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  1. Hi, I have posted before about my problems with payday loans and I still don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! Each one of the payday companies i owe money to, knows that I am on Jobseekers Allowance and only get £56.25 a week. I have even faxed proof of this to a couple of the companies who have asked for it. I keep trying to come up with a repayment plan for each one but they're all coming back with £100, £80 a month which clearly I can't afford! Speedcredit started off at £100, I said I couldnt afford it, they lowered it to £80 which I again said I couldnt afford, they then lowered it to £50 and said thats as far as they will go. How can I possibly afford to pay that when I have other things to pay off and that is a weeks money for me! My question is can I say anything to them to make them lower it even more? I really can't afford to pay that when I don't work! Thank you!
  2. That's what I thought to be honest but wasn't 100% just because it baffles me as to why people would just turn up at peoples houses when they know full well they can get in trouble! Thank you for your help!
  3. I've just gor his first name and his mobile number, is that enough or do I need full name?
  4. Shall I email speedcredit? I don't know who I should contact or what to say?
  5. There is no set time sadly all it says is he will be retuning shortly. It says " further visits are planned and this file will shortly go to your local County Court for Judgement and Enforcement"
  6. I thought i was the one in control but I don't now. I genuinely didn't think anyone would come, I thought it was just empty threats but I guess not! God knows when he's gonna come back!
  7. How can I stop him from keep coming back though? I'm still getting email after email, going round in circles apparently NDR keep putting my payment off as a "goodwill gesture" but this has been going on for months. It's a joke!
  8. If i've just had a bailiff turn up at my door (I didn't let him in or anything) what are the next steps? He's "returning shortly" apparently. I don't want him to come again! What do I do now?
  9. I've just had a bailiff turn up at my door from Speedcredit. The one thing I did not want! My mum answered and told him I wasn't in, he's handed her a piece of paper saying i need to "CALL NOW" and he will be "returning shortly". Argh!
  10. I have received an email from MH saying I need to fax over some documents to prove I'm on benefits. I still get all the crap from speedcredit and NDR threatening to call round but they're just going round and round in circles now so i'm not bothered by it! Starting to learn it's all empty threats!
  11. Ahh thank you! I hadn't even noticed that was on there but it was cut off a while ago so should be ok anyway! Thanks again
  12. Right i've tried emailing them, it says it has failed to send, Ive just read on here how the address for MH and NDR aren't even real, I really don't know who to write to or where to send any letters to. Any ideas?
  13. Is it info@speedcredit.com or.co.uk? I have emailed both, had no response but with .com i get an email from postmaster saying it has failed to be delivered?
  14. I'm not making any payments at all at the moment. I have made a claim for benefits so just trying to get all that sorted, until then I have no money coming in whatsoever. Baffles me how people can sit in an office and receive so many letters/emails from people and they just sit back and ignore them. Crazy!
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