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  1. Hi I have booked and paid for a 30 sq ft room at Big Yellow Storage. I am now using it and become aware that, indeed, it is not 30 sq ft, but 25. I complained for that, but they said that according to their records that room is a 30 sq ft. So, even if it is a 25, I have to pay as it were a 30 (!?!). Morover, in the meantime I was able to remove some stuff and a 20 sq ft room would be now enough. But they say that prices have increased and that a 20 ft would today cost more than a 25ft. The problem is that they refuse to show me any written document with their fares. I don't know what to do.
  2. Good Morning All, I'm just looking for a bit of advice. Myself and my partner booked our honeymoon in Marrakech from Sunmaster.co.uk, found a really good deal in a nice little Riad, a suite over two floors, adults only, perfect. I logged onto my e-mails yesterday and had an e-mail from Sunmaster. "Unfortunately the Riad has been closed until further notice" and giving us alternative accommodation. The alternative is terrible, big complex of apartments, small pokey apartment, and the first 5 reviews I read on it were far from good - complaints about bed bugs, debris falling through ceiling etc. So not how we imagined spending our honeymoon. I spent the whole day arguing with them that this is not an "alternative" as it is not comparable to where we were staying, and the said that was the only option available. I asked for a refund and was told we would not qualify for one as this isn't a substantial change to booking terms. Out of interest I contacted the Riad direct to see whether they were in fact closed, and couldn't believe I had a reply from them within a few hours saying they have rooms available on the dates we wanted (one of which is the suite which should be booked in our name). Does anybody have any ideas what I should do? Getting v.stressful as we are getting married on 6th April and due to fly on honeymoon on the 7th April. Thanks, Adam
  3. I hope I can explain this easily. Basically my daughter was persuaded to leave her part time job with a large high street shop. Her boss wasn't particularly nice and ridiculed her for her dyslexia. A person we have known for a number of years has her own beauty salon and knew my daughter ( a trained beauty therapist) was unhappy and asked her if she would work for her in the salon and she would make sure she had as many hours, 16. So my daughter resigned and moved to the salon. Then the real problems started! The owner decided that she needed her to refresh her skills for a fortnight first before she would start paying her. Then said she would get half the treatment cost and the salon the other half. Then, changed again to say the therapists would get paid £6.50 per treatment hour. What this means is that my daughter goes in 10-5, 5 times a week but in a day often does the equivalent of 3 hours per day treatment. It is not as if she can leave the salon as the owner expects her to answer the phone or clean the treatment rooms. The owner has not asked my daughter for her p45, national insurance no or anything. She has now been at the salon for about 6 weeks. A week or so ago, my daughter was admitted to hospital with a severe kidney infection and spent 6 days on intravenous drips. She asked me to ring the salon owner and ask if there were and sick pay arrangements. The owner promptly rang my daughters mobile (in hospital) and started going mad at her saying at 22 she was too old to ask her mum to ring about her work life, that she wasn't employed as she was on a zero hours contract and that if i interfered again she would let my daughter go. My daughter only asked me to ring because in hospital her mobile signal was intermittent. She has been out for a few days now and gone back to the salon as she is terrified she would not be able to claim jsa if she walks out. I worked out that my daughter has effectively been working for less than £2 per hour. This woman is also taking untrained girls in off the street and telling them that because they are on zero hours contracts they can claim jobseekers aswell which i know is illegal. These poor girls are going to be in so much trouble when the jobcentre figures things out. The salon is literally 200m from the jobcentre. I dont know how to help my daughter as she has been badly manipulated but feels trapped. Any advice?
  4. How can it be possible to pay an endowment mortgage for 12 years at about 240.00 a month and when you come to change your mortgage over to another company..you owe more than you borrowed!! how much interest do they put on..Even though we did struggle with paying it..late payment fees etc...must of paid them over 30.000...
  5. I am another victim of Phoenix Business agents who are very good at [problem]ming innocent people like myself who just wanted to sell my business. I did not approach them instead they somehow got details of my business on sale and approached me. They made it sound ever so promising and very good at selling that they talked their way into selling my business. They said they would market the business and would be able to sell my business within 6 months and with a high price. They initially said that there is no fee until the business is sold and when the agent had come he had started talking about a fee of £1250.00 as he called it a deposit and he did promise me that it is 100% refundable if they are not able to sell my business. I then paid him as he talked me into this as he was very talented in this trade. This was the worst decision i had made as they are the worst unprofessional company i have dealt with. The agent that had come said my business would be on the internet within days with photographs so that potential buyers can view the business but to my surprise this was not the case even after a whole month of waiting and chasing them. Each time i called them about my business being on the website or photographs they made up a story and said it would be up in a few days when they finally got it up without photographs that was then at two months time by then i realised that they are not going to sell my business. When i had not received any phone calls from any potential buyers i had realised their unfaithful motives i decided to terminate my contract and then the agent had started to come out with a story of their fees which i was not told or made aware of. The agent that i spoke with said if i wanted to terminate before 6 month period i would have to pay £3000.00 and if i went over 6 months i would have to pay £6000.00. The agent that initially visited me had never mentioned this i asked time and time again if there was any hidden fees or charges he made it clear that there was not not any fees until they actually sold my business. Now they are harassing me with several letters asking me a fee of £7550.00 which they are not entitled to and i have not signed any agreement of. Please can i ask for some help and advice and where to go and what to do as they are pestering me.
  6. Hi all new here, If anyone had a problem like this I could do with help, basically I've been with tmobile since 2006 I have a mobile broadband stick on contract, always been okay no issues, in October 2013 was due an upgrade so logged into my account, I see a balance of 329.00 credit, so I called them asking what this was for, they told me it was an overpayment and owed it me, I assured them I didn't believe this was the case as my bill was 10.40 pcm and had never overpaid. They then returned the money at there discretion intomy account, I did my upgrade which doubled due to ee taking over and not giving any money off for been with them for years, anyway on 19/2/2014 I received a letter stating I owed them 329.00, so I called again and they told me that they had put the money into my account by accident and owed them it back, no problem told her I had called before etcetc, they said they'd been trying to call me on the contract number which I told them was the dongle I have on contract and doesn't take calls as they supplied it should know, my normal 20.40 payments were taken as normal and never stated on my account I owed 329, on the 20th I get email from experian telling me to check my report, tmobile have put a 4 on my report stating I'm 4 months late with my payments, my report now says bad, basically this was not a monthly payment error, was internal error on tmobile side, my monthly payments were taken as normal never missed any, I can't call anyone from there credit agency. Side as no numbers and tmobile customer services won't help outcomes it has to be done by there credit referrals who have no numbers, Can they say I'm 4 months late when I pay by dd and have not got 4 months behind? As it's not the monthly payment that was late it was there stupidity. Any info would help Thanks
  7. I have got involved in a dispute between a prospective tenant (PT) and agent, and would appreciate impartial advice. Bear with me, later episodes get rather fruity. This is part 1! PT put down 2 months' rent and fees on a property on the basis that it would be available in 5 days time and on the basis that 6 months rent would be paid in advance. This offer was made to secure property as PT was worried about housing benefit requirements. Having put down the money, agent provided a sheet of A4 as the receipt which listed the fees and said they were non-refundable. Prior to that, no paperwork had been issued. On day 4, agent phoned PT demanding that advance payment of the rent be made forthwith otherwise agent was ready to cancel the deal. PT said he was waiting for a contract. On day 5 PT visited the flat and found workmen were still in it and it was not ready. Over the next week or so there was a ding-dong between PT saying he would not pay out further money without a contract, and agent saying that contract would not be produced till 5 days after money received. The property was visited on occasions and still the work was not completed. Agent did produce a sample contract which contained a number of "school-boy" errors, such as "with" being written instead of "without" so making one of the terms mean the opposite of what it was supposed to mean. Agent did not appreciate the errors being pointed out "I'm sorry I'm too busy to spend all this time on one tenancy". After PT had already put down money, I researched the agent. The agent is un-regulated. The agent is run by one woman. In the past 5 years she has run 4 separate businesses all with similar names. Three have been dissolved, and the current one is marked on Companies House as potentially to be dissolved due to lack of accounts filed. On the other hand, PT and I managed to speak to the agent's workmen who confirmed that agent was genuinely working for a landlord and had been for some time. So this suggested some level of legitimacy. First question: was PT right to demand a contract prior to paying even more rent?
  8. hi all paying back 5 per week as agreed 3 yrs ago now want 18 per week can they do this letter late so starting from monday
  9. Apologies first for posting this in the general welcome section as this is where the 'how to start a new thread' advises one to do so. I am a freelancer in the pharmaceutical industry contracting through an agency to a multinational company. My contract is reviewed every 6 months. Last November 2012 (just before its renewal in Dec) the multinational company approached me and wanted to transfer me from an hourly rate to a daily rate. As I was used to working long hours I figured that they had considered the rates and thought it best for them that I went onto a daily rate. They suggested a daily rate which I agreed and confirmed in an email to my linemanager. 6 months later (last week) I learnt that my previous 3 invoices (Feb, Mar & Apr) had not been paid and that the multinational company were in dispute with my agency with the rate that was being charged. Despite the fact that the first 2 invoices ie Dec 12 and Jan 13 had been paid with the new agreed rates the multinational company was now stating that 'there was an error' in the calculation of this new rate. They claim that the rate that I was provided with in Nov 12 included both the agency fees and VAT. This was never the case. The multinational company now wants to retrospectively re calculate and for me to re issue all invoices at a lower daily rate. My argument is that the work has already been done under the agreed rates and invoices issued- therefore these should be honoured. Please advise.
  10. OK so i am new to all this... this is the problem, i sold an iphone 5 earlier this year, the user paid for it through paypal, i sent it via royal mail recorded delivery. next thing i know is that the user had been hacked and disputed the payment, so i sent all the tracking info to paypal, they then gave me the money back, so i thought all was good. turns out they then went to their credit card company who reversed the payment, so i sent all the tracking info again, however they found in their favour and i am now £450.00 out of pocket even though i have proof of postage etc. What can i do? I cant believe a big company like PayPal can do this! Any help or advice would be great, thanks in advance. Chris
  11. Hi, on August 10th I was in my local Phones4u store and signed up for a contract with Orange. The first sim card the sales assistant put in didn't seem to work when she tried to register it and so put another in. The following day I went online and tried to register at Myorange but coudn't gain full access to my account. I then rang Orange and was asked usual security questions but was told that the phone number wasn't registered to me but to Mr X (name omitted for security). The Orange customer service advisor gave me his phone extension and said to tell the shop to ring him about registration error and he would sort it out. I went back to the shop and was told they weren't allowed to contact Orange on the phone number i had given them. They instead registered and gave me another sim card. I contacted Orange to see if everything was okay now but that phone number was also put on the account of Mr X. The Orange advisor said he would pass the matter to their fraud department but stated that he thought it was registration error. He also said fraud dept. would get in touch within 7 days. I also contacted Phones4u customer services and they said I would hear back within 5 working days.Never heard back from either ! Last night I managed to contact Orange at a UK call centre. The chap I spoke to said he normally did upgrades but was very interested in what had gone on . He told me that as well as putting 2 phone numbers on someone elses account, that on the 20th August they had put the oriiginal phone number with my name and account number on a phone with different IMEI. Also that it was a different type of contract to mine whichh had unlimited calls etc. He put a block on this phone and advised me to cancel contract at Phones4u. I have told my bank to cancel direct debit although they haven't received any request for payment yet . As the first payment was due yesterday I thought I would have another look at my Orange account online. There in front of me was the account of Mr X showing my 2 numbers as well as his account billing for the last few months. Big security breach here ! I am in the process of writing a letter of complaint to Phones4u as I would like to terminate the contract. Any advice on what to write would be helpful and whether I have good grounds for cancelling.
  12. Someone has asked me about the following problem. A virgin mobile number which was being ported to vodafone has some how gone missing. The night before the port they recieved a text from virgin mobile to say the number was on its way over to the new network. 3 weeks and still the number has not been ported over to vodafone. despite several lengthy calls vodafone are saying virgin mobile hasnt ported it over and virgin mobile are saying the number has already gone over. What does one do ? Its a new one for me. The pac code runs out in july.
  13. So as i write this im kind of coming to terms with the ridiculousness of my situation. I am no less than £60k in debt and im only 29. How the hell has this happened you might wonder? Purchased an apartment with ex: repossessed with £40k left to pay (she ran off overseas) Had a car on HP which i handed back and have £5k to pay due to missed payments and over milage And the rest in unsecured credit card debt. My current situation is that i own another home that i live in. My credit is a mess and i cannot remortgage. I use CCCS for the unsecured debt and manage those payments easily. I might be able to include the 5000 from the car in CCCS and slightly up the payments. However, i have ZERO way of paying back 40 000. I have no money for a lump sum either. What can i do? Under no circumstance do i want to lose my home and under no circumstance do i want to go to court. If i ever went to court and got an attachment of earning my life would be over and i would have to leave the country. I CANNOT have an attachment of earnings and bankruptcy is also not an option. Does anybody have any advice please?...like before i go insane!
  14. We tried for many months to resolve longstanding wrongful charges on our account (resulting from the on-going service problems) with Chess Ltd. Throughout we have been met with inconsistent advice, incompetence, continued lack of acknowledgement finally resulting in us taking our business elsewhere. This is when Chess Ltd sprung into action and issued extortionate “Breach of Contract Charges!” It’s a shame Chess Ltd do not employ the same level of service/customer service to the general day to day running of their Company that they seem to have when harassing customers pursuing contractual disagreements, we are astounded just how many other customers of Chess Ltd seem to have been in the same situation. Our complaints to Chess Ltd have been repeatedly ignored, Chess Ltd failed to reply to correspondence, to provide requested information (ie. call recordings, logs of our complaints, the original contract, copies of engineers reports etc.) finally they failed to notify us of the arbitration route. When we were notified (by a 3rd party) of CISAS arbitration, Chess Ltd agreed to our ‘Deadlock’ situation and referred us to CISAS the ombudsman. They then proceeded to issue court proceedings the very next day which in turn means CISAS will not engage and refuse the arbitration. In this difficult business climate, is this the type of service you would want from your communication provider. We are a small family run business, our losses resulting from their poor service and the time it will take to assess the same, together with the stress of attending court are something we could well and truly do without. Would appreciate hearing from others in a similar situation.
  15. Hi, Hope someone can help as I really want to take control of my problem. Bit of background first: Did the usual about 2002-2005 and took out a couple of loans for a conservatory, car etc. Started a business at the end of 2005 with my partner. Started really well and had a turnover of £100k+ in 2007 and we had 2 employees by the middle of that year. During 2008 and like a lot of people turnover halved in that year due to the recession which left us living on credit cards to survive. We carried on until 2011 after letting the employees go and halfway through that year my partner got breast cancer. She was the key driver of the business and due to the treatment we closed it. I had a job which enabled us to live. I had enough of trying to keep all the creditors happy and as we had been missing payments previously I stopped paying everything which was non priority. After a few months of not paying I moved onto a DMP paying £400/month with a company that charged and they kept everyone at bay during my partners treatment. At the beginning of the year I stopped paying the DMP as I just couldn't afford it due to everything rising in price. The calls have started again and the letters are arriving daily. Some of the DCA's have swapped about etc. and I have just put together a list of them all and our current position: ME: Aktiv Kapital £3,400 Barclaycard Barclaycard £1,500 Cabot Financial £2,000 Credit Card Circuit Financial Solutions £2,200 Monument Credit Card Fredriksson International £4,800 Egg Card Lloyds TSB £750 Lloyds TSB £7,500 Moorcroft Debt Recovery £3,800 MBNA Credit Card Moorcroft Loan Servicing £1,800 Credit Card Natwest £8,500 Loan Natwest £750 Overdraft Tesco Platinum Visa £8,400 Wescot Credit Services £1,200 Credit Card Partner: Ikano Fincancial Services £300 Principles Credit Card Arrow Global £8,800 Marks & Spencers Money Arrow Global £2,800 HSBC Credit Card Arrow Global £1,500 HSBC Overdraft Moorcroft Debt Recovery £300 Next Catalogue Moorgate Loan Servicing £6,500 Tesco TBI Financial Services £350 Clode TV Loan Moorcroft Debt Recovery £4,000 Tesco Loan HSBC £800 Credit card. Zinc Collections £9,800 Was Natwest business overdraft. Total of about £80k between us which is a real mess. Mortgage, Council Tax, Utilities etc are all up to date and no arrears at all. I have also spoken to my boss and also close family. Between them I could raise approximately £15k max to try and sort some form of F&F settlement. I put a letter together, the creditor list is a bit out of date on the letter, do you think its worth sending at this stage? Letter is below: Dear Sir/Madam, Account Number:............ We write with reference to the money in which you are claiming on the above account. Due to a change of circumstances consisting of unemployment and redundancy, we can confirm that we are unable to offer to pay the money in which we owe in full. However, I can raise 6% of the balance from our family for each creditor and I want to offer this as an ex−gratia payment in full and final settlement of the account. This offer is made on the clear understanding that, if accepted, neither you nor any associate company will take any other action to enforce or pursue this debt in any way whatsoever and that we will be released for any liability. We also request that, if accepted, you will make an entry on a credit reference agency file relating to the above account as "satisfied" in full. Payment can be made within 2 weeks of receiving your written agreement of this offer and method of payment. If this offer is not accepted by each creditor listed, then we will have no alternative other than to start bankruptcy proceedings. We have also made the same offer to our other creditors who are listed below: Aktiv Kapital £3,400 Ikano Fincancial Services £300 Barclaycard £1,500 Marks & Spencers Money £8,800 Cabot Financial £2,000 Metropolitan Collection Services £2,800 Circuit Financial Solutions £2,200 Metropolitan Collection Services £1,500 Fredriksson International £4,800 Moorcroft Debt Recovery £300 Lloyds TSB £750 Moorgate Loan Servicing £6,500 Lloyds TSB £7,500 TBI Financial Services £350 Moorcroft Debt Recovery £3,800 Tesco Personal Finance £4,000 Moorcroft Loan Servicing £1,800 HSBC £800 Natwest £8,500 Zinc Collections £9,800 Natwest £750 Tesco Platinum Visa £8,400 Wescot Credit Services £1,200 We look forward to receiving your reply. Bankruptcy could be something I would consider as our mortgage is £220k and the house is probably worth £240k-£250k. Again bought at the wrong time, November 2007! It would be a last resort and not something my partner would do. I have mainly put it in the letter as a bargaining chip. I suppose other than that it is a case of renegotiating a monthly payment plan myself without the help of a DMP. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance
  16. Hi, I would like to thank all of the people on this forum who gave me advice. My daughter won the case. it was a Mental Health case. She had been turned down completely and wasn't even in the WRAG group. I took all the advice given, here, and wrote a statement. I picked out the statements that I thought she could gain points on and then provided evidence for each point. I added to the evidence some of my own observations and picked out the key words after reading the factsheet that Rethink Mental Illness 'WCA' had published. ( it is a factsheet that 'Rethink' have published to help people to fill in the ESA50) it is very good and gives examples. I think that although it is for people with Mental illness that the advice it gives would help people with other disabilities because of the way it is explained. I think it is important to remember that the Judge is only concerned about whether your claim for each area, actually fits the written criteria. The doctor asked questions in such a way that my daughter was fooled into giving a straight yes or no answer. I have read that here before. I had to stop her and I asked her the same question in a different way. Example, the doctor asked her 'can you read?' my daughter answered 'yes'. The doctor mean can you read books for start to finish and that was what she had concluded from my daughters answer. I asked 'can you read a whole book from start to finish'. My daughter cannot concentrate to read a whole chapter or even a few pages, so obviously I got a different answer, but she can read. The point that I am trying to make is that the Doctors job was to ask questions in such a way that it would elicit the least favourable answer from the person appealing. The judge was nice and allowed me to ask the questions and to explain. I think it is a good idea to have someone with you or to even ask the doctor to clarify and break down the question so that you know what the question is aimed at finding out because the doctor is trying to trip you up. The doctor seemed to be very nice and you can get lulled into a false sense of security but she is there to stop you from winning and the judge can only go by what answer you give in response to the doctors questions. If I can be of assistance to anyone then please get in touch. I may not be reading the group regularly in the next 3 weeks but I will have access to the internet if someone messages me.
  17. Hi, i'm new here so please abide with me. I live in a mid- terraced house with gas C/H and three bedrooms. I have heating on when its cold, don't use my fire now co's of high bills. I pay my gas bill monthly via submitting my meter reading online. My last bill was £160 for the month. I rang B/G to complain after asking other people next door how much they pay a month for gas. I was asked to make a note of my meter reading every day for the next week, which i am doing. I made a note of the units i used from last month to this month and it came to just over 300 units for the month. This seems high to me. Can you please advise me in any way before they ring back on Friday?
  18. i dont know where to put this so ill put it here,,, i would like to say a big big thank u to caro and rest of other site team for giving there time up in answering all my questions on my case ,, again thank u very much win or lose it as helped me alot
  19. Hi, new to this forum and I hope this is in the right place. I have just had a statutory demand served on the 3 december for a £130,000. I signed a guarantee on an advanced payment bond. This has been in dispute for over five years. The bond was to cover an advanced payment on a piece of equipment that a company I worked for was going to deliver and commision. We delivered it and after many contractual hastles that the other company were supposed to provide they banned us from the site and refused to allow its commisioning. A solicitor wrote to them stating the contract had been breached and they did not remedy the situation within the agreed timescales of the contract. I informed the Bond company that they had breached the contract and gave them evidence of the plant being delivered. Somehow five years later this company have made a claim on the Bond and won. I wrote to their collection agents before the deadline asking for information and gave them a list of reasons why I felt the personal guarantee was nul and void. They served the demand before the timescale was up and without any communication, despite giving them 14 reasons why i dispute the validity of the guarantee. Any thoughts/ help PLEASE.
  20. Hiya everyone!!! Moved into my first flat after graduating last year. I have been a very irresponsible and naive girl and never informed EON about me moving in. Received letter from EON 6 months ago addressed to "the Homeowner" with a bill £600 I think. Called them up and suggested to pay a bit of money every 2 weeks which they agreed on. No meter readings or anything, I guess what I received was an estimated Bill. This evening I found another hand delivered letter addressed to "the homeowner" stating: We visited today to collect your payment of 740 pounds. We visited your property today to collect the money and you have been charged 55 pounds for this visit. If your balance remains unpaid we will apply for a warrant to enter your property without your permission and install a prepayment meter. We will also charge a further sum of 250. Why am I still addressed as the "Home owner" and how did they come up with this amount when I only spend 2 evenings at home. I will continue to pay them via automated phone line evey 2 weeks but can they really break into my home without permission or even disconnect my supply?
  21. Hi I am not sure if this is the right place to be posting or even the right forum. I have some huge debts and no way of repaying them, several people have suggested bankruptcy to me but I am loathed to go down that route. I sent all my creditors a cca request about 3 months ago. A couple have sent back letters saying they do not have them and will not chase me until they find one, two or three have sent what look like real agreements back and a couple have sent blatant recons back.Now I know the recons are ok so far as a cca request is concerned but don't they need the original to take me to court? There are some that have issued odd default notices and Natwest even terminated the account prior to the date on the default notice. Anyway my question is...do I SAR them now to get all the paperwork the have which will I assume include default notices, termination notices etc, or do I wait until they issue papers and then put in a defence and use CPR? I am not trying to avoid my debts and would only ever defend any action, I have good reasons why I can not afford to pay them and for how/why I got into the mess I am in To SAR them all would cost me over £300 so it would be on a one a month , maybe one a fortnight basis as to who is causing me most trouble
  22. Hi, I have read through some of the posts on here and a few sound similar to mine but I just wanted to create a post personally so I can explain just how big of a mess I am in. A few months ago, I had a really good job, paid everything off on time each month , then I was offered a job abroad which i decided to take. While I was there the job then fell through and i was left struggling for money. This is when I decided to take out a payday loan and then another and another, all this time missing payments for other things such as credit cards/catalogues/phone bill etc. Last week, after realising i had no money at all I came home. Now I have 4 different payday loans to pay back, as well as everthing else! I'm so mad at myself for doing what I have done because now i'm jobless I have literally no way of paying anything back! I am now trying to get job seekers allowance but even if I am elligible for that, it's only going to be £50 a week! I really don't know what to do - if there is anything I can do! Please help!
  23. to whom it may concern thanks for selling my email address to those naughy ppi claims firms yesterday was a record 15 begging spam letters from ppi firms. :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: whoever did this horrible deed shame on you Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  24. Hello All I have £4500 in PDL debt with many different companies and it is completely my own fault (it is much more than my monthly salary). I have been reading these threads for the past couple of weeks and it has provided me with piece of mind and conviction to stop this cycle of craziness. I have not yet defaulted or missed a payment on any of the PDLs or any other debt I have. The PDL debt is with companies that I have two years of history and successful repayment with, it has not always been revolving credit. When I look at my budget I have £500 spare per month after paying personal loans, rent, CC etc, so equates to 9 months to payback the existing PDL loans. I know I have no access to any other credit facility or extension of credit as all of those options are previously exhausted. Due to the share scale of my issue, should I try to deal with this myself or am I better off going through a free debt management service ? I do not want to touch or cause any issues with my prime debt so I do not want that considered. Thanks for your considered replies.
  25. There are times when I need clear understanding of some of this governments policies. I think this recording of an interview with a cabinet minster puts the policy in its true light.
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