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  1. I am awaiting all this to be put in writing from CSA. I think several factors hAve come into force here. A) My MP contacted them, B) CAB contacted them and C) CSA knew about these voluntary contributions and failed to clarify, in writing, at that time, that these VC's were in place. However, I have been advised that the NRP can appeal this decision so I am hoping that this is not an ongoing case.
  2. I've won!!!! CSA have decided that the voluntary contributions will now NOT be classed as an overpayment.
  3. Quite unbelievable. I am fighting this all the way.
  4. I am meeting my MP to see if she can help me. Also spoken to CMOPTIONS and they cannot understand it. Think this will end up going to court. CMOPTIONS said that ALL voluntary contributions are just that voluntary and they dont know how the CSA can class them as overpayment. It beggers belief that the NRP would want to take a penny off daughters.
  5. I am the parent with care. My ex husband worked overseas for a period of two years and the csa could not collect child support payments as he was paid via Jersey and Jersey is not in their jurisdiction. However, he did pay voluntary contributions for child support. I received a phone call from the CSA asking me to confirm that he had paid these voluntary contributions and that he had made an over payment in excess of £8K and he now wants the voluntary contributions back. To say I am flabergasted is an understatement. Surely, if the NRP pays voluntary contributions they are voluntary and the CSA cannot ask for them back. Where do I stand on this.
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