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  1. Hello, I'm just looking for some advice about an incident that happened with northern rail. I have just moved to the area and was travelling from my local station to Manchester Victoria for the first time. I tried to buy a ticket at the machine however it kept on saying that were no fares available for my journey which completely confused me. Anyway, I was going to buy a ticket at the manned office however the queue was huge and there were only a couple of mins until my train so I just thought I'd get on the train and buy a ticket from the conductor. The train was slightly delayed which meant that I was going to be late for work. Also, the conductor didn't come around meaning I couldn't buy a ticket and as I got off there were people checking everyone's tickets. As I was in such a rush and panicked because I hate being late, I stupidly just flashed an old ticket that I had in my purse and I got pulled up by the revenue protection officer. He took my details and said that northern rail would write to me and he said that they would either let me off or they might charge me. Anyway, I've been scaring myself to death reading forums and things like £1000 fines and prosecution have popped up?! I've been frequently using trains for over 8 years and I have never done anything like this before. I have hundreds of tickets to prove that I always buy a ticket. The same guy also saw me doing the same journey today with a ticket. It was just a stupid mistake because I was in a rush, panicked and was unaware that nobody would come around on the train giving me the opportunity to buy a ticket. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi all does anybody know what a DISTRAIT OFFICER is.Apparently one is coming to my house to collect payment in two days
  3. Out of the blue this week I've received calling cards from Walker Love asking me to contact them about a legal document to deliver/legal matter to discuss - they did not indicate which and I had no idea what this was concerning so obviously didn't contact them. I have never had any contact from them before, or any letters/demands for payment from them prior to this. I received cards Monday, yesterday and again today (I work 9-5). However today's card has a message on the back stating they wish to deliver legal papers in relation to a loan from a bank I've had nothing to do with for 4 or 5 years. I did have some difficulties round that time and some debts were passed to DCAs so I have received red ink bully rubbish from a few of them in the past but I'm aware Walker Love are Sheriff Officers and not run of the mill DCAs. My first thought was 'has something actually gone through the courts re this'? Would they be delivering papers on behalf of another DCA? The card says they will try again in 2 days - I will be working - and advises I should call them if I will be unavailable at this time to avoid them visiting in the evening or at a weekend. I'm not even sure if I actually owe any money and have got over that difficult period a few years ago and it has been long forgotten. By the sound of it, sooner or later they are going to call when I am at home, probably with my young daughter too, Should I agree to receive the papers or just stonewall and deny knowledge of the debt I don't know about?? Quite stressed about this as I am a home owner.
  4. Hi all, hope you can help. My sister has been invited to attend an interview with a compliance officer at the Jobcentre. I rang them on her behalf and was advised this was due to undeclared capital but they would not give me the full details. When she claimed Income Support, she forgot to mention some money in her account, over £6k and I can imagine this is the reason for the interview. She is really worried and is feeling suicidal. She has never broken the law and this was definitely not intentional given her mental state. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to her as she has suffered from years of depression and anxiety ( she is still taking anti depressants ) and has just gone back to work and signed off benefits. She also has children with special educational needs and is worried if they will be taken away and so on. My question is, if she offers immediate repayment of any overpayment, will they still take her to court ?. She is in pieces and is even considering leaving her job. Also , how is this type of interview conducted, is it the same as an Interview under caution? . I am working and not able to go with her at the interview and am worried she will have a breakdown as she can't stop crying. Any advice would be really appreciated, many thanks. Liyanne
  5. Hi all I have just got back from the school run to find that an Enforcement Officer from Andrew Wilson has been. They left a notice letter in my door. I was over paid by my old job and was taken to court, I filled out the form to ask to pay in instalments and sent it back to the company dealing with the overpayment. I have not received anything from them or the court to say anything after the court hearing??? First thing I got was this letter from enforcing the debt and further charges by the enforcer. Can anyone help with this?? Do I need to call the debter or the court to try and solve this as don't want to deal with the enforcement officer
  6. Hi, I was caught by a Revenue officer at Ealing with a legitimate ticket for the return journey, but he wanted to check my oyster card. Earlier in the day I couldn't tap in and therefore had to tap out at Paddington where I was charged the maximum fare (£7.20) anyway. The officer didn't show me any ID, and told me my rights and cautioned me. He then questioned me and wrote them as well as my answers down. He let me read this and made me sign it. He also said I would have to explain any incomplete journeys on the oyster history, but if I bought my paper tickets with cash I have no way to prove this. He said I will be receiving a letter in 3-4 weeks. Im really worried about what this could lead to, as I am a medical student, and cant afford to have any sort of criminal record. I just wanted to know whether the caution he told me was a police caution, and what the likelihood of events from now is. What are the chances of a criminal record? Many thanks in advance, mopo54321
  7. Just recently I was called in to see the compliance Officer at the local Jobcentre. Basically she said that she had information that suggested I had more savings than I declared when I applied for Carers Allowance and Income support, which I have been receiving since April this year. She pointed out the evidence on her computer monitor that I had received £112 (?) per month in interest from HBoS. I admitted that I had an account that I didn't declare and explained that the money wasn't mine. To cut a long story short, I explained to her that my Brother put the money(£34k) into my account to avoid any loss due to a bank collapse. The £34k was excess above the £85k what the Government would compensate for in the event of a bank collapse. It was convenient for him and myself to do it his way; him because he didn't want to wait to open a new account with a different bank and the time it took and me because I could have the interest for my own use and pay him back from my Post Office account where my carers allowance and income support was paid in. For me, this meant that I didn't have to make regular trips to the post office and bank to either collect or deposit money and so save on journeys when I was caring for someone with Alzheimer's and who is too much of a danger to themselves to be left alone. The compliance Officer suspended my Income Support and gave me a letter to post back to her with any proof of what I said is true or to tell her what I intended to do, such as come off of income support, transfer the money back into his account or spend it until it is below £6k. I can prove from my brothers accounts that the money came from his account, that it was transferred at the correct time with the same amounts going into my account and was done to reduce his account to the £85k compensation limit Some questions I would like answered are: 1) How did they find out about an account I never told them about - was it the Inland Revenue and if so was I entitled to be protected under the data protection act? 2) Is the onus of proof on them to prove it is my money? After all, a person named on a vehicle log book is not necessarily the legal owner or having an MOT doesn't mean to say a car is roadworthy. 3)Has anyone else been in simmilar circumstances and what was rthe outcome? What are my options and what would you do in my position? I can't spend it because it isn't mine. It seems to me that if I transfer the money back they will just think I'm playing games and they will still assume it's my money but just hidden in another account in my Brothers name. Besides this, the money is in a fixed 3 year term and my Brother thinks that if I was to transfer the money back to him all the interest I have received so far will have to be repaid, and thats about 20 months worth at an average of £90 per month. If I come off of Income support what would happen next? Should I maintain that it is not my money and to hell with the consequences? TIA
  8. hi guys was looking for some advice i have moved to a new area with a friend we are both sleeping on couches at her mothers untill i can find somewhere to live she was already claiming jsa and has moved her claim to this area and i have just started a claim for jsa we have both recieved a letter from the dwp saying we are to receive a visit from a compliance officer i understand this may be due to the fact they think we are a couple. we are not we are both single and have our lives separatley we buy our own food and do our own things will they see us as being a couple because we live in the same household? any advice would be greatly appreciated
  9. ]Hi and hello everyone im new and would like some advice ive just been visited by an enforcement officer and was told i owe £1000 pounds and that 2 letters was sent out(which i haven't received) and taken to court in which i knew nothing about and gave me a letter and a calling card as im on low income and can not give him any money...i was told that if i didn't pay up he would come and empty my house...im disabled and semi housebound and on low income(disability benefits) my question to any one that can give me advice is that what are my options.....if i do owe this money then fine i would have to pay but not the full amount the company they claim i owe money to is LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 ltd it is worrying me that they can come and take everything in the house thank for your help in advance
  10. Hi I would be grateful of some advice I have a debt of 12k and was paying £20 per month as this is all i can afford...however this was rejected recently and the bailiff keps calling, i have no assets at all and live at my boyfriends house, everything is in his name...how can i stop them calling (without paying the 12k), someone told me that i can apply to the court so the court can decide if the £20 is acceptable and then the bailiffs have to stop hassling me...is this correct... it is too late to set aside as it is over 18mths old... any advice would be welcome...thank you..
  11. My wife has applied for pension credit. The idea being that what she gets will replace what I get in unemployment benefit, thus enabling me to sign off and tell Ingeus where to go! She is also to apply for Support for Mortgage Interest to replace what I normally claim for, which is due to end this December. She received a phone call from a woman from the Pension Service and said what we would be entitled to, and asked if we still wanted to go ahead, which we did. She also said we would receive a visit from an officer and she is coming this Friday. Is there anything we should be worried about with this visit?
  12. Hi everyone, I don't know how to start this thread. I am currently halfway through a 3 way exchange with 2 other people, my problem is the housing officer who is handling the exchange (I believe is intentionally causing this exchange to drag out) I know that a exchange takes up to 42 days to complete from the receipt of housing papers I personally handed in everyone's mutual exchange papers at the housing office. Everyone got there inspection date a week after the papers was handed in apart from me, it took 6 weeks for me to get my inspection date. I believe this was because I have made a complaint against the officer in question so what I want to know is can this housing officer who is dealing with the paperwork also attend the inspection of my property? as I am of the opinion that she is attending just to find fault with my property in order for me to fail inspection. Any input would be appreciated Thank you. also I am intending on tape recording the inspection do I need to inform her of this if I need it has evidence at a later date
  13. Ii, I recieved a letter yesterday to say I am having a visit on friday from a compliance officer this friday. I called due to having a doctors appointment first thing on friday, I asked if somebody has reported me and she said yes. I just wondered howmmuch information they need to act on the report. I am a single mum to 3, youngest 19 weeks. I am on IS and have been since june 2011 after my maternity leave ended on my now 2 yr old. Do they visit for just recent or old issues? I am just worried has I dont know what they can be coming to see me for. Also do you kjow how many days a week you can have somebody stay with you, has my mum sometimes stays at weekends to give me some rest, has my youngest 2 childrens dad doesn't see much of them, and her place is too small to have them there. Any help would be appreciated, as I am a worrier, and scared incase they stop my benefit,0.
  14. hi im just hoping to get some advice abit of a long un but will try to make it as quick as poss so i split with my ex about 18 months ago things just wasnt working out and he moved into his own house ( he pays rent council tax and all bills at his own address and works full time) for a long time afterward we dint really get on but he came to see the kids at mine regulary and have them every other weekend at his. i had a letter about 4 months ago of compliance team i rang them up to find out what the problem was and she said about ex partner living with me (at that point we wasnt even hardly talking) anyway it all got dropped and she said there was enough to say where he lived and had no visit in the end then i got another letter a month later and rang up again this time was told there was a cross over and that it was sorted. and case closed. about 2 months ago me n the ex had a really long talk and have suggested getting back together but at this moment even now we aint together we have been spending a sunday together as a family and he still comes to see the kids 2 nites during the week etc he has stayed over approx 3 times in the last 2 months but thats it.anyway a month ago i got another compliance letter again i rang up and asked what was what they was asking all sorts of questions about my ex. i was open and honest and said that if we got together n he was to move in id inform them told them when he came etc. he then said that there was enough to suggest he lived at his own house but that its coz he is an ex partner. anyway yet again he made his report and that he wudnt be coming out to visit and wud again make sure the case was closed. so we just carried on sunday and 2/3 nites a week visits (but no stopping over always gone by 9pm)... again he doesnt stay over its like once every 3 weeks so since last letter he stayed over once. i then this morning got another letter saying a compliance officer wants to visit im at my wits end its every month at the mo...ive got through to the man today and he said he is investigating a claim of fraud he wasnt intrested in anything i had to ask and he made me real upset with his mannor he said someone has reported us living together. he wasnt very nice on the phone at all and seems he had already made a judgement stressed out now any advice or expirances wud be great thanks x is there anything stating you cant get back with an ex partner?? at the min we are no were near the point of living together and we have not decided to get back together eaither it just seems for some reason im been harrased by the compliance team and i dont really get why? any help wud be greatful x
  15. Can anyone out there help me please? having a nightmare !! Planning officer turned up unannounced at my property on 20 Feb this year- builders started work on extension on 15 Jan, but due to weather way behind schedule. Officer told builders that there was no planning permission or application in place, no building regs had ever been applied for, and that they were to down tools , leave the site immediately, and that he would be taking both the owner ( me!) and them to court. I knew nothing of this until the following day as had gone to a funeral. I have all documentation, full planning permission, plus building regs approval dating back to 2001.I also have in my posession correspondence from the same planning officer, dated October 2009 enquiring as to when the extension would be completed! I phoned the head of dept and complained, and duly arranged a meeting between the 3 of us for the following week.The man's attitude was unbeleivably rude, bullying and unhelpful- so much so that I fully expected my builder to 'walk' I phoned and complained again. I lost 2 weeks on the job due to all of this, and then on 20 March found same planning officer sat outside my property in his car peering through the back gates. Told builder , 1 hour present the following 2 days and not seen him since. Now having to pursue builder through Trading Standards, his own liabilty insurance and the courts.Work completed declared below standard ( WHICH i DO NOT , AND NEVER HAVE DISPUTED) but I do feel that the planning officer was more than contributory to all the problems, and quite frankly should have got his facts straight in the first place.In addition to all this he swore blue blind that I only had permission for a 1 storey extension ( it clearly states 2 on all paperwork) , but he would 'do me a favour' and alter it to comply! I want to go for compensation , but have heard somewhere that I would be better off going for 'days lost' on the project due to his actions. Also have no idea how much to ask for! Please, any suggestions very gratefully received, thanks in advance. Incidentally work did commence, and was approved, in 2001, with several visits then from the ( different, and very pleasant) planning officer!
  16. I have a confession to make: I regularly get onto a train and buy a ticket on the train - I am told that this isn't allowed, but it doesn't ever to seem to have caused a problem before (I think this is one reason people get confused about the byelaws). I buy a ticket, all is usually ok! Today, I asked for a return ticket and the conductor told me that his machine was broken so he couldn't sell me one. I had the cash in my hand to give him, so I clearly intended to pay. It never occurred to buy a ticket on the way out as I was running late! I wish it had though, was stopped and cautioned by a Revenue Protection Officer (which made me even later!). I know you can't predict these things, but what is likely to happen next? Would they prosecute for an £8 fare that I tried to pay?
  17. I had a letter from the Jobcentreplus saying I was invited to an interview with a customer compliance officer. I think it was a regular letter that is sent out, it just said the visit has been arranged because your circumstances may have changed and we need to ensure your payments are correct. I rang to request a home interview due to my health issues and the man said yes no problem and he would find my file and get his diary then ring me back. When he did he seemed to think there had been a mistake and said dont come to the interview but he would check through my file and if he does have to interview me he would send another appointment for a few weeks time at home. I have now recieved a home interview appointment, no specific time just between 9.30am - 3.30pm. I am of course like most people having these interviews really worried and nervous. I feel a bit more nervous because I'm thinking why does he need to interview me now after first seeming to think it was a mistake. I rang them again to ask what was the reason for the interview, this time a lady answered, last time it was the actual man that was going to interview me. She checked the system and said there is nothing noted on there then asked if there have been any changes and I said no so she said and its just a review type check and nothing to worry about. I am worrying though and keep wondering why. I recently set up 3 new savings accounts all to be funded by £1 a month just to keep the new rules for halifax reward account as they now require you to have at least 2 direct debits from them to keep the reward, could it have triggered an interview? I also have 3 reward accounts using one as my main account and the others just basically to get the monthly reward, I have to fund them by 1k a month but only do that by transferring between one to the other. I'm worried if these accounts will confuse the situation. I have an ISA for my funeral expenses depressing as that sounds but its below the allowed threshold. They have asked for id and bank statements but didnt say how many months worth, how many should I supply? as I have to request these from halifax as I have online statements or would they accept printed ones for the time being? thats if you can print them directly from online. Also, will this interview be just about my ESA Support group benefit alone with Jobcentreplus as its headed from Jobcentreplus customer compliance or will it take into account my DLA HRC HRM awards as well? Sorry its so long but any knowledge from other members would be much appreciated, Thanks
  18. Hi I had a visit from hce, the address that i am at does not belong to me nor did the car outside, in fact i have no assets, so they left and said oh well not much we can do then, they suggested that i make an offer to the claimant, so i offered 20 per month.... .they said that they would put this to the claimant. ..some time later they told me i must pay the 20 to them.. .i asked if the claimant had accepted this but they said they had not replied, should i still have to pay this to hce????
  19. Hi all, On 25th May 2012, I received a visit from a TV License Officer. He proceeded to ask me questions about my TV Usage and set me up with a new TV License paying by regular installments. I signed the necessary forms, he handed over my new TV License card and left. I never got a copy of the form I signed and I never received anything after that from TV License other than my new TV License document, which I still have. I have now received a summons and the offense has been written as: On 23/05/2012 used a COLOUR television receiver without a license at the above address. Contrary to section 363(2) and (4) of the Communications Act 2003. Note, the date of the offense is recorded as 2 days prior to the visit. However, no proof was obtained on this date that I was watching a live broadcast of any kind. I have read through the form, which I signed on the day of the visit and have noted the following: Can I come in and inspect the set: NO Programmes Seen/Heard: NONE Channels Tested: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + Cable When did you last use the set for watching TV Programmes here? 2 days ago. So the reason I have highlighted the above particular questions is because: 1) He did not come in and inspect the set 2) He did not hear or see any channels being watched, the TV was OFF when he visited. 3) How could he test the said channels if he did not come in to inspect 4) I did not admit to watching Live TV Programmes 2 days prior. He asked when I last USED the TV which was 2 days prior. The form also states that I have a Cable Box with a basic Cable TV Package. This is true because I was subscribed to Virgin Media at the time. It was cheaper to purchase a bundle with them and get TV, Phone and Internet all rolled into one than it would have been to get Phone & Internet from a different provider. I opted for the basic TV package because I did not need a TV Package at all but it was a cheaper option than getting the two services I did need (Phone & Internet) outside of a bundle. This is the honest truth - I do NOT watch Live TV Broadcasts. My TV is used ONLY as an output monitor for my Laptop (which has a broken screen that I cannot afford to replace). I watch DVD's and use the computer via the TV Screen. Yes, I have a TV Set and Receiver Equipment that is CAPABLE of picking up TV Programs so I realized on the day of the visit that I do need a license and that is why I purchased one there and then with the man at the door. So my question is this - Taking the above into account, is it really possible for TV Licensing to prosecute me for watching TV 2 days prior to the officer's visit when: a) They were not present and have no evidence other than a signed statement. b) The signed statement they have produced is questionable based on the fact they say they tested the channels available to me when they admitted to not being allowed to enter the property to do so. Furthermore, since the property is now licensed and has been since the day of the visit. Is it really beneficial to them to prosecute for 1 instance of TV Usage? They aren't claiming a period of watching TV without a license, literally just 1 instance of using it on 23/05/2012. How much am I likely to be fined if the courts agree with them for this infringement?
  20. Hi caggers, been here a while got a few threads running and now trying to help/advise a friend with her work related problem/s She is a Police officer, has had injuries on duty x 2 resulting from a work based activity - the first one was an accident during compulsory training wher her back went during Physical Training The second injury a year later occurred when ordered to conduct the same physical activity despite telling supervisor she wanted confirmation or all clear from Dr prior to undertaking the activity She undertook the activity (as she felt compelled to do it) and her back went again. She has been diagnosed with disc prolapse with a tear; after the initial HR feeling was that she was swinging the lead, It was only after HR paid for an MRI scan that they changed tack and actually belived the injury was genuine. (my friends perception) HR are aware of the full condition and she is now in reciept if IIDB. My friend is overweight (although very very good at her job) and during the subsequent HR/Medical and management meetings regarding her condition her weight has been focussed on as opposed to the activity that caused the injury. My friend has had very limited sick leave as she is conscientious and hard working, she has suffered and is suffering with pain every day as it is her sense of duty to keep going. My friend is a 'specialist' and works mainly in office based and specialist investigations My friend loves her job, doesnt want to sue the force for causing the injury (second time) and after a lengthy period of supported and temporary restricted status returned to full duties after a modified fitness test and self defence The problem is that the injury is still very very troublesome and she is getting worse by the week however in a male dominated enviroment where it is macho to 'soldier on' she feels that if she was to go on the sick it may lead to her being pensioned off as she cannot fulfil the full duties of a Police officer. She is hiding the true extent of her injury from her colleagues and bosses as she does not want to be dispensed with or moved from her role. She is braving it up to keep going, but also deep down realises that if the wheel came off in a confrontation she may get more seriosuly injured and actually become more of a liability than an assett to her colleagues. If she is found out to actually be more seriously injured after telling them she is fine would this be classed as gross misconduct? She is very worried as the austerity measures are bringing a whole new way of dealing with injured officers, she has said they can make her retire under regualtions but wants to keep going, anybody know if this is preventable? Also she is worried that by hiding the injury and then becoming involved in confrontation or similar situation where she may get injured again, or cause an adverse effect on her colleagues dealing with that situation because of her inability to deal with it - would she be liable under health and safety legislation for injuries to her colleagues? My friend does not want to speak with anyone internal including her federation (union rep type) reps as there is a belief that the force will find out as there are different employment laws concerning police. Her immediate supervisors went through the motions as being supportive however she feels this is management action to 'tick the boxes' and they would rather her move to different department. As her condition is still their she has until June 2013 to undertake the physical training again or face disciplinary action. She was advised by supervisor and union rep to maybe take painkillers and 'do the test and physical activity' just to pass, she feels this is again more risky and damaging to her back. any suggestions for her to proceed as her doctor, physio can see no solution to her back problem at the moment
  21. I need some advice. Had a visit from a TV Licensing Officer last night - I signed the form (I know, I know ). I haven't had a summons yet. Needless to say, I have spent the last 12 hours reading thread after thread on this subject, and it doesn't seem to matter what I DID say to him (he lied, there are omissions, and he summarised), it only matters what is recorded on the form. So, so here is the information that appears on the visit form I signed. I should note, he DID gave me a copy of the form. + TV LICENCE Do you have a television here? - YES Do you have a TV Licence? - NO TV SET SEEN May I come in and inspect the set? - NO The bits about Programmes seen/heard, Channels tested, Other? - BLANK (nothing filled in) ADMISSIONS Colour, digital box, power plugged in, aerial plugged in TV Make: TOSHIBA When was the set installed / Obtained? - JAN/FEB 2012 When did you first use the set at this address without an appropriate licence? - I DON'T KNOW. I WAS LIVING WITH MY MUM. When did you last use the set for watching TV programmes here? - SOME POINT TODAY Is the set owned, borrowed, rented? - IT'S MY MOM'S Do you have either satellite, cable or digital (Freeview)? - NO Contact details - phone number given How long have you lived here? - JAN/FEB 2012 Date of birth? - given Occupation? - DON'T WORK National Insurance Number - I DON'T KNOW IT I have to tell you that you may be prosecuted for an offence under The Communications Act 2003. Is there anything else you want to say? - NO Signed and dated (yesterday) + Needless to say, I purchased a TV Licence over the phone and had it backdated to Jan 1, 2012 (to Dec 31, 2012), as I don't know when I moved in and want to be covered, but I am now doubting whether I actually needed it. My questions are these: - All the people who have reported receiving court summons seem to be people whose set was inspected and channels tested, or people who didn't get a copy of the form and the Officer lied about seeing/testing the set. Does this seem to be the trend? Mine was NOT inspected or tested and I have a copy of the form showing that. I have read that not everyone receives a summons ... are there any examples of the reasons this doesn't not happen? - Everyone seems to say that you should plead guilty, but I do not believe that any witness statement he could conjure up would hold up, as he would have to lie and say he inspected/tested the set, which would not match the interview record (he he gave me a copy). - what the TV Licensing website says you need and what the Communications Act 2003 says seem to be 2 different things. can this not be argued? Thanks for any advice.
  22. Hi everyone, First of all, I want to apologizes for my bad English, I'm Spanish. I moved recently to UK, my landlord told me that if I have a TV I must to pay the TV License no matter if you watch it. I only use my TV for playing videogames and watch lovefilm via xbox, the TV License website said that I don't need the license but I should inform them and then an officer comes to my home in order to check that I don't need it. Anyone knows what kind of questions they usually made or what they 'check'? My tv is very old and it even need a freeview device that I don't have. I'm a little afraid and I don't know if I should pay the licence, as my landlord says, or if I should said that I don't need it and receive the visit. Thank you very much.
  23. Hi, new here and a bit scared to be honest. I received a letter from HMRC a few days ago regarding CTC. It asked me to contact them with actual income figures for 2011/12 ....I underestimated by £6000.I always put down an estimate on the forms. My husbands basic salary is £23000 but he does do overtime, this is where the £6000 has come from. We never know one month to the next if he is going to get overtime, sometimes he gets a good run other times he gets nothing. I called them yesterday and gave them the correct figures, they said they will amend the award, she was very pleasant, and put me at ease right away. BUT, there are underestimations for prior years, this is my biggest worry. In fact I am extremely worried about this. So I have a few questions I hope you can help me with. Will they definitely delve further? Will we go to prison? What are the chances? I know we will have to repay but how much will we have to pay? I feel sick to be honest. I can't think of anything else at the minute, I know it's our own fault, only have ourselves to blame for this!
  24. I am not sure whether this is right part of the forum in which to post. I am so stressed at the moment. I started making money from my hobby a few years ago. I have an unpaid tax bill of £1996 which last year I set up an agreement to pay back. Unfortunately after some problems with cashflow and a family bereavement I didn't keep up with it (I realise this was my fault) I received a letter this morning stating that they are cancelling the arrangement. I called to try and reinstate the arrangement and was told that unless I can pay them £1800 TODAY they will continue their action and send officers round to seize my goods or declare me bankrupt within the week. The only thing I own is my car which is (just about) worth 2k but I need my car obviously with 2 small children. Everything else was purchased by my husband. I am absolutely terrified. Please help me
  25. We were sitting in a friend's side garden today having a drink waiting to go out. Another of us arrived and as he was getting out the car, a guy in a bad suit came up and asked "Does John Smith live there?" - pointing to a house across the road. Friend explained he was not from the area and suggested he asked the friend I was sitting with - and we could hear everything that had been said. The guy then came up to me and said "I have a parcel for across the road, do you know who lives there?" I suggested if he had a parcel it would have a name on it, to which he said "It's documents not a parcel", and I asked why he had forgotten the name "John Smith" he had asked about at the gate, and asked if he was a Sheriff's Officer - to which he replied "yes". I was fairly sure SOs were not permitted to ask third parties about those they were looking for and asked him. To which he replied he was required rather than permitted, and it was necessary as he had to be sure the person lived at the address before his document was served through the letter box. Is this true?
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