadworthy.
  3. Hi I'm seeking some advise regarding a car policy being cancelled without knowledge. This was the 2nd major issue I've experience with a company that I've been with for over 15 yrs. So I'm pretty disappointed right now with the service. I do have some interesting pointers if anyone wants to get involved with this 1?
  4. needed an Interim Service ASAP,checked online Kwick Fit, cost advertised £69.95,phoned local branch they could do this in 4 days time,which was just OK, and they repaired a puncture as well,on returning home I found that they had charged £99.95,for the service element,phoned them and the branch stated if I had booked online it would have been a week before the service could have been done.Not Happy sent of the online complaints form to head office, stating you cannot advertise a price online and then allow your branch manager to charge what he likes,they say I should have arranged a reduction in price with the Branch Manager.The fight goes on,Perhaps next move Trading Standards Will never go back again FS
  5. hi all i was wondering if anyone can help me i took out a new policy with "FluxDirect" when my renewel was due , i recieved an email saying to contact them so i did and they said they needed me to send in proof im studying at home she gave me the email address and i sent it later that day , i had a reply back saying "thank you for your email someone will get in touch with you" this was on the 2nd april i then recieved a letter today in the post saying its cancelled ! i rang them up and the woman said "we asked you for documents and you didnt send them" i explained to her i had and i also had a reply saying they had recieved my email , the woman said "well my screen shows that we have not recieved anything from you she kept asking did i send it from a different email and i said to her no and that i was looking at it as i was on the phone to her" , she was quite flippant with me because i said "if that was the case anyway why havent you contacted me sooner" and how come i have proof i sent it from my email and you also replied ! she then asked had i recieved anything else via email off them and i said yes 4 of them welcoming me and then policy details and then the one asking me for proof of me studying at home so basically she said its cancelled end of and theres nothing i can do about it and also the deposit i paid they cant give back to me as there taking it for cancellation charges , so im stuck without insurance as i dont have a deposit for another one and wont be able to till 2 weeks and it stated on the letter that the dvla will issue me penalty points for having my car in the road , do they mean if i drove it (because obviously i wouldnt drive it but im worried they mean keeping it outside my house on the road ? thanks in advance any help ill be glad of thanks
  6. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice, my dad took finance out with a company called Motonovo finance in July 2015 he paid £500 pound deposit and paid a double payment the month after taking the finance out with Motonovo. All payments have been on time and are up to date the payments get payed 21st of every month. Last month December 2015 my dad was working and has his own van which he is fully comp on, I was in the middle of moving house so he said I could lend his car to help me out doing me a favour. I insured the car in my name on the Friday 10th December 10am. Two days later on Sunday night at midnight I got stopped by police for no insurance I advised the police I had insured the car on Friday and phoned my mum who confirmed to police I had took the insurance out on the day I had said. The car was filled with all my belongings as I was in the middle of moving house. I begged for them to let me go in the following morning with the proof but they dismissed what I had said and compounded the car As you can imagine I was really upset a week or so before Christmas an also as the car was filled with all my stuff and I had done nothing wrong . I was crying so my brother rang the police and made a complaint about the police as they was very intimating towards me when I was stopped it was pitch black and they had pressed the panick button all police came from no where there wasn't any female offices there just all male cracking joke and laughing whiles I was crying I got treated disguising a young female on my own. The following morning I rang my insurance and they confirmed I was insured and informed me that it was harsh what had happened as police know it can take up to 7 days to show on the police data base. My policy got sent to me by email and I had printed it out to take to the police to show them I was insured, I then rang the police and they said take it up with Motonovo we haven't got the car no more my dad then rang moto novo who said the police had the car and had been in touch with Motonovo to inform them I had been the police station and could not provide the documents I needed to so not to release the car to us we was confused with this as we had been told not to bother going the police station as they never had the car. I then sent the proof over to Motonovo showing the car was insured at the time it was taken from police. We got told to take it up with the police this went on for days and days police refused to release the car even though Motonovo didn't have a problem with the car being released at this time. Motonovo recovered the car we then spoke to the manger in the recoveries at Motonovo who said if we could get the police to confirm the car was insured they would release the car either though the proof had been sent to show it was he wanted the police to confirm. I then went on to get in touch with the police man who had took the car who confirmed to me he had looked it up and the car was insured and legal to be on the road at the time it was taken, he refused to put it in wrighting but said he was speak to Motonovo direct. I then rang moto novo who then said they want full settlement due to the terms and conditions being broke because my dad wasn't on the insurance policy they took another payment on the 21st of December all payments have been on time and they have had a payment whiles having the car. The car should never of been took in the first place also there are no missing psyments on the account but they are refusing to release the car I think this is completely unfair on my dad he's a honest hard working man who had provided for his family all his life , they are saying they will sell the car at auction then he will have to pay whatever remains so not only has the car been took unfairly and payments are up to date he will be in debt with them. if anyone has any information on what we can do thatvwould be grate thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing back sorry if there is any spelling mistakes also in advance ha thanks again, Lois.
  7. We were sold a 25 year Standard Life Decreasing Term Life Assurance policy / Mortgage Protection Plan on our first property / mortgage in 1990. It was also a condition according to the company representative who we had the meeting with. We have moved twice since then and mortgage amounts increased (with same lender) but we continued to pay the same monthly premium. Should the original policy been amended / updated to coincide with increased borrowing / coverage ? Thank-you
  8. Hi I had a call from my car insurer saying that I haven’t paid anything towards my policy for last 6 months, although I have a valid policy. I had a DD setup with them from my last year's policy, but obviously they have done something wrong and cancelled the DD during my renewal and kept my policy valid, only to find out 6 months into this year's policy. Now they are asking for last 6 months payments to be paid in 2 drops (which is their payment plan), on addition to start the monthly DD as of this month. Just to add to the mix, I had 2 accidents last January in which were still under investigation at the time of my renewal (Last April), so they dropped my NCB and gave me a higher premium until the 2 accidents are declared non-Fault then after I could request back a recalculation for the policy and can get some money back accordingly. Now the 2 accidents are declared non-fault and my NCB is 4 years. As this the insurer fault I told them that: I need them to recalculate first the policy again based on NCB for 4 years. I need the last 6 months to be re-planned over a 12 months period so I can afford to pay, and not to be paid on 2 payments as per their payment plan. I confirmed that I am willing to pay the last 6 months. They will get back to me within 2 days, however they assured me they won’t cancel the policy. Can you please advise: am I doing the right thing? I had colleagues advising me that I am not liable to pay the last 6 months as this is their fault, and they can’t come after me for the money, so is that true? I am feeling uncomfortable doing that anyway, but would be good to know as I am negotiating with them. Can I leave them and go for another insurer? Or they won’t give me documentation proving my NCB? Please help. Thanks
  9. insurance company have cancelled my policy due to going 10 miles per hour on the speed limit on my black box policy. they are not giving any option to keep the policy and not refunding any money. I am only a student an have nearly paid 1,000 for 4 months on cover. I have not done anything wrong. Please can anyone advise they have charged me £1000 for 4 moths. Please help Mashmallow
  10. Hi All As title stated, how can insurance company cancel policy for no reason or even false reason. I had a motor transportation insurance which been cancelled by the insurance company with no reason giving and even without my knowledge, Did read some thread over here claiming insurance company only require to sent a recorded letter regardless if received or not and regardless of the cancellation reason. The cancellation has cost me so far £20000 refund for customer's booking. hire purchase, rent , mortgage, wages. and had to shut down my business totally as no any other insurance company are willing to offer me alternative insurance due to the crazy cancellation. this is the first question i been asked by the other insurance company did you had any policy cancelled or void, obviously i have to say the truth and have nothing to hide, i do have a clean licence with 10 years no claim bonus. when i did contact the insurance company ( the broker ) claim it is not them who cancelled it and i need to speak with staveley head, spoken with them they claim i have no space at my house address to sell cars or to keep my recovery trucks, but i am not trading from home,never said so, and they already has my industrial estate business address, then they change they word and says the industrial estate showing as Tesco site, then no it is a caravan site !!! well there is a caravan site at the end of the industrial estate but has nothing to do with me, also Tesco is 2 miles away, however they asked for pictures of my unit and yard space around and i did sent them all pictures and even with video. the insdustrial unit has a large yard of 800 Sqm , then to the date no reply what so ever even after i sent 2 other email and recoded letter. I am so close to be a bankrupt and have no idea what do it, it is been well over a month now and don't even have fund to pay for a solicitor as i have to keep my payment for the hire purchase vehicle , did make a complaint to the financial ombudsman however they claim i have to wait 8 weeks if no reply from the insurance company, thinking about taking a legal action myself, however there is no much information online about the real truth if the insurance company in UK have the right to cancel any insurance policy regardless of the reason or not. any help will be much appreciated
  11. If you're a lady driver, I would be very wary about using this company, as they have some serious computer issues that may leave you driving uninsured. I have just found out today that my wife has been driving our children around uninsured for 3 days because Esure lost her proof of no claims bonus on not just one, but two occasions. They claim they have written several letters that have mysteriously not arrived, and our first proof of no claims bonus we sent to them also mysteriously didn't arrive. I find it hard to believe that in 2015, so much post from/to one company can go missing, without it being an issue with the company themselves. I arrived home today to find out that they had just cancelled my wife's insurance policy without warning and refused to reinstate it, without me paying for a new policy via credit card over the phone. I was left with no other option but to purchase another policy, otherwise my wife would have been out driving our children home with no cover. I hate to think what would have happened if she had been in a crash and needed the insurance policy during this period.
  12. Hi friends, I tried to search but most of the template letters are designed towards claiming single payment PPI, especially, for fresh cases. Mine on the other hand were monthly payments and they were stopped by Barclays in 2005. Why? Because, I claimed back some of the money Barclays had been charging me in the name of their Additions fee that I had never opted for. This probably prompted them to also stop my PPI immediately. And yes, I did not know what PPI was all about at that time. Now, I wish to take up claiming back the PPI Bacrlays charged me over a period of 9 years (since 1996 to 2005) My questions .. 1. Can one claim back the PPI they regularly paid some time ago in the past? 2. Do I need to first ask for my policy details, or should I simply write to them that this has come to my notice and was a mis-sale. 3. Is there a template on this site for the first letter I should be sending to the bank? Help me. please Hugs Autumn
  13. Hi all, I've taken a policy with eCar insurance for an old, semi-functional rusty Mercedes (800 pounds worth) end of October 2011. It was an impulse buy of a young man with more money than sense I paid about 200 pounds premium as first payment, and it was about 100 per month afterwards. Unluckily to me, due to my taking the policy out so late in the month, the debit date was automatically set to be 27th or so, and in November it failed due to my not having that much before payday on my account. I was living between 2 addresses at the time, moving homes, and I didn't notice it happened until about 2 weeks in, I called and it turned out the policy was already cancelled, because rather than attempt to take the debit again they gave me a posted deadline, and cancelled the policy, so to continue being insured I'd have to take a new policy. I was very unhappy with that because I'd already paid that 200 pound premium, so I just let the car stand for a bit, and then sold it to one of those companies putting fliers behind wipers. The fact that I'd have to pay a cancellation fee on top of that was such an insult to injury to me at the time, that it hasn't properly registered with me it appears, another factor was moving and degraded access to mail at old address. Fast forward 4.5 years, it's April 2015 and for 2 years I've been living in Poland. Earning far less, but close to family is what matters to me at the moment, and I receive an email from CRS debt collection that I owe 800 pounds to eGroup and I can pay by phone, www, etc. Some bullet points 800 pounds is over 1 monthly salary here, of which I have none left by end of month anyway I have more debts in the 8k pounds area which are consolidated with MKDP which I've been repaying over last few years and still do monthly - no complaints there in 2012-2013 I had another car with eCar and at no point was it mentioned that I owed them money I contacted ecar now, and they stated they contacted me on 12/12/2011 about cancellation fee, and 'then in february 2015'. So it seems between 2011 and 2015 they somehow sat on that fee, multiplied it manyfold I imagine (though they were unwilling or unable to tell me how much it was to start with), then tried to contact me again at address I'd left 4 years ago, and gave it to CRS as 745 pounds. For several reasons mentioned above, I am willing to fight in on the beaches, etc etc How to best get the amount to be reasonably equivalent to what it was a penalty for (a car policy cancellation), and then if possible have it spread taking into account my current situation, living in a country with cost of living and earning power far less than those magical self-multiplying into hundreds of pounds debts? Are they realistically able to harm me, abroad, should it take the worst turn? Please help, as it has litterally made me consider moving into a van to finally escape those ridiculous fees forever!
  14. Came back from holidays last night to find my home insurance that I set up from 1st April has been cancelled from monday! And I get to pay £45 admin fees for the privilege..... Absoultely livid. Reason given - Risk unacceptable due to undisclosed claims. I put them all on the quote but it appears its been missed off the policy documents they sent out when I was away. But I definitely put my claim on there (as well as 4 yrs buildings no claims and 1 yrs contents no claims - why else would I do that?). And you guess it can't get hold of them today. Engaged permanently. Cheers Policy Shop for this. I guess now whenever I get insurance I will need to answer yes for had insurance ever been cancelled? I'm betting its now a higher risk for me..... Really mad....
  15. I woke up this morning to an email from Post Office Van insurance informing me that my policy has been cancelled. I was laid off in the first week after christmas and had to reign in my direct debits to avoid bank charges and missed two payments. I started back work last week and had been planning on paying the money owed in full yesterday but did not get a chance during the day and so thought i'd call them today. However what I am really annoyed about is that Post Office simply cancelled the insurance. No phone call just a straight robotic cancellation. I will freely admit to everyone on here, as I did to Post Office that I have had a change of address and I have not therefore received any correspondence. However I still believe that for something as important (legally) as insurance, insurers should not cancel your insurance before speaking with you. This is 21st century communication. Letters are antiquated and too slow for matters as these. Even if I had been living back with my parents the letter would likely have not turned up today and I would now be driving around with no insurance with potential life crushing consequences such as car crushed etc etc. I check my emails everyday. A search in my gmail box shows no email from post office for at least as far back as november. When I called this morning and explained my personal circumstances and offered to pay the arrears I was told it was not possible. It seems curious to me that Post Office emailed me to cancel the policy, (therefore giving the cancellation notice special communicatitive consideration) but they did not email me to say that this was going to happen if this that and the other. That leads me to beleive that they know that sending letters is not the most effective means of communicating and thus the need to email in addition. As mentioned before I have not received an email for any reason in at least the past four months. The great thing for the industry is that this practice benefits the industry as a whole. For every person this happens to looses their NCB and has to pay a higher premium. Very convenient that flawed communication effort. Seems as it is a legal requirement for one to hold insurance to park or drive a car on a public road then it should be a legal requirement that insurance providers provide a reasonable, fair and accurate service. *******s. I have no idea what to do about this but I don't want to become a silent victim. I believe the above must be happening to many other people to the industries benefit. Does anyone have any suggestions about how or what I can attempt to get some justice? Thanks for any help on this, Daniel
  16. From my recent experiences with Overclockers UK, it would appear that they have a policy NOT to issue refunds on the outgoing shipping charges in the event they sell you a faulty item. I purchased a new computer display on Friday 13th (should have known better!), which arrived the following day. This display was touted as being extremely accurate in colour expression, which is one of the reasons I opted for this model. It was only released a few weeks ago. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MO-211-SA The display itself had terrible backlight bleed and it's colour accuracy, probably because of this, was awful. [ATTACH=CONFIG]56098[/ATTACH] I spoke to Overclockers on the Monday to arrange a return and full refund due to the fault. To their credit, they did arrange to collect the item the following day. I since picked up a much better screen at around half the price. Yesterday I received an email from Overclockers informing me that I would be refunded in full, less my shipping charges of £20.70. When I rang to query this, I was told that the shipping component was a seperate service that had been supplied and it was not Overclocker's policy to refund such charges - even when the goods are faulty. (N.B. They agreed the backlight bleed was really bad). There is nothing in Overclocker's T&C's that states this. Regardless the Sales of Goods Act states that a full refund should be given, including postage costs and any other losses that have been incured as a direct result of recieving faulty goods. Had I simply changed my mind about the display (i.e. if it was not faulty), then I would have still been entitled to the basic cost of getting the item to me as per the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013. Overclockers' T&C's state something similar. However, when presented with this information I was still refused a refund. Furthermore I was refused a conversation with the manager, even though the advisor himself had consulted with him/her only moments before. Again, something along the lines of "Company Policy". Only after repeated insistence that Overclockers would be breaking the law should they not provide a refund, did the adviser apparently receive a "thumbs-up" from his manager to "authorise a refund in this instance". Great - but it would still appear the company stance is not to provide this automatically for other consumers! Incidentally, the display itself is now listed at a £60.00 reduction for "this week only". Wonder why... ----- Sadly, I did record the conversation using a new app on my phone but the record quality is terrible! If I can clean it up I'll try and post it on YouTube.
  17. I am a foster carer and when I began fostering over 3 years ago I took out a new home buildings and contents insurance policy with Nationwide. I specifically told the guy who sold it to me over the phone that I was a foster carer and needed suitable insurance to cover me for potential damage by foster children. He said this policy would be fine. I have been paying it for nearly 4 years and not made any claims but yesterday one of the young people that I foster caused considerable damage to my house during an outburst of temper, including a broken window and internal doors. I called the insurance company today and was told I was not covered because there is an general exclusion concerning damage caused by anyone living in the house. This means that I have been paying for nearly 4 years for a policy which was not what I asked for. Do I have any claim against the Nationwide for selling me a policy which did not meet my clearly stated needs?
  18. House of Commons Library: Parking Policy October 2014 I found this lovely document and hope that this will be helpful to the forum Happy reading see my attachment MM
  19. I found this lovely document and hope that this will be helpful to the forum Happy reading see my attachment MM
  20. Hi All Was wondering if you could shed some light on this for a friend of mine please. He had a accident and sickness policy cancelled by his insurer as they claim he did not inform them about the date he started back to work hence they stated that they had over paid him. He disputed this as originally he was told by one of their advisor's that if he went back to work on a phased return the claim would continue so long as he did below 16 hours per week which he did for a month, they stated he should still have informed them that he had gone back to work even if it was on a phase return, he explained that this was not done intentionally as he had nothing to gain by not informing them and it was just misjudgement on his behalf as did not think he needed to inform them based on what their advisor had previously told him and he only claimed for the month in which he was on phase return for under 16 hours and proved such. They then sent him a letter stating that his policy had been cancelled but nothing about owing any money, he decided to raise a complaint as he did not like the tone of their letter and what they were insinuating, it was as though it was the crime of the century or something and he said If needed he would take this up with the FOS. Next thing he know's he gets a letter from their complaint department stating that they have upheld their decision to cancel his policy and would be also asking for recourse for overpayment and would be in touch in due course ( he thought Funny how they did not mention anything about recourse for overpayment in their cancellation letter, but as soon as he raise a complaint and mentioned about going to the FOS) We are talking about a couple hundred quid here at the most which he said to the insurer just send him the bill and he will gladly pay it then he can take his case to the FOS, 5 months passed no bill arrived he rang the same person from complaints to ask in light of his letter why had he not received a bill, the advisor stuttered and said "oh its quite a long time ago and he would get in touch with the underwriter and would ring him back ASAP, couple of days went by no answer he rang back, the advisor he spoke to was apparently on leave, he was not happy about this as the clock was ticking for the 6 month period for him to complain to the FOS so after a-lot of he wont get off the phone until he speak's to a manager he finally got to speak to one. He explained the situation and low and behold he then gets a email from the manager the day after stating that they are not taking the matter any further?????? My personal opinion is that they just wanted shut of him because he had been diagnosed as having degenerative disc disease and they have tried their best to get off paying him in the first place as they know from his consultants report that it is only going to get worse to me this was a perfect opportunity to get rid so to speak, also I reckon they were waiting until the 6 month period had elapsed before they sent him a bill so he could not then complain to the ombudsman. What he would also like to know is does he now have to disclose this to other insurance companies now like Car Insurance or home insurance etc. Tinks
  21. Hello, I'm hoping this will reach all those who have previously helped me, and that I will receive some speedy advice/help. If the people who have previously been kind enough to help me are not as knowledgeable on the following questions, PLEASE can you direct this post to people who can advise me asap? Thank you. I haven't been around for a while due to illness, (everything got too much for my already fragile brain). My questions here now may be better on a new thread, but as I can't fathom out how I open a whole new thread/topic/whatever, I'm hoping that if this is in the wrong place, somebody can move it for me please?? I'm on the verge of receiving at least 2 CCJ's, as I lost the ability to fight anymore and so admitted the debts. My first burning question is once the CCJ's are awarded, does a creditor have any rights/access to a life insurance policy that is held in trust please?? I have read somewhere, (not on here), that they can use the CCJ's to attach to the trust while I'm alive and that after I've snuffed it, they have a certain amount of time to file a claim against my estate? The policy in question has no monetary value until I die, no cash-in value etc, it's just a pure level term life insurance policy. I took it out purely to try and ensure that my funeral costs can be met and that my two daughters will have a (small) amount of money from me when I die, as I have nothing else to leave them. How could creditors find out about the policy please and can they do the above ? Secondly, and this might be yet another different thread requirement , the policy mentioned above was put into trust at the time it was taken out, on the advice of the insurance company. I didn't know the first thing about trusts and probably still don't, even though I am driving myself half mad again in trying to research the subject!! From what I can gather the trust the policy was put into is a 'revocable trust', and if I'm right, this is the worst kind of trust if you have CCJ's?? So, I'm trying to find out whether I need to change the trust from revocable to irrevocable please, (in the hope that an irrevocable trust would give total protection of the policy, both whilst I'm alive and after I've died)?? If so, how do I go about this, without it costing anything please, as I have no way of affording to seek legal help? I was under the impression at the time of putting the policy into trust that in doing so, the proceeds of the policy would not form part of my estate, therefore bypass probate, and most importantly to me at the time, ensure my daughters would receive the money quickly. It's not something I've given any thought to since, but now that I'm in this huge financial mess, I must understand what could happen/ what I can or should do, if anything. MANY THANKS to anybody who can give me some clear advise on the questions above. I'm expecting the CCJ's any day now, so if there's anything I need to do quickly, I'm hoping to hear from some of you soon. Thanks again.
  22. I visited car craft on friday 21st nov at 10am. We were greeted by a lovely sales assistant who explained who and what car craft was. After narrowing down our choice of cars we took a few for a test drive. Finally decided on 207 gt. After having decided we talked with sale rep in more detail about the car. At this point I informed him of my job as a care assistant. My job involves a lot of driving from client to client so the mpg on the car was by far the most important thing. He advised us that I was looking at 35-40mpg. Which compared to current car was amazing as I was lucky to get 22mpg. So we signed on the dotted line an drove away happy at 6pm. I put £20 petrol in on way home and a further £20 on the Sunday afternoon. So to say I was surprised when my fuel light came on on Monday night 4pm. is an understatement when I had only done 80 miles. Having talked with my husband we decided it was the way I was driving it. Bit heavy footed he said. So on did a test. I went to the garage and put £42 super unleaded in. My range when up to 250 miles. Following day went to work as normal drove 14 miles in total keeping revs below 2 and my mpg between 35-45. Most the time a lot more 79 at one point. But my range had dropped to 184!! I immediately phoned car craft and the lad said service is closed now call back tomorrow but it sounds like a petrol leek. 10 mins later car craft phone me back asking how I'm getting on with the car. But of a coincidence I think. I then explained again the problems I was having an he told he this is normal for a gt. I said if that's the case ive been sold a car that doesn't suit my needs and I would be bringing the car back to exchange. He said not all finance companies allow the 7 day exchange policy. At no point was I told this. Could anybody please advise me on any of this please
  23. I took out car insurance on the 7th January, choosing to pay monthly. The policy was approximately £600 a year, and payments were for £50 a month. I sent my proof of no claims off as requested to the local office and heard no more. The next payment came out of the account on the 23rd January for another £50 as expected. Then on the 5th February we get a letter saying the insurance has been cancelled due to not receiving the no claims proof and we owe a further £75 (apparenty £50 of this was for a cancellation fee they imposed) We did call the local office and spoke to an unhelpful lady, who couldn't pass us on to the manager as he was unavailable, but said he would call back the next day. A total £175 for less than a months insurance seems like a rip off to me. I don't want to pay the extra cancellation fee and don't see why I should, especially as they happily took the second payment at the end of January. The lady couldn't explain why we owed this much and said she wasn't prepared to speak to us any longer and hang up. My wife wasn't rude on the phone or shouting, but simply asked for an explanation as to why the policy was cancelled without warning and why so much was still owed when we had the policy cancelled on us within a month of it being taken out? Any suggestions where we go from here - straight to the fso?
  24. word to the wise everyone my PPI letter was rejected by Lloyds as they stated that they didnt have any details about me (car loan with Black Horse from 1999). I did not have any bank statements from then, and Santander had told me in writing that they didnt have any either. However contacted Santander customer services (IN-BRANCH TELEPHONE - important) and they managed to locate the errant statements. (Important because this line of enquiry acually worked - use a telephone in-branch if you require statements) contacted Lloyds again who confirmed the account number on the statements was correct. They sent out a ppi claim form which was completed. Then rejected. I wrote back to them asking them to reconsider, and asking for a copy of the CCA. What was interesting was that the PPI box was pre-typed in with 'GOLD'. This was the age before online applications, and I argued that the PPI was not presented as an optional extra, but rather was not discussed before I visited the sales office. This is self-evident, and Lloyds know that they cannot prove that the PPI was discussed prior to me signing the CCA. Therefore they have agreed to refund the PPI plus interest. However, as a side note, the final amount is over £1300 short of what the PPI refund should be. Make sure you analyze any offer you receive.
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