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  1. I need advice on if is worth proceeding with an appeal, I have already submitted it but could cancel it. The PCN was correctly sent to my address, I informally appealed to the council (Sheffield) a few days ago received a Notice of Rejection. The NoR was sent to the wrong address, my previous address (I moved 2 years ago and my driving license has been updated with my correct address for about 2 years), I received a few days ago when the person from the old address found out where I lived and hand delivered it. 1. I could contact the council and given the fact I haven't had 14 days to pay the lower rate get them to agree the lower rate (£30 instead of £60) instead of proceeding with the appeal. I'm concerned that I might lose this opportunity if I take too long to decide about appealing. 2. My ground of appeal would be the signage - I don't think I can use the wrong address as grounds of appeal? 3. I'm not sure how strong my case is. I turned left onto a main road, where the bus gate started 50 meters down the road, at which point you have to turn right to avoid it. After negotiating and speeding up, by the time I became aware of the bus gate it was too late. My grounds are as follows, which I think would be OK for a bus lane, but I'm not sure about a bus gate (though I think the rules are the same)? Looking at TSM Chapter 3 (I'm not allowed to post a link, but its a pdf on a uk gov website) 1. I think the side road I emerged from should have advance warning signs of the bus gate, it didn't. 2. Although there is a warning sign immediately about 2 yards away from where I turned left, it's orientation at 90 degrees away from the direction of travel when I stop before turning left means I can't readily see it (also it's height above the car made it difficult to see). At least that's why I didn't see it. I think that sign doesn't apply to me, because it's not on the road I was on, and it is not visible for me by at least 45 metres as per section 15.9 of TSM chapter 3. I'm not clear how this might be viewed by the adjudicator? 3. The next sign is 50 metres away, at the start of the bus gate, where I would need to turn right. As far as I'm aware, that also contravenes section 15.9 because it is not 30 metres in advance (given the route I was taking) although it was visible for over 45 metres. 4. Taking 2 and 3 into account, I don't think I had sufficient visible advance notice of the bus gate. Traffic travelling along the main road would have had advance notice, but because I was on a side street with no advance warning signs I didn't have advance notice My difficult with deciding if I should appeal is that (1) I don't know how the adjudicator might look at it, (2) because its a bus gate, I don't know how rigidly the rules on advance warning for bus lanes are expected to be applied by the adjudicator, or if they apply at all (3) if my appeal isn't strong, I wonder if I'm best trying to get the council to let me pay the reduced charge in view of the wrong address on the NoR (I've only just received it even though it is more than 14 days since it was first issued), I'd pay £30 instead of risking £60 on an appeal that might fail. Can anyone advise?
  2. Hi all, on the 27 February this year I drove in a bus lane during its operational hours (3-7pm) I received a letter from the council a PCN on the 4/03/16, I responded to the PCN saying that the bus lane sign was obstructed by HGV lorrys delivering to a builders merchants across the road, I looked at the cctv footage that the council had, now from what I can glean from other websites, the cctv footage has to show me passing both bus lane signs ie the entry and exit signs, the footage does not show me passing the bus lane entry sign as the sign is around the bend and out of the cctv cameras vision.. Also the sign should be visible from 30 metres and it isn't , because you approach the sign from a bend. I responded to the council with my defence, on the 16/03/16 and they replied to me on the 18/03/16 to tell me that they had considered my defence but that they had decided not to cancel my PCN . I then received an enforcement notice dated the 03/06/16 I responded to this notice on the 07/06/16 again stating my defence and also asking for their traffic management order for the signage and the bus lane markings. I then received a notice of rejection of representation dated 21/06/16 they did not supply me with the traffic management order as I had requested, all they sent was a link to the cctv footage that I had already seen. They enclosed a form for me to appeal to the traffic adjudicator. So that is where I am now, I just feel that there was a long time between the PCN and the enforcement notice being issued ( 04/03/2016 PCN 03/06/16 enforcement notice issued) Any thoughts on this issue? Thanks in advance for any and all help given. Moonlandings
  3. Hello, Probably as most of the people here I feel like I've been heavily fined for minor offence. As mentioned in the Title I'd been issued a PCN for 'Parking on a restricted bus stop/stand'. The most important question for me now is whether I should pay full amount (£154) or take it to the court. I don't know if I have the case here and whether it is worth risking for that kind of money. Also the way I dealt with it up to now was probably not too good and on top of it I'm not British which makes it even more difficult for me to understand all these legal procedures. here is the story: 1. On 02/04/2015, 22:15 at Doncaster airport I stopped in the bus bay. It's located just outside the fenced carpark but apparently is still within airport premises. I guess it might have been ca.30s and to be honest I don't remember why I stopped. As I had a kid with me and just picked up my parents from the airport it might have been some safety issue (not fastened seatbelts) or just simply to set the sat nav. I'm not from the area and didn't exactly know which way to go meaning I had to stop somewhere and that bay seemed to be the safest place there. 2. I received a PCN on 20/05/2015 with a £60 discounted rate. 3. I appealed (in my own way, not too professional and legal manner - unfortunately I confirmed in my letter that I did stop in that bay and tried to explain the circumstances.) and obviously it was rejected on 06/06/2015 having found no extenuating circumstances. Still could have paid £60 but decided to appeal to IAS as suggested in the letter. 4. I went to IAS webpage but there was no option suitable to my case so I just left it. 5. I've received a letter on 13/04/2016 from VCS that the case had been moved to legal department: BW Legal and should pay the outstanding balance (£154) or it will be taken to Court They threaten me with CCJ, affecting my credit score and employability. Any suggestions welcomed. Personally I'm leaning towards paying the penalty and getting it off my head. £154 is not a fortune.
  4. Hi, bit of a background. Most dates are from letters. Blue are the dates from correspondence. 02/07/15 - contravention occured, CCTV observed 08/07/15 - Council applied for my details to DVLA 14/07/15 - Council received the details and posted PCN I have not received the PCN 24/08/2015 - Charge Certificate was sent (£90 or so) 01/09/2016 - PEC warning Letter was sent (£90 or so) I opened both letters on 09/09/2015. As I didn't remember entering any Bus Lane I drove to the place. Once there I remembered I did enter the road when looking for a venue for my Wife's birthday. I couldn't see any signs as there was a bunch of diggers and other road working machines parked on both sides of the road. The sign says "Bus and Access Only". As I went half way that road to check the pub it is access. The pub is not accessible by any other road. It sits bang in a middle of Bus and Access only road. I phoned up Council stating that I never received PCN and on top of that I was within restrictions as I was accessing a venue located on that road. Was advised to fill 2 forms (don't remember what forms). Couple of days later I filled the forms and posted them. Haven't heard from the Council since. 27/11/2015 - Council sent TE3/TE9. I honestly don't remember if I got them. Irrelevant anyway as I sent forms already. 08/01/2016 - Warrant of Control was authorised and notice sent to Enforcement Agency Some time in January enforcer turns up and wants nearly £500. I sent him away and contacted CAB. As advised filled forms (Out of Time Witness Statement and Statutory Declaration) stating that I have not received the PCN in a first place and I did coply with restrictions as I used the read as access to the venue which is on that read. Northampton refused the application. Now the case is back with enforcers unless I fork out £100 (no hearing) or £255 (with hearing) and apply for review. Why on Earth Northampton refused I have no idea. When I called TEC they said that officer refused based on reply from the Council. Looks like Council decided here even if it is a side in a case. Now I have to fork out £100 or £255 to have it reviewed and still not certain of the outcome especially if has been refused before despite the fact that I had 2 valid grounds for having Out Of Time granted. As far as my research so far any of this grounds on its own should warrant acceptance of Out of Time. Please advise if there is anything else I can do. Just to clarify, Main problem is should I received PCN I would have appealed against it. Mainly as I can't afford any extra expenses and I do watch very carefully where I drive or park. Having said that if I lost the appeal I would have to pay "only" £60. I definitely can not afford £500. Got to think twice before forking out £100 for review and £255 is out of reach. Regards
  5. Hi Bakatcha, The reason why I am contacting you is connected with my own dilemma with INGEUS!! I have been out of work for sometime & it's tough. The job centre has placed me on a mandatory work program with INGEUS & sadly it's lasted longer than expected. My advisor is using unorthodox ways to find work for me and somewhat intrusive. My advisor thinks it's a good idea if he watches me use the computer when I search/apply for jobs and he also wants me to possibly visit INGEUS on a daily basis. He also thinks it's a good idea if he applies for vacancies without me performing this task and I strongly disagree with that! He even suggested that I sit down with him & log onto my email account so he can check all the jobs I apply for each week, unacceptable in my opinion and I wondered what you make of this.
  6. I have just received a PCN for "Being In Bus lane During Hours Of Operation" on 8th Jan 2016. I don't dispute that I was in Bus Lane but what I do have an issue with is I did not know when the hours of operation were. I turned left from Redvales Road in Bury onto the main road towards Bury and was immediately in Bus Lane. I was going to post a link to to Google Streetview but have not posted 10 times so cannot There is bus lane to the right in same direction about half a mile to a mile away which has hours of operation of 7am to 10am and 4pm and 7pm and I thought it was in same times. Turns out I was wrong and hours of operation are 7am to 7pm (but the sign is on main road to right of junction!!) Now on main road there was a car turning right so I stayed in bus lane and then as soon as I went past the other car I moved into the non bus lane as I was turning next right. Do i have any grounds to appeal or should I have known immediately that because I had never seen any signs stating hours of operation that I should have not gone into bus lane at all? I cannot attach a copy of PCN as i have not posted 10 times. Thanks in advance Stephen Fisher
  7. Just received a letter through the post stating I was caught on camera driving through a bus lane with restrictions 7-10am and 1600-1900, the film footage shows 0952hr, now I know this bus lane very well, I know there is a camera at the top by the roundabout, now I go by the time in my car and LBC which I listen to, and I am sure I would not have entered the bus lane, maybe there was a moment of relapse, but I know this bus lane so well, is there any grounds on which I can fight this or is there no point
  8. I recently received a pcn for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then informally challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. I have attached a pdf with the Enforcement Notice, CCTV images, my route, google street view image and images taken by me a few days later. [ATTACH=CONFIG]60559[/ATTACH] After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign (962) on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane (page 6). 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing (page 7). There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane due to the box junction (please see page 8) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction (page 8). 5- the hours of operation sign (961) which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic (page 8). Hope to get some helpful advice on to how to word the representations. Thank you for your help in advance!
  9. Hi , I need some help in how to go about this , the story is earlier today my son got on a tfl bus forgot to swipe in 2 stops later a inspector comes in and asks for his oyster card he gives it and they say he did not swipe in and they then asked for his name and address by this time he is thinking of his job and a criminal record he was so flustered that he gave right name but wrong address and wrong date of birth they called someone on the phone ,I presume to check his details. They got off the next stop as this was happening he says he was so terrified of the consequences that he run away from the inspectors. I dont think anyone gave any chase though. I had a go at him and insisted that he go hand himself to TFL or relevant authority and opologise and pay the fine and hope they understand. How would I go about this ? any help would be appreciated.
  10. Hi there, I've just realised this thread might be more appropriate in the "Local Authority Parking and Traffic Offences" sub-forum, if a moderator wouldn't mind moving it please? I've received a PCN for being in a bus lane that I want to appeal. I'm not trying to claim that ignorance is a valid excuse, however I wasn't aware I had been in a bus lane until the notice came through the door. It was an unfamiliar piece of road for me and there were a significant number of road works and closures which obviously did distract me from the sign (my own fault admittedly), but there were not (and aren't in the evidence) any markings on the floor whatsoever to indicate it is a bus lane. I haven't had chance to go back to the road, but from the looks of Google Street View (2014) there is a sign on either side of the road indicating it is for buses and cyclists only, but absolutely nothing on the ground (I can't link the exact street view due to low post count, sorry). The pictures on my PCN indicate the same lack of markings. Is this sufficient grounds to appeal as some sites I've read suggest? I've been looking all morning for any legislation I can quote that states what markings/indication should be present but I haven't been able to find anything - if such a thing exists, I'd be hugely grateful if someone would point me in the right direction. Any help generally is really appreciated. Thanks for reading, Curt
  11. Hello I recently received a PCN for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane. 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing. There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines when at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane (please see images in PDF) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction. 5- the hours of operation sign which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic. I've attached pdfs of my challenge and also the response from Camden council. Pictures taken by me and google streeview are in the challenge pdf and images of the CCTV camera attached to the pdf correspondence from the council. Would appreciate advice into whether to proceed. What would be the next step? Thank you in advance
  12. I have to start at 9am and end at 5pm, but the bus doesn't arrive near the shop til 9..46am and last bus is around 4pm. I have never been to this town before, and don't know the bus routes. I have been suffering from travel sickness and have been to the doctor about my diareah(sorry, but the doctor said that was normal to go to the bathroom every few minutes). I have an appointment on Monday to pick up travel money and have to be there by 2pm. From March to June of this year I was volunteering at a charity in my home town. I am wondering if I should apply to a charity shop in town? But this woman (who was dressed like she was going out to a party) said that SEETEC only ran a few shops. Can I refuse this placement due to it being in a part of the county where I've never been? There is no way I am able to get to the placement in time, I'll be late. And according to the letter if I am late it can effect my benefits.
  13. Hi I'm new to this and have been reading some similar situations and would like some help and advice. My situation: I picked up my partner's student oyster by accident one morning in a hurry thinking it was my oyster as both had same wallet. I used it on a bus then had to change bus due to nature of journey. I then noticed that it wasn't mine and had a fumble in my pocket to see if mine was there which it was. When the bus came, I got on and don't know what possessed me but of course I did the studpid thing and touched in with his card. Towards the end of my journey one of those ticket officers came on board and asked to check my ticket so I touched his card on the machine. Then she asked to see the photocard and not knowing what to say I said it didn't have a photo! But of course I showed the card and it had his photo. I told her it was my partner's but I had my own discounted card and showed it to her, and told her his card was a yearly pass. Next I received a letter from TFL stating that legal proceedings may be taken against me and if I had any comments to make. in an attempt to salvage his card as he needed it I wrote to TFL apologising that I had made a mistake and am sorry. However I mentioned that I didn't realised I was using it which was a lie but it was an attempt to get his card returned. As this is the first time something like this happened I didn't know that the card wouldn't be returned regardless. Now I have received a court summons for October 2nd. Alleged offence: being a passenger on a public service vehicle operated on behalf of London bus services being used for the carriage of passengers at separate fares, did use in relation to the journey a ticket which had been issued for use by another person on terms that it is not transferable. Contrary to regulation 7(1)(b) of the public service vehicles regulations 1990 si no. 1020 and section 25(3) of the public passenger vehicles act 1981. I do intend to plead guilty but weren't sure if its better to go and the same if absent. Then I started searching the internet for some help and came across this site and read about settling out of court. Could someone please help and advise and tell me if I will be able to settle out of court and how to do it? Any comments and advice will be much appreciated.
  14. I was issued a penalty fare on the buses. The inspector told me it was because my card had not been registered by the machine, then issued me with a penalty fare notice. The notice says that the reasons were that I had insufficient funds on my card. This is demonstrably untrue as I have a receipt to prove this. Can I appeal on these grounds?
  15. Hi everyone I got issued a penalty fare on a bus even though I touched in with my oyster card, because the oyster card is very old and does not always work so the ticket inspectors couldn't read it on their things. However I definitely remember it responded when I touched in on the bus (the green light and the beep, etc), it just didnt work when the inspecters tried to read it. I appealed on the website and they asked me to send them the card number and a 'details/usage statement'. Problem is its such an old battered card that its impossible to read the card number. I don't know how to get a usage statement, or if thats even possible without the card number? The card works very occasionally albeit less and less frequently, so IF I did manage to get it to respond on a machine would there be a way of finding the number? Also surely TFL will have a record on the data from the bus that day? The CCTV would show me touching in, if it still exists (the incident was at the end of August). I'm not sure what to do so please give some advice Thanks
  16. Fines for misusing bus lanes are overtaking parking tickets as the main cause of complaints from drivers, according to the AA. The motoring group said thousands of drivers were being "entrapped" by worn road markings and poor signage. A junction in Lambeth, south London generated the highest number of fines, totalling over £6m, the AA claimed. Lucrative rat traps' Edmund King, AA president, said: "Whilst we support the use of bus lanes in the right places, functioning at the right times, we are totally opposed to 'entrapment' cameras on poorly designed or poorly signed bus lane junctions. "If thousands of drivers are getting tickets at the same junction then something is wrong and that junction or bus lane should be reviewed. "We fear that too many local highway authorities have become addicted to the lucrative income from these rat traps." BBC
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3213951/Passenger-fined-1-300-failing-pay-2-20-bus-fare-National-Express-charged-two-years-gets-lift-work.html Interesting. I wonder what legal basis NE have to issue a fine. Do buses have laws like trains ? Complete rubbish reporting by DM as normal. Just pondering
  18. Hi, I need an advice urgently. I moved house on 3 March 2015 on 20 Aug 2015 received a Notice of enforcement from bailiffs, Equita. According to the council the incident happened on 6 March 2015 (3days after I moved house), on 11th Council applied for my address from DVLA and were given an old address and all the correspondence was sent to the old address. Council claims that because their letters left their building they assume that I received them, there was no sender's address at the back of their letter so that is why I think the letters could not be returned. I know that lots of my mail was returned to the senders, for example my credit card was blocked because my statement was sent back from an old address, so not sure why council's mail was not returned or it is easier for them that way. I spoke to Council on 21 Aug 2015 and they advised to contact TEC and ask for Statutory Declaration form and fill them in. I managed to speak to TEC today, they sent me Late Statutory Declaration form PE2 and Statutory Declaration form PE3. I would like an advise how correctly fill the forms, I know that my main reason I have never received any correspondence, and because the dates of moving house and incident were so close to each other, there was a confusion with an address. DVLA was informed with a new address, surprisingly it took very long to get my new VO5, but I eventially received it back in April 2015. But still I cannot believe that the council has followed the correct procedures, how somone could be taken to the court without being informed. Council claims that under data protaction act they could not check my address with council tax department, my old address was at the same council as where the incident happened, but how come the bailiffs found me. Any advises would be much appreciated Thanks
  19. Hello, I wonder if someone can help/assist me please and advise if I should appeal against a PCN that I have received. I have received a PCN stating I parked on a Bus Stop at 21:09 on a Saturday evening. I have viewed the PCN video footage and what I did was that I did pull up onto an edge of Bus Stop markings but it was for 30 seconds. I waited there as someone in-front of me was pulling out of a parking space. The video footage shows that they were indicating to leave the parking space and I thought I could pull in there after they had left. This is shown clearly on the footage. They were not able to move out quickly enough as it was on the main road and they were parked facing the wrong way to the traffic. The footage clearly shows that I pulled into the parking space once they had left. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.
  20. Hi Firstly a big thanks to this forum and the people here for their tips! Recently had a bus lane PCN cancelled by Lambeth Council. Hopefully anyone in a similar situation can benefit from the resources and information below. Judging by the c.£172k (!!!) in average annual income from this single location. This is very nearly almost resembles a racketeering operation by Lambeth Council. No doubt there are some legitimate contraventions, however the nature of this particular area would suggest some motorists are caught out due to failings on the behalf of Lambeth Council to follow Traffic Sign Regulations. Situation On driving southbound on Westminster Bridge Road towards Lambeth North station, unwittingly ended up in a bus lane as road markings and signage was incorrect and/or insufficient (see images). Received a letter a few weeks later with an initial £65 fine if paid in 14 days, or £130 thereafter. Scoured this forum and a few others for some advice as I'm usually quite vigilant with bus lane operating times and didn't recall seeing one. Found some good advice as to how a Bus Lane, and indeed other road systems, should be set-up in ‘The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002’. Went back in person and walked the area, took a few pictures of everything. In particular, the very poor lighting, and blocking (ironically) by parked buses of the first sign; lack of distance between 1st & 2nd signs; potentially unsafe conflict area with pedestrian crossing markings; twisted signs and short road markings and so on. I did this not to be pedantic. One would imagine roads systems are designed to allow road users to travel as safely as possible, giving consistent and recognisable warning of any changes in the road ahead. Our appointed officials must play by the rules if they expect us to, and be held accountable when they do not. Having gathered some evidence I drafted the following letter as an informal appeal: Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to informally challenge the issuing of the above PCN on the following grounds: The bus lane in question is non-compliant with the ‘The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002’ deeming the PCN unenforceable. The restrictions were not correctly signed and the road markings were incorrect. 1. The sign to diagram 958 is not located 30 metres in advance of the lane taper. As shown in the attached image, a sign is only located at the start of the taper. (Fig. 1 – taken 07/11/2014) 2. The sign to diagram 958 is not clearly visible. As shown in the attached image, the sign has been rotated to a position near-parallel to the flow of traffic. Rendering it not possible to safely view from the usual left lane driving position. (Fig. 2 – taken 07/11/2014) 3. The taper to indicate the start of the lane is not the required length or ratio of 1:10. (Fig. 3 – taken 07/11/2014) 4. The deflection arrows to diagram 1014 are not positioned correctly and are not the correct length. There are no deflection arrows upstream of the start of the taper as required. The position the arrows should be, would actually conflict with pedestrian crossing road signs. (Fig.4 – extract from Google Maps on 07/11/2014) 5. The pictures of the alleged contravention supplied on the PCN do not conform to ‘The Bus Lane Enforcement Camera Handbook’ published by the Home Office. Failure to show the correct information in the correct order must prove that the images are not admissible and render them void therefore there is no evidence that any contravention occurred. Therefore the instrument used does not appear to be an approved device. 6. Further, on inspection of the footage provided: a. No buses were hindered in their progress – alleged contravention would be de minimis b. There is no gain in position on another vehicle – alleged contravention would be de minimis c. Any attempt to rectify my driving position would have necessitated a rapid lane change to the adjacent right hand lane before another rapid lane change to the left, in order to turn left at the traffic lights ahead to continue my journey. Actions which I would deem confusing and hazardous to other road users, particularly cyclists. Should these representations be rejected then please treat this as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following documents: a. A copy of the bus lane order or regulation giving effect to the Bus Lane. b. A copy of the Safety Audit for this road layout. c. A copy of the engineer’s scale diagrams showing the layout of this Bus Lane, the road markings and the signage (including warnings of camera enforcement). d. Copies of any approvals of deviations of signage from The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions. e. Logs of maintenance visits verifying existence and condition of the signs. f. Certification of type approval of the CCTV device. g. Details of the number of times that the videotape used has been degaussed and reused. h. A copy of the Camera Enforcement logbook recording the alleged contravention. i. Copies of the still images showing all the required information in the correct order. j. The number of PCNs issued by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location. k. The number of PCNs issued by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location and cancelled by them following informal challenges. l. The number of PCNs issued by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location and cancelled by them following formal appeal to them. m. The number of PCNs issued by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location and cancelled following appeal to a PATAS adjudicator. n. The number of PCNs issued by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location and not pursued by them for any other reason. o. The average monthly penalty revenue raised by London Borough of Lambeth in respect of this location. I ask that you acknowledge this challenge at your earliest convenience and respond with your reply. Yours sincerely, XXX The informal appeal was rejected, to little surprise. Being quite adamant this bus lane was incorrect, I was quite willing to take this the full 12 rounds of appeals PTAS etc. For the formal appeal I sent the same letter, less the FOI requests. After several months of waiting the PCN was then cancelled! I do hope the above is of some use to anyone in a similar situation! Link 1: google maps (retrace your steps!) Link 2: pepipoo.com/lofiversion/index.php/t81781.html Link 3: consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?290879-Bus-Lane-PCN/page11 Link 4: davidmarq.com/uploaderv6_1/files/7/PATAS.pdf Link 5: forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=92678&pid=992720&mode=threaded&start=#entry992720 Link 6: londonbikers.com/forums/840159/Bus-Lane-Fine,-but-I-think-I-can-get-away-with-it?PageIndex=3 TL;DR Drove in a bus lane as road markings and signage were incorrect. Informal appeal failed, formal appeal successful. £130 saved!
  21. Hi, this is my first time on this forum. I really need help. Around 4 months ago I was caught using my dad's oyster card which had a monthly season ticket to it. Until the ticket inspector told me that day that it was not transferable I had no idea about it. I realise now how stupid and ignorant that sounds but I really didnt know, I was under the impression that only photocards were not transferable. Luckily I have never used my dad's card before as he always had it with him at work etc when I go out. But unfortunately on this day i used it as he was off from work. Recently I have received a courts summons asking me to plead guilty/not guilty etc. I am really panicking right now and have around 2 weeks before I have to send the form. I have read about out of courts settlement but I'm really not sure what to do and can't think straight. I've always tried to keep out of trouble for everything and can't believe that I might be getting a criminal conviction because of a foolish mistake. What do I do now, do i ring them up? or write a letter? Also if I am to write a letter, how should I write it? I am so worried about my future, university offer etc etc right now! Any help would be great!! Thanks in advance
  22. Hi, I'm new to this forum and see that most posts are regarding speeding but I wonder if anyone can help with a PCN for unloading in a bus lane. The PCN is issued for being "Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand however the location wasn't a bus stop it was a bus lane. I'm probably lutching at straws but are the two the same or can I appeal on the grounds that the offence wasn't committed on s bus stop. Unfortunately i had no choice as there was nowhere else to park up and had to make the delivery. Any help will be gratefully received.
  23. Hi All, I have been in situation. In March 2015 my wife was travelling on the bus to drop my son to school. By mistake she take my brother's weekly travel card and when she been inspected. The weekly travel card been retained by the officer. Now we are in receipt of a Legal Notice for Single Justice Procedure. they have given us 3 option: 1: Plead guilty i don't want to come to court 2: Not guilty i want to come to court 3: Please not guilty send me the date of my trial. Summary of incident: My wife was travelling along with my son (4 years old) to drop him off to school of 9th March. In hurry she took my brother's weekly travel card. As they are in same color wallet. Over and above the bus driver let her in without looking her pass as she usually travel at same time everyday, i assume he knows her by face. So she hasnt check her travel card at that time as well. Unfortunately an officer board in and start checking the passes; she handed over her pass without knowing that she has my brother's pass. The officer retain the pass. We have received the letter to which she responded and tell the whole circumstances. Now we are receipt of letter from TFL under : 71B using a pass issued to another person. and intending to fine upto £125.00 + fare cost of £1.50 As my wife is not employed and is housewife we are really worried about the cost and the criminal record against her name. Can you please guide me through what shall i do to avoid both fine as its not an intentional mistake and criminal record against my wife name. Your help is much appreciated. Looking forward to hear back from you. Kindest regards, s_alimran
  24. Hi guys I don't usually post in this part of the forum because i try and keep to the road laws but...... Today i received a letter from the council saying that i was caught by a cctv operative driving in a bus lane and that i could view the proof by visiting a link they had given in the letter. I quickly jumped on the computer to see the evidence as i was sure i hadn't driven in any bus lane but to my surprise there was 3 pictures and a video. As i couldn't believe that i would have mistakenly done this as there is usually a load of signs and the lane i usually red with big white letters saying “Bus Lane”, I took a drive back to the road to see how i could have missed it. When i got there i could see that there's no red road and the big white letters say “Bus Stop” not “Bus Lane”. I copied this image from google earth to show you the exact situation: Bigger picture here: http://tinypic.com/r/2reprpd/8 The red lines show where i was and the direction i was going, the green X is about where there is a sign with a picture of a bus/bike/taxi on it and a time zone(i pulled in the lane after the sign and is why i missed it). Do i have any grounds to appeal it?
  25. Hello everybody. My missus has driven down a bus lane in Southampton Row, Central London and was issued with an alleged contravention from Camden Council. Her excuse to me is that she did not notice the lane at all; its just a genuine mistake and we all know that Camden won't allow this as grounds for appeal. Looking at the PCN can anyone advise if this PCN has an error on it with the wording? This bus lane has been mentioned in forums previously. It was pointed out by green_and_mean that a contravention has to be recorded using a prescribed devise. This PCN mentions using an approved devise. is this sufficient grounds for appeal ? Thanks
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