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  1. Hello My husband has very recently had an accident at work. He is a maintenance manager and responsible for H&S He has been with the company for 20 months. He has a broken leg and arm, following falling from height, after not securing the items they were moving trying to save time, because of the pressure on them all to complete the job. He is not in a union and anticipates returning asap. No one else was hurt and no one else was put at any risk. The team simply didn't secure the load as well as they should have done and he tried to be the secure reinforcement needed by sitting on the items, instead of roping them and is aware of that. Accident book was apparently completed and awaiting RIDDOR report from HSE. I am very concerned that he will be dismissed because he has not been there for two years, on capability grounds. It's only been a few days, but I am at my wits ends. Please can someone advise. Thanks
  2. Hi My misses was driving the car on Thursday (A3 S Line 2011) she was stationairy waiting for the lights to turn green when a HGV ran straight into the back of her and smashed all the back of my car in which also result in her being thrown into the back of someone elses car, there is only minor damage to the car in front and very little to the front of my car but this HGV from Bidvest Food Services is not for admitting liability even though the police has done him for driving without due care and attention The bloke has obviously been messing with a hand held work device, or a mobile phone or just quiet simply not been watching the road but how do you hit a car when the lights are on red baffles me. Santander have done nothing but mess about trying to contact the woman whos car we hit to clarify what went on ive told them im not interested what your trying to do with her i want to know whats going on with my car and when its going to be picked up to be taken away to be repaired. My car is now sat on the drive way waiting to be collected and i am no closer to having this simple task carried out. They have also turned round and said to me if they cant get hold of her they will need to refer me to there underwriters co op insurance which means i am liable for the excess dont see how this is my problem when it wasnt our fault
  3. I am a driver. The vehcile I drove today has a very very badly worn drivers seat. I have reported this via defect card 4 times since january. As I finished my shift today my lower back was hurting very badly. I asked for the accident book so I could enter the injury in the accident book. I was told it should not be entered into the accident book, but should do an occurance report instead. I was under the impression that all injuries at work can/should be put in accident book. Your thoughts?
  4. I have been involved in a car accident where as a car reversed into mine while I was sat stationary with engine off. At the scene of the accident I swapped details with the other driver, who contacted me the next day to say that if I was to get a couple of quotes, they would look at paying for some of it. The garage I took it to have advised me to go through Accident Exchange, instead of going through my own insurance company to save my no claims. Has anyone any knowledge regarding this or any advice? Thanks
  5. Good day all, Am after a few pointers please as unsure of which way to go to ensure I do everything correctly. I had a work accident in November 2015, HGV Driver, a slip plate hadnt been fitted the right way round, on exiting I slipped crashing onto the road. I broke my leg, foot and ankle with damage also to the ligament. I have so far had 3 surgeries under general to have metal plates, pins and screws fitted. The healing process has been a terrible ordeal and I have been unable to weight bare until only recently. At present the consultant cannot see anymore surgery is required but I have however got a limp with pain. It is my intention to try and return to work within the next month as have been off since accident. However, the company has not shown any empathy or compassion. I was advised that the companies insurance would cover my basic wages at time of accident, however there call / contact never materialised. When receiving my first monthly pay, it indeed only contained SSP. Communication from the company dissapeared, emails where read but never answered, text messages the same and phone calls resulted in "manager / supervisor" not here but we get them to call back which didn't happen. Therefore, I seeked advice from Citizens advice whom advised me to make a claim against them for the accident. I contacted a solicitor directly whom has took on the case which is still ongoing. Therefore, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do now with regard to returning? Should I email them and advise about my intented return? I will have to potentially have a phased return due to the period I have been off and to build up the strength again with my leg. I have been there since November 2014. Thank you
  6. I'm having a really frustrating time with my direct line at the moment regarding an accident I was involved in on a duel carriage way roundabout. I was in the inside lane going forward onto the 2nd exit. He was in the outside lane and needed to take the next exit. As the roundabout was full of traffic it seemed like he was running out of time to get into the correct lane to take his exit. there were cars bumper to bumper behind me but a gap appeared between myself and the car infront. I was going around 25mph at the time following the flow of traffic. Next thing I knew I heard him accelerating really hard and he flew past me just as I was passing his intended exit. He clipped my car and scratched his car from front to back as he scraped the side of my car. He ended up in the lane he was heading for and I stopped on the verge of the roundabout. to me, he obviously found himself in the wrong lane and about to miss his turning, He took a risk to get through the gap and to do so he had to accelerate to twice the speed of moving traffic. He misjudged it and casused damage to both cars. Ok so what my problem is that the insurance company - Direct Line - is representing both parties. Apparently the third party is not accepting liability and is saying it was my fault for obstructing him and because I wasnt taking the immediate turning I was infact in the wrong lane and therefore liable. I messaged the guy, who gave me his numner at the scence of the accident and asked him what he think happened. He told me that the insurance company told him that he was not liable because of these facts. He actually didn't know who was liable until they told him that I was! Ive been told by direct line every time I call that its looking like it might be a 50/50 settlement which isn't right. theyre telling me this without actually having seen pictures of the damage or a full complete statement from the third party or myself! I understand that insurance companies try to save money and time by just automatically ending cases like this on roundabouts as 50/50. They tell me that theyre acting very professionally but honestly I really don't believe them. they've told me that the damage evidence doesn't really matter and that its his word against mind which would mean we are equally liable. But what gets me is that his word was influenced by his insurance company which is also my insurance company! basically I know he was in the wrong. He drove aggressively and dangerously and he took a risk that didn't work out. I wont back down on this as I don't want to have to pay the excess and lose my no claims bonuses and also raise my premium. most of all its the principal. has anyone had this before and if so did you take the decision to another body and challenge the insurance company?
  7. Just entered the murky world of accident management company after having a non fault accident, my own inexperience and what I feel was sharp practice by insurer. I am now in the position of having to deal/use with one of these companies, my position is after repair garage one supplied (credit repair)valued my damage at unstripped £7589.12 this deemed 66%. Having been led to believe this would be a total loss by the advisors, I looked at the book price and retail price of my car retail £8000 max for age mileage, this is not 66% damage but 90%+, to my surprise this was authorised for repair to a max of £8097 I questioned this with accident management company to no joy(told these are experts). Now entering the 4th week apparently there are some extras after stripping to add to cost so still in limbo as the status of my car, communication is made only when I chase things up. This all adds up to be suspect to me and dragging on, very grey area as to my rights on this. I know this is purposely being dragged on as have hire car from them this will rack up costs for them to pursue from 3rd party . I am in deep at this point and not wanting to muddy the water as this is ongoing hence company name omitted and ultimately I don't want to be at loss so am tied to what these people do. I`ve Read all the horror stories but ultimately very very grey area anyone else been through this and experienced similar??????.
  8. Hi, My car insurance is up for renewal and I have had a quotation from my current brokers on the best deal that they could discover. However the Statement of Facts they sent me includes the following incidents and I suspect that some of these are not required to be declared as they have passed their expiry date. Accidents and Claims 18 Jan 2009 TP hit Driver 05 Nov 2010 Driver hit immobile object 14 Aug 2011 Driver hit TP 27 April 2013 TP hit driver in rear 21 Mar 2014 TP hit driver Convictions: 1 Jan 2011 sp30 3 pts Ban 0 Fine 0 5 Oct 2011 sp20 3 pts Ban 0 Fine £60 I am going to search for a better deal and would like to know which of the above would need to be mentioned on the fact form so that I would not face a follow up of non-declaration and consequent increase in the cost. I understand all of the above should fall under the 4 year limitation. Would appreciate any help on this. Cheers, Bastun
  9. Hi there. I was involved in an accident that wasn't my fault last night. They reversed their car into their drive and didn't see me as I was driving past and swung out into my car. There was a witness who saw it all. I haven't informed my insurer yet but have already received a text message from the other party's insurer: 'Admiral ref.******* - We are sorry to hear you have been involved in an accident with our insured. We would like to help with any damage caused to save you claiming with your insurers, paying an excess and we will also supply a free replacement vehicle to suit your needs - Please call 03303335531 ext 25256. Please note SMS responses are unmonitored' Does this mean he has already admitted liability to his insurer? Is it safe to settle with his insurer and not inform mine so that I don't get stung with increased premiums? I have protected NCD. Do I HAVE to inform my insurer? Any help greatly apreciated
  10. Hi I broke my shoulder and wrist in a car accident four years ago. The other party admitted liability and I have accepted their offer. My solicitor sent me a letter for me to sign to accept and the last part said I gave my permission for the other party to pay my compensation directly to my solicitor. Has anybody got any idea if this is this normal? I know their fees are being paid by the other party Thanks Dex
  11. My mums partner had an accident at work and was off for a couple of weeks as he hurt his back. He is being encouraged to make a claim by his boss and the union as it appears the accident was caused by a breach of health & safety. He works for a cleaning company that is contracted to multi national company. I am a bit concerned as he has only been with them for 6 months and it may go against him. He has been given the company solicitor details and been told to pass them onto to whoever is dealing with his claim. 2 questions; 1) Should he continue with the claim 2) Should he use one of the non win no fee types or go with someone local thanks
  12. Whilst I was waiting at a mini roundabout a Lexmoto motor cycle tried to squeeze in on my left (I was also turning left) and damaged my car with two long and deepish scratches. No personal injury. I got out of the car and spoke to him briefly. He apologised but said it wasn't his fault(?). He blamed the non-existent ice on the road. I was blocking traffic so I asked him to wait while I moved my car. As I got back in my car he drove off. I went to the Police and reported it who have now said they will prosecute him for not remaining to provide details and for driving away from an accident. The only evidence I have is my front facing camera which clearly shows the third party at the side of the road and then pulling away again. No problems; except getting my car repaired. If I make a claim my insurance will rocket up by over £200 for next year and I lose 2 years NCD. A point I'm sure we all agree with as scandalous! Finally to my question: I'm not claiming via insurance but can I take the third party to small claims for damage to my car? If so where do I begin?
  13. Evening. On Christmas eve i ran into the back of someone else. 100% my fault and because of the holidays the car couldnt be inspected until Jan 8th. It is perfectly drivable. Took it to local repairer that esure uses and it needs front bumper, front cross member, both wings dented and both headlights. Had to call insurer twice to get dates to get the car booked in and was booked in tomorrow 26th. The repairer has called to say that the courtesy car has a fault and we will need to wait till thursday. Not much of a problem as things like this happen but i had arranged a day off work and not off until the weekend again but they are closed. Although they are a large dealer/repairer they cant give me any other car. So the next date is now the 2nd week in Feb. I have been very patient in waiting in the car being booked in but this is too long for me now and want my car fixed as this is what we pay insurance for. So i have a few questions. - The repairer is Lookers (landrover) and after searching online, they probably wont be using genuine parts. My car is a 5 year old Vauxhall. Should i be concerned about this. Should i chose my own repairer as usually when there are problems (with me anyway) at the start there will be more to come :razz: Ive tried to call esure but have been on hold for 30 minutes and fed up now. ta
  14. My wife was involved in an accident, which the other party insurers have admitted they were at fault. As a result of injuries she was unable to get to work and so the her company got rid of her. The job was a temp contract leading to an employed role and she was still in the contract bit of it. Her solicitors have said they can't claim for loss of earnings as she was a temp worker at the time and the company could have got rid of her with no notice. Is this how it works? By the same token if she was a permanent member of staff, could she only claim 1 months salary as that was her notice period?! Her "solicitors" are part of the same group as the insurance company and I get the feeling their not working in her best interests, just trying to keep the value of the claim down.
  15. Hi, I was involved in a car accident 2 days ago, I was stationary at a roundabout and someone rear ended me, upon impact I had pain in my lower right back but I didn't think much of it, no police or paramedics attended and the car was ok to drive home. When I got home and got out of the car the pain in my back intensified so I made an appt with my GP the same day, they said the accident had irritated a nerve and prescribed me pain relief and Naproxen. I contacted tesco(my insurance company) and informed them of what had happened and due to the age of my car they said it would need to be looked at by the total loss team and that they would contact me in a few days. The same evening I received a call from Admiral(the other persons insurance) they asked a lot of questions and I explained that it could be that my may be written off, with that they offered to write my car off and give me a settlement thus closing my claim with Tesco, I explained that I had hurt my back in the accident and was waiting for Tesco legal team to contact me in regards to that. Admiral asked me about my symptoms then proceeded to offer me £750 for my back as full and final settlement, not really taking no or I'm unsure as an answer. I explained to them that I was still in a lot of shock(I lost my brother in a car accident 18 months ago so this has left me very shaken up esp as my children were in the car with me. He said he would send the cheque for full and final settlement in the post( I haven't received this as yet) yesterday afternoon the left side of my neck started hurting, my shoulders and neck started to feel stiff, by 10pm last night I was in severe pain and was struggling to move my head, I attended the out of hours GP, I have a burning/hot sensation down the left side of my neck, it hurts to touch and there is some swelling. The GP told me that I have sprained the muscle in my neck and that is a result of the accident, she has increased my pain relief and told me to see my GP Monday morning as I will need physiotherapy to assist with healing. My question is can I now refuse the full and final settlement? When does it become legally binding? As I said above I have not even received the cheque and have not signed anything to say that I have accepted it. I know now that I should have waited before verbally agreeing to the claim but as I said I was badly shaken and the gentleman on the phone was rather pushy, I kept telling him that I would need to speak to my husband and he kept saying well I will send the cheque for you tonight, I will process this now. I'm worried that if I contact them to say I have changed my mind they will tell me that legally I can't do that.
  16. Please forgive me if the terms aren't 100% correct. Different insurers do their calculations differently, but this is my understanding of the basic process: No Claims Discount, normally rated in years, is a discount given which insurers apply to your actual calculated 'rate' or risk. Different insurers use different amounts for the years earned - no consistency. Your Rate or Risk is calculated based on some industry calculations tailored by individual insurers, which consider what is the likelihood of having to pay out to you, and is based on many factors including age, location, what you are insuring, and whether you have had any losses/accidents previously among many other things. The premium (what you pay) is the rate or risk calculation, with any discounts, including no claims discount, applied. So in the example of car insurance, an accident will increase the base calculation of your 'insurance' rate or risk. Any discounts, no claims or otherwise, are then applied to the amount calculated. Example: Insurance before accident with NCD = £200 (your risk calculation) - 40% of £200 no claims discount = £200 - £80 = £120 to pay Insurance after accident with protected NCD = £400 (your increased risk calculation) - 40% of £400 protected no claims discount = £400 - £160 = £240 to pay Insurance after accident without protected NCD = £400 (your increased risk calculation) - 0% of £400 no claims discount = £400 - £0 = £400 to pay Protected no claims discount protects the percentage of discount applied to the base risk calculation and is not protection from an increased basic risk calculation and hence increased cost of cover. Hope this helps in understanding. More info http://www.confused.com/car-insurance/guides/how-car-insurance-is-calculated
  17. I have been directed to this site from helpful MSE members. My OH drives to work Mon-Fri and stops in the same petrol station daily at the same time give or take a few mins to get his daily papers. On Saturday out the blue we had through the post to claims from http://www.campssolicitors.co.uk/ for a driver and passenger stating that my OH drove into them and drove off at this petrol station which he did not. At the time and date given he was in the petrol station and remembers the car in question as it was such a new 'posh' for want of a word car. He did not hit the car in any way. Nor is there any damage to our car so getting these solicitors letter for damage to the car from the driver and as a compensation claim for injuries to the passenger has come out of the blue. The driver is claiming for damage to his car, whiplash and shoulder pian but has had no time off work. The passenger again no time off work but has soft tissue damage and back pain. Neither sought medical attention. The car is not going to be a write off. Nor did they need a hire car. Not reported to the police. It also states that the claimant has undertaken a funding arrangement within the CPR rule on 16th December. So these are no win no fee solicitors. My hope was to obtain CCTV footage from the petrol station which he enquired about this morning. Staff have said that CCTV is not covered where this accident was. He tried phoning his insurance claim line Sat night but was told they couldn't help him as he wasn't making a claim so I have emailed them asking for advice. I am wondering why the 3rd party has gone to this no win company rather than his own insurance and surely his own insurance will sort out his car out for him? also surely if these gentlemen were hurt in such a way medical advice would be sought as you would want things to be officially documented with a personal injury claim. OH commutes daily and drives a
  18. Hello all, I received some excellent advice from the forum at the start of the year in regard to a disciplinary matter at work for which I was extremely grateful. Hoping for same here. I work the for Civil Service. I am office based but spend around five or six days per month working at venues which are hired on a casual basis as and when required. I am required on these occasions to carry a laptop, portable printer and cabling, as well as files and confidential waste. I always travel by public transport (I am not a driver). In any event my employers strongly encourage the use of public transport when possible even for colleagues who do drive. On Friday I was about to walk home from work to the train station carrying paperwork in a rucksack and my IT equipment in a bag in my right hand. When trying to put my right hand through the rucksack strap (left was already on) I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my ribs, which I think has resulted in a pulled intercostal muscle. The pain receded sufficiently to journey home, but I have had an extremely uncomfortable weekend. I have booked an appointment with my GP on Thursday as I am now experiencing significant discomfort.. I have raised the issue of the weight I am expected to carry with my employer on several previous occasions over the last three years and made several suggestions as to how this loads may be lightened and to be fair my employers recently trialled a system for one month where we did not have to take the paperwork to the casual hire venues and use IT only, but unfortunately it proved impractical as the paperwork really has to be there on the day. On Friday I weighed my luggage on returning home. My rucksack weighed 22lbs (10kgs) and the other bag weighed 11lbs (5kgs). I have carried more than this in the past, as much as 46lbs (21 kgs) on one occasion. I should point out that I am walking just over 1/2 mile from home to train station and just under a mile from train station to work carrying these loads, a total round trip of about three miles per day. My employer does provide regular manual handling training and also a large suitcase with wheels. However, to me manual handling only covers moving an object a short distance within the same workspace, not walking considerable distances with a heavy weight and the trolley/suitcase is completely unsuited to being pulled over a typically uneven British pavement for a mile at a time. I have therefore chosen up till now to use a rucksack and sturdy bag instead. I am physically much stronger than average (6' 1" and just under 15 stone, not at all overweight and work out two or three times per week), and other than occasional discomfort in my shoulders this is the first problem I have had. I have looked at various web resources for guidance on what I should reasonably be expected to carry to and from work but am none the wiser at the moment. I intend to report the incident in the accident book tomorrow and have an informal chat with my line manager but would be grateful for advice on where I stand and how I should approach my employer from more knowledgeable people or anyone who has had a similar incident in the past Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi all, I got hit from behind and was without a Taxi for a week before a rental was supplied. I am trying to claim for what I have lost. Initially I was told that the previous 13 weeks earnings from the company sheets would be sufficient. I gave them those and now they want tax returns and bank statements. I have explained that two taxi companies merged a year ago and the earnings have increased and the figures on previous tax returns would leave me out of pocket and the bank statements do not reflect any earnings. This is because a lot of the income is cash and doesn`t reach the bank(used for bills etc) Only the account work which is paid by cheque goes into the account. I am simply trying to claim the actual loss at the time of the accident. Being a 3 month old car, I wasn`t happy at it being smashed but certainly don`t want to lose out over it. The taxi company is the only real proof of earnings and those sheets I have already sent them. Where do I stand please? With thanks in advance.
  20. Hello, I may need some guidance please. Last Wednesday I was travelling home from work, came off an A road onto a slip road which leads to a roundabout. There was a queue of traffic waiting to enter the roundabout. I joined the queue and was stationary when a vehicle behind me failed to stop and ran into the back of my car with quite some speed. I was propelled forward and almost hit the car in front of me., luckily there was no impact as my car came to a stop before hitting them. The guy who hit me got out of his car and stated he was sorry and accepts full responsibility. He gave me his name and an insurance company but stated he had no ID and no insurance documents on him, he said he didn't need any details from me as he accepted full responsibility. I took a photo of his car and registration plate with my mobile. He apologized and drove off, almost causing a second accident by nearly missing a van that came travelling up the slip road. My car has considerable damage to the back, the bumper is cracked, the rear passenger side wing is coming off, the number plate and number plate light are broken, the boot hatch is dented and I cannot open the boot anymore. I have neck and shoulder injuries and now have got a tinnitus in both ears, the doctor hopes it should settle again over time and is a whiplash type neck injury which can also cause the ringing in both ears. I have TPFT cover on my car and phoned my insurers to start the claim, when I gave them the details of the other car it came back as uninsured, the details he gave me were false. They said they couldn't help me any further but going by the damages described they thought for insurance purpose my car would be a total loss. (10 year old Ford KA). I since got an estimate from a local repair garage for £300.- to fix it though (the same garage I originally bought the car from and the guy said he would do me a deal as I think he felt sorry for me to be honest, so he said he'd do it for £300.-) I also reported it to the police who gave me details of the MIB, I spoke to them and downloaded a claim form which I have filed out and returned today. Ha anybody got some experience what is happening next and what I can expect to be the outcome ?
  21. Hi, I need some advice about an insurance claim via Hastings Direct. My sister was involved in an accident in the middle of November. She was waiting at a roundabout on the left lane when an adjacent truck in the right lane pulled across her stationary car damaging the driver side door, wing mirror front wing and pulling the bumper off. They third party are disputing the claim which is annoying, as all my sister did was sit in her car on the left lane while the other driver pulled across her car. Hastings Direct repairers have said the car is a Cat C as it has suspension damage, though from the pictures the damage seems minor. My sisters car is a 12 year old Peugeot she has had from new. She has serviced and maintained the car at a main dealer throughout its life and car was in excellent pre-accident condition. My sister has put me on the Hastings Direct file as the contact to deal with the claim, as she is currently going through an adoption process abroad and she is not in the right frame of mind to deal with the stress of this claim and to boot she now abroad going through the process to adopt a baby. Hastings Direct initially took the car after the accident by telling my sister they wanted to take the car in to be inspected for evidence to back up her claim, my sister agreed on this basis for the car to be collected. She subsequently was sent a letter saying the car was a total write off and to send in her documents, spare key and service history, plus to remove her personal number plate. This when she asked me to deal with the claim. I called Hastings Direct to ask about the letter and said why are they asking for these documents when they have not even offered her a figure for her car. I also said we wanted the option to buy the car back at the salvage value as we might be able to repair it mechanically and leave the cosmetic damage, as my sister he not have enough money to buy a replacement at current time due to adoption process she was going through. The customer representative said it was in the policy document that they do not sell cars back as salvage to customers. I said we would not be sending the documents back until we had a figure for the value of her car, he said fair enough and that we can keep the documents until the Engineers come back with a figure. My sister was sent a letter a couple of weeks ago offering £1725 for her car. I called up Hastings Direct and said this figure was not acceptable and also mentioned that I had read the policy document and could find nowhere within the document about not selling the car back at the salvage value to the customer. The customer representative said oh, it’s not in the policy document, it’s just their internal policy not to sell cars back to the customer. This contradicts what the first customer representative said! They gave me the email address for the company dealing with the valuation and to send in three adverts with cars in similar condition at a higher price. My sister bought the car from a main dealer brand new and has serviced the car at a dealership. She is not the person that can buy privately or through some small garage as she does not have the experience. I called a couple of Peugeot dealers to get the retail value of the car, they said they wouldn’t normally sell of this age, but the retail value of the car if they were to sell one would be between £3000 and £3500. I emailed the valuation company with this information. They called me to discuss the claim and agreed that the retails value of the car is £3300, however the values are set by Hastings Direct valuers, which places the maximum value on the car at £1725 which is based on a trade guide. The valuer said he would contact Hastings Direct to speak to them. It was a couple of weeks since the call and my sister has since gone abroad to start the adoption process, so I called Hastings Direct last Friday; after being put through to two wrong departments, I finally got through to the correct team. The total loss team said that the values are based on the trade values buying a car privately and not from a dealer as they give warranties on cars and prices will be higher. I said my sister would not be able to buy a car privately based on the figure offered and she would not be sure what she would get, hence the reason for wanting to buy a car from a dealer. The representative suggested we could do a HPI check would give us some cover! The representative said they could put the case through to another independent team who would consider the value based on the current market and get back to me, but this will take 7 to 14 days. I said this would be ok as it my sister is only due back in December if all goes well. After this I asked to put through to the team dealing with the claim so that I could check on progress. The claims team said they are stilling waiting on details from the third party in regards to their damage and in these type of cases it may go to split liability. I said this is really unfair considering my sisters car was hit while stationary and the damage to her vehicle and the position on the road should clearly indicate who is at fault. If it is split liability, then with a £500 excess, this would leave my sister £1225 to buy a replacement car which really isn’t enough to replace her low mileage one owner car. Is it normally the trade values that an insurance company offers for a car? When my partners car was written off about 8 years ago the insurance company offered the retail value of the car. Can we buy the car back at salvage? If I can repair the suspension damage and make the car safe, then my sister can live with the cosmetic damage. This will give my sister a reliable car she knows the history of, until she has money to replace it. What pressure can I apply to Hastings Direct to pursue the claim rather than possibly settle for split liability. It should be quite clear from the evidence of the damage to the vehicles to see who hit who. I would like to add Hastings Direct on the phone have been very friendly and nice, unfortunately they have not been able to supply the answers that would be acceptable. This whole affair has made me realise that it pays to research the company when buying car insurance, my sister chose Hastings Direct because she thought she would be safe with a big name company. Thanks in advance for help/advice Brian
  22. After a few requests from the secretary, asking for the bushes to be pruned, my wife pruned them a week last friday. sadly she got an infection in her right hand ,which spread to her right arm. She has been off sick for nearly a week now after the infection that started in her hand causing swelling quickly spread to her arm, causing that to swell too. As my wife is part time, she only earns around £76 from her employer so I am guessing she won't be eligible for SSP.Is this correct, as I believe an employee has to be earning at least £111.00? As the accident occured on her employers premises, is he therefore legally obliged to pay her full pay while she is off sick?, furthermore, can she also claim for loss of earnings from her second part time job? As the company only employs around 4 or 5 people, are the company obliged to have an accident book? .the law states that a small company are not obliged to do so, but what is interpreted as a "small Company"? Her employer did not provide my wife with any PPE. My wife provided her own gardening type gloves. Any help with the law and any implementations would be greatly appreciated.
  23. I had an accident at work last month. This was due to erratic behaviour in an office. I am a night worker. I have suffered muscle damage and also permanent dis-configuration of a bone in my chest resulting in what looks like a hernia just below my breast bone. I have been referred to orthopaedics and physio team, however as this accident resulted in an infection I was admitted to hospital as an emergency by my GP, this was several days after the accident as I passed off the pain, didn't want to make a fuss, thought it would pass. I have reported this to my employer via email as I am currently off sick, they are failing to acknowledge the accident and will take no further action. I have a witness statement which confirms I suddenly yelped out this was at the time of impact. I work for a global company with the UK sector having their own Exec team here in the UK.
  24. Hi All, On monday i was on the way to work and i was hit by another car from behind. I was following a car down the highstreet that stopped at a zebra crossing. I pulled up behind it waiting for people to cross. All of a sudden i didnt know what hit me! I was hit very violently from behind. Not sure if i blacked out but felt very disorientated. Got out of the car in shock and legs gave way. I think i hit my head on the steering wheel quite hard- airbag didnt go off. A girl rushed over to me very apologetic, saying that she was adjusting her glasses and hadnt seen me. She said it was all her fault and had hit me at full speed not breaking at all. She had hit me so hard i was pushed into the car in front. The car in front appeared to have no damage, but my car looks like a writeoff with extensive damage to the back and front. A passerby called an ambulance and the police arrived. I was checked over by the paramedics and despite developing aches and pains was deemed to be ok and told to see a doctor. I was interviewed by the police that confirmed the girl had already admitted liabilty and was probably speeding. I gave a statement and recovered my car and went into work. Now, i called my insurance company who were very unhelpful. |The first call the girl answering the phone told me she was passing me over to her colleague (that turned out to be an accident management company). The second call i was told that if i claimed i would have to pay my excess (£500), my car would be valued at trade (£600) and my premiums would go up. I need a hire car to get into work, cant afford to rent one myself, but dont want to end up in the accident management company trap of being given a credit hire car at a ridiculous daily rate that the third company isurance wont pay for. And a settlement cheque that is way below the market value of my car. Any advice?
  25. Hi everyone, I met an accident in mid April 2015. It was a van who hit me from right. It was at a very busy roundabout. There was a police patrol car and motorbike (waiting for someone else may be!) a few hundreds yards from our accident scene. I walked up to the police and informed them that my car was hit by a van. The police did not get down from their vehicle and instructed me to exchange our details ( so there is no police reference number or anything). I took driver's detail ( he wrote on a piece of paper his name, ph number which he said some company he worked for and its number). I gave mine too. My car' is a SUV and the drivers door is damaged but I could still drive so I drove it to a safe location and informed my insurance about it. Some days later on, I contacted my insurance about the update. I was informed that my insurance has forwarded my allegation/claim to third party's insurance. And there was no response from that side. I waited some weeks and contacted my insurance again they said third party has not responded. It has been 2 months and 20 days and they still say no response from third party. It has been learnt that we are insured with same company ( mine is personal/ private and that van is in business insurance with same one. I have not repaired the car yet and left it on the driveway and driving family car. 1) how long do I have to wait? 2) we are told that no mater the fault , we should inform our insurer asap but how come that guy can get away for three months without informing his insurer?? 3) my renewal for insurance was last month. I had 2 years no claim discount and I had paid 1200 pound last year but this year it went up to 3000 and been told that I can not claim no claim discount ! I am now on a compulsory access of 3000! It is very very expensive ! Can I not insure my car rather and just park it on the drive way??? 4) this guy has got a old van and that accident did not do any damage to that van. Please help me where do I stand ???
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