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  1. Hi Received a letter in February this year advising me that if i did not contact the Csa they would write the debt of 2600 off my file. Contacted them on the day to say i didn't want that to happen and was told that it wouldn't and they would start chasing the debt. Today received a letter stating that as i didn't contact them they have written it off completely and it cant be reinstated! How can they do this its absolutely shocking, never got a penny and now they have written off every penny thay he could have paid when he got work
  2. Are parents aware that the Child Support Agency (CSA) are going to be closing claims down by the end of 2017? It will be replaced with something called "The Child Maintenance Service" (CMS) for short, if not you may want to read up on this here https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/improving-the-child-maintenance-system Partial quote "The improvements planned by the government will help separated parents work together on the range of issues they face at separation, including arranging child maintenance. Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support paid by one parent (the paying parent) to the other (the receiving parent) that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs". Actions Closing Child Support Agency cases "We will close Child Support Agency (CSA) cases by the end of 2017. We will ask parents to consider their options for their future child maintenance arrangements. This is to allow parents an opportunity to consider alternatives to using the Child Maintenance Service. Using this service incurs a cost to the applicant and, depending on arrangement type, could also incur ongoing collection and enforcement charges". It looks like that Government want to charge the parent/s to use this service, so it may pay you to read up on this now so you are prepared for this change. Further readings are available from here http://www.cmoptions.org/
  3. Need some advice big time, I received a letter from the job centre earlier stating they will be taking money out of my ESA for child support, I have never herd off the CSA, my two daughters are 18 and nearly 20 although I haven't seen them for a few years through no fault of mine I used to regularly give my ex money for my children she'd never got the CSA involved and she's always worked so never got the CSA involved, naturally I thought she had got them involved this time as I have not spoke to her in a few years either, I phoned job centre plus they told me I need to speak to the CSA as it was them who told job centre plus to take money from me, I phoned CSA add some right arrogant bloke on the other end telling me my ex had not contacted them and that it doesn't matter how old my children are as I have never paid through the CSA I must pay something back, surely this is not right due to the age of my children I told him I used to pay my ex money he told me it doesn't matter because it's not on their records! Please advise if they can do this or not, He also told me it doesn't matter if my children was working full-time when I told him I would take this further and see citizens advice he put the phone down on me.
  4. is there anyone who can advise me,I dont have any communication with my ex and my daughter,I recently found out from calling my daughters school she left school last may age 16.She has not went onto college or uni,I phoned csa and after 6 weeks they informed me that as my ex is still claiming child benefit I have to keep paying formy daughter. I believe my ex is claiming this fraudulently as she is more than capable of doing this.I am currently receiving on average 3 letters a week from a debt collection agency on a catalogue debt she has run up since I left her.She has used my name to open accounts with this company.The stress is getting to me and I dont want to be getting defrauded by her any longer in regards to csa payments I shoudnt be paying,I have stopped paying them but csa is adamant that I have to restart them with immediate effect.Any advice would be most gratefull
  5. Hello all... I'm after some advice from my brother (I have no idea about the CSA, but have heard some horror stories) so I am very worried for him. I am going to try to get to that facts and keep the emotion out of this post... My brother has a son by his estranged wife (8 years old). They split even before my brother knew she was pregnant (not that that makes a difference of course). They have had an informal arrangement for years, which seemed to work. But a few years ago (not sure how long, I can get the information if needed) my brother was contacted by the CSA making demands. To cut a long story short, they are now demanding £63 a week. It's the amount of letters that is distressing his partner (my brother doesn't get his post until he's home at the weekends and on one occasion he got 18 letters in ONE day). My brother has a new family and a 6 month old baby and works away all week. He is really struggling with making ends meet for his family. My brother relies on his family to help him with his admin as he works away and doesn't have much time. What can I do to help him or what advice can I give him on what to do? He has some debts which he's trying to pay off too - I think the best way is for him to declare himself bankrupt to start things fresh (but I'm not sure where that fits with the CSA). Any help would be so much appreciated.
  6. Good Morning all, I am wondering if you can help. My partners ex has only been paying CSA for the last 2 yrs after 14yrs of none payment. (He abandonded her after finding out she was pregnant.) He got away with not supporting her mainly due to threats of violence and intimidation. I then came along 2yrs ago, reassured her and advised accordingly that many of these type of bullies never actually follow up on these threats. It is purely intimitation.As predicted, her ex, stuck his tails between his legs and started paying as soon as CSA made a claim against him. However, recently he quit his job after 20+yrs in the Police Force and alledgedly wrapped up his part-time small business which we understand he is now running a bit more, but for CIH. As such he claims that he can no longer afford to pay her CSA although he has his Police Pension. Now his son is 16 and still in full time education. He should still be paying CSA surely. Just because he quit his job, the CSA claim he can no longer pay. Can we make a claim against his pension or any other means? I am only chasing this up as my partner still fears him, and well frankly I think the guy is a bully and got away with it for far too long. He wants nothing to do with his son and we have since found out that he may also have a daughter of the same age. Meaning he got 2 women pregnant at a similar time. All in all a nasty piece of work. My question is this, is there a way we can get the CSA to enforce a payment against him or even enforce a default or similar on his credit file? Any advice welcome.
  7. Hi, I am wondering if anybody could give me some advice. I split with my husband nearly two years ago on the ground of domestic violence after 16 year together. The short version is I am still waiting to go to Crown Court to see this through, and within all of that time he has not financially supported, or seen our three children. Due to the nature of what happened, my children would only see their father in a contact centre, but he refused, hence it never taking place. I contacted the csa and its I now with a baliff, but they are struggling to locate him, they say, even though I have provided both of his parents addresses, last known work, car, NI number and his new address with his gf and their new child. He also refuses to sign our divorce papers, and I see it all as power and control on his part, or to try and hope I will give up with taking him to court for what he did to me... this I can shoulder, but I feel he should pay for the three children he brought into the world, the same way in which I do, and I really want to know what else can be done, if anything. Sorry for the long winded description !
  8. Ex husband had a baby with his girlfriend in September. Despite them informing the CSA when she was born and again when they had got the child benefit claim set up for her, the CSA calculated the new amount but have continued to pay me at the same rate. No paperwork has been sent to either of us, we've just been told the new payment rate over the phone. Neither of us were told how much I would have to pay back and when either When I rang up to check last month they said it was because they pay me a month in arrears so e.g. the money I get in Novemer is taken out of my ex husbands October pay. Had a text message off them to say my payment is on its way and guess what? Its still the amount he was paying before his new daughter arrived. Checked with my ex husband yesterday and he had his December payslip on him so we had a look and they have taken my over payment in one go leaving me with well under £100 due to be paid to me in January. Great timing! I understand I will have an overpayment to pay back but seriously to take it off me in one go without discussing it with me first is a bit harsh in my opinon. The adviser I spoke to was very apologetic (aren't they always tho) and shes going to look into why someone has made the decision to take the over payment in one go rather then spread it over a few months. Beginning to think that seeing as me and my ex husband are pretty civil these days that we should just swap to a private agreement. Be so much less hassle then dealing with the CSA!
  9. illlady


    The csa have just taken over half my wages again. I only work part-time due to illness and cannot afford rent and bills again now. Can anyone advise?
  10. How am I to handle rental income for the purposes ofcalculating payments? I have PAYE salary through a Ltd company, and some viapersonal BTL properties. Would the CSA expect me to exclude BTL mortgages and treatall rent as income? (similar to how they would exclude my own mortgage as partof the gross calculation) Any help would be appreciated!
  11. Hi Guys, Im not new on here, couldnt find my email and password so had to re-register! I hope you can advise on this, its like jeremy kyle but here goes. My husband's ex has numerous kids by different fathers, there's 8 in total. Her two youngest kids are 19 and 16. My husband is on the 19 yearolds birth certificate as her father although, he is definitely not her father (he met the ex when she was 6 months pregnant). The 16 year old is supposed to be my husbands child, although the ex has said he isnt, but shes an idiot and we can only go on her word. The ex, took the kids out of education, the eldest at 14 years, the youngest at 9 years old and was supposedly 'home schooling' them. She hasnt and the kids arent too bright, they have no qualifications and she has certainly not home schooled them, unless Mr X-box has come up with a whole new concept! Weve started to get letters from the CSA demanding information. Firstly, im my husbands employer so Im not really happy about the CSA asking for my husbands details through my business, but i dont want a fine, but i certainly dont want to help them. Obviously, I want to fight this as much as possible and not be taken as a meal ticket for the feckless ex, who has never worked and uses the kids as an income. My question is: the CSA state in all their literature 'the child in full-time education' but he hasnt been in education for 7 years. We are wondering if the 16 yearold has been made to go to college to try and get him reading and writing? but it still wouldnt be full-time education. Also, we want to DNA test both kids, we know that my husband is not the father to the eldest, but because he was such a moron, the CSA want to put this on him. I understand that if the kids and ex refuse this the case is closed. Also would they be able to back date the CSA? Were ignoring their communications at the moment until, i have some information. The family live on the next street to us, but the youngest isnt allowed to acknowledge my husband, even when my husband says 'hello' to him in passing. The ex threw my husband out in 2002, so its not as though he walked out. Hope you can advise... thanks
  12. alyssa12


    disowned son after abusing half sister, ex partner now put in a claim to the csa. what rights have i got not to pay because of the situation he has caused.
  13. I will be setting a test case via the European ombudsman on this matter, specifically in the way in which I have been treated by the csa who have sexually discriminated against me let alone contravened equal rights under the human rights act. I have issued proceedings against the csa which has been stone walled by the ministry of justice, the csa has failed to comply with the terms of their fitness to be called a data protection registrar, breaking the data protection act repeatedly by by ex wifes friends whom work for the csa. they have been found to be wilfully passing on details such as workplace, earning amounts addresses etc. I love my son dearly and pay for him over and above what I should have been paying, the csa have mis appropriated funds which I have proven they cant account for. they have charged me full rates of what they class as default rates whilst unemployed, even in college studying they have continued to charge me full rates of their mythical default rates. this business has been proven to have ccjs against them they are a privately run business on a government tender... nothing more. they have also used stolen documentation taking from me by my ex wife during the divorce period which they based a calculation on which was wrong. I have obtained copies of their actual regulations and operating guidance as set down by the government which shows that people have at least one month to report changes to the csa, however the csa completely ignore this and repeatedly makes threats of imprisonment and fines if information is not forthcoming to them within days of what they consider to be a change. the court system has thrown my case out in what I consider to be an unlawful act in itself I wont be wasting any time in dealing with judiciary review, I will be taking it before the European route. if anyone can give any advice on how best to tackle this, my mp has been involved, because the csa got me sacked from my job for harassing my finance director.
  14. I really need advice. Can I sue the CSA in court and get compensation for this. I was happily paying child support for my child with no issues until I met somebody, at which point the CSA was contacted by the mother out of spite. My case started in 2006 and continues to present day. They didn’t do my assessment correctly in 2009 creating arrears and the ICE got involved, I then received compensation but was still made to pay these arrears. They then contacted my work places by ‘mistake (3 times and different work places)’ causing me unnecessary stress and embarrassment. They then apologised but my health had already started to be affected. I then noticed (2013) that my arrears was extremely high and I again asked the ICE to get involved as I was getting nowhere with the CSA complaints procedure. Again they found maladministration and I got another apology and compensation, but to prove this I had to get bank statements ordered, write numerous letters and numerous costly phone calls. (more stress) Again my health was affected in a negative way and I will explain later. I was then informed that the arrears was 467.84 and in May 2014 myself and the CSA worked out a plan to clear these arrears by August 2014, to which I accepted as I thought that would be the end of it. I requested the transcript from the CSA to prove what was said and agreed. I also have a written document stating how much arrears I have left from ICE which supports and confirms what the CSA said. I then received a letter (Aug 8) with a new payment schedule which showed the arrears not being cleared and excessive amounts of money to be paid with no explanation. I then called the CSA on 09.08.14 and found the person to be very rude and unprofessional, they were more interested in the timing of the call as it was near the end of their shift, he was quite abrupt and actually hung up the phone at exactly 5pm, despite the fact I was clearly distressed. I spoke then called again on 11.08.14 for an explanation, to which they informed me that the ICE and themselves made a mistake and my arrears will not be cleared this month. They then apologised and explained that I have to pay these large amounts which I can’t afford. Health: Since the CSA got involved I have been stressed and had large amounts of anxiety. I saw my work counsellor and doctor about these issues. I also developed a tumour (which had to be removed) and I was informed it was stress related. I am getting sick again and saw the doctor and he also informed me that the swelling I am getting is stressed related. The only stress that can be causing this is the CSA and their incompetence as they have clearly embarrassed me and threatened to take large amounts of money from myself which I cannot afford. How am I expected to live and provide for my other child when I don’t know how much is going to be taken from me from month to month? How can I possibly give my students 100% attention and support when I am worrying about whether the CSA is going to contact my work place? Therefore can I now take this case out of the CSA and into the civil courts so that this incompetence can be dealt with once and for all before it causes any more damage to my health?
  15. I Have always paid my CSA i have no problem with supporting my children , however i am in the process of being re assesed , as i earn more i would expect to pay more again i have no problem with this As they have asked for 3 wage slips (one of which that i dont have ) there will inevitably be a delay as i,m told that the new rate will run from when the reassesment was requested approx four weeks at present My question is do i have to pay the arrears of in full or can i be given time to pay in installments if i can pay in installments is there a time limit that it should be paid in eg 6months, a year ,etc Thanks in advance
  16. Hi All, Really need advice/help here as I am worried about the following: I have 2 children in their teens who live with my evil ex. I happily paid my CSA payments (better/easier than dealing with my ex) for many years, about 12 now. I also loaned her my half of the equity of our house saving her about £24,000 in interest rates in the past few years (she has to give me the money back when the kids are 18). I've had good jobs in the past so paid anything from £800-600 a month to her. Naturally she did everything possible to stop me seeing my kids but the law doesn't care about that. Being a lazy bitch she also chose to work p/t despite moving 90 miles away to be near her parents for support. Anyway, I left employment about 18 months ago to work on my own and so stopped paying my CSA payments (I'd over paid in the past by 9 months anway). Its been very very hard for me and what I have earnt has been mostly what its cost me to acquire business. Effectively I've not been earning. My ex decided, despite knowing nothing much about my lifestyle that I am 'living beyond my means' and am obviously on the fiddle. Basically she wants money and won't pull her own finger out despite working p/t. My wife has a good job and so we can survive ok on her wages although this is not ideal. So, off we go to court and, cutting a long story short, the court said 'Provide us with just about every finiancial document you have' or we're going to (sorry for the language) **** you over massively. I said that's fine although I objected to my ex having full sight of all our financial affairs but there's nothing I can do. So, what worries me is that the court could now say and, indeed, are intimating 'Ok, thanks for this but we've been through all you details and think you should pay anyway' even though I am not earning and therefore don't have to pay anything and despite me conforming to all requests for information and doing exactly as they and the CSA have said. I've said, on their recommendation, that I'll make an offer to pay some money but what really scares me is that they seem to be able to ignore CSA rules and do what they think and, at the moment, they think I should pay ALL the payments from the last 18 months as arrears plus future payment amount to not far off £1000 a month!!! Whilst I am not earning a penny!!! And despite me proving it!!! Can I fight this in court with my own lawyer if I need too because I feel totally against the wall on this. £1000 a month would be a killer for us and, quite simply, against the law (it seems). There is no proof of me having some hidden income as I don't have one!! I wish I bloody did. Any help much appreciated.
  17. Had a one off payment from csa from backdated csa, and there wont be any other payments other than this, its a large amount and we get child tax credit, working tax credit and a little help with rent and council tax, does anyone know if this payment affects any of the above benefits?
  18. The CSA have disclosed my actual pension contribution and "what 15% of my salary would be as pension" to my ex and her new husband. From this you can clearly work out my gross salary. Can anyone definitely say if this is illegal? It feels to me a contravention of the Data Protection Act, but the CSA seem to operate to their own laws... I have NEVER signed any release or agreement with them at any point in the discussions. This cannot be legal... surely???
  19. Is there anything I can do to get money out the CSA? For the last 12 yrs it's not been a problem, my ex has £270 for 2 kids taken out his wages every month. Deduction of earnings? Due to him not paying in the past. Around the 24th of the month I get it. I am still waiting for Aprils payment, I rang the CSA a week ago today & was told there was a delay because of bank holiday/easter or something but it will be in my bank the start of this week. Still waiting. My ex works for the NHS, I can't imagine the problem being that end. Is there anywhere we can go to complain about the CSA & find out if it's them that is holding onto money?
  20. Basically I had a period of unemployment and started work 18th May (Sunday). I called the CSA on Monday 19th and informed them of a change in circumstance. At the time I was on a zero hours contract so didn't have guaranteed hours. I soon got 40 hours per week and informed them all the way of the changes. I calculated an average over a month of 15% of my salary and paid every week from my first pay packet. Basically they sent me a letter saying I was in arrears as I had not paid for the weeks commencing the 7th May. I explained to them I didn't start work until the 19th but wouldn't have any of it. They even said they had reason to believe I had worked cash in hand as my bank statements didn't back up their claims. I thought this would be easy to sort out so I called the DWP who confirmed my claim didn't stop till the Friday 16th. I asked for a letter to confirm this and then made the School boy error of saying why I needed it. Immediately I was put on hold and the lady returned to me saying she couldn't confirm when my claim stopped. I was baffled as she had just read it all out to me. It seems my entire file was lost as they no longer had my address, bank details or contact numbers. I was left with being told they would investigate why they could not get my information up. A letter will be sent confirming when my claim stopped but they could not tell me over the phone when that was. I feel I am being really stitched up. The CSA take nothing I say or the evidence I give. They just take my ex's verbal claims as gospel. The CSA even want £37 out of a pay packet of £42 I got for an afternoons trial. Is there anyone I can take this too?
  21. I would like some help to see where I stand with the CSA. After complaining several times over the telephone about my case, never receiving anything further than an “I’m sorry Mr Dowson”, not following the complaints procedure, no body taking initiative for the errors and now totally messing up my case, taking YEARS to work out what I should be paying, DESPITE having my payslips, I find myself in £4606 worth of arrears. This is down to no fault of my own, this is sheer negligence, and maladministration at its absolute highest. I would like the following points to be addressed immediately. You requested payslips in March 2012, which I produced immediately. I sent you payslips, EVERY single one since I started work in April 2009. So why is it (May 2014) it has took 22 months to work out what I should be paying? I got a letter shortly after sending in my payslips saying my case is now fully assessed and my payment is now, £5 Yes £5 a week, despite myself being in fulltime employment. I rang up and quizzed this and got told it was a cross over, and to await another letter. I received another letter telling me to pay; yes you guessed it £5 a week. I rang up, yet again, and they said on my income I should be paying £30 a week. This is what I did, I asked for a direct debit form from MAY 2012, and was not given one, yet EVERY month I made a payment by debit card (costing me over £3-£5 on my mobile EACH time, I was asked the same questions why don’t you pay by direct debit? Each and every time, I said I want to, but given the same response about my case not being finalised. This continued for months, until then astonishingly when I was paying by card around September 2013 I was told I was paying too much and to pay just £5 a week again. I explained clearly I was working, but you were adamant this was right. (check the call) I was not allowed access to see my son as what I was paying the CSA was NOT same as the child in questions mother was receiving. She therefore thought I was fleecing her, you were telling her and me different things. As a result I have missed years of seeing my child which is totally, totally unacceptable, and all I have ever got is an “I’m sorry Mr Dowson; your case will be sorted soon”. The amounts I need to be paying on your letter dated 16/5/14 are totally incorrect, EVEN though I have handed in my payslips, for example £33 a week from 13.7.09 to £5 a week from 15.3.10 this is incorrect as you will see FROM MY PAYSLIP my last wage in December 2009. I did not sign on till March as I am a proud man and only sign on when I absolutely need it. Therefore I had zero income for this period. Going through the letter from the bottom amount £39:00 a week from 6.4.09 is to 13.7.09 IS CORRECT. £33:00 a week from 13.7.09 to 15.3.10 is incorrect as my payslips show, my last payslip proved this as it had holiday pay, salary adjustments and everything left before Christmas! £5 a week from 15.3.10 to 28.6.10 is correct. £ 32 a week from 28.6.10 to 2.8.10 is INCORRECT, as my payslip shows, I was in employment 4 weeks, not 9 as your records have shown. This was down to me waiting to sign on until the 02.8.10 I am being penalised for being honest and not signing as long as I could possibly avoid. Again I sent in my ONE and only payslip, so how do you have 9 weeks when I worked 4? This is a regular pattern and probably as why my arrears have been high, I had zero income, not even benefits, I HAVE PAYSLIPS to prove this, I have given you all my information and yet calculated it incorrect. Let me continue. £40 a week from 30.8.10 till 11.10.10 is out yet again by 2 weeks, I was there 4 weeks NOT 6. Again I sent this payslip in. £5 a week from 11.10.210 to 15.11.10 is correct, £40 a week from 15.11.10 to 20.12.10 is Correct, £5 a week from 20.12.10 to 29.8.11 is correct, then £5 a week from 29.8.11 is again correct. £37 a week from 5.3.12 is correct, £31 a week from 11.2.13 is again correct, finally £5 a week from 10.2.14 is incorrect as I only received 2 weeks JSA not 8, even though I did pay £60, yes I was on JSA that long, but as I made a joint claim I was over the threshold and did not qualify for JSA. As we can see littered with errors, despite having my payslips…..Yes you can argue about being notified of a change, it was common sense when I wrote hand written letters stating this is my one and only payslip !! I have written several times with dates of employment !! Backed these up with wage slips. ! I gave up the home myself and Miss Brotton shared had without requesting a penny from the home as equity and profit of any sale would be substantial to her and my son In January I received SEVEN letters in one day, (what a waste of post) telling to pay SEVEN different amounts, then about 6-8 weeks later, I received around 9-10 letters once again ON THE SAME DAY, ALL STATING MY NEW WEEKLY PAYMENT WAS DIFFERENT FOR EVERY SINGLE LETTER. Great stuff. Unacceptable. Every month I asked for an update yet was stating I was paying the right amount, and then this case arrives for £4,606. I believe all calls are recorded so I would request those to played back. You were telling Miss Brotton I hadn’t sent in my payslips, you even told me at one point you had lost them! then they were found on the system, then they weren’t added on the system, a complete and utter fiasco As a result of your negligence and know I work 9-5, I had 3 private number calls during these hours, yet received no voicemail. No letter. Then I find out you have done a detachment of earnings of what I and my wife can certainly not afford. This is putting our marriage under strain, but no one seems to care or acknowledges the damage that you have caused. My wife is part time, we have a child of our own. I work full time. Our outgoings are more than our incomings now. This can’t be right. If I quit work, which I think I will have too, at least we will save this (£215 a month, rent and council tax £600 and nursery fees £390 a month as we will qualify for all those glorious benefits you see and hear about, but we are honest people and proud, but when you are forced, and this is forced, what can you do? ) So where is the benefit in being honest and working? I objected paying by card as it was costing me money phoning and to be honest I can get away with a detachment of earnings IF IT WAS THE RIGHT AMOUNT. I have calculated the arrears are thousands LESS than your calculations. I do want to pay my way, as you will see since I found permanent employment in 5.3.12 payments have been constant after years of one month temping and months on the dole. This is how I get treated, chasing men who pay, not men who don’t. I am asked to pay £215 for my ex partners son who I don’t see, yet cannot afford to provide for my own child with my wife. I wish my daughter with my wife could have £215 spent on her each month. Adding to the fact the ex-partners tax credits won’t be affected, she will be laughing all the way to the bank. We are expecting another baby in October, we need a double buggy, car seat, Christmas, all impossible and ruined. My wife is talking about a termination. This is beyond a joke. I am holding the CSA liable for this as my wife says we can not afford this baby. The damage you have done by taking so long to sort this out, playing us off against each other, telling me to pay wrong amounts this is border line unrepairable. I do not want to hear another “I’m sorry Mr Dowson” again. The CSA is meant to be about protecting children falling into poverty and as a result of your fantastic service, you have placed my wife and daughter in poverty probably will lose our home, loose her car, and both loose our jobs. But well done, you have ticked boxes and filled in forms, so you must be patting yourselves on the back. Summarise, I have been unable to see my son, as his mother always thinks I have avoided paying, but YOU have been withholding payments, you have held my payslips for two years without reaching a conclusion, you informed to pay by card every month reassuring me all was well, this is an absolute joke, I’m very upset at not seeing my son, and taking TWO years to reach a conclusion , you have toldme this is a final decision 15 times with different ammounts, it is unacceptable letting arrears build up. I believe after reading, researching I am due substantial compensation. I have been fobbed off every month I made my payment, withholding my payments to my ex-partner is shocking and has caused all sorts of stress. I have also written to my local MP regarding this matter.
  22. I have been contacted by the CSA who have backdated a claim to 2006 and have told me I owe £22k. I have never ever been un traceable and have told my ex where I am living. I agree I have to contribute towards my children but disagree with he amount they want to take. I work full time and this month came out with £970.by the time all my bills are paid and I already have a CCJ that also came out of my pay I have nothing left CSA say the minimum amount I can be left with is £1100 they don't seem to be taking into account the CCJ does anyone know if this is correct ? I can barely pay my bills now and have nothing left, we are existing and nothing else. I have always works all my life and wondering now is it really worth carrying on working. I'm pretty much at n all time low. I know some of my debt is down to me and shouldn't have got into this state but when you don't earn much it's easy to do.
  23. hi all im looking for some advice for friend of mine her ex partner ( been split up for 4 years) has made an application for child maintenance payments against her despite him not having the child. she herself does not have the child the child was placed with her father (granddad) about 4 years ago but this s not the first time he has done something like this when the child was first placed the granddad he claimed child tax credit despite the child living with him the granddad has a residence order for the child but the ex keeps making these applications for child maintenance . after speaking to the CSA yesterday they said as the letter was addressed to the mother she is the one that has to send in all the relevant documents to show the child does not live with her and is with the grandfather which they can do that's not the problem. but the ex still chooses to keep on doing this the csa said they will investigate it again once all the documentation has been sent i but she will have to start paying him CSA as from next month even though the child doe snot live with him is there anything they can do legally to either stop him doing this or get him prosecuted ? any help would be gratefully appreciated thanks guys
  24. I am the parent with care. My ex husband worked overseas for a period of two years and the csa could not collect child support payments as he was paid via Jersey and Jersey is not in their jurisdiction. However, he did pay voluntary contributions for child support. I received a phone call from the CSA asking me to confirm that he had paid these voluntary contributions and that he had made an over payment in excess of £8K and he now wants the voluntary contributions back. To say I am flabergasted is an understatement. Surely, if the NRP pays voluntary contributions they are voluntary and the CSA cannot ask for them back. Where do I stand on this.
  25. Please bare with me as I am new to this. Daughter born oct 1997 lives with her mum PWC. paid £40 cash weekly to her mum as we had a friendly and amicable relationship. Saw daughter most days and had her overnight twice a week. met my new partner in 2003, had our first child in nov 2004. she is from Cardiff so moved here when her mother was ill and eventually died in April 2005... continued to pay child support and visit every other week until July 2005 when her mother said I could have no access and didn't want a penny etc. my new partner continued to see my daughter in order to keep a relationship with he new brother until june 2008. Also another ex partner insisted I was her child's parent, I contested this due to casual relationship and other factors. I asked for a DNA test and this PWC refused and I heard no more of this... UNTIL in Feb 2011 I all of a sudden get an AOE .... for both cases! I lost my job in June 2011.... Money was taken from my benefits. I started a new job in October 2012 and was paying the csa once again. I have 4 children with my partner I've been with 12 years. We had to send birth certificates to the csa to prove they existed.... they lost them, but they did send us a giro for £18. My second child is deaf and registered disabled. Thought I should note this. The CSA have always had my address and work details...I have always co-operated. I have now earn £1233 after tax and recieved a letter this morning saying an attachment has been sent to my employer, I apparently owe £11,000 in arrears and they will take £453 a month for child support and arrears payments. I am fully aware that I should be paying child support, like I said ive never hidden or refused to pay and always sent wage slips, change of circumstances and proof of my other children etc But £450 a month will mean I cannot meet the costs of other commitments and essentials. It costs me £50 a week to get to work! I have the letter if anyone that can help would like to see etc. my protected income is £690 If ive missed something I apologise and would appreciate any help.
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