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  1. Background - I have a medical condition which means I can collapse without warning after which I have maybe a few minutes before I lose consciousness. Currently I have a panic alarm which connects to an emergency response team, they call the paramedics. I live in an apartment. The communal door currently has a keypad entry, the code for which is given to the paramedics during the emergency call. Once in the building they can access a concealed key safe to get into the flat. This isn't a theoretical issue, they've had to let themselves in twice in the past, once I vaguely remember the other time I was unconscious long before they arrived. I certainly would not be capable of using an intercom system to let someone in. With 48 hours notice, the entry system has been changed to a key fob. The first we knew of it was when the fobs were delivered. There is now no way the emergency services can get in unless someone lets them in. Immediate effects are that my son has had to cancel a planned holiday at a loss of around £300 as I can't now be left home alone. The management company have arranged for the contractor to install extra handsets in every room on the off chance I might still be conscious enough to use one, but we have to pay for them. Long term we're going to have to move. I don't want and couldn't expect one of my kids to be available to look after me 24/7 for ever, hubby can't/won't give up work (he works away for 6 weeks at a time). There's no way we'll get all our money back having bought just on the crash, moving costs anyway and I don't want to move, I like it here and it's been adapted to meet my needs. I doubt we'd find anything more suitable in terms of size, layout and location. Management company were aware that I am disabled but not the collapse issue, obviously they know now but are refusing to back down. The fob system is being installed whether we want it or not - as you might imagine quite a few of the other elderly/disabled residents who live alone have some concerns too and some of them did know about my condition. Is there any way we can force them to change their minds short of sacking them? We're self-managed and the directors approved the change but clearly knew next to nothing about it. Two of the three don't even live here as their properties are let. If we can't make them change back (the ideal) can they really effectively charge me extra for this system because I'm disabled? And can I hold them responsible for our extra costs? Sorry if this is long and a bit garbled, I'm really upset. What a way to start the week!
  2. hi,, I am looking for some advice on discrimination, in a private club, I know there are still some old working men's clubs that do not allow female members, I have scoured the internet looking for the laws and rules about this but can't seem to find what I am looking for. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello New thread brand new topic Been told will not be dismissed on capacity but contract not renewed - does it seem like discrimination with facts below 1) Joined on zero hours then moved to fixed term - all fine till Sept 2014 2) I am deaf made all aware who appropriate 3) Sept 2014 went away 4) three months no contract 5) no manager as old manager off sick 5a) deputy but not known in team - she's now based down stairs not making lot of contact 6) no problems from start date till Sept 7) they told me three times in Oct wanted to speak to me never did 8) Oct told nothing to worry about 9) Nov told under performing - without valid reasons why took till Dec to tell me area went wrong, only 1 percent of it and before told threatened capacity dismissal - being compared to someones son with Aspergus suggesting I could have it - Jan put on improvement plan not sooner; and even not referring me now to occ health when they said would; occ health on phone told them I was deaf and made them aware from start. 9a) Told them I felt insecure with no contract for three months 10) Shown some new things on system and won't move me to a quieter environment to do it as could do it better in one 11) Managers under stress department struggling to find staff 12) I found out why made errors; due to distractions found out in Jan'15 from broken hearing aid 13) I did not know my hearing aid they're taking if I knew from Sept why did I not say I was hearing too much I did not know till Jan speaking to an audiologist who said a wire broken for noise blockage, she said deteriorated over time - did something when instantly knew 14) Couldn't do anything about fixing as no warranty left and even no proof a worker for evidence to show an employee for paperwork if knew hearing all this time would've said. 15) Eight months prior Sept no one checked work 16) Now not being considered for other roles due to my hearing for promotion as one part they do not think I'll be able to minute take due to my hearing loss and only can be in that role if can do that not even let me try to do it or put me on a course to learn it 17) Other parts of work can do, they wont' look at a new role for me due to my hearing 18) Audiologist said hearing is letting me down and they're saying i'm dwelling but do not ask me what is wrong - she's not surprised the undermining me is pushing me to tears being threatened. Also suffer v bad anxiety, from work bullying four years ago which they know I suffer from it 19) told not being renewed as seen improvement plan as a negative when she's not realised she's upset me comparing me to her son and that she couldn't see me there anymore
  4. Dear all, I am currently filling in my ET1 form which needs to be done in next week - ahhhh the stress of it!! My case is very long but involves disability discrimination - stress anxiety and bullying and migraines and constructive unfair dismissal (last straw) and breaches of contract and failure to follow grievance procedures etc etc How do I word this on the form? - do I just say I was discriminated at each of the points I feel I was even though some are back in time although all part of same Sorry for the lack of detail but too long to explain all. Also ref teachers pay and failure to give a pay rise for five years even though in contract is a breach of contract but how would this be worded? Thanks for any advice.
  5. A well know ferry company usually accepts online bookings and allows amendments to be done online free of charge. If not done online it's an 0871 telephone number and £15 (I think) charge. If someone in the party is disabled, the initial booking can still be done online but any amendments have to be done by phone (whether related to the disability or not), though the charge is waived. Obviously this isn't a huge issue - they don't keep you hanging on the phone for hours so it's a fairly small cost if you're using a BT line but I still think it's wrong in principle. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that they shouldn't be using 0871 numbers for customer service any more, or isn't that law yet? I've solved the problem this time by emailing and insisting they call me if they must speak to me, but I'm still annoyed.
  6. In peoples opinions, do you think all women shortlists as to reserved seats is discriminatory. I can understand the principle, take a trade Union hierachy as to positions. They tend to be white, middle aged and male. If both the male and female candidates are equally qualified, why should the female take precedence and the male candidate withdraw, even if the female role is not equal to the male? I put forward this scenario as well, do you have to be Gay to work in an equality role, or non white just because they are unerepresented as a specific tital. Why stick a lable on someone, the very thing equality strives to eliminate. Trade unions are there to ensure equality, my argument is that women should be encouraged to take part in an organisation, but not jump into reserved seats because of your sex. That stinks of cronyism No Racist, sexist or homophobic response please, serious question
  7. Until recently, I worked for a company in Scotland, where I was the only English person in the office. At the end of my trial period, I was dismissed. The reason given was that I asked colleagues too many questions. This came as quite a shock, as: A. I had been told my my boss's boss the week previously that I had passed my probationary period (something my boss denied during the probationary meeting). B. I had achieved all of the performance targets that I'd been set. C. I was asking fewer and fewer questions each week, as my skill and knowledge level grew. Moreover, I'd be surprised if more than 5% of my day was spent receiving training from colleagues. I now wonder whether I was let go for being English (even though the only behavior that could be described as anti-English was when the MD made a few jokes about the English). Might I have a case? Thanks
  8. Hi, I have a friend that worked for Company A since 2006. In 2008, Company A TUPE'd him to Company B. Company B was at the time being acquired by Company C. That acquisition completed in May 2010 and as it was covered under TUPE, my friend's length of service was acknowledged as starting in 2006. (8 yars of service) In 2014, Company C announced a Voluntary reducdancy scheme to which he enquired. the response from HR was that he would be entitled to 6 weeks per year worked if he applied. He duly enrolled in the VR scheme. A month later, HR informed him, they made a mistake and becuase he was TUPE'd from Company B, he was only entitled to 5 weeks per year. As he has not signed anything, he is in a position to withdraw his VR application. However, this sounds like a case of discrimination (Company C pays employees 6 weeks per year, however if you worked for Company B, you are only entitled to 5 weeks) Is this discrimination ? Thanks.....
  9. Hi, Been trying to google an answer to this but with no luck The Organisation i work for recently advertised for staff to apply for promotion , they are quite strict about attendance (understandably) and it always used to be the case that if you had more than 4 periods of absence in the 2 years prior to applying for promotion - it automatically barred you from applying . I had been told (but am unable to find anything in writing) that an employer can no longer hold sickness against you when applying for promotion ? But if you applied for a new position and were shortlisted , if it came down to Mr A and Mr B and one had 0 absence , and the other had 5 days off sick , then Mr A would get preference . I have been told by a manager although they can no longer use sickness to stop someone getting promoted then now use the term "reliability" ?
  10. tried to switch my gas and electric to another supplier, who will remain nameless for the next 2 days to give them a chance to start correct things but was told that I was not wanted as a customer as I suffer from a neurodisability that prevents me from using their online system. All I required to make their services accessible was to use my meter number instead of a created password when contacting them but they refused this and suggested my carer could be the named account holder or that I should give power of attorney to a friend or relative to manage my affairs. This wasnt some front of house service person, this was their management's considered reply to a request under the EA for a "reasonable adjustment". I was absolutely seething, I am not demented or incapable, just have a brain tumour that affects my (mostly) short term memory and behaviour problems which means I interact badly with the type of idiot who seem to be running these organisations. Anyone else had problems switching due to this kind of thing? If so just post here who it was and I will gladly tell you if the companies match up.
  11. Hi, I was off sick for 8 weeks due to work related stress. My GP gave me a fit note with adjustments, these adjustments would cost the firm nothing and cause minimal inconvenience. I heard nothing more for 2 months until I was sent to oc health who confirmed the same adjustment and stated that I may fall under the equality act. Again I heard nothing more from work for a further 2 months until I was asked to attend a meeting. My boss stated that the adjustment could not be made, (even though it easily could) and they would move to dismiss me under ill health capability. A month later I received a letter with an ill health capability hearing date. This date was postponed for various reasons and a month later I attended an ill health capability hearing where the panel decided not to dismiss me as they could find no evidence that my boss had made any attempt to return me to work. My boss is now trying to arrange a back to work meeting with a view to not making the recommended adjustment still as they dont recall the panel actually stating that they had to. My union says that I have no case for disability discrimination but a solicitor that I spoke to through my home insurance says I have a great case. I am worried that they were just touting for business maybe and the union is right, but the union was wrong on a couple of other points so I am not sure. My employer has made it clear that they do not want me back, but I need a reference to move on which they have already denied when I applied elsewhere. Anybody any ideas whether or not I have a case? Thanks
  12. Hi all, I am hoping someone can help or let me know of someone who can help. Last year I raised a case of discrimination to the employment tribunal. Case background: In 2009, I was attacked (outside work) and suffered PTSD and depression. 2012 employer implied I was weak because of the attack (e.t.c) and asked me to find another job (I had a very public breakdown whilst being told this & it was very belittling). I subsequently found myself having a re-occurrence of PTSD/depression. I accepted a settlement based on the figures below (figures separated in COT3) £30,000 compromise agreement to end employment (redundancy) £15,000 to settle claim. My questions are: 1) Do I pay tax on the £15,000? I consider this 'hurt feelings' for what I suffered. I haven't been able to work since and my career is over. How will HMRC see this figure? 2) During 2012, I was paid 40% tax on 3 months salary and paid 4 months statutory sick pay, and no other income. Would I get a tax rebate to bring the tax to 20% (3 months salary doesn't put me in the 40% tax bracket). 3) Can I claim tax back for legal fee's associated with the claim? If you don't know the answer, do any of you know how I find out? I contacted an accountant 6 weeks ago but have had no response after much chasing. I have searched the internet and some sources say 'taxable' and some say 'not taxable'. Many thanks for your help.
  13. I will start this off by explaining that I have bipolar disorder, anxiety and OCD, all of which I receive medication and treatment for. I also have a history of self-harm. I started working for a supermarket a year and a half ago, and in my application i stated that I believed to suffer from a disability, my condition being mental health issues. I was also upfront about this in my face-to-face interview. I started off working in the clothing department of the store and my manager was great with me, understanding of my condition and knew i saw a psychiatrist and attended group therapy. I have my ups and downs in work, but last December I was overwhelmed with stress and anxiety and cut my arm during my lunch break. One of my colleagues bumped into me after I done it and noticed the blood from my arm and I was sent to the hospital to get stitches. The 'People Manager' of the store recommended I take a few days off after the incident. In March, me and two others were moved to other departments due to cut backs and poor sales. I was moved to the bakery department and have struggled mentally since then. The job itself isn't hard at all, it's the amount of work that stresses me. There are 5 in on the dayshift, but only me on the back shift. There used to be two on the back shift, but they cut it down to save money, so I am doing work for two people. I always feel harassed into doing over time and during the summer I was on my own (as usual) on a busy Saturday and really struggled. One of the managers saw me and was concerned about me and I confided in her that I was really stressed and because I self-harm, it was doubly worse working unsupervised in an environment with knives etc. The manager sent me home and I was asked to see an occupational therapist a week later. The occupational therapist told me that it was unacceptable that I had brandished a knife and threatened to cut myself. I told him that that never happened. He said it didn't matter and if my behaviour wouldn't change I would be out on my arse without a leg to stand on, and would struggle getting a job in this climate and without a good reference. When I spoke the 'People Manager' (head of personnel) about this, she said the occupational therapist shouldn't have used that language, but that the points he made were true. She said she has a duty to ensure I am fit for purpose and can do the job they pay me to do. She said she has to protect staff and customers from the aftermath of my self-harming as no-one should have to see that. She told me she would be monitoring me very closely for the upcoming months. This happened at the end of August and ever since then it had bugged me. I have always been upfront about my illness and unfortunately one co-worker and my old manager saw my arm after I had self-harmed last December. I feel terrible that they saw that, but my fellow workers don't even know about my self-harming, and I wear long sleeved blouses that cover up my scars. I am very hard-working and polite, but I have told my manager repeatedly that I struggle on my own and I never get any help. When I wanted to move to a different department my manager wouldn't let me as she says I'm one of her best workers. I am also annoyed at how they added me "brandishing a knife and threatening to cut myself" on that busy Saturday during the summer. Am I being discriminated against or are they right and I just can't see it?
  14. Hello, I have worked in a shop for nearly 2 years, I work 32 hours which is classed as a p/t contract, while the f/t work 40 hours. I do enjoy this job or I would have walked long ago. I want to get promoted to supervisor level, as I undertake this role daily, and members of staff and other supervisors treat me as I am on the same level. They constantly stress they do not understand why I am not promoted as they admit they will come to me first if they have a problem they cannot sort out. I'm feeling frustrated daily and under paid, and I'm trying to decide if I would be best if I should leave, or if I have any rights in my current work place. In previous experiences I have been told by management that all supervisors are required full time but have had 2 part time supervisors employed. I have also noticed vacancies for the same job but different shop location offering part time supervisor roles and have met others on training, so they do exist! Now do I have any rights? And is this a form of discrimination? I obviously don’t want to make this thread sound like I'm moaning, but I'm feeling fobbed off because I'm obviously doing this role, and I feel they won't give me any real answer on the matter. I have mentioned I am willing to do overtime and flexible hours and that I only don’t work 40 hours every week as I use an extra day off to care for a family member. I have looked up the prevention of less favourable treatment and discrimination regulations. And they give not much depth besides a part timer should not be treated any different to a full timer for promotional and training opportunities, so I'm stuck! Anyone got any advice on what I should do next? I'm between looking for a new job or taking it to head office. Thank you.
  15. Hi Everyone... I am currently in the process of handling an ET case for disability discrimination. My case is based on DD failure to make reasonable adjustments. I was dismissed for long term absence due to my illness, which I claim was due to employer. I was under-trained for a new role and raised this to which this was not acted upon and no training or coaching was implemented based upon my part time hours and they said I would have to change working hours to change this. I subsequently went off work for health reasons, had numerous Occ Health reports done with advice to employer but not acted upon. 6 months later I was offered adjustments that could be made but declined due to my deteriorated health and faith in my employer. I was then sacked 10 mins later. It is nearly a year since my dismissal. So far I have had two CMD's (phone and in person) and just recently due to the last CMD had orders made to both myself and the respondent. I have had to and have done an updated case based on DD - failure to make reasonable adjustments, to which the tribunal had ordered the respondent to notify if interested in mediation a week later (1st November) and then to provided an updated response (15th November). The respondent has not replied to myself as the tribunal had ordered and I contacted the respondent (copy sent to tribunal) but have yet to receive a response. Now... today I received a letter from the tribunal stating they cannot offer mediation as consent was not received from both parties. I'm now awaiting their updated response to get a better idea of their stance on the case. My question for help or guidance is if anyone else has experienced similar? is waiting 6 months for reasonable adjustments acceptable? when its for guaranteed training? also their failure to comply with orders, is this something to be taken seriously? they have continuously postponed dates of orders that have been made previously also. Many Thanks for taking the time to read my post
  16. Good evening all, Some help needed please. I have been on the council's transfer list to move for the last 3 years as a medical priority as being assessed as medical priority B by their independent doctor. I was placed in Band 2. I went down the list to position number 3 so was hoping to move very soon. The reasons for moving were because I am registered disabled and there are 72 steps to get into my current property. This is next to impossible as I have mobility issues. When my partner called the council the other day she was told that are band has changed and we are now position 10 in Band 3. When my partner questioned why we had moved bands she was told they had a policy change in April 2013. So it has taken over 6 months for us to be informed of the change of policy!! Not at any point has any letter been sent to advise us. The only letter we have had is one dated 02ndOctober stating position number 3 in Band 2. Now when I have looked at their new policy band 2 only applies to those that are working,in training or foster carers. So all of the disabled people in band 2 have been thrown out and either placed in band 1 or band 3 like me. Can anyone tell me if this breaches the housing allocation law? Also does this breach protected characteristics? In other words someone who works has more priority than one who is disabled placing the disabled person at the disadvantage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Phil
  17. I am tempted to raise a grievance with my employers as a result of being sidelined following maternity leave. I work in a senior management role and prior to mat leave my role was to run a big team with big budget. Since mat leave I've had a much lesser role, endless promises of a better one but nothing yet materialised or likely to in the near future. Where I think it is perhaps grey is that my employment contract just calls me senior manager in department x (rather than head of x line of business) and says something about being flexible and undertaking activities as allocated. However in reality since maternity leave, due to no longer having a 'proper' role, I now have less status and less opportunity to achieve well this year in terms of review, pay rise etc. which just doesn't seem fair. Essentially my career has been de-valued quite considerably in my eyes. FYI - I took AML as well as OML. My previous role does still exist and is being undertaken by the person who covered it while I was off. When I returned (in summer) and wasn't put back in the role I didn't protest because I was promised other even better roles (which is what hasn't materialised). Resolving the situation also doesn't seem to be a high priority for those I work for, based on some recent events. Any thoughts, anyone done similar? Should I just resign and leave on relatively good terms rather than put myself through the pain of a grievance? The outcome I would want from raising a grievance is either a decent role or an exit with some form of settlement agreement.
  18. I work for a County Council and am a paid up member of Unison. I recently had cause to speak to a parent about an issue and they identified themselves as working for Unison during ‘discussions’ about a serious complaint they had. They made several threats to us, using their standing, to have us investigated for apparently wasting money and for discrimination. This is without first establishing the facts that prove they are in fact wrong on every count. We are all facing severe funding cuts and as such are expecting a large number of redundancies and I take exception with the fact that this person has effectively abused their position and threatened people like me in order to bring about change. I’m not naïve enough to deny that this goes on every day in one form or another but I have taken exception to this especially as I pay for people like them to look after our interests and to not make even vaguely veiled threats. Do I have grounds for making a complaint to Unison and will it jeopardise anything with my employment? Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
  19. Hi, I work for a company that has several people doing the same job as me, yet I know we get paid a different rates of pay. Everyone is told to not to disclose their rate of pay to anyone else. My concern is that some people are better favoured than others for no particular reason. How can I be sure that I am not being discriminated against if pay rates are not to be disclosed. Can they be forced to disclose pay rates or publish the pay scale to prevent this, as I have a right not to be discriminated against. Thanks,
  20. Hi there peeps, Im wondering if I can get your help and advice on an issue Im having. I'm a member of an Institution (also reg. Charity in Eng & Scot) and pay a membership fee. However, i went for a role in the institution and was told I could join because I'm abroad. However the institution changed the application page after the deadline saying all members could apply, and therefore are clearly discriminating against international members. I have already tried to resolve this issue with them but unfortunately to no avail. Please can anyone help how i might escalate this to court proceedings? Your help would be grealty appreciated. Many Thanks! Dan
  21. I have a medical disability but still compete in various sporting events and have always declared it without issue. Some events request ALL competitors to provide a doctors note to say they are medically fit which I have no issue with. However I have been asked with a few days notice to provide a letter to say I am well enough to compete. Can an organiser single those out who declare an illness to provide a letter or is it discrimination? The vast majority of those who die or fall ill during races have undiagnosed conditions so it doesn't really make sense?
  22. Payout for used car salesman, 52, fired for being ‘too old’ A used car salesman thrown on the scrapheap because of his age has won a multi-thousand pound payout. Gary Hawkins, 52, took legal action against the Black Country motor dealership Carcraft where he worked as manager after complaining he’d been told there were too many miles on his bodyclock. Speaking after a Birmingham employment tribunal backed his claim of age discrimination, he said: “I have struck a blow for middle aged men and women everywhere.” And the Sutton Coldfield businessman, who has a four-year-old daughter, laughed: “I didn’t even know I wasn’t part of the youth culture until they got rid of me.” He is remaining tight-lipped over the scale of the payout, but admitted it ran into thousands. At an earlier hearing, Gary said bosses at CC Automotive Group Ltd, which trades in Wednesbury as Carcraft, told him bluntly his career with the business was over because of his age. The company denied ageism and claimed the employee had failed to motivate his team and had not trained them properly. The firm’s “pressurised environment” was outlined to the Birmingham hearing. Gary said two managers were sacked in one day by a boss, while another resigned. The boss had been on “a high following the sackings,” he said. “He was looking for another to be dismissed. The third to be dismissed was me.” Gary insisted he was shown the door because of his age and had earlier been told: “You are too old at 52.” He denied his showroom performance had been shoddy and stressed there were regular team meetings, where ways of improving sales were discussed, along with training techniques. The company alleged there had been issues over a “number count” of customers and sales logs. Other roles had been offered to Gary, the tribunal heard, but he refused a move. The firm admitted, however, heads had rolled, with others losing their jobs. Tribunal judge Peter Rose QC asked the ages of other managers, past and present. Gary had been the oldest in his field, it emerged. He has since gained a new job as a manager in the car sales industry. His delighted wife Heather, aged 48, said: “Gary’s definitely not over the hill. He has three daughters and a son and they keep him on his toes. “Really, the whole thing has done him a good turn because he’s now got the best job in the world. More... Perhaps he could come here and give us the low down on this gutter company.
  23. I went to the following O2 store today (24th of June) to return a product I purchased on the 15th of June (also purchased from a physical O2 store): London - London Wall 116 LONDON WALL, GREATER LONDON, EC2M 5QA LONDON Tel: 020 7374 6840 On the back of the receipt it says the item can be returned for a refund within 7 working days and today is the 6th working day.. However, I was refused the refund by the store leader, he said this particular store along with few other stores in London operate on different return policy, and the return policy is 7 days not 7 working days. Despite trying to reason with him and showing him the printed terms and conditions on the back of the receipt, he refused to back down. Brought the item to a different store later on, and they processed by refund immediately. Funnily enough, this store that processed the refund is also one of the exception stores that operate on the 7 days return polic' according to store leader who turned me away.
  24. I have received advice from Equality Advisory Support Service that the way I have been treated by a certain well know provider of services amounts to direct discrimination however they will not provide an opinion on whether my claim is within the 6 month time limit. One argument will be that the act of discrimination took place when the provider of services failed to make a reasonable adjustment around the beginning of July 2012 and therefore my claim is out of time. However they have subsequently failed to make a reasonable adjustment on at least 5 further occasions, the last one being at the end of last month. Also I could not reasonably have known at the time that I would suffer a detriment since the detriment has only arisen due to the repeated failures to make an adjustment. I have been searching on BAIILI but haven't been able to find anything useful. I am going to need a solicitor to take this further but I would like some opinions on the time limit thing before I do.
  25. Hi, I am new on this CAG forums and hope that I am posting this in the right forum. I had booked a 3 nights holiday at Prethaven Sands for me and my family. This I did by directly contacting the owner of the caravan. I paid for the 3 nights and the booking confirmation came through. We reached the site around 08:30pm and went to the reception to get our keys. I asked the lady of how to get to Papa John's Pizza and she told me the way was through the entertainment complex. I must mention that we were not given any passes or wrist bands. Next day was pretty good, my 4 year old daughter was happy to play around the park with my wife looking out for her whilst I went to the onsite Spar store to buy some stuff. When I came back I was surprised to see my wife very upset. On enquiring she said that my lil one wanted to use the toilet and they were stopped from entering the complex as they did not have passes. My wife said she just needed the toilet but he would not allow her. Finally when she asked if she could go in to the reception he said rather rudely its closed. I found that strange. So I stood away from the main entrance and watched the security guy. He was not checking anybody's passes and was letting everybody in without a second look. I was surprised. I went away as my daughter badly needed the toilet and went to our caravan. Next day, around 5:30pm I went to the bouncy castle to let my daughter in, but the guy who was manning it said he is gonna shut it down in 10 minutes so no point in paying. I left with my daughter wanting to go on the bouncy castle. Imagine my surprise when after an hour when I went back the guy still had the bouncy castle up and was letting kids(white) in. We are an Asian family so felt discriminated here. we made up our mind to grab something to eat from Papa John. As I was walking towards the entrance I saw the same security guy but he was letting all patrons go in without asking them anything(all were whites) and as soon as I and my family reached the door he again stopped us saying cannot go in without passes. I said thats ridiculous cos I just need to buy food and its stupid that in order to buy food for my hungry family I need to have a pass. I put it down to bad planning on Haven. They said I need a pass If I needed to enter the complex after 6pm. Why was I not told this when I took the keys from the reception and asked how to get to the Pizza shop or Burger King? She was fully aware that I had not purchased the passes. She could have warned me when directing me to the shops that I would need pass after 6 pm to enter the complex. Also How come only me and my family were stopped everytime whilst others were let in. I noticed that if you were white you were let in without questions and when we approach the security turns around and asks for passes. I guess this is a serious case of racial discrimination. I contacted the owner of the caravan and she complained about it to the Manager on site but got a reply that nothing of this sort happened. After going through numerous posts about Bourne Leisure and its Franschisees I have concluded that they are not professional at all. They cannot stand being complained against . I have also read that they have actually kicked out some of their customers just because they complained about the services they received. I do not want to pursue them in courts and all but just wanted to voice my concern and disappointment at them. You all may think Asian= racist claims. But this is not the case. The above are actual scenarios I experienced.
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